03x06 - (D) Roaring Upheaval

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x06 - (D) Roaring Upheaval

Post by bunniefuu »

[IZUKU] Welcome to UA High,

the prestigious school

that's turned out some of

the world's greatest heroes.

I'm running toward

my dream in these halls.

Learning to overcome

obstacles and save people

with a smile on my face.

That's how I'll become the

greatest hero in the world!


Kacchan and Todoroki went second

in the test of courage.

If they didn't go

back to camp yet,

then they might

still be around here.





Shoji. What happened--?


With those injuries...

You should be laid up

in bed recovering.

But you wanna save your friend.

No matter what the cost.

That thing just now...

Wait. Don't tell me...

[SHOJI] Yeah. If we wanna

get through here,

we'll have to face

Dark Shadow first.


Stay away from me! You'll die!


Tokoyami, no!


But... How did he get this way?


Keep it down.

After Mandalay told us

what was happening

and that we shouldn't engage,

we were both on high alert.

Still, one of the villains

got the drop on us.



[SHOJI] I hid in the bushes

and tried to cover Tokoyami,

even though one of

my arms was cut off.



It looks bad.

But it's not like

it's lost forever.

My Dupli-Arms are

capable of making

duplicates upon duplicates.

One of those was cut off.

Thing is,

he couldn't stand seeing

me injured like that.

The Quirk he'd been suppressing

began to rage and take over.


The darker it is, the less

control Tokoyami has.

I had no idea his Quirk

could explode like this.


It's probably fueled by

his righteous

indignation and regret.

He's tried to hold it back,

but they made it wilder.

[SHOJI] It started lunging

at any sound or movement,

a beast lashing out with

indiscriminate att*cks.

Forget about me.

Go! Find our classmates.

Help them instead.

Stop this. Calm down,

Dark Shadow!

[SHOJI] His Quirk has

a weakness to light.

If we can lead them to

a fire or back to camp,

we can contain it.


I know these are

strange circumstances,

but I can't just leave

a suffering friend behind.

You forced your broken

body to get you here

because you were

worried about Bakugo.

If you still wanna save him,

I'll distract

Dark Shadow for you.

And you can run.

[gasps] Hold on.

The fire and camp are

both pretty far away.

You'll be in danger if he--


I know that.

But to save people,

you have to take risks.

That's what makes

a hero, a hero.

[SHOJI] Will you stay with

me and help Tokoyami?

Or will you rush

to Bakugo's side?

You have to make

a choice. Right now.


I already have.

Flesh. Pieces of meat!



Teeth att*cks? Seriously?

It's time to blast this freak

with everything I've got!


You can't!


If the trees burn,

just cover them

with ice, stupid.

A big expl*si*n will

impair my vision, though.

I may not be able

to see the fire.

And how are you gonna

get close to him anyway?

[KATSUKI growls]

[IZUKU] There. I see ice!

They're fighting!



Bakugo! Todoroki!

One of you. Give us some light!


More flesh!


[BOTH gasp]



Shoji. I have a plan.

It's not perfect,

but it might work.




If Dark Shadow reacts to sound,

then make duplicate

arms to bait him,

so he'll follow us without

attacking our actual bodies.

We can lead Dark

Shadow to Kacchan.

He'll be able to weaken

him with an expl*si*n.

I don't want to choose

one or the other.

I want to save them both!



Shoji and Midoriya.

And is that... Tokoyami?


We need some light now.

He's out of control!

He's attacking blindly.

I'll use my fire.


Not so fast.


Flesh. Slabs of meat.

No good. Can't allow it.

I'm the one who gets

to slice them open.

Don't steal from me!

[DARK SHADOW] You don't

matter. Insignificant bug!

Now, finish him.


[DARK SHADOW growls]

Not enough! It's not enough!

[DARK SHADOW squeaks]

[TOKOYAMI pants]

And once again,

I'm a terrible matchup

for you, birdboy.

Thanks. You saved me.

[TODOROKI] We could barely

defend against that guy,

but you beat him instantly.


My friend. Are you okay?

You did what we needed you to.

Good, Tokoyami!

Don't fight against it!

Give up your control for now

and just let it

take over--trust me!


Shoji. I apologize.

You, too, Midoriya.

I'm still far too immature.

Anger consumed me.

And I let my Quirk take over.

The influence of the darkness,

combined with my fury,

spurred Dark Shadow

into a frenzy.


...it got so strong,

I couldn't contain it.

And I ended up hurting Shoji.


We'll deal with that later.

That's what you'd say if

our roles were reversed.




I don't know if

you heard Mandalay,

but I found out the

villains are after Kacchan.

[TOKOYAMI] Bakugo?

Are they trying to k*ll him?


I'm not sure.

But I think we

should get to camp.

It's the safest place now,

so long as Vlad King

and Mr. Aizawa have

regrouped there.

I understand.

So our mission is to get

Bakugo back to safety

by serving as his protectors.

[IZUKU] It's possible

the Pussycats are still

fighting in the clearing.

Going that way would draw

the attention of the villains.

Plus, it's longer.

We should cut straight across.

[TOKOYAMI] We don't know

how many enemies there are.

We might come across

some by chance.

[IZUKU] We can use

Shoji's search ability.

And Todoroki's freezing power.

And, if Tokoyami's okay with it,

we can always use Dark Shadow

now that we can

actually control him.

Honestly, with a

group like this,

we could probably even

go up against All Might.

I'd be fine by myself!

We'll surround you as we walk.

I don't need any of your

protection, dammit!


Let's go.


Don't ignore me!

Just make sure you keep up.

Don't tell me what to do.



We'll get everyone back safely.

If we can do that,

that's all that matters.


Ochaco, is your arm okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

It's just a scratch.


Mm... Hm.

Shallow. Not much blood.

What kind of person slashes

people out of nowhere?

Just who do you think you are?


I'm Toga.

Jeez, you two are super cute.

Uraraka and Asui.

How does she know who we are?

Maybe from the sports fest?

We know nothing about her,

so we're at a disadvantage.

Stay on guard.


There's not enough blood.

Normally I'd suck it

directly from the cut

to make it flow,

but there's no time.

Don't worry, girls.

This machine will

start pumping it out

as soon as I stick it in you.

I'll get my fill and move on.

Who's first?




[OCHACO yelps]

You have to get back to camp!

We got permission to use

Quirks to protect ourselves,

not to counterattack.

I'm sure that's what

Mr. Aizawa meant!

Tsu, come on!

I'll be right behind you.







What a cute nickname.

I think I'll call you that, too!

No, you won't!

Don't even think about it!

Only my friends

get to call me that!



That means I must

be your friend, too!

I'm coming!

Aw, you're bleeding, Tsu.

You couldn't be more adorable.

I just love blood.

We're gonna be

such good friends.

Get away from her!


When your opponent has a knife,

pivot on one foot to disappear

from their line of sight.

Grab the wrist and

the base of the neck!

Pull with all your might,

and slam them!

It's one of the close

combat techniques

I learned from my internship!


Thanks, Gunhead Martial Arts!

Ochaco, that was amazing.



Can you use your tongue

to restrain her hands?

Or is it hurt?

It'll be fine in a second.


Ochaco. You're delightful, too.



You've got the same smell as me.

You've got a crush

on someone, right?

[OCHACO grunts]

So do I.

And I bet you also

wanna be exactly

like that special person, huh?


This is it! My shot.

I'll win and be just like Deku!


I can tell. Two lovesick girls.


What is with her?

At first you try

to model yourself

after the person you want.

You start dressing like them.

Thing is, that's not enough.

You have to go further.

Then, you realize you actually

want to become that person.

And once you get to that point,

there's no going back.

That's how love works right?

What kind of charmer's

caught your eye, huh?

I'm fond of people

who've been slashed up

and reek of fresh blood.

That's why I always

end up cutting them.

Hey, Ochaco, isn't this fun?

Just two girls hanging out,

talking about our crushes!

[TOGA giggles]

[OCHACO grunts]



Suck, suck.

Suck, suck. Suck, suck.

Suck, suck. Suck, suck.



Quickly, guys! Help her!


There's too many

people here now,

and I don't feel like

being k*lled tonight.


[TOGA gasps]

--Get her!

--[TSUYU] It's too dangerous.

We have no idea what

kind of Quirk she has.


Who was that girl just now?

One of the villains.

She was crazy.

Uraraka. You're hurt!

It's not bad.

I can still walk okay.

You're the one

who looks terrible!


We can't stand here and talk.

Let's move.

I'm just glad you didn't

get injured too bad.

Now come on. Join our group.

We're protecting Kacchan

and making our way back to camp.

We could use your help.

If you're protecting

Bakugo, then,

shouldn't he be standing

here with you guys?

Huh? What are you talking about?

He's right over here, behind u--


We're in crisis mode.

And we thought we

were doing well,

that we'd covered our bases.



Nice trick, eh?

[IZUKU gasps]

[MR. COMPRESS] I took the

lad you're talking about

with my magic.

[MR. COMPRESS] A talent like

his would be squandered

were he cast as a hero.

We'll provide him

with a grander stage

where he can truly shine.

Give him back!


"Give him back"?

What an odd thing to say.

Bakugo doesn't belong to anyone.

He's his own person.

Don't be so arrogant.

We'll stop you!

Right now!


Why the aggression?

We merely wish to show him

that there are options

besides the fanatical world

of heroism he's drowning in.

It's important to choose

a path that aligns

with your core

values, after all.

[SHOJI] It's not just Bakugo.

Tokoyami's gone!


[TODOROKI] He snatched two

of our strongest classmates

without a sound.

What power is this?

If you're monologuing

because you think

you've beaten us,

you're mistaken.


A bad habit of mine.

I was once an

entertainer, you know.

Taking Tokoyami was a bit

of improv on my part.




Our dear "blade tooth."

He may not look it, but he's

a dastardly death row devil

who's last appeal was denied.

When I saw the avian

take him down so

easily and violently,

I decided he should

join our troupe.

You bastard!

You can't take them!


Midoriya. Calm down.

Here, take this guy for me.




But slight-of-hand and

escapology are my specialties,

not combat.

I'm not foolish enough

to fight hero

candidates from UA.

Vanguard Action Squad.

I've acquired our target.

Our little show has

officially come to a close.

Meet me at the retrieval point

in the next five minutes

for the final bow.

They're going to take them.

Our friends.

They can't!


You're right. We'll stop them.

[TWICE] Hey, Dabi!

Did you hear the radio?

I'm so pumped up!

Our boy Compress

totally got the job done.

The man certainly took his time.

I was starting to get bored.

Don't be a pain.

He did a good job.

Now we just have to wait

for everyone to regroup here.


You're the pain. Forgive me.

This place was supposed

to be hard to find

because of the wall of

flames and poisonous gas.

But looks like the gas is gone.

Things never go according

to plan, do they?


For real. This is the plan.

Aoyama. I have to do

what I can to help

the rest of the

Class B students.

You take these two back to camp.

They should be safe there.


The gas is gone.

Someone defeated the villain!

They're fighting.

Maybe... I should, too?

[AOYAMA gasps]


He saw me!


Hey, Dabi!

Speakin' of which,

totally not important but,

shouldn't you be calling

that Nomu back?

You said he would only react

to your voice, correct?

That sounded vital.

That's right.

You're the one who reminded

me to let him loose

on the students earlier.


No problem. Bow before me!

Shigaraki did design the

monster specifically for me.

[DABI] He's probably

k*lled someone by now.

This is bad! This is really bad!

What the crap is this

thing doing here?

Yaoyorozu, are you alive?

If you are, please wake up

now--it's gonna catch us!


I'm sorry... Awase.

I'm alive, but...


What happened to me?

When I came to, I was on

the ground. It's so fuzzy.


What the hell? What are those?

Oh, no. Oh God, I'm so sorry!


It's just...

gonna leave us here?


Does this mean the villains

have finished their mission?

Don't tell me they have Bakugo.



Come on, think.

What would the worst-case

scenario be, Momo?

And what's the smartest

thing you can do right now?


Use your Quirk to attach

this to that monster.


What is it? A button?

Just hurry up and do it.

Before he's gone!

[YOSETSU] I don't know

what's goin' on, but okay!

No way he's gettin'

that thing off.


Thank you so much. Good job.

[sighs] That was scary.

Okay, let's run.



Damn it, Spinner,

this is your fault!

[TIGER] Shut up! You have

only yourself to blame.

This is the consequence

of your villainy.

Understand, villain?

This is how it ends for you.

You haven't won a thing.

This isn't defeat. Stain

endures! Do you hear me?

His will is alive and well

right here. I embody it!

I will purge you

degenerate heroes

and that kid with glasses

to avenge his name!


Will you be quiet already?

What's your Quirk, anyway?

All we saw was that giant sword.

Get off!




Let's move the two of you...

...some place more fitting.


Damn it, this guy's quick.


If only Iida were here!


These ingenues aren't

as big a deal as I expected.



We can't give up. Not now.

We have to catch him...

and get our friends back!

[SHOJI] But he's pulling farther

ahead with every second.

[IZUKU] Uraraka. You have

to make us float.



And then, Asui.

You launch us as far as

you can using your tongue!



[IZUKU] Shoji, hold me and

Todoroki and use your Quirk

to correct our trajectory

through the air.

Measure the distance

with your eyes, Uraraka.

And then, when the timing

looks right, release us!


I see. Human b*ll*ts.


Wait, Deku.

You're still going to fight

with those injuries?


He's in bad shape.

I wouldn't be surprised

if he lost consciousness

any moment now.


Midoriya. You stay here.

With that much pain, you--

[IZUKU] Trust me, I don't

feel any pain right now.

I can do this.


Wait, Deku. Here!

Okay. Go ahead, Tsu.

[TSUYU] Make sure you've

got a good grip on them.


Huh? Lame.

I'm the only one here?

[DABI] Hey, crazy.

Did you get the blood?

How many different kinds?


One person's!


Just one?!

Hey, what gives?

Weren't you supposed

to get at least three?

That's just the

way it went down.

I thought those brats

were gonna k*ll me.



You're looking a little

too happy right now.

Strange. Shouldn't you

be full of shame?

[TOGA giggles] Yeah, but I made

some great new friends.

And I found a cute boy

I'm interested in!


Is it me? No thanks, babe.

I love you, too!

Both of you. Shut it.

You're too loud.

[MR. COMPRESS yells]


Whoa, whoa, what's this?

Oh, hey, wait,

I know these kids.


Who are they?


Here's the preview!

Thanks to Uraraka

and Asui's help,

we've finally caught up to

the League of Villains.

But now they've managed to

kidnap Tokoyami and Kacchan!

What kind of magic is this?!

Todoroki... Shoji...

we have to save our friends.

It's our duty as

fledgling heroes!

Next time: "What a Twist!"

We'll use everything we've

learned at UA up until now.

It's our only way to win!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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