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01x08 - Laura's Story

Posted: 03/21/23 06:20
by bunniefuu
We call the defendant, Laura Broder.

Please raise your right hand.

Do you swear to tell the truth,
the whole truth,

and nothing but the truth?


Do you swear to tell the
truth, the whole truth

and nothing but the truth?

Truth, for Plato, is absolute.

It's objective.

It transcends physical forms,

indifferent to us mortals.

Truth doesn't need us to believe it.

It just is.

Thanks, guys.

We'll see you all next week.

Here's the updated syllabus
with the new dates.

You know, if you want, I can make
the midterm revisions myself.

- No. No, I got it.
- Okay.

I think it's amazing
that you're teaching.

Well, it is my job.

No, yeah, of course.

I, I just...

It's only been two months
since your son passed.

Right. Well, he didn't pass exactly.

He was gunned down.
Along with eight other children.


I'm sorry.


Hey, bud.

How are you doing?

It's just weird.

Seeing his name.

I don't know if I'm supposed to like...

delete it or what.

Yeah. I don't know.

You don't have homework?

What about your History essay?

No one's really gonna fail me right now.



Well, if you wanna
brainstorm, I'm happy to.

Or you can, you can...
you can talk it out with your mom.


Look, I know she's been
tough to reach lately,

but she's here for ya, okay?

She's picking me up.

We're supposed to be
at the studio at : .

We should be back by .

She's doing another interview?

Well, it's something she
feels she need to do.

She's just tryin' to...

make sense out of all this, you know?




- Hi.
- Sorry, I'm late.

We've got time.

I snapped at my TA for no reason

- then I insisted on buying him a coffee.
- Hm.

How was your class?


used to be they were all
staring at their phones.

Now they're staring at me
like I've got three heads.

How's Jonah?

Maybe you should ask him.

What does that mean?

Nothing, just...

he's still got some assignments overdue

and he might need your help.

Maybe you could try to
spend some time with him?

I have been meaning to.

- I know.
- I don't know why it feels so hard.

Joining us now via satellite

Professor Laura Broder,

whose -year-old son, Liam,

was one of the nine children k*lled

when a fellow student opened
fire at Park Ridge High School

in Lake Forest, Illinois.

She's calling on the State Senate

to pass two pieces of
g*n safety legislation

currently being debated.

Professor, thank you for
speaking with us today.

Thank you for having me.

Before we go any further,
what can you tell me about your son?

Well. He was a very special kid.

When he grew up,

he wanted to split his
time as a marine biologist

and a professional ice-cream maker.

You were kind enough to share a photo.

I understand he was quite
the expert on turtles.

Yes, turtles were his favorite.

Even when he was little.

He would pull out fun facts

mostly to bargain for more screen time.

"What's five more minutes?

Turtles live years."

This is obviously an
immensely difficult time.

But yet you've chosen to speak
publicly and lobby for action.


sh**t like these

aren't natural disasters.

They're preventable.
There are things we can do.

And Senate Bill would
close the g*n show loophole

and reinstate the ban on as*ault r*fles.

Look, I...

I can't bring back my son

but I can do everything in my
power to prevent another one.

So that no other parents
have to go through

a nightmare like this.

And to those who deny
it happened altogether?

I assume you're aware of the
hashtag "ParkRidgeExposed"?



Sorry, I...

This was posted by a Joanna Pierce.

One of the most vocal deniers.

Yes, I have seen the so-called
footage with my own two eyes

and you can see...
you can obviously see,

when the kids start running out of
the building, the tape doubles back.


Like it's been doctored.

And no one is talking
about that! No one!

And lemme tell you, these people
who have h*jacked our country,

the globalists, uh,
pedophiles, child traffickers,

they have tentacles in every
pocket of the government, media

and don't think for a second

they wouldn't have staged something
like this, 'cause they would.

So they can come into my home

and confiscate my g*ns and violate
my Second Amendment rights?


Because these kids didn't die.

(CHUCKLES) None of this is real!

None of it! It's not real.

As of this morning,
it has nearly a million views.

Any response to her claim?

That was a total ambush.

We were supposed to be talking
about the legislation.

I know, but you handled it
as well as you could have.

My God, it really is everywhere.

Lo, there's a reason we didn't look.

What the hell is she doing amplifying
this crap on national television?

I mean, it's completely irresponsible.

Listen to me. It's done.

I'm proud of you.
I'm really upset about it too

but there's nothing we can do about it.

Look at this.

I understand the
platforms aren't liable,

but there are still laws
against defamation, right?


Mom. Food's here.

- I'm sorry, could you repeat that?
- It's gonna get cold.

Just start without me, okay?

- Yeah.

First she wants to rewrite
the Second Amendment,

now she's gonna sue Mark Zuckerberg?

She was blindsided.

You can understand that, can't you?

Well, thanks to Article ,

apparently none of the social
media companies are responsible

for any of the content on their sites.

He did say that if they...
use Liam's image,

we can flag that as a
copyright violation.

Well, that's something.

So it's our job to go through this crap?

It's illegal to use his image

but saying that he never
existed, that's fair game?

This is what they do, Mom.

These Covid truthers, vaccine truthers.

- Can we not call them "truthers"?
- Call them whatever you want.

Maybe check Twitter before
going on national TV.

- Alright. Just take a breath.
- What's that supposed to mean?

I mean it wasn't exactly a secret.

Wait, you knew about this?
And you didn't think to tell us?

- I knew you'd do this.
- What?

"This?" What, what am I supposed to do?

Ignore it, Mom, like...
like a normal person.

- This is how the internet works.
- Yeah. I get that, Jonah.

Okay. I'm not naive.

But this is your brother.

This is his memory.

This is what comes up when
you search Liam's name.

Yeah, well somehow I
don't think he cares.

I'll talk to him.

No. I'll, I'll, I'll do it.

I just... I need a minute.

It's like they're k*lling
him all over again.




We need to be in there.

We need to be strong for her.

No, this... this is so messed up.

I... this is my fault.

Shh... shh... Okay. It's alright.

- I'm gonna be sick.
- It's okay. Look...

look at me.

We all made mistakes. Okay?

All of us.



I'm having a hard time...

with all the uh, noise, I guess.

How do you mean?

All these lunatics online

claiming the whole thing was staged.

That no one really died.

- That's disgusting.
- Unbelievable.

It's hard enough accepting...

that Liam's gone.

But knowing that there
are people out there

insisting that he wasn't real?

I've been...

wondering what we might do.


We've been considering publishing
Liam's death certificate online.

Well, we've been...

- we've been talking about it.
- Well...

Eric thinks I'm crazy.

I don't think you're crazy. I just...

I don't see the point of it.

What if we were to make
a statement together?

Just something.

It's not going away.

If anything, it's getting worse.

And people are asking why
we're not saying anything.

You know, like as if we
have something to hide.

People are monsters. They're sick.

Some of them.

But some of them must be reachable.

I mean, I tell my students
skepticism is healthy. Right?

If people have questions
about what happened,

I want to try to answer them.

With facts.

With proof.

Shouldn't we at least try?

I gotta admit...

I've been a junkie for that conspiracy

stuff for as long as I can remember.

Info Wars, Pizzagate, you name it.

I always figured, if there's
smoke there's fire, right?

All fun and games till it's your
kid that's dead and buried.

Maybe Laura's right then.

You can't engage with trolls.

They're cowards.

Hiding behind a screen.

So what if we do it in person?

I want them to look me in the eye

and tell me that my son wasn't real.



- Has Gillian texted you?

They're not coming.

- Damnit.
- It's already ten after.

Okay. Okay.

- You sure?
- Yeah.

Hi, hi.

Thank you all for coming.

I know some of you have... have
travelled quite a distance to be here.

My name is Laura Broder.
This is my husband Eric.

Our son Liam... was one of the victims.

This is Molly and Ben Greenfield.

Their daughter Allison
was also m*rder*d.

I know that there have been a lot of

theories and misinformation online.

I have brought evidence
of Liam's entire life.

I have a hard copy of his death
certificate if you want to see it.


Sorry, um...

You know what?

Any questions you have, we'll...
we'll just do our best to answer.

Why were there no helicopters?

Nine kids bleeding out and no
trauma helicopters called?

So the nearest hospital, Lehigh Valley,

they don't have helicopters.

The ambulances were on
their way within minutes.

Helicopters were called
when three of the victims

needed to be transferred
to Chestnut Hill.

Why aren't you suing
the first responders?

I read it took them over an hour.

That's, that's not true.
They were here a lot faster than that.

And in, you know,
in Liam's case, for example,

there's nothing that
could have been done so.

I'll be honest,
I have three of my own and...

it feels like a new one of
these happen every week.

And how can that be?


Are there really this many sickos

who wanna pump b*ll*ts into
a bunch of kids, I just...

I, I, I can't imagine it.

Yeah. It's unimaginable.

Uh, what about your maiden name?


Hi, Joanna Lynn Pierce.

Executive reporter for
The Daily Inquest.

Your maiden name. Birkheimer, right?

(CLEARS THROAT) That's right.

You expect us to believe that

it's just a coincidence that there's a

Swedish lobbyist named Laura Birkheimer

who tried to outlaw firearms
in three European countries?


Uh, well, I was born in Scranton.

So, I can show you my passport.

Oh well, passports can be faked.

Let's see the room where it happened.

I actually tried to get access but
the local police wouldn't allow it.

Oh, and why is that, I wonder.

I hear they're planning to
tear the whole thing down.

What are they afraid we'll find?

It's the site of a mass m*rder.

Where... where my son
was k*lled and eight...

Except he wasn't really
your son, was he?

- Excuse me?
- Excuse me?

Do you have his adoption
papers in that box?

I'm sorry. Excuse me.

What the hell does his adoption
have to do with him being m*rder*d?

I'm just asking questions here.
You never wanted your own?

They are my own.

I have cervical stenosis.

I had three miscarriages,

the last one put me in a hospital.

Would you like to see
my medical records?

I would like to see
the coroner's report.

Why was that never released?

Oh, for God's sake,
why the hell do you think?

Okay, Ben, maybe we should go.

If you want us to believe
these kids are dead,

let's see... let's just see some proof.

- You know what?
- Have some respect!

- We're done here.
- They're already in the ground.

- Oh, well, isn't that convenient?
- This is pointless.

- How do you people sleep at night?
- Let's go. Let's go.

Oh yeah, go, go. Run. Run.

Take your dirty money, get back on that

plane to Switzerland. How 'bout that?

I'm sorry, don't you mean Sweden?


Because Swedish lobbyists
come from Sweden.

Oh, thank you, professor.

Some of us didn't have the
luxury of a fancy education.

But we're not suckers.

We have eyes. We can see.

You hear me?

Did you get that?

No, I, I understand there are protocols,

but these people are insane.

I mean, they're coming
after me any way they can.

My inbox is a mountain of hate mail

and... and Eric has had to take
down his Yelp page altogether.

This is clearly more of the same.


Simon, uh, it's my husband.
I need to call you back.


- You're not gonna believe this.
- Laura? Listen.

Someone filed an anonymous
sexual harassment complaint.

And the dean says he needs to
open a Title investigation.

- Laura, you need to come home.
- What?

They published our address on chan.

Along with our cell numbers,
and your social security.

Wait... (SCOFFS)

Wait, hold on.

I already got Jonah out of school.

You just get home as
soon as you can, okay?

And be safe.

You better stay alert.

'Cause we're gonna find
you wherever you go.

We're gonna get you.
You and your fake kid.

And this happened one time?

: .

The number was blocked but maybe
there's a way to trace it?

It's obviously Joanna Lynn Pierce.

- Who?
- Oh, she's this lunatic conspiracist.

One of these crazy Park Ridge hoaxers.

We... we pissed her off

and now we're being targeted
by her army of trolls.


"Die bitch.

Hope you boil in feces."

She's all over YouTube.

She's been screaming about us for weeks.

We'll look into it.

And we'll take your phone as well.

See if anything on it we can trace.

In the meantime,
do you have anywhere to stay?

Any family in the area?

It's just a few nights, okay?

- Okay, bud?

I'm sorry, okay?

What do I need to say it?

Obviously you were right.

Well, we need to just focus
on what's next, right?

Maybe we go to Baltimore

and stay with my parents.

I can call uh, Furman Templeton,

it's a great public school, we could see

if they'd take Jonah
as a midyear transfer.

Wait, you mean like go for good?

Just like that?

- I want us to be safe, Lo.
- No, of course, but...

And honestly maybe Jonah
could use a... a fresh start.

What about his friends?

His life?

Not to mention,
you can work from anywhere.

I can't. I'm on a tenure track.

I'm not pretending any
of this is easy, okay?

Maybe you could take a sabbatical.

Maybe you could use it.


I'm getting pretty sick of
people telling me how to grieve.

I don't need that from you.




I brought coffee.

Oh, you didn't have to do that.

We've got new numbers, new cellphones.

We got a new PO Box. Different names.

I'm so sorry.

You said you wanted to talk?

(SIGHS) Right. Um...

It's about the group.

Some of the other parents, they'd, um...

they'd rather you and Eric stop coming.


I think it's despicable, honestly.

I, I think they're just afraid, is all.

They're... they're scared
of becoming targets.

Yeah. Right.

We're, uh...

we're radioactive.

You know, we probably won't keep going.

Ben hates all the New Age-y talk.

And the coffee tastes like dirt.

I'm sorry.

You know we were only
gonna adopt one originally

and then we found out that
Liam had an older brother

who was two years older
and he also needed a home.

And that felt better.

Knowing that they'd
always have each other.



- Hey!



What the hell happened?

Hey, Jonah! Talk to me. What happened?

Why'd she have to go
on TV in the first place?

You knew it was a mistake!

And... and you let her do it anyway.

And now they're never gonna stop. Ever.

- You're safe.
- No.

- Do you hear me?
- No.

Look at me. You're safe.
We'll keep you safe.



We've sent the vehicle description
out to every precinct in the county.

It's harder without plates but...

What about Joanna Pierce?

There's no evidence to suggest
she was directly involved.

If it wasn't her at the wheel,
it was someone doing her bidding.

She has thousands of followers

and her rhetoric is only escalating.

Has she made any specific
threats of v*olence?

She's calling us Satanists

and pedophiles who
deserve to be lynched.

What about stationing
someone outside our place?

In case they doxx us again?

We just don't have the manpower.

- I'm sorry.

Do you have any kind of home defense?

- What do you mean?
- I mean do you have a g*n?

- Because if I were you...
- That's not happening.

Thank you, Officer.

Come on. Let's go.

Uh, Jonah, just hang here
for a second, would ya?

Laura, hey.

We have to get out of town.

- Eric.
- I mean it.

Okay, how is that going
to make any difference?

What is to stop them from
finding us wherever we go?

I'm not gonna start
living like a fugitive.

That means they win.

They've already won!

My God, Laura, look at us.

This is our home.

This is our community.

Yeah, and our community hates us,
in case you haven't noticed.

They think it's our fault

that these yahoos are
showing up in droves,

demanding information at City Hall.

We were just trying
to give them answers.

I'm not saying it's fair.

But this is the reality.

And honestly did you really
think we'd stay here forever?

After everything that's happened?

It's where we've built our lives.

It's where Liam's buried.

What are we supposed to do?
Just leave him?

I'm sorry, honey.

But we have to be smart.
We're not safe here.




I'll take a leave.

And you, uh,

you call Furman Templeton and see if
they have a spot for Jonah and...

and we'll just put the house
on the market this week.

I don't... it's gonna take us
a while to pack everything.

We'll figure it out.






- Oh.

- (JONAH): Hey.
- Hey.

I didn't know you were home.

Just puttin' stuff away. What's up?

Sorry, I, I was looking for mom.

Your mom, uh... I think she
was taking the trash out.

Yeah, we were, uh... we were gonna
go get pancakes at Millie's.

Oh, yeah? That's a great idea.


Hey, you ready to go?

Yeah. You wanna come?

Oh, I was thinking maybe just us?

Is that okay?

Yeah, I ate. You guys go have fun.


Are they gonna arrest her?

Joanna Pierce.

I don't know.

It's complicated.

It doesn't really seem fair.

I mean, why are we the
ones who have to leave?

- We're not the ones telling lies.
- I know.

Look, I... I know that I haven't been...

me since he died.

Sometimes I'll look at you and I...
I'm just I'm so scared.

I'm scared I'm gonna lose you too.

But... I, I'm trying. I really am.

I know, Mom.



- What the hell.
- What's going on?

No more lies!

No more lies!

- No more lies!
- Wait, that's her.

Mom. What are you doing?

No more lies! No more lies!

- Stay in the car.
- Mom.

No more lies!

- (JOANNA): We want you to be honest.
- Mom!

You can't tear down this building.

(LAURA): Stay in the car.

That's destruction of evidence.

- (CROWD): No more lies.
- No more lies.

No more lies! No more lies!
No more lies!

(JOANNA): No more lies.

- Liam wasn't enough for you?
- Don't you come at me.

You had to come after Jonah too?

She's assaulting me!

- You're sick, you know that?
- No, you are sick.

You think you're untouchable,
but you know what?

I don't care what they pay you.
We will find you.

You say you care about children?

Stay away from my family, you hear me,
or I'll have you arrested.

- You can't hide from the truth.
- No more lies!

No more lies!

No more lies!

Press charges against that bitch.

No more lies! No more lies!


Laura Broder?


Come with me.

And I have to give you this.

Ms. Pierce has filed a
temporary order of protection.

You must stay at least feet away

from her person and place of residence.

You understand?

- Yeah.
- You're free to go.


Is it fair to say that Ms.
Pierce was afraid of you?

After you physically assaulted her?

I can't know what was
going through her mind.

But you understood the terms
of the restraining order, yes?

They were fully explained to you?

- Ms. Broder?
- Yes, I understood.

And yet three weeks later,
you showed up at her property.

And I take full responsibility
for that. It was stupid.

It was reckless. But I...
I never my intended to harm Ms. Pierce.

You can see why that's hard to believe.

Given you brought a g*n?

What is this?

The State of Illinois
says your application

for a firearms license is approved?

Is this for real?

It's locked up, okay? It's safe.

You've already bought it?

- Listen to me, the cop...
- How could you do that?

- Okay, look, just calm down.
- Without even consulting me?

- It's locked up okay? Listen to me.
- You went behind my back.

After everything I've been doing
to stop the proliferation of g*ns.

We've been threatened, Laura. Okay?

And our principles aren't
gonna keep us safe

when one of them shows
up at our doorstep.

Safe? Are you kidding me?

This is what k*lled our son.

And you think hiding a
loaded w*apon in our home

without... without even telling me.

This isn't our home!

We had to leave our home
because you wouldn't listen.

I told you, talking to
those freaks was a mistake.

I told you that we should get out of

town the minute they found our address.

- Yes and we're leaving.
- Yeah.

After Jonah got assaulted,
which should never have happened!

Oh, that's my fault too?

Now, just when I think
you're listening to reason,

you go and attack this woman

and put a... a bigger
target on us, and for what?

This endless crusade!

- How about for Liam?
- This is not about Liam.

It's not.

It's about you needing an enemy.

I've made mistakes, Eric,

but I would never go behind your back.

You wanna pack up the car
and leave tonight? Fine.

But we are getting rid of that g*n.

Do you hear me?

Tell me where it is.

I locked it.

I know I did.



He's gone. His window's open.

Why would he take that?

- Her address.
- What are you doing?

The restraining order. It was here.


- Hello?

Jonah? Oh, my God. Where are you?

- Uh.
- Listen to me.

Whatever you're doing, you need to stop.

That's okay. It's fine.

I'll... I'll eat when I get home.


Jonah, talk to me.

Talk to me.

What are you doing?

- I love you.
- Jonah!

I brought the g*n for protection
but I never intended to use it.

I just wanted to talk to her. I...

I wanted all of this to stop.



- Oh, will you stop your whining.



Shh. Shh.


Here baby.

Here you go.




Ah! Oh! Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, you're...
you're the Broder kid.

What are you doing here, honey?

What's going on?

Are they hurting you?

You can tell me.
You can tell me the truth.

I can help you.



One last question, Professor.

You placed a call to your son,
Jonah, at : pm.

Less than an hour before you
showed up at the victim's home.

What did you two discuss?

I don't think he answered.

He did actually.

The phone call lasted seconds.

Objection, Your Honor. Relevance?

Goes to the defendant's state of mind.

(LAURA): Jonah?


(ERIC): Jonah?


give me the g*n.


You okay?

What happened?

You need to get him out of here.

What are you doing?

- What are you doing?

, what's your emergency?

I need an ambulance.
I just shot someone.

You did great. You stayed calm.

You were vulnerable.

So what now?

Well, there's one wrinkle.

The ADA's filed a motion to subpoena
Jonah as a rebuttal witness.



They claim it's about
the mystery phone call,

but frankly I think they're desperate.

Grilling a traumatized -year-old?

Not a good look.

Jonah can't take the stand.

I mean he can't testify.
I told you that.

I'm not gonna put him through that.

- Can't you block the motion?
- I tried.

The judge shot me down.

Listen, I think it's a good sign.

It means they know they're losing.

Otherwise why risk it?

Is m*rder still on the table?

This is going well.

There's no sign of forced entry.

Joanna was armed.

They can't prove you weren't
acting in self-defense.

Can you give us a minute?

Meredith, please?


- Jonah can't take the stand.
- What choice do we have?

I can take the plea.

You heard what she just said, right?

There's a good chance that we
could walk away from this.

No, not if he goes up there.
What if he says something?

Lo, if you plead guilty,

that's a minimum sentence of years.

How's Jonah supposed to live with that?

The lie is eating away at him already.

It's not a lie.

It might have been
his finger on the trigger,

but I'm the reason he was there.

You know that.

You know that as well as I do.



You were right.

I needed an enemy. I needed a fight.

Because without that,
there was just this...

giant gaping hole.

I brought us here. I did that.

And I am not going to
let him pay for that.

We can't lose him too.


Look at me.

Look at me. Look at me.

Look at me.

Let me do this.

It's what I want.

You take Jonah

somewhere that you both can heal.

- I can't.
- Yeah, you can.

You'll be alright and he'll
get through it, he will.

And I'll be okay.


Good behavior, parole...

it's not so long.

Turtles live years.

Will the defendant please rise?

Mrs. Broder,

you understand by
entering this guilty plea

you waive your right
to any future appeal?

I understand, Your Honor.

Before the court accepts your plea,

is there anything you'd like to say?

When my son Liam was five years old,

he asked me once, we were
brushing his teeth and he asked,

"How do we know we're not puppets?"

With someone else
controlling the strings?

"How do we know we are real?"

If I could do it again... (VOICE BREAKS)

I would say to him,

"Maybe we don't know.
Maybe we never can."

But I think maybe we're real

not because of what we know,
but because of who we love.


To Ms. Pierce's family and loved
ones, I am so deeply sorry.

And to my own family,

please know how much I love you.

And it's okay.

(SOBBING) Thank you.

Mrs. Broder,

the court formally accepts
your plea of guilty

to m*rder in the third degree.

The defendant will be remanded
to custody pending sentencing.

We are now adjourned.

It's okay.