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Teen Titans Go! See Space Jam (2021)

Posted: 03/21/23 09:43
by bunniefuu
Whoa! What is that, yo?

It looks like some kind
of alien spaceship.

Oh, how wonderful.

Perhaps these aliens
are the peaceful kind

that enjoy playing that

Do do do doo do ♪ song.

If Hollywood movies
have taught me anything,

it's that space aliens
only come here
for one reason,

to replace us!

Well, no alien is replacing me.

Greetings, Earthlings.

We are the Nerdlucks.

Oh, my goodness.
I know these guys.

They're the aliens
from Space Jam.

What's a Space Jam?

It's only the greatest
sports movie of all time.

Sorry. Never heard of it.

-Me neither.
-Nor the I.

How have you never heard of it?

It stars Bugs Bunny
and Michael Jordan.

Michael Jordan?

Oh, yeah.

That's the dude who sells
all them shoes.

Oh, I wish to watch
the movie about the salesman
who plays the basketball.

Well, we happen to own
a copy on VHS.

But our VCR is busted.

No problem.
We've got a VCR in the tower.

We can watch it there.

-Yeah, let's check this out.
-Oh, yeah!

-Let's do this.

Wait, are you guys crazy?

Inviting these aliens
into our home
is a horrible idea, Titans.

How do we know
we can even trust them?

Just sit down and watch
the movie, dude.

Oh, yeah.
Space Jam!


This is Teen Titans Go!
See Space Jam.

Now let's fast forward
to get to the good stuff.

I just feel at
this particular time
that I reached the pinnacle

of my basketball career
and I must retire.

Holdup. MJ is retiring?

Nice going, Cyborg.
You skip to the end
of the movie.

Nah, this is the beginning.

But he said he was the done
playing the basketball.

Yeah, he says that a lot.

...anybody this,
except for one person,
and, uh...

but I think I'm gonna go
and play professional baseball.

What position
will you play?

I don't know.
As a kid, I was a pitcher.

I think that'd be kind of hard
for me to pitch,

so I think I'm gonna play
the outfield now.

No way!

There's an amusement park
in space?

And look, it's named
after Robin.

Ha. Very funny.

But mark my words, Titans,
you're all making
a huge mistake.


Let's get out of here, Dad,
this stinks.

Don't bring me
here anymore, all right?

Don't bring me
here anymore, all right?

Are you listening?

Did you hear him?

Did you hear him?

That little brat is right.

I've told you,
if I've told you once...

Yo, that's Danny DeVito.

My dude played The Penguin.

Man, where's Batman.

I told you a thousand,
thousand, thousand,
thousand times!

We need new attractions.

-New ones.


Get it?

Big, shiny new things. Yeah.

Absolutely, sir.

Look at me.
Look at me and listen.

The customer is always right.


What is he the doing?

He's smoking.

But smoking is so bad
for you, yo.


-Okay, we need something--

My bad.

We need something...



I hopes ya'll don't mind,
but I loves counting
butt sh*ts in movies.

That's one.

- Something wacky.
- Wacky.

We need something,
something, something,

-We need something-
-Looney? Oops.

Looney. Thank you.


I'm an elk! sh**t me!

Yes! Looney! Yes!

Now you're talking. Looney.

Looney. That's it,
that's the word
I was looking for, Looney.

-Get the Looney Tunes.
-Looney Tunes!

Bring 'em here.

Sir, just noticing, sir.

They're from Earth.

What if they can't come?

What did you say?
What if they can't come?


-Make 'em.

Make 'em.

We're gonna get 'em.

We're gonna get 'em.
Yeah, right.

Cyborg's fun fact.

The number
was Michael's high school
jersey number.


Looks good in a uniform.

Looks great. Can't teach that.

Can't teach it.


Podolak, come here.

-I'm sorry I didn't mean...
-Come here.

Yes, sir?

I want you to make sure
that nobody bothers Michael.

I want him to be
the happiest player
in the world.

The happiest.

Slider. Don't swing.

Strike three!

-I told you not to swing.
-Couldn't help it.

I understand.
Hey, nice talking to ya.

Wow. Everyone's so supportive
of Michael striking out.

I believe they are hoping
to get the free sneakers
from the nice salesman.

We're not worried.
We're not worried.

-Good job, Michael
-Get out there, Michael.
Don't worry.

Good try. Good hustle.

Good cut, Michael. Good cut.

That was a strike out, Mike.
That was a good-looking
strike out. Real good.

I mean, you look good
when you strike out, man.

When I strike out, man,
it looks nasty, man.

At least you look good, man.

Hi, Mr. Jordan.

Mr. Jordan, I'm Stan--

Ow, jeez.

You all right?
That was a nasty fall.

Yeah. Oh, I'm Stan Podolak,
Mr. Jordan

I'm the Barons' new publicist.

I'm here to make
your life easier.

You want me
to drive you somewhere,
I will drive you anywhere.

You want me to pick up
your laundry,
babysit your kids,

I will do it.

I knew I recognized that dude.

That's that fool
from Jurassic Park, yo.

I am here
to personally guarantee

that no one
will ever bother you.

Friends, look.
It is the Santy Claus.

Ho, ho, ho.

What was that?

Hang on.

Hanging on.

Why is Looney Tunes
in the center of the Earth?

Because it's
the looniest place
the writers could think of.

Oh. Whatever.


All right, you irascible bunny.
Come back.

Ho, ho. There's my man Bugs.

I'll be with you
in a second, folks,

after I finish
with nature boy here. Oop.

All right, pesky wabbit.
I've got you now.

Here's a fun fact.

Bugs Bunny got his name
when legendary animator
"Ben-Bugs" Hardaway

drew a sketch of a rabbit
which got labeled

by his fellow coworkers
as Bugs' Bunny.

And Elmer Fudd
was originally named Egghead.



One small step for moi!

- Moi!
- - One giant leap for Moron Mountain!

And one whopper headache
for Elmer Fudd.

Diminutive. Ain't they?

-We seek the one
they call Bugs Bunny.
-Yeah, Bugs Bunny.

Have you seen him?

Where is this guy?

Is he around?

Hmm... Bugs Bunny.

Bugs Bunny.
Say, does he have great,
big long ears?

Like this?


And does he hop around
like this?


Well, does he say,
"What's up, Doc?"
like this?

Eh... What's up, Doc?


Nope, never heard of him.


You know, maybe there is
no intelligent life

out there in
the universe after all.

♪ La Ta Tee La Da Da ♪

Hold on there,
Mr. Looney Tune.

Ah-ha! Even more proof
that these Nerdlucks
are evil!

Ah, Bugs kinda had that coming.

Okay, bunny.

Gather up your Tune pals.

We're taking you
for a ride.

Totally. All right.
So, like, where we goin'?

Are we there yet?

Ah, I'm really sorry
it took so long, but,
you know...

Sherm, Sherm,
don't, don't worry about it.

...that exit on wasn't clearly marked.
It was like--

Hold on. Right here.

- What, here?
- Yes. Right here.


So that's MJ's house?

He must make the modest
of the salaries.

Thanks for the ride, Sherm.
I appreciate it.

-It's Stan, Mike.
-I'm sorry.

But that's all right.
You can call me
Sherm if you want to.

Because I followed
your whole career

-and I just think you're
the greatest athlete that's...
-Stan! Stan, Stan, Stan.

...that's ever lived.

Gimme that remote!
I wanna see more Bugs.

Stop the music!

-Top duck comin' through!

Jeez! It's gettin' so a guy

can't even get himself
wet around here!

So, what's the big emergency?

Uh, these little guys would
like to make an announcement.

Here you go, shorty.

All right. All right.

You, all of you,

are now our prisoners!

See! I told you they
want to abduct us!

We're in big trouble now.

We are taking you to our
theme park in outer space.

No fooling.

Where you will be our slaves

and placed on display
for the amusement

of our paying customers.

Oh, fear clutches
my breast.

Okay. If these Nerdlucks
are so friendly,

then why is Bugs chained up?

He's just doing
a little street magic.

But they just called all
of the Looney Tunes
their prisoners!

It's all part of the act, yo.

I don't know.
Something smells fishy...

That would be
your breath, Robin.

We ain't a-goin' nowheres!

Whoa g*ns!

How bouts we make this
a bit more kid friendly?

That's better.


Eh, not so fast, doc.

You just can't turn us
into slaves,

that would be bad.

You've gotta give us
a chance to defend ourselves.

Oh, yeah? Who says?

- Says who?
- Why?

That's another one!

Just a sec.

There! Read em and weep, boys.

What's this?

"Give them a chance
to defend themselves."

Do we have to?

-It's in the rule book.
-It is.

Okay. It is in the rule book.

Uno momento!
We have to confer.

Cyborg fun fact.

This scene is a reference
to the movie, Patton,

which won Best Picture.

But do you know
which movie

should have won best picture?

All right, troops.

It is for us to choose

a b*ttlefield that affords us--

Oh! I got it.

Yes, Private Porkster?

about we challenge
them to a spelling bee?

Say... We could have
a bowling tournament.

Sufferin' Succotash!
What's wrong with all of ya?

I say, we get a ladder,

wait till the old lady's
outta the room,

then grab that little bird.

Whoa! Whoa!

Take a deep breath, Sly!

Okay, let's analyze
the competition.

Hmm. That's a good idea.

Now, uh, what are
we lookin' at here?

Let's see.

We got a small race
of invading aliens.

Small arms! Short legs!

-Not very fast.

Tiny little guys.

Can't jump high.

Hey! They's just
described you, Robin.

Very funny.


We challenge you
to a basketball game.

All right. Basketball it is!

-Oh boy, oh boy.

All right! What is basketball?

-What's that?
-Beats me.

-We didn't have that in school.
-I have no idea.


Pardon me! Oop, sorry.

Hey! Down in front!

An exhilarating
team sport currently growing
rapidly in popularity...

And the game is on!

No good!

Over here! Over here!
Over here! Over here!

And nothing! Still can't
get it in the basket. Man!

Looks like the crowd
is having none of it.

From downtown... Boom!


Featuring the best players
in the world!

-The best players in the world.
-The best!

- Excuse me.
- Excuse me.

- I'm so sorry.
- Sorry.

Excuse me.

Get your feet out of my nose!

Be quiet,
they're looking!

Hey! It's basketball.

-Whoa! Now what?

Hey hey!

Fun Fact. Patricia Heaton

starred on the sitcom,
The Middle,

which was filmed next door

to the offices
of Teen Titans Go!

- What? What?
- She's looking again.

- Close it up!
Close it up!

You poked me again.


I thought you were gonna
get better seats this year.

This is as good as I could get.

This guy next to me

is doing something
very weird in his raincoat.

Pop quiz time.

Dan Castellaneta is the voice
of which famous TV dummy?

If you guessed Robin
you'd be wrong!

Robin isn't famous at all.

Honey, will you just
let me watch the game?

Barkley's k*lling us!

Hey! Someone's k*lling someone.

No. Seriously?

Wow! A k*ller! Let me see!

There! That's him. The k*ller.

- He's big.
- He's good.

He's mine!

Go get him!

Watch out!

- Hey!
- Watch it!

Come on. Get back on defense.

Why isn't the crowd shocked

that he just got
an alien up his nose?

You can't shock these people,
they're New Yorkers!

What are you doing?

Time out! Call the time out!

What's wrong with you, man?
You're killin' us.

- Let him in!
Let him in!
-Open up!


Wow! He did it.

I got it! I got his talent.


-Sit down, Chuck.
-Hey, man. I'm fine!

-I am fine!

No, no, no, no! I'm playing
you too many minutes.

-I'm not tired!
-Go get the doctor.

What's up, baby? You all right?

-Yeah, man.


Come on, we're okay.
You're okay.

-You're all right.
Come on, let's go.
-Yeah, man.

He catches the ball
like friend Robin!

With the baby hands!

Come on, Patrick.
It's showtime!

You guys suck!


Okay. Okay.

Now, which of you maroons

has ever played
basketball before?

I have, Coach.

And there's an important

strategic question
I need to ask you.

Yes, yes?

What do you think?

I'm kind of partial
to purple and gold myself.

It goes better
with my coloring.

-A-one, two, three, four.
Disco disco duck!
-Guys! Nice outfit, Daffy.

The little
aliens say it's their turn
to use the court.

Yeah, sure.

Let the little pipsqueaks
knock themselves out.

Too bad you can't practice
getting taller, boys.



Holds up!
So you guys have the ability

to steal our talents

and turn into monster
versions of us?

That's right.

Then what are
you the waiting for?

Yeah, we want to see
what you guys look like as us.

No, no, no.
This is a terrible--

Nah, don't listen to him.
Go for it!

Okay, if you say so.

Whoa! Booyah, dude!

Azarath Metrion Zinthos!

That's what's up!

This is the amazing...

Ha-ha! Huh? Hey! What gives?

Why do they have cool new
talents and I don't have any?

That's 'cause
you got stuck with Robin

and he ain't
gots no talent.

I do too have talent.
Check this out.

And slide, eeeyyy, ooh-ooh,

Dude, you gotta stop.

Let's just get back
to the movie.

Hey, little pig...


I wet myself.

Time to play
a little basketball.

Those little pipsqueaks
just turned into superstars!

They're monsters!

Sufferin Succotash!
They're monstars!

See, Titans? They're monsters!

No, they're Monstars.

That's like a whole
letter difference.

Eh, I think we might
need a little bit of help.

Okay, little fella.

Hey, it's Bill Murray!

I love Bill Murray.

-That dude's my hero, yo!

But he does not
have the superpower.

Oh, yes, he does.

Bill Murray's superpower
is being Bill Murray.

You my friend, or you my enemy?

You are my friend, right?

You are my ally.

Classic Jordan versus Bird!

That dude's a bird?

Now I see it!

Draw the feathers

and there's
the very large beak!

But I'm not sure
how he lays the eggs.

Larry Bird doesn't lay eggs.

He lay-ups!

You are my associate,

my personal assistant.

You are my w*apon.

You are leaving.


-Great shot.
-Oh, nice shot, Mr. Murray.

Cyborg's Fun Fact.

Bill Murray's hat was invented
in by Robert W. Patton!

Who used to predict weather
for The Seattle Times.

-Good try.
-Not bad. Not bad.

Something for you all
to sh**t at.

-Hit it good, Larry.
-Do my best.

It was a good shot.

Yeah, I know.

Mike, I gotta
ask you something.

The NBA has to face reality.

What's happening
to these players is serious.

They're gonna
need new players with talent,

guys who are skilled, but
never really thought about
a professional career before.

You think I got a shot?

Come on, really?

-Don't kid me.

Listen, it's a man's game,
and you can't play.

What if I tried really hard?

Can you keep it down?
I'm trying to hit this ball.

It's because I'm white,
isn't it?

No. Larry's white. So what?

Larry's not white,
Larry's clear.

-Good shot, Larry.
-That far?

Get inside of this ball.

Ooh, you clowns
can't beat that.

It's the best shot I ever hit.

Ugh, golf is so boring.

Well, of course it's boring.

The movie's got NBA players,
space aliens
and the Looney Tunes.

If they made the scene any more
exciting, the audience's
head would explode.

You feel that the NBA has
to face reality, don't you?

Just gotta start looking
for some more dominant players

in places they
never looked before.

Just look at the ball.

Visualize the shot
where you want it to go.

Right, right, right.

Be the ball.

- Be the ball.
- Get off the tee.

- Why?
- You can't jump.

I-- Yeah. Go on.

Close to the pin.

Close to the pin,
for dinner?

- Sounds good.
- -I'll go close to the pin.

- Okay.
- I'll take some of that.

That's not bad.

It's a good shot.

Get down!

Look at that spin.

Hey. Since when
are golf balls magnetic?

Come on.

It is alive!

My first hole in one. Yes!

- Oh!
- Don't say it.

You ever see this before?


Nothing but the bottom
of the cup.

- Oh, God, that's his ball.
- Yeah, yeah, it's my ball.

-Wait, wait.
Let me get a picture.

All right, here we go.
You're gonna smile.

You're reaching--
You're reaching for the ball
and then you smile.


And you think this is good.

- Just take the picture!
- All right, okay.


What kind of camera
is that?

-Just a regular--
-Would you not point that
at me please?

-And close the lens cap.
-I didn't do anything--

Where'd he go?

Fun fact...The temperature
at the center of the Earth
is , degrees.

No, no, no, no!

Oh, look out for that
first step, doc.
It's a real lulu.

Bugs Bunny?

Eh, you were expecting
maybe the Easter Bunny?

You're a cartoon.
You're not real.

Not real, eh?

If I weren't real,
could I do this?


Oh, look. Is that Michael?

It's Michael!

Why is Sylvester in the sewer?

He's getting ready
to ambush Tweety.


Okay, but why is Taz
in the mailbox?

Because Tasmanian devils
are the number one cause
of mail tampering.

Come on, Raven.
This isn't rocket science.


Ooh! I thought I saw...

I did.
I did see Michael Jordan.

Eh, pardon me, Mr. Jordan.

Can I have your...

Your John Hancock, please?

Back off! Let the doctor
take a look.


A little high.

-Going down.

- Woo-hoo!
- No!


So... what do you say
we go for a little spin?



Now, let's see what we got
inside here.

Say "ah".

All right.

He's okay!

What's going on here?

Why, Michael,
I thought you'd never ask.

You see, these aliens
come from outer space

and they want to make us slaves
in their theme park.

Eh, what do we care?

They're little.
So we challenge them
to a basketball game.

But then they show up
and they ain't so little.

They're huge!
We need to beat these guys,

because they're talking
about sl*very.

They're going to make us
do stand-up comedy,

the same jokes every night
for all eternity.

What's he whining about?

I know comedians
who would love that kind
of job security.

Entertainment is indeed
the toughest of
the businesses.

We're gonna be locked up
like wild animals and then
trotted out to perform

for a bunch of low-brow,
bug-eyed, fat-headed,
humor-challenged aliens!

Eh, what I'm trying
to say is...

We need your help!

Yeah, but I'm
a baseball player now.

Right. And I'm
a Shakespearean actor.

Stop the movie!

If I laugh any harder,
I's gonna pee myself.


That Bugs Bunny
is pretty loony.

You want to see loony?
We'll show you loony.

You guys want to watch
more of the movie?



Michael, it's Stan.

It's Stan Podolak.

Look, I need you
to come out now, okay?

Because you've got
a baseball game tomorrow.

I'd look pretty stupid
if you don't show up.

You think Michael's all right?

Boy, I hate
to leave him like this.

I'm sure he's fine.

I think he just had to get away
from that Stan character.

Oh, God.
He's pathetic, isn't he?

Larry, I'm going to give us
both twos back there.

-We weren't in any kind
of emotional state to putt.
-I think that's fair.


Come on, Larry Bird!
To the Batcave!

Look, I want to help, but
I haven't played basketball
in a long time.

My timing's all off.

Eh, we'll fix your timing.

Look at our facilities.

We've got hoops.

We got weights.

We've got balls.


You sure do.

This place is a mess.

Mess? You're worried
about a little mess?

There's nothing here
a little spit-shine
wouldn't fix.


Remember, kids,

when your parents tell you
to clean your room, just
give it the old spit-shine.

Lemony fresh.

You guys are nuts.

We're Looney Tunes.

And as such are
the exclusive property

and trademark of
Warner Bros Inc.

Ha-ha! Another butt!


I'm here.

Me, too.

That hurt.

Who are these guys?

Well, uh,
remember the tiny aliens
I told you about?


You heard of the Dream Team?

Well, we're the Mean Team,
wussy man.

Wussy man.

-"Wussy man"?
-We're the Monstars!


Let's see what you got, chump.

I don't play
basketball anymore.

"I don't play
basketball anymore."

Maybe you're chicken.

I say, I resemble that remark.

You calling me chicken?

Hey, come here.


That's gonna
give me nightmares.

Ooh! Watch the footwork.

Can you believe it?


Get out of the way!


Hey, everybody!

Look at your hero now.

You guys
are making a big mistake.

You're all washed up...


He's not washed up.
Michael's the greatest ever.

-Shut up.

My poor little cranium.

You okay?

Yeah. Are you okay?


You're not scared of them,
are you, Michael?

Let's play some basketball


What do you doing?

I'm, uh... I'm fixing a divot.


He's fixing a divot.

Fun fact... Schlesinger Gym
was named after
Leon Schlesinger,

who was the original producer
of The Looney Tunes,

and the gym is modeled
after a Warner Brothers

Has anyone here
ever played basketball?

Um, I have...

I'd like to try out
for the team.


Hi. My name is Lola Bunny.




- Eh, my name is...
- Bugs.

You wanna play
a little one-on-one, doll?


On the court... Bugs.


Oh, she's hot.


I got it, I got it--

The girl's got some skills.


Don't ever call me "doll."

Indeed, she is not one of these

or these, or any of these.


Hey, nice playing with ya.

She's... leaving?

Yeah! Because one single basket
automatically gets you
on the team.

Well, no wonder
they need Michael so bad.

-Mais oui!
-Okay. Where's the ball?

- Let's do some drills.
- -Yeah, let's do that.

Can anyone lend me
a pair of sneakers?

Uh, sneakers?

- Oh.
- Sowwy.

Someone's gonna
have to go to my house

and pick up my basketball gear.

- To your house?
In -D land?

Would somebody
get this guy a mask? Ugh.

And whatever you do...

don't forget
my North Carolina shorts.

- Your shorts? From college?
- Ooh-hoo.

I wore them under
my Chicago Bulls uniform
every game.

So why can't Michael
get his own basketball shorts?

Beats me.

I too am the very lost.

I've seen this movie
a hundred times

and I still don't know why
he can't go back home.

Well, we were in the movie
and we don't even know
the reason.

Well, we can go online,
get more information
on the film.

Can I have word with you?

Listen up. I think these aliens
have something sinister planned
with this website.

Why else would it
still be around
after all these years?

Because it's super awesome.
That's why.

But look! Jam Central.

They're probably
using this site
to jam our computer,

so we can't call for help
when they try to replace us!

Stop being the paranoid, Robin.

Now let's figure out why MJ
can't go back home.

Hmm. Here we go.

It says here
that Michael had to join
the Looney Tunes

because they wouldn't
let him go.

Oh, now I get it!

In order to prevent themselves
from becoming prisoners,

the Looney Tunes
had to make Michael
their prisoner.

Oh, yeah!
That makes total sense, yo!

And look! It says here that
the Michael Jordan's lawyer

originally came up with
the idea for the Space Jam.

Well, if anyone knows comedy,
it's lawyers.

Okay, Titans.
You got your answer.

Now can we please
get off this website
before something bad happens?

Not yet, bro. I want to play
some of them classic games.

I knew it!

This website
is trying to hack our computer!

Relax, dude.

The computer is probably
just having an issue
with the outdated software.

We can't take that risk!

We need to shut it down now!

Is he the dead?

Mm, no. He's still breathing.

Let's get back to the movie.

The view back here stinks.


- Whoa! Oh, what?
- We're right in front
of Michael's house.

I knew that!

Okay, let's go in this way.

I say let's go in that way!

He just never learns.

Now, let me see.

I must be very, very, close.


Nice digs.

Well, well. I wonder
who that could be.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

Shh! Everyone's sleepin'!

I knew that.

Come on! Come on!
We gotta find
Michael's basketball stuff.

Now, spread out
and search the place.

Yes, sahib.

Oh, brother!

Here I am,
in the peak of my form,

-playin' second banana
to some sort of a hare-brain.
-Yap, yap, yap.

Hmm. This could be useful.


Michael must
really love underwear
to keep it in his trophy room.

Oh! One of his shoes.

Nope. Nope. Nope.

Where is that other shoe?

Where are you?


Come to Papa.

Nothing to see here,
kid. We're just
breaking and entering.

What a fuzz-foot.
You are so clumsy.

-Catch, featherhead.

Well, time to go.

Did we get everything?

The shorts!

In there?

Okay, I'll check.

I found... the shorts.


The pain!

I'm right behind ya, pal.

Eh, that's none too reassuring.

Nice puppy.

How's about a bone?

No dice.

What about a nice holiday ham?

He ain't buyin' it.

-Can't we
talk this over, Rover?
-Down, Beethoven!

Ooh! The kids are here.

Give it to me, Charles.

-Here you go, Bugs.
-Yeah! Thanks, kid.

Shoo! Shoo!

Bad dog!

That is the last time
I'm ever working with dogs
or children!

- Bye-bye!
- -Hey, where're you going?

Well, uh, you see,

the Looney Tunes have
a big basketball game
comin' up,

and, uh, your dad's gonna play.

All right!

Yeah! But don't tell anybody.

Isn't it weird that these kids
have, like, no reaction

to an animated rabbit
and duck in their house?

No, Raven. There's nothing
weird about seein'
a bunch of cartoon characters

stealing your dad's stuff
and then telling you
not to say anything about it!

This is it!
This is it!

I don't know
where you are, Michael...

but wherever you are,
you obviously
enjoy being there!

More than spendin' time
with me!

You better hope
this Jordan character

still knows how to play hoops.

You and me both,

Listen, how's this
for a new team name,

"The Ducks!"


What kind of
Mickey Mouse organization

would name their team,
"The Ducks?"

So sue me.
It's just a suggestion.

You're doin' it!

You're becoming mighty! Go!

Come on, guys.
No pain, no gain.

Ha! That's two more butts!

I don't hear it! What is it?

- Come on!
- -Now shake it, keep on sweating!

Eh, guys?


Look who's
finally ready to play!

Let's see
if I remember how to do this.



Is it really you?

Thank God, you're all right!
You're all right!

Oh-ho-ho. I was so worried.

Come on, Stan.
Don't hug me, please.

-What are you doin' here?

I gotta take you back.
You've got baseball practice.

I can't. I'm helpin' my friends
in their basketball game.

Let me get this straight...

First, Michael quits the NBA
to play Minor League baseball.

Now he's quitting baseball
to play cartoon basketball
for free?

Yup! His career is really
going places in this film!

If it doesn't bother you,
it doesn't bother me.

I mean... Let me help!
Let me help! I could help!
I can help! Let me help!

What can you do?

Well, you know, I mean...
I may not be very tall,

but I'm slow.

-And large.
-And a dork.

I'll do anything, Michael!


Come here.
Come here for a second.

- Sit right here.
- Okay.

Okay, no problem.

All right! All right.
Let's go, team!

You know,
if somebody gets injured,
we could see a lot of minutes.

I'm a cheerleader.

Holds up.

So the big game takes place
in Looney Tunes land?

Yeah, so?

So, why'd they call this movie
Space Jam?

When the Jam
doesn't take place in space?

Because "Looney Tunes Land
In The Middle
Of The Planet Jam"

doesn't have
a nice ring to it, Raven.


Butt shot!

Just get out of my way.

- Ready?
- Yes!

Let's go.

Okey-doke. Ready to go?

Yeah, yeah, sure, sure.


Ladies and gentlemen...

the starting lineup for...

The Tune Squad!

Standing two-foot-four,

The Wonder From Down Under...

The Tasmanian Devil!

At small forward,

standing a scintillating

the "Heartthrob of the Hoops,"

Lola Bunny!

At power forward,

the "Quackster of the Courts,"
Daffy Duck!

Thank you. Thank you!

Very funny.
Let's all laugh at the duck.

And at Point Guard,

standing three-foot-three...

four feet
if you include the ears...

Co-captain of the Tune Squad...
"The Doctor of Delight,"

-Bugs Bunny!
-Thank you! Thank you!

And now...

the player-coach
of the Tune Squad...

at six-foot-six
from North Carolina,

his Royal Airness,

Michael Jordan!

Who? Is he a Looney Tune?

Uh... Well...

You guys ready?

I'm set
to take it to the rack, Jack.

Those Monstars'll
wish they'd never been born!

- Guys, let's just go out and have fun.
- -Yeah!

The challengers
for the Ultimate Game...

all the way
from Moron Mountain.

Oh, come on!
More introductions?

Relax, girl!

They're getting folks
hyped up for the game!


Go, Monstars!
Go, Monstars!
Go, Monstars! Go, go!

What are you looking at?

Cool shoes.

Uh. Ugh.


l got it, l got it, l got it.
l got the ball. l got the ball.

Coming through,
little boys.

Who do they think they are,
the Detroit Pistons?

Thank you.


Way to go, boys.

Did you see the moves
on that one?

Come on, come on,
show me somethin'.

What you got?
Come on, show me somethin'.

You ain't got no hands.

- Huh?
- Whoops.

The duck!

D-up on the duck, man.



This game is
out of control, yo.

Call the Commissioner Gordon.
Call him!

Oh, my.

She was wide open.

Come on, baby.
I'm open, I'm open.

Hit me up, hit me up.
School's open, baby.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah!


Watch the screen!
Watch the screen! Watch him!

Coming your way,
coming your way.

Hey, man, I'm gonna
make him do something.

Get him!

Wait. The Monstars
are up now by six

and we're in the second period?
How'd that happen?

Because this is
the Ultimate Game.

It transcends space and time.

And apparently logic, too.

Nice shot, Mr. J.

Hey, hey, hey, come on.
Come on. Get back on defense.

Way to go!


Red light.

Feed me! Feed me!

Feed you? Feed me!

Oops. Uh-oh.

Bad little putty tat!

I'll take that,
thank you.

Here, don't try this at home!

-You goin' somewhere?

May I remind you, sir,

that physical v*olence is
patently against the rules?


Did you order original recipe
or extra crispy?

-Let's go. Come on.

-Oh. boy. I'm ready.
I can do this.

You picked the mouse?

I love basketball.
I've always loved basketball.

- Do you love basketball?
- Uh-huh.

- You're big. I bet you're good
at basketball.
- Right.

I'm small, but I'll try really,
really hard

-to be good at basketball.

-Really I will.
I always try hard.

My mom says "Try your best
in everything you do--"

-Try to get by me, doll.


You go, girl.

Don't ever call me...


She is not
the consumer product!

-Nice shot.
-Thanks, Bugs.

Hmm? Where's your defense, boy?

I got you right here.

Call nine-one-one!

Piece of pie? Pork chop?

- Some sorbet, perhaps?
- Yeah!


Holey putty tat.

- We're better than them.
- Yeah, man.

We got it goin' on.
One more half

- and we're on our way, man.
- We got 'em, boys.

Moron Mountain, here we come.

We're gonna be slaves.

Come on. guys.
Keep your head up.

Got whole another half to play.

It's the boss.

Hello, Mr. Swackhammer.

All right.

Not bad for the first half,
but we gotta keep this up.

Hey, no problem.

-We stole the--
-We stole the talent, boss

from the best players
in the NBA.

From the NBA?

And it was little,
uh, uh, uh, grand-mama.

-What was it, Larry Johnson?
-Shut up!

I smell something.

It's probably
all that nasty cigar smoke.

We have been playing
really hard.

- Yeah.
- Not you, you idiot.

It's coming from over here.

That locker!



It's the chubby boy.


It smells like a spy.

You guys need
a publicist?

- I can make you big.
- Look.

- I know we're down.
- Oh, yeah,
let's hear the story.

But I've been in this situation
many times before.

- Oh, this is a piece of work.
- We can still win this thing.

- It's not over with.
- We gotta come together.

- Oh, yeah.
- We gotta believe in ourselves.

We can come back
and win this game.

Yeah, right.
That's gonna help us.

Looks like Stan just had

a close encounter
with a bug-zapper.

- The Monstars.
- The Monstars!

- Ooh, that's gotta hurt.
- You all right, Stan?

The Monstars.

The Monstars

stole the talent
from the NBA players.

So that's what happened
to those guys.

I think
we should forfeit.

- Yeah.
- Listen.

I didn't get dragged down here

just to get my butt whipped
by a bunch of ugly Monstars.

I ain't goin' out like that.

We're lettin' 'em
push us around.

We gotta fight 'em back.

We gotta take it to them.

We gotta get
right in their faces.

What do you say?

Are you with me or not?

Eh, finished?
Eh, great speech an' all, doc.

Eh, you had 'em riveted.

-But, er, didn't you
forget somethin'?

Your secret stuff.


- Whoa! Nice deltoids.
- Play along.

Eh, stop hogging it, Mike.
We're your teammates.

Secwet stuff?

Secret Stuff?

You wouldn't hold out
on us, would you?

No, I mean, I didn't think
you guys really needed it.

I mean, you're so tough.
You're competitive.

We're also chicken, son.
We need it bad.

-Can I have a little drink?

I'd like some of that.

- If I could just-- -Yeah.
- Can I have a sip, please?

You know,
this goes against

everything they taught me
in health class.

Do you wanna win or not?

Bottoms up.


All right. How about we go out
and kick some alien butt, huh?

Let's go!
How about it, huh? Ready?


Let's go!

Check out all those classic
Looney Tunes characters.

There's lady head turtle body.

And the chicken feet man.

Whoa, this whole crowd
is freaky, yo.

Looks like them animators just

copy-and-pasted these fools
over and over.

I never
noticed that before.

This weirdo is over here,
here, here, and here.

And these cats,
and this guy, and her?

This is crazy, man!

Okay. Okay. Sorry.
Back to the movie.

I'm open!

- Coming through.
- Hey.


Special delivery.


Whoa! Boo.

Eh, nice kaboom, Wile E.

Again with the g*ns?

Don't worry, Mom and Dad.
I'll take care of it.

- Let's teach them a lesson.
- -Ah, man.


Oh, man, look at that one.

Nice butt!


You ain't
going anywhere, chump.


- Er, going up.
- You're mine, boy! Ooh.

- Slammy!
- Yes!


Cyborg's fun fact.

Pepe Le Pew was
originally named, "Stinky."

Hey, he shares
the same nickname as Robin.

Two points.

this will be good.

Yo, check out that butt!

-Okay, birdie.

I'm gonna step outside
for a minute

to get some fresh air.
Cyborg, you should join me.

No, thanks. I'm good.

-It wasn't a question.

Okay, okay.

Here's the plan.
I'm going to search their ship

-while you be on the lookout.

What are you doing?
You're supposed to be
on the lookout.

Yeah, and I'm looking out
to see what's inside this
cool spaceship.

Fine. Then help me search
for clues that will expose

what these aliens are planning.

They're not
planning anything, dude.

All that's in here is stuff
from the movie.


Perhaps their secret lies in
this bottle of secret stuff!

I wouldn't do that.

That water has been in there
for like years.

There's a secret in here.
You'll see!

Must get to secret.

Okay. But I wonder
what's behind this door.

Wait. It says "Do not open."

Because they're
obviously hiding something.

You were right!

Ow! Ow! Ow!

I was right.

Will you give it up, dude?
They're not hiding anything.

Then what about this
examination chair?

I'm sure they're planning
to use this

to perform weird experiments
on us,

-like replacing our bodies.
-No, man.

That's just Daffy's chair. See?

Ain't I a stinker?

Oh, good. They're back.

Now we can
watch more of the movie.

All right, guys,
we're right back in this game.

Come on, now,
let's play some tough defense.

Why didn't you get this guy?

He's a baseball player.

Yeah, boss, a baseball player.

Looks like a basketball player
to me.

Yeah, me too.

Shh! He's the one I want
for Moron Mountain.


Are you talkin' to me?

Yeah I'm talkin' to you.
You want a piece of me?

Come and get it.


What did you have in mind?

What about we raise the stakes
a little bit?




He just blew secondhand smoke
in Michael Jordan's face!

He is the worst of
all the villains.

If we win...

you give the NBA players
their talent back.

But what if we win?

- If you win?
- Uh-huh.

You get me.

Good deal, boss.

- I like that!
- Eh, doc...

you think that's a good ide--

You'll be
our star attraction...

You'll sign autographs
all day long.

And play one-on-one
with the paying customers.

How does he expect Michael
to sign autographs

and play basketball
at the same time.

Really? You're still
asking questions, girl?

Don't you know by now
that none of this makes sense?

It's Looney! Looney!


- All right!
- Yeah!

The boss don't
playin' do he?

I don't think you should have
done that, doc.

I have faith in my team.

Crush 'em!

It's feedin' time,

Ye-ga, er, ba-bee,
er, ba-bee--

There's butts number nine
and ten, yo!

I'll tell you brother,
this match is gettin' ugly!

Oh, yeah! There's a chop
to the head!

A body slam!

Another chop! A kick!

It's not looking good for
the Tune Squad, brother!

But Mommy, I don't want to go
to school today.

I want to stay home
and bake cookies with you.

- This is
gonna be fun!
- I'm open! I'm open!

Lola! Lola! Heads up!

- Oh!
- Belly flop!

This butt fills
half the screen, yo!

Oh, my! Bugs!

-Is this your man?

Are you okay?

Me? Oh, yeah, I'm fine.
Are you okay?

Oh, Bugs... thank you. was nothin'!

That was the nicest thing
anyone's ever done for me.

I need a break from all of
this intense sports action.

You ain't kidding, mama.

All this suspense over
who's gonna win

has got my tummy tied in knots.

I know how it ends
and I'm still feeling anxious.

Dude, bad vibes.

I know what will
calm those nerves.

Snack time, baby!

Help yourself to
whatever you want.

Now, this is mine!

Mmm, peanut butter.

Here we go.

Can you reach those chips
for me, please?

Get it yourself.

But you're so tall
and your hands are so big.

Really? You mean it?

You're also a strong leader.

And we can appreciate someone

who forces others
to act against their will.

You would make
a great Nerdluck.

Wow! You really mean that?

- Yeah, totally.
- Oooh, you'd be great.

Did you hear that, Titans?


You know what?

Maybe you aliens
aren't so bad after all.

Told you there was nothing
to worry about.

Now let's get back
to the movie!

I could have been
a contender!

The Monstars!
The Monstars!


Okay. We need a fifth player.

Hey, Coach, listen.

You got anymore of
that secret stuff?

I think it's startin' to
wear off.

It didn't wear off.
It was just water.

You guys had the "special
stuff" inside of you all along.

Yeah. Yeah. I-I knew that.

But, listen, you got any more?

- Yah, I'll get a double one.
- -Can I have some too?

-Yeah! Eh, m-me?

You're in at center.

Just guard the big guy, okay?

Guard him? Guard him?
Guard him? I'll smother him!

I'll be all over him
like a cheap suit!

I'll be on him
like stink on rice!

I tell you, he's goin' down!

Michael, over here! Over here!

Over here, I'm open! I'm open!

Come on! Come on!

Now, you got it!
Get the fat one.


Ah-ha! Nice shot!

Big man pancake.

Haha! Look they made
a "Flat Stanley."

Let's get him outta here!


Oh, my!

How'd he do that?

Oh, anybody could do that, doc.

Even you. Watch this.

Watch this.

See? No sweat.

This is Looney Tune Land.

Ten seconds to go?
Thanks for tellin' me... doc.

I hate to be the bearer of
bad news, Your Airness,

but if you don't find
a fifth player,

your team will
forfeit the game.

-Now the rules apply?

Precisely, Sir Altitude.

No way. We'll find someone.

♪ Da-Da-Da-Da-
Da-Da-Da-Da! ♪

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

I didn't know Dan Ackroyd
was in this picture!


Perhaps I could be
of some assistance.

That's our fifth guy.

Let's go. Now you get to live
up your dream. Let's go.

All right.

-All right. We need to
score two points--
-Here's how I see it.


You kick it in to
the girl bunny...

-...down in the post.

You dish it back out
to the guy bunny.

-Got it!
-You swing it around to Mike
over here.

-Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill.
-You go to the hole
and dominate!

- We're on defense.
- Oh, yeah.

Whoa, ho-ho.
I don't play defense.

-All right, you're gonna have
to listen to Mike on this.

-Listen up.
-Somebody steal the ball,

get it to me, and I'll score
before the time runs out.

-Don't lose
that confidence! Okay!
-I won't. All right.

Paws and wings in here!
All right!

Let's go.

This is why I was born.
I thrive on pressure.

Excuse me? Uh, uh, s-sorry!

Yo, yo, yo. Yo. Easy on the
trousers, Daf. Easy, man. Easy.

Pardon me. Uhm, Mr. Murray,

something's really been
buggin' me.

-Just how did you get here,

Producer's a friend of mine.

Just had a teamster come
and drop me off, you know.

Uh-huh. Well,
that's how it goes.

Hey, you see this, uh, kind of
chunky fellow over here?


Yeah. Yeah. Oh.
Oh, that's good! Oh, yes!

All right, let's do it!
You the duck!

Now, let's all play fair. Here.

Yo, spaceman, don't choke now!
Come on, come on.

- Come on. Come on.
Come on!
-It's gut check time!

This must be mine.


This belongs to me.
I'm goin' this way.

-I'm goin' left!
I'm goin' left!
-Look left! Look left! Yes!

Whoa-ho-ho! Don't ever
trust an Earthling!

What'cha got?


Get the rabbit!
Get the girl!

Come on! Come on! I'm open!

I'm o--!

-That's mine!
-Not today!

- Hey!
- Come on! Ohh!

Bring it on, dude.

Whoopsie daisy! Woo-hoo!

You're mine!

Number twelve with the assist!

Mike, I'm open!

Never mind.

The Tunes win!!

This proves once again that
Michael Jordan is the solution

to all of life's problems!

That was a great stretch for
the basket too.

You know, you really
got some skills.

You might be able to
play in the NBA.

Thanks, Mike.
I'll probably quote you
on that.

But I'm gonna take this

to retire from
the game of basketball.

-No, come on. man.

No, I'm gonna retire right now
and that's all there is to it.

I'm gonna go out on top,
undefeated and untied.

That's the way it's gonna be.

You go on ahead and celebrate
with your teammates and--

No, come and help us, man.
Celebrate with us.

No, I-I-I'd like to, but
I have to ice down my knees
right away, okay?

They're startin' to go.

-All right. Good-bye, man.
-All right. See you.

Are you sure?

Yes. Definitely sure.

And the best part of the movie
has left the building,
ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you, Bill Murray.
You're a national treasure.

- Losers!
- Sorry.

Choke artists!

He's the real choke artist!

Makin' everyone choke on
that nasty smoke like that.

Mm-hmm. That ain't right.

The party's over!
Get in the spaceship.

Why do you take it
from this guy?

Because he's bigger.

He's bigger...

Than we used to be.


What are you doing?


-Hey! Wait!
-Come here!

- What are you doing? Wait!

No! What? Hey! Let me go!

Had it in ya all the time,
didn't you?

One thing, though.
Pass me the ball, Bugs.

You gotta give my friends
their talent back.


-Do we have to?

-It was part of the deal.
Touch the ball.

Oh, okay.

Uh, fair is fair.

There you go. Touch it.

That was so much fun.

I feel so... insignificant.

My clothes don't fit.

- What a trip.
I'm up for another one.

Do you know what time it is?

Se-seven fiftee--
seven fifteen,

quarter past seven.

Exactly. You've got
a baseball game
in five minutes.

Okay. Take this.

Is it safe?

Yeah. Put in my bag.

It's kind of...

I really enjoyed playing
with you guys.

- You guys got a lot of, uh...
- Uh-huh?

- A lot of, uh...
- Yes?

Well, whatever it is,
you got a lot of it.

Well, gotta go.

-Eh, Mike?

-Stay outta trouble.
-You know I will.

Come here!


Ah-hoo, hoo, hoo!

What a great movie!

You were right, Titans.

They didn't come here
to replace us.

-Yes, we did.

Why do you think
we were so eager

to watch the movie
with you?

We thought you guys
just wanted to hang.

No. What we wanted
was your powers.

And we can't believe
you just gave 'em to us.

We heard you Titans
were dummies.

But we didn't realize
you were that dumb.

Yeah. Stupid.

You've had your fun.

Now give us back
our powers.

You got it!

We're the Titans now!

♪ Go! ♪

♪ M-E-A-N, T-I-T-A-N-S ♪

Mean Titans, let's go! ♪

Mean Titans, go! ♪

Where are we?

Is it just me or does
this place look familiar?


I knew those aliens
couldn't be trusted!

Well, that's all, folks!

Eh, be-eh that's my line.
Eh, be-eh that's--

Step aside, babe.

Let a star do this.

That's all-- Whoa!

That's all, folks!

Can I go home now?