02x16 - (D) Hero k*ller: Stain vs U.A. Students

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x16 - (D) Hero k*ller: Stain vs U.A. Students

Post by bunniefuu »

[IZUKU] We'll pass Hosu City.

I wonder how Iida's doing there.

[BOTH gasp]

[PASSENGERS screaming]


I want ya to stay

back, you hear me?!


Gran Torino!


Everyone, please! Remain calm!

Return to your seats!

The villain is no longer here!

More heroes will

arrive soon, I'm sure!


Keep them calm.

I'm going after him!


Hey, are you nuts?!

It's way too

dangerous out there!

[IZUKU] He looked different, but

there can't be that many people

with wild eyes and

brains spilling out.

Maybe Nomu's brother?

What is he doing in the city?

No time for detours or stairs.

Gotta put my training

to the test.


One For All... Full Cowling!


I've totally got this.


Gran Torino. Please be okay!


A villain! Run!

Where are all the pros?


[WOMAN screams]

I haven't fought this

earnestly in years.

Picked a fine time to patrol.

That's right! Bring it on, ugly!

[GRAN TORINO] He's fast.

But not faster than me.


No, stay away! Ah!


He's attacking at random.

Stop it, you stupid beast!

[ENDEAVOR] I was looking for

the elusive Hero k*ller,

but this thing will have to do.

Thanks, old timer.

I'm afraid I don't know you,

but I can handle this

from here on out.


It's you.

Whoa, look!

Why's he in Hosu?



Isn't it obvious?

I came because I'm a hero.

[PEOPLE screaming]

[IZUKU] They're probably at

the center of this craziness.

I don't get it. Why did

that guy look like Nomu?

If he's got insane

power like the one

All Might fought at the USJ,

this could be really bad.

It won't just be Gran Torino

in trouble, but the entire city!

That includes Iida.

He's interning here!

Crap, what do I do?

Come on, think.

How do I be the best

possible hero right now?





Where are you, Tenya?


[GIANT NOMU roars]


Oh, no. What are these things?

Manual! Stop the fire!


Yeah. Got it!


That's Manual. The Normal Hero!

Iida's at his agency!

Why'd run off by yourself?

Where the hell are you,

Tenya? Dammit.

[IZUKU] Wait, he went off alone?

Despite what's happening?

That doesn't sound like

something he'd do.

You're in the way, kid.

Get out of here.

Right. I'm so sorry!

[HERO A] We can hold these

things back on our own.

Evacuate with everyone else.


I could've used the extra hands!

[IZUKU] I can't believe

Tenya would run off

with such a huge disaster

right in front of him.

Hosu City... Guys who

look like Nomu...

Iida... Hosu...

Where the Hero

k*ller att*cked...

Don't tell me...

[HERO A] Dammit.

What are these things?

They're way too powerful!


Watch out, Fly!

Crap! What do we do now?


Are these really men?

Or are they actual monsters?

[SHIGARAKI] The Nomu make

such great play things.

[KUROGIRI] Are you not going

to participate in the fight?

[SHIGARAKI] Don't be stupid.

I'm still injured.

That's why I brought

those pets with us.

Master, how many

Nomu are completed?

[MASTER] I've finished adjusting

the behavior of six of them.

Though, they are not as strong

as the one from the USJ attack.


Give them to me.




don't like that arrogant

Hero k*ller you brought in.

And it's my right

to destroy anything

that I don't like,

right, Master?

[MASTER] Very well. However,

you may only have three.

Try to use this as a

learning experience.

[SHIGARAKI laughs]


Once this night is over,

the world will have forgotten

you ever existed, Hero k*ller.


A child wearing a suit.

Who are you?

[TENYA] I am the brother

of an incredible hero

who you att*cked.

He's the best older brother

that anyone could hope for.

I have come to stop you.

Because he can't anymore.

[INGENIUM] I want you to take

the name. For me, Tenya.

You're going to remember my

name for as long as you live.

I am Ingenium, and I will

defeat you. That, I promise!


Then so be it. Die.

For Tensei!


Ingenium. So you're brothers.

I let him live so he could

spread the good word.

Word of me.

You're a weakling.

Just like he was.

You aren't heroes. You have

no right to be called that.

Both of you are

nothing but fakes.


Shut up, villain.

You damaged his spine

and paralyzed him

from the waist down.

He's never gonna be able

to work as a pro hero again.

My brother was incredible.

A caring person who

saved many lives.

Someone people looked up to.

You had no right to take

that all away from him!


Tensei. I'm so proud of you.

You've become independent

at a very young age,

with many sidekicks

following you.

That's no easy feat

in these times.

Nah, they're not followers.

It's the opposite, Dad.

They support me 'cause

I'm not great on my own.

They're just looking out for me.

I honestly couldn't do

anything without them.

I need their support.

Of course, I'm working hard

so I can return the favor.

I'm not super

talented or anything,

but if I'm going to

call myself a hero,

then I have to live up to

that title and help people.


He is my hero.

My older brother

inspired my dream

that one day I could

be a pro, too!

I won't forgive you.

I'll k*ll you!

Shouldn't you be worried

about saving that guy?

[STAIN] So busy with your

grudge you forgot about him.

You plan on using your

Quirk only for yourself.

You're completely blinded by

a selfish desire for revenge.

You're about as far away from

being a hero as I can imagine.

And that's why

you'll die tonight.


My body... won't move!


Goodbye, child.

May your death bring

about a better world.

No, please! Not like this!

Knowing you look up

to me makes me better.

I have to be sure

I make you proud.


Say whatever you

want to about me!

You're still just a criminal

who hurt my brother!




Who's there?

Midoriya? How?

Don't you worry, Iida.

I'm gonna save you.


I might be overthinking things.

I don't exactly have any proof.

But I can't just stand by.

I have to do something!

Guys like Nomu

are running wild.

The same place the

Hero k*ller appeared.

I don't want to even imagine it,

but I'm afraid I might be right.

The League of Villains

and the Hero k*ller

are connected somehow!

That means...

The Hero k*ller is probably

somewhere in the city

this very moment.

Since Iida wasn't

at the fight earlier,

he may've stumbled upon the guy

who hurt his brother himself!



Guess I was right!

[STAIN] It's him. The one

from Shigaraki's picture.

You found him, too? But how?

I saw it on TV.

They had some stats

about the Hero k*ller.

Most his victims were found

where there weren't many people.

So in order to find you,

I needed to search far

away from the panic.

In the back alleys of Hosu City.

Let's go.

Back toward the street.

We have to get

help from the pros.

Ugh. I can't move my body.



It must be his Quirk.

Since he cut me,

I've been paralyzed.

That's the kind of

Quirk people on TV

said the Hero k*ller might have.

So cutting somehow

activates his power, huh?

[IZUKU gasps]


There's someone else!

If it had just been Iida,

I could've picked him up

and carried him away myself.

[TENYA] Midoriya, please!

Don't get involved.

This doesn't have

anything to do with you!

Iida, what are you saying?

You showed up to save

your friend's life.

You even made a big entrance.

But I have a duty to k*ll him

and this so-called pro.

When your friend

chose to fight me,

it guaranteed that the weaker

of us would be culled.

So what will you do?

Criminals like you--

You always try and make

your actions sound noble.

[IZUKU] He's different from the

villains who att*cked us before.

Those are the eyes of a fanatic.

[IZUKU] Even though

it was just a guess,

and I didn't have any proof,

I should've made sure that a

pro came with me to find him.

I'll just have to protect

these two who can't move

and stall for time...

all by myself.

Maybe I can even force

the Hero k*ller to run.


Listen to me!

Stand down. Run away.

I told you, this has

nothing to do with you.


If you really believe that,

then why are you trying

to become a hero

in the first place?!

There are plenty of

things I'd like to say,

but they'll have to wait.

All Might was right, though.

Meddling when you don't need to

is the essence of being a hero!





Gotta get past the sword.

[STAIN] Trying to get in close

so I can't strike him.

Smart move.


No! If you get cut--!


Watch the blades!


He's gone?


A five percent...

Detroit... Smash!


What? These movements.

He's flying around,

like Bakugo does.


Did I get him?

Did Full Cowling work?

Yes, I really can fight!


My body!

[IZUKU] Did he cut me and

I didn't even notice?

One graze is all it took?


No. It's... the blood!


You're not powerful enough.

It's not that you

predicted my movements.

You just left my

field of vision,

and maneuvered so that you'd

be able to get in a clean shot.

But I saw through your plan.

There are countless false heroes

around here who are all talk,

but I think you're worthy

of staying alive.

You're different from these two.

Wait, don't. Stop it!

Get away!

Someone else to get in my way.

Today's been full

of distractions.



you need to give more

details in times like this.

I was almost too

late to stop this guy.


You, too, Todoroki?


How'd you get here?

Hold on, you're using

your left side?


How'd I get here? Good question.

Your message took me

a while to figure out.

Next time, try to send more than

just your specific location.

But you're not really one

to send cryptic messages

without a reason, are you?

[TODOROKI] So I figured you were

in trouble and asking for help.

Everything's okay. The pro

heroes will be here any minute!

[STAIN] The time will be up

for one of them soon.

[TODOROKI] You're just

what they said you were.

But you won't be taking

any more lives, Hero k*ller.

[IZUKU] Todoroki! You can't

let that guy get your blood.

I-I think he controls

his enemy's actions

by swallowing it.

That's how he got us!

He ingests blood to keep

people from moving.

That explains the blades.

All I've gotta do

is keep my distance.


Ya have good friends, Ingenium.

Or you did!


His sword!

He threw it at the same

time as the knife!


He's strong.

Just stop it.

Why are you doing this?

His fight is with me!

I inherited my brother's name.

I'm the one that should stop

him. The Hero k*ller is mine!


You're Ingenium now? Strange.


The Ingenium I knew before

never had that look on his face.

You've got a dark side.

Guess my family

isn't the only one.

[grunts] Careful, Todoroki!

Uh. Huh?

[STAIN] Ya blocked your

own field of vision

against an opponent

who's faster than you.

Rookie mistake.

Come get me then!


You're good, kid.

Unlike him.


Watch out!


I'm not sure why,

but I'm able to move now!

So he has a time limit.



That kid shoulda been

the last one to be freed.

I still can't move a muscle.


He must be type O.


Midoriya, dodge!

[IZUKU coughing]

He swallows a person's

blood to freeze them,

but I was the one freed first.

I've got three

different guesses why.

His Quirk could

be less effective

the more people he uses it on.

The amount ingested could

play into how long it works.

Or there could even

be a difference

based on a person's blood type.

If it's the last one,

my blood type is B.


I'm type A.

So you figured it out.

Bravo. Very impressive.

[PRESENT MIC] Hero k*ller Stain!

His Quirk, Bloodcurdle!

By tasting someone's blood,

he can freeze them for

up to eight minutes,

depending on their blood type!

From shortest to longest time,

it's O, A, AB, and B!

It doesn't really

help us that much

to know how his

Quirk works, though.

I thought we could hurry and

carry those two out of here,

but it's no good.

He's too fast. He can

dodge ice and fire.

I'd have to leave

myself unguarded.

Our best option is to hold

until the pros arrive

and avoid close combat.

No, you know you've already

lost way too much blood.

I'll distract him while you

support me from behind.

Sound like a plan?

You want us to take

a pretty big risk.


We can protect them!

Two against one, huh?

This fight won't be easy.



I've been worried about you

ever since your

brother was att*cked.

I recognize the face of someone

who's drowning in resentment.


And I know just how narrow

your field of vision can get

when you long for justice.

That day, I told her about

my life with Father,

and about who I have become.

She cried and apologized.

She forgave me.

Faster than I ever imagined.

She told me to move forward.

That nothing was

holding me back,

and that doing so

would be her salvation.

If I hadn't spoken to her,

I would never have been able

to choose my old man's agency

for my internship.

I couldn't bare being near him.

I haven't forgiven him.

I doubt I ever truly will.

But I chose him,

so I could learn what it takes

to be the number two hero

with my own eyes and ears.

I had to know.


Get ready. We're going out.

Yeah, okay. Where to?

[ENDEAVOR] If the Hero k*ller

is following his pattern,

we know where

he'll show up next,

and we'll be there to stop him.

We're taking a

work trip to Hosu.


Yes, sir!


My old man is a scumbag.

But a scumbag with the

judgment and instincts

of a number two hero.

And I can acknowledge that.

It's so simple.

But I still needed

someone to show me.

It's yours! Your Quirk, not his!

[TODOROKI] Just a few words.

Two short sentences.

Shouldn't you be worried

about saving that guy?

Don't you worry, Iida.

I'm gonna save you.


We can protect them!


I'll k*ll you!

[STAIN grunts]


No good.

His fighting style has

completely changed!




You have to run.

I can't watch this.

You wanna make

your brother proud?!


Then stand up and be Ingenium!

Become the hero he

wanted you to be!

[TENYA] I am Ingenium,

and I will defeat you.

That, I promise!


Now, the preview!


Stand down!

I told you, this has

nothing to do with you.


If you really believe that,

then why are you trying

to become a hero

in the first place?


I've been worried about you

ever since your

brother was att*cked.


All Might was right, though.


And I know just how narrow

your field of vision can get

when you long for justice.


Meddling when you don't need to

is the essence of being a hero!

[TENYA] I have no right

to call myself a hero.

Even so, there's no

way I can back down.

If I give up now, then

the name Ingenium will die.


Next time: "Climax."
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