02x02 - (D) Roaring Sports Festival

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x02 - (D) Roaring Sports Festival

Post by bunniefuu »

[IZUKU] This is a superhuman

society, with percent of us

possessing some uncanny ability.

Cities swirled with

chaos and confusion

following the appearance

of these powers,

and a new profession emerged.

We call those who

fight for justice

and help others

in need "heroes."

Oh, by the way,

this is the story of how

I became the world's

greatest hero!

[AIZAWA] The UA Sports Festival

is about to start.

It's true that joining

a famous hero agency

can garner you greater

experience and popularity.

One chance a year,

three chances in a lifetime.

No aspiring hero can afford

to miss this festival.

[AIZAWA] That means you better

not slack off on your training.


Yes, sir!


This sports festival...

It's something that the pros--

no, the entire country will

be watching very closely.

Think of the sports

festival as your debut.

You are the fledgling Symbol

of Peace, the next All Might!

Izuku Midoriya.

You must introduce

yourself to the world,

and proudly say "I am here!"

[gasps] But, All Might,

that's your catchphrase!

Besides, what can I do?

You know how the sports

festival is set up, right?


Oh, yeah. Of course!

Students are separated

by class year,

and then the support,

business, general studies,

and hero courses all

fight against each other

in a bunch of

preliminary trials.

Whoever makes it through

the initial games

face off in the finals.

It's basically a big

round-robin tournament.

Right! Meaning,

you'll have plenty

of opportunities

to sell yourself.

I guess.

[ALL MIGHT groans]

[IZUKU] I'm sorry!

I mean, what you're saying

is absolutely

correct, All Might!

But honestly, it's kind of

hard to get excited

about this after everything

that just happened at the USJ.

Plus, I've already got

the world's greatest hero

teaching me, so the festival

probably isn't my only hope

of getting scouted by an agency.

And besides, I don't

know that I can stand out

right now considering I did

so horribly on the fitness tests

and can't control

One For All very well.

Man, nobody is better

at spoutin' word vomit

than you, kid.

Oh, hey, are you okay?

Some heroes always

aim for the top,

while others happily settle.

The difference between

those two mindsets

has a big impact on

how far you go

in the real world.

I understand how you feel.

And I may even be projecting

a bit of myself

onto you. However,

I hope you haven't

forgotten the emotions

you felt back at the beach

during our training.

[ALL gasp]

[OCHACO] U-Um, why the

heck are you all here?

Do you students have

some sort of business

with our class?

Why are you blocking

our doorway?

I won't let you hold us hostage!

They're scouting out

the competition, idiots.

We're the class that survived

a real villain attack.

Let's just hope he

doesn't explode anybody.

At least now you know what

a future pro looks like.

Now move it, extras.

[TENYA] You can't walk around

calling people "extras"

just because you don't

know who they are!


So this is Class -A.

I heard you guys

were impressive,

but you just sound like an ass.

Is everyone in the hero course

delusional, or just you?

[KATSUKI growls]

How sad to come here and

find a bunch of ego maniacs.

I wanted to be

in the hero course,

but like many others here,

I was forced to choose

a different track.

Such is life.


[SHINSO] I didn't cut it

the first time around,

but I have another chance.

If any of us do well

in the sports festival,

the teachers can decide to

transfer us to the hero course.

And they'll have to

transfer people out

to make room.



Scouting the competition?

Maybe some of my

peers are, but I'm here

to let you know that, if you

don't bring your very best,

I'll steal your spot

right from under you.

Consider this a

declaration of w*r.


this guy even come from?


Hey, you!

I'm from Class -B

next door to you!

We heard you fought

some villains,

and I came to see

if that was true.

But you're just a bunch of brats

who think you're better than us!


everyone hates our class now!


Talk all ya want!

It'll just be more

embarrassing when you're KO'd.

Don't you ignore me!

Dude, where are you going?

You gotta say something.

It's your fault they're

all hating on us, Bakugo.

These people don't matter.


The only thing that's important

is that I beat them.



Hey! I'm comin' for you!

[KIRISHIMA growls]

I hate that that was

such a manly exit.

--[KAMINARI] Huh? Huh?!

--[SATO] You said it.

We have to beat them,

he wasn't wrong.

Yeah, sure, but this sucks!

He made us everyone's enemies.


Yeah, that's right!

All of these dumb students

will be gunning for us

in the festival now!


You won't beat me again!

I'm just getting

started! Got that?

I'm gonna end up

the number one hero

no matter what!



Maybe I'm just an idiot.

I'm gonna become a pro.

I'll sign with a good agency

and make plenty of money,

--then I'll be able to...

--As the second oldest Iida son,

--I strive to be just like him.

--[AIZAWA] That's why

the festival matters. If you

wanna go pro one day...

The difference between

those mindsets

impacts how far you'll

go in the real world.

[ALL MIGHT] I hope you haven't

forgotten the emotions

you felt back at the beach

during our training.

[IZUKU] The UA Sports Festival

is in two weeks.

The whole thing'll

be live on TV.

There's no doubt that

whoever impresses

the audience will have

a much better chance

of becoming a pro hero one day.

We won't know what the games

will be until the first day.

They could basically throw

any sort of trial at us.

And so, we have to prepare

for all possibilities.

[TENYA yells]



[SHOJI grunting]

[HAGAKURE grunting]

Let's do this!




[AOYAMA grunts]


[KIRISHIMA grunts]





[KAMINARI groans]



It's too much light!

Thank you all!

[TODOROKI grunts, pants]


Days passed.

All the training made

time go by quickly.

Before we knew it, it was

the morning of the festival.

[IZUKU'S MOM] Izuku, please

be careful and don't get hurt.


I won't.

[IZUKU'S MOM] I'll record

the whole festival in HD!

[IZUKU chuckles]

Do your best, son.

Okay, I'm off!

[REPORTER A] This security line

is huge. What's the deal?

A bunch of villains

did just break in.

Of course the school's

being stricter this year.

Some people think they shouldn't

be holding the festival,

considering what happened.

Perfect! Nothing

brings ratings up

like a little controversy!

Plus, everybody will

tune in to see Class -A!

[MAN A] I'm always psyched

to see the third years

since they've got the most

experience with their Quirks.

Plus, it's their last chance

to show their worth.


Nah, this time it's all about

those powerful first

years. I can't wait.

[WOMAN A] Hey, did you

hear that Endeavor's son

is one of the first-year

students? Can you imagine?


No way, seriously?

[MAN D] Man, the stands

for the first years

are gonna be packed.

[MT. LADY] I'll take

one order to go, please.

Whoa! Mt. Lady,

is it really you?

And hold the salt, will you?

Of course! That's

gonna be ten bucks.


[MT. LADY] Um... Oh, no,

my money's in another costume.

So hot! This is on the house!

Aren't you a dear?


Have you no sense of shame?

[KAMUI WOODS] I was hoping

I'd get to do some scouting

while I was here.

Yeah, too bad we're stuck

working security this time.

Looks like they

called in pro heroes

from all over to guard

this thing. Quite a show.


Aw, man.

I was totally hoping

I could wear my costume.

At least everyone'll

be in uniforms.

That'll keep things fair, right?

I wonder what they

have in store for us

in the first round.

No matter what they've

prepared, we must persevere.



Everyone, get your

game faces on!

We're entering the arena soon!

[MINETA] Swallow your fear,

swallow your fear,

swallow your fear!



Hey, Todoroki. What's up?


From an objective standpoint,

I think it's fairly clear

that I'm stronger than you.

Uh-- Um, yeah.

However, you've got All Might

in your corner, helping you out.



I'm not here to pry about

what's going on between you two.

But know that I will beat you.


[KAMINARI gasps]

What's with all these

declarations of w*r lately?

Yeah, what's the big deal?

Why are you pickin' a

fight all of a sudden?

And right before

we get started...

[TODOROKI] We're not here

to be each other's friends.

Don't forget. This

isn't a team effort.

Wait a sec, Todoroki.

I don't know what's

going through your head

or why you think you'd need

to tell me that you'll beat me.

And, yeah, of course

you're better than me.

In fact, you probably

have way more potential

than anyone in the hero course.

That's why you

got in so easily.

Midoriya, maybe you're being

a little hard on

yourself, and us.

[IZUKU] No, he's right, you

guys. All the other courses--

they're coming for us with

everything they've got.

I wanna be the

world's greatest hero!

[IZUKU] We're all gonna have

to fight to stand out.

And I'll be aiming

for the top, too.




Make some noise,

all you rabid sports fans!

Get those cameras

prepped, media hordes!

This year, we're bringing you

some of the hottest performances

in UA's festival

history, guaranteed!

I've only got one question

before we start this show:

Are you ready?

Let me hear ya scream

as our students

make their way

to the main stage!

C'mon, Izuku!

[ALL MIGHT] You must introduce

yourself to the world,

and proudly say "I am here!"

All Might, I won't let you down.

[AUDIENCE cheering]

[PRESENT MIC] Welcome back

to the UA Sports Festival!

Where up-and-coming

heroes leave everything

on the field as they fight

for the chance to achieve

worldwide fame and celebrity!

This first group are no

strangers to the spotlight!

You know them for withstanding

a villain attack--

they're the dazzling students

lighting up your TVs

with solid-gold skills.

That's right! It's The hero

course students of Class -A!

Uh... I didn't know

there'd be so many people.

I hope we're still able to

give our best performances,

even though all these

eyes are watching us.

I suppose it's just another

aspect of being a hero

we all have to learn

to get used to.

Present Mic sure did

talk us up a lot.

Kinda makes me nervous.

How you feelin', man?

I'm not worried.

Makes me wanna win

this thing even more.

[PRESENT MIC] They haven't

been getting nearly as much

screentime, but this next group

is still chock full of talent!

Welcome, hero course Class -B!

Next up, general studies

classes C, D, and E!

Support classes F, G, and H!

And finally, the business

classes I, J, and K!

Give it up for all of UA's

first-year contestants!

I get the feeling

we're just here

to make the hero

students look better.

I can't wait for this

to be over with.


Now, the introductory speech!


This year's chief umpire

for the first years

is the R-Rated Hero, Midnight!


Seriously, the other

years don't know

what they're missing.

Uh, someone should

talk to Ms. Midnight

about what she's wearing.

Yeah. That costume should

come with a warning.

Is that really

appropriate apparel

for a high school game?



Silence, everyone!

And for the student pledge,

we have Katsuki Bakugo!

Uh... He's the first-year rep?

[SERO] I guess that

hot-head did finish first

in the entrance tests.

[sighs] Only for the

hero course exams.

Oh, right.

That girl obviously hates us.

Yeah, and we've got

Bakugo to thank

for them not liking our class.


I just wanna say...

I'm gonna win.

[CLASS -A] I knew he'd

say something like that!


What did he say?

[STUDENT C] Class -A is

so full of themselves.


Get him off the stage!

[TENYA] Why would you

be so disrespectful?

You're representing us all!

Not my fault the rest of you

are just stepping

stones to my victory.

I'm gonna crush this

overconfident jerk!

I can't wait to knock

him down a size!

[IZUKU] I don't think

it is overconfidence.

The old Kacchan would have

laughed while saying that,

making it a joke.


This is him pushing himself.

[IZUKU] And turning all

the rest of us into targets

at the same time.

Without further ado, it's time

for us to get started!

UA really doesn't believe in

letting us catch a breath, huh?

[MIDNIGHT] This is where

you begin feeling the pain!

The first fateful game

of the festival!

What could it be?



So it's gonna be

an obstacle course.

All classes will participate

in this treacherous contest.

The track is four

kilometers around

the outside of the stadium.

I don't wanna restrain anyone,

at least in this game.

As long as you don't

leave the course,

you're free to do whatever

your heart desires.

Now then, take your

places, contestants.


All Might...

[ALL MIGHT] You must introduce

yourself to the world,

and proudly say "I am here!"


I have to be smart about this.

I'm still not able to

control One For All, yet,

so I have to be

careful when I use it.

[IZUKU] That means...

I have to go beyond.

[IZUKU] I hope you're

watching, All Might!


And we're off to a racing start!

How 'bout some color

commentary, Mummy Man?


How did you talk me into this?

[PRESENT MIC] What should we

be paying attention to

in the early

stages of the race?


The doorway.


Hey, hey!


You're trampling me!


This is too narrow!

[yelping, grunting]



I get it; they're testing us--

seeing how we get through.


This is the first obstacle.




Ow! No fair!


So cold!

--[KIRISHIMA] Here I come!

--[KATSUKI yells]

Nice trick, Todoroki!

I won't let you

get away so easily!

You icy-hot bastard!

You froze me in

place once before,

it won't happen again.



Close one!

Gotta wait for the right

time to show off my Quirk!

So they are good at

using their powers, huh?

I didn't expect so many

people to dodge that.

Especially those

from other classes.


[MINETA grunting]

You think you're so cool,

but I've outsmarted you!

Ha! How pathetic, Todoroki!

Eat this! My special attack!



[MINETA screams]

[MINETA yelping]

Are you okay?

[IZUKU gasps]


Targets acquired.

Terminate them.

It's those robots

from the entrance exam!



Enemies have shown up

out of nowhere!

I bet we're in for a treat here!

A test of strength and cunning!

It's a Robo Inferno!

Are those the

zero-point villains

from the practical test?




This is what they meant

by "obstacles"?

So this is what the

other students faced

in their entrance exams.

Where's the school

even get the funding

for these things?

[TODOROKI] They obviously went

through a lot of trouble,

but I wish they'd

prepared something

a little more difficult.

Especially since my

dear-old dad is watching.



Dude, he stopped the robots!


Look! Between their legs!

We can get through!

Careful, now.

I froze them while they

were off their balance.


On purpose.

[PRESENT MIC] That's Todoroki

from Class -A pulling ahead

to an early lead with

a devastating display!


He's one we should watch,

It almost seems unfair!


[AIZAWA] His attack was both

offensive and defenseive.

No wonder he was let in

on recommendations!

He'd never even fought

those Robo Infernos before,

but they didn't stand a chance

against his chart-topping moves!

[IZUKU grunts]


Gotta hurry!


No, you can't beat those, son.

Get outta there! Please,

just run away for me, baby!

[IZUKU] I have to get past

these robots, while looking out

for other obstacles.


Holy crap, I'm gonna die!

Why won't my feet move?


Come on! Think!

What do I do?


It's time for the dumb preview.

Everybody just listen to me!

[IZUKU] Why are you so mad?

This is the fun part!

[KATSUKI] I already know

how the obstacle course

is gonna end. With me at the top

and you trampled on the

ground in last place.


That's not a preview,

that's more like

your personal dream.


Shut your mouth, you damn nerd!

If you're even one

step ahead of me,

I'll incinerate you,

no questions asked!

Actually, I think I'll do that

even if you're not ahead!


Why are you always so scary?

[KATSUKI] Next time:

"In Their Own Quirky Ways."

[IZUKU] Watch me go

"boom" in a minefield!


Go beyond!


Plus Ultra!
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