03x05 - (D) Drive It Home, Iron Fist!!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x05 - (D) Drive It Home, Iron Fist!!!

Post by bunniefuu »

[IZUKU] Welcome to UA High,

the prestigious school

that's turned out some of

the world's greatest heroes.

I'm running toward my

dream in these halls.

Learning to overcome

obstacles and save people

with a smile on my face.

That's how I'll become the

greatest hero in the world!


Show me your blood!


A real hero...

...will always find a way

for justice to be served!

[IZUKU] Please, forgive me,

Mom. I tried my best.

I'm sorry...

...All Might.

I'm gonna crush you.

What the...? Is that water?


Stop. Let him go!


Ko... ta?

Hold on, there, 'kay?

I'll k*ll you after

I'm done with--


Crap. I was distracted.

I won't let you hurt Kota.

Damn it. How are you

getting stronger?

You won't lay a hand on him!

One for All.

One million percent!

Delaware... Detroit Smash!

[IZUKU yells]

[KUROGIRI] You're sure they'll

be all right on their own?

[SHIGARAKI] I'm a non-playable

character this level.

They'll make it work without me.

Besides, this game

has totally changed.

I've been thinking

of it as an RPG.

We had some pretty good equips,

but we challenged the big boss

while still at Level One.

Really, it's more of

a simulation game.

I'm the player.

And I'll use all my little pawns

to smash through

the heroes' ranks.

But first,

I need to make cracks

in the superhuman world.

That's where the

Vanguard Action Squad

of the League of

Villains comes in.

Who cares if these

guys win or lose?

The heroes will be scared

just because they showed up.


They're sacrificial pawns?


Come on.

Do you really think

I'm that heartless?

I'd never underestimate

their strength.

They may have different

goals than me,

but they're

comrades, nonetheless.

In a society bound

by ridiculous rules,

villains aren't the only ones

who are being oppressed.

Let's hope they can

pull this off.

[IZUKU panting]

[gasps] Hey!

Everything's okay.

Gimme a second, and then

there's something

I have to take care of.

But you're all beat up!

What more could

you have to do now?


I knew he'd be strong.

That's why I had to try

to defeat him here.

I thought I'd be able to

inflict a lot more damage

in the end, though. Turns out,

I seriously underestimated

how powerful his Quirk was.

If every villain attacking us

tonight is on the same level,

all our lives are at stake.

On top of that,

it sounds like they're

after some of us students.

I have to let Mr. Aizawa

and the Pussycats know

that's one of the

reasons they're here.

I may be injured,

but I'm not defeated yet,

there are more

people I can save.

[IZUKU] We'll leave this villain

here for the time being.

With my arms messed up,

my smash was probably

weaker than it could have been,

but it I still think it's

taken him down for a while.

He won't wake up anytime soon.

And even if he did,

he'd be too weak to fight.

For right now,

I just need to make

sure you're safe.

We're gonna need some help

only you can give us.

The forest has been

set on fire.

That means my friends could

be trapped by the flames.

But we have hope.

Your water Quirk can

put those fires out.


Kota? You hear me?

We need you.


Now, get on my back.

We need to get you

to camp, fast.


You sure you can carry me?

You're all busted up.


No need to worry.

That's why I left

my legs unbroken!

Hang on tight.

This could be rough.

[KOTA gasps]

Do you know where

a kid named Bakugo

might be around here?

[IZUKU] I've got a bad

feeling about this.

[AIZAWA] I'll look after the

other students. Protect them.


Wasn't this a secret?


If it's a full-scale attack...


We're in big trouble.

Looks like your concern

has you distracted, Eraser.



Nice move. Guess you

really are a pro.


Not so fast.

[DABI grunts]

What do you want,

and where are your

friends hiding?

[DABI grunts]

My what?

Your right arm's next.

[DABI grunts]

Be logical about this.

At least save your legs.

It would be a real pain

to have to carry you off

to jail without them.

You can take your

time, Eraserhead.

[AIZAWA gasps]

What's that?


Mr. Aizawa!

[ALL panting]


Stay back.


He's good.

I won't be able to

take much more of this.

[DABI] That's exactly the

performance I'd expect

out of a UA teacher.

Tell me, hero.

You worried for your students?

[AIZAWA] The fire that he shot

earlier wasn't his Quirk?

I wonder if you can

save them in the end.

See you soon.

What was that? Did he just melt?


Everyone get inside.

I'll be back.

[TWICE groans]

Come on, Dabi!

You got your ass handed

to you! By a magic scarf!

How weak. That

happened fast, huh?


Huh? Don't say that.

Better to frame this as

the pro being too strong.

It's important to mind

your self-esteem,

even on a perilous mission.

Whatever, Twice. Just

make another one of me.

We need to keep

those pros occupied.

[TWICE] Another small fry,

comin' right up.

Leave it to me.


Just a little bit further.

[gasps] Hey, look!


Mr. Aizawa!



You're here. Thank goodness.

I need to catch you up

on what I've learned

about the villains,

but we don't have much time.

--[AIZAWA] Hey.

--Plus, I need to find Mandalay.

There's something

I have to tell her.

Hold on!

[IZUKU] Please take care

of Kota while I'm gone!

[AIZAWA] This kid is running

on pure adrenaline.


I'll be back soon!

Wait, Midoriya!

[IZUKU grunts]

[sighs] Those injuries...

You went too far again,

didn't you?

Have you forgotten about Hosu?



That's why it's against the law

for uncertified people to use

their Quirks to cause injury.

None of you had the authority

to harm the villain.

No. I haven't.



But tell Mandalay

something for me, too.


[TIGER growls]

No fair. Back off.

Let me equip my item.

[TIGER growls]


Damn it.

How is he predicting

my Cat Combat?

You're not...

...a real hero!

You brought this

on yourself, girl!


Jeez, you're persistent.


As are you.

But it's time to knock you

off your false throne.




Mandalay! Kota! He's safe!

You found him?

[IZUKU] And I've got

a message from Mr. Aizawa.

We need you to use Telepath!


Tell me, hero.

Are you worried

for your students?

I wonder if you can

save them in the end.


His words made it clear to me

that our students

are the targets.

So it's unavoidable.

They have to protect themselves.

And each other.

Go ahead and use your training.

I'll take the heat.

Tell everyone in

Class A and Class B

that Eraser Head has

granted them permission

to engage in combat

with the villains.


Everyone in Class A and Class B!

In the name of the

pro hero, Eraserhead,

you are granted permission

to engage in combat.

I repeat. Use your training.

You may fight these villains.

[MANDALAY] I hope you know

what you're doing, Eraser.


Future heroes.

Do not let this night be

the end of your journey!


I forgot to tell Midoriya

to come back right away.

This is bad.

The only reason

he's still going

with those injuries is

because of the endorphins

pumping through his body.

It's temporary.

Once he's accomplished his goals

and calms down a little,

he won't be able to move at all.


Mister. Is he gonna be okay?

I... I sort of

punched him before.

And still, he got beat to a pulp

just so he could protect me.

I never apologized.

Or even thanked him.

Please tell me... He's not

gonna get hurt more, right?

Don't worry. He

sustained those injuries

because he has no

intention of dying.

Though, as his teacher,

when this is over,

I'll have to scold him for

acting without my permission.

[KOTA gasps]




You'll get your chance

to talk to him again.

And when you do,

put more emphasis on

the "thank you" part.


Get back to camp right now!

Those injuries aren't normal.


I'm sorry. I can't!

You need to send one more thing.

The villains. I know

one reason they're here.



They're after Kacchan!

Please, you have to let

the others know!

Kacchan? Who's that?

No! Wait! Stop!

[MAGNE] That rumble

in the ground earlier.

Only two people in our group

fight with that kind of power.

And sounds like

one of them talked.

Could it possibly

have been Muscular?

Don't tell me that little kid

is more powerful than him.

In that case...

This child must be put down!


Don't, Big Sis Mag.

[MAGNE yelps]

What the hell was

that for, Spinner?

He was on the

priority k*ll list!

Shigaraki's the one

who wants him dead.

[MAGNE] Uh, yeah, and he's

the reason we're here.

[SPINNER] But that boy is

someone Stain wished to save.

Which means he was deemed worthy

of being called a true hero.

If Stain spared him, then--

About time I got a solid hit in.


Can't stop the boy.

But I can relay his message.


Listen, we've discovered

one of the villains' targets.

It's a student named Kacchan.


What do they want with him?

[MANDALAY] Kacchan, you

should try to avoid combat.

And to stick to a group.

Aw, damn it!


I hope you can hear me!

I could focus if you

got out of my damn head!

I can take care of myself!

Don't rush into

this fight carelessly!

[MOONFISH] Have to keep

going... Have to work...

Do my job...

[MOONFISH growls]

Weren't you listening

to Mandalay?

They're here because

they're after you.

Telling us not to engage

and then changing their minds.

I don't know how, but I get the

feeling this is Deku's fault.

[KATSUKI yells]

Well, I don't care

what anyone says!

Damn it.

He's good at moving through

this terrain with his Quirk.

This freak he looks like

a scrawny little sidekick to me!

C'mon, ya bastard!

[TODOROKI] This clearly

isn't his first battle.

Show me... Show me

your exquisite flesh!

We can't start fires around here

because the flames will spread!

Everyone could die

if we aren't careful.

Do you understand me?

Yeah, I get it! I'm not stupid!


Even if we try to retreat,

there's poison gas everywhere.

They're obviously trying

to drive us into a corner.


Did you hear what she said?

We've got permission

to punch people!


Wait, Tetsutetsu!

Do you understand

how this gas works?


Yeah, it's dangerous.

Gimme some credit, Kendo.

[KENDO] Listen! Mandalay

didn't say anything

about the gas in her message.

That means it must

not have spread

to wherever she's

broadcasting from.

But that doesn't make any sense.

This gas is moving

really slowly.

Normally it would

spread out more, right?

This is staying in one place.

Not acting naturally.

And look.

It's definitely denser here

than it was in the area

we just ran away from.


Okay. So what?

[KENDO] I think it's

swirling around one source.

Somewhere near here.

Like a typhoon.

If that's true,

there should be someone

who's producing the gas

at the center of the storm.

A villain who's controlling it.


I get it now! Oh, man, Kendo.

You're so amazing!


I figured you'd miss the signs.

That's why I came

with you. Okay.

The closer we get to

the center of the swirl,

the thicker the poison

will be. That's a problem.

There's a limit to how much gas

these things can filter.

And the denser the gas, the

shorter the functioning time.

That means...


head-first into the center

of the typhoon and

punch whoever's there!

[KENDO groans]

Well, technically, yeah.

[KENDO] He's a little one-note,

but he's not wrong.

[TETSUTETSU] Shiozaki and

our other classmates

suffered because of this

villain's stupid power.

Stuff like that

really pisses me off.

Let's teach this bad guy

a lesson, Kendo!



[KENDO] I can't say I don't

like this side of you.



Two people are headed

straight for me.

I guess a few of them

avoided my gas

and realized I'm here.

I should have expected that

from a prestigious school.

But then...

No matter how wonderful

their Quirks may be...


I found you!


...they're still only human.


That sounded like a g*nsh*t.

Kacchan, you better be okay!



I saw you on TV during

the sports festival.

You can make your skin hard.

That means you're bulletproof.



Eh. That doesn't really matter.

Because now, it's just

a matter of how long

you can hold your breath

in this toxic miasma.


Seriously? He pulled a g*n?

And he took out my

mask with one shot.

What's this shorty's deal?

And why is he wearing

a school uniform?

He's probably my age.

[MUSTARD] What, do you think

you're The Terminator?

Even if you can steel yourself,

charging straight

in is a fool's move.

Shouldn't you be smarter

if you go to UA?

Don't be so rash. Use your head.



Or you're not worth k*lling.




It's no good. Retreat!

[MUSTARD laughs]


Two against one,

and you were banking

on a surprise attack.

What a simple plan.

I expected better.

I'm producing and

controlling this gas, yes.

But that's not all.

The gas is showing me

your movements

with its fluctuations.

In other words,

you can't hide from me.

You arrogant UA students.

Why didn't you figure

that out, huh?

You're shattering the image

I had of your school.

What a shame.

--[TETSUTETSU growls]

--[KENDO] Wait, no!




What's this?

You seem softer than

you were earlier.

Let me guess,

maybe metal fatigue?

Or is it because you

can't breathe anymore?

How many more

sh*ts can you take?

Brace yourself for another.


[MUSTARD] Don't they usually

do endurance tests

for people like you who

have simple, one-note Quirks?

And yet, you still rush in

like you're indestructible.




You guys wanna grow up

to be heroes, right?

Something about that

is so strange to me.

For people to fawn over

someone like you,

a one-trick pony, just because

of where you went to school!

That's what's wrong

with this world!



Oh, crap. I can't breathe.

And Kendo--

Strength's... going.

Vision's... distorted.

Everything is fading.



[MUSTARD] I told you,

I can tell exactly how

you're moving thanks

to the flow of the gas.

[KENDO] I don't give a damn

if you know where I am.

[MUSTARD] I can't believe

you think you'll win

with that pitiful Quirk.


Whether it's pitiful or not

completely depends

on how I use it!

I can still stop you!

[MUSTARD] Just how much power

do those stupid hands have?


You're pathetic.

Carrying a g*n around

in that dumb uniform

is basically saying you

know you can't win a fight

on your own merits.


You little...

[KENDO] This is for those at UA

who have a one-track mind.

[MUSTARD gasps] The gas got

thinner, so I didn't realize!

[KENDO] Because when everyone

else is ready to give up...

[MUSTARD groans]

[KENDO] ...they take another

step and go beyond!


The poison. It's disappearing.



If a gas user is

wearing his own mask,

there's only one thing to do!

Break it.

[groans, pants]

You're gonna pay

for ruining our camp.

And for sh**ting me. Stupid kid!

[IZUKU panting]


Kacchan and Todoroki went second

in the test of courage.

If they didn't go

back to camp yet,

then they might still

be around here.


[IZUKU yells]



Shoji. What happened--?


With those injuries...

You should be laid up

in bed recovering.

But you wanna save your friend.

No matter what the cost.


You're injured, too.



We were ambushed by villains,

and I covered us.

But the attack triggered

Tokoyami's Quirk,

even though he was desperately

trying to hold it back.

[TOKOYAMI] My Quirk's offensive

ability gets stronger

when I'm in darkness.

But, that makes

Dark Shadow aggressive

and difficult to control.

No... Don't tell me!

[SHOJI] Yeah. If we wanna

get through here,

we'll have to face

Dark Shadow first.

[DARK SHADOW growling]

Stay away from me! You'll die!


Tokoyami, no!



Now, the preview!

Tokoyami's Dark Shadow has gone

completely out of control!

How can we help him overcome

his Quirk when it's thriving

in the black of the night?

Meanwhile, the League

of Villains continues

their hunt for Kacchan.

My classmates are in trouble.

What should I do?

Go after Kacchan or

try to help Tokoyami?

Whatever I choose will

have big consequences.

Next time: "Roaring Upheaval."

My decision could affect us all!

I have to be smart.

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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