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03x02 - Uncontrollable Forces

Posted: 03/22/23 16:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Superman & Lois"...

- Pregnant?
- There's still some blood work

she has to do, but...
there's a pretty good chance.

Whatever happens, we'll...
we'll figure it out.

- I care about you, Sarah.
- I care about you, too,

Jordan, but as a friend.

Lana, you need to put those funds
back where you found them.

You can't be messing around
in things you don't understand.

Henry Miller?

- You have powers?
- Just like you!



Henry... just tell me
who did this to you.

- I can help you.
- No one can help me.

- [g*nshots]

There aren't any b*ll*ts.

Hey, Dr. Irons.

We can rule out pregnancy.

I'd like to run some more tests,

figure out what's causing all this.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


What? But we don't
even have class today.

Yeah, Principal Balcomb
said school's out for, like, a week.

Yeah, for mold remediation,
not spring break.

You still have to study.

Your mom and I are in agreement.

Yeah, absolutely.

Okay. Well, do we have to study here?

Bro, any excuse to take the car.

Oh, says the guy who jumps
at every chance he can to fly.

Yeah, to save lives.

All right, all right!
You can go. Please go.

Hey, the moment it gets dark,

that truck better be
parked back in the driveway.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You okay? [LIGHT LAUGH]

- Yeah.
- How was your thing

with your dad this morning?

You know my dad.

Look, I know we haven't really

had a chance to talk about what
happened with the pregnancy.

- Clark...
- We both got excited.

It didn't happen, but if it's something

that we really want,
then we can always try.

It was fun to imagine
for a couple of days.

But that's all it was... a fantasy.

Our lives are full enough already.

You sure?

I'm sure.


Well, in that case,
did you know that Tal

also has a villa in Bali?

- Mmm.
- And home spa,

three-tier Infinity Pool
overlooking the ocean.

Rumor is he bought it off Michael Bay.

That is not a selling point.


Actually, we should go to "The Gazette."

Chrissy said she had a lead
in the Henry Miller case.


Come on. I know that's not true.

You must have had at least
one crush in your old world.

Why does it even matter?

Because we basically
have a free skip day,

and I didn't think we'd actually
spend it doing homework.

Plus, what if he exists here, too?

It could be like Romeo and
Juliet, but with other worlds,

and nobody has to die.

Ugh, okay, fine.

There was this one guy
who was kind of cute.

Travis Michaels.


- Oh, my God. He is cute.

What, you actually found him?

And he's throwing a party.

Nat, his house is insane!

We have to go to this party.
It's, like, meant to be.

[LAUGHS] We can't just go to Metropolis.

Why not? I have a car.

Your mom will be okay with that?

She's busy with marriage stuff.

She won't even notice I'm gone.

Come on.

I am making a sacred vow of friendship

to be your wing woman.

Come on. You can finish
your homework tomorrow.

Oh, no, no, I'm doing
a project for the DOD.

Okay. Close your laptop.
We're definitely going to that party.

Okay. I'll pick you up in ?

Hey, guys.

Hey. We were just leaving,

so you guys can take our seat.

Oh, um, what are you guys doing later?

Not-not, like, asking you to hang out,

but if you want to, we can, but, uh...

- Well, actually, we're...
- It's kind of a girl thing.


Bye, guys!

Riddle me this.

Why would a judge deny Henry Miller's

petition for release three times,

only to change her mind?

Who's the judge?

Tara Reagan, former public defender,

youngest judge ever appointed
to her district court.

Any shady dealings in her past?

Well, you can ask her yourself.

She agreed to an interview
with you about judiciary reform.

Ah, so we're ambushing her.

Well, technically,
Lois is ambushing her,

which I didn't think
that she would mind,

because, well, she's Lois.

Great. I'm going to head out now

before she leaves for
the day. Nice work.

Oh, you mean literally
right at this exact moment?

Before giving me notes
on our editor's column?

Yeah, I'm sure it's great. Run it.

Uh, hey, maybe I could go with you?

I can handle a judge, Clark.

I completely agree with you.

But don't you think this calls for

a classic Lois Lane, Clark Kent team up?

Like the time we took down those guys

at the Green Horse Inn
for money laundering?

Oh, you mean the time you forgot
to turn the tape recorder on?

One time. One time, that happened.

Come on. I can shave
hours off your commute.

Fine. But let's get moving.

Where are the paperweights?


Just for today.

But it's our night.
I'm making your favorite tortellini.

Maybe I can have some when I get back?

It's just, there's this party.

Ah. Ha. Yeah, shoulda guessed

you weren't dressed up for pasta night.

I'm not that dressed up.

All right. Tell me about the party.

Will there be boys there?

- Uh, yes.
- Alcohol?

Maybe. But I won't be drinking any.

- Who's driving?
- Sarah.

And she won't be drinking any either.

And how would you rate her
willpower on a scale of one to ten?

[SIGHS] Look, Dad,
you said you wanted me

to hang out with high school kids, okay?

This is what they do.

They go to high school parties.

All right.

Just, uh, be home by midnight.

- Okay?
- Okay.

Save me some leftovers.



Mom, I'm heading out.

Where are you going?

Uh, over to Nat's.

We're going to have a movie marathon.

Oh, that's fun. What movies?

Um, you know, just the classics.

- Mmm.

Oh, God, why is George Dean calling me?

Oh, you should probably get that.

I'll see you later?

- Hello, George.
- Lana... oh, thank God.

I need you to listen to me.

- Please, please listen.
- George, slow down.

What's going on?

I made a big mistake!


George, what is that noise?



Stop right there!

- George, can you hear me?

Lana, you have to understand!

It was always about
the pride of Smallville!

George? What's happening?


- George?
- [g*nsh*t]

George, are you okay? Can you hear me?



George, are you okay?

Oh, God, answer.

George, where are you? Are you okay?

George, answer me!

George! Please...

How much longer is the
judge gonna make us wait?

It's kinda fun being back
in our old stomping grounds.

Oh, do you think Harry still
has that early bird special?

I don't know.

Are you sure nothing happened
with your dad this morning?

He didn't say something
that upset you, or...

You want to know what's upsetting me?

The fact that some lunatic
we put behind bars years ago

was back on the streets
with superpowers.

Where is this judge?

Apologies, Ms. Lane.

You arrived earlier than expected.

My assistant tells me that you're
doing a story on judicial reform.

Actually, we want to ask you a
few questions about Henry Miller.

Dude, you're not going to believe this.

Eliza just texted me
about some crazy party

going down in Metropolis.

There's going to be like kids, too.

We should go.

We're not driving to
Metropolis right now.

We will not make it back by dark.

- You heard Mom.
- I know.

But we can fly.

You mean, like, I carry you?

Jordan, what else are
you going to do today?

Mope around in your room
and play Stumble Guys?

Seriously... you need to, like,

forget about Sarah
and, like, move forward.

Why is Eliza even
texting you about a party?

Didn't she dump you?

Yes. And it sucked.

But I moved on, okay?

And she texted me last week,
happy birthday, and we're cool again.

It's not that easy for everyone else

- to be friends with their ex.
- Well, you know what would

actually make that easier?

Is if you actually try to get over Sarah

by actually talking to another girl.

And you know where there's
going to be tons of other girls?

- Metropolis party.
- Metropolis party.

That's right.

Eternals, right?

Any idea what happened?

You know, when we got
here, it was just, um...

just Dean's body...

dead on the hood of his car.

You know, he had, um, shotgun
wounds to the stomach area.

But, uh, we haven't been
able to find any pellets.

I dunno, it's... seems like
they disappeared or something.

I did not think that I'd be
reporting on a m*rder today.


You know, I remember when
Dean first got elected.

Yeah, he came into my third-grade class

to teach us about civic duty.

[LAUGHS] I literally thought
his first name was Mayor.

You were, uh, you were in
the third grade then, huh?

I... guess we just
skipped right past the, uh,

whole getting to know each
other formalities, huh?

Hi, Mrs. Mayor.


Thank you for your time,

- Chief Cushing.
- Yeah, sure.

How are you holding up?

It's been a lot.

But I'm fine.

If you need to talk, I-I'm here.

I appreciate it, Kyle.

Right now, I just need to get Sarah.

This is going to be
such a big shock for her.

Her and George Jr. used to be so close.



Nat, this party's insane!

Yeah, I'm not sure
about the vibe, though.

Come on, let's find Travis!


- o'clock!
- Where?

- No, Sarah!

Who cares about the finish?

It's just that the
windows aren't tinted.

- The rims are standard...
- But it's a new car.

I got a watch for my th birthday.

Yeah, okay, that's gonna be a hard pass.

I mean, it doesn't sound great,

but maybe it was just
something out of context?

- Oh.
- Context of that one's

- pretty clear.
- Yeah.

Uh, well, maybe there's other cute guys.

Yo, I think I swallowed a bug.

I told you to close your mouth.

John? You made it!

Hey, Eliza.


And you brought your brother.

You wouldn't mind if we talk
alone for a minute, do you?

Sure. Uh, listen.

I will be right in.

You just go talk to a girl.

Okay? Any girl.

You got this.

Sorry about Travis.

Maybe it's for the best.
He did look like a terrible kisser.

Look, I just feel kind of stupid.

- We should go home.
- No!

As your wing woman,
that's like not an option.

Today's about fun!

Oh, my God, don't look now,

but that guy's totally staring at you.

He's kinda cute, right?

I mean, yeah, I guess,

knowing absolutely nothing about him.

On it.

- No, Sarah...
- Get off!


See my friend?

- Are you sure?
- Yeah. Come on.

Uh, Matteo, this is Natalie.

Nat, this is Matteo.

Feel free to say hi to each other.

So, uh, ha... your friend tells me

that she's your wing woman.

Oh, my God.

No, it's cool, it's cool.

I was actually working up the nerve

to come over and talk to you.

She just sort of
forced my hand a little.


Wing woman out.

So, uh, she's definitely,
like... not afraid.

No, she's... she's kind of the best.



Hi, um, I'm Jordan.


♪ ♪


- Oh!

Oh-oh, my God! I am so sorry!

This better come out,
or I'm gonna beat your ass.

I-I'm really sorry.


I have nothing more to say.

We just wanna give you a chance to tell

your side of the story.

I told you.

I recalled Henry Miller's sentence,

because he had a terminal brain tumor.

Are you aware that
Henry Miller not only survived

months after his release

but had also displayed superpowers?


He was the one fighting
Superman in Hob's Bay.

The damage he caused
is in the tens of millions.


♪ ♪

Your Honor, are you all right?

I've said all I can.

Did someone pressure you to release him?

I can handle this.

Who the hell are you?

This interview's over.

Oh, wait... okay.
No need to get physical.

Get your hands off me.

I have a message for you.

What's on that phone?
Who do you work for?

You need to leave.

Don't touch me.


Were you ever gonna tell me?

About what?

Harry's closed.

It's a smoothie place now.

Here, I got you a banana bedlam.

Great, thanks.

What did you think I was talking about?

Nothing. No, I'm just...

trying to figure out
who sent that fixer.

[SIGHS] Lois, I know
something's bothering you,

and it's not just this case.

I know-I know you're in work mode, okay?

I get that.

But whenever, if ever,

you're ready to talk about it,

I'm here for you.

- I know you are.
- I mean it.

We're a team.

Best one I know.

Clark, there he is! Follow him.

We have to find out who he works for.

What are you going to do?

I'm gonna wait for Judge Reagan.

She was about to tell us something.



I cannot believe I just told you that.

No, it's okay.

"Slaughter Cab" used to
give me nightmares, too.

When I was .

Oh, you are brutal!

The car was terrifying, and you know it.

Have you seen "The Bus Stop"?

Have I seen "The Bus Stop"?
Yes, I've seen "Bus Stop."

- Did I like "Bus Stop"?
- Also yes!

It completely reinvented the
psychological horror genre.

I mean, the scene where Gina realizes

the bus stop is literally purgatory

is one of the most cinematic...

Too much?


No, not at all.

It's just, um...

I really wish you never left Met High.


When your friend saw me
staring at you earlier,

it's because I recognized you.

- I was only there for a day.
- I know.

I know, and I asked around about you.

But you never came back.

You just became this mystery girl

I never thought I'd see again.

Oh. Well, I...

I'm here now.

I don't have to be a mystery anymore.

What do you want to know?

What's this?

Like a belated birthday present?

Yes. And an apology

for ending our
relationship the way I did.

It was no big deal.

No, it was a mistake.

One I've been thinking
about a lot lately.

Wow, Eliza, this is... really nice.

I know. I'm glad you like it.

There's one more thing. Follow me.


♪ ♪


I wasn't avoiding you.

I... I didn't even know you were here.

And I wanted to give you space.

Jordan, you don't...

You don't need to give me space. I...

Look, you're the first
guy I've ever dated

that I've wanted to stay friends with.

This is completely new for me, too,

and I'm really sorry
if I made you feel like

you have to walk on eggshells around me.

I mean, it's not your fault.

I'm kinda that way around everybody.

But not around your close
friends, and that's...

that's what I want to be.

Best friend.

Same here.


Then it's settled.


All right, so...

what are we doing now?

Oh, uh...

Didn't you drive here?

Yeah, but I bet these Metropolis bros

won't mind us playing water cups

if we put a little money on the line.

- Yeah!
- Yeah!


♪ ♪

- Yeah!
- Yeah!



- Yes!
- Sarah's in Metropolis?

I'm sorry.
I thought she had your permission.

No! She fed me some lie
about a movie marathon.

Okay. If it helps, I told
Nat to be home by midnight.

No, it doesn't. I need her back now.

I'm sorry, um...

this is not your problem.

No, hey, wait, look. I, um...

I just finished cooking, okay?

If you're hungry...

I've, uh, bothered you enough.

No, no, actually, you'll
be doing me a favor.

Nat caught me by surprise
with this Metropolis trip,

and I'd already prepped the
wild mushroom tortellini.



Up there!

- She's gonna jump!
- Judge Reagan.

Your Honor?

You shouldn't have followed me.

Why don't you step down,
and we can go back inside.

I went to work this morning

like it was just another normal day.

Then you asked me about Henry Miller.

And I knew it was the
day I was going to die.


The judge won't be a problem, sir.

And Lois Lane?

She's got nothing.



I apologize. I...

We'll revisit this later, Mr. Orr.


What do you want?

What are you doing in my neighborhood?

Why'd you have Henry
Miller released from prison?

Is that an accusation?

Just a question.

Why does Superman care about
someone like the Atom Man?

Well, because when I faced him
a week ago, he had superpowers...

Something he didn't have before.

So you're threatened 'cause
someone else has powers?


Still don't see what
that's got to do with me.

You had Henry Miller
released from prison.

Got proof?

My whole life, people
have been accusing me

of things I haven't done.

Like being the head of Intergang?

It's a rumor that never dies,

no matter how many
times I try to k*ll it.

Did you give Henry Miller powers?

You're the one who dragged
him into my backyard,

destroying things I
built for my community.

And now you stand here in my home,

accusing me of what?

Playing Dr. Frankenstein?

I still haven't heard you deny it.

Every few years, people like Lois Lane

come snooping around Hob's Bay,
trying to make me the villain.

But that story?

Never sticks.

You know why?

Because here, in my part of Metropolis,

I'm the hero... not you.

I know you're not the bad guy here.

You don't understand.

Then talk to me.

Make me understand.

I thought if someone like
me could become a judge,

then maybe this world
could become a better place.

Maybe become more fair.

But then I found out how
much the system's rigged.

That's why you need to fight back.

Whoever did this, don't let him win.

I can protect you. We can stop them.

Some people are just unstoppable.

No, please! Don't give up!

Please let me help you!


I can't believe this is vegan.

Mm-hmm. When you, um...

when you have a very
principled -year-old,

you learn your substitutions.



I needed that.

I have been so
overwhelmed with work lately,

I didn't even notice
Sarah was lying to me.

And getting that call...

I was on the phone with him, John.

I heard it happen.


that would rattle anyone.

He was so afraid.

He was saying something about...

the pride of Smallville.

I think he was telling
me that that's how...

he wanted to be remembered.

The pride of Smallville?

Have you heard that anywhere before?


Not that I can think of.



But I have read it.

The town seal in my office...

"the Pride of Smallville."

Let's go.


I really missed this.

Sitting here talking to you.


It's cool to be hanging out again.


♪ ♪

Wait, I've-I've-I've got a girlfriend.

But you've been texting
me this whole week.

And you drove all the way
to Metropolis to see me.

Well, yeah, because I
thought we were friends.


We've never been just friends.

I won't tell anyone, if that's
what you're worried about.


I made a mistake.

I'm so sorry.

- Yeah!
- Yay!

- Yes!
- Uhh!

Ah... lost again.

Pay up.

God, Metropolis money
just spends better.

You two aren't even drinking,

and now you wanna run your mouth?

I don't even know you.
What are you doing here?

Just trying to have a good time.

Wait, are you wearing her flannel?

He's probably gonna
borrow her panties next.

- Say that again.

Hey, come on, Sarah.

Hey, you still owe me
a drink from earlier.

Why don't you go fetch me a beer?

Yeah, you could be our beer bitch.

He's not getting you crap.


Hey, hey, what's going on?

Get moving, beer bitch.


You never had a boyfriend?

Okay, your standards must be
like through the roof then.

I mean, maybe a little above average.

Come on!

I mean, you're smart, funny,

and, like, model-level gorgeous.

I mean, you must be turning
guys down left and right.

Well, I...

I wouldn't turn down
every guy who asked me out.


- Get moving, beer bitch.
- Uh...

- Ooh!
- Ooh!

Screw you, you privileged prick!

Uh, I have to go. Just don't move.

I said, get me a beer,

or you and your hillbilly girlfriend

can get the hell outta here.

Oh, you want a beer? You want a beer?


- Oh!
- Ooh!

Here's your beer, bitch.

- Get the hell outta my house!
- And we'd better go!

Those jerk-offs deserve way
more than beer in their face.

I got an idea. I got an idea.

The Pride of Smallville.

You think there's
something behind there?

Yeah, let's, uh... let's see.


♪ ♪

Any idea what could be on that?

Not a clue.

But we can look.


What's-what's going on?

It's what I heard

right before Dean was k*lled!


Who the hell is that?

- Aah!

Get down!




[GROANS] Ah...



You okay?

You know what they called
this area when I was a kid?

The su1c1de slums.

'Cause people around
here started to lose hope,

and they started taking their own lives.

I had a front-row seat.

I'd watch people like Lex Luthor

and Morgan Edge become billionaires

while my community was choked.

I learned at a very early age,

no one was gonna come here to save us.

So I became the person they looked to.

I transformed this community.

I gave my people hope.

I made real change.

I didn't just put out fires.

That's what you think I do?

The whole time you've
been on this planet,

you haven't changed a damn thing.

I save people's lives.

Not here, you didn't.

- No, please, don't give up!


I don't have any other choice!


♪ ♪

There is always another choice.

Not this time.

It's too late to save me.


Another fire.

We're not done.

Oh... we're done.

And never stepped
foot in my house again,

acting like you're better than me.


♪ ♪

We can get through this
together, Judge Reagan.

I promise you we can get you some help.

There's no helping me now.

What's coming for me...

It's uncontrollable.

I know what that feels like.


Facing something uncontrollable.


Not knowing whether
there's anything you can do

that will ultimately
even make a difference.

I understand that fear.

How could you possibly understand that?

Because I'm facing something
uncontrollable, too.

I just found out I have cancer...

And it's aggressive.

And all day, I've been
trying to hang on to hope,

but it's really hard,
because I'm really scared.

But what I know or what I believe

is that the only way
to take back control

is to fight.

If I can do it, you can do it, too.

You're much stronger
than you think you are.

Help her inside. I'll be right there.


♪ ♪

I didn't have a lump.

I'm young. The swelling could've been

a dozen different things.

And since I couldn't give
my full family history,

'cause of my mom,

Dr. Irons wanted to be sure,
and she expedited the biopsy.

I have inflammatory breast cancer.

It's rare and aggressive,
and it's hard to detect,

but they did, so there's that.

I should have told you sooner.

What? No.

You have nothing to apologize for.

I just wanted to process it on my own.

I didn't want to scare you.

And I didn't want you to
look at me like I was sick.

Come here, come here.


♪ ♪

You are the strongest person I know.

I promise you, I will never
look at you any other way.

I'm not ready for everything to change.

Come here. Come here.

We are gonna get through this together.

You're not gonna go to any
more doctor's visits alone.

You're gonna beat this thing.

There's not a doubt in my mind.

Now that the adrenaline's worn off,

I should probably apologize
for ruining everyone's day.


Dude, that was the coolest
thing I've ever seen.


Nat, did you at least
get Matteo's number?

There'll be other guys.




You froze his car?

- That's awesome!
- Oh my God!


Sarah, what's wrong?


How long has he been like this?


It's only getting worse.





I told you it wasn't going to work.

I'm not done. That was only one trial.

Something happened in Smallville.

- Idiot mayor.
- Not him. He's dead.

But John Henry Irons isn't.

You k*lled him.

I know.

Mom, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Sir Irons is putting in a
new security system for us.

- Look, I'm really sorry.
- No, we will talk about that later.

- You're hurt.
- No, I'm... I'll be all right.

I'll come back later and
get everything else set up,

but you should be good for the night.

My sensors detect anything,
I'll be here in seconds.


Come on. We should get home.

Oh, I can... I can show 'em out.


Thank you.

- Are they still awake?
- Yeah they're in the kitchen.

- Hey,

just tell them you got
turned around again.

Bro, pretty sure that
excuse only works once.


What's going on?

Boys, you need to sit down.

Guys, your mom has something
she wants to tell you,

but before she does,
I just want you both to know

that we are going to get
through this as a family.


♪ ♪

I was just diagnosed

with stage-three
inflammatory breast cancer.




♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪