04x194 - The Uzumaki Household

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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04x194 - The Uzumaki Household

Post by bunniefuu »

The Uzumaki Household

There, that should do it.

The vase is broken, but what's important

is your thoughtfulness that went into making it, Himawari.

That's plenty enough for me! Okay?


Gotta pee...

I'm about to leak!


What is it?

Uh, nothing.

Hey! Wait!

You need to use the bathroom?

Sorry, but I'm first!


It's a given 'cuz this is my house!

I'm about to leak, get out of the way!

This isn't a contest, but I can't hold it in, either.


You can go second. Just wait a little.

Damn it!

Always got something to say, don't ya, freeloader?!

Hey! Why are you grabbing me?!

I was first!

No, I was first!

No, I was!

Shut up, the both of you!!

The bathroom's occupied!

If you can't hold it, go do your business outside!

Hey. Why are you standing right next to me?

Go somewhere else.

Don't boss me around, shrimp.

If you aren't gonna listen to what I say,

I figure I gotta beat it into you like this.

I feel the same way.

We finally agree on something.

But this may end up being the first and last time!

All right!

Stop right there!


Those damn kids!

Just let me use the bathroom in peace!

Hey, Boruto! That's way too much salt.

What?! It's fine, it's not that much.

Boruto! Too much sodium is bad for your health.

It's fine. I'm still young.

That aside, seeing you at home all day is throwing me off, Dad.

But you like it!


It's fine. There's no need to hide it.

Cut it out, Hima!

Don't make fun of your big brother!

But it's the truth!

Kawaki, is the food not to your liking?

Don't worry, it's not poisoned.

Like I can trust you.

Best to ignore someone who won't eat Mom's cooking!

Also, I still haven't forgiven him about the vase.

You're such a pest.

It's something important!

Both of you, stop!

I'm heading out!

I told you not to go out without permission.

I won't run away.



You got a problem with me?

What would you like for dinner tonight?

You must have something you like to eat, don't you?

Just let me know!

How am I supposed to know that?

No one's ever asked me that before.

You're not doing very well.

Did something happen?

Not really.

That guy's living with you, isn't he?


So, that's why you're irritated.

He's rude, he's always trying to compete with me,

he's the absolute worst and he really pisses me off.

Sounds rough.

It's a good thing that Lord Seventh is keeping an eye on him, though.

But I worry about what might happen

if he goes on a rampage here in the village.

Me too. I think that power is dangerous.

It might be better

if we kept him under surveillance outside the village.

Oh, well, um...

I didn't mean it like that.

Didn't you just say he was the absolute worst?

Well, yeah, he is, but...

How do I put this?

He has a Karma just like me...

And I'm curious about that, or something...


I guess you're saying that means he's not the absolute worst!

No, he really is the absolute worst!

I missed again!


About the data that Konohamaru brought back from the airship...

How's the analysis going?

The Cipher Corps is working on it,

but the data's been encrypted with an unknown method.

Seems like it will take some time.

That's concerning.

Katasuke said that he's having difficulty analyzing Kawaki's body,

even with our scientific research labs...

I see.

Out of the Five Great Nations,

the Leaf has the most advanced scientific technology.

That means Kara's tech surpasses even our own.

They're such a mysterious organization.

Were you able to get anything out of Kawaki?

No, he still won't tell me anything.

But once he realizes that this village is safe,

I'm sure he'll eventually open up to us.

That's why I think you're being naïve!

We don't even know why he ran away from the organization.

Anyway, don't let him out of your sight, okay?

It's all right.

I'm babysitting him right now.


Wait for me!

You're too fast!

Caught you!

That's so cool!

One more time, one more time!

Time for dinner!




See you later!

Wait for me!

Damn it!

Welcome home!

You must be hungry.

I'm home!

Mom, I'm starving!

Dinner will be ready soon.

I was right on time!


We're having hot pot, ya know!

Boruto, wash your hands.

We'll all be eating from the same pot.

It'll be all right, ya know.

If you're not eating, I'm eating your portion!

This is so good...

You're gonna eat, after all?

You guys are just eating meat!

You need to eat some veggies too.

Kawaki's the one who's only eating meat!

Shut up!

I just happened to grab the meat.


Daddy, you're only eating meat too.

Oh? Am I?

Sorry about that!

There's lots for everyone, so there's no need to rush.

I'm sorry for putting you through all of this.

Don't worry about it.

He's about the same age as Boruto

and I like how lively things have become.

It's a bit too lively.

That's true.

But I wonder what happened to Kawaki in the past?

He doesn't trust anyone.

It must have been something traumatic.

I hope he gets used to us soon.

I hope so too.

What's this smell?

Damn it. It's so warm.

All right.

I haven't forgotten anything, have I?


You again?

I'm heading out now.

Let's continue our match some other time.

Your Karma...

Where did you get it?

I fought some guy called Momoshiki Otsutsuki.

I'm not really sure what happened,

but after it was over, I noticed it on my right hand.

It really doesn't involve the Kara?

I keep telling you it doesn't!

What about you?

The one on your left hand...



This is—!

What is this?!

What's going on?

The twelfth one was a failure too.

We're down to the last few.

There are only three left.

Hey, how long are you going to keep at it?

I've lost track of how many have died.

What's your point?

That's not a valid reason to quit.


What's going on?!


Unlike you, we have no time nor options.


We only need one.

Kara needs...

...just a single Vessel.

Another failure.

Only two left now.

You're not going to disappoint me...

...are you, Kawaki?

Pain washed over my body.

And as I started passing out, I figured I was gonna die.

But for some reason, I survived.

And when I woke up... this was etched on my palm.

A bunch of kids?!

What a bastard!


It's really amazing that you were spared, despite all of that.


You can say that because

you haven't experienced suffering that's worse than death.

After that, every day was a living hell.

I never once felt alive.

And even now, I'm still in hell.


Don't you wanna get rid of it?

This annoying brand?

As long as I have this,

I'll never know peace.

I bet it will be the same for you.

Get rid of it?

Is that even possible?

Who knows? I have no idea.

I intend on finding out though.

Since I finally managed to get away from 'em.

That's why

I need to find out more about the Karma.

That's gotta sound good to you as well.

So, work with me.

I totally get where you're coming from.

And yeah, it sounds good.

The Karma's been troubling me as well.


I now know that you've survived

some really horrible times, ya know.


That still doesn't excuse you from breaking the vase Himawari made.

How are you gonna to make up for that?!

That idiot...

You're still going on about that?

I apologized already, didn't I?

Oh yeah, is that right?

Talk is cheap, after all.

I'll just look around for something,

something new.

That good enough?

That's the part of you I don't like!

Shut the door behind you.

Stupid brat!

He doesn't feel bad about it at all!

That pisses me off!

Vases are all the same.

Sorry about that, Kawaki.

Once Boruto makes up his mind, he won't budge.

Don't worry about the vase.

What's done is done.

Even Himawari's not that upset about it.

I'll go find a new one.

Since having Boruto pissed at me is annoying anyway.

For my purpose too.

Hey, hold on a second!

You don't have any money, do you?

I hope you're not thinking of stealing one.

Don't worry, I'll come back.

I know I can't get away from you.

And besides, I'll need the Hokage's help too.

That's not the point here!

You aren't denying the stealing part...

Shut up.

So, what am I supposed to do then?

All right!

Come with me, Kawaki.

We're heading out.


I'll show you around the Leaf Village.

Where's Dad and Kawaki?

Did they go somewhere together?

Daddy was saying

he was going to show him around the village, and they left.

And I think they're going to look for a vase too.

Leaving it up to other people to clean up his mess, huh?

Damn it!

And what's up with Dad helping someone like him?

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:


"A Vase"

Going vase shopping?

There's no way I can take this seriously!
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