02x06 - (D) The Boy Born with Everything

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x06 - (D) The Boy Born with Everything

Post by bunniefuu »


This is a superhuman society,

with percent of us

possessing some uncanny ability.

Cities swirled with

chaos and confusion

following the appearance

of these powers,

and a new profession emerged.

[IZUKU] We call those

who fight for justice

and help others

in need, "heros."

Oh, by the way,

this is the story

of how I became

the world's greatest hero.

[IZUKU] All three of them

put their trust in me.

This is my responsibility.

We all have our

reasons to win this.

And I refuse to

let the others down!

It was around his head,

where his guard was the weakest.


you're the one who created

the opening for me,

and ensured our advancement.

[PRESENT MIC] And in fourth

place is Team Midoriya!

These four valiant teams

will advance on

to the final round!


Now for a lunch break before

the afternoon

festivities. See ya!


Ugh, I'm starving.


Me, too.


Let's find some food.


So, you brought me here.

Now what?

We should probably eat soon.

The cafeteria's gonna be busy.


Don't you think?



He's all cold intimidation.

Way different from Kacchan.


I was overwhelmed.


And it made me break

the promise I made

to myself a long time ago.

[IZUKU] It would have given

him such an advantage

to use his left side.

And yet... he didn't.

Ida and Kaminari...

Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami...


None of them felt it.

In that moment,

I was the only one who

could sense your true power.

It reminded me of something...

Experiencing All Might's Quirk.

Oh, yeah? Okay...

Is that all?

I'm saying...

The power coming from you

felt the same as All Might's.



Midoriya, tell me.

Are you really All Might's

secret love child

or something?


Am I... What?!

I've seen it.

You've got All Might in

your corner, helping you out.


Okay. I get why he'd think that.

As insane as it sounds.


Well, are you?

No, no way--

that's not it at all.

But I guess even if I was,

I'd totally say I wasn't,

so you probably won't believe

me no matter what, I bet.

Anyway, I promise,

you've got the wrong idea.

And... Why would you

even think that about me?

"That's not it at all"

is interesting wording.

It suggests there is

something between you two

that you're not

supposed to talk about.


My father is the hero Endeavor.

You must've heard of him.

Which means you're aware

that he's the number-two hero.

So if you're connected to

the number-one hero,

All Might, in some way...

That would mean...

...that I have even more

reason to beat you.


Yo! Long time no see!

Let's catch up,



All Might.

I haven't talked to you since

that press conference

ten years ago.

Been a while.

I saw you and

figured I'd say hi.

Did you now?

Well then, if that's all you

wanted to do, we're done.




Chatting like we're old friends.

What a joke.

[ALL MIGHT laughs]

Come on, why the cold shoulder?


[ALL MIGHT] You should

be thrilled. After all,

your son's doing

very well out there,

just using half his power.

You must be a great teacher.

Are you implying something?

No. I want to know your secrets.

How do we train the next

generation of heroes?

Do you really think

I'd tell you anything

I've taught the boy?

You're all flash

and no brains as usual.

Outta my way.


Let me assure you

of one thing, All Might.

Whatever it takes...

That kid of mine will

beat you, someday.

I'll make sure of it.

That's why I made him.

You did what?

[ENDEAVOR] He's in a

rebellious phase right now.

But he will take your place.

I'll make sure of it.


My old man is ambitious.

He aims for the top.

He used his power to make

a name for himself as a hero.

But he was never able

to best All Might,

so the Symbol of Peace is

living proof of his failure.

He's still at it, though,

trying to take down All Might.

One way or another.

I'm not really sure

what you're getting at.

What are you trying

to tell me, Todoroki?

Have you ever heard of...

...Quirk marriages?



They became a problem

in the first few generations

after superpowers

became widespread.

There were those who sought out

potential mates solely

with the intention

of creating powerful children.

Many people were forced

into relationships.

They were simply viewed as


arranged marriages.

But, clearly, it was unethical.

My father has not only a rich

history of accomplishments,

but plenty of money

to throw at his problems.

He bought my mother's relatives

to get his hands on her Quirk.

And now he's raising me

to usurp All Might.



It's so annoying.

I refuse to be a tool

for that scumbag.

In every memory of my mother...

I only see her crying.


I remember she called

my left side unbearable,

before she poured

boiling water on my face.


[TODOROKI] The reason

I picked a fight with you

was to show my old man

what I was capable of doing.

Without having to rely

on his damned fire Quirk.

You see,

I'm going to show him

that I reject his power,

and I can take first place

without using it.

[IZUKU] The life he's led

is so different than mine.

It sounds terrifying.

How strange that we could

be aiming for the same thing

despite such

different childhoods.

You're obviously

connected to All Might.

Even if you won't

tell me about it.

But no matter how fiercely

you come at me in the future,

I will defeat you using

only my right side.

I can assure you of that.

[IZUKU] So this is why

Todoroki's so focused.

He's like a

comic book character.

A hero with a tragic backstory.

Fighting to rise above it.


Hey, wait!

[IZUKU] I'm only here because

others have supported me.

I've been really lucky.

In fact, I've had even more

help since I've come to UA.

[ALL MIGHT] Have no fear.

You're safe. I am here.

Can't you just give him

some of my points?

I'll support you with

everything I've got!

[AIZAWA] You can't be a pro

if you only have one trick.

[TSUYU] I guess we passed

the shipwreck zone.


Get the hell outta my way, Deku!

[HATSUME] Team up with me,

person in first place!

It was around his head,

where his guard was the weakest.

Young man,

you, too, can become a hero.

[IZUKU] All Might is

constantly saving people

with a fearless smile.

He's the greatest hero.

And I wanna be just like him.

In order to do that,

I have to be strong enough

to become number one.

I know my motivation

might seem stupid

compared to yours.

But, still--I can't

lose this, either.

I owe it to everyone who's

supported me to try my best.


You declared w*r on me earlier.

Well, right back at you.

I am going to beat you.

[PRESENT MIC] Get those

foam fingers in the air!

It's almost time

for the last round!

But before that:

good news for everyone

who didn't make the finals.

Since this is a sports festival,

we've prepared some

super-fun side games

everyone can participate in!

We even brought in cheerleaders

from America to get

your blood pumping!



Hold up.


What are they doing?


Looks like Class -A is goin'

full-on fanservice!


What?! You tricked us?

You're gonna regret this!

Yaoyorozu. Jiro.

Uh-huh, do you need something?

[MINETA] Well, I'm sure

you already know since

you're like, a class rep...

But they said all

the girls have to wear

those uniforms for the big

cheer battle this afternoon.


That's odd. This is the first

I'm hearing about it.

Are you sure?

You don't have to believe me

if you wanna get in trouble.

But this is coming

straight from Mr. Aizawa.

I thought maybe you'd forgotten,

so I figured I'd

remind you, just in case.

[sighs] Why is it that

I always end up falling

for that little pervert's

stupid schemes?

I even used my Quirk

to make these outfits.

Ugh, I hate those guys!

[HAGAKURE] Well, we do have

a little time before

the finals start, and I kinda

like these uniforms, so...

How 'bout we just roll with it!


Are you crazy?

Wow, Toru. You've got skills.


Have fun competing in these

little side games, everyone!

[PRESENT MIC] After they're

over, the students

from the top four teams

will be duking it out

one-on-one in a tournament-style

fighting competition!


I promise you're not gonna wanna

miss these epic match ups!


Aw, yeah.

Finally getin' the chance

to show what we're made of.

I watch these finals every year,

and now I'm actually in them!

So, wait. Is it

always a tournament?

The final's always a

one-on-one competition,

but they switch

it up every time.

Last year it was a foam

sword-fighting match.


Come closer and draw lots to see

who you're up against.

Then enjoy the pleasure

of the recreational games

before we start.

The finalists have the option

of participating in those

activities or sitting out

to prepare for battle.

I'm sure you all want

to conserve your stamina.

I'll start with the

first place team.


Um. Excuse me.


But I'm withdrawing.


Ojiro. No way!

But this is a rare chance

for you to get scouted.

It just wouldn't be right.

I barely remember anything

from the cavalry battle

until the very end of it.


[OJIRO] I... think it

was that guy's Quirk.

[IZUKU] Wait, who was

Ojiro with, again? Him?

[OJIRO] I know this is

a great opportunity.

I wish I could

take advantage of it,

but my conscience won't let me.

Think about this.


I have, okay?

Everyone gave their

all in round two,

but I was just

someone's puppet. No way.

I don't wanna advance if I

don't even know how I got here.

It wouldn't be fair.

[HAGAKURE] You're making

way too much of this!

Just k*ll it in the finals

and prove you should be here.

Yeah, what she said.

I didn't do much

in the battle, either.


That's not it.

I'm talking about my pride here.

I refuse to give that up.

[BOTH gasp]


Also, why are all the girls

dressed like cheerleaders?

[GIRLS groan]


Nirengeki Shoda from Class -B.

I think I should withdraw

for the exact same reason.

Regardless of how strong I am,

this isn't how

I wanted to get here.

It would go against

the values of the festival

to advance without

earning my spot.

Listen to these guys!

They're so manly!

Well, now.

Here's another weird

turn of events.


We'll have to see what Midnight

has to say about all this--

she's the one in charge.

This sort of talk is

incredibly naive, my boys.

That turns me on! Shoda! Ojiro!

You're withdrawn!


Did she say it turns her on?

Don't worry.

I'll win it for you.

Now, let's see...

We'll have to

move up two students

from the fifth-place

cavalry team

so we have enough contestants.

We were frozen most of the time.

Honestly, we barely did anything

in the cavalry battle.

Isn't that right?



You should choose from the group

that kept fighting

the whole time.

Team Tetsutetsu.


I'm not doing this as

a favor. It's just fair.

Seriously, you guys!

Thank you!


And so, Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki

have advanced to the final!

Take a look at the

bracket, my dears.

These are your opponents!

[CROWD cheers]



How does this keep happening?

I'll give it my all.

Good. That's all

that I ask of you.

<i>Ma cherie</i> .

I'm afraid it's the end

of the road for you.

I can't wait to melt your butt.

[IZUKU] I'm the first match

of the first bracket.

Which means I might

fight Todoroki next.



First things first.

I have to worry about

this Shinso guy.

That is you, right?

Izuku Midoriya?

[IZUKU whimpers]

[IZUKU yelps]


It's him!

If any of us do well

in the sports festival,

the teachers can

decide to transfer us

to the hero course.


From General Studies!

A pleasure. So you excited?

Uh... Ye--

Not so fast.


Ojiro. What's the deal?

You can't say a word to him.



He could be my second match.

You must advance, Midoriya.

So I can beat you with one hand.


Uraraka? Who the hell's that?


Hey, legs. You're Iida, right?


Hm? Correct. I'm Tenya Iida.

Oh! That's perfect!

I have something nice for you!


Let's press pause for

a momentary interlude!

Before the battles begin,

it's time for some

pulse-pounding side games!




how about a scavenger hunt?

Hey, anyone up there

got a bag they can give me?


A cat?

--Anyone sneak a cat...

--[KAMINARI] Anybody got...

What in the heck?


What a joke.

They're actually taking these

dumb side games seriously?

As usual, those Class -A

idiots really need

to get their

priorities in check.



If you're not playing,

come with me.


[MONOMA] Uh... I think you may

have the wrong impression

of me, Kendo.

Trust me. This fits.

[IZUKU] Even though

we were told to have fun,

those of us in the

tournament couldn't relax.

Some tried to come up

with a strategy.

Some tried to rest their bodies.

There were those who

prepped for the fight.

Or tried to hype themselves up.

And others still

who just focused on

trying to calm their nerves.

[IZUKU] We wanted to be

ready for anything.

And before we knew it,

the finals began.

That's it. I'm pretty

much done here.


Thank you, Cementoss!

Hey, sports fans. Are ya ready?

[CROWD cheers]

[PRESENT MIC] After all the

action you've already witnessed,

it's time for the

real battles to begin!

Can ya feel the excitement?

Our competitors are

on their own now!

Sometimes, heroes have only

themselves to rely on!

Heart. Skill. Strength.

Wisdom. Courage.

They'll have to use all of these

things to rise to the top!




Sorry I haven't said hi.

You've been great.

You harnessed One For All!

No, not really.

I'm... still worried

about using it.

I imagine the

egg in the microwave

or how it felt

to hit that villain.

But I'm still not in control.

It feels so unpredictable,

like I might be ripped apart

if I'm not completely focused.

Besides, I'm still not ready

to fully wield it, I can tell.

Even after so much training,

my body is weak.

It just can't handle

your power at percent.


If we're talkin' about

how much of One For All

you'd be able to

use at this point,

I'd say my closest guess would

be around five percent or so.


What--only five percent?

Wow, okay.

I guess I really have

only been getting by

because of luck and

my friends helping me out.

[ALL MIGHT grunts]

All I wanna hear you say

is that you'll

do your best, dammit.

There's no such thing as luck.

You're never gonna

become the hero you want

if you believe in

somethin' like that.




Whenever you're scared

or nervous about a fight.

Just try and deal

with it by smiling!

You've made it this far, kid.

Even if you're worried,

you must stand tall!

Don't forget that

I'm counting on you,

and cheering you on!


All right, audience!

Let's cut to the

good stuff and not delay

these finals any longer.

Welcome our first fighters.

Whoa, he looks kinda scared

in that picture, doesn't he?

It's Izuku Midoriya from

the hero course versus...

Hitoshi Shinso from

general studies,

who really hasn't done

anything to stand out yet.

The rules are simple.

Immobilize your opponent

or force them outta the ring.

You can also win by getting

the other person to cry uncle!

Bring on the injuries,

'cause we've got

our very own Recovery Girl

waiting on standby!

So put your morals aside and

don't be afraid to play dirty!

But of course, no

life-threatening crap, folks.

It's not allowed!

Real heroes use their power

to throw villains in jail,

not k*ll them.

I'll stop anyone who

tries to get too rough.



So you can just give up, huh?



In a way, this is a test

of how strong your spirit is.

If you know what you want

your future to hold for you,

you can't worry about

what other people think.



That monkey was going on

about his pride earlier.




But I just think he's an idiot

for throwing away

his chance like that.



Don't you talk about

him that way!


That's it. I win.

[groans] I warned him

not to say anything!

[ALL MIGHT gasps]


Hey, hey, what's the dealio?

This is the first match!

It should start out with a bang!

[PRESENT MIC] The fight has just

begun and Izuku Midoriya is...

...completely frozen?

[OJIRO] The finals

are starting, Midoria.

[IZUKU] So, what'd you

wanna tell me, Ojiro?

[OJIRO] It's important you know

about Shinso from Class -B.

He's your opponent

in the first round,

and his Quirk

could be a problem.

[IZUKU] Aw, I didn't know you

cared about me that much!

[OJIRO] Uh, yeah, I mostly just

wanted to get to do the preview.

[IZUKU] Oh. Well,

at least you're honest.

Next time: "Victory or Defeat."

[OJIRO] Get ready for

a quick match that leaves

the whole stadium

feeling bad for the loser.


Go beyond!


Plus Ultra!
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