02x25 - (D) Encounter

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x25 - (D) Encounter

Post by bunniefuu »

Kurogiri, get rid of these two.

I can already tell

they're exactly the
kind of trash I hate.

A brat and a guy
with no manners.

Now, now, Tomura Shigaraki.

They came all this way,
the least we can do

is hear them out.
Give them a chance.

Besides, this broker is
respected in the underworld.

They're bound to be
valuable assets.

Like 'em or not, you still
owe me a finder's fee.

In cash.

I suppose I could
introduce the two of 'em

before I go.

This one looks like an adorable
high school girl, right?

She's actually the suspect
in a series of deaths

where the victims all bled out.

So far, her name and face have
been kept out of the media.

Toga, here. Himiko Toga!

Life is too hard.

I just wanna make it easier
to live in this dumb world.

I wanna be Mr. Stainy!

I wanna k*ll Mr. Stainy.

C'mon, handy-man,
please let me join

your League of Villains!

You gotta be kidding me.

Is she crazy?

Well, she can
hold a conversation.

For the most part, at least.

C'mon, she could be useful.

And this guy--

Hasn't committed
any flashy crimes,

but he's taken Stain's
ideology to heart.

I don't like this.

Is your group really dedicated
to the Hero k*ller's mission?

I can't imagine you
are if you're gonna

let this little psycho join you.


Grow up.

She may be a psycho,
but at least she knows

how to introduce
herself to people.

Don't just stare.
What's your name?

Right now I'm goin' by Dabi.

[SHIGARAKI] No, I want
to know your real name.

I'll tell you when
you need to know it.

In any case,

my new purpose is to carry
out the Hero k*ller's will.

[SHIGARAKI] That wasn't what
I asked you, patchwork.

Jeez. Why is everyone
so hung up on Stain?

He's all I ever hear about.

--[KUROGIRI] No, don't do it.
--[SHIGARAKI] Every damn day.

It's really pissing me off.

You two are done.

[KUROGIRI] Please calm
yourself, Tomura Shigaraki.

If your desire
is to be realized,

then we must
increase our numbers.

Now that we're in the spotlight,
our chance is at hand.

I advise you to be
more accepting.

You must use them
and the ideology

Stain has left behind.

I'm outta here.

Where are you off to?

Shut up!

[door slams]

I try to make it a point not
to complain about a client,

but he's too young.
And far too immature.

Really thought he was
gonna k*ll us for a sec!

That guy makes me wanna vomit.

[KUROGIRI] Shall we get back
to you about recruitment

at a later date? I believe our
leader knows what he has to do.

That's why he left as he did.

He understands
his circumstances.

All Might, then
the Hero k*ller--

He's been humbled
twice very recently.

I'm sure he will
bring you an answer.

One that will satisfy both of
you, as well as his own desires.


I'm looking forward to
hearing all your stories

of how fun camp was.

Maybe they'll end up
letting you go!

There might be a last-minute
twist or somethin'.

Stop, Midoriya.

By saying that out loud,
you're just jinxing them.

[KAMINARI] They said whoever
failed the exams would

have to skip training camp
and live in summer school hell.

We didn't pass the practicals,
so we're doomed.

Don't you understand, Midoriya?!

Or did All Might knock
all the brains outta you?

Ease up, Kaminari.

I'm not sure I'll
get to go, either.

Our team only passed
thanks to Mineta.

I got knocked out,
and since we don't know

how they're scoring stuff,
I might have flunked.

At least bring us back lots
of camp souvenirs, please?

Once the bell rings you
should be in your seats.


Unfortunately, there
are a few of you

who did not pass
your final exams.

So, when it comes to the
training camp in the woods...

Everyone is going!

It's a last-minute twist!

We really get to go to camp?



The good news is that no one
bombed the written exam.

Five failed the practical badly.

Two teams, of course,
and then Sero failed as well.

Aw! Crap, I knew it.

Mineta made it to the gate, but
I didn't do near enough to pass.

Allow me to explain.

For the practical battles,
the teachers made sure

to leave a way for
the students to win.

Otherwise, you never would
have stood a chance.

We were interested in
observing how you each

worked together and
approached the task at hand.

But didn't you promise
that the teachers

wouldn't be holding back?

[AIZAWA] That was just
to get you on edge.

Besides, the training camp
will focus on building

your strength. Those who failed
need those lessons the most.

We were never going
to separate you.

That was just a logical
deception we used.

"A logical deception?"

He tricked us all.

I should have expected this.

Mr. Aizawa, this is the
second time you've lied to us.

Aren't you afraid
we'll lose faith in you?

Uh, a little blunt there, Tenya.

That's a good point.
I'll consider it.

But I wasn't lying to
you about everything.

Failure is failure.

We've prepared extra lessons
for the five of you.

Frankly, they'll be far tougher
than what you'd face

at summer school.

This is gonna be great.

I'm so glad we're
all going together.

Looks like we'll be at the
training camp a full week.

I've gotta find
a bigger suitcase.

Yeah, I don't even
have a bathing suit.

Guess I need to buy some stuff.

Like night vision goggles!

Guys, since we're off tomorrow

and we finally finished exams,
I have the best idea!

Why doesn't Class -A
go shopping together!

Hey, yeah!

We've never hung out
as a class before.

Bakugo. See you there, right?

I can't think of
anything more annoying.

Will you come, Todoroki?

I visit my mom on days off.

You party poopers!

Don't you ever get tired
of being so serious?

Oh, man, do I love this place.

It's got a ton of different
stores to shop at,

and they're all
super cool and hip.

The Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall!

They carry designs
for all body types,

and have a range of gear for
everyone from teens to seniors.

You're going to scare
the children. Stop.

Whoa! Aren't those UA students?!


I saw 'em on TV!

The sports festival was so good!

[laughs] I can't believe
they still remember that.

I wanna track down
a new duffel bag

to bring to summer training.

Oh, yeah?

Maybe the two of us
should browse together.

Let's see, where can
I get a lockpicking kit

and a small drill.

Guess I should probably buy some
outdoorsy shoes for this thing.

Oh, that's smart, me, too!

The guide said your shoes

should already be
broken in, though.

But, wait.

Perhaps it's a
mistake not to factor

utility into the equation.

[KIRISHIMA] So, then, why don't
we split up and look around?

We can meet here again
when we're done.

Great idea!


Let's say we're all
back around three?

Sounds good!

Looks like it's just
you and me left.


So, what are you
gonna shop for today?

I wanna find a few
heavier wrist weights

so I can up my training.

I mostly just need bug spray.

Is it... because you like him?

Yep. Gotta keep
those pests away!

Do you mean, me?

You're so stupid, Aoyama.

That's not it at all!

I don't think...

We came here as a class,
but here I am... by myself.

Oh, it's someone from UA, nice.

I want an autograph.


You were the one
who got beat to hell

at the sports festival, right?

Uh, yeah.

Wow, UA's so amazing.

I can't believe how many people

watched the matches
and still remember us.

[SHIGARAKI] Aren't you one
of the students who ran

into the Hero k*ller in
the Hosu incident, too?

You're practically famous.

You sure do know a lot.

What can I say--I'm just
a big fan of yours.

I can't believe I'm
running into you again.


It makes me think

that it might not
be a coincidence.

No, no. This feels
like it's destiny.

[SHIGARAKI] Oh, right.
From your point of view,

we haven't met since
the attack on UA.


Why don't we spend
some time catching up?

Izuku Midoriya.

Tomura Shigaraki!

What meaning is there to k*lling

if you don't have
real convictions?

Just wait, Hero k*ller.

These people think they're safe,
like nothing can harm them.

I don't know if they're
naive or just ignorant.

People are getting
k*lled somewhere

at this very moment, but
these idiots keep smiling.

Like they don't have
a care in the world.

Hero k*ller gear!

Are they really selling this?

[GUY E] You'll get into so
much trouble if you buy that.

Sure, but how does it look?

Oh, cool.

[camera shutter clicks]

But, on the other hand,

you've got sympathizers

who couldn't care less
about your ideals.

And yet, they still follow you.

What's up with that?

Aren't we doing the
same thing? You and me?

In the end, you destroy things
you hate, just like I do.

[VOICE screaming]

[SHIGARAKI] So what gives?
What's the difference?

Act natural. Don't make a scene.

I'm just an old friend who
ran into you at the mall.

Calm down and wipe
that look off your face.

I think we should have
a conversation, is all.

A friendly chat.

Oh, and of course, if you try
to run or fight me in any way...

Well, it'll be fast.

Soon as all five of my
fingers touch your neck,

your throat'll be
the first thing

that disintegrates.

In a matter of seconds,
you'll be nothing more

than dust and powdered bone.

[IZUKU] If you do that here
where there are so many people,

a hero will come and
catch you in no time.

You couldn't escape.

I don't doubt that.

But just look at these sheep.

Any one of them could
use their Quirks

and start a m*ssacre
whenever they wanted.

And yet they're
all here, smiling.

They think laws and
rules will protect them,

because they assume everyone
has their same morals.

They're convinced nothing bad
could ever happen to them.

After you I could k*ll ...

... ...

Maybe even more
before a pro showed up

and managed to stop me.

I get it. Let's talk.

[SHIGARAKI chuckles]
This is nice. A real moment.

Let's go grab a seat and get
comfortable, why don't we?

When it comes down to it,

I hate basically everything.

But the Hero k*ller pisses
me off the most right now.

Isn't he one of your guys?

[SHIGARAKI] Not technically,
but that's what the media

made it look like. And
that's what my problem is.

It's like suddenly,
everyone is obsessed

with that stupid Hero k*ller.

The attack on UA, the Nomus

I released on Hosu--
he upstaged all of it.

No one's even giving
me a second thought.

Why is that?

Despite what he
claims to believe,

all he really did was try to
get rid of whatever things

he didn't like.

What do you think the
difference is between us?


[OCHACO sighs]

Ugh, I can't just run away
every time I get flustered.

[OCHACO] I bet Deku was
really confused by that.

I feel bad leaving him behind.


I should go back
and apologize. Right?

Just go talk to him.
All alone. No big deal.

Yeah! No problem.

It's not like I
wanna spend all day

shopping with him
or anything weird.

I mean, sure,
I think he's amazing

'cause he tries so
hard to be a hero.

But it's not like I
like him. He's my friend!

What Aoyama said was ridiculous!

[IZUKU] What's the difference?
I don't understand <i>you</i> .

Your goals and your villains...

I don't agree with
anything you do.

I don't agree with
the Hero k*ller either.

But I can understand him.
At least, sort of.

Because the Hero k*ller and I
have something in common.

We're inspired by All Might.

[STAIN] Everything that I do
is to create a stronger society.

That night,

he even saved me
from the flying Nomu.

He's a maniac, but he
doesn't destroy things

just because it sounds fun.

[SHIGARAKI] It's game over
for real this time.

Let's go home.

[IZUKU] And when things
were looking bad for him,

he didn't abandon his
mission like you did.

Even if the way he
acted was wrong,

he held true to his beliefs.
That's the difference.

[SHIGARAKI] Ah... That's like
a weight off my chest.

I see it now...
All the dots connected.

Why he makes me so angry,
why you irritate me so much--

Everything makes sense.

It's him. The problem
is All Might.

[IZUKU gasps]

Yeah, yeah. That's it.

That's the most
rational explanation.

[laughs] I didn't see it,

even though it was right in
front of me the whole time.

What was I worrying
about so much?

It's simple.

He's why these morons are
able to smile thoughtlessly!

[SHIGARAKI] They feel so safe
because that garbage pro

is smiling thoughtlessly,
too, as if there's no one

in the whole world
he can't save.

Oh, I'm glad we had this chat.

I feel better. I can't
thank you enough, Midoriya.

I don't need to change
my ways after all.

Whoops, don't struggle, now.
Unless you want to die.

You want all these people
here to crumble as well?

[SHIGARAKI] You know, it's
really ironic, Hero k*ller.

I'm your opposite,
but you let me live.

And now your ideals
and convictions

will become a stepping
stone for me.

Uh, Deku?

Is this a friend of yours?

Or, no, wait a minute--

Uh, hey. Let go of him.

[gasps] This is nothing,
everything's fine!

Stay back! No closer!

[IZUKU gasps]

Oh, you were here
with a friend?

I didn't know. Sorry about that.

If you try following me,
I'll get angry.

[IZUKU coughing]


Hold on, Shigaraki.

[gasps] Shigaraki?

I have a question, too.
What is All For One after?

Who knows, really.

But here's a little
word of advice, friend.

Be careful. The
next time we meet,

I'll likely have to k*ll you.


What meaning is there to k*lling

if you don't have
real convictions?

I had convictions and ideals

from the beginning, Hero k*ller.

I just didn't know.
Nothing has changed.

The only real difference is

now I know what
I'm working toward.

[SHIGARAKI] To create a
world without All Might

and to prove how
fragile society's

sense of safety really is.

That's what drives me.

From this day forward,

I will call it my conviction.

There is only one man
I'll let k*ll me.

The true hero among you fakes.

All Might is worthy!

Everything is All Might's fault.

Uraraka reported the incident

and the shopping mall
was temporarily closed.

The heroes and police in the
area conducted a massive sweep.

But they couldn't
find Shigaraki.

Later that day, I was taken
to the police station.

Mr. Tsukauchi,
who is investigating

the League of Villains,
interviewed me.

I told him everything
I could about Shigaraki's

appearance and the
conversation we had.

Huh. From what I'm
hearing, it sounds like

they're not a
monolithic organization.

And it sounds like his
desire to defeat All Might

hasn't changed a bit.

Anyway, thanks for
the report, Midoriya.

This helps.

Oh, sure.

I just wish there was some way
I could've detained him.

Don't worry. You did a great job

holding it together when so
many lives were on the line.

Most people would've panicked

and lost their cool
in that situation.

No one got hurt today because
you were able to remain calm.

Young Midoriya! Tsukauchi!


All Might? But, how?

I needed to talk to him anyway.

[ALL MIGHT] What a relief.
I'm so glad you're okay.

I'm sorry I couldn't be there
to protect you and the others.

It's fine.

Um, All Might.

Yeah, what is it?

Do you ever have times
when you can't save

all the people that you want to?

Yes, I do. And often.

Someone could be
injured and calling out

for my help anywhere
in the world right now,

and I would never know about it.

I know it's frustrating,
but we're only human.

There will always be
people beyond our reach

that we can't protect.

But that's all the more reason
to stand tall and smile.

So that the "Symbol of
Justice" is always there.

Even when I can't be,
a flicker in people's hearts,

whether they be
a hero or a villain.

[TSUKAUCHI] The kid's worried
about what Shigaraki said.

But that was likely the
villain's resentment talking.

All Might here has never failed

to save someone after
arriving at an emergency.

Think we've got
everything we need,

so you're good.
We're all done here.



Izuku! Baby!

I can't do this anymore.

I don't think my heart
can handle another scare.

I'm sorry. Everything's fine.

I'm okay, Mom.
There's no need to cry.

The heroes and the
police have been taking

really good care
of me all night.

[TSUKAUCHI] Sansa. Make sure
they get home safe.


This time, at least,
it appears to have been

a coincidental meeting.

But there's still
a pretty big possibility

that he or another student will
be targeted in the future.

Of course, we'll continue
to be on high alert here,

but the school should be ready
to take drastic measures.

The stronger the light shines,
the greater the darkness.

I think that, for the
good of the students,

you should consider
leaving UA, All Might.

I've just gotten started.

I mean, it's only been
three months of teaching.

Heh. I told you before

that you weren't cut out for it.

[ALL MIGHT grumbles]

All For One again.

This time we have
to capture him.

One more fight.

I'm counting on
you again, Tsukauchi.


[IZUKU] From the entrance
exam to the fitness test,

combat training, the
League of Villains' attack,

the sports festival.

our internships and
the Hosu incident,

and finally, our exams.

A lot has happened,

but my first semester
at UA is over.

Summer is about to begin.

Though, that doesn't
mean we can just

ignore our training.

All of us need to be
prepared for the evil

lurking around the corner.

Because that's how we'll
become true heroes.

We don't have time
to stand around.

We have to keep running
toward our goals.

[DOCTOR] Hm, you seem
oddly happy today, Master.

Is it because the
League of Villains' roster

continues to grow steadily?

[MASTER coughs]
That's not why, Doctor.

It's because Tomura Shigaraki

has finally found
his conviction.

The League of Villains
needs people

who will get behind
his principles.

I'll leave all of the
decisions to him for now.

If he asks for help,
then of course,

I'll step in and guide him.

That's not a problem,
as I see it.

In fact, I've been
waiting for the day

when he seeks my aid.

I'm preparing for him
to become the next me.

My successor.
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