03x08 - (D) From Iida to Midoriya

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x08 - (D) From Iida to Midoriya

Post by bunniefuu »

[IZUKU] Welcome to UA High,

the prestigious school

that's turned out some of

the world's greatest heroes.

I'm running toward my

dream in these halls.

Learning to overcome

obstacles and save people

with a smile on my face.

That's how I'll become the

greatest hero in the world!


All Might told me there'd always

be people beyond our reach.

That we can't protect

even though we want to.

Which is why we have to save

the people we can reach.

I was so close to

being able to save him.

I needed to save him. Had to.

That's the entire reason

I have my Quirk.

My body wouldn't move.

I couldn't save someone

who was right in front of me.

And since I failed, he's gone.

All right, then

let's go get him.

We have to leave this

to the professionals!

It's not the right time for

us to get involved. Idiots.

Maybe, but all I know

is that at camp,

I couldn't do anything.

I heard my friend was targeted,

and I just stood by. Helpless.

So if I stand by

and do nothing now,

how am I supposed to call

myself a hero or a man?

C'mon. He's still

within your reach!

We can save Bakugo!


So, let me get this straight.

You're going to get Momo

to make you another receiver,

track a bad guy, and then

try to save Bakugo

all by yourselves?


The villains who

att*cked the camp

planned to k*ll some of us.

But they took Bakugo alive.

What we don't know

is how long they'll

let him live.

That's why we're

going after him.

[inahles] Have the two

of you lost your minds?


Hey. Calm down.

I get how frustrated

Kirishima is.

And how Todoroki feels since

he couldn't grab Bakugo.

I'm upset, too.


We can't let our emotions

get the best of us.


[AOYAMA] Um. We should just

leave this to All Might.

Mr. Aizawa only gave

us permission to fight

and use Quirks at

the training camp.

Aoyama is correct.

Though, I'm part of

the reason we failed.

So, I can't talk.

You guys!



We're all shocked that

Bakugo was taken from us.

But we have to be rational.

It doesn't matter how

noble your intentions.

If you go out there trying

to find the bad guys,

knowing you're

breaking the rules,

then you're acting like

villains, not heroes.


[AOYAMA gasps]

Sorry for interrupting you guys.

But I need a moment

alone with Midoriya.

Sure. Let's bolt.

I wanna see how Jiro

and Hagakure are doin'.

Good idea.

Yeah, okay. Feel better, Deku.

Thank you for visiting me.

[KIRISHIMA] We talked

to Yaoyorozu yesterday.

If we're doing this,

it's tonight.

Look, I know you've got

some pretty hardcore injuries.

So, I don't know if you can go.

But I wanted to invite you,

since you probably

feel the worst.

[KIRISHIMA] We'll meet in front

of the hospital after dark.


Recovery Girl performed some

pretty strong healing

on your arms

while you were unconscious,

so you should be able

to move them around fairly well.

But they were

seriously messed up.

You've done absurd

damage to your body

in the last few months.

And, frankly, this is a whole

new league of trauma.

[IZUKU] You mean... I was

hurt a lot worse this time?

I took a close look

at your charts.

Your past injuries were bad.

Splintered bones and ripped

muscles that were painful, sure,

but could eventually

be repaired.

This time, the damage

was devastating.

Usually, a person's body

has limiters that keep it

from using more than

percent of its power

at any given point.

But in a crisis situation,

it's possible for those

limiters to fall away,

allowing someone

to use percent.

We call it

"hysterical strength."

The reason we

have those limiters

in the first place

is because our bodies

can't handle that

type of strain.

You had this

"hysterical strength."

And because of that,

your power ended up overcharged

for an extended period.

It's bad for your bones and

muscles to get battered,

of course, but it's worse

for your ligaments.

Ligaments protect the joints,

and yours have

seriously degraded.

In other words, if you

sustain this type of injury,

even just two or

three more times,

I don't think you're

going to be able

to move your arms anymore.

For now, focus

on rehabilitation.

Use them a lot,

even if it hurts,

and we'll leave the rest to UA.

I'll discharge you today,

so you can go home

and take it easy.

Take this seriously.

Right. Thanks for

your help, Doctor.

I'm sorry for any

trouble I caused.

Recovery Girl is

fed up with you.

But, hey. I get the

impression that's nothin' new.

Also, don't forget

you did save someone.

Healing begins in the mind.

Try not to worry. Stay positive.


"Dear Mr. Midoriya,

I'm sorry I punched

you in the balls.

Thank you for saving me,

even though you'd just met me.

Please get better soon so I can

thank you in person, okay?




[phone rings]


Hi, Mom.

Yeah, I was discharged,

but there's something

I have to do, so I won't

be home until tomorrow or so.


I can move now, at least.

My body feels kind of

run down and sluggish, though,

even with all the healing

they performed on me.

I heard it's because

UA wants a close eye

on the students. Well, that,

and they want to keep the

media out as long as they can.



Do you really have

to go back to UA?

[WOMAN A] There's a call

for you, Endeavor, sir.


Who is it?

[WOMAN A] A Mr. Tsukauchi

from the police department.

I'm listening.

[TSUKAUCHI] We would like to

request your assistance, sir.

[BEST JEANIST] I've received

an emergency summons,

and must leave this

place in your hands.

Be strong as heavyweight

denim without me,

smart as tailor-made suits.

Keep the fabric of society safe.


You got it, Best Jeanist!

[YAOYOROZU] You want me

to make a new receiver?


Yes. Please!

[TODOROKI] You must know

what we're planning.

I do. Let me think about it.


I wonder what Yaoyorozu decided.

[TODOROKI] No matter how much

we wanna go after him,

It's her choice.

She's here!

[BOTH gasp]



So, how 'bout it? You decide?

I think that--

Hold on!

[GROUP gasps]



Why are you here?

[TENYA] You. Why did it have

to be you two of all people?

The ones who stopped me

when I acted recklessly.

Who received amnesty

with me after Hosu.

Why are you trying

to make the same

stupid mistakes I made?

Didn't you learn?

What are you talking about?


We are still just students.

And UA's in a bad

position as it is.

Anything we do will

reflect on our school!

Don't you get that?

Iida. We have to.

I know you don't like us

breaking rules, but--

[TENYA] I'm frustrated, too!

And concerned. Obviously!

I'm the class rep, dammit.

I'm worried about all my

classmates. Not just Bakugo.

When I saw your injuries,

all I could think of

was my brother in the hospital.

What if your bodies

end up irreparable,

just like his, because

I didn't step in.

Have you not stopped

to think about

where I'm coming from?

[TENYA] Or are you saying

that you don't care how I feel?

Of course I do.



You've got it wrong.

We don't expect to face

them head-on and win.

We'll get him back

without fighting.

Yeah, we'll be stealthy.

I'm talkin' covert ops here.

We can rescue him without

breaking the rules.

[YAOYOROZU] I trust in

Todoroki's judgment, but...

Still. Things could

always go wrong.

So I'll join you as backup.

I'll stand behind my classmates.

You can't be serious!

You're the best.


I know I'm hurt.

But if I can still move at all,

then I can't just sit still.

I have to reach out

and do something.

'Cause all I can think

about is saving him.

[ALL MIGHT] There are

stories about every hero.

How they became great.

Most have one thing in common.

Their bodies moved before

they had a chance to think.

Almost on their own.

We'll never agree.

So I'm going to come with you.

[GROUP gasps]


After the USJ and Hosu att*cks,

we thought we'd seen true evil.

That the worst was over.

We've gathered some of our

finest heroes here today.

Now. Let's talk strategy.

[SHIGARAKI] I'll ask you one

more time, Katsuki Bakugo.

Aspiring hero. Will you join

the League of Villains?

Go throw yourself into traffic.

[IZUKU] But something far

worse was about to begin.



I shouldn't have

hit you back there.

I'm sorry. Forgive me.

I have some concerns, Iida.

What exactly is

your justification

for changing your mind

and joining us?

Hey, it's fine, you don't

need to apologize.


To be clear,

I'm coming because I don't

condone your behavior.

It's a simple as that.

If there's even a hint

that physical combat

might break out, I'll make

you retreat immediately.

So in other words...

I'm your watchman!

Exactly what we needed.

The same goes for me.

Rescuing Bakugo is a

job for the pros.

Objectively speaking,

there's no reason for

any of us to go after him.


I understand how each of you

feels, so I'm compromising.

Don't forget that.




A rescue without us fighting...

It's not plausible.

The others are so

driven by frustration

that they're blinded. But...

Once they see the situation

first-hand and realize

how difficult it will be,

they should understand

their plan is

completely unrealistic.

[YAOYOROZU] The coordinates

indicate Camino Ward,

Yokohama City in

Kanagawa Prefecture.

Our travel time will be about

two hours from here.

We should arrive around

ten o'clock tonight.

So, um.

Did you tell the rest

of the class about this?

Do they know what

we're doing tonight?



And they tried their best

to talk us out of it.

Yeah, even Uraraka

ganged up on us

and tried to get us

to change our minds.

I just don't know, you guys.

Think about what

Bakugo would want.

We'd just make everything

worse I'm afraid.






Stay back, Deku!

Just to make sure.

You know we're going

against everyone's wishes,

and being completely

selfish by doing this.

We can call this off

if we want to.

Does it look like

I wanna turn back?

Bakugo wouldn't

think twice about

going after the villains

if he were here.

What about you, Midoriya?

He's my friend.

[ALL MIGHT] Meddling where you

don't technically have to

is the essence of being a hero.

[IZUKU] Mom. All Might

gave me everything.

He trusted that I'd make

the most of his Quirk.

I refuse to turn back.

I see. All right, then.


So this is Camino Ward.


It's so crowded.

[KIRISHIMA] Those Villains are

hiding somewhere in this city.

Just tell me where to go!

Wait a second!

From now on,

we going to need to be

extremely careful.

These criminals already know

what we look like, remember?

We have to consider that

we could be att*cked

at any moment.

Yeah, you're right!

Stealth mode.

You're standing out

even more, Midoriya.

We won't be able to

scout effectively

if we're recognizable.

'Kay, so what should we do?

I have an idea.

Though it is a bit old school.

Yo, fool. What chu lookin' at?

This is me, incognito.

Now we'll blend in perfectly.

I feel so ridiculous.

I dunno, I kinda dig it.

Watch it, you punks. Get lost.

That's all wrong--

you gotta stick

your chin out more.

You talkin' ta me?


That's it!

We're just a few scoundrels

cruising for hot girls.


Close enough!

Great disguises.

We'd stand out in this

district dressed like kids.


Couldn't you have used your

Quirk for this to save money?

Well, technically, but

that's against the rules.

If I started making everything,

think of the impact

on the economy.

We must ensure the

flow of commerce!

That's right! It's our

civic duty. As citizens!



[KIRISHIMA] So the rich girl

just wants to go shopping, huh?

Everyone. Our

destination is this way.


Whoa, it's UA High!


[IZUKU gasps]


Let's return to a short clip

from the UA High School

press conference

that just wrapped up.

Mr. Aizawa.

And Vlad King and the principal!

We are here to apologize.

A recent incident allowed harm

to come to first year heroes.

And we staff were ill prepared.

We take responsibility

for any trauma caused

by our negligence.

It's our duty to train heroes,

but also to protect

heroes in training.

This is crazy.

He hates being on TV.


I'll take the first question.

Since the beginning of the year,

UA students have had four

encounters with villains.

This time, there were students

who were gravely injured.

How did you explain this

to their families?

And what are some of the

specific steps you're taking

to ensure their safety

in the future?

[IZUKU] The media should know

what UA's basic position is

since they didn't cancel

the sports festival.

They just want him to look bad.

They're treating

them like... villains.

[NEZU] We will increase patrols

around the school grounds,

and review security measures

within the school.

The safety of UA's students

is our main priority,

make no mistake about it.

Ugh. What are these

dudes thinkin'?

They're gonna get

those kids k*lled.


They should be ashamed.

[MAN IN CROWD D] Increased

patrols? Gimme a break.


What about the rest of us?


The mood was changing.

You could feel it in the air.

People were turning

against heroes.

And if we didn't do something,

it was just going to get worse.


Isn't that strange?

The heroes are

becoming the bad guys.

Seems like they're not dealing

with this very well at all.

So much criticism.

But everyone makes

a mistake or two, right?

It's not like they're

supposed to be perfect.

Modern-day heroes

sure have it rough.

Don't you think, Bakugo?

[SPINNER] Once a hero receives

payment to protect people,

they aren't a real hero anymore.

That's what Stain's

actions taught us.

[SHIGARAKI] A hero in this

current system only cares

about money and glory.

And since society buys in

to those idiotic rules,

anyone deemed a loser

is shoved aside.

So, we want to

pose some questions.

What is a hero? What is justice?

Is this society truly fair?

Soon, everyone will be asking.

That's when we'll

know we've won.

And you like winning. Don't you?



Dabi. Let him go.


You know he'll just fight.


It's fine.

We're recruiting him, so we

should treat him as an equal.

Besides, he's smart

enough to know

he can't take us all, right?

After all, UA students

are so clever.

Hey, Twice. You do it.


Sure thing! No way.

Do it.


Oh, man.

[MR. COMPRESS] I do apologize

for such forceful methods.

But please understand that

we aren't some kind of

unruly mob committing crimes

without a third act in mind.

We didn't kidnap

you by accident.

[SHIGARAKI] Even though our

backgrounds are different,

everyone here has suffered.

Because of people. Rules.

And heroes who try

to hold us back.

I'm sure you're the same.

[TWICE grunts]




[KATSUKI] I'm done listening

to your endless talking.

Can you not get to the point,

or do you just like

your own voice?

Basically, what you're saying

is you wanna cause some trouble

and you want me to join you.

Well, screw you.


Did you see what he just did?

Man, it doesn't get any

cooler than All Might!

That's why he's the greatest.

No matter how much

trouble he's in,

he's always the winner.

[KATSUKI] I like to win. I wanna

win just like All Might.

No matter what you

have to offer me,

that will never change,

do you understand?




Here's the preview!

While the UA teachers

hold a press conference

to appologize for allowing

a student to be kinapped,

five of us head to the

League of Villains' hideout

to try to save Kacchan.

Yaoyorozu's tracking

deviced leads us to...

...a Nomu factory?!

But, why isn't anyone here?

Where in the world are

they hiding Kacchan?

Next time: "All For One"!

The true villain, the source

of this evil arrives,

and the full story

is finally revealed!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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