02x14 - (D) Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x14 - (D) Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears

Post by bunniefuu »

You'll all be interning

with pros. Got it?

Even those of you who

didn't get any offers.

[ALL MIGHT] You've received

an offer from a hero

who'd like to take you on.

The hero's name is Gran Torino.

He taught at this school back in

my day, but only for one year.

In fact, the man was

my homeroom teacher.

Hello, I'm here from UA High.

It's Izuku Midoriya. I'm

really looking forward to--

[gasps, screams]


Holy whoa, he's dead!

I'm alive!

[screams] He's alive!




I was carrying a nice big plate

of sausages covered in ketchup

when I accidentally

tripped and fell down.

Clumsy me.


Okay, that's a little weird.

Now, who did you say you were?

I'm Izuku Midoriya.

From UA High School!

You're who, now?

I'm Izuku Midorya.

So, what's your name, boy?


Oh, great.

He was All Might's teacher,

so I knew he had

to be pretty old, but I didn't

expect him to be bonkers.



I could really use some food.

Some food?



Heh... Excuse me.

I just need to

make a phone call.

[IZUKU] I should probably

let All Might know

the state this guy's in.

He's not fit to mentor.



Hey, uh, wait, that's my stuff!


Why don't you fire off

a One For All smash at me?


I wanna know

how far you've come

in terms of handling its power.

[IZUKU] Is this even

the same guy as before?


This is a pretty good costume.

Now, where's that attack?

But, sir...

Hey, what are you doing here?


What the heck is with this guy?


I'm here because I need to learn

how to control One For All.

I have to get so much

better at it, and fast.

I'm also here

because I don't know

if All Might has much time left.

[IZUKU] I'm sorry. But I

can't waste my whole week

messing around like this, sir.

I hope you'll excuse me.


As I thought.




It's time for you to

show me what you can do,

ya newbie. He, he, he!

I watched the UA Sports

Festival on television.

The way you used your power

was unthinkable. Reckless!

He's not training you well.

He may be the symbol of peace

and the number one hero,

but All Might's a total novice

when it comes to teaching.

I can only imagine what a

blunder he is in the classroom.

Now. Shall we get started,

you buncha newbies?

[IZUKU] Hey, All Might

called us newbies, too.

And he has two sides,

sometimes playing dumb.

This really is his teacher!

I can't stand to watch you

use your Quirk that way,

so I suppose I'll

have to teach you.

Now, hurry and get

your costume on.

I'm ready. Teach me everything.




"Dear Izuku Midoriya.

As we made repairs to your

costume, our designers decided

to make a few changes in regards

to materials and appearance.

Thank you for understanding.

But trust me, it's gonna

look a whole lot cooler!"



I can't believe the support crew

changed stuff around

without asking me.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised

after seeing Hatsume at work.

Well, whatever the case.

This will be my first

battle in the new version

of my mom's suit!

All right. Let's get started.

Show me a smash.

Uh. You're sure

this is a good idea?

I'm kind of worried since I've

never used this suit before.

Plus, you know,

this place is small.

And, if I accidentally fired

a smash at percent, then--

your body wouldn't

be able to handle it!

Good grief, kid.

A chatterbox, aren't ya?

[GRAN TORINO grunts]


I'm losing patience!

[IZUKU grunts]

Okay, that really hurt.


[GRAN TORINO laughs]

[IZUKU yelps]


What? You didn't realize

my true strength earlier?


I can't believe

you're the ninth holder

of this great power.

All Might's hardly

taught you anything.

Guess all that fame

doesn't translate

into being a good mentor.

[gasps, grunts]

[IZUKU] He's too fast!

How does his Quirk work?


Come on, think!

There's no place for me to hide,

and he's not giving

me any openings.

It's no use trying to

figure out where he is.

I need to stop him

from moving somehow.

Imagine the egg in the

microwave, not exploding!

[IZUKU] He's passed behind

me twice. That means...

Clever analysis, newbie.



Nice try. But you're

a little stiff!

And there's discord

within your mind.

That's why I bested you.

Crap, I thought for sure

I was gonna land that punch.


Listen to me.

The way you used One For All

in the cavalry battle

and the tournament showed

that you're adjusting

to the Quirk. You

understand its fundamentals.

But your admiration

for All Might

and sense of loyalty to him

are shackles on you.

"Shackles"? But how?

[GRAN TORINO] It's true that

you need to get stronger,

and quickly. Time

waits for no man.

Real villains don't care

if you've reached

your full potential yet.

And you think One For All is

more special than it really is.

Then... what should I do?

[GRAN TORINO] Think about

that on your own time.

Meanwhile, I'll go

buy us some grub.

Clean this place up

while I'm gone.



[IZUKU] My admiration for

All Might... is a shackle?

[MANUAL] On a normal day,

I'd just be waiting

for client calls to come in.

Not really exciting.

But things've been fairly

hectic here lately.

[TENYA] So you're using street

patrols to suppress crime.

Yeah, exactly.

Man, I kinda can't believe

Ingenium's little brother

is interning at my agency.

I'm sure you had

offers from pros

with much bigger

followings than mine.


The Hero k*ller.

So elusive he's managed

to avoid capture

for his deplorable crimes.

I know that I might not

find him. But still...

[TENYA] I have to try

to track the villain down.

Because I can't forgive him

for what he's done.


Now I get it.

You must be the ones

who att*cked UA.

And you wanna

recruit me to build up

your little group again.



It'll be great, you've

got so much experience.

And what's your mission?


For now?

I really just wanna

k*ll All Might.

I like to destroy anything

that pisses me off.

Like this little brat here.

Game over.

I was a fool to think

you could offer me anything.

It turns out, you're

the type of person

I hate most in this world.



The goals of your "league"

are those of a child.

What meaning is there to k*lling

if you don't have

real convictions?


The Hero k*ller Stain.

Tomura Shigaraki cares

only about wanton v*olence,

so we brought this man

in to guide him.

Perhaps we made a mistake.


Master. Should I step in?


Let it happen.

It's possible this is the only

way he'll learn anything.

He needs to think about

the ways he must grow.

How he can mature.

Only then will he

reach his potential.

[IZUKU] My admiration for

All Might is a shackle.

I understand the fundamentals,

but there's discord in my mind.

I believe One For All

is more special than it is.

Is that what's making

my movements stiff?

What does "stiff" even mean?

Okay, look at all this

in a different way.

What makes a movement flexible?

[gasps] I know!

How I think about it,

One For All--

Those big smashes are

like my special moves.

But I saw him use it up close.

Why didn't I notice then?

Now I see.

Quirks are just extensions

of our bodies. So then...

I need to start thinking of

One For All as being part of me.

That's it! I get it!

[GRAN TORINO] Well, at least

he's mentally adept

and forward-thinking. For a kid.

But I already knew that

from the festival.

You found a good one,

huh, Toshinori?

Or should I say, All Might?


To be perfectly frank,

I don't like you very much.


[BEST JEANIST] I know full well

why you chose my agency.

Because I'm one of the top

five most popular heroes.

Hey, look, you're the one

who made an offer for me.



Recently, all my recruits have

been perfect little angels,

so you certainly stood out.

I watched the way you fought

at the sports festival.

You have a good handle

on your powerful Quirk,

and a decent grasp of

its application as well.


You're an outstanding talent.

I'd say you're already good

enough to take on as a sidekick.

However, you do

have a fatal flaw.

You believe you're the best,

and you display that belief

without regard for how it

reflects on you or your image.

You have a ferocious nature.

Don't tell me you

brought me here

just to give me a lecture!


[BEST JEANIST] I have to

correct people like you.

It's part of my duty to society.

Heroes and villains are

cut from the same cloth.

So your job here is to watch me.

I'll show you what

makes someone a hero.

What in the hell are you doing?


Isn't it obvious?

I'm educating you on

becoming an exemplary pro.

That includes being aware

of the way you speak,

your appearance, controlling

your emotions, your morals.

There are countless things

you need to learn,

but in the brief

period of one week,

I will stitch these things

into the fabric of your being.





[BOTH] Hey, man, what

are you doin' here?

We were able to put in

two offers this year.

Let's begin right away.

[BOTH] I look forward

to working with you.

I was impressed by

the guts both of you

showed at the sports

festival. I like you two.

However, being a

hero isn't easy,

and you can't rely

on brute force alone.

So this week, you'll learn

from my experience.

That's the chivalrous hero.

He's so manly!

Wait for me to finish speaking.


Yes, sir! Apologies!


Seems I'll have to teach you

proper manners, too.


Thank you very much, sir!

First, let's talk about

why we're even here.

Pros receive wages

from the government,

so we're civil servants.

But, there's more

to it than that.

With the Quirks we offer, our

responsibilities are different

from regular workers.

Now, regarding

our actual duties.

[GUNHEAD] Basic hero goal:

control crime. Right?

When a crime occurs,

the police will contact us.

These requests come in all

at once, filtered by district.

We file reports on the

services we provided.

Assisting with arrests,

rescuing people, et cetera.

Then a special agency looks

at our work and decides

how much we should be paid.

You'll catch on quick, kiddo.

[OCHACO] I didn't expect

him to be so friendly.


Additionally, heroes are allowed

to have side jobs.

There were a lot of

arguments about this

when the world of pros was

first being established,

but the heroes ended up

being so popular

that the public demanded it.

For example:

I'm about to film a commercial.

Stick around, okay?

Um, well.

I was kinda hoping

I'd see something

a little more action-y.



This sort of attention is

something you can't avoid

if you're a pro.


she was kind enough

to offer her wisdom

to an unworthy, student.

So I'll take every

lesson she has to give!


She's really into this.


But isn't there

anything else we can do

while you film this

commercial, or whatever?

[UWABAMI] Do you know why

I chose to recruit you two?

Any thoughts?


Well, I guess...

[YAOYOROZU] It must be

because you saw such

heroic potential in us!


Of course I did.

But there's another reason.

You're both very

cute young ladies.



[DEATH ARMS] Heroes must

practice and train constantly.

You can't take a break,

even when you're on patrol.

Right! Kay!


Aw, man.

This is so much

harder than class.

You know what's a useful skill?

Knowing how to pass the

time while you're waiting

to be called out to

rescue someone. Got that?


Uh, sure.

[MINETA] This is not the kind of

role play I was hoping for.

[whistle blowing]

[ENDEAVOR] I've been

waiting for you, Shoto.

You're finally ready to walk

down the path of the mighty.

[TODOROKI] I have no

intention of following

any path you've created.

Only I can decide my future.

Heh. Is that so?

You should go get ready.

We're going out.

Where to?

It's time I show you

what it means to be a hero.

[GRAN TORINO snoring]

I'm snoring! I'm snoring!


He can't be serious.

The first day of training down,

and all he did was test me once.

No actual hero work

or field training.

He just passed out after

coming back with food.

Gran Torino...

I didn't get any hits when

I searched for that name.

A UA teacher for just one year.

He's one big mystery.

[IZUKU] I need to change

the way that I think

about One For All.

It's part of me.

My classmates use their Quirks

as if it's completely natural.

But I still think of mine as

something I have to call upon.

If I could use even

five percent of my power

like it was nothing.

I'd be able to

move like Kacchan.

Mr. Aizawa and Kirishima

said the same thing.

If I can just master my Quirk,

I'll be able to do

so many things!

But first, I need to be

able to use it instantly.

All right! I'll try this out.

Five percent should

be enough here.

One, two, three, the roof.

That shouldn't be

too hard, right?

[IZUKU] Imagine the egg not

exploding in the microwave!

[IZUKU grunts]


I was afraid that would happen.

[IZUKU grunts]

[IZUKU] I need to brace

myself, and use my arms

to cushion the impact.

Which means,

for the second jump,

I need to put power into

both my arms and my legs.

But if I don't do it quickly

enough, then I'll end up

breaking my bones in the fall!

I can't take the time

to visualize the result

like I normally do.

But I have to try it.

[IZUKU grunts]


Gotta put some power in my arms.

[IZUKU growls]


This time I'll switch faster!

[IZUKU yelps]

Faster, stupid! Do it faster!

Is it a villain?

[IZUKU grunts]

Let's go, it's not

our problem, honey!



Good morning.

What's wrong? You look beat.


I was training on my own

yesterday and went too far.

I tried to take

everything you said to me

and put it into practice,

but it was just no good.

Heh. Obviously I still

have a long way to go.

It's your first time trying,

so it's to be expected.

That is how training works.

Of course, I suppose All Might

can't wrap his mind around that.

He was pretty much able to use

One For All right off the bat,

so I taught him in a

very different manner.

'Course he had the

body going for him,

so there's that.

Whoa, All Might

as a student, huh?

Come on, what was

he like back then?


Hm? Huh...

It was all combat

training for him.

[ALL MIGHT grunts]


[ALL MIGHT groans]

[IZUKU] No wonder All Might

was so scared of this guy!

The training was difficult,

but I couldn't hold back on him.

He was entrusted to me

by a sworn friend

who had just passed away.

Oh, All Might's predecessor?

So, can you tell me

anything about the guy?


[doorbell rings]


Package for you!

I-I'll take care it for you.


So you haven't told him about

the seventh holder

yet, eh, Toshinori?


Got it. Thanks!

A microwave?

Yeah, for some reason,

mine broke yesterday.

Heh. So I bought a new one.

[IZUKU] I can't tell if

he's being serious or not.

So whaddaya think,

how 'bout we eat

some of that frozen food

I bought? It'll be good!

But the only thing you

bought was dessert.

What can I say, I like

the finer things in life.

[IZUKU] Using my Quirk needs to

be as easy as taking a breath.

Thinking about it

objectively, everyone else

has had years to get

into that kind of mindset.

But not me, and time

waits for no one.

At this rate,

in order to draw out

more than five percent

of my power,

I'll need to put in

the kind of commitment

I did on the beach.

[microwave dings]

Oh, yeah, look at

these delicious babies.

Come and get 'em

while they're steamin'.

My time is limited.

What do I focus on?

Why the long face, boy?

Just focus on these pipin'

hot pastries for now.

Still frozen!

Ah-- No way!

I'm positive that I microwaved

them like it said to.

What're you an idiot?

You stuck a huge plate

in there, didn't you?

If you do that, there's

no room for it to turn.

So only one part of it gets hot.

Have you never done this before?


Oh, ours isn't the turning type,

so, no, I guess not.

I'm sorry that--


[IZUKU gasps]

I've got it!

Whoa. Gran Torino!

I see now! The frozen pastry

in my hand is me!

No, it's not. Are you okay?

Uh, I don't mean literally.

I'm not really a dessert.

But I get it.

Up until now, I've just been

summoning One For All.

Only when I really need it.

In the places I need it.

Like flipping on

some kind of switch.

But if I do that that,

my reaction time gets

slower and slower

with every move.

Which means...

I shouldn't be flipping

the switch off.

I just have to leave the

power on the whole time.

Imagining the energy

that used to be focused

in one place spreading

throughout my entire body!

[GRAN TORINO] Didn't take

him long to figure that out.


[IZUKU] I need One For All's

power surging through

all of me, continuously!

The five percent that I can use!

Visualizing a pastry

in the microwave

is pretty boring, kid, you

sure you're okay with that?

[IZUKU] All Might said that

about my egg already,

and it was fine with me.

So tell me, can you

move in this state?

I don't know for sure.

Wanna give it a try?

Yes. Let's do this!

[SHIGARAKI] So you finally

called me in for a preview, huh?


Whoa. Tomura Shigaraki?


It took you long enough,

don't you think, Midoriya?

[IZUKU] But I don't have

anything to do with this--


Oh, really?

Then starting this week,

I think I'll be in charge

of all these stupid previews.

[IZUKU screams] Somebody help!

Where's All Might?

[SHIGARAKI] Next time:

"Midoriya and Shigaraki."

The League of Villains

is going wild.

I'll destroy every

last one of you,

whether you're a hero

or a hero k*ller.


Go beyond!


Not this time.


Go beyond!


I said no!
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