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02x16 - Down in the Dump

Posted: 03/18/23 18:33
by bunniefuu
(male narrator)

Coming up..

(Joe) Say it! Say it!

Say it right now!

...will the guys force

Q to steal a kiss?

Can I get some of that action?

(male narrator)

What happens when Joe

drops a number two?

- Hey!

- Ah, you're caught!

(male narrator)

And what's got Sal

talking trash?

I will never forgive you!

We're at compare foods

in Brooklyn

trying to sneak as many

pencils as we can onto

unsuspecting shoppers.

Pockets, bags, hats, I don't

care if you put it in their hair

as long as you get it on them.

But the shopper must keep

all your pencils in order

for your score to count.

Whoever puts the most

pencils on a stranger

wins and everybody else loses.

- So, it's like pickpocketing.

- It's more like putspocketing.

Hey, Murr, the three

of us are wearing

Staten island t-shirts.

Three of you do it, it's,

suddenly, I'm the odd man out.

It's been that way for decades.

I'm actually really

nervous for this.

- 'Behind you.'

- That's a loose jean.


'The pocket's drooping

off of him.'

Oh! Oh! Oh!


This guy's caught

up in his meat.

- 'Ohh!'

- 'Ohh!'

- 'So close!'

- Yeah!


'Murr, he's browsing,

he's browsing.'

- 'Murr.'

- 'Oh, there's one, Murr.'


'This is the jackpot,

it's loose pants.'


'Oh! Three.'


'Four, five.'

- Going on to the second.

- You're getting very brazen.

- 'Murray, don't get cocky.'

- 'Don't get cocky.'


'Oh, my God.'

'You got to be-ah!'


'Seven pencils.'

He doesn't know he has them

in his pocket.

- Seven, impressive, Murray.

- Wow.

Impressive, bud.


'He's not done,

he's going for more.'

Where did you get this plant?


'He's got one in there,

look at this.'

I was looking for, like, the

same plant I was hoping to get.


'The bag counts, man.'

As conducive in an apartment.

I used to live in a house

in, like, Jersey.

- He's trying to distract her.

- You're creating a diversion.

But the apartment is, like--

The-oh, those pencils?

They're not my pencils.

- They're yours.

- Oh, yeah.

- Oh!

- Great.

Listen to me, the key

is to cause a distraction.

So, suddenly, he thinks

he's a master putpocketer.


'What are you gonna-set

off fireworks?'


'Oh, here we go.'


'She didn't even look,

she didn't even look.'


'She's got a handful

and didn't even look up.'

- Good diversion.

- 'Here you go.'


'This guy's windblown.'


'I can't believe it.'


'He thought you were messing

with his tie.'

Macaroni diversion, oh, man!


'Sal, mother and daughter.'

- 'Oh, there you go.'

- 'Ohh.'

A hood's a pocket,

technically, the hood counts.


'Wait, wait, wait, she's

noticing the mother's noticing.'

'The little kid just got

in trouble.'


'She's keeping them.'



Alright, Q, you're in.

Are you-are you undercover?

Nobody said anything about

not posing as a store employee.

Look at him, he's like,

"He doesn't work here."

What's up, Ted?

I'll see you at the, uh,


softball game next week.

Do-Do you need help

with anything?

No? Okay, no problem.

If you need help with

anything, just let me know.


'Oh, one fell out!'


'Alright, the kid's on to you.'

- It fell out again.

- Oh, look, look!

The kid's playing, wait,

wait, put it in the pocket.

- She's gonna notice.

- Put it in! Put it in!

Go! Go! Go, man!




'She thinks he did it.'

- The kid putpocketed.

- 'That kid gets the assist.'

- He's going in.

- Alright, Joey.


'You got to beat to win.'

There's one.

'The daughter knows

what you're doing'

'and is not saying anything.'

He's turned her into

a co-conspirator.


'She's watching you.'


'Two-that's two.'


'Look at that he's trying

to put all the pencils in.'

- 'How many is that?'

- ' .'

- Ah, you're caught!

- 'Ohh!'

Ah, tortillas.


'He walks down the aisle.'


That does not count,

she put 'em all down.

(male narrator)

Q's the sharpest pencil

in the box

putting Sal, Joe, and Murr

on the loser board.

Today, we're in the park,

wearing these blacked-out

sunglasses, so we won't be

able to see a single thing.

The other guys will be telling

us where and how to move

and what to say and do.


'After we do whatever

we have to do'

we'll take the sunglasses

off and have to deal

with the consequences, right.

And if you refuse to do

anything, you lose.

You can't see, look at this,

could you-could you see my nose?

Okay, Fedora the explorer,

you ready to go?

- 'Start walking.'

- 'Put your arms down.'

- You look like Frankenstein.

- I can't see [bleep]

- 'Yeah, walk straight.'

- 'Straight, straight'.

I hear skateboarders.

No-No nobody warned me

about the skateboarders.

Walk forward,

right a little bit.


'A little left, walk straight,

go ahead, walk straight.'

- 'Slow down.'

- 'Stop.'

Turn right and say, "Can I

get some of that action? "

'Go, go, say it, say it,

say it right now.'

Can I get some of that action?

Okay, Fedora the explorer,

you ready to go?

- 'Start walking.'

- 'Put your arms down.'

- You look like Frankenstein.

- I can't see [bleep]

- Walk forward.

- 'Stop.'


'Turn right and say,

"Can I get some of that action?'


'Say it, say it, say it

right now.'

Can I get some of that action?

- Take the glasses off.

- Take the glasses off.

- They were just making out.

- They were just making out.

You guys were having

a private moment, I just..


'I can't believe he said it.'

Turn around degrees.

To your right more,

to your right.

'To your left now,

okay, excuse me.'

- Excuse me.

- 'Is that bitch taken?'

Have a good day, it's

a lovely day in the park.


'It was a dog, you idiot.'

- Got him.

- Alright, you got me.

- 'Here we go.'

- 'Alright, Sally.'

- Put those glasses on.

- You can't see a thing.

Okay, walk, to your left

a little bit.

Oh, it's not so easy,

huh, buddy?

I can't believe

how dark these glasses are.

Now, go forward, keep walking.

Alright, bend over a little

bit and shoo these pigeons.

- Shoo! Shoo!

- Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

Get out of here!

Fly! Fly away!

- 'Shoo those pigeons.'

- Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

- 'Take your glasses off.'

- Shoo!

I just, uh, I just dropped acid,

and I thought I saw pigeons.

Sorry about that, sorry,

alright, take care.

Have a good day.

Oh, God, I'm actually,

I'm actually shaking.

Okay, great,

walk straight.

Keep going, turn right,

turn right.

- Okay, keep coming straight.

- How about a cool walk?

Okay, straight, stop.

You stupid [bleep]

That's what you get

for your cool walk.


'Sal, after this next

one, you can't run.'

- 'You run, you lose'

- You-wait, wait, wait.

You're saying that,

if I run after I say it?

- Yes.

- 'Don't worry, bud.'


'You'll be fine.'

Alright, now walk straight.

'Alright, left, alright,

now I want you to stop.'

Turn left face him go hey, buddy

I can take you in a fight.


'He's looking, say it.'

What if he punches me

in the face?


'You cannot run.'

Hey, buddy, I can take you

in a fight.

Yeah, real intimidating

street lamp.

Okay, ready, Joe?

Walk straight.

'Turn right,

now hard right.'


'Excuse me, sir,

excuse me, sir.'

Excuse me, sir,

excuse me, sir.

- 'Points with the right hand.'

- 'Point to it, point to it.'

Excuse me, excuse me.


'You want me to throw

that out for you?'

You want me to throw

that out for you?

No, I don't.

I can throw it out

if you want.

- No, I don't.

- No? You don't want me to?

Oh, my God.

In case he didn't want

that baby.

- You guys are terrible.

- Put the glasses back on.


'Alright, joe, walk, walk

forward walk forward two steps.'

- [bleep]

- 'Say it.'


Take the glasses off,

take the glasses off.

- Enjoy your day.

- Oh, my God.


'Joe, okay, Joe, walk

forward, hurry up.'

'Turn hard left

and walk forward.'

- Stop, stop.

- Turn right.

- 'Say, Excuse me.'

- Excuse me.

- 'I refuse to be bullied.'

- I refuse to be bullied.


'Now take off the glasses.'

I just-it's an

anti-bullying thing.

I'm sorry, just making sure.

Enjoy your day, ma'am.

She squared up to me.


- 'Put it on.'

- Oh, my God, it's pitch-black.

I can't see anything.

- It's even worse when you walk.

- I'm terrified.

Stop right there

and-and start humping.


'Yeah, there you go.'

'Walk and do it,

walk and do it.'


'Keep going, buddy, keep going.

you're following her.'

'You're following her.'


'Right, right, right,

turn right.'

'Do it, do it.'


'Take the glasses off.'

Oh, my God.

What are you doing

behind my back?

Was I-Was I behind your back?

- Yeah, yeah.

- I didn't know!

- Alright, Murr, put 'em on.

- You [bleep] idiots.

Alright, now, ready, Murr?

Walk straight.

Step over the chain,

do you feel it? Step over it.

- That'll be good.

- Okay, great.

- Now just walk straight.

- Oh, my God.

Keep going, buddy, there's

nothing in front of you.

'Straight, go straight,

okay, stop, stop, stop, stop.'

Okay, now, just start going,

"psst, come here."

Psst, come here.

Psst, come here.

Hey, you, come here,

come here.

- Take the glasses off.

- Take your glasses off.

Oh, no, no!

Oh, it's a beautiful day,

isn't it, parents?

It's such a beautiful

day in the park.

Go back and play, kids.

(male narrator)

Sal and Q couldn't keep

their eyes on the prize

so they're each

looking at a loss.

Coming up, why does

this sales pitch go sour?

- Turn around.

- [bleep]

(male narrator)

And later, what happens

when Sal gets totally trashed?

Today, we're teaming up

to show exciting travel

opportunities to prospective


But our presentations have

been made by the other team.

At the end of the presentation,

we'll ask the clients

to raise their hand if they're

interested in the property.

Whichever team gets the fewest

hands raised, loses.

- Hello, hi, I'm Brian.

- Hello.

- Hello, how are you?

- Hi, everybody, come on in.

Hey, how are you?

Thanks for coming.

- Have a seat, everyone.

- I'm Brian, this is James.

Well, there's one travel

opportunity, in particular

we'd like to take you

through today.

They're gonna have to talk

their way out of a lot

of stuff which I like.

So, let's begin, okay,

Casa Brigante Mujeres.

It's in Puerto Plata, Mexico.

Uh, general amenities of-of

the resort, whirlpool, standard

in all rooms, every room has

beachfront access directly.


'Here you go, here you go,

Here you go.'

- 'We have..'

- 'We've got an..'

An on-call Filipino.

Like, a dude,

like, a Filipino dude.

He has a name,

but he's on call.

Uh, policies of the resort

are important to note.

They have some

interesting policies.


'Uh, unreturned towels are

subject to a service charge.'

Too many dicks taking towels.

Uh, resort safety statistics.

We'd like to be public with

all of our safety records.

Twice, two people had

food poisoning.

Just twice, which is actually

far below the Mexican standard.

Yeah, wait-so, four people, so,

four people had food poisoning.

- Wait, no, twice..

- Two people had food poisoning.

So, the same two people,

the same two people

had food poisoning twice.

Twice, two different people

had food poisoning.

Yeah, we should make

that clearer.

Yeah, the property

also features..

Best places to boink,

we label them for you.

- There are two spots.

- Two spots.

Though those two spots,


- Let's move on.

- Alright.

And, yeah, yep.

There's just a lot

of places to boink.


'And, also..'

That's your hat, my balls

are in your hat.

Nudity is tolerated on premises.

That's not right.

So, what we'd like to ask right

now is you've seen the resort.

By show of hands, how many

of you are interested

in this travel opportunity?

- One, two, three.

- One, two, three.

- That's insane.

- That's nuts.

Thank you so much for

your time for coming in.

I guess what I'm gonna do

is go clean my hat.

We didn't talk about the last

time you did this to me.

Just do me a favor,

don't leave the room.

I will get through it.

I will support you when you need

me, I am gonna be your rock.

- Hey, guys, how you doing?

- 'Hey, guys.'

- Uh, I'm Sal.

- I'm Joe.

We'll take you through some

timeshare opportunities.

Let us know what you think.

Alright, so, let's get started.

Uh, this is a place called

Lawrence Isle

as the new travel opportunity

that we're presenting here


There's all different

amenities on the property.

Uh, people who vacation

at Lawrence Isle are.."

This is the demographic here,

they're always happier.

Always happier, uh,

less likely to get stressed.

- The whole point.

- Less likely to get att*cked.

There are a lot of wild

animals out there.

Are there, like,

rangers out there?

We have state rangers on the

perimeter, and then, of course

we have our own private


- Nice.

- Yeah.

We caught the alligator

who ate the Deluca boy.

- Lawrence Isle..

- 'Look at Sal.'

We named a-a path after him.

- There's the Deluca boy--

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

There's the Deluca boy path.

Alright, so, then, he's now

stuffed and available

for pictures, though.

The alligator, not the-not

the Deluca boy.


'Look at the Deluca boy.'

May he rest in peace.

- You want to come on, man?

- What?


'Sal's gone.'

- Perfect for lovers.

- Oh, my God! Just wait.


That's Q kissing Sal's sister.

What are we-where we going?

Where we going with this?

That's your sister.

oh, wow, oh, wow.


'Oh, my God!'

Uh, and they accept all

lifestyles, as well.

- 'Oh, my God.'

- He's lost, he's lost.

- What else?

- Uh, um.

And you can j..

- And that.

- So, yeah, so..

- Turn around and look.

- Turn around and look.

- You turn around and look.

- Don't.

Turn around, you turn

around right now.


That's a Sal's sister sandwich.

- Lawrence Isle.

- Lawrence Isle.


There it is.

By show of hands,

anybody interested

in hearing more about

that property?

- None.

- Not a single hand.

(male narrator)

And with that, Sal's our

biggest loser.

Where-Where are we walking to?

(male narrator)

Will Sal be pushed too far?

whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,

this has a weird footing.

Aah! You son of a bitch!


'And here we go gentlemen.'

Sal's made us promise to stop

with the gross punishments.

And we will,

once he stops losing.

Sal, welcome to your

worst nightmare.


'Here we go.'


'It's punishment time.'

So what we did

for your punishment

is we went and hid it

in this pile of garbage.

Right here on this trash barge.

You hid what? Something of mine?

Oh, oh, I'm sorry,

your brand new cellphone.

Your cellphone.

There's no way for me

to find anything in that.

- Good luck, buddy.

- Good luck.

Let me tell you something

right now, I don't want

my phone to be in here, but

my phone better be in here.

You understand what I'm sayin'?

Is that diarrhea?

My God, the smell is unbearable.

We're gonna be here

a long time guys.



'Is that a used diaper?'



This is my phone, don't worry.

Oh, [bleep]

[instrumental music]


'Hey, Sal.'

Just call us when you want

us to pick you up.

Find it real fast.

Are you kidding me right now!

[horn blaring]

Bon voyage.

I will never forgive you!



'I hate you!'

Call us when you find the phone.


'Just call us and we'll

send the boat back.'

I'm never gonna [bleep] find it!


'Oh, my God!'

Oh, God!

'We're basically on the high

seas now at this point.'

Ah, tomato sauce, everywhere!

Ah, all over my [bleep] shoes..


'Have we lost Sal forever?'

Oh, my God,

this is so [bleep] up.

There's a full gallon of milk!

A full gallon..


'Guys, I have no idea

where this is.'

This is [bleep] gross.



'It really is my phone!'

Oh, it's Sal, voicemail.

Stop sending me to voicemail!

'Get me off the damn boat,

enough is enough!'