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05x256 - The Ultimate Recipe

Posted: 03/20/23 06:10
by bunniefuu

It's so good!

Having a Thunder Burger after a while is the best!

It really makes you feel like we're back home, doesn't it?

I heard you went through a lot in the Hidden Mist.

I'm surprised everyone was able to return safely

from such a dangerous mission.

Well, the captains gave it their all!

I still have a lot to improve as a captain though.

Anyway, how are things with the both of you?

Any new missions?


Shikadai was selected to go on a mission with a different squad,

so we're just on standby.

And we've got nothing else to do.

Are you guys okay with that?

Shikadai's gonna keep advancing further than you.

But there's nothing we can do, right?

That's right.

The things that we can do as genin are limited.

But if Team doesn't accomplish anything,

Shikadai won't be able to boost his reputation.

A captain is responsible for his team's standing, after all.

You think... if we weren't around,

Shikadai would be able to accomplish more?

Which would mean...

we're holding him back, right?

Team 's teamwork is solid. And they've accomplished a lot.

It might be better for Shikadai

if he teams up with different and more talented shinobi.

I've been looking for you guys!

I have a new mission for you two.

{\i \fad( , )\pos( , )}The Ultimate Recipe

We've received intel from the Sensory Team

that someone wanted by the Hidden Cloud

is hiding out in our village.

The man's name is Jingo Kumano.

He's a Rogue Shinobi and

we've been told to take him into custody when we find him.

Apparently, he's been procuring all kinds of weapons in the Hidden Leaf.

There is a possibility he might start something.

Mr. Shikadai has put together a team to investigate

a g*ng of thieves who are after the village's top-secret data.

Would it be too much to ask the both of you

to take on this mission by yourselves?

By ourselves?

{\an }By ourselves?

Is there a problem?

Well, I'm just worried if we'll be okay without our captain...

Why are you being such a drag?

The village believes the two of you can handle this.

We're counting on you!


{\an }Okay!


That's our guy, right?

I guess that intel he was procuring weapons was true!

It's too dangerous to cause a disturbance here.

Let's wait for him in a less crowded area.


Let's catch him and show 'em what we can do!

Hold it right there!

Wh-Who are you guys?!

You're the wanted criminal, Jingo Kumano, aren't you?

Could you please come with us?

Huh? Huh?

You're not getting away!

Super Beast Scroll!


S-Save me!

Despite being a Rogue Shinobi, he's not much of a challenge!

We're confiscating your belongings.

Give those back!

Those are important items!

This is evidence of your crimes, isn't it?

I knew it.

How were you planning to use these tools?

I think you should come clean about everything.

That's a—!

Hold on a second.

What is it?

Something smells good, doesn't it?

Smells nice?

D-Dried bonito?!

Also, there's pork, dried sardines, and pepper?!


Truth is, they're ingredients for a ramen I've been working on.


{\an }Ramen?!

This bamboo tube contains shichimi.

The shopkeeper only makes five of these a day,

so it's pretty valuable.

I went through a lot to get it!

Shichimi? Ramen?! What are you talking about?


Mr. Kohan?!

I'm very sorry about what happened!

Oh, it's fine.

The Sensory Team's criminal database wasn't updated properly...

and we were sent on a wild goose chase.

Mr. Jingo was a Rogue Ninja,

but he's been pardoned by his village.

That was a long time ago.

I had no talent for ninjutsu or taijutsu,

so I ran away from the village.

That's why you were caught so easily, huh?

But now that I've been pardoned by my village,

I'm the proud owner of my very own ramen shop.

Then, why did you run away?

Well, I was being chased, so old habits kicked in...

Then, what's with that long knife?

This is a tool I use to cut noodles.

So, it's just a cooking tool...

A chef's tools are his lifeblood!

I have to have this with me at all times, or I'll get anxious.

Man! We thought the knife was a w*apon!

We thought we could stop an incident by ourselves,

but it turns out there was nothing to stop.

It's kind of disappointing, isn't it?


Also, I'm feeling a bit hungry.

In that case,

would you like to try my ramen?

I knew it.

You were after our data on Scientific Ninja Tools.

Damn it!

Damn it!

Hey! Wait!

What's with that guy?

He didn't even apologize.

Are you all right, Mr. Jingo?

Yeah. Sorry about that.


This is my shop!

It was great that I was able to open up a shop, but...

I just don't get many customers.

Is that why you were trying to create a new ramen?

A ramen critic is supposed to be coming

to the Hidden Leaf Village tomorrow.

A ramen critic?

Yeah, he goes undercover to eat at ramen shops around the village

and writes magazine articles about them.

If he's undercover,

how do you know about that?

Well, I ended up gathering some intel,

a habit from my shinobi days.

If I can get the critic to say my ramen is delicious,

I'll get tons of customers

and I might be able to recover this shop.

But I'm not sure if I'll be able to create

a new menu item by tomorrow.

Mr. Jingo, why did you decide to open up a ramen shop

in the first place?

Long ago, I left my village and

was wandering around without any money.

When I was hungry,


the old man at Ichiraku would treat me to his ramen.

That ramen was so delicious and warm that it made me cry.

After eating it, I decided I wanted to start over again

from the bottom of my heart.

The bowl of ramen that changed your life!

That's a super awesome story, you know!

You really are fond of stories that involve food, huh?

That's why I want to create a ramen

that can make people happy like that.

But... no matter what, I can only do things half-way.

I'm no good as a shinobi,

and I can't make ramen good enough either.

In that case, let's create a delicious ramen

and make your shop a success, Mr. Jingo!

We don't mind helping you out until tomorrow,

since we caused you some grief

with the Sensory Team's slip-up, after all.

Is that all right, you two?!

We can't just ignore someone who's trying hard

to make something delicious.

Where's that data?

We definitely got it.

What's going on?

It's just shichimi!

That's impossible!

I definitely placed the memory card in there!

That guy... back then!



The ingredients seem kinda ordinary.

Maybe you can gather ingredients in a more shinobi-like way,

since you used to be one!

That's right!

Unique and exceptional ingredients would be awesome!

Unique and exceptional ingredients?

Are they really up here?!

People say there are legendary bamboo sh**t

at the top of this mountain!

You need to risk your life

if you want to make delicious menma pickles!


See you at the top!


These are the legendary bamboo sh**t?

Got 'em!

Fire Style: Char Siu Flames!

You need to carefully keep the heat to a gentle simmer!

That kind of looked like ninjutsu, but it's not, is it?

Attitude is important... the attitude!

Your temperature control isn't good enough!

Yes, ma'am!

Hmm, maybe they should be a little firmer.

Water Style: Water Vortex!


Lighting Style: Thunder Egg Wave!

The shells were neatly removed!

With this much passion...

It might just be possible to create the greatest ramen!

It's just about time.

I used a soup base of bonito flakes and dried sardines,

then added wild pig tonkotsu broth to make it rich.

The best ingredients and the best preparation methods!

This should be perfect!

How is it?

It's really delicious!




When I put it in my mouth, it doesn't have much of an impact.

All of the flavors have melded together well, but...

there's something missing.

No way!

It was supposed to be the perfect ramen!

We don't have much time, but we can't give up!

We need to find what's missing!

What's missing, huh...?


Sorry, I forgot my wallet.

I'm gonna go back and get it.

Hurry back, okay?!

Who's there?!

What are you doing?!

Mr. Jingo's taking a while.

Didn't you just eat ramen?

Potato chips go into a different part of the stomach.

Gotta switch up the taste!

I borrowed this from Mr. Jingo.


Mr. Jingo?

Something happened!

Super Beast Scroll!

If we follow the scent of the tonkotsu broth,

we should find Mr. Jingo!

We need to find him so he can create

an absolutely delicious ramen by tomorrow!

That's their hideout, huh?

It's not just the Hidden Leaf...

We've received complaints from other villages.

Let's get back that top secret data they stole from us.


That man...

He's the one Cho-Cho and Inojin were pursuing.

Those are Inojin's—!

What's the matter?

It's a message from Shikadai!


He was going after that g*ng of data thieves, wasn't he?

I know where Mr. Jingo is now!

Where did you put the stolen data?!

Data? What are you talking about?

You had a small bamboo tube, didn't you?

A bamboo tube?

Are you guys shichimi thieves?

I have shichimi in my shop!

I'll give you as much as you want, so please let me go!

Stop messing around!

Where did you hide it?!

I hope you didn't hand it over to the Hidden Leaf shinobi already!

I don't know what you're planning, but I won't give up!

I'm going to create some delicious ramen by tomorrow!

If you don't talk, you're going to die.

Human Boulder! Roll, roll, roll, roll, roll!

Super Beast Scroll!

Are you all right?


Please save me!

Do you know why the g*ng of thieves targeted you?

Well, they kept going on about shichimi or something.

I don't get any of it!


Anyway, Mr. Jingo, we need to hurry up and complete your ramen!


This is bad!

We don't have much time until morning!

Shikadai, we'll talk to you later!

Hey! Come back!

No luck.

We can't find the top-secret data that was stolen.

Maybe Mr. Jingo has something to do with this, after all.


How is it this time?

There's definitely something missing.

It's not bad, though.

You're making ramen?


Are you done with your mission?

No, we're still missing the item we're looking for.

Missing item, huh?

We're missing something here too.

Maybe we need a bit of heat...


What is this?


That's the data stolen by the g*ng of thieves!

No way!

What was it doing here?

This is hilarious.

Inojin, Cho-Cho, thanks to you guys,

we found the important data.

We thought we were always holding you back.

We thought that you would be able to accomplish more

if you were paired with more talented shinobi.

Getting a bunch of talented people together

doesn't guarantee good work.

As long as your individual flavors meld together,

you can become the ultimate team.

Just like Ino-Shika-Cho, right?


I knew that was the case!

Inojin, you were overthinking this.

You should think a little more!

As long as your individual flavors meld together,

you can make something the ultimate...


I get it!

I know what that ramen was missing!

Consommé... seaweed salt... cheese... butter!

With just an ordinary delicious ramen, you eventually get bored of it,

but you can change the taste with your favorite potato chips, right?

It becomes full-bodied,

like when you throw in a tempura shrimp.

And the sweetness from the potatoes makes it more delicious.

On top of that, it packs a visual punch!

Rather than having a "perfect" ramen,

something with a sense of playfulness is attractive!

Thanks for waiting!


The crispy texture is fun, and you won't get bored eating it!

This could work!

It's good!

I see, I see!

Thanks to you guys,

my ultimate ramen is complete!

Thank you!

I heard you guys retrieved the village's top-secret data.

You got a commendation from the village, right?

Yeah, well... I guess that's just how good we are, huh?

All you did was eat ramen, Chubs.

Eating is an important mission!

I knew something was up

the moment Mr. Jingo was abducted by that g*ng of thieves.

Oh, yeah?

It's the truth!

What a drag...


Anyway, let's go eat some super good ramen.



I skipped breakfast especially for this!

The shop is right over there.


What's this about?!

What an incredible line!

Are you serious?

But I'm super hungry!

I guess we have no choice but to lineup.

Here you go!

One Ino-Shika-Cho Ramen up!

Lord Seventh is?

He's going to guest star in a Kagemasa movie?!

There was a request for him to appear as the Hokage.

That's awesome!

But circumstances prevent me from doing it.

I made a promise to Himawari.

She was looking forward to it, so she'll be sad.

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:


"Konohamaru Becomes the Hokage?!"

Hey, then how about I take on the role instead of Lord Seventh?