02x05 - (D) Cavalry Battle Finale

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x05 - (D) Cavalry Battle Finale

Post by bunniefuu »


This is a superhuman society,

with percent of us possessing

some uncanny ability.

Cities swirled with

chaos and confusion

following the appearance

of these powers,

and a new profession emerged.

We call those who

fight for justice

and help others

in need, "heroes."

Oh, by the way,

this is the story

of how I became

the world's greatest hero!

[MIDNIGHT] Forty-two of you

qualified to move on.

Now, gird your loins and

prepare for a Cavalry Battle!

Izuku Midoriya placed

first in the qualifier.

He'll be worth

ten million points!

[MIDNIGHT] It's survival of

the fittest, with a chance

for those at the bottom

to overthrow the top!

[TENYA] Bakugo and Todoroki

have challenged you already,

but they aren't the only ones

who see you as a rival.

I'll try my best to defeat you.


You ready?








Let's do this.

Take this!

Stupid bird!

I told you to call me "Tsu."




[KATSUKI] Don't think for

a second you're safe.



I've got you!


--[DARK SHADOW growls]

--[KATSUKI grunts]


I'll be taking that, now.

[MINETA whimpers]

Normally, I wouldn't

have teamed up with you,

but this was a good plan.

So, I'm not sure how

you lost your headband.

Where the heck did it go?

This just means there's

nothing left to lose!

Shoji! Full-on attack mode!

[MINETA] We'll use all our

powers to steal the points

from those two teams!

[TOKOYAMI] I didn't think this

confrontation would happen

until later in the contest.

He seems to have it out

for you, Midoriya.

The game's only halfway over.

We can't stop now!

Now, Iida. Forward!



[TODOROKI] Yaoyorozu.

Be ready to protect us.


On it!



Oh, I know what I gotta do.

Uh... Watch our surroundings.

It's not just Todoroki.

Everyone's after us!

[KAMINARI] I hope you made

something strong, Yaoyorozu!

[KAMINARI] Indiscriminate Shock.

. million volts!


[DARK SHADOW screams]




Less than six minutes left.

It's time to make a move.


Sorry, but there's no other way.


Will you look at that!

He's stopped all those

teams cold in their tracks!

[AIZAWA] But only after

Kaminari had immobilized

the students using

his electricity.

In the obstacle course,

he was surprised

by how many people

avoided his attack.

He's adapting his strategy.


Nice commentary!



I might as well take these.

[growls] Come back!


What? Mine, too?

The jet pack's malfunctioning!

Baby! Guess it needs

some upgrades.


Oh, no, they're too fast!

We can't get away!

Take care of them.


She's too good at

her Creation Quirk.

We have to be careful.


No. Kaminari is the one to fear.

If there was any more sunlight,

Kaminari's attack

would have completely

destroyed Dark Shadow.


[IZUKU] So what I want you to do

is devote yourself to defense.

I'm hoping you won't

have to attack at all.

Sound good?


Hmph. Interesting.


[TOKOYAMI] My Quirk's offensive

ability gets stronger

when I'm in darkness.

But, that makes

Dark Shadow aggressive

and difficult to control.

On the other hand,

the beast is easy

to handle in the sunlight.

That's at the cost of its

attack power, though.

You couldn't have known this,

and yet you've chosen

the correct role for me.

Your proposal seems

like a good one,

under the circumstances.

Very well. I'll

follow your lead.

We're counting on you. Midoriya.

I get it. His lightning

is our big problem.

[TOKOYAMI] As long as he

keeps using his Quirk,

it will be very difficult

for me to attack.

Dark Shadow is too

timid in the light.

[DARK SHADOW whimpers]

v*olence solves nothing.


[PRESENT MIC] Team Midoriya

has nowhere left to run!


Your attack power is low,

but they have no idea

that's the case, right?


I don't think so.

The only person I've

mentioned this weakness to

is Koda back at the USJ.

And he's a man

of very few words.

Okay, good deal.

We can use that.


This'll work out.

All we have to do is hang on

to the ten million points,

no matter what!

Your class is too

small minded. Think bigger.

He got us!

What'd you say? Come back here!

Oh, hey. You're

kinda famous, huh?

For being att*cked

by that sludge villain.

You'll have to tell me

about it sometime.

It must be strange

to always find yourself

in the role of the victim.

Kirishima, we have

a slight change of plans.




Monoma. Don't provoke him, man.

That's the kinda thing

he would do.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

It's not very heroic of me.

Besides, you know how

these things work.

Heroes are always being hounded

by moronic villains desperate

for some kind of revenge.

Calm down, Bakugo.

You've gotta keep a level head

or we'll never

get our points back!

[KATSUKI roars]


Shut up! I've never been calmer.

Can't you tell? Now get

after them, Kirishima!

Please don't make

us regret this.


You think you're tough?



Huh. Wow. I see why

you like this Quirk!

[KIRISHIMA grunts]

My power...

Whoa, weird! That guy

has your Quirk!

[growls] Damn it!


You both have impressive powers.

But I think you'll

agree mine's better.


Huh? What? Mine, too?


His Quirk.

He can copy other powers.

Very good.


Neito Monoma. His Quirk: Copy.

He can use the Quirks

of whomever he touches,

but only for five minutes.

Plus, he can only

borrow one at a time.

So even an idiot

could figure it out.


[KATSUKI yelps]

Nice one. Thanks for

the backup, Bondo.



If we keep those

headbands, we're good.

As long as no one gets near us,

we'll make our class proud.

Stop 'em!


It's too sticky! Crap!

I can't move.


No prob!

I'll melt through this

gunk with my Quirk!

Well, hurry! We're sitting

at zero points now!


Oh, no hard feelings, right?

After all, you provoked us.

What was it you said in your

little speech before the games?


Oh, right. Oof.

I just wanna say I'm gonna win.

[KATSUKI] This isn't over. I'm

still gonna come out on top.

And I won't just make it

to first place--

I'll be the undeniable champion.

[CROWD cheers]


Only one minute left!

Todoroki has cornered

the ten-million-point team

and is poised to seize

the ultimate prize!

At least, that's what

I would have predicted

five minutes ago!

[PRESENT MIC] Unbelievably,

Team Midoriya's been able

to keep away from the ice master

for the last half of the game!


Stay back!


You're doing good, kid.

He's exploiting your weaknesses.

Don't be a fool.


Midoriya is keeping his distance

and staying on my left side.

That's his strategy.

From this position if I try

to freeze them, I'll hit Iida.

If he keeps moving like this...

There's no way I can get

a clear shot at his team.


I'm not...

--...done yet.

--[TODOROKI] Plus, Tokoyami

[TODOROKI] can defend against

Kaminari's electricity.

There's not much time left.


The bastard!

Everyone, we have

less than seconds.

I'm gonna do something that'll

make me useless to you.

What are you gonna do?

Make sure you get that headband.

Brace yourselves. Hold on tight!


Torque Over--

[grunts, yelps]

Watch the--





Wha-ho-ho! What just happened?

That was one big blur!

Holy smokes, folks!

Why didn't he show off

that super speed

in the preliminaries?

Iida. What was that?

Forced my torque

and RPM into overdrive,

which gave me expl*sive power!

Unfortunately, the recoil

stalls my engines for a while.

It's a secret move

I've been saving.

No one in the class

knew about it.

I told you, Midoriya...

...that I'd do

my best to beat you.

[CROWD cheers]



This entire game was just

turned completely on its head!

Todoroki's team has

the ten million points,

and Midoriya's team is suddenly

left with nothing at all!


Don't let them go!

Kaminari's still

a problem for us.

It'll be smarter for us

to try for other points now.

We can't!

We don't know who's got

the other headbands.

This is our only chance!


Then let's go!

We'll get the points

back, Deku. I know it!



I'm gonna become a pro.

I'll sign with a good agency

and make plenty of money.

Then my parents will

have an easy life!


That's right.

I'd like to use your fame

to my personal advantage!


I'm not alone in this.

We're counting on you, Midoriya.

[IZUKU] All three of them

put their trust in me.

This is my responsibility.


[IZUKU] We all have our

reasons to win this,

and I refuse to let

the others down!


With time almost up,

Team Todoroki is in first

place with four headbands.

Despite their best efforts,

Team Midoriya has

fallen to the bottom!

Will these be the top four teams

that move on to the next round?


Second place.

We've done pretty

well for ourselves.

Now, we can let

the clock run out.


Losers! Get back here.

[MONOMA groans]

Doesn't he ever give up?

Knowing you've been bested

is an important part

of being a hero.

Hey, don't just

fly off on your own!

Tsuburaba! Stop him!


[PRESENT MIC] Kosei Tsuburaba.

His Quirk: Solid Air.

He can harden the air

to form walls or steps.

The bigger the breath,

the stronger the shield!

You look pretty stupid

fighting with air.

[KATSUKI yells]


Crap, he snatched some of 'em!


Team Bakugo nabs two headbands

and moves into third place!

The final moments of the game

have been full of shakeups!

Oh, to be young again!

[PONY yelling]



[BONDO grunts]

Damn it!

We're still in

fourth. It's fine.

Kendo's been frozen and

hasn't been a real player.


If we defend this one to

the death, we'll move forward.

I told you to warn us

before you jumped!

[KATSUKI grunts]

Whatever, this means

we're advancing.

We're not done!



We're gonna be the indisputable

champions of the game!


Now, look at this.

Class -B's strategy

was a reasonable one,

but there's one thing

they forgot to consider.

[KATSUKI] I couldn't brace

myself earlier when I jumped.

Get closer!

We'll get our points

back from this idiot,

then go for the big one!



Do it.

Elbow guy. Tape 'im!

My name's Sero!


You missed!


Raccoon eyes!

Lay down some acid in

the direction we're going.

It's Mina Ashido!


Young Bakugo.

You understand

something crucial,

a truth no one had to teach you.


But there's a difference between

those who aim for the top,

and those who will settle.


And that difference matters.

[AIZAWA] Class -B didn't

take into account Bakugo's

overwhelming tenacity.


Bakugo is a merciless force!

What a point hog!

That was a shield break

heard 'round the arena,

and I can't wait

to watch the replay!

Now! We're going after

Deku and Todoroki.

[IZUKU] It was the first

time I used my power

against a person.


This'll be fine.

I'm not actually

going to hit him.

I'm just slicing through

the air to take out

my opponent's defenses!


My left side. What am I doing?

[IZUKU] My hand hurts,

but it's not broken!

He's turned the bands around

to hide their point values.

But he put the ten million

one on last, right?

So it must be on top!


I've got it!


That's it. I did it!

[CROWD cheers]


With just seconds left,

Team Midoriya's

back in the game!

Uh, wait a minute.

Please tell me I got something

wrong with my eyes.


They tricked us.

We mixed the headbands up.

There's no way we'd

leave the prize on top.

You underestimate us.

Todoroki. Better watch yourself.

That was too close!


Oh, no!

Team Midoriya didn't get the

ten million points after all!


Only points. It's not enough.

The game is almost over!

Time for a countdown!

[buzzer sounds]








Let's go!


Who's got the points?

Dammit, Icy hot!


Time's up!


And with that, the second round

is officially over!



Are you okay, man?

Damn it.

Now, let's take a look at who

our top four teams are!

In first place, Team Todoroki!

We ended in first place,

but it was too

close for comfort.

I'm sorry. I let

everyone down, didn't I?

That's not true.

You're the reason we won.

Thank goodness for that

special move of yours.


In second place, Team Bakugo!

Ugh. We were so

close to first place.

Meh. Sure.

But we're movin' on,

so it's all good.

I don't think our leader

would agree with you.

Like, at all.


[PRESENT MIC] In third place

is Testute-- Wait, what?

It's Team Shinso? When did

they come back from the dead?

Thanks for all your help.

[HATSUME whines]


Hey, Deku.


Guys, I'm... really sorry.




I must apologize.

When Todoroki was shaken

by your first attack...

[TOKOYAMI] I tried to grab the

ten-million-point headband

but things didn't go as planned.



Still, I got one.

It was around his head, where

his guard was the weakest.

Midoriya. You're the one who

created the opening for me.

And ensured our advancement.

[PRESENT MIC] And in fourth

place is Team Midoriya!

[IZUKU screams]

[PRESENT MIC] These four

valiant teams will advance on

to the final round!


[IZUKU screaming]

[TODOROKI] I said I'd

never use this to attack.

But as soon as

I was overwhelmed,

I broke my own promise.

At this rate, he'll

win and I'll end up

exactly who he wants me to be.

[PRESENT MIC] Now, let's

take an hour lunch break

before we start the

afternoon festivities!

See ya soon!

Hey, Eraser Head.

Let's grab some food.


I'm taking a nap.



What the hell just happened?

Suddenly we had zero points

and it was all over.

Maybe it was some

sort of karmic punishment.

For taking the tiny one's

headband. It was so underhanded.

[MINETA] No, what happened?

All my points are gone!


No fair! I want a do-over!

How disappointing.

Mina. Congrats.

Thanks, but Bakugo

only asked me to join

because I could

melt Todoroki's ice.

It's not, like, you know,

I really helped that much.

Iida, you were

holding out on us.

I had no idea you could do that!

Rest assured it wasn't

my intention to deceive you,

I was just being strategic.

Uh heh, heh!

I merely wanted to show

that I could

compete with Midoriya.

[OCHACO] You're always trying

to one-up each other.

Oh, speaking of which,

where'd he go?

Has anyone seen Deku?

You brought me here. Now what?


Yo! Long time no see!

Let's catch up, Endeavor.


All Might.


And now, updates

from the UA Sports Festival.

The first years have finished

their second round.

That means we know which

next-generation heroes

will be moving on to

the final tournament!

Izuku, my baby!

I'm so proud of you!

You worked so hard for this!

But please, son.

Don't get hurt

in the final round!


It's the preview!


Midoriya, you've got All Might

in your corner, helping you out.

I don't know what that's all

about, but know this for sure.

I am going to beat you.

[IZUKU] Todoroki, why do

you have it out for me?

[TODOROKI] I don't really care

what you are to All Might.

[IZUKU] Your eyes are

like ice! It's so creepy!


I will go higher than you.


You can say that, sure,

but I have my own reasons

for reaching the top!

Next time: "The Boy Born

with Everything."

[TODOROKI] The girls from

our class will cheer

and cheer and cheer some more.


Go beyond!


Plus Ultra!
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