02x12 - (D) Todoroki vs. Bakugo

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x12 - (D) Todoroki vs. Bakugo

Post by bunniefuu »

[KATSUKI] When I was

watching that ice guy,

I realized I couldn't beat

him in a head-to-head fight.

Damn it! Damn it, damn it!

Enjoy that win, Deku.

You won't get another!

I'm just getting

started! Got that?

I'm gonna end up

the number-one hero

no matter what!



Know that I will beat you.

[KATSUKI] I, uh, just

wanna say I'm gonna win.


Your declaration of w*r

was to the wrong person!

We're not done!


We're gonna be the indisputable

champions of the game!



Stun Grenade!

Bakugo is the winner

of this match!

[PRESENT MIC] That means

our final fight will be

between Todoroki and Bakugo!


And Shoto--

That child's left side sometimes

looks unbearable to me.

All I can see is his father.

So come at me

with all you've got!

It's yours!

--[tea kettle sqealing]

--Your Quirk, not his!



How did this happen?

I pushed her out of my mind.

I tried not to think about her.

Then that fight with Midoriya...



Hey, what the hell

are you doing in here?

This is my space to--

Crap, this is waiting

room number two?

[KATSUKI] All right, fine,

so I may have walked

into the wrong room.

But don't think that

means I'm not gonna be

on top a' my game, you got that?

You better bring all you

got to this, Icy Hot!




He said the same thing.

That fool.

Instead of trying to win

the match himself,

he focused on breaking my walls.

You guys were childhood

friends, right?

Was he like that

when you were kids?

So helpful?




I couldn't just stand

there and watch you die!

Are you all right? Are you hurt?

[KATSUKI] What does he have

to do with any of this?

It's all between you and me now.

Focus on the match.

That's the only thing

I give a damn about.

Whatever your family problems

are, whatever you're feeling--

None of that crap

matters, just make sure

you don't hold back.

Use your flames on me.

I want everyone to know

I beat you at your best.

[KATSUKI] Let's see him try

and use his powers against me

when I'm bombing every

inch of the stadium.

I'll show the world what

a champion looks like.


Welcome to the final battle

of the UA High School

Sports Festival!

In just a moment here, we'll see

which first years

come out on top!

[PRESENT MIC] Yes, it all

comes down to this, folks!

From the hero course,

Shoto Todoroki.

[CROWD cheers]

[PRESENT MIC] Versus his

classmate, Katsuki Bakugo!

[CROWD cheers]


Now begin!


Damn it!

[PRESENT MIC] Todoroki starts

with a crazy ice blast!

Bakugo seems to have

been completely buried!

Is it possible we've already

got a winner down there?

This isn't like when

he att*cked Sero.

The ice just now

was more controlled.

He's being cautious.

[muffled explosions]

What's that terrifying sound?

It's gotta be Bakugo's doing.

[muffled explosions]

He used his explosions

to tunnel through the ice

like some kinda mole man!

These two are insane.

You've got some

pretty powerful att*cks.


But you're a bad aim.


Try harder!


He dodged his right

side with a blast!


[KATSUKI] Are you

underestimating me? Idiot!

[PRESENT MIC] Todoroki surfs

an ice wave to avoid

going out of bounds.

Looks like fun.

Use your left side.

Do it, Shoto!

[TODOROKI grunts]

[KATSUKI growls]


Stop screwing around.

What, do you think I'm

not worthy of your fire?

[AIZAWA] Bakugo timed his

explosions and grabbed

Todoroki's left side on purpose.

He's done his research.

His aptitude for this

becomes more apparent

with every fight.



Todoroki's doing well so far,

but his att*cks are too simple.

It almost seems like

he lost his spark

after the match with Midoriya.

You bastard!

I'll tell you what'll happen

if you make a fool outta me.

I'll k*ll you!


I don't want there

to be any doubt

that I'm the best

student at the festival.

That's only possible if you

come at me as hard as you can!

There's no point

if you don't fight me

with the same power

you used against Deku.

If you don't wanna win this,

why are you even here?

Show everyone you're

trying to destroy me!

I want it, too. I'll be a hero!


I'm sorry, Bakugo.

Since I fought Midoriya,

I'm unsure of so much.

Whether or not I

did the right thing.

What my left side means to me.

[IZUKU] C'mon, Todoroki!

Don't give up! Do your best!



That stupid nerd.


Hell yeah. That's it!

[KATSUKI] If you're gonna

face me, you can't half-ass it!

Try everything you

can to defeat me.

Don't you dare hold back!


Howitzer Impact!



Bakugo combined

speed and rotation

with a huge blast like

he used against Uraraka!

He turned himself

into a human m*ssile!

Todoroki didn't fire

off the flame attack

that wowed us in his

match with Midoriya!

So what has become of

our two top competitors?


[KATSUKI] You decided

not to use your fire?






You stop messing around!

This isn't a real win for me

unless you try harder!

It can't end this

way. Now get up!




Todoroki is out of bounds.

That means...

Bakugo is the winner!

[CROWD cheers]


And, with that,

the final match

is officially over!

The first-year champion of

the UA Sports Festival is...

Katsuki Bakugo from Class -A!

[CROWD cheers]

[MIDNIGHT] The first-year

students have completed

all of the events for

the UA Sports Festival.

Now it's time to relax and

enjoy the awards ceremony.

[CROWD cheers]

[KATSUKI muffled grunting]


What the heck?

[KIRISHIMA] He's been goin'

nuts ever since he woke up.

[KIRISHIMA] Man, Bakugo.

Pull yourself together.

He's acting like a feral animal.

[KATSUKI muffled screaming]


Tenya Iida actually shares

the third-place

award with Tokoyami.

But, unfortunately, he had

to leave for family reasons.

Gotta love those familial bonds.

Must you really?

Too bad Iida couldn't be

here. He was so excited.



Uraraka. Midoriya.

I know that this is sudden,

but I have to leave now.

A villain got my older brother.


Wait, you're saying

Ingenium is hurt?



Do they think he's

gonna be okay?

I don't know many details yet.

That's why I have

to go right away.

[IZUKU gasps]

[TENYA] Ingenium is

an unmatched commander

who honors the hero code.

As the second oldest Iida son,

I strive to be just like him.


Ingenium... Please be all right.

For Iida's sake. You have to be!

Now, let's break

out the hardware.

Of course, there's

only one person

worthy of distributing

the awards.

[ALL MIGHT laughing]

All Might's up there!



--I am here with the medals!

--[MIDNIGHT] All Might is

--I am here with the medals!

--the number one hero!

Ruined that, didn't I?



[AUDIENCE B] This group

of first-years is so lucky!


I can't believe they've got

the best hero teaching them.

So, now that you're

here, All Might,

why don't you start

the presentation?

[ALL MIGHT laughs]

Young Tokoyami. Congratulations.

You showed great

strength out there.

Your words humble me, sir.



You've more training to do

if you're going to be able

to fight against different

kinds of villains.

You're not going to be able

to rely on your Quirk

in every battle you face.

Yes, sir.

Young Todoroki. Congratulations!

I'm assuming there's a reason

you didn't use your left side.

Though it cost you the final.

Midoriya opened my eyes

during our match,

but then I started

to doubt myself.

I think I now understand

a little about

why you're so interested in him.

[TODOROKI] I want to be

the kind of hero you are,

but my path isn't as clear

as I thought it was.

I have a lot to think about.

And I still need to

settle things with someone.

Very soon.

I've never seen

this sort of look

on your face before.

I won't ask for details,

but trust yourself.

I'm sure you'll work things out.




And now, Young Bakugo.

This is a little much.

Well, you did what

you said you'd do

in the pledge. You're

true to your word.

[KATSUKI growling]

All Might.

Winning first place

this way doesn't prove

that I'm the best one here!

Even if the world

considers me the winner,

I refuse to accept it like this!


Look at that face!

[clears throat] In a world

where we're constantly

being compared to one another.

There are very few

who can keep their eyes

focused on the top spot.

You're one of them.

[KATSUKI growling]


Still scary!


Please accept this medal.

Even if you have to

think of it as a scar.

Something you'll never forget.

I don't want that

piece of garbage!


C'mon, now.

Get that trash

offa me, you idiot!



[CROWD cheers]

Here they are!

The winners of this

year's sports festival!

But listen closely.

[ALL MIGHT] Any of you first

years could have ended up

standing on these podiums.

Think about what

you've done today.

You've challenged

each other, learned,

and climbed even closer toward

your goals of being pros.

I think the next generation

of heroes is proving to be

our most promising one yet!

So I have one more thing to say.

I want to hear everyone

yell it with me.

You know what it is.

--Thanks, everyone,

--[AUDIENCE] Plus Ultra!

--for your hard work!

--[AUDIENCE] Plus Ultra!



That was the perfect time to

say "Plus Ultra," All Might!

[ALL MIGHT] Well, yeah,

I guess, but everyone

did such a good job!

[IZUKU] Your friend can

also be a worthy opponent.

The sports festival

showed us that.

We learned a lot about

each other and ourselves.


Nice work.

You have the next two days

of school off to recuperate.

I'm sure the pros

who watched the festival

will wanna recruit some of you.

We'll look over the draft

forms and update you

when you return.

Get some rest.

You still have

a lot of training.


Yes, sir!


After that,

the atmosphere around the

school started to change.

Even though it was

gradual at first.

[NURSE A] Please don't

run in the hallways!

[TENYA panting]



Oh, Tenya!

How is Tensei doing?



Tenya, keep your voice down

and put on a mask!



The anesthesia's worn off,

but he's still in and out.

If the surgery had

happened any later,

I don't know if he

would have made it.

Little brother? Is that you?

[TENYA'S MOM sobs]

Tensei. You're gonna be fine!

Sorry. I'm supposed

to be someone

you can look up to and

respect, but look at me.


Tenya... Little brother...

I'm so sorry. I failed you.




Shoto, where are you going?


The hospital.

What? Hold on, why?

You can't just visit. Not

without telling Dad, right?



But why go now?

Why see her after all this time?

I'll be back.


It went "bam" and blew him away!


Hm? That's amazing!


It was so cool, Mom!

Bam! Crash!


Sounds like you had a good time.




I feel like I'm going crazy.

I can't take it anymore.

Every day, the children

seem more like him.

And Shoto--

That child's left side sometimes

looks unbearable to me.

All I can see is his father.

I can't raise him anymore.

I want to run away

from this life.


Ever since that day,

I thought the sight of me

would cause my mother

nothing but pain.

So I never visited.

But we will always be

bound to each other.

By blood. By our

history with my father.

That's why...

If I'm ever going to use

this body and these powers

to become a hero...

If I'm going to give it

everything I have...



It's okay to use your power

to become who you want to be.

[TODOROKI] If I'm going to

become the hero I want to be,

I need to see her.

There's so much we

need to talk about.

Hello, Mom.


I'll rescue her from this place.

No matter what.

[TODOROKI] That's my first step

to getting back on track.

It's what I have to do.

[OCHACO] What am I gonna

have for lunch today?

Something cheap. Uh...

Oh. Mochi sounds good.




That's weird. It's not locked.




There you are!


Dad? Mom?

What are you guys doing here?

We came to throw you a party.

[OCHACO'S DAD] We had to come

after watching our daughter

make such an awesome

effort on tv!

Wait, what?

But what about work--did you

come on the b*llet train?

When? How?

I can't believe you're here!


Seven! Isn't that crazy?


Well. Yeah...

That's how many

times I passed out

after the cavalry battle.

I'm pretty sure the last two

were because of dehydration.

Kinda sounds like you

were way more heroic

than I was out there.

Don't mock your mother.

Suddenly finding out you

had a power like that--

I'm glad you have a Quirk,

but did it have

to be so dangerous?

Yeah, it's the weirdest thing!

Apparently it's not

medically impossible

or anything like that,

I'm just a late bloomer,

and, anyway, now I have

a Quirk of my own...


Baby, I'm so happy for you!

Of course I'll

keep supporting you.

But I am still your mother,

so I'm going to worry, too.



[IZUKU] I keep putting

everything I have into

achieving my dreams.

But I can't forget

that there are people

who are concerned about me.

If I want to be

a hero who smiles

while living up to

everyone's expectations,

I can't give up.

I need to figure out

how to use One For All

and make it my own.


And then...

...maybe I'll finally

be able to say it.

"I am here!"



Do you wanna watch

the festival recording?

It's in HD!

[IZUKU] How about I watch

it by myself later.

[KATSUKI] Die! Stupid

weakling mouth germs!

[KATSUKI'S MOM] Katsuki,

you can't wake up at noon

and start yelling!


Here's the preview!

[AIZAWA] At the next

hero informatics class,

we'll be coming up

with code names.

They'll be used in your

upcoming internships.


This is gonna be so exciting!

[AIZAWA] Your name should

show who you are

and what kind of hero you

wanna be in the future.

[IZUKU] It's obvious what

mine should be, but at

my current level, I don't have

the right to call myself that.


Hurry it up, kid.


Ah, yes, sir!

Next time: "Time to

Pick Some Names"!

[AIZAWA] After this, most of

the students in your class

will have code names.




Go beyond!


Plus Ultra!
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