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03x19 - It's Raining Men

Posted: 03/29/04 11:01
by bunniefuu
Outside the school

Marco: Guys! Guys! Check it out. It's the poster for the semi-formal. Watch. Huh? C'mon, it's themed on those movie musicals from India. So hot right now.

Spinner: Yeah… if you're a big flaming- Mr. Del Rossi! Uh, what're you doing at our school on this fine morning?

Mr. Del Rossi: My company make-a the poster for your dance.

Marco: And… the tickets.

Paige: I'll need two… for the soon to be crowned king and queen of Degrassi.

Hazel: Excuse me? That's me and Jimmy.

Mr. Del Rossi: No, no, no, no, no. This year, the king is gonna be Marco Del Rossi. But… who's going to be beside him to share the glory?

Marco: Uh… pa. I'm chair of the committee this year, I'm not gonna have time for a date.

Mr. Del Rossi: Marco. All these beautiful girls over here, and not one you like?

(Marco smiles at Dylan.)

Mr. Del Rossi: You too shy, Marco. Spinner, help your friend, please.

Marco: Pa. We're gonna be late. Um… thank you.

In the hallway

Marco: (imitating his dad) “Oh, Marco, all these beautiful girls and there's not one you like?”

Dylan: Sounds beyond embarrassing.

Marco: Just to shut him up I wanted to say, "Papa, there is somebody I like. A guy."

Dylan: Anyone I know?

Marco: Uh, yeah, well… just… someone.

Dylan: So, um… you seen that new Zombie movie yet? k*ller Rage?

Marco: Uh, Ellie did. She said it was a clever critique on consumerism and that it’s scary too.

Dylan: I’ve just been waiting forever for it to come out, but you know, no one will go!

Marco: Oh eh um, it sounds cool, but zombie flicks they sort of freak me out heh…like bad.

Dylan: Alright, uh well Tom said he wanted to go so…got to go.

At Toby and JT’s Locker

JT: What’s up dog? What do you think? (Holding up a cardboard cutout of himself) Here I am. There I am. Here I am. There I am. Pretty weird huh?

Toby: That’s one word for it!

Some guy(Steve): Ok JT, time to give it back.

JT: Uh thanks for letting me borrow uh me.

Toby: I can’t believe that cutouts going to be in the caf…our caf!

JT: I know! And schools across our fair land.

Toby: Just what the country needs…more JT!

JT: Take your cheap sh*ts now my friend ‘cause tonight the commercial hits the airwaves.

JT: Morning Manny. (As Manny walks past without saying hi)

JT: Hey we could have a launch party! Invite people over to watch my big debut.

Toby: Yeah too bad your apartment’s so small.

JT: Yeah if only I knew someone with a big living room and a big TV.

Toby: Alright fine, you can have it at my place, just don’t invite too many people.

JT: Oh no, no, the invite list will be hand picked. Very exclusive. (Looking at Manny)

In the cafeteria

JT: (handing out flyers) JT York commercial launch party. Casa Kerwin Issacs. See ya there. Here you go guys. See you guys there!

Spinner: Do you like Dylan or what?

Marco: A little louder Spinner. I think a few kids in the back didn’t hear you.

Spinner: Just answer the question.

Marco: Yeah, I mean he’s the first guy I can actually see myself hooking up with, you know? Wait, why am I telling you this?

Spinner: What difference does it make? I’m your friend, I wanna help.

Marco: Ok. Yeah I like him, but I’m scared.

Spinner: Ok, but you need to get over that. Just ask the dude out.

In the hallway

(Marco and Spinner looking at Dylan.)

Marco: How do I start?

Spinner: Dude, it’s not grade nine public speaking. Just go up to him and say ‘dude I like you, you like me, let’s hook up’. Ok maybe not those exact words…but just go. C’mon!

Tom: Here’s that cd I made you.

Dylan: Oh thanks Tom…Marco! Hey!

Marco: Hey I gotta jet. (Walking away sadly with Spinner)

In Ms. Hatzilako’s class

Ms. Hatzilakos: So from an evolutionary standpoint bees are almost perfect and that’s why in millennia they’ve barely changed.

(Spinner shows Marco a picture of a bee.)

Marco: Spin! Spin! I hate bees okay? They’re like flying death monkeys.

Spinner: Dude, bees are small. You just smack them. Oh and speaking of bugs that need a smack, what’s with Tom?

Marco: I, I don’t even wanna hear his name ok? He stole my crush.

Spinner: C’mon.

Marco: No, it’s a lost cause anyway. I mean I’m too young for Dylan and what do I know about sports man?! Nothing! I’m too girly…

Spinner: Dude, do not put yourself down ok? Dating’s w*r, you have to be ready to fight dirty.

Marco: Look, all I know is that Dylan moved on, so maybe I should too.

In the hallway

Spinner: Dylan my man, what’s going on?!

Dylan: Spinner…

Spinner: Yeah um, listen I need to talk to about your little friend Tommy boy. Ok. On the down low, the dude’s got scabies.

Dylan: What?!

Spinner: I saw him in the shower. It’s sick, it’s disgust… (Sees Tom and hugs Dylan while Tom walks away)

Dylan: What is this, hug the h*m* day?

Spinner: Just care about you man. Showing you love.

Dylan: (sees Tom walking away and pushes Spin away) Spinner, I can’t believe you man!

Spinner: I’m just trying to help out Marco. You like him right? Then ask him out!

Dylan: I don’t think he’s ready.

Spinner: What’s the worst that could happen?

Dylan: Listen, I wasn’t ready for my first date ok, and it was a disaster. I just don’t want to put Marco through that.

Spinner: It won’t happen!

Dylan: What do you know about being gay?

Spinner: Well, I know Marco and I know he likes you a lot. Just, just think about it ok?

In the gym, cheer team performing

Paige: Great slide sweet potato. So I hear you’re having…

JT: Sorry, I can’t talk right now!

JT: Manny. Sorry, no pockets, just read it. (Hands her a flyer) Everyone’s gonna be there. Emma, Liberty…

Manny: But this is at Ashley’s house.

JT: Yeah but Toby said she was out for the night. I’d really like it if you came.

Manny: Me too, but I can’t.

JT: Why? Just tell me.

Manny: At school when people talk about me I walk. At a party I’m stuck.

JT: Well what if I told you I won’t let anyone say a word about you.

Manny: That’s really sweet, but…

JT: Manny please, the commercial might seem dumb, but it’s a dream come true.

Manny: Ok. I’ll be there.
In the hallway

(Marco walking down the hall seeing couples everywhere.)

Dylan: Hey, we need to talk.

Marco: Uh ok.

Dylan: I just thought you should know that there’s someone I like.

Marco: Oh, yeah I mean I understand. I’m too short, too young, too girly…

Dylan: And way too hard on yourself.

Marco: Are you messing with me?

Dylan: Guilty as charged.

Marco: You’re such a jerk.

Dylan: Take it easy, I haven’t even asked you out yet. So tonight, wanna go see that zombie movie or will it freak you out?

Marco: Yeah a little, but I want to.

Dylan: Good.

Marco: Good so it’s a date?

Dylan: You bet!

At Spinner’s House

Kendra: Spinner! Marco’s here!

Marco: Spin! I’m dying. Here ok?! Fashion crisis! Do I go sporty, cowboy, vintage or clubby… I don’t know.

Spinner: Uh dude, maybe you didn’t get the memo. I’m straight.

Marco: Yeah, but your taste is way closer to Dylan’s than mine is, so help me, please.

Spinner: Ok. It’s like straight eye for the gay guy. (Holds up a shiny silver shirt) Ok uh, This? Uh Enrique called, he wants his shirt back. (Holds up a peasant type shirt) This whole Oliver Twist thing… (With an accent) please sir, don’t wear this, you’ll look like an idiot. (Holds up a western cowboy type shirt) Planning on wrestling cattle dude?

Marco: Don’t throw that.

Spinner: Now this. Classy, sporty, very David Beckham and very Del Rossi.

Marco: Cool. Spin, I just wanna say thanks for, well for everything.

Spinner: Yeah, don’t get mushy.

At Spinner’s front door

Spinner: Marco!

Marco: Yeah.

Dylan: Good evening Mr. Mason, Marco ready?

Marco: You bet! You look nice.

Dylan: Thanks, so do you. (looking at Marco’s hat)

Marco: Except for this.

Dylan: Well I mean it’s great…for a club.

Marco: Yeah. (throws hat) Spin tried to warn me. I’m so stupid.

Dylan: Marco, its fine. It’s just a hat.

Marco: Ok. Oh my god! Bee in the car! Bee! Bee! Bee! (Jumping up and out of the car)

Marco: Sorry…um, I have a bit of a bee phobia.

At a fast food restaurant at the mall

Marco: So you don’t think I’m completely lame?

Dylan: Your bee phobia? Pales in comparison to my fear of k*ller whales. My mom took me to a marine park for my 10th birthday and I volunteered to be kissed by the whale. When it leapt from the water it just had this look in its eye like I’m going to k*ll you. I ran from the park screaming. Guess I’m a freak huh?

Marco: No actually, you’re pretty great.

Dylan: I think you’re pretty great too.

At Toby’s house

Toby: Hand picked invite list?! Exclusive?!

JT: (shrugs) Oh this is it! This is it!

Commercial: (Jt speaking) Yo dawg! These fries are whicky whicky whack. What they need is some stupid, supafly flavour. First we give them the mad curl, then we dunk them in the dope batter. Then it’s time to kick the supafly fry flavor. A crazy combo of 7 slammin’ spices. That supa fly taste is off the chain yo! Hey don’t, get off my fries dawg! Get your fry on with supafly fries.

(Cough, cough.)

JT: Uh, Guess it wasn’t really off the chain then…

Jimmy: Look if people do make fun of you tomorrow just tell them um, don’t be all up in my fries dawg!

At the movies

(Marco trying to hold Dylan’s hand then pulling away.)

Dylan: It’s ok!

(Marco and Dylan holding hands.)

Outside the theatre

Dylan: What about that freeze and that zombie freeze just came running after him like that.

Marco: No the part where the zombie just tore off his arm! God I nearly…

Dylan: I know!

Marco: I can’t believe it, they’re here.

Dylan: Who, flesh eating zombies?

Marco: Worse, my parents, ok?!

Marco’s mom: Oh Marco!

Marco: Hey ma…

Marco’s mom: I thought you were studying with spinner?

Marco: Uh, Spinner got sick. Actually I bumped into Paige’s brother Dylan!

Marco’s dad: You are Dylan? My son he talk about you all the time.

Dylan: He does?

Marco’s dad: Yes, he say you great hockey player and I love hockey. Why don’t you come to dinner with us?!

Marco: Mom we already ate.

Marco’s mom: You know how your father gets.

At a restaurant

Marco’s dad: So, you play forward? Which line?

Dylan: Up first. I’m a pretty high scorer.

Marco’s Dad: How nice. How about with the girls? Hehe, not like Marco.

Marco: Pa!

Marco’s dad: I’m just saying you’re young! Right now it should be girls, girls, girls.

Marco’s mom: Like Gabriella? From church!

Marco: Ma, she’s 300 pounds!

Marco’s mom: She’s big…but nice. Maybe Dylan would like her.

Marco: No he wouldn’t.

Marco’s mom: Hmph.

Waiter: How are you all doing? Can I get you anything?

Marco’s dad: No we ok, thank you. How can a fruity boy carry those plates with those limp wrists.

Marco’s dad: I never understand that kind! Two men together. It’s disgusting.

Marco: Pa!

Marco’s dad: Hey it’s sickening!

Marco: Pa stop!

Dylan: The time! Uh, I’ve got early practice tomorrow, so uh nice meeting you both!

Marco’s dad: Nice to meet you too! That’s a nice boy.

Marco’s mom: (smacks Marco’s dad) How can you say that?

Marco’s dad: Say what?

Marco’s mom: You got a big mouth.

Marco’s dad: I got a big mouth…!

(His parent’s quietly arguing.)

Outside school

Jay: Hey where’s you dog, dawg?

Sean: Has it been getting up in your fries?

Manny: That’s a fun way to start the day…JT your commercial sucked.

JT: Thanks.

Manny: But you didn’t. You were great.

JT: Well you mind telling everyone in the school that?

Manny: Coming from the school tramp, I don’t think they’d listen.

JT: I do not want to go in there.

Manny: I know but we’ve got Armstrong’s test… We have to get our math on!

JT: I’m so gunna k*ll you. (Chasing after Manny)

Outside school

Marco: Look Spinner, ok it was the date from hell and I don’t know how I’m gunna face Dylan today.

Spinner: Well you’re about to find out.

Dylan: Hey.

Marco: Hey.

Dylan: Talk to you a sec?

Marco: Ok. Look you don’t have to explain about what my dad said.

Dylan: It was stupid and offensive, but you know we’ve both heard worse.

Marco: Yeah but the way you just ran off like that.

Dylan: You looked like you were going into cardiac arrest. I was sparing you.

Marco: Man after that pimp hat and the bee incident and then what my dad said, I just…I thought you were never gonna talk to me again.

Dylan: Well that crossed my mind, but I do think you’re pretty cute.

Marco: So then, does that mean I get another shot? A chance to redeem myself?

Dylan: Well that depends (leans in and kisses Marco) what are you doing this Friday?

Scenes for next week

Emma: What is your problem?

Alex: You.

Voiceover: Everyone’s feeling the pressure.

Ashley: (to the camera) These are the best years of my life?

Spinner: I can’t handle this.

Paige: Tomorrow we’re taking the day off.

Voiceover: A day filled with fun becomes a day for decisions.

Ashley: You just don’t get it do you? I’m leaving Degrassi.