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01x07 - To Seek A Foe

Posted: 04/02/14 07:31
by bunniefuu
My name is Roman. Ten years ago, Our ship crash-landed on Earth. We came here seeking refuge, but the humans thought that it was an invasion. That night I met a human girl who tried to protect me. A girl I never thought I'd see again. The surviving members of my race, the Atrians, were rounded up and isolated inside a militarized sector.

Now, it's 2024.

Seven of us have been chosen to attend high school as a part of a government integration program. But the humans and the Atrians continue to distrust each other while I fight to protect my people and the human girl who saved my life at any cost.

Previously on Star-Crossed:

I am the Grand Matriarch of the Red Hawks.

We're amassing more expl*sives to destroy the Atrians.

What's going on?

She's being charged with planning a t*rror1st attack!

The cube is gonna take root inside Beaumont's body, spreading its spores throughout Edendale.

You broke the Trag code, so now you have to die.

We should k*ll her.

You can't do this.

Whether we like it or not, she's one of us.

You just signed your own death sentences.

Do you think it doesn't k*ll me every time I have to walk away from you? I would give you everything Just not now.

Emery, breakfast is ready! For the first time, we've gotten a look at the inner workings of the Red Hawk organization.

Margaret Montrose was caught on video last night leading a secret Red Hawk meeting and planning an attack at the Atrian Sector.

The local philanthropist is being held - without bail pending trial.

Are you okay? Never thought this is what my 15 minutes of fame would look like.

Try and ignore them.

Reporters were all over our house after the sh**ting at the Sector.

There's French toast on the stove, you guys.

We should get going if we're gonna get to my folks' by noon.

Grayson, you can stay here as long as you need.

Thanks, but my uncle offered to put me up.

Let us know if there's anything you need.

Your parents are being really cool about this.

You're lucky to have them.

After everything that my dad went through, they understand what it's like to have your world turned upside down.


I'm so sorry.

Don't be.

If it wasn't for you, I'm not sure I ever would have had the guts to stand up to my parents in the first place.

For years, I would overlook things that they said or did because they were my parents.

But that whole time, they were lying to me.

How do you do that? How do you look somebody in the eyes that you care about and lie to them? Sometimes I think it's just harder for people to admit the truth.

I have so many questions.

I'm gonna go see my mom today.

I figure it's better to get it all out than bottle it up, right? I think you're probably right.

You mind coming along? I could use the support.

Of course.

You need to quit the Trags.

Once you're in, there's no going back.

You know that.

All I can do now is let 'em think I'm still with them.

Maybe you really don't want out.

Hey, I stopped Zoe from k*lling you last night.

You really need more assurance than that? We need to find Zoe before she tells Vega that we wrecked her plans to kidnap Grayson.

If Vega finds out, we're both dead.

Yeah, but you were their go-between.

Zoe can't get into the Sector to tell Vega.

That's where her looking human actually helps us.

Yeah, but Zoe's smart and relentless.

She'll find a way to get to Vega.

Or she might just come gunning for us herself.


Bad timing.

No kidding.

How was I supposed to tell Grayson about Roman when he showed up on my doorstep last night? He deserves to know, Em.

Sure, I'll just mention it to him while we're on our way to visit his mom in prison later.

Who, by the way, is there because of me.

No, she's there because she's a t*rror1st.

You have to let yourself off the hook.

There's no way you would have known that Grayson's mom - would be at that meeting.

Maybe not.

It's, just, I was the one that told Grayson to stand up to his parents.

You can't stay with Grayson out of guilt.

It's not just that.

Grayson's been there for me.

After the mess I've made, I need to be there for him.

I can't think about Roman right now.

I just need to see this thing through with Grayson.

For how long? As long as it takes.

I told you to go over there last night.

What happened? Oh, I made it to the front door, but Grayson was there.

Saw them through the window.

They looked cozy.

Maybe we should've let Zoe take Grayson out after all.

I can't believe that about your mom.

How is she? Ha Have you seen her yet? No, but I will.

Actually, can we talk about something else? Uh, yeah, the I'm failing trig.


Um, I could tutor you, if you want.

What? It's not that big a deal.

Trig's hard.

For some reason, I picked it up quickly.

But trust me, there are plenty of things I don't get.

Like cars.

You leave Bruce out of this.

Wait, wait.

I'm sorry.

Who's Bruce? - Her beat-up old car.

I like to thing of Bruce as a member of the family.

Because he's been passed down from generation to generation for centuries.

Ha-ha, you joke, but I've actually been a little worried about Bruce.

Every time I speed up, he's starts making this weird chirping sound.

That's your fan belt.

Or a reason to get a new car.

I think you should stick with Bruce, chirping and all.

Loyalty's important.

Thank you, Grayson.

Hey, guys.

Enjoying your Sunday? Hi, Miss Benton.

Hey, Grayson, so sorry about your mom.

If you want to talk, my door is always open.


Yeah, uh, I appreciate it.

All right.

See you guys in class.

Hey, waiting on somebody? Taylor.

Guess she lost track of time.

Uh, listen, I know you like Taylor.

And I admire your taste.

It's like the girl carries around her own wind machine.

It's just you do realize that she likes guys, right? So? I do, too.

Atrians don't choose who we love based on gender.

Isn't that limiting? Not so much for me.

But hey, to each his own.

Or her own.

Oh, call Zoe.

Okay, this is the third message I'm leaving you.

We need to debrief about the party.

You disappeared and I must have details so call me back.

Okay? Hey, hold on.

Let me help out.

Hey, let me help.

Let me help.

What do you need help with? Thanks.

Uh, can you pop the trunk for me? Thanks.

Lukas! Lukas! Lukas! Not exactly what I had in mind, but he'll do.

I need an ambulance! My friend started choking and then collapsed on the ground! Help, you guys! Help me! Let's lay him out.


Put him down.

Someone help! Breathe.

You're okay.

You're okay.

Just try to breathe.

Just try to breathe.



Breathe, buddy.

An ambulance is coming.

It's okay.


This is black cyper, isn't it? Where'd you get it? Emery found it in Taylor's car.

Zoe must have put it there.

We got to get back and talk to Castor.

He'll know what to do.

Hey, Roman.

So that was some kind of cyper? Did it do that to Lukas? Who put it there? Roman, if you know something, you need to tell me.

That's my best friend who just got taken away in an ambulance.

He's my friend, too.

But if we have any chance of helping Lukas, we got to get back to the Sector and learn more about what this is.

I know this isn't easy, but you got to trust me on this.

I'll be at the hospital.

Lukas is gonna be all right.

The doctors will know what to do with him.

So you're thinking Lukas was not the intended target? Zoe must have been testing the black cyper to make sure it worked.

And she hates Taylor.

What did Vega say was the next step in the Trags' plan? She didn't tell me.

But Zoe took me to a field where I helped her plant some in Beaumont's body.

Well, if the black cyper's been planted, that means there's a lot more of it out there.


I can take you to the site where we buried the body.

Gotta know how to get rid of it first.


Morris, dial 112, please.


Morris, please dial 112.




How're you holding up, dear? I'm fine.

How're you? My boy's strong.

A bunch of our friends are here to support Lukas, but they didn't want to crowd you.

This is Sophia? Lukas talks about you all the time.

I'm so glad you're here.


Yes, Doctor? Lukas's lungs are badly burned from the toxic substance he inhaled, and his airways are swollen.

He isn't responding to treatment.

We are running a few more tests, but if we can't get the swelling down soon, he won't be able to breathe air into his lungs.

I'm very sorry.

We're doing everything we can.

Thank you, Doctor.

Vega's always been reckless, but this is extreme, even for her.

And you planted this.

Drake can be trusted.

How can this leaf wipe out an entire race? It's not the leaf, Roman.

It's the spores.

Let me show you.

When a black cyper bush grows, eventually it releases all of its spores into the air.

If inhaled directly, the spores from a single black cyper leaf can seriously, if not fatally, burn the lungs of a human.

So just imagine entire bushes releasing the spores at the same time.

So how do we help Lukas? The only cure is freshly-cut black cyper mixed with Atrian blood.

And if we can find the black cyper plant, how do we get rid of the rest of it? You detonate this in the center of the plant.

A b*mb? Why do you even have this? For reasons such as this.

Don't worry, it is not detectable by the SEU scanners.

Now the question is: when did you plant the body? Eight days ago.

Eight days is the life cycle of the plant, which means it will release its spores today.

Now, did you plant any other bodies? - No.

If you can find and destroy the plant before it releases its spores, Vega's plan will be averted.

So go.

And I'll keep my ear to the ground in the Sector.

Colleen? Emery.

My goodness.

How you been? It's been so long you look great.

I'm good, I'm just here visiting a friend.

Lukas Parnell? Oh, I heard.

I'm so sorry.

Have you seen anyone with his symptoms before? The doctors aren't saying much.


Please, Colleen, he's one of my best friends.

Look, you didn't hear this from me, but they found a camper yesterday out in Black Bear Lake State Park.

Brought him in with the same symptoms.

Some kind of chemical burn in his lungs.

How's he doing? - You're sure this is the place? - Positive.

Zoe must have moved the body.

If Castor's right, we only have hours before black cyper covers the entire town.

Are you sure you can get Taylor to help us? Yeah, we have a, uh, connection.

Besides, she's our only lead if we want to find Zoe.

How's Lukas? He's the same: not good.

I was hoping there was something you could do to help him.

Emery, cyper can't cure him.

She knows about cyper? - She can be trusted.

Yeah? What about her Red Hawk boyfriend? Grayson and I saved you from the Red Hawks during the Carnival, remember that? Your secret's safe with me, I just want Lukas to get better.

Emery, Lukas can only be cured using black cyper that's been cut the same day.

The leaf you found won't work.

Can you get more? - We're working on it.

We think it's being grown somewhere remote.

There was a camper yesterday who's brought in with the same symptoms.

He was found at Black Bear Lake State Park.

It doesn't get more remote than that.

Where is it?

I can take you there. I actually know it pretty well. My dad used to take me hiking there all the time.

No, you don't need to come. This could be too dangerous. I'm gonna do whatever I can to help Lukas. So you can either come with me, or I'm gonna go search the park on my own.

All right.

I'll go with Emery.

You find Zoe.

Maybe one of us will have some luck.
Hey, you okay?

Barely. My throat's totally scratchy and I have to stick around for more tests.

The paramedics say I should be fine, but how can they be so sure? It's not like they're doctors.

I mean, I was standing right there when Lukas inhaled whatever that was.

It's not like you and Zoe even care.

I saw you two leave Grayson's party together last night.

It's not what you think.

Despite the fact that I got it on with you in a public bathroom, I'm not an idiot.

Zoe told me there was a place where I could get booze to take back to the Sector.

That's all.

Nothing happened.

Zoe's been ignoring my calls all day.

I thought maybe you two hooked up and she was avoiding me.

Now I'm actually worried.

She usually calls me back right away.

I hope she's okay.

Well, uh what's her address? I mean, if it makes you feel any better, - I'll can go over there - Drake.

Really? If you are using me to get to Zoe, then I swear that Zoe is the last person on the planet I want to get with.

Besides, I, uh I prefer blondes.

I'll check on Zoe.

Why are we testing samples from two high school girls? Because of something a tabloid reporter said? A tabloid reporter who just blew the lid off the Red Hawks.

And these aren't just any two high school girls.

Emery Whitehill and Julia Yeung were both hospitalized with serious illnesses.

Both of them recently made full recoveries.

We've never been this close to cyper before.

Once we've determined if either girl was cured using cyper, we'll proceed.

Not a moment before.

The nurse said the camper was found on the road, somewhere right around here.

I know the best campsite, it isn't on the map.

Let's go.

I heard you and Drake talking about Zoe.

What does she have to do with all this? Okay, we're not going to doing this again.

The whole "I can't tell you for your own protection" crap.

You're better off not knowing.

That's for me to decide.

Like it or not, I'm in this now.

You really want to protect me, then let me know what we're up against.

Zoe is an Atrian.

She had her Atrian markings removed so she could pass as a human.

And she's not the only one.

There are other hidden Trags living outside the Sector.

You're saying there are hidden Atrians living among the humans and one of them was inside of our school? Who are the Trags? You've heard of the Atrian extremists who hate humans, right? They're the Trags.

They're the ones who have been targeting you and your family.

One of those hidden Trags tried to k*ll you the night of the Carnival.

But I was able to stop him.

So then what the Red Hawks are saying is true? There are hidden Atrians trying to hurt humans.

The Trags are a fringe group.

Just like the Red Hawks.

And like the Red Hawks, they hate race-mixing.

If they thought that you and I were together, they would k*ll you.

Just to send a message.

All I wanted was to protect you from this.

All of it.


I needed to hear this.

I wanted to know all this time why you kept pushing me away.

Now I do.

We should keep moving.

What are you doing? Is this where you've been the whole time? Uh Yeah, I I hate hospitals.

So I, I got you a new fan belt, new spark plugs.

What you really need is new everything.

Emery's right, you need a new car.


Don't listen to him, Bruce.

He doesn't know what he's talking about.

This car has character.

If by character you mean rust yeah, it has a ton.


So, what do I owe you? I don't know.

Um if you want, you can just pay me back with tutoring.

Okay, deal.

I'll see you later then.

Well, wait, wait.

Um This is from the grocery store where I work.

It's for Lukas's family.

Hospital food sucks, you know? That's really sweet of you.

Are you doing okay? Yeah.

Yeah, I'm I'm on my way to see my mom.

And Emery was supposed to go with me, but she texted saying that she had to run out for a while.

So I guess I'm going solo.

I just wanted to check on Lukas before I left.

Any change? - No.

I just wish there was something I could do to help him.

Help! Hey! We need help in here! Oh, no, no! Oh, no! No! This looks like the campsite.

The black cyper could be growing in there.

Stay back, I don't want you breathing in the spores.

What about you? You remember biology class? Atrians can breathe through their skin.

Comes in handy in a dust storm.

Or being underwater.

Or tracking down plants with deadly spores.


It's okay.

We're gonna find it.

We have to find it.

Maybe Drake's having better luck finding Zoe.

Grayson, hey.

Been standing out here for a half an hour psyching myself out.

Are you are you sure you can't make it? I'm so sorry.

You know I want to be there.

So why can't you? I have to take care of something.

I'll explain later.

It's important that you talk to your mother.

You can do this.

Yeah, I know, uh, I'll be fine.

I'll see you at the hospital after.

I heard about Grayson's mother.

How's he doing? His whole world is falling apart.

His parents let him down, and he doesn't have anyone else.

Well, that's not true.

He has you.

Hello? Hey.

It's Drake.

I'm at Zoe's.

Uh, looks like she's been living in some kind of Trag hideout.

I found a bunch of photos.

Looks like a lake and a boathouse.

Perfect place to grow black cyper if you didn't want anybody to see it.

There's an abandoned boathouse on the south side of Black Bear Lake.

All right.

All right.

I'll get there as soon as I can.

It's this way.

The lake's not far.

Grayson, I understand how angry you must be.

You swore up and down that you and Dad weren't involved in anything violent.

You lied right to my face.

So, what else were you lying about? We wish you saw the Atrians for what they are a threat.

But since you don't we were just trying to keep you out of it.

We lost one son because of the Atrians; we didn't want to lose anoth Stop using Jed to justify what you did.

You're in jail right now for being a t*rror1st.

Jed would be ashamed of you.

Grayson, wait.

There's something you need to know about Emery.

What? She's the one who told that reporter, Bandell, about the Red Hawks meeting.

What are you talking about? Emery was seen leaving our party with Bandell just before the meeting.

It's no secret how she feels about those Atrians.

For all we know, she was using you - to get access to your father and me.

Wow, you must really be desperate.

Oh, no, I get that lying is second nature to you and Dad.

Emery's not like that.

She's one of the few people I actually trust in my life right now.

Are you kidding me? - Grayson, wait.


Grayson, please! Grayson! Now that we've specified arbitrary angles, we can define their sines and cosines.

Now, this is where it gets a little wiggy, because some oblique triangles - are obtuse, and you just want to - Okay.

Does “obtuse” mean total moron? Because that's what I feel like right now.

You're doing great.



Hey, are you are you sure you're okay with doing this right now, with Lukas and everything? Honestly it's good to think about something else for a while.


It's Emery.


It's me.

How's Lukas? Not good.

He had some sort of attack.

The doctors are trying to make him comfortable, but they don't know how much longer he'll be able to breathe on his own.

I'm with Roman.

I think we're getting close to finding something that'll help him.


And, Em, whatever you're doing, please be careful.

Are you okay? We just need to keep moving.

Hey, guys.

Funny running into you out here.

Should've k*lled me last night while you had the chance.

Set the charge at the root of the plant.

Go! You and your humans.

You're on the losing side of this, you know that, don't you? Haven't lost yet.

Give it time.

You don't get it, do you? No matter how hard you fight for your precious humans, their time is over and so is yours.

Hey, Zoe.

You know what your problem is? You talk too damn much.

Roman, I got this.


Go! Emery, hold your breath.

Are you I'm fine.

I Roman.

Thought you both were dead.

Glad to see you're not.

What happened to Zoe? Caught in the blast.

Lukas! Did you get the leaf? Let's take a walk, go get some food.

You're a doll.

Is that black cyper? Yeah.

It's the only way to cure Lukas.

Castor assured me it's safe.

Let me do it.

You're not the only one with human friends, Roman.

You can't save the world on your own.

Sophia? Hi.

Welcome back.

You were right.

I compared the girls' DNA with the cyper sample and the results are conclusive.

Julia Yeung has cyper in her blood.

Oh, my God.

What happened? Ran into some Red Hawks.

We had words.

Here, let me I think I have something you could use so that you could It'll heal.

It'll heal.

Thank you.


Um I found Zoe.


Apparently her family had money problems.

They got evicted, and they're headed up north tonight to stay with some family.

Zoe told me her family was really messed up.

She never even let me come inside her house.

I guess she felt like she couldn't trust me.

If she didn't want to tell me what she was going through No, no.

It's not that she didn't trust you.

Zoe was embarrassed.

She didn't want you to feel sorry for her.

She told me to say good-bye and that you were the best friend she ever had.


Really? Yeah.


Thank you.

It means a lot knowing that she's okay.

I can't believe it.

Lukas is okay, and I'm about to get in my car and drive home and act like everything's normal, but it's not.

I know about black cyper and Trags You know everything.

Everything that matters.

That thing at the lake I know it was in the moment.

I'm not gonna hold you to it - 'cause I - But I'm gonna hold you to it.

Everything's changed in a good way.

And at least now I know what we're up against.

It's dangerous and terrifying, but we just saved the world.

And anything that comes between us, we can take it on.

What about Grayson? Before today, I thought I couldn't break up with him, but now I know I want to be there for him as a friend, but I can't keep lying to him, and I can't be with him.

Because of the way I feel when I'm with you.


We're gonna be late for the bus.

We should go.


Your father would be very proud of you.

Drake and I couldn't have done it without your help.

Well, I'm glad I finally earned your trust.