Justice League Dark: Apokolips w*r (2020)

Batman, Superman, Avengers.. etc.. Movie Collection.

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Justice League Dark: Apokolips w*r (2020)

Post by bunniefuu »


Remember, John.


Remember what?

That I love you.

Didn't think
that was in doubt, Zee.

I just wanted to say it,

- before...
- Before nothing.

The League will sort this out

and we'll be havin' pints
by sundown.

Or whatever that is
'round here.

I'm glad you joined the League.

I'm here for you, luv.

Just don't ask me
to wear a cape.

All Justice League
members, report to the hangar, now.

Way to cock-block, Batsy.


time to go.

Thank you
for responding so quickly.

Some of you already know
what this is about,

but I wanted to get
the new members up to speed.

This is Apokolips,

home world of Darkseid,

a power-mad despot

who has orchestrated two
attempted invasions of Earth,

the first of which resulted in the
formation of the Justice League.

The second one, an attack
from within our ranks

and his cyber force.

Raven, what's wrong?

It's nothing.

This image was taken
by surveillance

ten hours ago on the edge
of the solar system.

Apokolips phased into
our dimension

and released stealth drones,

then phased out again.

This can only be looked at
as a prelude to w*r.

Darkseid aims
to conquer the Earth

and crush it under his heel.

Regular Churchill, he is.

Look, I know the guy's
a genocidal maniac,

but are we sure those are
his immediate plans?

Or something he'll try in
like a thousand years?

These are images from worlds
that Darkseid has conquered.

Our intel shows

that he's now sent
his elite guard

and the Furies to act

as an occupying force

to thwart any resistance.

I want to make this
perfectly clear.

We are facing
an existential threat

to the planet.

We can't wait for Darkseid
to make the first move.

That could mean the end of us.

We have to attack.

It's a tough job.

Aside from the big bad,

this place is jam-packed
with those Parademons.

The League's faced them before.

We know these are
their weak spots.

With our combined force,
we can cut through them.

Then, I'll do what needs
to be done.

This is madness.

There's always a deal
to be made.

Let's at least send
an envoy to Apokolips.


Darkseid created a monster
that nearly k*lled me.

What chance
would humanity have?

Our only option
is to destroy him.

That means Earth could be
ground zero in a world w*r.

Look, I know some of you

don't believe the visions I had
about the Flashpoint, but...

a truly global w*r

means death and destruction
on a scale you cannot imagine.

Everyone on the planet
is at risk,

everyone we care about.

- Flash is right.
- John.

Sure, this guy
deserves k*lling,

but you can't kick
this hornet's nest

like everyone on Earth
is bulletproof.

Look, I won't ask you to give
anything more than I do.

But this isn't up
for discussion.

We're going to stop Darkseid

once and for all.

Here's how we do it.

The main team will attack

through this entryway
on Apokolips.

Members of the Titans shall
remain on Earth

as a home guard.

With the Furies
and his elite guard off-world,

and only Parademons
to guard him,

Darkseid will be
vulnerable to attack.

Honey, please
get somewhere safe.

Clark, I have a job,
just like you.

I may not be able to fight this
w*r, but I can report the story.

Stop worrying.

Just promise to be
as careful as you can.

I will.

Now go save the world.

I love you.

I know.



Could use a ciggie, though.

Preparing Javelin
for inter-dimensional portal.

I got this, Bats.

Sit back and relax.



Picking up lifeform readings coming at us.

But they're too big
to be Parademons.

Then what the hell
are those things?



And that's the last
of the Glen Luffa.

The Glens are full of whiskey,

I mean, lots of whiskey.

Ooh. Ah.

The "H"s are gonna be a breeze
after the "G"s.

Too many bloody "Glens."

You hear that?

Still cryin' in your beer, eh?

Eat yer heart out!

Hello, my old friend,
Glen Magoogan.

We need him.

We're doomed.

John Constantine.

I'm glad we found you.

Find yer own pub.

We're drinking our way
through this one.

In fact, the whole street's
ours, pub-wise, so sod off.

John, it's me.

Clark Kent.

You knew me as Superman.

Oh, it is you.

I thought you'd snuffed it.

Oh, bloody hell!

Now you've done it.

John, wait.

We're not here to fight.

You come
to the wrong place, then.

Azarath Metrion...


Stop it!

Quit playin' around, boy scout!
Smash 'em!

I can't!

Bloody useless, both of you.

A little help would be nice.


Bloody nuisance.

Last call, assh*le.

And I'm sober again.

Magic can be such a bitch.

Gift from Darkseid?

Liquid Kryptonite...

to keep me
from ever being a threat.

So he let you live

to wander about
demoralizing everyone.


Stop it, please.

She gets like this,

I will exact vengeance
on you, daughter!

Release me,

ungrateful spawn of mine!

That's what she hears
all the time.

No wonder she's always in pain,

and her healing powers
don't work.


where are you going? We have...

A plan
to save the world, right?

And this time
it will definitely work.

Bugger off, Clarkie.

I told you he was
a waste of time.

All cowards are.

I didn't lead us all
into a m*ssacre!

You did!

Zatanna was a hero
who fought bravely.

But where were you
when she needed you most?

Ah, piss off, both of you.

Zatanna would want you
to hear us out.

Below the belt, boy scout.

More Parademons will be by.

Come with if you want.

Or not.

What about you, Etrigan?

Ugh! Whatever.

Love what you've
done with the place.

What better metaphor
for merry old England today?


You can use the good glasses.

Been all mopey ever since
a friend of his died.

Doesn't even rhyme anymore.

What's the point?

Look, are you going to help us
or not?

Saving your asses in the bar
didn't count, eh?

Offering whiskey
in an unbroken glass?

Bloody ingrates, you are.


it was crap from the start,

but what went wrong, eh?

Tell me what happened.

Darkseid knew
every part of our plan.

Those things
that att*cked us were

half Parademon, half Doomsday.

Barry and Hal fought hard,

but were taken down.

The rest of us
didn't last much longer.

Shazam was wounded,

but Cyborg helped him escape.


Darkseid didn't
k*ll everyone.

Some, he had plans for.

A few days later,
Darkseid sent those...

"Paradooms" to Earth.

We didn't have a chance.

Does it hurt?


Even without powers,

Clark is still fighting.

You couldn't be
bothered to do it once.


Don't know why I ran.

Been up against
all sorts of bastards

and I always stood tall.

But this time I just ran.

Why did I do that?


What do you need me for anyway?

The magic you have left
works just as good as mine.

We just need a locator spell.

A locator spell?

And then you'll toddle off,
will ya?


I need some gear, so sit tight.


continue loafing.


The third planet reaper
is on the Earth's surface.

Boring to the magma core
has begun.

With that ordnance,

the guardians of Oa

will be forced
to bow before me,

and the entire space sector
will be mine.

Why was this not
completed earlier?

The damage done
to the Apokolips reactor

- during the attack two years ago...
- Your attack.

My solution
is working,

but the power generated is

less than
your previous reactor.

Perhaps my mind-molding

didn't fully transform you
into a capable servant.

Perhaps you'd serve me
better as a mindless drone.

I am still your most
competent acolyte,

Lord Darkseid.

Your former teammate, Luthor,

believes otherwise.

Not surprising.

Luthor's only interest
is saving his own skin.

I only perform my duties
at your pleasure, my liege.

I won't stand
for further delays.

After all,

a conqueror must conquer.


I thought there'd be fire.

Only when I fart.

We need
to reassess the situation.

Gather our forces
to a new location.

Another one just
landed in China.

Any idea what they're for?


But whatever it is
can't be good.

We need to come up
with a new strat...

Oh, no, come on.

Let's get you
on your way, then.

Who am I finding?

Damian Wayne.

Are you bloody daft, mate?

And how exactly does
the baby bat help?

What do you care?

Cheers, then.


since I don't have a stocked
magical pantry anymore,

I have to conjure a portal
from scratch

big enough for all of us.

Hmm, ten hours, give or take.

Oh, and everyone has
to stay still while I do it.

Oh, for f*ck's sake.

- Azarath Metrion Zinthos!
- Raven, no, you're too weak...

I... I didn't mean
to imply anything of the sort.

When Lord Darkseid asked
if I could do your job,

I answered,
"Maybe one day" but...

Luthor, stop sniveling.

Continue your report.

Yes, Batman.

The last
of Earth's resources are

being transferred to Apokolips.

Everything will go according
to Darkseid's schedule.

Um, do you know if

I'm included
in His Lordship's plans?

In a future where I'm alive
to serve you both?

My business is ensuring that
Darkseid's vision is ex*cuted

so his reign spreads

to every corner of the galaxy.

Don't worry about your place
in those plans.

Worry about doing
what I tell you.

Of course, Batman.


The infidels have breached
our sanctuary!

Slay them!

Are you happy now?


Some challenge.



Etrigan the Slayer is here.

Woe to you. And you.

You also.

Die, demon!





Damian, please listen to him.

What's wrong with her?

How long have you got, mate?

I know you hate me,

but I wouldn't be here
if it wasn't necessary.

I'll let you live.

For now.

I like him.

Come on.

Ungrateful witch!

- I will exact vengeance on you, daughter!
- No.

- I won't let you.
- Release me!


It's only a matter
of time now, little bird.

Only a matter of time.

You're not getting out, Father.

I have the will to do
what must be done.

Impudent daughter!

If you die,

I am trapped in this hell.

Free me!

Remember what I told you.

Release me

or I will k*ll the boy.

Is there a way
to cure her?

You get Trigon out, and yeah,
she'd recover

- but...
- But he destroys the world.

Did you get any rest?


Then come with me.

You too, Kent.

I want you to see what this w*r
has cost my family.

Steal anything
and I'll cut your hands off.

Oh, I really like him.

I feared your plan
would fail from the beginning.

An army without K*llers
is no army at all.

But Batman believed in you.

You cost me my father.

And my teammates.

I won't forgive that.

Nightwing convinced me

not to voice
my many objections.

"There are always
risks in w*r," he said.

He's not saying that anymore.

You used the Lazarus Pit.

You said you wouldn't.

You promised.

He was my brother.

I had to take a chance.

It just didn't work.

We can't let what happened

to d*ck and everyone else be
in vain.

Help us fix things.


You're powerless now.

We need you
to get through to Batman.

You can break
Darkseid's programming.

You grossly overestimate

the influence I have
on my father.

Batman cares about you.

Even awful parents
care about their kids.

I should know.

I was there when Bruce
learned about d*ck's death.

It affected him.

It almost got through.

He overcame
my mother's brainwashing once.

If anyone could
survive Darkseid's programming,

it'd be father.

So you'll try?

It's my responsibility
to save him,

or barring that,
k*ll him if he can't be saved.

He would want that.

But the only way to Apokolips
is to use the boom tube

in LexCorp Tower.

How do you expect to do that?

You're getting worse.

Ugh. Great pep talk.

Here, let me help.

Lois said she was negotiating
with their leader.

She's a people person,

so I'm sure
the situation's well in...


Nice hook.

Where'd you pick that up?

I'm an army brat.

Well, no one out-brats me.

Yeah. Ha-ha.


- Lois!
- She looks like she can handle herself.

Come on, Harley, have at her!

Nothing like having a cold one

while a couple of fine sheilas
beat each other bloody, eh, mate?


Break her face...

Clark's wife!

Ugh. Brits.


- Poms.
- Convicts.

- Wankers.
- Wankers.

Do your best, honey!


You've got to be kidding.


Harley, come on!

I tawt I taw a puddy tat.


Way to go, ya beauty!

And the winner
and new champion,

luscious Lois Lane!

Captain Boomerang
at your service.

Have I mentioned that I'm, uh,

quite experienced "down under,"
if ya know what I mean?

No means no, Boomerang!

All right, lady.

Looks like we've got a deal.

Listen up, everybody!

Now we ride for Lex Luthor

in his fortress of bald-itude.

So drink up,

esteemed ladies and gents

of the su1c1de Squad,

because tomorrow

we take back this planet!

Why do you always
lead with your chin?

I learned
from the best.


Oh, bollocks, it's my ex.

You and Harley?


Do I look mad?

How did Amanda Waller
let a lunatic like you

become leader of the Squad?

Easy. She died.


It's a defense mechanism.

King Shark

is a shark.

A week after that,
my puddin' died.

Thanks to new Batman,

who is no fun, by the way.

So, me and my merry band

of suicidals
decided to go freelance.

We've been taking our cut
from Luthor's supply trains

since this shitshow started.

We're real Robin Hood-types.

Rob from the rich
and sell to the poor.

"Give to the poor."


That can't be right.

Do you have somewhere private?

You need to see this.

My office.

We'll discuss everything over
my top-notch bottle of hooch.

Now we're talking.

No! I won't let you!


I think I need a minute.

Is there a place we could rest?

Oh, is that what you kids are
callin' it these days?

Cheetah'll show you the way.

I don't like kids.

Sticky hands.

Shut up.


Sometimes he gets so loud
I have to answer.

You probably think I'm weak.


you're one of
the strongest people I know.

So, how'd you end up with Kent?

You left and I was alone.

I just wanted to end the pain.

I'm sorry for not
coming with you.

When I asked you to join me

in leading
the League of Assassins,

I wasn't doing it
because you're a good fighter,


I had feelings for you.

If you didn't,
you made the right decision.

It wasn't that at all.

I left because my father
wants to k*ll you.

After everything,

I couldn't risk that.

Darkseid's machines
have gone online in the Congo,

China, and off the coast
of England.

What the heck are they?

They phase the Earth's
magma into Darkseid's base.

So these things
must be destroyed.

That's a temporary solution.

We need to blow up Apokolips.

Oh, is that all?

Piece of cake.

We can't brute-force this.

On Apokolips,
Darkseid has Paradooms.

Parademons upgraded with
Superman's DNA,

like Doomsday was.

Don't rub it in, honey.

We have to get them off of
Apokolips to have any chance.

To do that, we plan on mounting

simultaneous att*cks
on two of the machines.

That should cause the Paradooms

to be sent to Earth
as reinforcements.

Why not attack all three?

We don't have enough people.

If the two teams do enough
damage, we'll be fine.

The boom tube gate is
located in LexCorp Tower.

That's where we come in.

We take the tower.

Our strike team
transports to Apokolips,

sets its power generator
to go critical,

reverses the boom tubes,

bringing all the Paradooms
back to Apokolips,

then we get out
before it blows up.

Easy peasy, rich n' cheesy.

King Shark is a shark.

Aren't you forgetting
one small detail,

name of Darkseid?

"Warm beer, soggy chips" here
is right.

We can't take him.

No one can.

Darkseid is going to Oa.

We only begin after he's gone.

Once we're there, we shut down
the portal so he can't come back.

Without Apokolips,
he can't destroy Earth.

How do you know he'll be gone?

Did you steal his diary?

I have a source in Darkseid's
camp called "Sleeper."

He or she has been slipping me
information for months.

No wonder you and Kent
are together.

You're both gullible fools.

Darkseid is playing you.

Or Batman is.

The information
from Lois' source

has led to every victory
we've had since the conquest.

You have a strange concept
of "victory," mate.

The planet's molten core
will be gone in a week.

Then it's game over.

I know this plan has astronomical
risks and impossible odds,

but we're out of time.

Blah, blah, blah.
Let's do this thing!

Hi, we need your van.

Ah, crikey. That's not right.

Yeah, g'day.

My friend here was
att*cked by thugs.

We k*lled 'em right back. Yup.

Yes, siree Bob. You betcha.

Gotta get my friend to a doc. How are you?

Can we go?

Lord Darkseid,
reports indicate that

the lanterns
have mostly fallen.


I go to claim Oa for my empire.

Any remaining resistance

shall not be a problem.

Do not interrupt me.

Yes, master.

It's Sleeper. Darkseid's gone.

I'm sending the signal
to attack the machines.

China team has engaged.

North Sea team engaged.

Orchid's with them, John.

Wonder where she went after she
kicked me out of the house.

Why have
the rebels been able

to stage these att*cks
on our reapers?

How the hell should I know?

I don't do security
for the entire Earth.

Isn't that your job?


I say that
with all due respect.

Stand ready to
transport the Paradooms.

On your mark.

What's wrong?

I'm not getting a signal
that any of the Paradooms

have left Apokolips.

- Another debacle.
- Damian.

We should have waited,

we should have gathered
a third force.

This is my fault.

I'll sort this.

You here?

I thought I'd pop by to discuss
fertilizer and the such.

There you are, Swampy.

You are wiser than I
give you credit for.

Well, not a high bar, I gather.

One day, Constantine.

One day.

You're leaving already?

But just know that
this thing here

will be the death
of your precious green.


steals the heart of the planet?

And you, you walking salad,
you didn't notice, did you?

Just happy that half the people
on the planet are dead, eh?

The humans earned their fate.

By that logic
the green has it coming, too.

Like humanity,
it was minding its own business

and, oh, too bad,
death sentence.

The green

will not die!

Swampy's pretty pissed.

That should bring down
the flyin' uglies.

It worked.

Harley, you're up.


And out.

No more planning,

just doing.

Is there no end
to these minions?

♪ If you're happy And you
know it Smash a head ♪

♪ If you're happy And you
know it Smash a head ♪

♪ If you're happy
And you know it ♪

♪ Then your face
Will surely show it ♪

♪ If you're happy And you
know it Smash a head ♪

♪ If you're happy
And you know it ♪

♪ And you really
Wanna show it ♪

♪ If you're happy And you
know it Splat the brains! ♪

Best boss ever.

King Shark is a shark.

I need a cigarette.

Azarath Metrion Zinthos!

Rest well, Shiva.

We sent
the Paradooms to help you!

But sir,
they're eating everyone!

HR is going to be furious.

Ah, we're sitting ducks here.

I love duckies.

Worst team ever.

The boom tube gate is there.

One floor up. No stairs.

This way. Keep it moving, g*ng.

You said this would be hard.

It's not hard.

I'm afraid you don't have
the proper clearance.

Ah, bollocks.


No one
will mourn you!

Raven, no!

Stay in control.

Can everyone stop trying
to k*ll Luthor?

We need him.

He's a stinking collaborator.

Too right, he is.

Let me take a little
off the top.


I was surrounded
and the battle was over.

I had to make a choice.

I've been helping
Lois ever since.

You're Sleeper?

He's a traitor

who changed sides
when it suited him.

What makes you think
he won't do it again?

Because you need me and you
don't have a lot of time.

Batman won't allow it.


You will stand

no more!

The Congo reaper is a loss.

Concentrate the forces on the
North Sea and Great Wall reapers.


You'll take care of it,
won't you?

If my father gets control.

You want me to add your soul
to my ledger?

The spell has to be...


My body has to be
more than dead.

The last accursed
Dagger of Ostova.

Good. That'll work.

Keep Daddy in his pen

and we won't have
to go down that road.

I'm strong.

I can do it.

This thing's kind of stuffy.

Hon, you wear two layers
in the summer.

You'll live.

My finest work.

kryptonite-infused missiles

and high-expl*sive rounds.

Perfect for Paradooms.

But you made it
to k*ll my husband.

What can I say, I had issues.

That's a whole lot
of kryptonite.

We'll hold this end.

Lois, you...

Someone has to make sure
the portal stays closed.

- But you need to...
- Hey...

we're in this together.

I love you, Lois Lane.

I know.

Now, go save the world.


Now, can we leave before I
come to my bloody senses?

Why are you still here, John?

Don't exactly know, Clarkie.

Guess I just want to see
how it all turns out.

Come back to me, Smallville.

That should help us blend in,

but I suggest we keep moving.

Luthor, there's been
unauthorized use

of the portal from LexCorp.

I want an explanation.

Just a power surge, Batman.

It's nothing, already handled.

All hail Darkseid.

So, you've finally decided

to reveal
your traitorous nature.

Lord Darkseid
will k*ll you slowly.

I guess I'm completely on your side now.

Yay, team.

Lord Darkseid,

apologies for the intrusion.

I trust this is
important, Batman.

We had an unauthorized
boom tube from LexCorp.

In brightest day,

in blackest night...

So, Luthor validated
your concerns.

No evil shall escape my sight.

Send the Furies
to capture the invaders.

I will deal with them myself.

Let those who worship
evil's might...

And also,

teleport a portion
of Earth's magma here.

I'd like to make a point.

Beware my power...

As you will it.

Green Lantern's light!


I'm so sorry
this happened to you.

To all of you.

I have to say, I don't fancy
the new look, luv.

Makes you look a bit murdery.

Kori, it's me!

You're being controlled!

Azarath Metrion Zinthos!

Oh, shit.

Easy, Princess.

Finally, a challenge.

Took you long enough.

I like to make an entrance.

And so it ends.

My race is run.

I regret nothing.

It was fun.

None of you will last long.

You have no true warriors.

You're right, Princess.

We could use one of those.

Oh, the old magic, that's the stuff.

Cuts both ways, though.

Hear me, Wonder Woman
of the Justice League.

You are a paragon for warriors
through the ages,

not Darkseid's minion.

Break free, now!

I am...

Diana of Themyscira.

Daughter of Hippolyta.

I follow the old gods

and will never again
bow to the new.

Care to do the honors?

There's a tunnel behind you
leading to the power generator.

Leave them to me.

Do not hold what happens next
against me, friends.

Always keep the best one
for yourself, Lexy.


Well, that's a problem.

For Clark and the team
to have any chance,

those monsters
can't get back to Apokolips.

We have to hold them off.

Last call, then.

King Shark is a shark.

Buckle up, su1c1de Squaddies.

Today's the day

we earn our name!

Oh, shite and fried eggs.

My God.

Barry? Barry!


We thought you were dead.

It was phased
when Omega Beam hit.

Apokolips reactor damaged.

Converted me
to replacement.

Make it stop.

You gotta make me stop.

Let me.

Sleep, mate.

He caused it,

the Flashpoint.

What are you talking about?

If he doesn't go back
to save his mum,

Darkseid isn't here.

But if Flash is
the power generator...

there's no generator
to blow up.

So we can't stop Darkseid
from coming back.

Well, come on, then.

Too far in to turn around now.

We go through.

What are you
planning, Constantine?

It's magic.

You wouldn't understand.

I hate magic.

King Shark...

is a shark!

Come on, you bunch of assholes.

Hey, you want
a boomerang?

Here! Come one, come all!
What about you? And you!

And you have a boomie.
You all have some f*cking boomies.

I've got you covered!

Almost out of a*mo.

We can't let them through!

Everybody, on the platform!

Azarath Metrion Zinthos!


Can't do this long.


Let go.

Trust me, daughter.

Let go!


I'll k*ll you, boy!

that was my dad.

None can resist Darkseid.

Hail Darkseid.

I am the source wall.

Lord Darkseid
has ordered you taken alive

to personally
see to your punishment.

Please wait
for Lord Darkseid's return.

You shall be
dealt with accordingly.

Just stop saying "Darkseid."

I must alert Lord Darkseid.

- I am the source wall...
- What are you doing, Constantine?

Techno magic.

Feels like taking a test
you haven't studied for.

Luckily, I cheat.

Lord Darkseid.

Lord Darkseid.
What is happening?

Debugging ya, mate.

It's gonna hurt.

You've all
acquitted yourselves admirably.

Excellent technique, Mera.

Now, let's find our friends.

What's... What's going on?

No! Stop!

I'm fully integrated, Clark.

There's not enough left of me
to ever leave this place.

Now, listen, Batman stepped out
to talk to the big...

Batman's returned.

And with his lord and master.


I knew
Clark would come one day.

It was inevitable.

But I never thought
you'd be part

of a lost cause, Constantine.

I'm here
to level the playing field.

No running this time.

Maybe Zatanna's loss
finally broke you.

Was drinking yourself to death
not fast enough?

You won't pick us apart
so easily, Father.

You dare call me that?

Your mother drugged me
to conceive you,

goaded me into raising you,

and broke me mentally.

But once my eyes were
opened by Lord Darkseid,

I see you were never my son.

Only a burden.

Don't listen to him, Damian.

That's Darkseid talking.

Come, then.

End your burden
once and for all.

Why is the whelp
still alive?

Correct this, Batman.

Mobius Chair,
attack protocol Alpha-Red.


In the past,
I let you win.

This time...

I won't hold back.

Bruce! Don't!

Finish him, Batman.

Finish him and take your place

as first among my servants.

You heard me, sl*ve.

Finish him.

Go to hell.

You disappoint me.



I am...


John! He's coming!

Do it now!

Your bonds are loosened,

but not yet broken...

until your oath to me
is spoken!

I'm offering you
a willing magical host.

Let's k*ll the bastard.

I have a better idea.


What's this?

What have you done, Kryptonian?

Not the Kryptonian.

Not anymore.

No matter.

So, you are

one of the so-called new gods.

I am unimpressed.


Good to
see you again, Father.

Hold on.


I know I wasn't the ideal son,

but you took me in
and welcomed me.

You taught me a better way.

And I thank you for that.


Remember, Father.

Justice, not vengeance.

Save them.

Save her.


Clark, are you there?


Honey? Come in! Please!




Forty seconds
to reach minimum safe distance.

I need to speak with Clark.

There's not a lot of time left.

Vic, send the message
to Clark's mech suit now,

so he can see it.

It's good
to have you back, Bats.

Clark, honey,

I know we planned on
always being together,

but that's
not going to happen now.


What is this?

King Shark
is a shark!

King Shark is a shark.

King Shark is a shark!

And Captain Boomerang is
a boomerang, you f*ck knuckle.

It's been an honor
to fight by your side.

Are you sh1tting me?

Top of the world, puddin'!

Ten, nine, eight...

seven, six...

You'll have to be strong.

- ...four, three...
- I know you can do it.

- ...two, one.
- Lois?

I love you, Clark.


This cannot be!

It is impossible!

And now to deal with...


You took everything

from me.

Now, I'm going to make you pay.

You will do nothing but die.

Unless I miss my guess,

we'll need Constantine.

Well, that's a problem.

Hello, John.


So, I finally bought the farm.

Easy as crossing a street.

But how in the hell did you
get me into heaven?

Pulled a few strings.

I needed to apologize

for making you run away
when I died.



A compulsion spell.


He thought we should have
a backup plan

in case everything went wrong.

Can you forgive me?

'Course I do!

I get to spend eternity
with you.

First question,

are there any pubs?

If not, we build one.

Next time.

Today, our friends
still need your help.

Oh, come on, Zee.

I did my bit.

I'm dead.

John Constantine,

you of all people should know
that means nothing

when destiny's involved.



I love you.

Goodbye for now, John.

Holy shit, he's alive.

How are you alive?

I can't even be
a corpse in peace!

w*nk*ng destiny
can go bugger itself.

You brought me back.

I had to take the chance.

Release me!

Bet you wish you had taken
my offer now, eh, w*nk*r?

We're going to talk
when this is done.

Now, what's the bloody plan?

Vic, do we have a way out?

Working on it.


those things I said...

Don't make this
overly emotional, Father,

it wasn't your fault.

I've relinked
with the Mother Box.

I can transport you
off the station

and bring back the Paradooms.

Then I send Apokolips
to no destination at all.

Darkseid is trapped with
his monsters forever.

We're not leaving Clark behind.

That won't work.

Darkseid needs to be distracted
for me to do my thing.

Yeah, yeah, let me think.

Still pissed at you.

You can't be serious.


On second thought...

that's perfect.

All together now.

Azarath Metrion Zinthos!

You have spirit, Kryptonian.

But the strength
of a lost love is only...


Unless you would fight me
for the right to destroy him.

And now,

new god,

let's see who shall rule,

and who shall serve!

Okay, bus is leaving.
There'll be no better time.


Can't come.

Download your consciousness

into a mother cube, or whatnot.

It doesn't work
like that, genius.

Now leave,
before these assholes realize

they're gonna be
trapped here forever.


Go on, I'm right behind you.

What a wonderful gift,

Be well!

Goodbye, Father.

Looks like I get the last word.

Suck it, b*tches!


You're mad! No!

What news?

Even though
the planet reapers were stopped

before they finished,

the damage was done.

How bad?

We lost 31%
of the Earth's molten core.

The planet's rotation
is compromised.

The smallest change either way
will mean freezing or burning.

My best estimate is
another billion deaths

before we can get anything
under control.

Provided we can.


I know everyone's
been through hell,

but we can't quit.

The Justice League

doesn't quit.

If we work together,
we can do this.

We can save the planet.

You know what you
have to do, mate.

Clear the board...

start again.

Another Flashpoint?

I promised Iris before she...

I can't.

Yeah, figured you'd say that.

Everything would change.


And some of those changes
may be shite.

And we may make
the same mistakes again.

It won't be perfect...

but it'll be a long sight
better than what we got now.
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