04x179 - Victor's Scheme

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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04x179 - Victor's Scheme

Post by bunniefuu »

An airship with the latest stealth capabilities

that can slip past every method of detection…

I prepared this in case there was an emergency.

As expected, whenever I use Regeneration Jutsu

additional parts of my body start to deteriorate!

I don't have much time left.

No matter how many times I teleport through Time-Space,

I just can't get used to it.

But I have no other choice!

Victor's Scheme

What's the condition of my body, Amado?

Your regenerative abilities have significantly declined.

At this rate, it won't just be your right eye and right leg.

Other parts of your body won't be able to regenerate either.

So, what do you want to do?

If you want, I can make you some replacement body parts.

Being your guinea pig once was enough, you damned mad scientist!

Just how many people have you sliced up so far?

Good grief, that's not very nice.

This is all for the advancement of The Kara's plans.

I'm not so sure about that.

Well, the reason you're in poor health

is because that Curse Mark is eroding away.

Even if you switch out body parts,

it's impossible to treat the root of the problem.

The Curse Mark you used

to extend your life has gone out of control,

making it akin to an incurable illness…

How ironic.

Your only hope lies in Jigen's plan coming to fruition.

Otherwise, you have no future.

Now let me have a look.


Just shut up, Amado!

Don't you also have goals

you can't achieve unless the plan comes to fruition?

Well, that's true.

We Inners are connected in that way.

Anyway, what's with the change of heart?

You hate me. It's unusual for you to come here.

I get anxious when I contemplate death.

For you to say such things, you've certainly become more weak-willed.

Of course, I have.

As a member of The Kara,

I've invested a large sum of money into the plan.

But what's the reality of the situation?

This plan is taking far longer than initially planned.

When is the Vessel going to enter Phase ?

How many more years are they planning to make us wait?!

I don't really know how to answer that.

Well, that's a big problem for me!

At this rate, my body's going to give out first.

What was the point of my devotion to The Kara?!

I'm sorry to say, but there's nothing I can do about that.


Hey! Hey, Victor!

There are multiple irregularities in his numbers?

Damn it, what a pain!

For a moment, I wasn't sure what would happen.

This old man has the luck of the devil.

What is it, Delta?

Don't give me that, you geezer!

Get over here right now if you don't want me to k*ll you!

What was that all about?!

Damn it!

Putting myself into a coma by taking some medicine in advance…

One slip and I could have been a goner!

But it seems it was worth the risk to get in here.

The infirmary should be connected…

to that prohibited area!

The focal point of Jigen's plan!

The object that The Kara requires to achieve their long-cherished goals!

Yes, the area where the Vessel is safely stored!

It will take a while to copy this data.

I need to finish this before Amado comes back!

Carrying the Vessel out will be difficult, but I have a way!

Damn you, Jigen.

I won't let things go your way anymore.

Good grief… Quite agitated, are we now?

I knew it, my right leg's reaction time is slow!

Hey, what do you want, Delta?

I had you calibrate this thing, but it's the worst!

I hope you weren't cutting any corners.

Judging by all the destruction you've caused here,

I think it's pretty good.

I'll decide if it's pretty good or not.

I'm gonna have you recalibrate it right now.

Sorry, but Victor is using the infirmary right now.

That geezer Victor is there?

How unusual!

During his examination, he had an unexplained seizure,

but I managed to stabilize him.

That's too bad.

I wish that decrepit geezer had kicked the bucket along

with that creep Deepa.

Good grief.

As usual, you've got a nasty tongue, kid.

It's not just them.

I really hate Code and Boro too!

But the one who pisses me off the most is you,

with all your annoying lectures!

I guess everyone hates me.

What is it?

Now you want to see me too, Jigen?


All right! Seems I was able to copy

the data on the Vessel.

With this, I have something to use to negotiate with Jigen.

No, I can even create something to thr*aten him.

In the worst case, I can just conduct my own research based on this…

to restore my body, that is.

This data!

This is Phase ?!

Damn it! I'm getting called all over the place today.

What's the matter?

There's something I want to verify.

The Vessel has reached Phase , correct?

Amado, are you positive the Vessel has entered Phase ?

Yeah, that's right.

Why didn't you report this to me right away?

I wanted to gather definitive data,

so I wouldn't give you any false hopes.

I see.

I haven't seen any developments yet,

so I can't say for sure, but if we continue at this pace–

Let's conduct a test on the surface.

Are you serious?

I thought we had agreed that

we wouldn't conduct any tests until the next phase.

Have I ever joked about anything?

I've already secured a location for the test.

But moving the Vessel is risky.

It won't be easy to transport it without any shinobi noticing.

We'll just have to look into a way.

So, you're saying that

there are some risks that we just have to take, right?

That's right.

The completion of the plan is everyone's long-cherished wish.

It's time to move the hands on the clock forward.

In order to make our great plan a reality,

we'll push forward with testing the Vessel.

That should be fine, right?

I understand, Jigen.

Since this request is coming from none other than you…

Thank you.

Sorry to interrupt.


I didn't intend to eavesdrop,

but I overheard you as I was walking down the hallway.

Are you feeling well enough to be up?

Yes, thanks to you.

That aside, could you allow me to provide the transport method?


You can use my airship.

An airship?!

It's specially designed to avoid being detected.

Then you won't have to worry about being discovered by shinobi.


You already had something ready to transport the Vessel?

That's right.

I had it developed in preparation for a need just like this one.

What other reason would I have?

This is unusually collaborative, coming from you.

I don't have much time left.

I'm sure you know that better than anyone else.

Very well, Victor.

I'm putting you in charge of transporting the Vessel.

You don't mind, do you, Amado?

Do whatever you want.

However, I have some conditions.

First, I don't want you to be aboard the airship.

And secondly, we'll be the ones

who will oversee the loading of the Vessel and setting the flight path.

You're being quite cautious, aren't you?

It's because of what we're dealing with.

Do you have a problem with that?

No, not at all!

But I will get preparations started right away.

Please excuse me.

Team has contributed greatly to resolving

the string of incidents that occurred in the Land of Valleys.

Well, this is a commendation for your actions directly from the Hokage.

Looking forward to working with you in the future.

I'm honored!

If you're going to commend us,

I'd prefer it if you gave us a ton of high-ranking missions.

Hey, listen–!

Your right arm still hasn't completely recovered.

I'm fine!

The doctor said I can remove my bandages soon.

Bring on the A-Rank and S-Rank missions!


They sure are carefree.

There's still a lot we don't know about the people who're backing Victor.

It's fine! Let them enjoy themselves just for today.

Let's drink up tonight!

You're paying.

This is the first time we've received a commendation, isn't it?

That's all because someone kept doing stuff that got us yelled at.

Sorry about that!

Aren't you happy, Boruto?

It's not that I'm not happy, but if he's acknowledging my strength…

Oh, yeah, Dad!

Once my hand is healed, I want you to spar with me!

Shinobi Hand-to-hand Combat?

That sounds great, doesn't it, Naruto?

How about it, Dad?! Shinobi Hand-to-hand Combat!

One-on-one against Lord Seventh?

That's beyond reckless, don't you think?

Is it really?

I think Boruto could do pretty well the way he is right now.

You just don't know how amazing Lord Seventh is.

Shinobi Hand-to-hand Combat, huh?

Okay, I'll think about it, ya know!


Yeah, I'll never break a promise.


This is rather drastic of Jigen, isn't it?

That airship actually has incredible stealth capabilities.

The chance it will be detected during transport is extremely low.

Huh? That's not what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about geezer Victor.

Don't you think this is all just a little too convenient?

That's the very reason why that ship will be flying on auto-pilot.

It will be impossible for it to fly off its set course.

Well, I guess that's fine.

You know, it would be such a shame if something bad happens…

If that comes to pass, I'll happily slice you and Victor up!

Good grief. How scary.

I can see your fate quite well!

Beware, those blue eyes shall eventually

take everything from you…

And know this…

Those who defeat gods, cannot remain ordinary individuals.

What the hell are you talking about?!

Reflect well upon thy fate, as you walk it…

…human child.

I am me. I'm Boruto Uzumaki!

How unfortunate for you, Amado.

It doesn't matter what course you set,

or whether I'm on board or not.

I've had a mechanism set in place right from the beginning

that will allow me to change its course from the outside.

Now the Vessel, along with the ship, is in my hands!



The navigational device has stopped working!

It's quickly losing altitude?!

W-What's going on?!

No, did someone discover my plan?

No, if that were the case,


they wouldn't have loaded my ship to begin with!


The stealth function is working against me!

What the hell is happening?!

Sorry! Please clear the way!

Was there an incident?

Looks like they're pursuing someone!

Boruto?! Why are you here?

I'll help you, Mr. Mugino!

No, I'm…

I'm on a top-secret mission!

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"The Assassin, Mugino"


Don't worry.

Start a tab and I'll pay you back later!
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