03x01 - (D) Game Start

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x01 - (D) Game Start

Post by bunniefuu »


Welcome to UA High.

In a world where about

percent of the population

has some kind of superpower

called a "Quirk,"

this prestigious school was

built to train the heroes

who protect our citizens.

Many of the world's

top champions

have walked these halls.

Now, I'm a student here.

My name is Izuku Midoriya,

and I'm working hard

to fulfill my dream

of being a true hero.

I want to become someone

who saves others

with a smile on my face.

This is the story

of how I became

the greatest hero in the world.

[NEWSCASTER A] Welcome back

to our Summer Special.

"All Might: The Journey

from Number One Hero

to UA High School Teacher."

Today, we'll be looking back

on All Might's achievements,

and his incredible rise to f--


I've figured it out.

Why the Hero k*ller

pisses me off so much.

And why those UA brats

drive me crazy.

It's because of All Might.

And that stupid grin,

as though he doesn't

have a care in the world.

Smiling thoughtlessly.

As if there's no one

he can't save.

Like he's undefeatable.


Izuku Midoriya.

Quirkless until middle school,

when he suddenly

manifested a power.

After enrolling at UA High,

he distinguished himself by

finishing in the top eight

at their world-famous

sports festival.

Then, during the Hosu incident,

he and his friends fought

the Hero k*ller, Stain...

...and won.


the Hero k*ller chose

to spare the child's life.

Izuku Midoriya was

acknowledged by Stain,

the man seeking out

true heroes, as worthy.

He judged Tomura Shigaraki

quite differently.


Just picture it.

A world without the

Symbol of Peace.

I'll show society

just how fragile

their sense of safety is.

[IZUKU] Now that our

intense first semester

at UA High is over,

me and my classmates

are out for summer vacation.

But that doesn't mean

we have time to relax.

We've got a training camp

in the woods coming up.

And I want to be as

prepared as possible.



Who is he?

The guy's already saved

people at least,

and it hasn't even

been ten minutes.

This is... This is crazy.

I can't believe it!

[ALL MIGHT laughing]


Look, he's got more!

Fear not, citizens.

Hope has arrived.

Because I am here.

Thanks, All Might.

[IZUKU] There are times I still

can't believe this is my life.

That the number-one hero

in the world chose

to pass his Quirk,

One For All, on to me.

[doorbell rings]


Mineta. Kaminari. Hey!

Heyo, Midoriya!

Come to the pool with us!

The pool?

Yeah. Some fun before

the training camp.

We'll get in some solid laps.




We have to increase each of the

students' Quirks this summer.


Why don't you start

by giving me a rundown

of all of Class A's abilities?

If I must.


Let's start with Yuga Aoyama.

His Quirk is Navel Laser.

It's... basically,

a bellybutton laser.

Then we have

Mina Ashido. Quirk: Acid.

She secretes a corrosive

substance that melts targets.

Tsuyu Asui. Her Quirk is Frog.

And she can do pretty much

everything a frog can.

Tenya Iida is the

class rep. Quirk: Engine.

The engines in his calves

grant him super speed.

There's Ochaco Uraraka.

Her Quirk: Zero Gravity.

She can make anything

she touches weightless.

Mashirao Ojiro. His Quirk

is called "Tail."

He can manipulate his tail

as if it were an arm or leg.

Moving on to Denki Kaminari.

Quirk: Electrification.

He discharges built-up

electricity from his body.

The spiky-haired one

is Eijiro Kirishima.

Quirk: Hardening.

He can make his

entire body stone-like.

Koji Koda is the quiet type.

Though, his Quirk is Anivoice.

He uses it to control

animals and insects,

but it can't affect humans.

Rikido Sato is strong.

Quirk: Sugar Rush.

He turns the sugar stored

in his body into pure power.

Then we have Mezo Shoji.

His Quirk is Dupli-Arms.

He can make other

body parts appear

on the tips of his tentacles.

Kyoka Jiro.

Her Quirk is called

"Earphone Jack."

Using the retractable

plugs on her earlobes,

she can distinguish between

even the quietest of sounds.

Plus, she can use the

speakers on her legs

to release incredibly

devastating sonic bursts.

Hanta Sero has

a Quirk named "Tape."

It has many uses.

He can sh**t sticky

tape from his elbows

and use it to apprehend

his opponents,

or simply to swing

around through the air.

Fumikage Tokoyami.

Quirk: Dark Shadow.

He commands a devastating

bird-like shadow

that gets wilder when

there's no light.

Endeavor's son, Shoto Todoroki.

His Quirk is

Half-Cold, Half-Hot.

He can emit ice from the

right side of his body,

and flames from the left.

The Stealth Hero, Toru Hagakure.

Her Quirk: Invisibility.

She's invisible.

The sports festival

winner, Katsuki Bakugo.

Quirk: expl*si*n.

He sweats a

nitroglycerin-like substance

and makes it blow up.

Of course, there's

Izuku Midoriya.

His Quirk is Super Power.

He can increase the power

and physical abilities

of isolated appendages,

or his entire body.

[sighs] Minoru Mineta.

His Quirk: Pop Off.

The balls he pulls off his

head can stick to anything,

though he himself

bounces off them.

Finally, there's Momo Yaoyorozu.

Her Quirk is Creation.

She can create

any non-living thing

from the lipids in her body.

And that's it.

We should also go over

Class B's Quirks--


Excuse us.


Yes? What is it?

Sorry to interrupt.

We were wondering about

the form we turned in

a few days ago about the pool.

[AIZAWA] Oh. The school

has granted you permission.

You're allowed to use

the pool until pm.


You won't regret this, sir!

You said you wanted

to use the pool

for endurance training, correct?

Make the time count.



[IZUKU] So, we're using the

pool to improve our stamina.

That's a great idea, Mineta.

Plus, if we're at school,

we can use our Quirks!

It'll be the perfect

way to train!

Just what you'd

expect from us heroes.

You know what we're gonna do.

Go beyond. Plus Ultra!


[KAMINARI] It was a smart

choice to invite Midoriya.

He's a great cover.

[MINETA] If it had just

been us, we wouldn't have

gotten permission to

use the pool, I bet.


This works, and it could be

the defining moment

of our lives.


Don't jinx us.

I told you what I

heard the girls say.

It was right after

the finals were over.

Wait, so we're not

supposed to take any

long trips over summer vacation?

Yeah, apparently that's

what the school said.

How unfortunate.

I was supposed to

spend several weeks

touring Venice with my parents.

What is your life?

Aw, and I just bought, like,

a bajillion new swimsuits.

Well turns out,

that's what happens

when your class is att*cked

by the League of Villains.

But I wanna do something!

I don't wanna spend

my whole summer bored!

--That's so dumb!

--[HAGAKURE] I've got it!

Why don't we hang out

at the school pool

over summer vacation, huh?

Good idea.

I bet we can talk the

teachers into letting us

use it if we ask them nicely.

Plus it'll be free,

so we'll save money.

That's way better than

being cooped up in my room.

Leave it to me.

I'll start working on a

formal proposal right away.

All the girls in

their swimsuits!

[KAMINARI] It's our duty

to support our classmates.

[MINETA] Just imagine how

voluptuous the girls

are gonna be outside

of their uniforms.


Faster, hurry up!

Paradise is waiting on the

other side of this door!

There you are, slowpokes.



No, no, no.

What the heck are

you guys doing here?

Since we're doing endurance

training at the pool,

I messaged everyone to see if

they wanted to come with us.

You did what?

Now all our plans are ruined.

Don't lose hope yet.

There will definitely

still be girls

splashing around the water.

[KAMINARI] I'll burn

the sight into my brain.

[MINETA] I can't wait

to see those skimpy suits!

Oh, hey. Hi, Mineta.

I didn't know you guys

would be here.

[KAMINARI] I can't believe

there's not a single bikini.

Foiled again.

You know, school suits

are still pretty hot.


Have some standards, dude.


Kaminari. Mineta. Nice work.

I'm proud of you for

suggesting more training.

You're an asset to our class.

Let me thank you.

[BOTH whimper]


Now. Don't just sit there.

It's time to come sweat with us.

[TENYA laughs]

--[KAMINARI] You're choking me.

--[MINETA] No, wait. Not cool!


This wasn't the plan!


Get ready for it! Serve!





[JIRO grunts]


Got it!



[TENYA] All right! Let's

take a -minute breather.

I brought these for everyone.

Please, drink up!




Thanks a lot, Class Rep.


This is just what I needed!

[KAMINARI] Why do the girls

get to play around instead?

[MINETA] They got permission

to use the pool,

so they can goof off.

Can you believe it?

You idiot.

Why did you make our application

for endurance training.

Sure, blame me,

I didn't hear you

making any suggestions!

It looks like you've

been working out.

I'm practically

living at the gym.

It's been kinda nice, actually.


We must all remain focused.



Hey, Midoriya.

It looks like you

could use a break.

You're probably right, thanks.


Something wrong?

No. This is just

funny, that's all.

At the entrance exams,

I couldn't imagine the

two of us would get along,

much less become

such good friends.

I guess, if I'm being honest,

I didn't think that

much of you back then.

And yet. During the

practical exam...

[OCHACO grunting]

[IZUKU grunts]



You did put Uraraka

ahead of yourself.

Even though saving her

meant you might not pass.

[ALL MIGHT] How could a

hero course reject someone

who is committed

to saving others,

no matter the

consequences to himself?

After all, that is

what makes a hero.

Welcome, Izuku.

You have made it.

You're now part of

the hero academia.

I was so happy.

It had always been a

dream of mine to attend

All Might's alma mater someday.

Even though I knew

it was a long shot.

And then, when Mr. Aizawa

said the person

in last place for the fitness

test would be expelled,

I was sure I'd be going home.

You may have thought that,

but you never gave up.


Not during combat

training, either.






[TENYA gasps]

What's happening?

Improvised special move,

the Comet Home Run!


In the name of villainy,

I demand that you stop this!

I've got it!

[TENYA gasps]

This is the only way

I had any chance at winning.


You weren't perfect.

Indeed, your methods

were reckless.

But I could feel the

tenacity and drive

you brought to each test.

I believe that's the

reason Bakugo and I

lost to you in our

training round.

Thanks, Iida.

But I'm only here

because so many people

have helped me get here.

And that's why

I'll work even

harder from now on!


You'd better!

The next time I beat you,

I want you to be at your

strongest, you damn nerd.

[IZUKU yelps]


Hey, I got your message.

Sorry I'm late.

Took a while to convince

Bakugo to come out.


That's not very surprising.


So, Deku.

You wanna settle who's the best

between us right now? Huh?

No. That's not it.

Actually, you know what?

We could make this

training a contest.



Hey, everyone!

I propose that we see

which of the boys

can swim meters the fastest.

A friendly race.


That sounds fun.

Let's do it!



Why don't you let us

help you out with this?

Yes, please.

And, Quirks. Can we use them?

[TENYA] We're at school,

so there shouldn't

be a problem with that. However!

You cannot cause damage

to your classmates

or the building.

I'm gonna annihilate you, Deku.

And you, too, Icy Hot.

You bastard!

All right, now, everyone,

on your marks!

Get set!

[whistle blows]


Burst Speed Turbo!

How was that, you sidekicks?

What do you think you're doing?

You didn't even touch the water!

It's called freestyle swimming!


Everyone on your marks. Get set!

[whistle blows]



[SERO grunts]


You're supposed to be swimming!

[YAOYOROZU] Last group,

on your marks. Get set!

[whistle blows]


You, too, Iida?


One for All, Full Cowling!


[STUDENTS cheer]

Nice one, Midoriya!

Iida, was so close!

You beat me. Good work.

[IZUKU] You were amazing

out there, too, Iida!


So if you're connected

to the number-one hero,

All Might, in some way,

that would mean...

...that I have even more

reason to beat you.

You see,

I'm going to show my old man

that I reject his power,

and I can take first place

without using it.

[IZUKU] You think you can win

with half your strength?

Look at me, Todoroki.

You haven't managed to put

a single scratch on me yet.

So come at me

with all you've got!

It's yours! Your Quirk, not his!

I want it, too.

I'll be a hero!

[TENYA] You must be

the Hero k*ller, Stain!

[TENYA] I am the brother

of an incredible hero

who you att*cked.

He's the best older brother

that anyone could hope for.

I have come to stop you,

because he can't anymore.


You aren't heroes.

You have no right

to be called that.

Both of you are

nothing but fakes.



Don't you worry, Iida.

I'm gonna save you.

I was almost too late

to stop this guy.

We can protect them!

Just stop it.

Why are you... doing this?

His fight is with me!

I inherited my brother's name.

You have to run.

[TODOROKI gasps]

I can't... watch this.

You wanna make

your brother proud?


Become the hero

he wanted you to be!



I vow once more to become

a hero like my older brother.


I will become a hero,

but the kind that I wanna be.


I swear I'll become a hero.

A great one, like All Might.

Who saves people with a smile.


UA High School was att*cked

by the League of Villains during

a rescue training session.

It would come to be referred

to as the USJ Incident.

Then there were the att*cks

by the Hero k*ller Stain

and the League of

Villains in Hosu City,

in what became known

as the Hosu Incident.

And just a few days ago,

Tomura Shigaraki,

thought to be the leader

of the League of Villains,

cornered Izuku Midoriya,

a student in the hero

course at UA High.

As far as we can tell,

the League of Villains

hasn't made a move since.

That's true.

But I'm sure they're

hiding in the shadows,

waiting to strike again.

Likely, yes.

The police are currently

working alongside heroes

to gather as much information

about the group as possible.

When we do find out

where they've been hiding,

we'll need you, All Might.

I won't disappoint

you, Tsukauchi.


It's time for the final race.

Bakugo. Todoroki. Midoriya.

As the winners of each heat,

you'll fight for

first place. Understand?

--[IZUKU] Got it.


Listen up, Scarface.

Don't you dare hold back like

you did at the sports festival.

Bring everything you've got!

I will.

You, too. Fight to win.

Yeah! I will. I promise.

[TENYA] Then the -meter

freestyle final race

will now begin!

Blow 'em away, Bakugo!

Don't k*ll the other swimmers!

You got this, Todoroki!

You can do it, Deku!

Do your best, everyone!

Now, on your marks.

[KATSUKI] A single blast

is all it'll take.


I'll slide past them.


I can win this with One For All.


Get set!

[whistle blows]

[ALL yelp]

What happened?

Why aren't they

using their Quirks?


It's pm.

Your authorized pool time

is officially over.

Hurry up and go home.


Come on, just one second!

[SERO] We were finally

getting to the good part!

Are you questioning me?


Not at all, Mr. Aizawa!



I can't believe he stopped

the race like that.

Yeah, I know how you feel,

but cool your blasters, man.

Those two aren't just

your opponents, you know.

They're our friends.

Shut up!

I don't care if they're

my classmates or not.

I won't let them

get ahead of me.

Isn't that what it means

to be number one?

To be the best, I'll have to

be stronger than All Might.

It's only a matter of time.

[ALL MIGHT] You have ten months

until the UA Entrance exam.

You must build up your

body in that time.


Young Midoriya?

[IZUKU] All Might!

What are you doing here?


I could ask you the same.


I am here...

[ALL MIGHT] Young man.

You, too, can become a hero.

The truth is,

there's nothing natural

about my Quirk.

I wasn't born with this power,

it's a sacred torch

that was passed on to me

from someone else.

I can transfer

my Quirk to another.

And that's only one facet

of my secret abilities.

The true name of my

power is One For All.

You're next, kid.

You are my worthy successor.

...because this is where

my journey began.


Young Midoriya,

the summer training

camp will be tough.

Try your hardest.


I will!

[VLAD] So the location of

the training camp has moved?



Just in case information is

getting leaked to the villains.

Only the upper management of UA

knows where it will be now.

Please keep it to yourself.

Don't even tell the students.

[VLAD grunts]

[phone ringing]


There's something I'd like you

to prepare for me. That's right.

We're about to start

playing a brand new game.


Now, the preview!

UA High's special summer

training camp in the woods

is about to be under way!

From what I hear, it'll include

a hellish workout regimen

to give us first years

the push we need

to earn our provisional

hero licenses.

Students normally don't

even try for those

until thier second year!

[yelps] Wait! Is that

some kind of monster?!

Next time:

"Wild, Wild Pussycats."

If I'm gonna become a hero,

then first, I'll have

to survive this summer!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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