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03x16 - Great Bus of Choir Adventure

Posted: 03/22/23 08:47
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Look up there ♪
- ♪ What do you see? ♪

Nature and stuff

- ♪ Like a rock ♪
- ♪ And a tree ♪

Oh, the Great North

Way up here,
you can breathe the air

Catch some fish

Or gaze at a bear


Oh, the Great North

Here we live, oh, oh

Here we'll stay, oh, whoo

From longest night
to longest day

In the Great North.


Um, sure you don't want
to sit down, Moon?

You've been standing there
for three hours.

Yep, because when Dad
is ready to leave

for my Ten-Year Tobin Retreat,
my ass is out the door.

All right, here we go.
Later, snurbs, it's nature time!

Slow down, son.

Lara doesn't have us
scheduled to take off

until an hour from now.

Ugh, when I turned ten,

all I got was a rental pony
for minutes.

My parents got a discount
because it had a small cough.

I've had better birthdays.

On my retreat,

Dad taught me
that if you speak to bears

in monotone,
they leave you alone.

Ugh, if only that worked
on men at the bar...

is what I'll say when
I'm and living in a big city.

On my retreat, I learned
how to make a compass

using a cup of water
and a sewing needle.

And then I accidentally drank

the cup of water
with the sewing needle.

And then I learned what an
emergency airlift looked like.

I'm already so good
at outdoor stuff,

I can only imagine what
you have planned for me, Dad.

Guess I'll go take one last poop
in a real toilet before we go,

but I'm gonna use
leaves to wipe,

just to get me in the mood.

You guys got everything you need

for your two-day takeover
of the Tobin estate?

Yeah, Dad.
Totally under control.

Don't worry, Beef.
We'll take good care

of the house and Judy and Ham.

I mean, we don't really even
need to be watched

because of, you know, our ages,

but also because we are
not up to anything very cool.

More like teen-angels.

I hear you guys, but
just in case anything comes up,

Wolf and I each read
a different parenting book,

and we're gonna see
which method works best.

Well, I read most of mine.

Then Cheesecake showed up with a
Tupperware full of Jell-O sh*ts,

and then, before I knew it,
we had eaten the whole thing.

And then, before I knew it, we
had thrown up the whole thing.

Well, speaking of
"whole things,"

[chuckles] Wolf, can I get you
to fill that pothole

down on the driveway?

Oh, hell yeah!
I'll "F" that "P."

And by "F" that "P,"
I mean fill that pothole.

I am happy
that is what you meant.

Let's move, Beef.

I can't wait to sleep inside
an animal of some sort.

I don't know whether
I'll snuggle up in a badger

or spread out in a moose,

but there's no softer pillow
than a fresh spleen.

All right, I got the spare key
out of the drawer.

Why are you holding it
with a tissue?

- Fingerprints.
- Smart.

I really mean this, Ham,
you could be a famous m*rder*r.

[chuckles] Thank you.

Oh, what do you think
they'll call me?

Hmm. How about the Ham Bam
k*lled Ya Ma'am Stabber?

Mm, let's keep thinking.
We'll come up with something.

So, what's the plan?

Because I'm already
fa-ra-eaking out.

Fa-reak not, young Hamlet.

Our plan still rips,
and the plan is this:

We'll act perfectly
for the rest of the evening.

We'll do our chores.
We'll go to bed early.

Then we'll use the fire ladder
to sneak off the roof

and, you know,
go do the exciting thing

that we can't let Wolf
and Honeybee find out about.

Okay, we do all that stuff now?

No, Ham, we do that later,
after bedtime.

Right, right.
Huh, this is gonna rip.

Oh, it will rip, slap and slam.

- HONEYBEE: How do I look?
- Well, your shoulders look enormous.

Thank you.
I didn't have any blazers

with shoulder pads in them,
so I cut up a pillow.

The parenting book
I've been reading, Mom-ager,

says you have
to dress professionally

so children know
you mean business

and that you're not their friend.

Oh, huh.
The book I read, Pal-enting,

specifically says you should be
your kids' best friend

and give them hugs
and a piece of candy

every time
they do something right.

My pockets are absolutely filled
with goodies right now.

I'm like a piñata.

Well, let's go put our books
to the test.

See which one actually gets
this parenting thing right.

Yep. And a lot
is riding on this.

I know we want to be parents
sooner rather than later.

All right, let's go show
Ham and Judy who's boss.

They are. And we're
just their cool friends

who play video games with them

and buy them
literally anything they ask for.

Dad, before we land,

let me run you through the order
in which I would like you

to amputate my toes
in the event of frostbite.

Sounds good, son.
Oh... Oh, wait a minute.

Is it just me, or has our flight
stability suddenly become a bit wobbly?

Oh, yeah, good catch, Beef.

Now that you mention it, our
flight stability is goofy as hell.

Gonna have to set her down
in Anchorage just in case.

What? No.

Come on, Moon.
Maybe it won't be so bad.

The big city. A million people,
a million stories.

Population is
approximately ,.

, people,
, stories.

Okay, guys, time for chores. Oh.

It looks like
you're already doing them.

Oh, hell yeah. Chores rule.

Okay, here we go.

That's a candy reward for you
and for you.

And I will offer each of you
a professional handshake

- and my respect.
- And here, we made you this card.

Not because we are trying
to butter you up,

but because we are
extremely well-behaved.

"Dear Wolf and Honeybee,

"Thank you so much for
looking after us this weekend.

It means so much to know
that you are there." Aw!

Two more pieces of candy
for each of you.

Is it just me,
or are we freaking nailing

this parenting gig?

If we're already this good
at being parents,

we could be turning our crawl
space into a nursery in no time.

It'll be a crawling space.

And before long,
it'll be a walking space.

Oh, God, they're gonna be
going off to college soon.

They grow up so fast.

Sorry, guys, but this plane
has been diagnosed

with a case of Wacky Wings.

Gonna need some time
to get her fixed.

Need to stay overnight.

- Huh.
- Huh, what?

Well, the plane seemed to be
running just fine to me.

And then suddenly
we're stranded in the city?

In unfamiliar surroundings?

And I'm totally
outside of my depth?

Yes, that is all correct, son.

Hmm. Father, is Anchorage,
by any chance,

the location of
my Ten-Year Tobin Retreat?

- You figured it out.
- Damn it.

Since you've mastered the wild,

now it's time for you to survive
a harsh city landscape.

So no eating bugs?
No digging a hole to poop in?

Look, I hate the city, too,

but if you ever
get stranded in one,

you're gonna have to figure out
how to survive the night.

Okay, well, I have
a simple one-step plan:

hand me your cell phone
and I'll book us a flight home.

This is
the Ten-Year Tobin Retreat.

no cell phones allowed.

Now, first up,
you're gonna have to figure out

how to get
into Anchorage proper.

I'll give you a hint:
It's big and it's yellow.

Dad, Minions aren't real

and they definitely aren't
gonna carry us into town.

Those guys are super unfocused.

Well, time for us to turn in.

Really? It's only :.

Yeah, I got to rest
these cheeks.

[chuckles] Too much smiling from
how well I was taken care of.

And no need to check on us.

We are gonna tuck in
and drift right off.

Um, parents of the year, much?

Uh, very much.

Let's pour ourselves
a couple parent coladas

and turn on Quebec's
Quiche Queens All-Stars.

Ooh, yeah. I hear Frangelica
is back this season

and she's not taking any crap.

Okay, let's switch out
of our pajamas

and into our super cool
badass teen clothes,

and I'll meet you
out on the roof in five minutes.

For what? Oh, wait, right.
The thing that absolutely tears.

[object crashes]

What the hell was that?

[gasps] Oh, no!

Oh, say what-hole?
A bus hit the pothole!

I forgot to "F" that "P,"
and now someone C'd in our "D"!

Is everyone okay?

Yep, looks like we got all
our butts and coconuts intact.

I see you met our friend
Pietro the Pothole.

I know this doesn't
help you much,

but I was just about
to fix that.

Uh, what's with
the flashy getups?

Oh, well, we are the...

- [blows pitch pipe]
- [in harmony] ♪ The Ketchikan-do's.

We're one of Alaska's
many adult show choirs.

Name's Rocky Ritz, Esquire.

I'm kind of the leader
of the group.

And I'm his sister
Jackie Jacqueline II,

and I'm also kind of
the leader of the group.

Oh, boy.

That there's Dink, our baritone;

Liberty, alto;
Contessa, contralto;

last but not least,
we got Sunshine, our soprano.


You should all come inside,
we can call Triple A.

not trying to upstage you.

Singing just seemed like
so much fun.

I'll make hot cocoa.

I have a very sensitive
singing voice,

so hot drinks are off the table,
but I appreciate the gesture.

And don't worry
about upstaging us.

You were very flat.
Just kidding.

But you were very flat.

Now that these guys are here,

how is our plan supposed
to rip or slap or slam?

- Are you kidding me, Ham?
- This helps the ripping

and also the slamming
and the slapping.

Now Wolf and Honeybee
will be so distracted,

they won't have
any idea what we're up to.

Okay, but we better
keep it quiet

around the shiny grandparents.

These pitches
seem like snitches.

TAXI DRIVER: All right, you decided where
you want me to let you out yet, sir?

Well, Moon?

In the wilderness, the rule
is always shelter first.

So, uh... Oh! What about there?

Glen's Sleep Hut. Pull in.

- MOON: Oh, no. No vacancy?
- TAXI DRIVER: Oof, yeah.

I hate to tell you this,

but there's not a single
available room in town,

what with the Beanie Baby
convention going on.

Okay. Well...

why don't we just keep
driving around all night then?

Sure. I don't mind doing
a Snore Tour.

Moon, you may want
to take a look at the meter.

MOON: $?
For riding in a car?

I guess we'll just get out here.

Okay, no problem.

Just get inside quick.
There is a guy around here

who thinks he's Linda Hamilton's
character from The Terminator.

He's a little dangerous.
You don't want to run into him.

Okay, I guess we'll just hike
from hotel to hotel

and see if
anyone's got a cancelation.

- All right.
- Hey!

You guys terminators?

- No, we're not.
- Oh, it's the dangerous guy!

- [screams]
- Moon, don't run towards a busy street!

I got your stuff, Terminators!

Take that,
you big metal sacks of crap!

Great. Now we have no bags
and no place to sleep.

And to top it off,

you haven't even
let me watch Terminator yet,

so I have no idea
what I'm being accused of.

Well, it'll be about
a four-hour wait for Triple A,

so looks like
there's six new babies

for Papa Beaver and Mama Beaver
to care for.

My Aunt Denise always said,

"If you can handle two,
you can handle eight."

She was the griddle cook at IHOP
and was talking about pancakes,

but I think
the principle still applies.

Well, we sure raised
Ham and Judy right.

- Look at them, helping out.
- They really are teen-angels.

So, what are you guys headed
to Death Cliff for?

our manager Tallulah died,

so we are going to her memorial.

She died on her way
to a costume party.

Her Joker makeup
got in her eyes,

and she drove right off a cliff.

We're gonna sing at her funeral.

Yep, we're gonna sing
a brand-new song I wrote.

Oh, my God, Rocky!
Shut your lard funnel!

We're singing my song.

Yoinks, choir feud.

They were arguing like this

the whole ferry ride here
from Ketchikan.

And there was no way to...
Drown it ou-ou-out.

Well, Rocky,
why don't we each sing our song,

and then we'll take a vote
to see which one's the winner?

Sing-off? Love it.

[chuckles] Wish we could stay,

but Ham and I
should really get to bed,

because we have, um,
interviews in the morning?

To be doctors at the hospital.

Wow, yeah.
Gonna want to rest up for those.

But Honeybee and I are happy
to watch this sing-off.

All right, everyone,
go put your show outfits on.

- Those aren't your show outfits?
- Oh, no, sweetheart,

we would never sing
in our bus clothes.

Tallulah would strike us dead
where we stand.

That we agree on.
It's showtime, trash bags!

Lube up those pipes!

Huh, I don't know,
something about this

doesn't quite feel like
a haunted doll birthday party.

Well, yeah. Bethany's bringing
the dolls, remember?

Oh, right.

Okay, anything else? I mean,

there's, like, five to seven
of our peers coming to this,

our very first rager,

so we got to make sure
it is, uh, lit,

and I don't want to get ahead
of ourselves,

- but it should also fully crank.
- [knock on door]

- Hello.
- Wow.

A bowl of potato chips?
A box of doughnuts?

You guys didn't have to do
all this for me.

I mean, free will does exist.

Anything for the birthday girl.
Am I right?

- Birthday girls.
- [laughs] Now we're raging.

And I brought the good stuff:

a six-pack
of Kim's Hard Chocolate Milk

I snuck out of
my mom's she shed.

we've got alcohol milk.

We've got porcelain dolls.

Is this what ripping feels like?
'Cause I love it.

Let's burn this mother down.

Well, it's been hours,

and I haven't found us
shelter or food.

What would I do
if we were in the wilderness?

Oh. Of course!

I would get
to a higher vantage point,

so I could have
a better understanding

of my surroundings.

Hmm. [gasps]

Dad, free buffet! Looks like
there's a wildlife theme, too.

Kid, you're too young
to eat here.

- Why?
- Hey, buddy,

can you explain to your kid
why he can't come in?

There are naked women in there
dancing around on a stage.

Oh, is that all?

I can eat spaghetti
with my eyes closed, no problem.

MOON: All right, well, the
least we could do is warm up.

I'm gonna use my primary flint

to make a fire
in this garbage can.

Son, don't even think about it.

Starting a trash fire
is a real garbage move.

[laughs] Sorry, I'm trying out
a little humor at work.

But, seriously, there is
a $ fine for starting a fire

in a trash can in Anchorage.

[yells in frustration]

I see you, Terminators.
That's my trash can!

- Don't you touch it. I'm gonna get you!
- [both scream]

All right, since I'm six years
older than Rocky,

and six points hotter
on a one-to-ten hotness scale,

- I'll go first.
- Oh, you wish.

You're five points hotter
at most.

- Mama said six.
- Can we just start?

Fine! Here we go.
One, two, three, four.

- ♪ Oh, angel, angel Tallulah ♪
- ♪ Tallulah ♪

- ♪ We're oh so glad we knew ya ♪
- ♪ We knew ya ♪

We're so sad you're gone
and your spirit's moving on

- ♪ Ah-ooh ♪
- ♪ You sure will be missed ♪

Oh, I hate
that you fell off a cliff

- ♪ Ah-ooh ♪
- ♪ But now you're up in heaven ♪

Where there's unlimited
Slurpees from -Eleven

- ♪ Tallulah, Tallulah ♪
- ♪ Tallulah, Tallulah ♪

We're sure glad we knew ya.

Wow, very moving.

Yeah, I better get
a box of Kleenex

before Rocky hits us with
his remembrance of Tallulah.


All right, you sluts,
let's give it to 'em.

When she'd feel a cold chill

But still needed a thrill

- ♪ Tallulah loved ♪
- ♪ Cold sweats, hot sex ♪

When you're in danger
of frostbite

But she wants
to go all night

Nothing made me moan
like Tallulah's fun zone

Now she's dead, but
she's up in St. Peter's bed

Uh, uh, cold sweats
Big finish.

- ♪ Let me hear you grunt ♪
- ♪ Cold sweats ♪

Uh, uh, hot sex
and cold sweats.

So, mine was way better
than Jackie's, right?

Hmm, okay, okay.

I mean, the answer's pretty
obvious here, right, Wolf?

Uh-huh, it sure is.
The winner is:

Both of you! You should both
do your songs at the funeral.

Maybe you just, you know, make
the second song less sexual.

Or maybe make the first song
more sexual.

- Kind of even 'em out.
- Wolf, no.

- What are you talking about?
- The one thing I know

is everyone deserves
a piece of reward candy.

Uh-uh. I'm sorry, guys,
but I am putting my foot down.

You cannot sing that sex song
at a woman's funeral, Mr. Rocky.

You can't tell me what to do.
I'm singing that song!

Oh, no, you're not. I forbid it!

You can't forbid me.
You're not my real mom!

I hate you! I hate
everyone here! [fake cries]

[knock on door]

Sup, sup?

We're here for the party,
and we brought the... beer.

Uh, who are
all these sparkly old people?

Do they go to our school?

Okay, so Ham and Judy

are throwing a secret party in our house.
[distant sobbing]

And based on the sobs I hear,

Rocky has locked himself
in the old outhouse.

You know,
this is the perfect way

- to test our parenting styles.
- Good idea.

I'll go to the guesthouse
and get that party shut down.

Do some of my pal-enting.

And I'll go get Rocky
out of the old outhouse.

He's out of control and needs
a mom-ager's firm hand.

Kris Jenner,
give me some Calabasas courage!

Okay, truth or dare, Bethany.

Truth. But I'll be honest
with you guys:

I'm going to lie.

- WOLF: Hey.
- Oh, God!

Okay, what do we have here?

This looks like
some kind of a...

Haunted doll birthday party?

Uh-huh. Just as I suspected.

And am I seeing
some illegal alcoholic bevvies?

Okay, party's over.
Everybody, get out!

Is what I would say
if I wasn't open to sitting down

and having a dialogue about
what's going on here tonight.

Now, first things first,
anybody want a piece of candy?

HONEYBEE: You can't stay in a
stranger's outhouse forever, young man.

Oh, can't I? Also, I'm .

Well, you're not acting like it.

Get out of there,
Rocky, get out.

- Get out now!
- Ma'am, you're getting hysterical.

I'm not! I'm in charge!
I'm a professional parent.

A parent who's gonna walk away

so I do not burn this outhouse
down with you in it!

Professional parent! [shouts]

Okay, I consulted the free map
from the gas station,

and I finally figured out where
we can get food and lodging

for absolutely no cost at all.

And here we are.

Huh, the zoo?

Looks like it's closed, bud.

I'm sure we can sneak in.

And it's full of animals.

We can find one to eat
and a few to befriend.

Well, I salute your ingenuity,

but I don't think we should eat
an animal at the zoo.

Ugh! I give up!

This retreat is the worst!

There's nowhere to sleep.
There's nowhere to eat.

You won't let me k*ll an animal
at the zoo. I guess I failed.

But, Moon, you haven't failed.

You just think
you're at a dead end.

You know, there's not
just animals in the city.

There's people, too.

Are you suggesting
we eat a person?

I mean, I'm not saying no.

I don't mean
finding a person to eat.

I mean finding a person
to help us.

Maybe even
a relative who lives nearby.

Well, I can't just call up
Uncle Brian.

That would be cheating.

This is
a wilderness survival retreat.

Oh, wait. No, it isn't.

It's a city survival retreat.
I'm so dumb.

You're not dumb.
You're just a beginner.

Symbiosis exists in nature,
and it exists in the city, too.

Only, we usually call it
"mooching a friend's couch

in exchange for some bad weed."

So, I guess the next step

is to figure out
Uncle Brian's address.

Should we break into
a nearby house

and force them
to let us use their Internet?

Or we could try nature's Internet:
a phone booth.

So you didn't shut down
the party?

No, I was too friendly.

I'm pretty sure I invited them
back tomorrow for another one.

And I couldn't get Rocky
to budge.

Turns out parenting
is harder than it looks.

How did my parents
get me and Jerry to do stuff?

Maybe we should dress up like
old Scottish nannies together.

Do a Doubtfire?

Ah, Wolf, together! That's it!

That's what we've been missing.
My parents would do it together.

My mom was strict,
my dad was more of a softy.

But when they blended
their styles, it totally worked.

Yes! We'll blend our mom-ager
and pal-enting techniques.

But let's also do
the Doubtfire thing, too.

I know we have two wigs.

Okay, now that we got
everyone out of here,

you want to tell us
what was going on here tonight?

I love the spooky vibe, but
I don't love your spooky lies.

Sneaking around and lying to us?

Come on, Wolf, don't act
like you and Cheesecake

wouldn't get rowdy from time
to time back in high school.

Nuh-uh, young lady,
this isn't about Cheesecake.

Tonight could have gone
really wrong.

Kids and alcohol on our watch?

What if somebody
had gotten really drunk?

Or gotten a tattoo?

Or what if one of these dolls
really was haunted

and just started strangling
people left and right

with its little porcelain hands?

Ugh, we're sorry.

Bethany mentioned that
her parents weren't gonna host

the haunted doll birthday party
that she wanted, so I said,

"Hey, we can have it
at our place

while our dad is out of town."

I mean, I actually said,
"Let's rage."

And then I said, "Let's rip."

I guess I understand,
but with Dad gone this weekend,

we were kind of, you know,

hoping you'd treat us
like parents.

We did.
You don't tell the parents.

Oh, so maybe that means
we actually did an okay job?

Yeah, you guys did great.

I mean,
I don't really understand

why you're wearing wigs.

Oh, we were doing
a double Doubtfire.

Just trying to have a little fun
with the whole parenting thing.

Oh, right. Yeah, love it.

Okay, well, we forgive you guys
for this, but, uh...

- It can never happen again.
- That's right.

And you got to clean up in here.

- But I'll help.
- Wolf, no.

But I won't help.
But we, uh, still love you?

- Right?
- Yes, of course we still love you.

Now get to work.

We got to go get
a sequined senior

out of the outhouse.

Wait, is that
Kim's Hard Chocolate Milk?

- Yes.
- Oh, this stuff absolutely rips.

I'm taking these.

WOLF: Rocky?
It's Honeybee and Wolf.

Listen, Rocky. You got to get
out of there, or...

Or, as I was saying, why don't
you tell us how you're feeling?

Guys, I'm not just upset about
Jackie singing her song.

I'm upset about
Tallulah being gone.

You probably couldn't tell
from my little ditty,

but Tallulah and I
were involved sexually.

When she drove off the road,
she was on her way to meet me

at a Batman sex party.

I'm sure you've heard of those.

We have not.

But I can tell
you're hurting, Rocky.

I do think Jackie's song

was a touch more appropriate
for a funeral.

Maybe you can sing your song
at the funeral after-party.

[sighs] I guess
that would be all right.

Ooh, a piece of candy.

See? It works.

"Tobin, Brian"!
I found Uncle Brian!

Good job, son.
Just rip that page out

- 'cause we got to get out of here.
- Why?

- Oh, no, he's back.
- Hey!

- Terminators! I found you!
- Come on, Moon, let's go.

And now I'm gonna k*ll you!

It's judgment day,
you little metal freaks!

[door creaks open]

Rocky, thank you
for coming back inside.

Do you have something
you want to say to Jackie?

[sighs] Your song is more
appropriate for the funeral.

Thank you, Rocky.
I know you loved Tallulah.

It was more of a lust.

A constant, terrible,
inescapable lust.

Okay. Either way,
I'm sure you miss her.

But she wouldn't want us
to fight. She'd want us to...

- [blows pitch pipe]
- ALL: ♪ Sing. ♪ [phone buzzes]

Oh, thank God, Triple A is here.

Or should I say "Triple Yay"?

Okay. Ketchikan-do's,
out of your show outfits

and into your
roadside repair ensembles.

Go, go, go.

Take care, guys.

It's so hard
to watch them leave.

It's okay. They're big kids now.

I think we did
a pretty okay job,

but I also think our crawl space

shouldn't become
a crawling space anytime soon.

For babies or drunk teenagers.

Yeah, I'm hitting snooze
on my biological clock

for a few years.

Bye, guys.
We'll never forget you.

- Bye! Oh, wait, is that...
- Ham!

- Get off the bus!
- Oh, crap.

You know I always do
what everyone else is doing.

Okay, sluts,
let's give it to 'em.

When she'd feel a cold chill

But still need a thrill

Tallulah loved cold sweats
and hot sex

When you're in danger
of frostbite

But she wants to go
all night

Nothing made me moan
like Tallulah's fun zone

- ♪ Now she's dead ♪
- ♪ Now she's dead ♪

But she's up
in St. Peter's bed

Giving him

Cold sweats and hot sex.