04x188 - Awakening

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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04x188 - Awakening

Post by bunniefuu »


Who the hell are you?

I'm surprised you survived that.

I thought you died for sure.

Come on! What's with that scary look?!

We both survived that ordeal, we're allies.

You were there too?!

Yeah, not too long ago.

What did they do to me?!

Who cares?

What's important is that we survived, and we were chosen.

Even though I lost my arm because of that,

they made me a new one.


Nothing happened to your body?

I see...

I heard that something usually goes wrong even if you survive.

I bet everyone from the Kara must be surprised.

The Kara?

What? You don't even know the name of the organization?

Well, whatever. Come with me.

If you obey me, I'll teach you all sorts of stuff.

What's the matter?

I'm not coming with you.


I want to get out of here.

Show me where the exit is—

The hell are you talking about?

What's up?

That damn Garo's always so reckless.

This is what I get for looking after you?

You need to learn how to accept kindness.

Or is there something else?

You got family waiting for you out there?

I'm alone...

I have no family!

Then there's no reason for you to run away.

Kara is great.

If we team up with them,

we can get incredible power...

Like this!

I don't want to...

I'm... getting out of here.

I don't need... allies!

How can you say you don't need anything

when you don't have anything?!

You're crazy, you hollow bastard!

You need to be educated.

Let me teach you some physical discipline!

I'm not gonna k*ll you.

I'm just gonna hurt you so bad that you'll wish you were dead!

What the hell is Garo doing?

His body still hasn't stabilized from the treatment!

Gimme a break!

Wait, just watch.

My chin!

My chin!

It's complete!

The world will kneel before the Kara!


Is it good, Jigen?

I'm surprised you have an appetite.

What's wrong, Delta?

Are you dieting or something?

Don't worry about such things.

You're just as beautiful as ever.

Cut the lame jokes.

After what happened, nothing I eat has any flavor.

I'm too concerned about our precious Vessel.

That Koji...

What's taking him so long?

Koji Kashin is adept.

He's skilled, as well as intelligent.

And above all, he's committed to the mission.

He would never abandon a mission midway.

However, he's also quite unpredictable.

Something might have happened that's triggered his curiosity.

I'm having trouble imagining anything intriguing enough

to make him put off recovering the Vessel.

What do you think it could be?


I'm not done eating.

The Vessel will eventually return to us.

It's just not possible for it to escape from me.

Don't give me that scary look.

I don't mind if you want to go there to see for yourself...

if that will help put your mind at ease.

Oh, I can?

In that case, I'll take you up on that offer.

However, this is still Koji's mission.

You are to follow his lead, fundamentally...

If there are any further issues, report back to me.


Thank you, Jigen.

Enjoy the rest of your meal.

I'm going to find out what Koji Kashin is thinking.

So simple-minded.

Are you sure about letting Delta go?

It doesn't matter.

It makes it difficult when people are moving freely.

I have plans I need to stick to, here...

Like I said, it doesn't matter.

Don't let anyone near me for a while.



Delta, that you?

What a surprise. I never expected you to come here.

We're heading to the Land of Fire.

The Land of Fire?

That's right.

Depending on the situation, we're bringing back the Vessel.

The Vessel?

That hollow bastard?

I'm sure you understand, but be gentle with him.

Okay, no problem.

How fun!

Someone's on the ground!

There's a Puppet next to him.

Is he the one who wrecked those Puppets?

Based on Chamaru's reaction, he's still alive.

We don't know if he's friend or foe.

But we might be able to get some intel on the airship or Kara from him.

There's also a possibility that this is a trap.

This is not the time to be saying things like that!

He's passed out from his injuries!

Hold on, Boruto!

He must have really exhausted himself.

He's out cold,

but none of his injuries are more than just scratches.

No broken bones, either.

More importantly, what's of concern is this...

Is it the same mark as Boruto's?

Seems like it.

Who... is he?

Did these Puppets pursue him all the way here?

Because I find it hard to believe that he took them down all by himself.


He's in pain too?

Just like me?

Once you give him up,

you'll never get your son back.

Do you understand?

From this moment on...

I am your father, Kawaki.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

Now... come with me.

He's waking up!



Everyone, get away from him!


Right now! Hurry!


...touch me!

W-What's going on?

Hey, it seems he really was the one who took down the Puppets.

Who the hell are you all?

Trackers from Kara?

Trackers? No, we're–!

Boruto, wait!

Sorry. I'm Konohamaru Sarutobi.

A shinobi from the Land of Fire, from the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

You're always so expressive, Koji.

You look annoyed that I'm here.

I'm so offended!

Always a pleasure, Delta.

Though, I don't recall inviting you here.

Just so you know, I have Jigen's permission.

I came to see what could be taking you so long.

I'm disappointed you have so little trust in me.

That aside, why is Kawaki awake?

Why are you just standing back and watching this situation unfold?!

What happened to that Outer, Ao?

Ao's dead.

He's dead?

Then isn't that all the more reason to go out there?

If you're not going to make a move,

then I'll help you out.

You brought an Outer with you?

Yeah. I summoned Garo.

Just consider me a spectator.

Good grief. That simpleton?

What do Leaf shinobi want with me?

We have no intention of harming you.

We came across this location in the course of

investigating the crash of an airship within our borders.

We just want to know what's going on.

Could you tell us?

And on what basis should I trust you?

Could you just leave me alone?

Sorry, but we can't do that.

Protocol dictates that we take you into custody.

By force, if necessary.

Fine, I've heard enough.

Looks like you want to die.

Hold on a minute!


You know what this is, don't you?

You have one on your left hand too, right?

That's a–!

Hold on!

What's going on here?!



Why do you have one?


This thing's called a Karma?

Why does that kid... have a Karma?

Two Karmas...

Now then, what's going to happen?

What the hell is this thing?

You were messing with me!

You really are trackers from Kara!

No, you got that wrong!

Please, just calm down and hear us out!

Right now, I don't care who you are.

If you want to come at me, then do it.

I'll beat you at your own game!

What's that?!

Sorry to interrupt!

But I need to retrieve our precious Vessel!

What the hell is that?!

One thing after another... What's going on?!

Garo, it's you!

So, you Leaf shinobi have already made contact with the Vessel, huh?

Looks like that geezer Ao messed up, huh?

He's making us Outers look bad!

Well, whatever.

Thanks to him, I now have a chance to shine.

If I capture you and take you back,

I'll be promoted to an Inner!

That buffoon.

Flapping his loose lips!

The Vessel?

They seem to be talking

about the airship's cargo that Ao was looking for.

Also, all this mention of Outers and Inners...

These guys are...

Don't treat me like an object, you pig!

Don't get so riled up, you hollow bastard!

Be good and I'll take you back, real nice and gentle!

Take him back?

Don't tell me, the Vessel is—?!


Situation aside, it seems the Kara's target...

"The Vessel," is this young man.

You've got to be kidding me.

This time, you'll lose much more than just your chin!

Oh, don't worry.

I haven't forgotten that you took my chin.

I'm not gonna k*ll you.

I'm just gonna hurt you so bad, that you'll wish you were dead!

He's fast!

You're pretty weak right now.

Looks like this job is gonna be a piece of cake.

Today, I'm gonna smash your jaw!

Don't make me laugh.

Think of it as a head start, 'cuz you're gonna need all the help you can get.

The situation's gotten way too complicated.

Do not make any careless moves right now!

What are you saying?!

It's possible he'll get taken away!

The mission level has increased to an S-rank!

It's much too dangerous!

My top priority right now is to protect all of you!

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:



Damn it!

Are you saying the only thing we can do is stand back and watch?!
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