03x13 - (D) Moving into Dorms

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x13 - (D) Moving into Dorms

Post by bunniefuu »

[IZUKU] Welcome to UA High,

the prestigious school

that's turned out some of

the world's greatest heroes.

I'm running toward my

dream in these halls.

Learning to overcome obstacles

and save people with

a smile on my face.

That's how I'll become the

greatest hero in the world!

[ALL MIGHT] Will you allow me

to devote myself to Young Izuku?

Together, we will go beyond.

I will lift him up.

And I will protect your son,

even if it costs me my life.


[gasps] Are you okay?!


I can't. I mean...

[IZUKU'S MOM] You're

Izuku's reason for living.

All Might.

Don't give up your life.

He needs you.

To protect him. Raise him.

If you can promise me

you'll do that,

then he can return to UA.

Oh, Mom!


I promise.



If you're going to go

back to this school,

you have to be so careful.

Of course. I won't

make you worry.


That look on your face.

You're so grown.

While I wasn't looking,

the hero you admire so much

actually began to admire you.

I'm proud of you,

too, Izuku. My baby.

I hope that knowing

how whole-heartedly

he respects you

makes you happy, son.

[ALL MIGHT] She entrusted

you to my care, Young Midoriya.

She wants me to be a mentor.

To act like a natural-born hero

instead of the Symbol of Peace.


You have a really good mother.

I do.

You know,

she reminds me

of my predecessor.


She does? Wait, how so?

It's the hairstyle.


O-Oh, sure.

And she's got the

mighty heart of a hero!

[WOMAN A] Ew. Look at

that walking skeleton!

[ALL MIGHT gasps]


Now everyone recognizes

me in this form, too.

I forgot.


Well, see you at school.

Right. Cool!

[IZUKU] After my mother

gave me permission,

I left home and

started a new life.


On the edge of UA's campus,

about a five-minute walk

from the main school,

they built a student dorm.

Heights Alliance, constructed

in just three days.

This was my--no-- our new home.

[NEZU] The new dorm

system we put into place

isn't just to ensure the

safety of our students.

It's also how we're addressing

one of the threats

we've yet to take

care of. The leak.

A feeling of unease has

settled upon our school.

To help alleviate that,

we'll be holding a private,

behind-the-scenes investigation.

It pains me to suspect

not just the teachers,

but the students as well.

Unfortunately, right now,

I have no other choice.

We've lost the Symbol of Peace.

And I have no doubt

that this will have

big ramifications on

us as time passes.

What UA needs right now

is positive energy

and revitalization.

We must remind the children

that there's a bright

future ahead of them

despite what they've endured.

[AIZAWA] Given everything

that has happened,

I'm glad we were able to

bring Class A back together.

So, we all got the go ahead

to move on-campus.

[HAGAKURE sighs] It took a lot

of convincing for my parents.

I was pretty concerned

about mine.

It makes sense.

You got the worst

of the gas attack.

We're glad to see the teachers

got to come back, too.

I was afraid you

wouldn't be allowed.

The people at the

press conference seemed

pretty upset with you guys.



I was surprised, as well.

But circumstances have changed.

[AIZAWA] I suspect it was

easier for administration

to let the teachers

return instead of

revamping the entire faculty.

Now, then.

I'll explain how your dorm

assignments will work shortly.

First, however...

We haven't forgotten about the

provisional hero licenses

you were supposed to get

during the training camp.

[SATO] Oh, yeah! That's

what we were there for.

[ASHIDO] So much has happened,

it totally slipped my mind.


This is important. Listen well.

Kirishima. Yaoyorozu. Todoroki.

Midoriya. Iida.

You five are the ones

who broke the rules

and went to rescue

Bakugo that night.


Based on your reactions,

I assume the rest of you were

at least aware of their plan.

[AIZAWA] I'm going to set

aside a number of issues

and just say this.

If it weren't for All Might's

retirement from the Hero scene,

I would expel everyone here

except Bakugo, Jiro,

and Hagakure.

[AIZAWA] The five of you

who went, of course.

But also the remaining

who didn't stop them.

You betrayed our trust.

Even if it was to

keep your friends

from getting into trouble.

In order to regain

our confidence,

you'll need to obey

every rule to the letter,

and live as model students.

That's all.

Now. Look alive.

Enjoy your new home.



We're supposed to be

excited after that speech?



Come here.


Uh-- Huh? Wait. For what?

[KAMINARI yells]

Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay.

Dude. What'd Bakugo do to you?


[KIRISHIMA] Whoa, did you

shake him down for cash?!


No! This is my money, you idiot.

To replace what you spent.

Uh. How'd you know I bought

night vision goggles?

[KATSUKI] Don't say I

never gave you anything.

Now I'm not in your debt.

Kaminari, show 'em

your dumb side.

[JIRO] Oh, man. What a moron.

You're so hopeless.

[KAMINARI yelling]

--[STUDENTS laughing]

--[SERO] It isn't funny, guys!


Thanks, man.


Sometimes blowing off steam

is the best thing

to do, I guess.


Sorry, everyone!

I know this won't

make up for it,

but let's all go out

to eat tonight on me!

[STUDENTS cheer]



[AIZAWA] Each student

dormitory holds one class.

Girls are on the right

and boys are on the left.

The entire first floor

is a common area.

That's where you'll

find your kitchen,

baths, and laundry rooms.



There's even a courtyard.

So spacious and new! [laughs]

I'm living in a mansion.



Doth mine ears deceive me?

Our baths... are located

in the common space?

[gulps] Is this heaven?


They're separated by gender,

and you'll behave yourself.

Yes, sir.

[AIZAWA] Living quarters

start on the next floor.

A few boys and girls

on each level.

Everyone gets their own room.

You should be comfortable.

You've got your own AC,

toilets, fridges, and closets.

We have balconies?! Wow!

This room is about the same

size as my closet at home,

but I'll manage.


It's the size of my house!



These are your dorm assignments.

The belongings you sent ahead

have already been placed

in your new rooms,

so spend the day unpacking

and getting settled.

I'll tell you more about your

next few lessons tomorrow.

For now, get to work.


Yes, Mr. Aizawa!


Ah, I'm so beat.

[SERO] You and me both.

You done unpacking?

I think so.

Feels good, right?

I know we could've died.

But it's kind of exciting

to be living here.



A unified class.

It's the perfect way to increase

our cooperation and discipline.

How smart!

So you never relax, do you?

[ASHIDO] Hiya, boys.

All done with your rooms?

Yup, we're just unwinding now.

Well, the girls and I

have been talking and...


We have a great idea!

Let's go around and see

who has the coolest room!

[screams] No, wait,

you can't go in there!

Please, it's not fit for--

[GIRLS squeal]


It's All Might everywhere!

You're such a fanboy!


Well, I admire him...

This is embarrassing.

Does this mean...

...they're judging

our rooms, too?

Probably, could

end up a good time.

No way.


So dark and scary!


You fiends.

[KIRISHIMA] Oh, man,

I had a keychain like this

when I was in middle school.

So this is how boys

like to decorate.


Please leave.

A sword?! So cool!


Get out!

Aren't you dazzled?



Non , non .

It's not shiny, it's...





Exactly what I pictured.

Honestly, I expected more.

This is turning out

to be really fun!

The last person

on this floor is.

[MINETA panting]

Hey. Come on in, girls.

I've got so much to show you.


So, the third floor?

Where are you going? Come back!


Ooh... It's so bare in here!


Did you move anything in at all?

[ASHIDO] Please tell me you

just haven't unpacked yet.

Um, if we're done here,

then let's go.

[OCHACO] Whoa! It looks

like a library in here!


That's the class rep for you.

You'll find nothing odd in here.


You have so many glasses.


Of course I do!

I expect them all to be

destroyed during training!



[JIRO] This is the store

in the mall I'd avoid.

What? It's perfect!


He has a rabbit! It's so cute!


Hey, no fair, we don't get pets.

You're trying to buy

the judges' love!

[IZUKU] Everyone's really

getting into the competition.

[KAMINARI] Man, this sucks.

I feel so judged right now.

Hey, what a coincidence.

I don't feel great. At all.

Same here.

Et moi .

[MINETA] That's because

the boys are the only ones

who are getting picked on.

They said it was

a contest to see

who has the coolest dorm room.

Well, what about them?!

We have to see the girls' rooms

to tell which one's best.

Their interior designs

skills should be held

at the same standard as ours.

Maybe even higher.

Show us those dorms!

[IZUKU] This surprisingly

convincing argument

from Mineta hit home, and

stoked our competitive spirit.

I'm into it!


[IZUKU] Even the most completely

uninterested got involved.

And that is how the very first

Class -A Best Room Contest

got its start!

[IZUKU gulps]


The girls' dorms?

I suppose. If we must!

[ASHIDO] Okay, so, like,

what're the rules?

Are we figuring out who has

the best taste in the class,

or just the overall coolest?

We're doing this?

This doesn't have

to be a contest.

[MINETA] If I was the only one

asking to see the other rooms,

then everyone would yell at me.

But, since all these guys with

bruised egos are on board,

I get to join in all

inconspicuous like.

The whole class is doing it,

so why shouldn't I, right?

[MINETA cackles]

[MINETA] I'm gonna be rummaging

through the girls' rooms.

Who knows what scintillating

secrets I'll find.


I'm over it.

Let's see, who else

is on the fourth floor?

It's Bakugo, Kirishima,

and Shoji, isn't it?

Where is Bakugo?

Uh, he thought this was lame,

so he went back

to his room to sleep.

I could use some Zs, too.


Then we'll do your room next.

[ASHIDO] You can sleep

all you want after.


Not that I care.

But you might not get

what I'm goin' for.

A den of manliness!

[HAGAKURE] If I found out

my boyfriend had a room

that looked like this,

I'd dump him.

So bold! Makes me

wanna work out!

You get it.


Next up, Shoji.

You're not gonna find

anything interesting here.

[ASHIDO] Uh... More like

nothing at all, dude.

So, you're a minimalist, huh?

I've just never

understood why someone

would wanna fill

their room with junk.

[MINETA] Guys like this always

have a super pervy side.

[HAGAKURE] All done! Let's

head up to the fifth floor.


We'll start with Sero.

Are we seriously doing everyone?





It's lovely!

Sero, I didn't peg

you for someone

who'd like this stuff.

He, he, he. Yup, that's me,

always the wild card.


Let's keep moving!


Next is Todoroki's room, right?

[YAOYOROZU] The most capable

student in our class.


The most handsome boy in school.

[HAGAKURE] A chance to glance

into his quiet private life.

How exciting!

[TODOROKI] Let's get this

over with. It's late.

[BOTH yell]

So Japanese!


It was even built differently!

We've got these kinds of

floor mats at my home.

They're much more

comfortable than hardwood.

This isn't your house!

How did you remodel

this entire room

in just one day?

With hard work.


You are a beast.


He'll make such a good pro.

Pretty boys have tricks

up their sleeves.

Okay, next! The last

of the guys is...


[SATO] Anyway, it's

a pretty boring room.

[KIRISHIMA] All of them

are after Todoroki's.

[OJIRO] Something smells good,

though. What is it?

Oh, crap, I forgot about that!

I finished unpacking

really early.

So I started to bake

a chiffon cake.

I thought we could

all eat it together.

It hasn't been iced yet,

but, want some?



The strong guy's

an expert baker?!

It's delicious! So fluffy.


I could eat it every day.

Forget Sero, this is unexpected.



I think it's great that you have

such a fun hobby, Sato.

Would you like to bake something

to go with my tea one day?

Uh. I seriously did

not expect this reaction.

Mostly I bake as

part of the training

for my sugar Quirk.

Store-bought sweets

can get pricey.


That's it for the boys.

Now, it's our turn, ladies.


Aw, man, that's so many rooms.

Shouldn't we turn in?


Come on, Jiro, live a little.


It's kind of embarrassing.

Whoa, you've got

so many instruments!

[HAGAKURE] It's because

Jiro's totally punk rock.

Can you play all these?

Yeah. At least a little.

Your room's girlier than this.

Because I've got style.

We're done here.


Next is me! Welcome in, guys!

What do ya think?




Now this is girly. So pink...

Plus Ultra!

[HAGAKURE] Get away from

there, Mineta, you perv!

We can do mine next!

Ta-dah! Isn't it super cute?



Yeah, it's not very

interesting, I know.




Is this okay?

It feels dirty seeing so

many girls' rooms up close.

This is their private space.


Forbidden gardens.

Next is Asui.

Wait, where is Tsu?

Haven't seen her.


Oh, she wasn't feeling too good.

So she's in her room.

Well, we shouldn't bother her.

She can show us later

when she's feeling better.

[SERO] Then the last

one up is Yaoyorozu.

The thing is...

I... maybe miscalculated

a few things.

My room's a little bit more

cramped than I intended.

And maybe not as creative

as some of yours.

That bed is huge!

You can't even walk in here!

It's my furniture from home,

so I thought it'd fit.

I had no idea how small

these dorm rooms

would end up being.


I forget how rich she is.


All right, everybody.

Has everyone got

their votes in?

Remember, you can't

pick yourself, guys.

And now, without further ado,

here are the results of the

first Best Room competition,

minus Bakugo and Tsu.

Drumroll, please!


[ASHIDO] With a total of five

votes, the overwhelming

winner of this totally

awesome contest is...

Rikido Sato!


[ASHIDO] By the way,

all the girls voted for you.


That cake was delicious.

I want some more.


That's why?!


You villain!

Aspiring heroes shouldn't

resort to bribery!


It wasn't on purpose!

But what the heck!

Is it over? Can I sleep now?

Yes, and since you had cake,

don't forget to

brush your teeth!

Thanks for sticking it out.

Hey! Todoroki, wait a minute.

Deku and Iida, you, too.

Yaoyorozu, Kirishima,

you have a sec?

It's really important.


So, uh. Where are we going?


Right here.

Tsu said she had something

she wanted to tell everyone.

[TSUYU] You guys know

I'm pretty straightforward,

and always speak

what's on my mind.

But sometimes...

I don't know. I'm at a loss.

Remember what I said

back at the hospital?

When you were talking

about the rescue...

Going after Bakugo

would break the rules.

That means you'd be

acting like villains,

not heroes.

Yeah. Every word.

My heart was hurting.

And the things I said

must've upset you.

It's okay, Tsu.

Despite my warning,

you still went and saved Bakugo.

I didn't know that

until this morning.

I thought I'd stopped you.

But it turns out

I was worthless.

A complete failure.

And suddenly I had

no idea what to say.

I didn't think I deserved

to joke around and have fun

with everyone like usual.


It made me... so sad

to be without you.

[TSUYU] That's why I

wanted to talk to you.

Even if I'm still not sure

how I'm supposed to be feeling.

I wanted you to know

so we can hang out and talk

and have a good time again.

It's not just you

who thinks that.

Everyone... felt

pretty bad and...

...wanted things back the

way they used to be before.

That's why we did

the room contest.

To bring us closer together

and make us feel

like a class again.

It's all we could come up with,

so please don't think

we were trying to

trick you or anything.

Look, what I'm saying is,

let's all work hard

at our training

and be good friends again, okay?



I'm sorry!

Thanks for telling

us how you feel!

It's okay.

I apologize.


You shouldn't feel bad.


Asu-- Tsu!

Listen. I won't

make you sad again!


Me either.

We promise!


That's right.

Everyone wants things

to go back to normal.

[IZUKU] We need our

lives to feel stable.

Even though so much has changed

and will keep changing.

It's our duty to make

each other better, stronger,

so we can become

heroes together.


Here's the preview!

Settling into dorm life

will be an adjustment, sure,

but that's not all we're facing.

There's a long road ahead of us

if we're going to develop

our Quirks further

and get comfortable with

our fighting styles.

Plus, to prep for the exam,

we need to come up

with ultimate moves.

The problem is, I can't

overuse One For All

or I'll hurt my body.

How am I supposed to come

up with a new attack

when my arms are so messed up?

Next time: "Create Those

Ultimate Moves"!

Changing the way you think

can be the key to victory!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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