02x24 - (D) Katsuki Bakugo: Origin

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x24 - (D) Katsuki Bakugo: Origin

Post by bunniefuu »


Those are my moves!

While I spent all my

time getting groomed

at that useless internship he--!


I don't know what's up

with your power,

but I saw the way you're

using it and you should know,

it's seriously pissing me off.

[KATSUKI] I won't have

another half-assed win

like the festival.

We'll be getting

individual scores

in the upcoming finals.

New rankings.

[KATSUKI] So we'll all know

exactly where we're standing.

I'll show you how

much better I am.

[buzzer blares]


Team Midoriya and Bakugo:

practical exam. Ready, go!


I have to talk to him.

We're a team. We should

be discussing this.

Communication is the key here.

Kacchan, listen.

For this exam, the teacher's the

villain and we're the heroes,

so we need a solid plan.

Normally, I'd suggest that

we analyze the villain's

combat ability and

choose to fight them

or run away based on that.

But in this case,

the villain is All Might,

so we don't need

to think about it

because combat is

out of the question.

It'd be impossible

to beat him in a fight.

It's a really bad idea, Kacchan!

Stop following me.



All Might is probably

waiting for us

on this main road. We

should take another route.

I'm not gonna run away

from this fight.

It'll look better if we blast

that smile off his face.

[IZUKU sighs]


We should avoid fighting him

no matter what it takes.

I'm gonna toy with him

until the time is almost up,

and then knock him

unconscious for real.

[IZUKU] Why do things always

have to be so difficult

between me and Kacchan?

I don't have time to worry

about upsetting him.

Think about this!

You know what All Might can do!

Even with those handicap

weights, it's impossible

for you to win in

a fight against him.

[IZUKU grunts]

I don't wanna hear another word.

Just because you think

you're getting stronger

doesn't mean you get

to tell me what to do.


Oh, dear.

There's absolutely no

teamwork between those two.

Don't they realize the

trial ahead of them?

Here we go.


I am here to test them.


Wait, Kacchan!

All I'm trying to do is

get us to pass the final!

This is for both of us.

I told you, we don't need

your dumb power to pass!

I can win it all by myself!

Will you stop yelling?!

This is why we never

have real conversations!

[KATSUKI, IZUKU gasp, yell]

[ALL MIGHT] Who really cares

if I destroy this city?


What? When did he get...


What? How is he...


...so intimidating?



If you think of this as an exam

and not a real fight,

you'll be sorry.

I'm a villain now, heroes.

Remember that.

You'd better come at me

with everything you've got.

I won't pull my punches!

It's over if we

fight him head on.

Let's run!

Don't tell me what to do!

Kacchan, no!

How about a Stun Grenade?

[KATSUKI] You want everything

I've got, All Might?

Like that wasn't my plan.

I never--

...hold back, dammit!




Ow, ow, ow!

Normally, if you

grab someone's face,

they reflexively try to

pull your hand off of it.

Guess this kid

really is concerned

only with defeating me,

no matter the cost.


[ALL MIGHT] Your rapid-fire

blasts were weak--

hardly more than a sting.

Where are you going?

[IZUKU gasps]

Don't think I've forgotten

about you already,

Young Midoriya.

Are you really going to leave

your teammate here and run away?

[IZUKU] Why does he remind me

of the Hero k*ller right now?

[ALL MIGHT] Uh-uh. Do you

think that's going to work?

Ah-- Move it!


[BOTH yelp]


One wants to defeat All Might.

The other thinks

only of running.

The latter probably

admires the man too much.

To Izuku Midoriya,

All Might is like

a god. Untouchable.

It's true that I don't know

much about this other boy.

but based on his grades

and the sports festival,

he has amazing combat sense.

I wonder why he's in

such a rush to win this.




Outta the way.

Haven't you been

listening to me?

It'd be insane to

fight him head on!

Shut up, scum. I will win this.

That's what it means

to be a hero, Deku!


Wow! Look!

I can't believe how

awesome All Might is!

[IZUKU] At the very least, we

should be trying to avoid him!

Get your hands offa me.


Incoming, heroes!

I have a special gift for

the one who wants to run!


[KATSUKI groans]



[KATSUKI grunts]

[KATSUKI] Hey! Did you

see what he just did?

Man, it doesn't get any

cooler than All Might!

He'll beat those

villains, even though

they're fighting

him four to one!

He's the best! Y'see that?

I bet he'll dodge

and then punch!

They'll think

they've won, then--

Ha! Oh! Ah!

Look! He totally stomped 'em!

That's why he's the greatest.

No matter how much trouble

he's in, he's always the winner.

[KATSUKI grunts]


You may be a jerk,

but I get it.

You always have one

goal that you fight for

in everything you do.

You make sure that

you're the winner.

And honestly, I always

admired you for that!

Ha! I know why you're

so angry, Young Bakugo.

Because of Young Midoriya's

sudden improvement, right?

But you have to remember

each of your rankings

when the year first began.

It's much easier to level up

when you're a novice.

You're wasting

your full potential.

Do you see that?

Do you understand me?

You still have so much

room to grow stronger, boy.

And I don't just

mean your Quirk.


Shut up, All Might.

If I'm so bad that

I have to get help

from a weakling like him...

...then I'd rather lose this.

Do you hear me?


I see.

Just remember that's

what you said, hero.


Damn it!

Don't you dare say

that you'd rather lose!

Let's win this, Kacchan!

[KATSUKI grunts]


I didn't expect Young Midoriya

to swoop in like that.

I let my guard down.

Man, did they have

to make these so heavy?


Drop me, you bastard.

I got you.

I told you to

put me down, dammit!



[IZUKU] Kacchan, I really

can't think of a way

for us to beat All Might.

Or to make a clean

getaway without him

swooping in and stopping us.



But before you give up,

we can at least

try using my power!

You can't say you're

okay with losing.

You're you because

you never give in.

You're always fighting.


Stupid! You're a first grader!

You apologize when you

bump into someone older!

Yeah, we're gonna tell Yocchan!

You'll pay for this tomorrow!

[BOYS gasp]

You're gonna regret this!

[KATSUKI sniffs] Ha, I didn't

bump into you losers.

You were the ones

who bumped into me.


Wow, Kacchan!

You fought against two

big fourth graders and won!



The most amazing

hero always wins.

In the end, they come out

on top, no matter what!

[IZUKU] "The most amazing

hero always wins."

You've been saying those words

since we were little kids.

How can you give up now?




[KATSUKI] I won't say it again,

so listen, you useless nerd.

All Might's speed is insane.

No matter where you

try to run and hide,

there's no way you'll

avoid fighting him.

Yeah, but we don't stand

a chance in combat.

I mean, you saw him back there!

Shut the hell up

before I k*ll you!


[KATSUKI] He won't be

stopped by anything less

than a full-power attack.

I learned that earlier

with my mini blasts.


[ALL MIGHT] Where did

Young Midoriya run off to?

Since he's hiding, does

that mean he's planning

to make a break for

the escape gate?

You're going the wrong way!

[ALL MIGHT] That supposed

to be a sneak attack?


This is pissing me off.

[KATSUKI] Can't believe I'm

working with someone like you.

Someone who shouldn't

even be here!




We give him everything we've

got at point-blank range.

Our only option is

to inflict damage

and then put some

distance between us.

So, that's their game.

sh**t now!

This is our chance.

I'm sorry, All Might!



My shoulder!

Jeez. He really uses this thing?


Run, you idiot!

Oh. Right!

[IZUKU] Don't you dare say

that you'd rather lose!

Let's win this, Kacchan!


Ow. They got me.

A compromise between

running and fighting.

That's pretty decent for

an impromptu strategy.

[ALL MIGHT] They also limited

the damage to the city

by aiming toward places

I'd already demolished

when the exam started.

I think I taught them to do that

in their very first

combat training.

[ALL MIGHT coughs]


I see, now.

Both those boys are

actually pretty darn clever.

The problem is that

they lose all sense

when it comes to each other.


Envy. Hate. Competition.

Awe. Rejection. Pride.

From what I can tell,

they have so many

complicated feelings

about each other piled up

that they don't even know

how to interact anymore.

[ALL MIGHT coughs]

[ALL MIGHT] It's not the kind of

thing that can be resolved

in a single test. But I'm

sure their cooperation here

will mean big things

for them in the future.

This is just the first step.

A starting point.

Now then, students.

As your teacher, it's time

for me to school you.

We're almost there.

We just have to make it to

the gate. A little further!

It looks kinda ridiculous,

but if we can get through,

we pass the final exam!



All Might's first

attack was from

the middle of the fake city.

but it reached all

the way to the gate?

What the hell is that power?

[IZUKU] It doesn't look like

All Might is chasing us.

Don't tell me we actually

knocked him out back there.

Of course not.

You're the one who

keeps crying about

how it's impossible

to actually beat him.

There's no way that

attack KO'd him.

When he catches up to us,

it'll be my turn

to blast him to hell

with a gauntlet.

[ALL MIGHT] Interesting.

And then what will you do?



Don't tell me you're surprised.

[IZUKU grunts]


He's too fast for us!

[ALL MIGHT] Unfortunately,

I've got these weights on,

so I'm nowhere near

my top speed.



All right, heroes.

It's time for you both to die.



That's my line!

[BOTH whimpering]

[BOTH gasping]

[ALL MIGHT] Ah. Well,

isn't that wonderful, boys.

You cooperated,

however reluctantly,

and faced me together.

Sadly, that's not enough.

Cooperation wasn't an option:

it was a prerequisite

for this exam.

[KATSUKI] He's got overwhelming

speed with strength

and stamina I can't

hope to match.

He's not just powerful.

He <i>is</i> power.

I realize that even more now

that I've faced him myself.

This man is the most

unstoppable force in the world.

He's the greatest hero on Earth.

Damn it!

What kind of face

is that to make,

Young Midoriya?

[IZUKU yelps]

[ALL MIGHT] You planned

to get away from me using

maximum firepower and then make

a run for the escape gate.

It wasn't a terrible strategy,

all things considered.

But now that I've destroyed

Young Bakugo's gauntlets,

you've lost your heavy

attack. You're helpless.

This is over.

Shut up!



[ALL MIGHT groans]

[KATSUKI grunts]

Get ready to fly.


I don't like the

idea of running,

but with the crapfest

we're in right now,

this is the only way

--to pass the practical.

--[IZUKU] Hey, wait! What are...

Now, die!




What? Are you serious?!

[KATSUKI grunts]



All Might is still

flying through the air.

I might be able to reach it!


New Hampshire Smash!

Damn it!


[ALL MIGHT] Come now, you're

being too naive, heroes!

[KATSUKI] Those gauntlets

were only so I could use

maximum firepower with no risk.



But now I see that was stupid.

If I don't take any risks,

there's no way I can beat you.

Right, All Might?

[IZUKU] Another huge blast like

he used at the sports festival!

That's two of them!

Deku, Go! Hurry up!

[IZUKU grunts]


My back is messed up.

I can still move

better than you.

Even if you are learning

to use your pathetic power.

At least try to make

yourself useful, you moron!

[KATSUKI grunting]

[IZUKU] I'll keep going,

even if it hurts.

If I head toward

the gate, then All Might

will have to stop me

before I can get there.

Which means Kacchan can

take advantage of that.



It's time to sleep.

Goodnight, Young Bakugo.

I'm sorry.

I may be the villain,

but I'm still your teacher,

and it pains me to see you

sacrifice your own

body in a fight.

What the--


Hurry up. Go, you damn nerd.

I'll keep fighting.

I'll break myself.

Even if there's

nothing left of me,

I will win the way I want to.

I'll destroy myself

before I accept defeat

at your hands.

You got that?



[ALL MIGHT gasps]

Don't tell me--

[ALL MIGHT] Whenever you're

scared or nervous about a fight,

just try and deal

with it by smiling!

Please get out of the way.

Move, All Might!



[ALL MIGHT coughs]

I won't--



He's unconscious.

I'm sorry, Kacchan,

but this is just who I am.



He easily could have shot

through the gate himself

and passed the exam

for them both.


You hit me with everything

you had, huh, kid?


I shouldn't be surprised.

This is how you've been

from the beginning.

You can't help but save

those who need rescuing.

Even if they aren't

asking you for any help.

And at times like that,

there isn't an obstacle

hard enough to stop you.


That's right, Young Midoriya.

That's the kind of hero

you've always been.


Team Midoriya and Bakugo

have passed the exam.

All matches for the

practical portion

of Class -A's final

have now been completed.



Thank you very much,

Recovery Girl,

I think I feel better.

All Might, you really don't

know how to hold back.

If you'd hit these

boys any harder,

they'd have permanent damage!

Midoriya's back was horrible.

I was barely able to heal it.


[RECOVERY GIRL] Bakugo probably

won't wake up for a while.

For now, the two of you

should stay here and rest.


Yes, ma'am. Thanks again.

[ALL MIGHT] You're so

much stronger than when

we first met that sometimes

I hardly recognize you,

Young Midoriya. And

the same goes for you.

Young Bakugo, do you realize

that you were able to smile

in the face of defeat?

[ALL MIGHT] I can't wait

to see how much stronger

you both get.

[IZUKU] So much happened

this school year.

Some of us found our weaknesses,

and learned to move past them.

Some of us learned what

it really takes to be a hero.

Some of us tasted failure.

We struggled with our

own powerlessness.

Then we moved toward

bright new goals.

[IZUKU] And so, with these

bittersweet feelings,

our final exams ended.

[KUROGIRI] Are you curious,

Tomura Shigaraki?

About this boy?

--Izuku Midoriya.

--[door bell jingles]



Your "League of Villains"

has been the talk of the town

for the last several days.

Word on the streets is you're

about to start something big.


And? Who did you bring?



[DABI] So it's really you, huh?

I've seen you in pictures.

But I gotta say, you're

way grosser in person.

Wow, it's the weird hand guy!

You're friends with my hero,

Stain, right? Cool!

Let me join the league!

I wanna be in your group!

[IZUKU] Our enemies are gearing

up for the third round.

Every time we drive them back,

they return stronger.


Here's the preview!

While hanging at the mall,

I get an unexpected visitor.


Tell me something.


What? Tomura Shigaraki?


What's the difference between

me and the Hero k*ller?

Aren't we doing the same thing?

So why is everyone obsessed

with him instead?

Tell me, Midoriya. Why?


Next time: "Encounter."


Oh, I get it now.

As usual, everything

is All Might's fault.


Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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