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02x07 - Sound EffeXXX

Posted: 03/18/23 18:26
by bunniefuu
(male narrator)

Coming up..

I am an aspiring inventor.

What happens

when Joe and this lady

don't see eye-to-eye?

That looks really crummy

and that's like

a really crappy idea.

What happens when

Murr needs someone to lean on?

At what point

does he consider this

'to be, maybe,

possibly a drug overdose?'

And can Q score

with this personal confession?

I'm , I live alone

and I have two cats.

And nothing can save

tonight's big loser

from facing holy hell.


We're inventors

conducting a focus group

on our brand-new product.

But we have no idea what it is

since the invention was created

by the other guys.

At the end we'll ask them

how likely they are to buy

the product on a show of hands.

Whoever gets

the fewest hands raised loses.

- This is gonna be ugly.

- You're gonna be ugly.

[telephone ringing]

I'll get it.



So how's everybody's day? Good.

- Good, good.

- Good, good. Yeah.

Thank you for coming in.

Appreciate it.

I am an aspiring inventor, uh

so I am here just to showcase

some of my prototype/products.

I will show you

my first product.

We threw Joe under the bus

right up the top.

There's no possible way

he can explain this product.

Okay, so..


'Here we go,

here we go, here we go.'

I'm excited to show you

the product.

What the hell is this?


'These here..'

I'm excited about this product.

So these-these here I call, uh..

Uh, uh, these are, uh,


They're flip-flops with

bricks attached on the bottom.


What is the thinking

behind this?

The thinking behind this

is, you know

about all the rage

is the exercise shoe.

When you work out with these,

it focuses

on the Achilles tendon

which is the weakest part

of the leg.

...don't believe you.

That looks really crummy

and those look like

used flip-flops

and that's like

a really crappy idea.

I wish you would speak

your mind a little more.


Working out's all the rage,

and the brick-flop

'really plugs in to the market.'

Then you put 'em on

and show us.

Do it! Do it! Do it!

No, I'm showing them to you.

Alright, if you'd like me to..

- Yeah, take your socks off.

- Yeah, of course.

I'll-I'll be more than happy

to show you.

She's all over him, man.

Well, I mean,

these aren't my size.


[glass shattering]

This is not gonna..

Yeah, it's just a prototype.

What the [bleep], dude?

How much time

did you spend on it?

This? I.. About minutes.


The brick-flop is not a concept

that you're buying in to.

- No.

- No?

- Probably not, no.

- Probably not.

So by show of hands, how many

people like the brick-flop?

Zero. Okay.


That was a brick-flop.

Now, this is a product

I wanted to show you guys

I was excited about.

This is..



'Explain that, Joe.'

This here is, uh..


with side-view mirrors attached.


The-the mirrors are not for you.

They're for people behind you

so they can see behind them.

These actually are a great

accessory with the brick-flop

if you put it all together.


Uh, I have to be honest.

I really cannot imagine anyone

wearing those.

Is it the color?


By show of hands,

would you buy this product?

- As a gag gift, maybe.

- So that's a..

I would, I would say

maybe under some circumstances.

- There's one. Okay.

- Oh!

- He got one!

- Gets a one. He gets a one.

Have a seat, please, guys.

Have a seat.


'Murray looks like an inventor.'

- 'Like a mad scientist?'

- 'No, that's right.'

I'm sorry. Murr looks like

a mad scientist.

- 'Yeah, there you go.'

- I'm an inventor.

And from time to time,

I have these focus groups

where I test out

new concepts for products.

So let's take a look

at what we've got.

We are bringing to market,

hopefully, if you like it..

- What's that, Murr?

- What's that, Murr?


'What's-what's that, buddy?'


This is a pair of underwear.

As you can see, it's a typical

pair of underwear in the front.

And, uh, what we've done

on the back

our team of experts have used

the, uh, the patented, uh, uh..

...crap-zipper technology to, uh

and we've sewn it

into the-the butt.

So as you can see,

you can open it up like that

and you've got the perfect pouch

out the back for quick access.

Folks, feedback, quickly.

Wouldn't the zipper

be sort of uncomfortable?

Ah! I'm glad you asked.

Well, keep in mind, this is,

this is the-the

this is, uh, uh,

the crap-zipper technology

and the inside is much smoother

'than your typical,

average zipper.'

You know, one can say

the same thing about

a front zipper

which we all have in our pants.

Like, wouldn't that be a little

bit, you know, dangerous?

Well, you know, we have it.

We use it all the time.

- We don't sit on it, though.

- Yeah.


But I'd much rather something

getting caught back there

than up there, you know?


If you had this,

do you think this is something

that you would find a use for?

- I don't think so.

- No?

It's not something

that I would--

Sir, if you had this

do you think you would use it?

- No.

- And how about you?

I would never have that.



'You really took a [bleep]

on that one.'

My name's Brian Quinn. Thank

you, guys, for coming down.

I'm the president, CEO

and founder of Quinndustries.

- Quinndustries. Nice.

- This is a focus group.

The more honest you are,

the more it-it helps me.

So, for instance...

this is a beaut.


'You don't even know

what it is.'

Yeah. Yup.


Ah! Yes.

This is, um..


'Explain that.'

This is the, uh, uh..



This is the ampu-bear

and, uh, he looks like

he's missing his arms

and he is missing his arms.

And why, why, why,

why would we do that?

Because bears are scary

to children..

- Oh!

- 'Because of the claws.'

They're not gonna buy that.

They're not gonna buy that.

You know what's not scary?

If they had no arms.

Now look at this. Don't you just

wanna cuddle up with this?

Here's a non-threatening..

Here's ampu-bear.

There's a humor element to it,

you know?

Oh, yeah, if you find

dismembered bears funny.

I see where you're coming from.


If I could just see

a show of hands

if you guys think

that you would buy this product.

No, no good. That's not a hand.

That's not a hand.


He's thinking, he's thinking!'

One for ampu-bear.

Is this stumping you?


My name is Sal Vulcano.

I am an inventor and a patenter.

I love watching him bullshit

his way through this.

- He's not good at it.

- No.

These are mostly products

that I've identified a need for

in today's marketplace.



Chinese spray.

- It is manufactured in China.

- Yeah.

It's made with Chinese liquids.

It's for not just the Chinese.

Currently, right now there's

nothing like Chinese spray

out there, so we just figured

"Let's get a spray out there

like a Chinese spray

and see what happens."



The purpose

of the Chinese spray?

It's a, it's a spray.

It's a Chinese..

What's that?

It sprays right out.


By a show of hands,

would anybody be interested

in the magic of Chinese spray?

I didn't think so.


It's.. Some products are bad.

I-I got other stuff.


Last product.




Turtle. A turtle!


'Good luck with that turt, Sal.'

Oh, gosh.


This is a turtle

with a nine-volt battery

on the top of him.


We're gonna call it dura-shell.


The battery slowly recharges

as the turtle walks.


This battery

is almost fully charged.


So by a show of hands,

would any of you be interested

in the rechargeable

nine-volt-battery turtle?


'Ha-ha-ha! Zero.'

- Thank you for coming.

- 'Ha-ha-ha!'

(male narrator)

Murr and Sal

couldn't focus their groups

so they each earn a loss.

- Shh! It's nap time!

- That's right.

We've got to go up

to a complete stranger

and fall asleep on them

for as long as possible.

Whoever takes

the shortest nap loses.

I got this, boys.

I'm good at two things.

Taking craps and taking naps.

Already did one today.



'Alright, Murr,

white shirt, right there.'

If I was that guy right now,

I'd already be like

"Why is this guy

all up in my grille?"

Here he goes.



Oh, he's got him. He's got him.

Oh, clock is running.

That's nice. What are you doing,

dude? Wake him up!


- 'He's just..'

- 'He's eating a sandwich.'


'You alright, bud?

I'm gonna have my sandwich.'


'At what point does he,

does he consider this'

'to be, maybe,

possibly a drug overdose?'


Yeah, I would think this guy

is dead at this point.

(male # )

'That's it. Stop the clock.

Nineteen seconds, Murr.'

Did I..

My apologies, my apologies.



'I don't know how well

Sal's gonna do on this.'

You see the size of the noggin

on this guy?

This kid's got a wrecking ball

on his shoulders.

Sal, I heard they're trying

to knock down a building

on rd Street. You wanna

walk by, help them out?


'Alright, Sal. Try for this guy

right next to you.'


'He's going.

Here he goes. He's doing it.'

- 'Oh, oh, oh!'

- 'Noticed, the guy noticed it.'



'Oh. He's on, he's on.

Oh. Clock has started.'

- Oh, I had a long night.

- 'That's it, buddy.'


'They're on to you.

You're done.'

You're gonna go again?

I'm willing

to continue the time.

I'm willing to. I'll let it go.

We'll give it to you.

- 'There he goes.'

- He's back, he's back.'

'He's back.'

- 'The clock is ticking!'

- Oh, there you go!

He's like, "Just let him sleep."


'He's letting him sleep!'

They've accepted it

as their reality.


He's keeping calm

and carrying on..

...with his fat head

sleeping on his shoulder.

Oh, sorry, man, sorry.


Ha-ha, seconds!

I'm still in the lead.


'Okay, Joe, woman to your left.'

Joe does have a distinct

advantage in that nose will

'touch someone about seconds

before the rest of his head.'


'True. They see you coming.

They see what's going on.'

'There he goes, there he goes.'


'There's contact.

He's got contact!'


'She pushed him,

she pushed him. No. No.'

- 'Whoa!'

- 'Whoa, keep the clock going!'

'Keep the clock going!

That counts!'


'That's only seconds, Joe.

That is not enough.'

'You know what,

Q's got the advantage.'

Most people think he's homeless,

I mean, if he falls

asleep on them,

it's no big deal.

'Q, you need seconds to win.'

Oh, the fall-asleep-on-

somebody-asleep-already move.

This is unprecedented.

Oh, the guy's waking up!


He's letting him stay,

he's letting him stay.

- 'He's letting him stay.'

- 'Oh, my God!'


'He's trapped. At this point,

at this point he's trapped.'


'The guy's asleep again.

The guy is asleep again.'

'The guy is asleep again.'

The guy fell back asleep.

'They're two grown men sleeping

on each other in the park!'

'Alright, Q, that's seconds.

You win.'


'Stop being a jerk, Q.

We get it. You won.'

Q is using this man

like a Jennifer convertible.


'Let's see how long this goes.'


'I've never seen this

in my life.'

- 'Unreal.'

- 'He's breaking records.'


'Oh, my God!'

'The guy is now awake with

a stranger sleeping on him.'


'Is this guy made of goose down?

What is going on?'


'Oh, my God.'

He looks like a baby bird

waiting to be fed.


He's going for the lap.


'Ah, you took it too far, man.'


'A minute . Unbelievable, Q.'


'Now this guy's

going back to sleep?'


(male narrator)

Joe couldn't sleep it off

putting him

on the loser board.

We're at Compare Foods

in Brooklyn

trying to talk customers

out of a product

they're about to buy.

Why can't they buy it?

Well, we don't know yet.

We'll be given a random

reason by the other guys.

If you can't convince them

to put it back using that reason

you lose.


'The best part about this is'

'Murray has no idea

how to food-shop.'

He doesn't know how to cook

or food-shop.

The only thing he does is exist.

'There you go, Murr,

right in front of you.'

No, no, no, no!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I definitely wouldn't get

that mixed fruit.

- I'll tell you why.

- Origami.

I'll tell you why.

Because of origami.

You know, the Japanese art

of making things out of paper?

You know exactly

what I'm talking about, right?

So, yeah,

I definitely wouldn't get

that mixed fruit.

Little-known fact.

That company

has been single-handedly closing

every single origami university

in Japan.

- 'Ha-ha-ha..'

- What?

Which is a little bit of BS,

if you ask me.

So are you gonna switch?

Are you gonna put those back?

- 'Oh!'

- Thank you so much.

- Come on, lady!

- Have a great day.



'Q, the girl right there

with the can of soup.'

Ooh, you know what,

I, actually, if I were you

would not get that particular

can of soup right there.

'Cause I'm , I live alone,

and have two cats.



It's all true!

I'm ..


I, actually, if I were you,

would not get

that can of soup right there.

'Cause I'm , I live alone

and have two cats.



It's all true.

I'm ..


I'm , I live alone

and I have two cats.


Uh, I don't know if I'm supposed

to be ashamed of that

but I-I-I, they-they..

I-I open the soup can,

and, and when they, I open that

they go nuts.

That will attract cats.

You couldn't.. You-you open

that in your house..

You're not gonna be able

to sleep at night.

There's gonna be cats.

- Yeah, right there.

- Oh!

- Thank you.

- Oh, my God, her face!

'Ha! She's giving Q

a pity face.'



'See what's going on here,

boys, right?'

He wore that same

stupid, purple shirt--

- Lavender glow of love.

- What is the thought process?

- 'Because..'

- I'll tell you why.

Lights 'em up.

Joe, this guy coming up

behind you, that's your man.

Oh, I wouldn't,

I wouldn't get that broth.


- Um..

- Algonquin Round Table.

The al-gon-kin round table.

Joe, it's al-gon-kwin.

It's famous!

Um, it's based on

a old, uh, wives' tale

about how chicken stock

could cure, um

you know, all disease

back in the day.

Do you know of the Algonquin

uh, Round Table? You..

Oh, okay.

Well, it's a old fable

where they thought

that that chicken stock

would be healthier.

Where did they think that?

That was

at the Algonquin Round Table.

They are proponents

of it being a cure-all, right?

Yeah, that's what, that's what

they, uh, that's what they say.

But it's not true, so just

go ahead and grab another one.


Aw! Really?

I thought I put up a good, good

argument for the algonquins.

'Well, you don't know

what I'm..'



'Joe, the girl

in the gray sweater.'

Oh, I wouldn't, uh,

I wouldn't get that soup.

Yeah, that soup I wouldn't get.

You got to be kidding me.

That's all it took?

I mean, sometimes

when you hear it from a guy

in a lavender shirt,

you just take it for--

Right? Sometimes

you don't even need words.

That's the power of

the lavender shirt, my friends.



'Sal, here you go.

Lady with the blazer.'


Uh, I don't know

if I would get it.

The reason I wouldn't get

that particular noodle..

Is because of hot ham water.


Is, uh.. because of hot ham water.

Uh, let me explain.

The thing is, I, uh, uh..

What happened was..

Have you ever heard

of Ultimate Frisbee?

I invented Ultimate Frisbee.

"I invented Ultimate Frisbee."

It was

a rival Ultimate Frisbee league

and this noodle was

the biggest supporter proponent

of that, that league

and so, well

there's a little bit

of a, an old rivalry there.

- Uh, hot ham water.

- Ah.

When are you gonna get to that?

Well, you know, 'cause what they

do is, hot ham water, right..

He lost himself.

He has no idea where to go.

Uh, I-I, you know, I have..

Just, just get it..


(male narrator)

Sal lands himself

in hot ham water.

That's tonight's big loser.

We're at Tea Lounge

for Sal's punishment.

And if there's one thing

he hates, it's--

- You.

- Well..

Another thing you hate

is big obnoxious scenes.

- True.

- 'Sal.'

Today you will be

the big obnoxious scene

my friend, 'cause we have seized

control of your laptop speakers.

And then we've loaded

some fun sounds in there

for everyone in

the quiet coffee shop to enjoy.

- What types of sounds?

- Fun sounds.

- Fun for who?

- Us.

- What about, what about me?

- Oh, and fun. And fun for you.


'Yeah, that's you right there,


'Pull up a chair. Get comfy.'

He's checking out

the whole crowd.

'He sees there's a lot

of old people here.'

Dude, old people?

Have you seen the nun?


I saw the nun.

[on speaker]


I just saw the nun.


[woman moaning on speaker]


[moaning continues]


[moaning continues]

(man on speaker)

'Oh, yeah, oh.'

Oh, time out.

Please, time up. Please stop.


It was my bad.

Sorry, sorry, buddy.

[moaning continues]

The guy unplugged the speakers.

I have to.


I, uh, I'm not crazy.

It won't happen again.

Thanks, man.

Plug it in.

It's a punishment,

you don't get to say no.

(man on speaker)

'Oh, yeah.'

[woman chuckling on speaker]

[woman moaning on speaker]

[horse neighing]

Sorry, sister.

[moaning continues]

I'm sorry.

(man on speaker)


[moaning continues]