03x12 - (D) End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x12 - (D) End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End

Post by bunniefuu »

[ALL MIGHT] I've used up

everything inside of me.


Now. It's your turn.


The Nomu we captured

are just as unresponsive

as the last ones.

They're basically

mindless animals.

We haven't gotten any

new info from them.

The warehouse they were kept

in was completely destroyed.

We'll continue our

investigation, of course,

but we don't know how much

data we can collect.

And we haven't gotten any

worthwhile information

from the bar at all?

We're still looking

into that, sir.


We apprehended all

the Nomu, sure,

but we let most of

the perpetrators,

including Shigaraki,

slip through our fingers.

Honestly, even though

we captured their boss,

I'd have to say this

whole thing was a draw.


Don't be stupid.

Our country just lost

the Symbol of Peace.

All Might's weakened body has

been exposed to the world.

Everyone knows the

indestructible hero

can be defeated now.

The citizens and the villains.

It's what we get for relying

too much on one pro hero.

People now know

they can raise hell

with just a handful of thugs.

Hate to think what

that might inspire.

Our initial profile of Tomura

Shigaraki described him

as childish and

prone to tantrums,

but that's obviously changed.

His plans are growing

more strategic.

He now appears to be focused

on how he can mold our society.

His thought process

has evolved. Matured.

And since All Might's

out of the picture,

we've lost our biggest deterrent

to criminal activity.

Each time the League fails,

they come back stronger.

And now, Shigaraki can greatly

expand his sphere of influence.

Are you suggesting

that all of this

was part of the League's plan?

That does sound

like quite a leap.


We don't know.

There's only one thing

I can say for certain.

We must capture the League

of Villains, no matter what.

As the police, we have

to be more proactive

in apprehending villains.

We are not just backup.

It's time we implement changes.

[ALL MIGHT] The embers inside

of me have been snuffed out.

The mighty Symbol

of Peace is no more.

However... I won't

just sit here.

There's still

something I must do.

Tomura Shigaraki.

Shimura's grandson. Yes?


The only proof we have of that

is what All For One said.

It's not much to go on.

The two of you didn't

have any interactions

with Shimura's family, even

though you were so close to her?


But why not?

It happened soon after

Shimura's husband was k*lled.

Concerned, she put her

child in foster care

to shield the youngster

from the hero world.

She told Toshinori and me

that she didn't want us

to have any contact

with the kid,

even if something terrible

were to happen to her.

And in the end, your

promise backfired, huh?

I'm sorry to hear that.

My master gave up her heart

so that her family might

know a life full of peace.

I must track Shigaraki down

as soon as possible.

I'll find him, and then--

Then what? Give him

a pat on the head?

You're not looking at him like

the villain he is anymore.

That's dangerous.

Remember that, no matter his

lineage, he's still a criminal.

Tsukauchi and I will investigate

Shigaraki and the League

without you for now.

You stay at UA. You still have

many responsibilities there.

Even if you cannot be the Symbol

of Peace that you once were,

don't forget that

All Might is still alive.

[IZUKU] After the fight, we met

up with Todoroki and Yaoyorozu.

The five of us took

Kacchan to meet the police.

The whole way there,

he was silent.


And then, after our worlds

had been turned upside down,

we finally went home.


There you are, Shoto!

I was afraid something

had happened to you.

After you visited Mom,

you stopped responding

to my messages,

so what was I supposed to think?


I'm sorry, sis.


He's been like that

ever since he came home.

Feel free to go say hi.

[TODOROKI] If All Might

really can't be the hero

he once was anymore,

then the number-one spot...

...is finally my father's.

I don't accept it.

Not like this!

I should have earned it myself.

Not by him failing!


Oh, honey.

I just can't believe what a hard

time All Might's had lately.

Things must've been

difficult for you, too.

But at least you're home.



I wonder what'll happen now.

Did I do the right thing,

leaving him to fight

alone back there?

[phone buzzing]


[door slams]

Hey, where are you

going? Dinner's ready.

--I'm making your--

--[IZUKU] Sorry, I can't!


All Might!

Ah. You finally made it.

Are you okay?

It sure took you long enough!


All Might!


Texas... Smash!

You made a promise.

But as it turns out,

you can't keep your word.

Ugh, if you kids'd gotten hurt,

it would've all been in vain.

You've got some bad influences.


Young Midoriya, listen.

I'm officially retired as a pro.

It's clear that my body

isn't going to allow me

to fight another battle.



[ALL MIGHT] The last sparks of

One For All have left my body.

And my muscle form won't last

for any significant

amount of time.

I can't protect you when you

put yourself in danger now.

And you're always

rushing in to try to help,

no matter what I tell you.

Destroying your body,

over and over.

Yet back there,

you managed to...

[ALL MIHGHT] ....rescue your

friend without being injured

or getting into a fight.

I'm so proud of you.


From here on out,

I will devote myself

to training you.

You're stuck with me, so let's

keep working hard together.

Thank you.

Nothing would make me

happier, All Might.

[ALL MIGHT] What'd I say

about keepin' your word,

ya little crybaby?

I thought we agreed that you'd

stop it with the waterworks.


[IZUKU] Only a slight pain

lingered on my cheek.

I barely felt it,

so I knew it was true.

All Might's reign as top

hero had come to an end.


Thank you, All Might.

You've saved thousands

of people's lives

over these many years,

though it cost you

your body and strength.

As a citizen, a hero,

and the principal,

I cannot express how

grateful we all are to you.

However, given everything

that's happened,

there are many

who do not believe

you should continue

as a teacher at UA.

Some are pointing out

that our troubles began

when you started working here.

They're worried the

children will continue

to be caught in the crossfire,

and that you can't

protect them anymore.

It is a delicate situation.

Nevertheless, I believe

I know what we need to do

to ease the concerns the

public has expressed.

We must strengthen

the faith people have

in the heroes we have left.

It's true, the threat we

face is still troubling.

But we will protect and train

with more focus and

diligence than ever before.

That is why we're going

to implement a plan

I've had in mind for a while.

I'm counting on you to convince

the students' families.

[JIRO'S DAD] I dunno. Sounds

pretty outta tune to me.

I get that you guys don't

wanna keep talking about

what happened, but movin'

the kids into dorms

isn't going to change the fact

that my daughter was injured.

What you're saying is

quite true, Mr. Jiro.

However, I'd like to assure you

that this is not a

matter of UA's pride.

We've thought long

and hard on the issue,

and believe this to be

the best course of action.

I hope that you'll

give us the honor

of continuing to teach Kyoka.

I believe whole-heartedly

that UA can help her grow

into the best hero she can be.



No need for you to be

all formal, Mr. Aizawa.

We decided what we

were going to do

right after we got

the notice in the mail.

I mean, you shoulda heard my old

man during All Might's fight.

My daughter's teacher

is so hardcore, man!

That b*ttlefield is a stadium

and he's rockin' it down!

Yeah, I'm pretty

sure he was crying.

Kyoka, c'mon!

I was tryin' to act all strict

'n stuff for these dudes.


Oh, chill, Dad.


Hey, cut it out, you two.

Save the aggression

for your music.



I thought the parents would

come down on us a lot harder.

I suppose... I owe you a drink.


No thanks. I can't drink.

Besides, it's not a contest.

Plus, the next family...

probably won't be so easy.

You kiddin'? Hell yeah, get

this kid in a dorm room.

You hag! Hit me again

and I'll k*ll you!

Oh, hush!

If you hadn't been so damn weak,

you never would've gotten caught

and caused all that trouble.

C'mon, you two.

Please. No fighting.

We don't wanna frighten

your teachers, do we?


Shut it, you clown!

[KATSUKI'S MOM] Yeah, you're

the one who needs to butt out!

Oh, don't you even think about

using your Quirk, Katsuki.


Jeez, some family dynamic.

[AIZAWA] So you're saying

you give us your consent?



Oh, the dorm?

Actually, we're grateful.

Katsuki's fearless and good

at everything he tries,

especially since he's got

that stupid-awesome Quirk.

People were always

fawning over him

whether he deserved it or not.

It's probably why he

ended up like this.

That's why I liked what you

said. At the press conference.

[AIZAWA] He's trying harder

than anyone in his pursuit

to become the top hero.

Those villains will

not change his mind.

He'll continue on his path,

I can guarantee you of that.

See, that's when I understood

that the school was

watching him closely.

I was worried about

the kid, obviously,

and didn't know

what would happen.

But he's back now, safe and

sound, so it worked out.

I'm sure UA will face harsh

criticism from some people.

We still trust you, though,

so we'll leave him to you.





He's a hot-tempered brat,

and we know he's a pain,

but please train him hard

and make him a good hero.



I owe you a drink for this one.


Okay, let's see.

Midoriya's house is

close by, isn't it?


All Might.



Now. It's your turn.

I gotta know. What

exactly is Deku to you?

He's my student. Just like you.

A fledgling hero with

bright prospects.


I'm sorry, Young Bakugo,

but I can't say any

more than that.


Dammit, Katsuki!

The police said not to go

wandering off by yourself!


Yeah, sure.

If you don't wanna

tell me, that's fine.

Oh, and thank you.




I heard you!

[AIZAWA] You're sure you'll

be all right by yourself?


We need to sit

down with everyone

in Class A by day's end, right?

So we'll divide and conquer.

I'll take this place

and you can move on

to the next person

we have to convince.

Oh! Please come on inside.

We're so honored.


Thank you.

[IZUKU'S MOM] I can't believe

All Might is in our home!

Be cool, Mom. It's totally fine.

[ALL MIGHT chuckles]

[ALL MIGHT] You probably

already know why I'm here.

You received a notice that UA

is moving our students

to dormitories?

Yes, about that,

I read the letter...

...and I won't allow it.

[gasps] Wait, what?

But yesterday you said--

I've thought about

it since then,

and I've changed my mind.

Izuku has admired

you for so long,

even though he never

developed a Quirk as a kid.

And then, miraculously,

one suddenly appeared.

But ever since enrolling at UA,

my child just keeps

getting hurt.

Look at his arms.

He can't keep this up.

One fight, one villain,

and he might never

use them again.

I watched you on TV, and I

saw what that man did to you.

As a regular citizen, I'm so

thankful for your bravery.

But, as a mother,

I was terrified.

Izuku wants to be just like you.

But if he follows your path,

his future will be

filled with blood.

So I'm sorry.

Oh, help me!

I am here!

But he's my son.


I'm sorry.

Forgive me, Izuku.


Back when you were Quirkless,

you were always so happy

just watching the

heroes do their jobs.

Maybe it was better

that way. I don't know.

That's not true!

[IZUKU'S MOM] Honey,

I told you I'd support you,

but that I wouldn't

stop worrying.

Do you remember that?


And I know all you want

is to keep going to UA, but...

...I can't take it anymore.


I shouldn't have been surprised.

I'd been ignoring my mother's

feelings for so long.


I'll speak frankly, sir.

As Izuku's mother,

I don't have the nerves I'd

need to entrust my son to UA.

Not with everything that's

happened at your school.

It doesn't matter what

a wonderful hero you are.

When the villains att*cked,

every class had to be canceled.

And you couldn't

stop your students

from getting seriously

injured, almost k*lled.

I won't put my son in danger.

It's my duty as his

mother to keep him safe.



It's not like that, Mom!

It's my own fault that

I kept getting hurt.

The teachers warned me over and

over again, but I didn't listen.

So you're saying

you didn't learn?

Don't you think that means

the school's responsible?

Young man, sit down.

[IZUKU'S MOM] I might be acting

like an overprotective parent,

but I'm at peace with that.

And while I don't want to steal

my son's dream away from him,

he can always go to

a different school.

There are lots of other

hero courses out there

besides the one at UA.



This must be heartbreaking.

You looked up to me.

Followed in my footsteps.

I know what it means to you

to study at my Alma Mater.

And to give it all up

after working so hard...

I'm sorry. I'll go talk to him.

Mom, it doesn't have to be UA!

Here. Look at this.

You, too, All Might.

I got a letter at the hospital.

It's from the boy I saved

at the training camp.

Kota, someone who hated

heroes and Quirks,

wrote to thank me

for saving him.

I know I'm hopeless and

make you worry all the time.

But still.

When I read this note, even

if it was just for a moment,

it made me feel

like a real hero.

I was so happy.


I see.

I know who I'm meant to be,

and that's what I'll train for.

At UA or not, I swear it!


Young Midoriya.


[ALL MIGHT] You are not

just an aspiring hero

following in my footsteps.

You are on your own

path toward greatness.

As your teacher,

I must walk beside you.

[ALL MIGHT] I'm afraid I

haven't been upfront, ma'am.

Please allow me to try again.

I believe that Young Izuku is

the right person to succeed me.

That is,

he is my choice to become the

world's next Symbol of Peace.


Huh? Hold on.

What are you saying,

All Might? What is this?


It's an apology.

As the one who held that title,

I allowed myself

to remain his hero

rather than giving my

all as his teacher.

I'm sorry.



As a UA teacher,

I implore you to forgive

my past weakness.

It's true that my path

has been filled with blood,

but that is what makes

me the right person

to help him find his own way.

Free of the mistakes that

I made as a young hero.

Don't do this, All Might.

He never gives up.

Even when things

seem impossible.

Do you think I can

be a hero, too?

The heroes at UA

know that things

can't continue as they've been.

We're committed to ensuring

the safety of our students

from here on out.

It's our top priority.

Look not at the current UA,

but toward the future.

Will you allow me to devote

myself to Young Izuku?

Together, we will go beyond.

I will lift him up.

And I will protect your son,

even if it costs me my life.

[gasps] Are you okay?


I can't. I mean...

[IZUKU'S MOM] You are

Izuku's reason for living.


It's not that I hate you or UA.

It's just... I want Izuku

to be safe and happy.

All Might, don't

give up your life.

He needs you.

To protect him. Raise him.

If you can promise me you'll do

that, then he can return to UA.

Oh, Mom!


I promise.



If you're going to go

back to this school,

you have to be so careful.

Of course. I won't

make you worry.


Mr. All Might.

Please. Take good

care of my boy.


I lost to you, All Might.

The struggle I put up

was truly pitiful.

But it is you who

failed in the end.

Beating me put you on a course

that led you closer

to your students.

You missed your

opportunity to vanish.

You lost your chance to die.

A teacher's job is to help his

student become independent.

When a student

relies on a master,

and that master disappears,

the student's hatred grows,

allowing him to walk the

path of a true leader.

Mine has comrades,

and he's learned how to

increase their number.

You'll be fine,

Tomura Shigaraki.

Take all this experience,

loathing, and regret,

and use it as you move forward.

Now. It's your turn.


Here's the preview!

Mom, thank you so much

for letting me move onto

the school grounds.

I promise, I won't make

you worry anymore

and that I'll become

a great hero!

As my classmates and I start

a new life in the dorms,

we find ourselves facing

off against each other

to figure out who's got the

coolest room at UA High!

Oddly enough, there's plenty

of fierce competition

when it comes to decorating.

Next time: "Moving into Dorms"!

The winner isn't gonna

be who you expect!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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