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00x11 - Slime Diaries: Where Is Santa Claus?

Posted: 03/18/23 08:13
by bunniefuu
Rimuru: Come to think of it, it's almost Christmas in the other world, isn't it?

Rimuru: Santa Claus.

Rimuru: A mysterious old man who flies around in a sleigh to deliver presents to good children.

Rimuru: Wait...

Rimuru: Staying hidden is a cinch with Shadow Movement...

Rimuru: And there are magical beasts that can fly.

Text: Answer

Great Sage: Answer.

Text: Analyzing the characteristics of Santa Claus's movement.

Great Sage: Analyzing the characteristics of Santa Claus's movement.

Great Sage: By using skills and the like,

Text: Stay hidden from children Spy Leave presents by pillows undetected Shadow Movement Deliver many presents in one day Body Double Fly freely through the night sky Flight

Great Sage: it is possible to replicate the phenomena seen in the legend.

Text: Santa Claus

Rimuru: Wait, is Santa Claus an Otherworlder?

Rimuru: Hey, I've got a question.

Shuna: Yes?

Shion: What is it, Great Rimuru?

Rimuru: Are there any Otherworlders in this world named Santa Claus?

Rigurd: Santa Claus?

Shuna: I'm sorry. I don't know of any.

Rimuru: Santa really is a mystery...

Milim: What?!

Milim: Thunder Cross!

Text: Thunder Cross

Milim: Is that a new technique of yours? It won't work on me!

Milim: I'll get you cross-shaped like this, then grab here!

Rimuru: N-No! It's a person's name!

Rimuru: Milim, stop! You'll rip me apart!

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Title: Slime Diaries

Title: Day : Where Is Santa Claus?

Rigurd: So, Great Rimuru, you called it... Christmas? What is it, exactly?

Rimuru: Well...

Rimuru: This question again, just like always...

Rimuru: It's a day to celebrate Chris— uh...

Rimuru: I mean, to celebrate the birth of an important person in history.

Rigurd: Uh-huh...

Rimuru: Oh, you don't really have to be one of his believers, though...

Rigurd: Huh?

Rimuru: You get things like a fir tree, cake, turkey, and presents...

Rigurd: Where is this Santa person?

Rimuru: Oh, Santa? Santa, um... sneaks into the house at night...

Rigurd: Sneaks in?!

Rimuru: I actually never gave it much thought myself.

Rimuru: In that world, it was common knowledge that I accepted at face value.

Rimuru: So to explain it to people of a parallel world

Rimuru: where the customs, culture, history,

Rimuru: and the way things work are totally different...

Rimuru: Um... What it comes down to is...

Rimuru: You drink, you eat...

Rigurd: Yes?

Rimuru: And you give each other presents!

Rigurd: I see!

Rimuru: Yeah! I guess it's... a party?

Rigurd: Fantastic! I understand completely now!

Rigurd: A party! Excellent!

Rigurd: So that's it! You should've just said so!

Rimuru: They'll accept just about anything if I call it that.

Rimuru: Thus Tempest began preparations for a big Christmas party.

Shion: Oh... So this lights up?

Rimuru: Yeah. I'm planning to make it really flashy.

Rimuru: You really did an incredible job, Kaijin.

Kaijin: You'll have to wait until it gets dark to see how it looks.

Rimuru: I knew I could count on a Dwarf! It's looking like Christmas already!

Rimuru: The level of completion is sky high...

Rimuru: Right down to the old men!

Rimuru: You fit the role so well!

Garm: Y-You think so?

Dord: Think it'll be big?

Kaijin: I'll be able to change my beard back, right?

Kaijin: I look so old.

Rimuru: Don't worry about it!

Rimuru: Speaking of bearded old men...

Gazel: It's from my junior.

Gazel: Well? How do I look?

Dorf: Uh... W-Well, er...

Dorf: You look... fantastic.

Gazel: Right?

Shion: Now, I can't allow...

Shion: those old men to top me!

Shion: Right?

Rimuru: Aren't you cold?

Shion: That's what willpower's for!

Rimuru: Why are you so gung-ho about this?

Shion: I must ensure that everyone enjoys this Christmas!

Rimuru: Y-Yeah... That's right.

Rimuru: But put away Hercules' Edge, okay?

Shion: I pray that this event

Shion: will further strengthen the bonds between the residents of Tempest.

Rimuru: Ooh!

Shion: That includes family, friends, colleagues...

Rimuru: Uh-huh!

Shion: And lovers, as well!

Rimuru: Not that one!

Rimuru: I mean, yeah, more power to lovers at Christmas time.

Rimuru: I'm an adult, after all.

Shion: I've never seen such a bitter look on your face, Great Rimuru.

doors,: Please open the doors quietly

Milim: Rimuru! I heard all about this Santa guy!

Milim: He gives out presents! How exciting!

Rimuru: Where'd you hear about that?

Rimuru: One Horn was talking on about it in some weird costume!

Rimuru: That blabbermouth!

Milim: I heard every last detail with my Milim Ear!

Rimuru: Could there be a more pointless way to use a skill?

Rimuru: Listen to me, Milim.

Rimuru: I hate to burst your bubble, but...

Rimuru: Santa Claus only comes to kids who have been good!

Rimuru: So... since you're a Demon Lord, I don't think he's gonna...

Rimuru: What?! My God, this girl! That look of purity in her eyes!

Rimuru: The innocent smile of one who's fully convinced she'll get a present!

Rimuru: Are you listening to me?!

Great Sage: Notice.


Great Sage: Milim Ear grants keen ears that can hear every sound,

Text: Milim Ear

Text: Keen ears that can hear every sound

Great Sage: but it cannot hear what she doesn't want to hear.

Text: Cannot hear what she doesn't want to hear

Rimuru: Wha...

Ririna: Three, and...

Kids: Let's share our love

Kids: And make smiles bloom

Kids: With all our love, listen:

Gabiru: Hearing the children sing gives me such a good feeling.

Kids: Merry Christmas

Kids: Carried on our voices

Vesta: Yes. I'm sure Great Rimuru will be quite pleased.

Kids: Ding dong, the bells resound

Text: Born Noble and Former Minister of the Dwarven Kingdom Special Advisor Vesta

Vesta: But they do tend to rely on simply being loud.

Kids: They're calling for you

Text: Tempest's Street Art Performer (Self-proclaimed) Singing Coach Gabiru

Gabiru: To have such energy is a good thing!

Kids: Merry Christmas

Vesta: But in the case of this song...

Ririna: Good! You all did so well!

Gabiru: Do you not think it's wonderful to give in to your emotions and sing without a care?

Gabiru: For children, that is the best thing.

Vesta: No, it is not emotion alone, but its harmony with technique that moves hearts.

Vesta: So long as I, the one regarded as Dwargon's most cultured citizen, am alive...

Vesta: I cannot abide this.

Rimuru: You don't seem to be getting much research done. Something wrong?

Gabiru: Hmph!

Vesta: Let us call it... musical differences.

Rimuru: Huh?

Rimuru: Are you going to give anyone a present, Treyni-san?

Treyni: Yes, you and my younger sisters.

Rimuru: Oh, the ones who were with you when King Gazel was here?

Treyni: Yes. They are my pride and joy.

Treyni: They are still inexperienced, but they assist me well as the forest's caretakers.

Rimuru: I see.

Treyni: It's because I have them that I can feel at ease counseling you about...

Treyni: Ah, welco—

Haruna: There're more of them!

Doris: How much longer must you waste time here, Elder Sister?!

Trya: It's unfair that only you can do this!

Treyni: O-Oh, dear... You mustn't act like this before the leader.

Treyna: You must behave as Dryads...

Doris: What a thing to say when you're shirking your duties as caretaker!

Trya: We're always the ones left at the short end of the stick!

Treyni: Calm down, you two! Would you like some potato chips?

Rimuru: I-I'll come back later!

Text: Temporarily Closed

Treyni: U-Uh... Ahem!

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

: Slime Diaries

Three:Slime Diaries!

All: Three! Two! One!

All: Zero!

Rimuru: Merry Christmas!

All: Merry Christmas!

Rimuru: So in the end, although a lot happened,

Rimuru: Tempest welcomed its first Christmas night.

Guy: Great Rimuru!

Rimuru: Hi!

Rimuru: Hey there!

Rimuru: Enjoying yourselves, Youm, Rommel?

Rommel: Very much!

Youm: Y-Yeah...

Youm: Is this really a city of monsters?

Youm: Only places like the royal capital throw festivals like this.

Rommel: It almost feels like we've been bewitched!

Rimuru: I told you, we're not evil monsters!

Youm: Master!

Hakuro: At a party, you need only concern yourself with having fun.

Hakuro: All things in this fleeting life

Hakuro: should be drunk in and turned to laughter, just like the sake in this cup.

Hakuro: After all, your lives could end very quickly during tomorrow's training.

Youm: I'd rather just stay bewitched.

Rimuru: L-Let's have another toast!

Rommel: Yay!

Rimuru: Drink up! Drink 'til you drop!

Soka: As one who lives in the shadows,

Soka: the bright lights of a bustling city cause unrest in my heart.

Soei: Now, while we are restless in the face of this "Christmas,"

Soei: is precisely when we must remain calm.

Soei: k*ll your emotions.

Soei: Live by the will of your cold blade...

Soei: and do not give in to unrest.

Soei: Incidentally, this is for a gag we will perform for Great Rimuru.

Soei: I also have a pair for you, of course.

Soka: Master Soei...

Soka: is such an unfair man...

Haruna: Great Rimuru! Everyone!

Haruna: The food is ready over here!

Shuna: Please, help yourselves.

Milim: This is fantastic!

Rigur: Here you go, Lady Milim.

Milim: Thanks!

Rimuru: It's just like a restaurant!

Shuna: Rigur caught the tarkeys used for the roast,

Shuna: and Gobichi prepared them.

Text: By Gobichi Roasted Tarkey with Seasonal Vegetables

Gobichi: I hope you like it.

Text: By Haruna Jura Perch and Spinach Quiche

Shuna: Haruna prepared the quiche.

Haruna: Princess Shuna taught me how to make it.

Rimuru: They're both great! I can tell you're students of Shuna's!

Text: By Apito and Zegion Hot Wine with Honey and Dried Fruit

Shuna: Next, we have this.

Shuna: The hot wine contains Apito's honey

Shuna: and fruits gathered by Zegion.

Rigur: For you, Lady Milim, we have hot juice.

Milim: Ooh! Honey!

Rimuru: It's sweet, and it warms me up.

Rimuru: Thanks, both of you!

Apito: All I did was carry nectar...

Text: By Shuna Rossini-Style Cowdeer Fillet

Shuna: And here is what I've prepared.

Rimuru: Wow! I almost feel bad eating it!

Shuna: I tried recreating the dish you taught me about before.

Rimuru: I did go to just about all of my friends' weddings.

Rimuru: Yum!

Milim: What is this?!

Rimuru: Well, don't just stand there, everyone! Come and eat!

Kaval: This looks tasty, too!

Eren: This one's mine!

Gido: Hey! I was saving that one!

Rimuru: You know, I'm surprised Shion didn't say she'd cook something.

Shuna: Even if it meant getting others to help me cook,

Shuna: I dideverything in my power to stop her.

Rimuru: Good job, Shuna!

Shuna:Slime Diaries.

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

: Slime Diaries

Shuna: Thank you for waiting. Here is the Christmas cake.

Rimuru: Impressive, Shuna!

Rimuru: It must've been tough to get all the ingredients to make this!

Rimuru: I see something in the center, though.

Gido: This is delicious!

Milim: Yum!

Shuna: Thank you very much.

Kaval: Ever think of opening a restaurant?

Shuna: I am in service to Great Rimuru.

Eren: Wow!

Eren: I envy you, Rimuru!

Eren: I'd come back over and over again to eat this!

Eren: This rivals the cooking of Ingrassia's master chefs!

Shuna: I see...

Shuna: I see...

Shuna: There are people like that in this world, aren't there?

Rimuru: Is that glint in her eyes the reflection of the lights, or...

Eren: All right!

Eren: I'm gonna sing now!

Eren: Even in the normally silent alleys

Eren: Both snow and people are beckoned

Eren: To the bustling glow

Eren: Shining like the bright stars

Eren: The illuminations invite the people dressed in their best

Eren: The colorful wreath in the shape of happiness is like magic

Eren: Let's hang it up for everyone

Eren: My chilled body is warmed

Eren: By this feast, the sincerity, and our joined hands

Eren: Sing with me!

Eren: Let's share our love

Eren: And make smiles bloom

Eren: With all our love, listen:

Eren: Merry Christmas

Eren: Carried on our voices

Eren: Ding dong, the bells resound

Eren: They're calling for you

Eren: Merry Christmas

Rimuru: Merry Christmas.

Ifrit: Lord Veldora.

Ifrit: Are you observing the world outside again?

Ifrit: You'll never break the seal that way.

Veldora: You're as stiff as ever, I see.

Haruna: Um, Great Rimuru...

Veldora: Look! Rimuru is doing something called "Christmas"!

Haruna: Please accept this present.

Veldora: It appears to be a party where they give each other gifts.

Gobta: And mine, too!

Ifrit: I feel as if they have parties all year round...

Veldora: It looks so nice. I wish I could join in.

Rimuru: Yeah, uh... Thank you...

Rimuru: Okay! Let's all raise one more toast!

Veldora: Ifrit...

Veldora: If...if, that is... you were to give me a gift, what would it be?

Veldora: I'm just saying "if"! Hypothetically!

Ifrit: Diligence, perhaps?

Veldora: You're such a stiff...

Rimuru: I do have a responsibility here, after all.

Rimuru: I don't want her crying and throwing a fit in the morning.

Rimuru: That said... I'm used to seeing her nap during the day, but...

Rimuru: Sneaking into a... girl's? ...bedroom and standing next to her bed

Rimuru: gives me a guilty feeling...

Milim: Santa Claus...

Text: Milim Eye

Milim: I've got you.

Milim: I've been a good girl, so give me a present!

Rimuru: You know what's gonna happen, don't you?!

Milim: Thunder Cross!

Text: Notice

Great Sage: Notice.

Great Sage: Milim Eye grants keen eyesight that can see everything,

Text:Milim Eye

Text: Grants keen eyesight that can see everything

Great Sage: but she will pretend she can't see what she doesn't want to see.

Text: But she will pretend she can't see what she doesn't want to see

Text: Great Rimuru Pillow Christmas Edition

Milim: Rimuru, this is great!

Milim: It reproduces your squishiness so well!

Milim: I can't take it! I can't take the squishiness!

Rimuru: I made that for you, so don't break it.

Milim: So squishy! So squishy!

Shuna: Oh, Great Rimuru.

Shion: Good morning.

Rimuru: Morning. It was a long night, huh?

Rimuru: What's that?

Rimuru: Hup...

Text: To the good boy Rimuru-kun.

Rimuru: "To the good boy... Rimuru-kun."

Rimuru: To the good boy Rimuru-kun?

Rimuru: So who's this from?

Shion: I don't know...

Shuna: It's not from us.

Rimuru: But this is my office.

Rimuru: Who else could have...

Milim: It must have been Santa!

Rimuru: Huh?

Milim: He came to my room, too!

Shuna: Good for you, Lady Milim.

Shuna: You must have been a good girl.

Shion: You're kidding! How?!

Rimuru: Santa Claus... is here?

Text: Preview

Rimuru: You like the chicken, Milim?

Milim: I wonder how Frey's doing.

Rimuru: Huh?!

Milim: Next time, "Enjoying New Year's to the Fullest"!