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Mermaid (2000)

Posted: 03/21/23 15:56
by bunniefuu

DESI: Once upon a time,
there was a mermaid,

and she liked to play with
real people on top of the water,

but her daddy said
that she was very naughty,

and so he went away.

You have been very naughty,

and now you must be punished.

The mermaid was very sorry,

and she promised
never to be naughty again,

and she swam away forever
looking for her daddy.

TRISH: Desi!

Hi. Come on in, honey.
We have to get ready.

Desi spilled milk.

That'’s all right.
[ sniffles ]

Desi'’s grandma'’s here.
Did she bring pizza?

Yes. Now, you go ahead and eat.
I'’ll clean this up.

Can Desi go play?

Eat your pizza first.

Is Desi'’s mommy crying?

I'’m just tired, honey.

Now, go on and eat your pizza
before it gets cold.

What happened?

Oh, she just dropped her milk.

Is she any better?

It'’s just a phase.

The doctor said
it'’s just a way

of putting herself
outside of her pain.

She'’ll grown out of it
and stop talking that way.

Four months
is a pretty long phase,

referring to herself
in the third person

as though she'’s somebody else?

She'’s doing
the best she can, Mom.

I know, honey.
I'’m just concerned for her.

So am I, Mom. So am I.

[ violin playing
"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" ]

Is that all of it?

Everything but this little girl
and her violin.

Honey, you'’d better
hurry out to the barn

if you want to say goodbye
to Tex.

Desi doesn'’t want
to say goodbye.

Oh, honey, Mr. Henderson
will take good care of him.

Now, come on
and let'’s go, huh?

Want me to take your dolly?

Aren'’t you going to lock up?

You know,
it'’d serve the bank right
if we burn this place down.

Aw, you'’re better off
out from underneath it.

We built this place, Mom.

[ sighs ]

I can'’t believe
I'’m moving back to Yuba.

[ giggles ]

[ giggles ]

There'’s where
Desi'’s daddy works.

I know.

Can Desi go see him?

No, Des.


Your daddy isn'’t there, Desi.

Desi wants to see Daddy.

[ horn honks ]

QUAID: Hand it here, Steve.

RHONDA: It seemed bigger.

Well, it was big enough for you
and your sister and me.

Oh, I'’m sorry, Mom.
I didn'’t mean it like that.

No, you were smaller.

Besides, it'’s only temporary.

Oh, where do you want this?

Um, just put it in our room
in the corner.

Our room?

TRISH: Quaid...

Getting smaller.

I don'’t know
if I can do this alone.

You'’re not doing it alone.
You'’ve got your family here.

We'’re not going to let
anything happen to you.

I don'’t know what
to tell her, Mom.

Well, you'’ve got
to tell her the truth.

She wants to see him.
What am I supposed to say?

That he'’s never
going to come back.

You can'’t hide that
from her, honey.

I'’m not trying
to hide it from her,

but I want to do this in a way
that won'’t hurt her too much,

so she can try and accept it.

She'’s never going to be able
to accept it until you do,

and it ain'’t easy to accept.

What'’s his name again?

Steve Stutts. Don'’t you
remember him from high school?

He works for Quaid now.

He offered to help us
unload today.

Oh, yeah. He looked familiar.
It'’s been so long.

Quaid likes him a lot.
He says he'’s a real hard worker.

[ indistinct chatter ]

Come on, get up.

Desiree, I asked you
to put your clothes on.

Desi doesn'’t want to.

You know you have school today,
and we'’re late already.

Desi doesn'’t like school.
Desi doesn'’t want to go.

Well, I'’m sorry, but sometimes
we have to do things
we don'’t like to do.

Now, we talked about this,
and we'’re going to get back
on a schedule.

Desi, Papa Quaid told me that
when you get home from school,

he'’ll take you for a ride
on his big tractor.

Desi doesn'’t like tractors!
Desi wants her pony!



Young lady...

Five more minutes.

Two more minutes.
No, Des.

Ten more minutes.


I'’ll get her ready.

First day in the new place.
Come on, honey.

The eggs are almost done.

Thanks, Mom.

I'’m sorry if we'’re imposing
on your life here.

Uh, hadn'’t even
thought about it.

We just need a little time
to get on our feet, you know,
think things through?


Well, we'’ll try not
to be a bother.

Look, there'’s only one thing
that bothers me that I can
think of at the moment--

What'’s that?

People yapping at me
during my morning paper.

[ sighs ]

It'’s temporary.

[ sizzling ]

Oh, eggs.

[ children chattering ]

All right, sweetheart.
Come on.

Now, Desi. Des, come on.
You love school.

We'’ll go see
Teacher Karen, and...

Desi doesn'’t know
Teacher Karen.

Well, she sounded
very nice on the phone.

Come on, sweetheart.

[ indistinct chatter ]

Hi, Karen?


Rhonda Gill.

Oh, hi.
Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.
This is Desi.

Hi, Desi. It'’s nice
to have you at our school.

Des, why don'’t you
go on and play?

I'’m going to talk to Karen.

Desi doesn'’t want to play.

Well, go on anyway.

Take your backpack.

[ sighs ] She'’s having
trouble adjusting.

Yeah, you were saying
on the phone.

I just feel like I need
to get her into a routine.

Well, everyone needs
to have structure.

I should go.

Oh, there'’s a parent-student
group coming up--

um, gives the old folks
a chance to compare notes.

I don'’t have anything
to compare, believe me.

Well, we'’d still enjoy
your company...

DESI: Mommy!


KAREN: It'’s okay, Desi.
Come here.

Oh. Mommy is going to be
back at 12:00, okay?


[ footsteps approaching ]

[ whispering ]
What happened?

[ whispering ] Too many changes.

What'’s happening, Daddy?

What do you think'’s happening?

The mermaid is in trouble!

Very big trouble!

[ laughs ]

Look, there'’s Mommy.
Let'’s go get her.

RHONDA: What are you up to?
No, no, no, no! [ laughs ]

Tickling! No tickling!
[ laughs ]

Daddy was very tricky, huh?

Hi, Daddy. Let'’s wave hi.

RHONDA: Sweetpea, you playing
with your mermaid? Yeah?

When can Desi see Daddy?

KEN: Wave. Hello!


TRISH: Desi,
come over here, honey.

That'’s Desi'’s daddy.

That'’s right,

Where is he?

You remember
what I told you?

He'’s in heaven.

RHONDA: That'’s right, honey.

Where'’s heaven?

A long way away.

What do daddies do in heaven?
Is that where they work?

Maybe, honey.
I don'’t know.

Can Desi go see him?

Oh, it'’s not
that easy, Des.

People can'’t just go there.

Why not?

Well, it'’s not on the earth,
where we live.

How do daddies get there?

What do you think?

An angel came
and took him.

That'’s right, honey.

Why is his picture here?

This is a very special place.

When we want to think about
your daddy, we come here.

It'’s kind of like his mailbox
to heaven. You understand?

When will the angel
bring him back?

Desi, Daddy'’s
not coming back.

Once people go to heaven,
they have to stay there.

But even though he went away,

we can always come here
to talk to him.

But Daddy wouldn'’t leave
without saying goodbye.

[ Rhonda sighs ]


[ Desi crying ]

You okay, Des?

why are you crying?

Desi had a bad dream.

[ sighs ]

Are they going to come
and take you, too?


The angels.

Are they going to take you
to be with Daddy?

Oh, honey. I'’m not going
anywhere, not without you.

Not ever. I promise, okay?

Cross your heart?

Cross my heart.

[ sniffles ]

Oh, sweetie.

Here. Your mermaid, huh?

There we go. Shh. Shh.

[ door slams ]



What a day.

Say, Rhonda, the lasers
on the duster are going to be
down all next week,

you know, and I'’ve got to seed
Rocky'’s whole spread in one day.

I was thinking, as long
as you'’re around anyway,

why don'’t you come out
and do some flagging for us?

Well, it ain'’t up to her, girl.
You can bring Des.

Fresh air would do you good.
Besides, I'’m paying.

I'’m not a charity case,

You'’ve got to pay somebody.
Besides, you will earn it.

I haven'’t flagged
since I was 14.

Like falling off a log.

Do us good
to get out of the house.

Besides, you can teach
the little one the tricks
of the trade.

[ glass breaks ]


Desi, are you all right?

DESI: Desi'’s all right.

Open the door, Des.


Yes, Desiree, right now
I want you to open this door.

Is there a key for this?

I don'’t know.

Quaid, could you come down here
right away, please?

What are you doing, honey?

DESI: She'’s busy.

Please open the door now.

DESI: Go away, Desi'’s mommy.
Go away.

Desiree Gill, you open
this door right away or you are
going to be in very big trouble.


Place is falling apart, huh?

[ grunts ]

Oh, Desi.

TRISH: Oh, honey.

Well, what are we
going to do with her?

Desi wants to cut her own hair.

You already did that,
young lady.

Short is the only answer
I can think of.

Now, why did she
do it, anyway?

We'’re not sure.

Desi wants another chance.

Desiree, I don'’t understand.
Why are you being so naughty?

She wanted a haircut.

[ sighs ]
Well, that'’s fine,

but you have to ask Mommy
or Grandma.

Yeah, you know, scissors
are very dangerous.

She looks so different.

Yeah, it'’s a change, all right,
but we'’ll get used to it.

I'’ve had enough changes.

Anything else?

Check, please.

I'’ll take that.

You don'’t have to do that, Mom.

It'’s my pleasure.

[ sighs ]

Yeah, changes.

That'’s what it'’s all about,
you know.

I just want things
to be predictable.

I hate to be the one
to break it to you, honey,

but life just isn'’t

and if it was,
it would be damn boring.

You never know what'’s coming
around the next corner.

You can stay in bed
all day long and still
get struck by lightning,

so I figure you may as well
get on out there
and start living again.

You know, Mom, I can'’t deal
with what'’s going to happen
five minutes from now.

I'’m just taking it as it comes,
so stop pushing.

Honey, I didn'’t
mean to push you.
I was just trying to help.

This isn'’t something
you can just fix.

I know. I wish I could.

Look, I know you
have to grieve.

I just hope that you
remember that eventually,
it really will be all right.

Everything isn'’t
going to be all right.

Mother, I'’m 25 years old.

I have a daughter
and no husband, no job.

I lost my house.

I'’m living back home
with my mother.

Maybe that'’s all right for you,
but I was abandoned.

[ crying ]

What I'’m suggesting to you
is that if you could stop
focusing on what you don'’t have,

you might find the grace to be
thankful for what you do have.

Like what?

Well, like a family
who loves her, for one thing.

An adorable little girl.

The good sense
that God gave you.

You weren'’t abandoned.

Abandoned is when
your husband walks out on you
with your two little girls.

Even though he lives
not more than 300 miles away,

he acts as though
he never even had a family.

That'’s abandoned.
[ chuckles ]

Oh, Mom.

I'’m real sorry
you lost Ken, honey,

and I know
you'’re going to miss him
for a long, long time.

But you know in your heart
that he never stopped
loving you.

You remember that.

I wish I had that, instead of
spending the rest of my life

wondering what I could have
done differently to make
your daddy want to stay.

How'’s that ice cream, hmm?

[ ice cream truck jingle
playing ]

[ dog barking ]

Hello in there.

Mommy, Mommy!
It'’s the ice cream man!

Can Desi have some ice cream,

Okay, honey.
You give the man this.

Hello, the house.

Hello, the ice cream man.

Well, hello, sweetheart.

I just happen to have one
that'’s got your name on it.

Desi says thank you.

Well, you'’re very welcome.

[ change jingles ]

Where did you come from?

Oh, from a place way off.

Did you ever see Desi'’s daddy?

Let me think.

I might have.

You know, I just might have.

Do you know where he went?

Can'’t say that I do.

Now, don'’t forget
the county fair.


[ engine starts ]

What'’s the matter, Des?

The ice cream man doesn'’t know
where Desi'’s daddy is either.

No, honey, he couldn'’t know.

Desi'’s a very bad girl.

No, sweetheart.

Is that why
her daddy went away?


Because she was
a naughty girl?

Honey, come here.

Listen to me.

Daddy didn'’t go away
because you were a bad girl.

You'’re not a bad girl.

Sometimes you do
naughty things.
Everybody does.

That'’s not why Daddy went away.

Then why?
Why did he go with the angels?

[ sighs ]

I don'’t know, honey.

It was just his time.

Desi wants to see Daddy.

Desi wants to talk to him.

Desi wants to say goodbye.

I know, honey. I do too.

[ door opens ]

Ooh. What'’s this picture
you drew?

Can you tell Grandma
what you'’ve got there?

That'’s Daddy in the clouds.

He cries when he misses us,
and that'’s when it rains.

Desi, you know it'’s all right
to cry if you'’re sad.

Desi doesn'’t want to cry.
Desi doesn'’t want to be sad.

Well, yes, I understand,
but I'’m saying if you are sad,
it'’s all right to cry.

[ sighs ]

Does Daddy really have
a mailbox to heaven?

What do you mean, honey?

In the place
by the white fence?

Oh, the cemetery?

Well, that'’s a place
where we remember Daddy.

Where the mailman
comes from the clouds?

In a way.

Maybe a mailman
comes for our thoughts
and memories and good wishes.

[ sighs ]

Desi wants to send Daddy
a letter to heaven.

Well, honey,
it'’s not that easy.

Well, if Desi wants
to write Daddy a letter,

we can do that, honey.

And she wants
to send him this.

[ sighs ] We'’ll talk
about it, okay?

I think it could help.

I just like to think
about things a little

before we go launching
into them, okay?

Why do you hold the flags?

We'’re showing the plane
where to drop its seed.

Like you'’re showing him
how to get home?

Well, yes,
something like that.

Desi wants to hold a flag too.

All right.
We have to move over one row.

Come over there. Okay.

Face this way.

RHONDA: Hold it up high,
high, high, high.

There you go.

Hey, Des.
What have you got there?


I can see that.

What'’s that big orange thing
in your hand?

This is Desi'’s flag.
Desi'’s a flagger.

She shows the airplanes
where to go.

Well, I'’ll bet you
that'’s pretty hard work, huh?

Yes, it'’s very hard work.

You thirsty?

Yes, sir.

You want a drink?

Mountain Dew, please.

Well, what do you know?

How did you do that?

Magic, I guess.

Sometimes Papa Quaid
gives Desi free ones.

He has the keys.

There you go.

Are you a flagger, too?

No, I'’m a pilot.

You fly in the airplane?

You bet I do. That plane
right there is mine.

Maybe I'’ll take you up
in the air sometime, huh?

Do you ever fly
up in the clouds?

Sometimes, yeah.

Is heaven up there?

Pilots like to think so.

Desi'’s daddy'’s up there.

Grandma and me are going
to send him a letter.

What are you doing, Des?

Desi'’s talking to Steve.
He flies in the airplane.

He says heaven is up there.
He gave her a Mountain Dew.

Well, did you say thank you?

Desi says thank you.

You'’re very welcome.

Well, go on
and put your flag away.

We have to get going.
Here you go.

Bye, Des.

Bye, Steve.

I never got a chance
to thank you

for helping us get moved.

Oh, no. I was--
I was happy to do that.

That'’s, uh,
that'’s quite a kid you'’ve got.

Yeah, she is. Thanks.

Well, I should get going.

Yeah. Yeah, me too.

I'’ve got a stuck cockpit door
there to contend with myself.


Yeah. You'’re welcome.

See you.
RHONDA: Let'’s go.

[ piano playing ]

DESI: What should Desi say?

TRISH: Whatever comes
into your mind, Des.

DESI: Desi wants to wish him
happy birthday.

Okay. And what else?

Desi doesn'’t know.

Well, should we tell him
that we miss him?

Yes, and when
he'’s coming home.

Oh, honey, even though we'’re
writing this letter to Daddy,

he'’s not ever going to be
able to come home.

I don'’t want you to think
that he is, okay?


The real reason
that we'’re doing this

is just so that you can get
your feelings down on paper,

and so that you can share things
with Daddy as if he was here.

Desi knows, Grandma.
Daddy is like Santa.
It'’s just pretend.

[ gasps ] Whoever told you
Santa Claus is pretend?

She'’s a big girl, Grandma.
She knows things.

TRISH: [ chuckles ]
She sure does.

[ phone rings ]

I'’ll get it.


Oh, uh, just a minute.

It'’s for you, Desi.

RHONDA: Who is it?

Steve Stutts.



Listen, I have got
a couple tickets

to the county fair this weekend,

and I thought because
we got along so well

that you might want
to come along with me.

Do they have pony rides?

I think they do, yes.

Desi used to have a pony
named "Tex."

[ sighs ]



Look, I don'’t want to intrude,

but I have a couple of tickets
to the county fair this weekend,

and I thought Desi might want
to come along with me.

If you'’re asking for a date,

why don'’t you come out
and say so,

then I can politely say "no"
and we'’ll be done with it.

It'’s none of my business,

but I think Desi'’s
a little too young to date.

We have a lot going on.

[ sighs ]

I appreciate it.

If you change your mind,
you give me a call, okay?


Desi wants to go.


I just don'’t think
it would hurt for you
to break down

and have a little fun,
that'’s all.

I'’m not ready
to have fun, Mother.

And besides,
if I go out with a townie,
it'’ll be all over Yuba.

What will?

My business, my life.

Honey, you lost your husband.
There'’s no shame in that.

It'’s private, Mother,
and it'’s up to me.

How do you expect your daughter
to accept her father'’s death
when you can'’t?

It'’s easy being
a wise grandmother, isn'’t it?

I wish you'’d just cry
or throw a fit or something,
get rid of some of that.

[ door shuts ]

What are you doing, Des?


Waiting for what?

Mommy, waiting for
the mailman to come

and take our letter
to Daddy.

Oh, that'’s not
the way it works, Des.


It'’ll be fine, honey.

No, look!

Mommy, is Daddy
trying to take my letter?

I don'’t know, honey,
but if he'’s watching,

I'’m sure he thinks
this is very amusing.

[ sighs ]

[ moos ]

All right, this is where
your mom draws the line.

Desi wants her letter.

Well, we'’ll write
another letter, sweetheart.

Desi wants that one.
It has her picture.

They'’re just a bunch
of old milk cows, Rhonda.
They'’re not going to hurt you.

DESI: Please?

All right, all right.

[ grunts ]

Easy, ladies.
I'’m just here for the mail.

[ cow mooing ]

[ roars ]

Uh, Mother,
that is not a milk cow.

TRISH: Yeah, you'’d better
come on back, honey. Come on.

Go on, now. Get out of here.
Go on, Pablo. Pablo, go on.

Pablo, get out of here.
Get out of here.

Don'’t pay any attention to him.
He'’s just a bully.

Thanks for the warning.

And for saving your life.

That too.

TRISH: What'’s she doing?


For what?

For the mailman.
Fourth day in a row.

Bad idea from the start,
if you ask me.

No one asked you.

It was not a bad idea

to help her express
what she felt.

All I'’m saying is I'’ve
been out over these fields
for a lot of years,

and I ain'’t seen
Peter Rabbit yet.

This is not
about Peter Rabbit.

It'’s about feelings.

You remember what those are,
don'’t you, Quaid?

Feelings? Mother, all she'’s
going to be is disappointed.

Well, hello there.

Hello. Do you have
any mail for us today?

You beat me to the punch.
Let me see.

You going to be sure
to get this all home, now?

Yes, sir.

Careful, now.

Thank you.



Hey, kiddo.
What you doing?

Honey. Honey,
why are you crying?

Nobody took
Desi'’s letter to Daddy.

Return to sender, huh?

I'’m sorry, honey.

The wind must have
blown it away again.

But Desi thought Daddy
would read her letter.

[ sighs ]
Grandma told you, honey.

That'’s not why
we wrote the letter.

Why, then?

So you could put your feelings

that you'’re feeling
on the inside on the outside.

That way, they wouldn'’t stay
locked up in your heart
and keep you sad anymore.

Are you sad anymore?

Sometimes, but when I am,
I come outside

and I listen to the breeze
and I imagine

I can hear Daddy
whispering to me.

What does he say?

That everything
happens for a reason,

and that somewhere
down the line,

it'’s all
going to work out.

Anyway, listen,
I'’ve been doing some thinking,

and I'’ve decided that
if you still want to,

we can go to the fair.

How does that sound?

Desi could go on the ponies?

You can go on
whatever you want.

All right, honey? Hug?


[ sighs ]

Oh, God.

[ water running ]

[ indistinct chatter ]

Ready... set, go!

[ laughing ]

The winner! Jim'’s the winner.

[ cheering ]


RHONDA: Are we having fun?

TRISH: How could I miss?

[ laughing ]

TRISH: How was that?

RHONDA: Did you have fun
with Grandma on that, huh?

Yeah? I could see Grandma
was having a lot of fun.

Yeah, wonderful.


Hello there.

Oh, hi, Steve.


Desiree Leanne Gill,
how are you?

Well, who is ready
for a hotdog?

Desi wants a hotdog.

Well, that'’s what
I wanted to hear.

We have got one plain,
two with ketchup and mustard,
and one with the works.

Plain for me.

None for me, thank you.

My stomach
is still back on the Octopus.

I'’ll just have a Pepsi.

Well, Desi, that just means
more for you and me.

How long have you
been flying dusters?

Oh, uh, just 15 years.

I started right out
of high school.

Pretty dangerous work.

Oh, not if you'’re good at it.

Quaid says powerlines
don'’t discriminate between
Lindberghs and turkeys.

That sounds like Quaid.

He'’s been doing it
a lot longer than I have, too.

He hasn'’t rolled one up yet.

Not yet.

Do you have any children?

Desi, that'’s
a personal question.

It'’s okay.

I have two boys,
and they live in Fresno.

Why are they there?

Because that'’s where
their mommy is.

Do you miss them?

Every day.

Do they think you'’re in heaven?

No, they think that
I'’m right here in Yuba City.

BILLY: Steve?

Steve-o, hey.
What'’s the word, big guy?

You still, uh, smashing bugs
for a living?

You guys still cherry picking
for a living?

[ chuckles ] Damn straight.

So, uh, who are your friends?

Rhonda, Trish, and Desiree,

this is Skippy
and Billy Anderson,

best loaders
in the valley.


It wouldn'’t happen to be
Rhonda Moore, would it?

Gill. Rhonda Gill.

Oh, oh, that'’s right,
don'’t tell me.

You married Ken Gill,
captain of the football team,
class of 1987.


Ah, so how is, uh,
old Kick-off Kenny doing?

Desi'’s daddy'’s in heaven.

Uh, we'’re gonna--
we'’ve got to go.

We, yeah, we definitely--

We'’ve got food.

See you, guys.

Okay, come on.

You okay?

I hate small towns.

Those guys are harmless.

Mommy, look!

Des, don'’t run.


If this doesn'’t look like
a family on a mission
of happiness,

and in my business,
happiness is anything
that floats,

levitates, or soars.

Lighter than air
is the name of the game,
if you get my drift...

like all human hearts
were meant to be.


above the craziness
and confusion down below

and let the wind
take you where it will.

That'’s freedom,
my friends,

and that'’s the secret
to it all.

Why, in my grandfather'’s time,

lovers would send their
secret desires to the gods,

tiny wishes tied to balloons,

like notes in bottles
from lost sailors
or what-have-you.

Yeah, but I'’ve heard that birds
and things choke on them.

Perish the thought, madam.

In all my years
in the business,

I have yet to see a choking
warm-blooded feathered
vertebrate of any kind...

or even the ancient pterodactyl,
who were known to eat anything.

[ laughs ]

these balloons are all
100% biodegradable.

Okay. Okay,
you'’ve certainly sold us.

Oh, it'’s a wonderful thing

to see a dad show his affection
with such a caring gesture.

Actually, I'’m not her dad.


He'’s not your granddaddy,
is he?

[ laughs ]
No, he'’s Desi'’s friend.

And this...
is her mommy and grandma.

Well, now I'’m getting
the picture. Thank you.

Well, Desi, pick a winner.

Which one do you want, huh?


What, honey? What is it?

Mommy, the mermaid.

An excellent choice.

And wouldn'’t you know it...

the only one I have like it.

Now, be sure not to let her go
without that special wish.

She won'’t.
Thank you very much.

You'’re very, very welcome.
Bye-bye, now.

Thank you.

Bye-bye. Oh, no, no.
It'’s on the house.

TRISH: Really?

Thank you very much.

You'’re welcome.
Thank you.

Okay. Goodbye, all.


Isn'’t that sweet of him?

You got
a mermaid balloon, honey.

Have a great day. Bye.

[ Rhonda clears throat ]

I thought you were going to win
one of those stuffed animals
for me back there.

I thought
I was too.

Came close...

Mommy, look!

Yeah, honey, look at that.
They'’re dancing.

Well, which one of you ladies
is going to get up there
and do a little dance with me?

Oh, don'’t look at me.

Listen, I'’m bushed.

Why don'’t I just take Desi home,
and you know.

He'’ll drop you by later.

Have fun.

Do you want to dance?

♪ Love songs make me blue ♪

♪ They make me think of you ♪

♪ I thought that I would die ♪

♪ The day we said goodbye ♪

♪ The hardest thing to do ♪

♪ Is let go and move on ♪

♪ I don'’t know who I am
now you'’re gone ♪

♪ And love longs,
lovely love songs ♪

♪ Make me cry ♪

♪ I'’m a fool holding on ♪

♪ To something that'’s gone ♪

♪ And I need to be loved again ♪

♪ And someday I'’ll know ♪

♪ How to let you go ♪

♪ But darling, until then ♪

♪ Love songs make me blue ♪

[ indistinct chatter ]

Oh, maybe we should be quiet.


Well, um...

I had a nice time.

Yeah, I did too.

We'’ll do it again sometime.

I'’ll call you soon?

Well, good night.

Good night.

[ door closes ]

[ giggles ]

Mommy, mommy!

What, honey?
What is it?

Mommy, the mermaid.

She'’ll take Desi'’s letter
to Daddy.

[ sighs ] Okay, Des.

TRISH: Okay, there you go.

RHONDA: There you go, sweetie.

I'’m glad to see
you'’ve had a change of heart.

I don'’t know about that,
Mother, but I have a strategy.

I'’m just going to
write her a letter myself,

from her father,

and maybe that'’ll end
this whole thing.

Rhon, I don'’t want
to tell you what to do,

honey, but I really
don'’t think

that deceiving her
is the answer.

Who do you think is going
to write her back, Mom?

The tooth fairy?

You started this whole thing.

Now I'’m going to finish it.

[ car door closes ]

[ sighs ] Okay, honey.

The balloon man says that
balloons are for wishes.

Should Desi make a wish, Mommy?

If you want to.

Desi wishes...

that there'’ll be rain
for the crops,

and that her friend, Steve,

will always be safe
in Papa Quaid'’s airplane...

but mostly she wishes that her
mommy won'’t be sad anymore...

'’cause Desi likes it
when she'’s smiling.

Is that okay?

Oh, and Desi wishes
that the mermaid

take this letter
to her daddy,

and that he'’ll get it
and remember her birthday.


[ giggles ] Bye!

TRISH: Bye, mermaid.

[ Desi giggles ]

Bye, goodbye!

Okay, come on, honey.


What is it, honey?
What happened?

Did you see him, Mommy?
Did you see him?

Who, Des?

He reached down from heaven
and took the balloon.

It'’s Daddy, Mommy.
It'’s Daddy.

Look at this guy.
Pretty good flyer.

[ indistinct chatter ]

Grandma, Grandma,
Steve flew the plane
and we helped!

Oh, good work, honey.
That'’s a good girl.

[ grunts ]
Oh, you'’re getting so heavy.

Ah, Quaid, thanks.

And you are a real pro
out there, aren'’t you?

She helped you,
didn'’t she?

She certainly did.

QUAID: Say, listen.

I'’m going to burn some steaks
later. You got any plans?

No. no plans.

Well, are you hungry
or not?

I'’m starved.

STEVE: Sure smells good.

Give them a little flip...

Blast! Son of a bitch...


Little ears.

TRISH: Maybe if
you'’d get a new one,

you wouldn'’t have
to go through this

every time
we want to barbecue.

It'’s practically brand-new.

Ten years old is not
practically brand-new.

I'’ve got a set of Vise-Grips
in the garage on the bench.

You grab them for me?

What'’s a...
a son of a bitch?

[ sighs ]

You see?

Oh, hell.


[ whistling ]

Kenny, I am mad about you.

I never thought I would be
so deeply in love with anyone.

You are my dream come true.

Have a good day.
I love you. Rhonda.

[ wind gusts ]

[ tools clattering ]

Oh, no, it'’s burning!

STEVE: Mm-hmm,
that'’s well done.

[ blows ]

What'’s that?

That is the best part.

[ laughs ]

Kiley'’s going to cut
his fields tonight, you know.

Oh, yeah? A little early
for that, isn'’t it?

Yeah, he'’s superstitious.

Thinks the locusts are coming
or some nonsense. [ chuckles ]

You know what the secret
to roasting marshmallows is?

Eating more than anybody else.

[ chuckles ]
You can do that, huh?

He'’s good with her.


He'’s so good with Desi.

Don'’t, okay?

Don'’t what?

I know what you'’re
trying to do, Mom. Please?

I'’m not trying
to do anything.
Don'’t push.

I just think it'’d be nice
for you to have a friend.
That'’s all.

DESI: Mommy, Desi'’s tummy hurts.

Well, honey, let'’s see
what'’s going on here, huh?


Well, no wonder.
You'’re stuffed like a tick.

Let'’s get you inside
and put you to bed,
okay, darling? Ooh.

Will you grab that stuff,
please? Thank you.

You'’re welcome.

[ thunder crashing ]

Do you like Steve?

Yes, I like him.

Desi does too.

But she doesn'’t want
a new daddy.

Honey, he'’s just our friend.

Go to sleep.

[ combine whirring ]

[ dog barking ]

Quaid wasn'’t kidding, huh?

They really are cutting
by the light of the moon.

Yeah. Kiley takes
the almanac literally,
you know what I mean?


Oh, I just put another pot
of coffee on. You want some?

Ink for me, please.

You want some, honey?

No, thanks.

How'’s the patient?

She'’ll be fine.

That was my fault.



I wouldn'’t worry about it.
She likes you a lot.

She'’ll forgive you.

What about you?

I don'’t hold grudges
over marshmallows.

[ sighs ]

It'’s me, okay,
it'’s not you.

Let'’s just leave it at that.


I'’m going to go, okay?



[ sighs ]

Where'’s Steve?

He left.


Because I guess
I asked him to.

[ sighs ]

Don'’t. Mother,
don'’t even...

I told you not to push it.
I have to do this myself.

All right, fine,
but what'’s stopping you?
What are you afraid of?

Let me give you the list.

I'’m afraid of raising
my daughter without her father.

I'’m afraid of raising her
with a new one.

I'’m afraid of earthquakes
and plane crashes

and car wrecks,
of something happening to me,

of not seeing my little girl
grow up,

and of her not having
a mommy, either.

And I'’ll tell you
something else.

I'’m afraid of the moment
she finds out

there is no tooth fairy,

and balloons don'’t take messages
to dead daddies.

[ door creaks ]

[ gasps ] Desi.

Uh, you have to listen to me.

you have to listen to me.

[ sighs ]

Desi, please open the door.

I didn'’t mean what I said.

Now, let me in
so I can talk to you.

Let me try.

There. I got it.


Oh, my God.

Calm down.
We'’ll find her.

They'’re harvesting.

I know.




Oh, my God, she'’s out here.


Desi! Desi!



Desi, where are you?

Stop! Stop!

Desi! Stop!


[ whirring ]



RHONDA: Please stop! Stop!

[ clangs ]

[ engine stops ]

[ panting ]

I hit something.


What are you doing
out here, Trish?

Give me this.


Oh, Desiree.



Oh, God.

Oh, honey, you scared
Mommy and Grandma very much.

You promise me you'’ll never
do that again. Oh, thank God.


[ cocks g*n ]

[ birds squawk ]

[ squawking ]

[ chuckles ]

Well, what do you know?



Okay, everybody grabs a package
for me and takes it inside.

We got a big turkey, Daddy.

Oh, better than I did.

Well, no offense, Dad,
but you never get anything.

[ vehicle door closes ]

[ sighs ]

Is everything okay?

Yeah, I guess so. Yeah.


I'’m stuffed.

I'’m stuffed too.

[ chuckles ]

Is that my balloon?

No, honey, but it
came from a little girl

not that much younger
than you are.

Um, I want
to read you something,

and I have to tell you
it'’s very sad.

What, Daddy?

Well, just listen.

"Happy Birthday, Daddy.

I love you and miss you.

I hope you have
a good birthday in heaven

since it'’s your first one
since you went with the angels.

Hope you can get this,

WADE/TRISH: and maybe you
can write me on my birthday
in January,

'’cause I'’ll be five years old.

My new address
is in care of Grandma Trish,

rural route 15, box 3097,

Yuba City, California, U.S.A.

WADE/TRISH: I can'’t believe
it'’s been so long...

since you left us.

I miss you
and love you very, very much.

Love, Desiree Leanne."

It'’s got the Xs and Os written
on the bottom of the page.

Can Desi be excused?

Excused please?


Don'’t you want a piece of pie?

Desi just wants to go to sleep.

You may be excused.

I'’ll be there to tuck you in
in a minute.

Desi can do it herself.

Leave the door open.

[ sighs ]

Where did it come from?

Oh, it was tied
to the balloon.

I found it
up at Mermaid Lake.

Can I have
the balloon, Mommy?

No, sweetheart.

Can we write
the little girl back?

Amanda, why don'’t you take
Hailey up to the bathroom, okay?

Get her ready for bed.

Well, what do you think?

Could it have come all this way
from the western United States?

I mean,
that'’s almost 4,000 miles.

I don'’t know.

Maybe we should
just put it back.

I mean, I don'’t know,
it just doesn'’t feel right.

I mean,
we wouldn'’t want to give
a little girl false hope.

Well, I mean, it'’s got
a picture of a mermaid on it.

We live in Mermaid.

It traveled thousands of miles
and landed at Mermaid Lake,

and we'’re always saying
that nothing ever happens
in Mermaid...

well, something just did.

I want to think about it.

All right.

Okay, my little friend,
let'’s just get you all full up,

and then maybe we can both
get some sleep, okay?

Okey-dokey, there we go.

Okay. There.

[ cooing ]

Okay. Okay.

♪ Lullaby ♪

♪ Lullaby... ♪

[ Donna humming ]

[ creaks ]


It was nothing.

No. No, it wasn'’t.

What are you doing?

What? What are you doing, eh?

What is it you'’re looking at?

Hey. Hey, you.

What? [ chuckles ] What?

Oh, my God.

You want me to get it?

No, I'’ve got it. That'’s fine.

I'’ll just drag it along.
It'’s heavy.

Well, it'’s not making
too big a mess.

They just come and go
faster all the time.

Good thing
it'’s only once a year.

[ chuckles ]


Oh, thank you.

And how'’s
the little girl?

Oh, she'’s fine.

Glad to hear it.

Happy holidays, folks.

Thank you.

TRISH: Well, that'’s funny.

What'’s that?

He didn'’t stop
at any of the other mailboxes.

That'’s the post office
for you.

[ tires screech ]

Where'’s Desi?

She'’s not out yet.

Go get her.

Is something wrong?

No, nothing'’s wrong.

I'’ll tell you both
when you'’re together.

Go get her!


Desi, this came for you today.

What does it say?

It'’s okay. Read it.

January 19th, 1994.

"Dear Desiree Leanne,
Happy Birthday.

I hope we'’re not late,
but if we are,

hope you had a terrific day.

I guess you must be wondering
who we are.

It'’s a long, long story,
but here I begin."

What is this?

It'’s okay, I promise.

"It all started one morning when
my husband went duck-hunting...

and guess what he found?

No, it wasn'’t a duck.
It was a mermaid.

it was the mermaid balloon

that you had sent your daddy
in heaven.

It wasn'’t until my husband
returned home with the balloon

that we read the note
you had attached to it.

Well, at first we thought

maybe we should put it back
where we found it,

but after we read
the note again,

we realized your daddy
had already received the balloon

and was sending it back
so someone would find it.

He wanted someone to find it

so they could send you something
for your birthday.

There are no stores in heaven,

so your daddy wanted someone
to do his shopping for him.

I think he picked us

because the name
of our community is '’Mermaid,'’

and also,
we have three children,

and our oldest daughter'’s
birthday is also in January.

[ sniffles ]

I know your daddy would want you
to be happy and not to be sad.

I know he loves you very much,

and will always be
watching over you.

Once again,
happy fifth birthday.

The MacKinnon family."

Desi, they also sent you this.

A mermaid book.

Daddy didn'’t forget about me,
Mommy, did he?

What did you say, Des?

Daddy didn'’t forget about me.

Oh, my God, you'’re back.

Oh, my little girl is back.

No, honey,
he didn'’t forget about you.

[ sniffles ]

[ wind gusting ]

That'’s Daddy, Mommy.
He'’s happy too.

Honey, look.

Honey, actually, I don'’t know
if I have enough change.

No, I have it. I have it.

RHONDA: You do?
TRISH: I do.

I have a whole bunch of change.


Well, there you go.

Quaid, I think you need
to have this thing looked at.

Forget about it.
You made the papers.


Look at this.
You'’re celebrities.

"Magic balloon
proves dreams do come true."

Desi, that'’s you.

"As four-year-old Desiree Gill

watched the silver helium
balloon float up and away

with a note
to her daddy in heaven,

she knew she'’d get a reply."

"Her mother and grandmother
weren'’t so sure,

and were amazed
when they got a letter

from a family
in Prince Edward Island, Canada,

nearly 3,800 miles
across the continent."

"Wade MacKinnon, who lives in
a community called '’Mermaid,'’

found the balloon
while duck-hunting,

and his family
responded in kind.

Desiree has only
one wish left...

to see the magical
land of mermaids,

and to meet her new distant
de facto miracle family

on Prince Edward Island
on the east coast of Canada."

H, I, J, K, L, M, N...


O, that'’s right.

Can you do that?

Good job, sweetheart.
That'’s excellent. Very good.

Desi, there'’s someone
to see you.

Hello. Special delivery
for Desiree Leanne Gill.

RHONDA: What'’s this?

It'’s all for
the little girl.

She told me
she was waiting on some mail.

I just didn'’t figure she'’d
get it all on the same day.

Well, see you tomorrow.

Bye. Thank you.

These letters
are all for you, Des.

"Dear Desiree,
Our family was so deeply touched

by the story of the balloon

and your friends
on Prince Edward Island.

We hope this will get you there
a little sooner.

All the best.
Sincerely, Schmidt."

There'’s a check here for $20.

"Dear Gill family,

After reading your story
in the Examiner,

we wanted to help Desiree with
her wish to meet the MacKinnons,

so we collected some money in
hopes of fulfilling the dream."

[ sniffles ]

Are these all from Yuba City?

Not all,
but a lot of them.

Look, Mommy. A balloon.

They'’re all like this.

"Dear Desiree,
I know you lost your daddy.

How was your birthday?
My birthday is in September.

I want you to see
your new balloon friends,

so here is my allowance.

Love, Tessa.

P.S. Please come back to school
and tell us about Mermaid Lake."

[ sniffles ]

It'’s another miracle.

Yes, it is.

Why did all these people
send me letters, Mommy?

'’Cause there'’s a whole lot
of really nice folks out there,

Des, and you have
to remember that.

We all do.


How will we know
who they are, Momma?

I don'’t think we'’re going
to have a problem, sweetie.

RHONDA: Here we go.
Okay, sweetie. You can do this.

RHONDA: Uh, okay.
Yeah. Okey-dokey.

Come here, sweetheart.

Hey, do you see
those people with the balloons?

Think that might be them, huh?
I think it could be. Go on.

Walk, honey.

My name
is Desiree Leanne Gill.

My name is Hailey.
All these balloons
are for you.

Thank you.

Hi, Desi.

Are you Wade, the man
who found my balloon?

Yes, I am.

My grandpa'’s name
is "Quaid."

That sounds like "Wade."

[ chuckles ] Well, I'’m glad
we have so much in common.


DONNA: Rhonda.

It'’s so good to meet you.

We'’re so happy to be here.


Welcome to P.E.I.
[ chuckles ]


[ sighs ]

Well, here we are.
What do you think, Desi?

Is this heaven?

Well, some people think
all of Prince Edward Island
is heaven,

but, uh, this is
an extra-special place.

Come on.

So the pig says, "That'’s funny,
my underwear'’s purple."

[ all laugh ]

May we please
be excused?

Yes, you may.

Why don'’t you take Desi
into Hailey'’s room,
then you can play?

Wow. You don'’t have
to tell them twice.

Amanda just got off
dishwashing duty.

That'’s what that
was all about.

How do you like your coffee,

Black, please.
WADE: Attagirl.

No need to ruin a perfectly good
cup of joe with something
that comes out of a cow.

[ chuckles ]

Black as August road tar
is the way I like it.

You know, where we live near
Yuba City is a hunter'’s dream.

We know a lot of hunters,
and when they go hunting,

that'’s pretty much
all they'’re out to do.

I don'’t know any
that would stop
to pick up a balloon.

sh**t it, maybe.

[ chuckles ]

And, Donna,
the way you told the story

in your letter
so Desi could understand,

I don'’t know how to tell you
how much that meant to her...

meant to us, really.

Well, it meant
a lot to us, too.

WADE: "Blinded by tears,

the mermaid
fell overboard into the sea.

Without her tail,
she couldn'’t swim.

She sank deeper and deeper
into the darkening ocean.

All at once, the black sea
was filled with sparkling light,

and three beautiful angels
appeared beside the mermaid,

lifting her out of the water.

'’By sparing the prince,
you'’ve earned a place with us,'’

said one
of the lovely creatures.

The mermaid'’s heart
filled with joy,

and with a smile,
she flew off

with her new friends
into the light.

The End."

Where does the light go, Wade?

It goes to heaven, Desi.

The mermaid went with
the angels to heaven?

In the book, yeah.

Mommy, Daddy'’s with the mermaid?
Is that right?

Well, honey...
[ clears throat ]

They both
went into the light.

There we go.

Went to the light
with the angels,

and now he'’s safe,
and he didn'’t forget me.


And he gave us our new friends
for my birthday...

and, Wade, will you
always be our friend?

[ chuckles ] Always, Desi.

All of us will, hmm?

We'’re the luckiest people
I know.

Yes, we are, aren'’t we, Mommy?

I'’m happy, Mommy.

Me too, honey.
Me too.

Look, Mommy.


Honey, it'’s beautiful.

Like heaven.

I think Daddy
wanted us to see this

so we would know he'’s okay.

I think you'’re right, honey.
I think you'’re right.

[ sighs ]


There we go.

Don'’t trip.

Oh, she'’s got the bug, huh?


Look who it is.
Come here.

[ indistinct chatter ]

TRISH: [ laughs ]
Hey, look what I found.

RHONDA: Great trip.
Great trip.

Whoo. Say hello
to Quaid, honey.

[ laughing ]

[ indistinct chatter ]


MAN: Who'’s your partner here?
Hmm? Who'’s this?

That'’s Desi.

MAN: Who?


MAN: You'’re Desi.

No, that'’s my character.

MAN: Your character? Oh.

I'’m Jodelle,
and she'’s the real Desi.

MAN: The real Desi.
Oh. That'’s great.

Well, we'’ll see you
back on set. Bye.


This is Desi'’s grandma,

and this is Desi'’s mommy.

WOMAN: So, what is this like
to meet the character
you'’re playing?

Well, it'’s great,
because I had no idea,

and sometimes
you never know,

and blue eyes,
blonde'’s nice.


And it'’s such
a beautiful story.

It'’s wonderful.
It'’s a gorgeous story.

I just read it,
I started to cry.

I was like...

Oh, my goodness.

WOMAN: Such a beautiful
award-winning actress
portraying you.

How exciting that must be.

Oh, my gosh.
I don'’t know what to say.

I'’ll just sit
and stare at her.

It'’s kind of surreal.

They'’ve got a backpack
just like Desi had.

The backpack
that Samantha'’s carrying...

it'’s just like the one Desi has
that I got her for school.

Remember that backpack
you'’ve got at home...

like the one
that Samantha'’s carrying?

It'’s just like it.

I got it for school
two years ago.

Isn'’t that funny?

MAN: Smoke'’s beautiful.
Beautiful smoke.

Five'’s up.

There we go.

Don'’t forget to let
those balloons go higher.

Desiree. Quiet, please.



MAN: Cut it.

Good work.
That was fun.

I like doing this part.

That was good.
That was nice.

When you look in there,
that sun'’s too bright.

It'’s hitting them,

and it'’s making them
so you can'’t see them.

On here?


I don'’t know.
Let me go talk to them.

WOMAN: Did you hear Desi
yelling "action" and "cut"?

What did you think about that?

I heard her.

WOMAN: You'’ve got tears
in your eyes. How come?

'’Cause it'’s just special.

For Desi.