01x13 - (D) Upon Each of Their Hearts

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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01x13 - (D) Upon Each of Their Hearts

Post by bunniefuu »

A real hero

will always find a way
for justice to be served!

Now for a lesson.

You may have heard
these words before,

but perhaps it's time someone
taught you...

...what it means...
to go beyond!

Plus... Ultra!

I really have gotten weaker.

Back in my heyday,

five hits woulda been enough
to knock that guy out.

But today, it took more
than 300 mighty blows.


Time's up. Gotta end this fast.

You've been bested, villains.


We all want to get this
over with quickly.

No... He beat me.

He's not any weaker at all.

And look what he did to my Nomu.

He cheated!

Get your hands up.

[BOTH grunt]

And no Quirks, got it?

Use your powers, and I'll
k*ll your friend here.

Kaminari's helpless.

Damn villain.

He totally caught us
with our pants down.

I thought that
electric blast would've

fried them all. We're so stupid.

How did we not see this coming?

I feel a little brotherhood

with other electric types,
so I don't want to k*ll him.

But I will if you make me.

[BOTH gasp]

An electric type.

He's probably the
one Todoroki said

was jamming our communications.


Don't move a muscle.

Let's take this nice and slow.

Y'know, you two
dudes are so lucky.

People with electric type Quirks

are destined for
mainstream success.


[whispers] What're you doing?

I mean, even if you
didn't wanna be a hero,

there are tons of jobs you
could do in the city, right?

Your kinda Quirk
is in high demand.


So, I'm wondering‐‐

Why would you become a
villain in the first place?

I see.

Jiro can attack without
moving if she can

manage to get her earphone
jack plugged in.

You don't have to answer.

I just thought it might
be interesting to know.


[BOTH gasp]

Nice try.

Think you can distract
me that easily?

Big mistake, sweetheart.

I'm not some dumb thug

who can be outsmarted
by a couple'a kids.

You need to learn to take

hostage situations seriously.
So here's the new deal.

Either this idiot's going
to die, or you are.

How about that?


You can save either his life...

...or your own.

What's it gonna be, girlies?

Oh, come on.

What's going on here?

He's just as strong
as he's always been.

Dammit. Don't tell me
I was lied to.

What's wrong?


Not attacking me?

Didn't you say you were going
to clear this level earlier?

Well, come and
get me, if you dare.


Man, this is... intense.

As I expected.

There's no reason for us to
fight now. He'll handle this.


Come on, Midoriya.

We should regroup
with the other guys.

The last thing we wanna
do is get taken hostage

or get in his way.

This isn't right.

He can't beat them.
He's bluffing.

It's almost hidden by the
dust, but I can see it.

The steam coming off
his body is the same

as when he's about to transform.

He's out of time.

Crap. I can't fight them.

That Nomu guy took
too much out of me.

I'm pretty sure that
if I make one more move,

I'll be forced to go
back to my weak form.

I can't keep this
up much longer.

I just have to stall
until they get here.

[ALL MIGHT grunts]
What? Are you scared?


They're hesitating.

Maybe this'll work.

They're so close
to surrendering,

or at least running away.

‐‐[SHIGARAKI pants]

If only Nomu was here...

...he'd rush you right now.

Pound you into the ground

without giving it
a second thought.

[KUROGIRI] Tomura Shigaraki!
Please, do not fret.

Look at him. He has
definitely weakened.

Nomu's att*cks were successful.

He's on his own.

The children appear
to be frozen in fear.

[VILLAINS groaning]

[KUROGIRI] And, look, our
underlings are recovering.

We likely still have
a few minutes

before their
reinforcements arrive.

If you and I work together,
we can do this.

We haven't missed our
chance to k*ll All Might.

Yeah. Yeah, you're right.

This is it. We have no choice.

We have to do it now.

[SHIGARAKI] I mean, the big
end‐boss is right here.

I think All Might
can hold his own

against those two main guys.

Let's make sure these dudes
don't hurt anybody else.

Will you be
joining us?

[IZUKU] I'm the only one
who knows what's happening.

There's no way he can move
faster than the mist guy now.

He has to have gone
past his limit already.

There's no real
question about that.

If these villains toy
with him... he's done.

So this is it.

Consider this revenge

for what you did to Nomu!

Holy shit... This is bad.

[ALL MIGHT] Where is everyone?
I need... backup!

He's fast.

[IZUKU] I'm the only one who
knows how much trouble he's in!

Whoa, Midoriya!


I controlled it earlier,

but my legs still
broke this time.

It's okay, though. I made it.

I can hit the part of his
body that's hidden.

I can end this now!

[IZUKU yells]

Don't you touch All Might.

You stupid villain!

Oh, no.

I recognize that hand!

I won't fall for that again.

[SHIGARAKI cackles]


[GROUP gasps]

They're here!


What the crap just happened?

[gasps] Is it them?

Sorry, everyone!

I know we're a bit late.

But I got the teachers over
here as fast as I could.

It's Iida!

Your class rep has returned.

I've fulfilled my duty. And
I've brought reinforcements!

[VILLAINS growl]



[PRESENT MIC inhales]

[yells] Yeah!

[VILLAINS screaming]

[VILLAINS groaning]

Our priority is to protect
all of our students!

Yes, sir!

Aw, man. The pros are here.

It's game over. For real.

Let's go home and try
this when we can‐‐

[SNIPE] We need someone who can
capture 'em from a distance.

I'm on it.


‐‐[SHIGARAKI groaning]
‐‐[KUROGIRI] Let's go!

[KUROGIRI grunts]
This is‐‐

Black Hole!

[KUROGIRI yells]

[SHIGARAKI] I may have failed
to k*ll you this time,

but your days are numbered.


All Might. Symbol of Peace.

I am going to k*ll you.

[IZUKU] That day, we learned
what pros could do.

And what they fight against...
to keep us all safe.

It was a revelation
we weren't prepared for.

But somehow, we survived.

[IZUKU groaning]

I couldn't do it.
I wasn't able to help you.

That's absolutely not true.


You bought me
a few vital seconds.

If not for that,
I'd be dead now.

Young Midoriya.

You've saved me once again.

Thank you... All Might.

[IZUKU] I'm just...
so glad that you're okay!

Well, my, my, my.

I can't believe we
let them escape,

after everything they did here.

[NEZU] They did catch us
completely by surprise.

For now, we need to make sure
all the students are okay.

[TODOROKI] If all the pro
teachers are gathered here,

it must mean the rest
of the school's safe.

The villains att*cked
this facility,

but not the rest of the campus.

Midoriya, hey!

Sorry, I can't get up.

What? Are you okay?

Ah, Kirishima.

I'm glad to see that he's
looking out for his friend.

Oh, crap, wait.

If he comes over here,
he's gonna learn my secret.

Not good!

[gasps] Kirishima, wait‐‐


[CEMENTOSS] For your safety,
please stay back, young man.

Join your classmates
at the front gate.

Leave the injured to us,
we can take care of them.

Oh, gotcha.

I'm on it!

Hey! He said for all of us
to head to the entrance!


Thanks for that. You saved
my butt, Cementoss.

My pleasure, I'm actually
a big fan of yours.

Cementoss! His Quirk: Cement.

He can manipulate any
cement he touches,

which makes him a heck of a
fighter in the concrete jungle.

We should sneak you out of here

and get you both to
the nurse's office.

Seriously, All Might.
That could've been really bad.

I had to act recklessly,
or else I'd be dead now.


Just goes to show how
strong those villains were.


Shot in both arms and legs.

All those underlings wiped out.

Even Nomu was beaten.

We failed. Those kids
were so strong.

And the Symbol of Peace
wasn't weakened at all.

You were wrong,
Master. So wrong!

No, I wasn't.

We just weren't as prepared
as we should've been.

I agree. We underestimated them.

Thankfully, we failed
under that cheap

"League of Villains"
name and not our own.

And what about the creature

the Master and I created?
Where is Nomu?

Yes, why is he not with you?

He was blown away.


It was All Might's doing.

Without coordinates to
his precise location,

I couldn't use my warp
to bring him with us.

We didn't have any time
to search for him.

This is a travesty!

And after all we did to make
him as powerful as All Might.

[MASTER] Well, I suppose
it can't be helped.


Power... That reminds me.

There was a kid there who
tried to protect All Might.

He was just as fast as him.


If he hadn't gotten in our way,

we might have k*lled
the Symbol of Peace.

That brat... That brat!

Naturally, you're upset.

But this was not
a futile mission.

We've learned many things.

Gather the villainous elite.

Take all the time you need.

I must remain hidden
in the shadows,

which is why I need
you to be my face.

A symbol of your own.

Tomura Shigaraki.

Next time, you will
show the world

that it should be afraid of you.

[police sirens blaring]

Sixteen, 17, 18, 19.

Everyone seems to be unharmed

except for that boy whose
legs were all messed up.



[HAGAKURE] I heard you were
a really good fighter.

I had no idea you
were so strong!

I didn't know I was
the only one on my own.

I survived using
hit‐and‐run tactics.

So where did you end up
fighting, Hagakure?

The landslide zone!

You wouldn't believe
how strong Todoroki was.

He's amazing!

You don't say! Well, I'm just
glad you didn't get hurt.

[TODOROKI] I didn't even
know she was there.

I could've frozen her.

Aren't you wondering about moi?

Where was my sparkling light?


So the people you fought
were also low‐level thugs.

Yeah, they messed with
the wrong kids, huh?

Did you miss me?

[SERO] So All Might put that
hole in the dome after all.

I figured.

That took some hardcore power.

Yeah, It was crazy.

Where do you think I was?

Um, where?

It's a secret.

[TSUKAUCHI] Let's go ahead
and get these students

back to the main campus.

They've been through a lot.

We don't need to question
them right away.

[TSUYU] Detective.
What about Mr. Aizawa?

The bones in his arms

are splintered and he's
got facial fracturing.

Fortunately there doesn't seem
to be any serious brain damage.

But, his orbital floor has been
almost completely destroyed.

We have no way of
knowing if his eyesight

will be impaired
once he's healed up.

Well, you heard the man.


Not his eyes!

Um, sir, what about Thirteen?

There's no need to worry there.

Despite some pretty bad
lacerations to the back,

Thirteen is gonna pull
through, good as new.

[GROUP sighs]

And All Might is also

without any serious injuries.

He's in the nurse's
office right now.

Recovery Girl's power should
be all the treatment he needs.

What about Deku?!

How's Midoriya?!

Midori‐‐ Ah, Recovery Girl

is taking care of him,
too. He's fine.

Oh, thank goodness.

[TSUKAUCHI] Now, let's
get you back to class.



I still have some business
in the nurse's office.

I'll leave this to you, 'kay?

Yes, sir!

It's a cat?

Aw, look at his bell!



C'mon, man, we're goin'
back to class now.

Yeah, yeah, I heard
him, ya idiot.

We need security improvements.

Perhaps an entire
system overhaul.


Warp Quirks are very rare,

and can completely change
the course of a battle.

It's frightening to know that
a villain has such a power.

Tsukauchi, sir!


Someone thought to be involved

in this attack was
just apprehended

in a wooded area nearby.


He has no apparent injuries

and seems to be complying with
officer commands, for now.

He hasn't said a word, though.

We're not sure if he can speak.


I'd like to investigate
every inch of the school,

just to be safe.

Of course, please do!

You'll have full
access to the campus.

We definitely need your
assistance on this matter.

I don't care who makes a fuss.

You have my blessing.

Teams. Proceed as planned.

Well, I guess I won't scold you

for him being back here
since it wasn't your fault.

I can't be sure yet.

But I think I shortened my time
limit again with that fight.

[IZUKU gasps]

I hope I can at least still
hold the form for an hour.

I'm so sorry.

Well, no use worrying.

These things happen.

[door scrapes]

Excuse me.

Hi, All Might. Been a while.

What the hell?

I didn't know that
you were investigating.

Whoa, All Might!

It's okay he's
seeing you like this?

Oh, yeah, it's fine.
This guy's all right.

Naomasa Tsukauchi, my best
friend on the police force.

He's legit. I trust him.

That's quite an introduction.

Sorry to cut to the chase,

but we could really use any
information you might have.

Hold on. Before all that.

Tell me all the
students are okay.

And Aizawa‐‐ er, Eraser
Head, And Thirteen.

Not counting this boy,

the only student
injuries were scrapes.

And both of the teachers are
in stable condition right now.


‐‐[IZUKU sighs]
‐‐That's good to hear.

[TSUKAUCHI] If you heroes
hadn't risked your lives,

the students would
never have made it.

You three saved that entire
class of kids today.

[ALL MIGHT] You're not seein'
the whole picture, Tsukauchi.

Those students also
risked their lives.

They fought as hard as us.

Thank you, All Might.

[ALL MIGHT] I don't think
there's ever been a group

of first‐years who experienced
a real fight like this

so early in their training.

They not only
survived, they learned

what it means to be a pro.

Those villains made a
mistake attacking them.

This class is strong.

They're filled with
courage and drive.

Mark my words.

They'll become great heroes.

[IZUKU] Goodnight! Thanks
so much for your help!

My pleasure.

Be careful on your way home.

Yes, ma'am.

We had no way of knowing,

but the League of Villains'
attack on the USJ

was just the beginning.

A bigger incident
was on the horizon.


Deku, you're here!


We were just happy to be alive.

To have shown that we had the
potential to be real heroes.

But the worst was yet to come.

The only thing that matters

is that I get to the top!

[TODOROKI] I won't have
anything to do with him.

[IZUKU] I'm gonna bring
everything I've got.

And win this!

Stay tuned for the second season

of My Hero Academia !
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