01x10 - (D) Encounter with the Unknown

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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01x10 - (D) Encounter with the Unknown

Post by bunniefuu »

Whoa, what is that thing?

Has the training
started already?

I thought we were
rescuing people.

Stay back!


[AIZAWA] This is real.
Those are villains.

[STUDENTS gasping]

The only real heroes I see

are Thirteen and Eraser Head.

Perplexing. According to the
schedule we retrieved from UA,

All Might should
be here as well.

So you scumbags used
the press as a cover

and sneaked onto campus.

Where is he?

I went through the trouble of
bringing so many friends

who're eager to meet him.

They want All Might.
The great Symbol of Peace.

I can't believe he's not here.

Maybe if I k*ll a few kids,
he'll come out to play.

[IZUKU] That day, we
learned what the pro heroes

are really up against.

The darkness they face
to keep us safe.

We looked at these villains,

and pure evil stared back.

What? Real villains? No way.

How could so many of 'em

get into a UA
facility this secure?

Yeah, Thirteen.

Why aren't the alarms going off?

Good question.

I'm not sure.


Is the entire campus
under attack?

Or is this their only target?

Either way, if the alarm sensors
aren't being triggered,

then one of these villains
must have a Quirk

that's masking
their presence here.

They carefully chose
this isolated facility

as an entry point at a time
when a class was being taught.

They're fools for
trespassing here,

but they've thought this out.

Whatever their plan,

they must have a concrete
objective in mind.

But what is it?


Thirteen, get them outta here.

And alert the main campus.

Actually, if they've got the
ability to block our sensors,

then they might be jamming our
regular communications, too.

Kaminari, try using your
Quirk to contact the school.

Yes, sir.

What're you gonna do? You
can't fight them on your own!

There's too many of 'em. Even
if you can nullify their Quirks,

your fighting style's
not suited for this.

Your power works best in
stealth and one‐on‐one fights.

That's not gonna
help with a group.

[AIZAWA] You can't be a pro
if you only have one trick.


I'll leave it to you, Thirteen.

sh**ting squad. Take your aim!

Didn't our intel say
it was just gonna be

Thirteen and All Might out here?

Who's that?

[sh**ting SQUAD B]
Don't recognize him,

but if he thinks he can take
us down easy, he's dead.

[sh**ting SQUAD]
Let's g*n him down!

[sh**ting SQUAD A]
Uh! My Quirk.

[sh**ting SQUAD B]
Where're my b*ll*ts?

[sh**ting SQUAD yelping]



That's Eraser Head! A pro!

He can cancel your Quirks
just by looking at you.


Bet you can't erase the Quirk of
a heteromorphic‐type like me,

can you?

Yeah. You're right.


[AIZAWA] But a villain
like you is only dangerous

if you can reach me.

Good thing.

I've taken measures to make
sure that never happens.

Now, which one of you
gutter punks is next?

[SHIGARAKI] There he goes,
trying to intimidate us.

He is strong, and since he's
hiding behind those goggles,

you can't tell whose
Quirk he's erasing.

He's making it hard
for us to work together

or rely on each others' powers.

[VILLAINS groaning]

How annoying.

The worst thing about
dealing with pros

is when they live up
to all their hype.



He's holding them off.

I guess I shouldn't have
underestimated him.

This is no time to be analyzing.

We have to go!

[THIRTEEN gasps]

There is no escape for you.


I blinked, and the guy who seems
like the most trouble got away.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

We are the League of Villains.

I know it's impolite, but we
decided to invite ourselves in

to this haven of
justice to say hello.

And besides, isn't this a
fitting place for All Might,

the Symbol of Peace,
to take his last breath?

I believe he was
supposed to be here today,

and yet I see no sign of him.

There must've been some
sort of change in plans

we could not have foreseen.

Ah, well, in the end,
I suppose it doesn't matter.

I still have a role to play.

[THIRTEEN gasps]


Did ya think we were
just gonna stand around

and let you tear this
place to shreds?


[KUROGIRI] You live up to
your school's reputation.

But you should be
more careful, children.

Otherwise, someone
might get hurt.

[THIRTEEN] You two, get out
of the way, right now!

[KUROGIRI] I'll scatter
you across this facility

to meet my comrades,
and your deaths!

Crap. What is this?!

[TENYA, OCHACO grunting]

[SATO yelps]

[ALL grunting]


What's going on?!


[IZUKU screaming]


He must have a warping Quirk.

They came here
to k*ll All Might.

I guess it's a good thing
he's not in class right now.

But where is he?

What the heck?

First catch of the day.

Nothin' personal, kid,
but you gotta die!

Hey, Midoriya! Bleh.



See ya.

For a frog, you've got
some pretty big boobs, Tsu.

Perfect floaties.

‐‐[MINETA groans]
‐‐[TSUYU] Ribbit.


You saved my life, Asui.

told you to call me "Tsu."

Tsuyu Asui!

Her Quirk: Frog!

‐‐It's pretty self‐explanatory,
‐‐[IZUKU] Right! Tsu. Tsu, Tsu.

‐‐she can basically do
‐‐I got it.

‐‐anything a frog can!
‐‐Anyway, thanks!

[TSUYU] This is turning out
to be a terrible day of class.

[IZUKU] Yeah, I keep thinking
about what that villain said.

[KUROGIRI] All Might was
supposed to be here today,

and yet I see no sign of him.

There must have been some
sort of change in plans.

They knew our whole schedule
and who would be here.

They must've gotten
into school files

while we were all stuck
in the cafeteria.

The teachers were busy
trying to get the media

off school grounds.

That means they've been waiting
for the perfect time to attack.

Just like Todoroki
said they were.

Hey, hold on a second.

It's not like these guys
can really k*ll All Might.

Once he shows up,

he'll pound these villains
until there's nothing left!

Think about it though.

If the villains spent so much
time planning this attack,

then they probably figured
out a way to k*ll him.


[TSUYU] And didn't you hear
what that smoke guy said?

Maybe we should worry more about
not getting tortured to death.

Otherwise, we might not
survive long enough

to see All Might again.

And even if he does show up,

who knows if he'll make
it out in one piece.


No, the pros are
gonna save us, right?

Tell Frog‐Boobs to shut up!


You bastards!

I'll enjoy eating you.


Bad guys!

Asui might be right.

If they're here for All Might,

they may have a way
to defeat him.

They wouldn't have planned
this attack if they didn't.

But why him out
of all the heroes?

Because his very existence
discourages villains and evil?

Because he's the one and only
Symbol of Peace and Justice?


It doesn't matter.

Young man. You, too,
can become a hero.

C'mon, fanboy. Show me
that fightin' spirit!

[IZUKU] I don't care
what their reasons are.

Welcome, Young Midoriya.

Congrats on getting in.

I have to focus.

Fear not, citizens.
Hope has arrived.

Because I am here.

I have to face this evil!

Head on!

If they can beat him,

then we have to stop whatever it
is these bad guys are planning.

We have to work together
and keep All Might safe.

No one at UA knows
what's happening.

This is up to us.
Let's be heroes.

[TODOROKI] Aren't you
embarrassed to lose to a child?

For God's sake, you're adults.
Put up a real fight.


[PHONE OPERATOR] The number you
have dialed is not in service,

or has been
temporarily disconnected.

Please check the number,
and then try again.

Thank you.

[ALL MIGHT sighs]

[ALL MIGHT] Can't get through
to Thirteen or Aizawa.

Then again, they are teaching.

Unlike me.

I'm neglecting my duties

because I spent the entire
morning commute being heroic.

An amateur move.
What was I thinking?

Maybe I should just show up

and say something
inspiring at the end.

Yeah, get a good ten minutes
out of my hero form.

Time to join my students‐‐


Hold your horses!

[ALL MIGHT grunts]

Hello, Nezu, sir!

That's me! The one who
could be a mouse,

or a dog, or a bear, though
the only important thing is...

...I'm the principal!

Your fur looks especially well
groomed and glossy today, sir.

The secret is keratin.

I'm not sure that humans can get
this kind of lustrous shine.

But we can talk
about grooming later.

Look at the news!

Shall I read it to you?

It says you resolved three
incidents in just one hour!

[ALL MIGHT grunts]

[NEZU sighs]

[NEZU] The fault mainly
belongs to the ruffians

who still cause trouble in this
city despite you being here.

But you also have
to learn not to react

every time you hear
of an incident.

You haven't changed
in all these years.

You've always been proactive.

Only now, your heroism must be
limited due to your injury.

Plus, you've also
got the added work

of training One For
All's successor.

You insist on remaining
the Symbol of Peace,

and the only way you can justify
staying out of the spotlight

is by teaching.

That's why I gave you this job.

Oh, dear, you're smoking,
that can't be good.

[ALL MIGHT groans]

[NEZU] It looks like you need
to stay here in the lounge

and relax a little while longer.

The other teachers
will understand.

They're more than capable.

But now that you are a
teacher here, All Might,

I really do wish you'd
prioritize your students

over your hero work.
They deserve it.

After all, there are plenty
of other hero agencies

working throughout the city.

Yeah, you're right, principal.

So, I was gonna head over to the
USJ to make an appearance now,

actually, if you don't mind.

Even if you went now,

you'd have to return
almost right away.

So, you might as
well stick around

and listen to some of
my teaching philosophies.

They could prove...


This is turning into a lecture.

[ALL MIGHT groans]

Here, drink up.

He's always so long‐winded

whenever there's tea involved.

And I'm still a little concerned

that I couldn't get in touch
with Thirteen or Aizawa.

[NEZU] Let's start by
discussing combat pedagogy

as viewed through the
lens of ethical Quirk use.

[ALL MIGHT] You know,
you haven't changed much

all these years, either, sir.


Got them? Anything?

Where is everyone?

[SHOJI] They've been scattered
across the facility.

But our classmates
are still here.


What do we do?

The guy's not affected
by physical att*cks

and can apparently
teleport stuff.

Class rep.


I have a job for you.

Run to the school and tell the
faculty what's going on here.

The alarms aren't sounding,

and our phones and radios
are useless right now.

One of these villains
must be to blame.

Even though Eraser Head

is canceling people's
Quirks left and right,

we're still completely sealed
off from the outside world.

Likely, whoever is
causing this interference

hid as soon as they
warped into the USJ.

They could be anywhere.
Impossible to hunt down.

It'll be faster for you
to run and get help

than for us to find
whoever's jamming everything.

Yes, but‐‐

It would be disgraceful for
me to leave you all behind.

Go, Emergency Exit.

There are lots
of alarms outside.

That's why they're keeping all
of us trapped inside the USJ,


As long as you can get
outside, they won't follow.

Blow this bastard mist away
with those Engine Legs!

Use your Quirk to save others.

Be a real hero!

[TENYA gasps]

I can help you out!

Just like I did when I floated
you in the cafeteria!

Okay? No prob!

Please, class rep. Do it!

[KUROGIRI] Even if this
is your only option,

are you really foolish enough

to strategize in front
of your enemy?

[THIRTEEN] It won't matter if
you know what we're planning

or not when I'm done with you.

Black Hole!

[MINETA gasps]

[MINETA] Uh, what do you mean
"fight"? Are you crazy?!

These guys might be
able to k*ll All Might,

and you think we can take them?!

Did you hit your head
when we got warped here?!

The best plan is for us to just
wait for a real pro from UA

to come and save us!

Think about it.

Those villains down there

clearly have an
advantage in the water,

and assume that's
where we'll fight.

Are you even listening?!

[TSUYU] If that's the case,
they must've known

what was inside the USJ
before they warped in.


But for a group with
such careful planning,

there's one thing that
really sticks out to me,

something that just
doesn't add up.

They sent you here, Asui‐‐

‐‐[TSUYU] Ribbit.

Um‐‐ Whoops, I meant Tsu!

Yeah, they warped you
to the shipwreck zone.

That kinda fell apart
on you, didn't it?

A little bit.

But why does it matter
that she's here?!

Yeah, okay, right.

It means the villains
probably have no idea

what our Quirks are!

Uh, ribbit.

You've got a point.

If they knew I was a frog,
they would've sent me

into that fire zone over there

instead of somewhere
full of water.

They probably separated us

because they didn't know
what we could do,

and planned to overpower us
once we were in smaller groups.

Easier to pick us
off one by one.

We can use that
to our advantage.

They don't know
what our Quirks are.

So, for all they know, the three
of us could be super powerful.

Look, none of them are trying
to climb into the boat.

That proves they're
a little unsure.

But that means they're not going
to underestimate us, either.

They're being smart
and playing it safe.

For now.

So, let's talk Quirks.

I'll go first if you want.

Obviously, I can jump high and
cling to pretty much any wall.

And of course there's my tongue.

I can stick it out
about 20 meters.

Oh yeah, and I can spit out
my stomach so I can clean it.

That's not really useful.

Finally, I also secrete a toxic
mucus. It just stings a bit.

[MINETA gasps]

Secrete mucus?

We can probably only
use my jumping

‐‐and my tongue here.
‐‐[MINETA] Mucus...

Forget about the last things.

I figured you were powerful,
but that's crazy.

I have my super strength,
but it comes at a price.

Once I use it, I'm pretty
much out of commission.

It's a double‐edged sword
until I can control it.

I've got these sticky balls.

Their strength varies.

Depending on how I'm feeling,

they might stick to
something a whole day.

They grow back as fast
as I pull 'em off.

But I'll bleed if
I use too many.

Oh, and they don't stick to me.

I just bounce right off 'em.



Don't look at me like that!

This is why I said we should
wait for the real heroes!

My Quirk is totally unfit for
battle and we're gonna die!

[IZUKU] No, you have
an incredible power!

Really! We just have to
figure out how to use it!


I'm starting to get bored.

Let's get the show on the road.

That's a great power.

Now the ship's sinking.

[MINETA crying]

Mineta, don't freak out!

[MINETA crying]

You gotta calm down!

They'll guess your Quirk!

What the hell are these things?

[IZUKU] Wait, they're
afraid to touch them.

The boat will be fully submerged
in less than a minute.

And once they're in the water,

they don't stand a
chance against us.

We're fish food!

So, Mineta,

are you really sure the hero
thing is right for you?

Shut up!

It's weirder not to
be scared right now!

We just got outta junior
high a little while ago!

I didn't think I'd
be facing death

a few days after starting UA!

I can't believe I'm gonna die

without ever getting to
touch Yaoyorozu's boobs!

Listen up.

An enemy that's
certain of their victory

is bound to make a mistake.

All Might said something
along those lines

in a TV interview a while back.

What does that mean?

Now's our chance.

We can beat them!

[BOTH gasp]


Poor babies.

Sound like they're crying
for their mommies up there.

Hey, now.

Don't forget, Shigaraki told
us to keep our guards up.

We can't judge 'em
by how old they are,

but by their Quirks...
They could do anything.

Of course, we'll definitely
have an advantage in the water,

so I'm not exactly
worried for us.


‐‐[IZUKU] Come on, act like
‐‐You can't be serious,

‐‐Kacchan would.
‐‐Midoriya, what're you‐‐ Uh!

Now die!

Stupid move, kid.

[IZUKU] Even if I use a smash,
I can't get them all at once

when they're in
a circle like that.

Besides, there are
still other enemies

outside of the shipwreck zone,

so I can't sacrifice
my arm just yet.

[SEA VILLAIN A] After he hits
the water, he's mine!


Remember the image
of the egg not exploding!

Ready, Mineta?

[MINETA] Even though
he's as scared as I am...

...even though he's shaking...

...he's still going
through with this.

Take this!

Delaware Smash!

[VILLAINS yelping]


Tsu! Mineta, now!


What the heck, Midoriya?

How do you do it?

You're acting so cool,
and I'm not helping at all.


Take this, you villains!

You can eat my sticky balls!

What's goin' on?

I'm getting dragged in!

Did these come from that kid?

I can't get 'em offa me!

[IZUKU] If a strong force is
applied to water's surface,

the water will be pushed away,

and then come rushing
right back to the middle!

‐‐[SEA VILLAIN A] Get off me!

I'm stuck!

You're gonna drown me!

We rounded 'em all up.

Not too shabby.

You guys are amazing.

Both of you.

[TSUYU] I guess we passed
the shipwreck zone.


let's hold our own until
Iida gets back with help!

We'll be okay!

Next time: "Game Over"!

[OCHACO] We're gonna see
some unexpected developments

from Yaoyorozu's body.

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!
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