02x20 - (D) Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x20 - (D) Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past

Post by bunniefuu »


I know I wasn't here long,

but thanks for everything.


I don't think there's any

reason for you to thank me.

I wasn't around when the

really big stuff happened.

Sure, but the only reason

I was able to stand up

against Stain at all

was because of our sparring

and your wise instructions.

Ow! Ow, ow!

You survived, yes,

but only because

the Hero k*ller let you.


Well, at least you learned

to channel your power

instead of relying

on one monster smash.

Even though you did still manage

to get a stress

fracture in your arm.

I know what happened.

You went well over your limit.

I thought we agreed

you were only

supposed to use five percent.

You're too impatient,

and when you lose focus,

you lose control, too!

You must always

be calm and alert.


I'm sure you know this, but,

if you're really aiming

to become the greatest hero

like All Might,

then you've still got

a heck of a lot to learn,

boy, so keep at it.

Yes, sir!

See ya 'round.



I've got a question.

Please. Just one more.

I've been wondering for a while,

but never found

a good time to ask.

I mean, now's not the best

time either, but here I am...

Out with it now.

I've got pastries to eat.

Even though you're really

strong and you trained

the number one hero

in the world yourself,

no one knows you.

You should be super famous.

But you're... not.

Is there a specific

reason for that, or what?

Oh, that's an easy one.

I was just never that interested

in working as a pro hero.




There was a point in my past

when I needed to be able

to use my Quirk freely,

without limits.

That's the only reason

I got my license.

It might be better

to hear this from Toshi.

All Might, I mean.

He can explain everything

better than me.

[gasps] Yeah, okay.

That's it, kid.

Keep workin' hard.

[IZUKU] Yes, sir!

Thank you very much again.

Bye for now.


So he's the future, huh?

He may not look or act like him,

but he's still

just like Toshinori.


The man chosen by my friend.

The man who inherited

One For All.

Who became the very best.


Hey, boy!

Who are you?



Oh, well, I'm, uh,

Izuku Midoriya.


That's not right.

I'm Deku!


Let's you and me watch

over him together, Toshinori.

Until the day you

pass on into history.

Until the day that the hero

"Deku" is celebrated

around the world as

the new Symbol of Peace.

[BOTH laughing]

[BOTH] Holy crap!

What the heck, Bakugo?

Stop laughing!

My hair's gotten used to this

and I can't get it

back the right way.

Did you not hear me?

I'll k*ll you both.

[SERO] I'd like to see

ya try, pretty boy.

What'd you call me?!


Hey, there it goes!

Awesome! You got to

face actual villains?

I'm super jealous!

Well, I didn't fight.

All I did was help people

evacuate and provide

logistical support.

[ASHIDO] But it still

sounds like so much fun.

I spent basically the

whole time training

and cleaning the ship deck.

Though, there was

this one day we caught

a bunch of drug smugglers.


Okay, that's cool!

What about you, Ochaco?

How was your week?

I'd say that it was

very enlightening.

I think she found

her fighting spirit.

Yeah, that battle hero

must've been something else.

After one week she's like

a totally different person.

Different? Don't be

fooled, Kaminari.

All women are demons at heart.

They just hide their

true personalities

behind pretty faces.

[KAMINARI] What the heck

did Mt. Lady do to you?

Everyone at my

internship loved me--

it was actually kinda great.

Now, if you wanna talk about

the ones who really changed,

it was those three.

Oh, yeah! The Hero k*ller!

Glad you guys made it

back alive. Seriously.

I worried about you, too.

You were lucky

Endeavor showed up

and saved you guys.


So cool.

Just what I'd expect from

the number two hero!

Yeah, that's right. He saved us.

[OJIRO] Did you guys hear

the news about the Hero k*ller?

Everyone's been saying

that he was somehow

connected to the

League of Villains.

Can you imagine how

frightening it would've been

if that creep had been there

when they att*cked the USJ?


He's scary, yeah.

But did you see him

in that weird video?

It's all over the internet.

I didn't even know there

was a video of him.


Stain's a pretty evil villain,

but, like, super tenacious.

He's almost kinda cool,

don'tcha guys think?


Uh-- Oh! Dude!

No, it's okay. You're fine.

It is true that he's quite

a tenacious villain.

I understand why people

might think he was cool.

But instead of

helping the world,

his beliefs led him

to cold-blooded m*rder.

No matter his motives,

k*lling cannot be condoned.

To keep anyone else

from suffering like me,

well, I promise:

I will strive to be

the perfect hero.

Yeah. Let's do it!

It's time for class to begin!

Everyone, please

take your seats.


He's back.

This is your fault for

talking about weird stuff.

Sorry, I'm gonna

keep my mouth shut.

Until I'm able to call

myself a real hero,

I'll leave my

left hand as it is.


Way to go, Iida.


I am here!

Hope you're ready

to return to our lessons.

Today it's Hero Basic Training.

Feels like I haven't

seen you in a while.

Welcome back.

Now then.

Listen carefully for

what's in store.

We're going to be

conducting a little race.

Take everything you've learned

from your internships

and apply it to

this rescue training.

If it's rescue training,

then shouldn't

we be at the USJ instead?

[ALL MIGHT] Ah, that facility

specializes in disasters.

As I said earlier,

this is a race. So prepare.

You're about to step

into Field Gamma!

Inside is an area full

of factories that form

an intricate labyrinth,

so good luck

finding your way around.

You'll be competing

in groups of five.

Each person starts

from a different location

on the outskirts

of the model city.

I'll send a distress signal,

and you do what you must

to rescue me. Whoever

finds me first wins!

But try to keep

the property damage

to a bare minimum, please.

Why're you pointing at me?

[ALL MIGHT] All right. First

group, get to your places.

[KAMINARI] Iida hasn't

completely recovered yet, right?

He should sit this out.


Man, everyone in this group

has really good mobility.

Huh. I'd say Midoriya

is at a heavy disadvantage

against those four.

That's what I think.

Moving around quickly isn't

really one of his strong suits,

that's for sure.


And whenever he uses his powers

he always gets badly injured.

Who's your pick?

I'm bettin' on Sero.

Oh, yeah? I got odds on Ojiro.

I choose Ashido.

'Cause she's got a

super athletic body.

I know Deku will be last.

Even if he's still recovering,

I think Iida's got this one.



Is everyone ready? Begin!


Look at 'im go!

In a maze like this,

it makes sense

to be above everything else.

So that means Sero's

at an advantage

because he can take to the sky.


It's like this course.

was built with me in mind.

With my new training, I can win!

[ALL MIGHT gasps]



Whoa, Midoriya?


Since when can he do that?


What, no way!


The way he's propelling himself

through the air...

Crazy. Those jumps--!

He looks just like...


Those are my moves!

While I spent my

time getting groomed

at that useless internship he--

Look at him.


Midoriya? Are you kidding me?

Shouldn't he be breaking

a bunch of bones?


Focus. I can do this.

Don't go above five percent!

[IZUKU] I've just gotta

stay calm and alert.



And it's over!

Thanks, hero!

And congratulations!

All right!

--Darn it!

--[TENYA] Midoriya.

Uh, you're okay, right?


I see.

When jumping in an area

with unstable footing,

I need to be careful

where it is I'm landing.

I'll have to remember that.

Young Sero may have

come in first,

but compared to the

start of the year,

you all showed me some

incredible improvements.

Keep working and preparing

for your upcoming final exams!




Group One, leave the field.

You're up, Group Two!


You surprised me.

That was incredible.

Find me after class.

We need to talk.

Um... Yes, sir.


The time has come for me

to tell you the whole truth.

About me.

And One For All.

[SATO] Ah, that was some

tough training today, huh?

It's the first class in a while

that had me glistening.

Man, I really gotta

work on my mobility.

You could also compensate

by improving other skills.

Still wish I could use

my Quirk for speed.

I'm jealous of guys

like you and Sero.


I wonder what he wants.

He sounded so intense.


Hey, Midoriya!

You won't believe

what I just found.

The jackpot!

Someone Shawshanked

a hole in this wall!

A previous generation

has given us a gift.

You know what's

next door, right?

This looks into the

girls' locker room!

Don't even think about it!

Peeping on them like

that would be criminal.

Then you'll have to throw me

in solitary confinement,

'cuz you can't stop me!

I wanna see Yaoyorozu's curves.

Ashido's slender waist.

Hagakure's floating underwear.

Uraraka's super-fine body.

Asui's unexpectedly

soft boobies!


That's Jiro's Earphone Jack!

What a brutal and precise

surprise attack from next door!


Ugh. Thanks, Kyoka.


We'll close up this

hole immediately.

[JIRO] Why am I the only one

he didn't say anything about?


My eye! My eye!

[school bell rings]


It's me, All Might.

Come have a seat.


He seems... different.

You went through a lot recently.

I'm sorry I wasn't

around to help you out.

[IZUKU] Oh, no. You don't

need to apologize for that.

More importantly...

Um, you mentioned

One For All earlier.

I heard that the Hero k*ller

swallowed your blood

in the attack.

Oh. Yeah.

His Quirk made him able

to paralyze someone

after tasting their blood.

Is that what this is about?

Do you remember how I

gave my power to you?

What I said that day?

"Eat this."

No, not that part.

I said the key was in my DNA.

That's why you had

to swallow the hair.


Oh, holy crap!

Don't tell me the Hero k*ller

has One For All now!

No, he doesn't.

I just thought you might be

worried about that, but...

I see it didn't cross your mind.

One For All can only be given

to another person

if you, the bearer,

intend to pass it along.

It's not something that

can just be taken by force.

Although it can be

transferred by force.

Kind of like this.


Here! You have to take it!


What kind of example is that?

[ALL MIGHT] The Quirk

you now have is unique,

and you should know its origin.

One For All was

derived from another

odd Quirk, a power

that's very old.

It used to be

something different?

The name of that

Quirk is "All For One."

It allowed its user to

take Quirks from others.

Then the user could keep

the Quirks for himself

or give them to someone else.

What? You mean...

He could steal powers?


This was back when Quirks

were just starting to show up.

Before society had figured

out how to deal with

the newly powered among them.

When Quirks first appeared,

suddenly, it was

impossible to say

what it meant to be

a "normal" person.

Laws and human rights

were hotly debated.

Civilization's progress stalled.

Society decayed.

[IZUKU] "If superpowers

had never appeared,

then humans would be

taking interstellar holidays

by this point."

I remember hearing that

from someone famous.



During that chaotic

period of change,

there was one person who managed

to rally many people together.

He went by the name

of his power, All For One.

He stole Quirks from others.

And then, with his

overwhelming abilities,

he spread his influence

across the country.

He manipulated people

to serve his purposes,

and committed evil acts

with little resistance.

In the blink of an eye,

he became the leader

of villains and

ruled over Japan.

[IZUKU] I've seen plenty of

rumors about this online, sure,

but isn't that all just made up?

It's not mentioned

in our textbooks.

Because it's the kind

of shameful history

people would rather ignore.

Anyway, when a person

gains true power,

they enjoy showing

it off to others.


How does this all

tie together, though?

And what about One For All?

[ALL MIGHT] I said that

All For One could give Quirks

to others, remember?

He made people trust him

or submit to his will

by altering their abilities.

But apparently, there

were many poor souls

who couldn't bear the burden

of the Quirks they were given.

They became like mindless living

dolls, incapable of speaking.

Just like the Nomus are.




some Quirks actually evolved

as they were passed on.

Some even combined

with other power sets.

This evil man had a

Quirkless younger brother.

He was small and sickly, but he

had a strong sense of justice.

They couldn't have

been more different.

It pained the brother

to see All For One's deeds,

so he kept resisting him.

And then, All For One

transfered a Quirk

to his sibling, one that would

allow him to stockpile power.

We don't know if it was a gift

he was giving his brother,

or if he just wanted

to force him to submit.

Don't tell me--



Even though everyone

thought he was Quirkless--

turns out, the brother

did have a Quirk.

Though even he hadn't

realized this to be the case.

He had a useless power

that only allowed him

to pass on Quirks.

And so, the stockpiling

ability merged

with the younger

brother's power,

and that is how

One For All came to be.

I've always found it ironic

that justice so often

spawns from evil.

[IZUKU] Wait, hold on!

I understand how One For All

came about now, but this bad guy

must be long dead by this point.

So why are you bringing him up?

One who steals Quirks

has no limits.

Anything's possible. There

are Quirks that halt aging.

He probably has

something like that.

The Symbol of Evil seemed

pretty much immortal.

With the state of the

world at the time

and the huge difference

in their combat abilities,

the younger brother

decided to entrust

this new Quirk to

future generations.

Even though he couldn't

defeat All For One,

he hoped One For All would

continue to grow in power,

until it was strong enough

to stop his older brother.

Eventually, it was

my turn, and I managed

to defeat All For One!

At least, that's what I thought.

But he survived and

is now back in action

as the brain behind

the League of Villains.


So, now you know.

The entire purpose of One for

All is to defeat All For One.

As its holder, you may

one day have to fight

against this great evil

yourself. Because I failed.

[ALL MIGHT] I know you

didn't expect this, but--


I'll do my best!

I'll do whatever you ask.

No matter what it might take.

As long as you're with me,

I can do anything!

I know you'll have my back!


Come on. Tell him.

He needs to know.


That's not how it'll happen.

Our futures are--


He won't understand.


Thank you.


I'm sorry, Young Midoriya.



By the time you face him, I

won't be by your side anymore.

[AIZAWA] Well, it's almost

time for summer vacation.

Don't get too excited.

You can't just relax

an entire month.

Does that mean...?

You'll be training while

you're camping in the woods.


I knew it! All right!

A big sleepover!




And s'mores!

Skinny dipping!

We've been training in cities,

so these will be very different

conditions for most of us.

No matter what the environment,

we must always remain vigilant.

Yes. Very wise.

[HAGAKURE] Hanging out with

everyone all summer--

I'm so excited!


Those of you who don't

pass the final exam

before the semester is over...

...will have summer school.

Everyone, do your best!

This is so stupid.

All you girls better

pass this thing!

[IZUKU] Even though what

All Might had to tell me

was mind-blowing, my daily

life is continuing as usual.

And despite everything,

my goals haven't changed.


Now that I think about it,

All Might didn't really say

anything specific about himself.


The Hero k*ller Stain.

I didn't think he'd get caught,

but everything else

went pretty much as expected.

Now that he's viral,

those who want

to wreak havoc or who

simply sympathize with him

will seek out the

League of Villains

as a way to satisfy their urges.

Tomura Shigaraki will

be put in a position

where he must unify

many new recruits.

[DOCTOR] I believe things

would move faster

if you were to talk to them

yourself, though, Master.

[MASTER chuckles]

[MASTER] Then you had better

hurry and fix my body, Doctor.


If only we'd gotten our hands

on the super regeneration

Quirk five years earlier.

Now that your wounds

are all healed,

it can't really do

anything to help you.

So he's to unite the

League of Villains.

I wonder if the child

can pull it off.

How much has he really grown?

He'll do well.

Even if I have to

work him to the bone.

It's the only way he'll

be able to take my place.

He was born with

the twisted mind

needed to become the next me.

I hope you're celebrating

while you can, All Might.

Because very soon,

this temporary peace

will come to a violent end.


Now, the preview!

Final exams are about to begin!

Ignoring the written test,

I wonder what the

practical will be like.



It looks like we'll be fighting

against giant robots again!

It'll be super easy!

[IZUKU] Ashido, I think they

changed it up this year.


Let's see.

It says students are

going to form pairs...

[IZUKU] ...and fight

against the teachers?

The pro heroes?

[ASHIDO] What the what?

We can't beat them!

[IZUKU] Next time:

"Gear up for Final Exams"!


Crap, I think I'm in trouble

for the written test, too!


Go beyond!


Plus Ultra!
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