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05x258 - The Uzumaki Family's Hot Springs Vacation

Posted: 03/20/23 06:12
by bunniefuu

This is it, huh?!

What a nice place with lots of character!

Daddy, I'm glad you were able to go on a trip with us!

Yeah, that's for sure!

Anyway, what an old inn.

There might be ghosts here.

Do you believe in ghosts?

You know that people who ask that question

tend to be scared of ghosts, right?

That's not true!

Hurry up, Big Brothers!



The Uzumaki Family's Hot Springs Vacation

The door's open.

Excuse me!

Oh, Mr. Shikamaru...


Where's Lord Seventh?

Oh, he went on a hot springs vacation with his family.

How nice!

Which hot springs?


They went here.

Seems they won the trip in the shopping district raffle.

I stayed at the same hot springs inn before

with Mr. Kakashi and Mr. Guy!

Is that right?


While we were there,

there was an incident with an armored warrior.


An incident with an armored warrior?

What the heck is that about?

What happened there?

It looks like something sliced it.

People do messed up things, huh?


We've prepared you a room in the annex.

Please make yourselves at home.

Oh, steamed buns!

What a nice room.


Let's have some tea.

Well, it's really nice to do something like this

once in a while.


Have a steamed bun.


This is good.

Hey, we have some time before dinner, right?

We do.

Since we're at a hot spring...

we have to play ping-pong!

Why ping-pong?

It's just something that you do!

All right! Let's do doubles!

Fine by me.

Sounds good.



{\an }Scissors!

We're not gonna lose, ya know.

We won't either, ya know.

Himawari, you be the ref!

Okay, leave it to me.

It's our serve, so do you mind if I go first?

Hey, how do you hold this thing?

Huh? You've never played ping-pong?!

Mom, Dad...

sorry for doing this so soon, but we need a time out!

First, you hold the paddle like this...

Easy, right?

Like this?


Damn it! Do we have to start from scratch?!

Shut up!

They seem like they're having fun.


All right, the match between

Team Naruto and Hinata and Team Boruto and Kawaki

will now begin!

Kawaki, don't hold me back.

Shut up!

Can you return this, Dad?!


A weak serve like that is nothing.

You have to get that!

Why? You were closer, weren't you?

We take turns hitting.

I just told you that!

You never told me that.

I did too!

You didn't!

Please stop fighting.


I'll get it next time.

You don't have a problem with that, right?

I'm counting on you!

I'm aiming for an ace!

Make sure you hit it!

There was nothing I could do about that!

You couldn't get it, either!

We're not fighting.

Right, Kawaki?


All right!

{\an }We did it!

I thought we only had to focus on Dad...

but I underestimated Mom.

All right, we'll get it next time.


You need to get it together!

Damn it!

We can't get a point in!

You keep hitting the ball where they can easily hit it back.


You told me not to hold you back, but you're the one holding us back.

That's not true at all!

If you start fighting again, you'll be ejected.


Yes, ma'am.


I'll absolutely get this!

Here we go!

How about this?!


I did it!

It's not over yet!

Nice, Hinata!

Leave this to me!

I'll wrap this up!

A curve ball?!

We did it!


Damn it!

How is that possible?

We're going to recover and win!

That's right.

There's no way we'll lose.

The match is over!

The score is to .

Naruto and Hinata are the winners.

We did it!

Yes, that was fun!

Mommy and Daddy, your teamwork is amazing.

They totally beat us.


The two of you should follow their example and work on your teamwork!

Aww, man! So frustrating!

Oh, dinner's been set out for us!

Oh! What an amazing feast!

This is what I'm talking about!

What's the matter, Kawaki?

Don't be shy!

I don't wanna hear that coming from you.

Boruto's right.

Don't be shy! Come sit over here.

It looks good, doesn't it?


Well, let's eat!

Thank you for the food!

{\an }Thank you for the food!

The bounty of the rivers and the mountains...

Both are very delicious.

The outside of this tempura is so crispy,

but the fish inside is so light and tender!

Himawari, that sounded like a professional food review!

Kawaki, don't just stuff your face.

Say something!


Food like this is meant to be savored.

Indeed, the batter is light and crisp

with a nice mouthfeel.

It retains the juiciness of the fish exquisitely.

The light seasoning also suits my taste.

Why are you being so competitive?

You told me to say what I thought!

Well, read the room!



Everything is so good!

It's because we're able to eat together, right?

That's true.

Hot springs are great.

It feels so good to soak in a large bath.

What a nice view.

This is the best.

It's nice to do this once in a while.



Aren't you glad you came along?

This is my first time going on a trip with everyone.

I'm really excited!

That's true!

A family vacation is so uncool,

but the party won't get started without me, so I'll come along.

Hey, Kawaki, you're going too, you know!

I'm not going.

Why not?


I'm not part of this family,

so this has nothing to do with me.

What? That's not true at all!

Let's go together!

That's right.

You're an important part of this family.

Dad will make arrangements so you can come with us.

Let's go together as one big family.

All right. I'm heading back to the room.

I'm staying for a little bit.

Me too.

Oh, yeah.

Himawari said she wanted to play a game with everyone.

Stop competing to see who can stay in the longest.

Hurry on back.

Kawaki, you can get out before me.

I'm still good.

Don't stay on my account.

I'm not.

I win!

Oh no, you got me!

Are Big Brothers still not back yet?

I wonder if they've started an endurance contest?

An endurance contest?

That makes sense.

You go first.

You go.

Damn it...

Then let's get out together at the same time.



Damn it, you're so stubborn.

You are too.

It's so hot...



That looks like fun!

It's probably something ridiculous.

Things like this usually end up being fun!

Wait, are you scared?


Then let's do this!

Stop pulling me. Let me go!

Oh, you two want to participate?

All right! Here's your tickets for

the Three Great Mysteries Stamp Hunt!


Have fun!

The first one is...

a portrait of the previous owner.

"A mysterious portrait that's always looking at you,"


What a creepy painting.

You're scared, aren't you?

Of course not!

You really are scared.

I'm saying it's not like that.

Yeah, yeah.

So, this is it...

It really is a creepy painting.


You're totally scared.

I'm telling you, it's not like that.

Hey, this...

really is mysterious.

No matter what angle you look at it,

the owner in the painting is always looking at you...

How does it work?

Hurry and stamp your card!

Let's go to the next one!

I get it.

What is it?

The fact that his eyes are in the center of the portrait

is the key.

Our eyes are being fooled by an optical illusion.


Don't "hmm" me.

You were scared.

No, I wasn't!

Next, we have the "beautiful weeping woman," apparently...

This is starting to get fun.


Is that it?


It's giving me chills, ya know.

You probably got a chill after the bath.

The stamp, the stamp!

D-Did it cry out?!

So, that's what it is.

What's going on here?

It's probably some mechanism in the floorboard.


So, it's just some kids' stuff.

And who got scared by it?

I was just livening things up!

Didn't I make this more fun?!

Yeah, it was really fun seeing you so scared.

You bastard!

Are you really a shinobi?

"A jizo statue that grows hair," huh?


What's this?

Kawaki, you bastard!


The head is a magnet, and the hair is iron sand.

That's it?

I guess we got everything.

I wonder what the "awesome" prize is?

Oh, ma'am?


Once we've collected all these stamps,

we get a prize, right?

Oh, this.

The head clerk runs this because he thinks we need an attraction.

They were all childish tricks, weren't they?

Yeah... well...

Though there was someone who totally got scared.

So, what's the prize?

Oh, yes...

Oh! They're finally back!

You're late!

How long were you gonna stay in the bath?

You're gonna get bloated!

Your father keeps losing.

Help him out.

All right! But before that, we're taking a commemorative photo.

A commemorative photo?

It's a prize for those who gather all the stamps

from the Three Great Mysteries.

What? I wanted to do that, too!

It's not fair the two of you went by yourselves!

Not good!

Sorry, Himawari! Forgive me!

Come on, you apologize too!

It's bad when she gets angry.


I'm going to take the picture now.

All right, smile!

That was fun, huh?

What do you think? Stuff like this is nice, isn't it?

Yeah, I guess it's not that bad.

From now on, don't be shy.

Everyone considers you family.

I got it.

Oh man, I'm exhausted.

I'm gonna sleep like a log.


Good night.


Thank you for having us!

Please come again.

I think I had a weird dream last night.

Me too...

By my pillow—

Oh, I almost forgot.

I need to give your prize, your commemorative photo.

Thank you very much!

Hey, come look at this.

What? This is...

The thing that appeared in my dream...

Hmm? What's the matter?

There really...

...was a ghost, ya know.

{\fad( , )}YU

Mikazuki hasn't shown up for a while.

What? Since when?

Ever since we wrapped up our mission in the Hidden Mist.

I mean, I was away from home longer than I'd expected, so...

It's a cat, so it's probably out visiting!

It'll come back when you least expect it!

That would be great, but...

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"A Wound That Never Heals."