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00x10 - Slime Diaries: Snow Blankets the City of Monsters

Posted: 03/18/23 08:08
by bunniefuu
Eren: What do we do, Guildmaster?

Fuze: How could I have failed to plan for this?

Gido: We've got an important mission to carry out.

Kaval: And yet now, of all times...

Fuze: Tempest is having...

Three: ...its first snowfall of the season.

Fuze: Should we extend our stay?

Kaval: I guess we have no choice.

Eren: But they've been so kind to us. We couldn't impose any further.

Rimuru: No need for this little act. You can stay.

Eren: Yay!

Someone: All right!

Eren: I'm gonna get in the hot spring!

Someone: You're the best, boss!

Eren: Thank you, Rimuru!

Rimuru: Yep, it's winter...

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Title: Slime Diaries

Title: Day : Snow Blankets the City of Monsters

Rimuru: Oh, wow! The snow's sticking!

Rimuru: There's so much on the ground! It looks so soft!

Rimuru: I know what this is! It's my chance!

Rimuru: I haven't done this since I was a kid!

Rimuru: While that snow's still fresh and untouched, I'm gonna...

Rimuru: dive in!

Great Sage: Notice.

Text: Notice

Great Sage: Diving from the second story is extremely dangerous.

Text: Extremely dangerous.

Text: Those who lack the relevant skills should refrain from doing this.

Great Sage: Those who lack the relevant skills should refrain from doing this.

Shuna: Rigurd!

Shuna: Have you seen Great Rimuru?

Rigurd: No, I haven't.

Rigurd: If I do, I'll let him know you were looking for him.

Shuna: Thank you so much.

Shuna: Where could he have gone? Honestly, Great Rimuru...

Rimuru: Hi.

Rigurd: Why are you buried in the snow, Great Rimuru?!

Rimuru: It was deeper than I thought. That was scary.

Rimuru: Wait, this is a heavy-snowfall area? No one told me this!

Rimuru: We'll have to shovel the snow to get any work done.

Shuna: Yes, the Forest of Jura is well-known for its unstable climate.

Shion: What's wrong with that? I love snow.

Shion: When I was little...

Shion: I ran around half-naked all the time,

Shion: even when it was snowing.

Shion: Surprising, I know.

Rimuru: Yeah, I knew a dumb kid like that in grade school.

Rimuru: I can see him now...

Shuna: It's no laughing matter!

Shuna: You nearly froze to death once when you ended up buried in snow!

Shion: Yes, but...

Shion: I can't resist diving into fresh, untouched snow!

Rimuru: Right? Right? Right?!

Rimuru: Wait...

Rimuru: I'm on her level?

Milim: I'm back!

Shuna: Lady Milim!

Shuna: Please don't dive in from the second floor! You'll hurt yourself!

Milim: Demon Lords don't get hurt!

Rimuru: G-Guess I should be careful, too...

Rimuru: Good morning!

Rimuru: Good morning!

Rimuru: Due to the heavy snowfall,

Rimuru: Due to the heavy snowfall, {echo}

Rimuru: we will all...

Rimuru: we will all... {echo}

Rimuru: gather at the assembly building...

Rimuru: gather at the assembly building... {echo}

Rimuru: and start shoveling...

Rimuru: and start shoveling... {echo}

Rimuru: the snow.

Rimuru: the snow. {echo}

Rimuru: Everyone will be assigned to different locations,

Rimuru: Everyone will be assigned to different locations, {echo}

Rimuru: so make sure...

Rimuru: so make sure... {echo}

Rimuru: you're fully awake...

Rimuru: you're fully awake... {echo}

Rimuru: and wear...

Rimuru: and wear... {echo}

Rimuru: some warm clothes...

Rimuru: some warm clothes... {echo}

Rimuru: and bring a shovel...

Rimuru: and bring a shovel...

Rimuru: and boots...

Rimuru: and boots...

Rimuru: with you...

Rimuru: with you...

Rimuru: when you come to the assembly building.

Rimuru: when you come to the assembly building.

Kurobei: So restrictive...

Rimuru: Thank you.

Rimuru: Thank you.

Rimuru: Okay, you've all got your assignments.

Rimuru: Let's get this done!

All: Yeah!

Rimuru: Hey, Youm!

Rimuru: I hope you're ready to shovel snow with us!

Rimuru: We'll hit the hot spring afterward!

Youm: Wait just a sec, Master Rimuru.

Youm: Didn't you make me join the fire awareness campaign right after I started living here?

Text: Fire Awareness

Youm: I also had to clean out the irrigation ditches...

Youm: and paint the watchtower, too.

Rommel: Then we helped cultivate the wasteland...

Kajir: And we built a garden, too.

Youm: And now you want me to shovel snow?

Youm: I agreed to be a champion, but I'm not gonna be your handyman.

Rimuru: I see.

Rimuru: Hakuro suggested that I should offer you a change of pace now and then...

Rimuru: But if you like his training that much, I understand.

Rimuru: You're so diligent!

Guys: Hup-two! Hup-two! Hup-two!

Shuna: Hi, everyone! You're not working too hard, are you?

Kajir: Of course not!

Youm: We...

Guys: shoveling snow!

Guys: Hup-two! Hup-two! Hup-two!

Shuna: How reassuring.

Shuna: Here you go, Great Rimuru.

Rimuru: Thanks.

Ranga: A great deal of snow has fallen again this year.

Wolf: Snow!

Wolf: Snow?!

Wolf: I know snow! It's that white, fluffy stuff!

Ranga: We are unrivaled on snowy ground.

Ranga: We will be of use to Great Rimuru!

Wolf: This is a rare chance to show what we can do!

Ranga: Forward!

Ranga: Great Rimuru...

Rimuru: Huh? What's wrong with you?

Rimuru: You were just out scouting, but you're exhausted!

Ranga: Even for my clan, the threat of nature was too difficult to fight against...

Soka: Gosh, how could I do something so childish?

Soei: Hey, what's that?

Soka: M-M-M-M-M-Master Soei?! When did you get here?!

Soei: I am behind you at all times.

Soei: So... what are those?

Soka: They're... targets! Yeah! For training!

Soei: I see. You respect the basics.

Soei: Right or left? Choose your target.

Soei: I'll take the one that remains..

Both:Slime Diaries.

Text: Tempest Military Supreme Commander Samurai General Benimaru

Benimaru: Hell Flare!

Benimaru: No matter what foe stands before me, I will burn them to ashes.

Benimaru: That's what I do.

Rimuru: Wow! Way to go, Benimaru!

Rimuru: We can always count on you!

Rimuru: We're just blasting through all this snow!

Milim: Ooh, ooh, ooh! This is amazing!

Benimaru: There's a trick to getting the right level of firepower.

Benimaru: I've gotten used to being put in this sort of role lately...

Rimuru: We're finally getting it all cleared up.

Kids: Great Rimuru! Let's have a snowball fight!

Rimuru: All right!

Rimuru: Take that!

Rimuru: You guys aren't bad!

Gobta: Yeah! Great Rimuru!

Shion: Catch!

Rimuru: You guys!

Text: Hiya

Rimuru: Huh?!

Text: Hiya

Milim: Yeah! I win!

Gobta: Great Rimuru! U-Use snow, not ice! Snow!

Treyni: The perfect likeness.

Rimuru: Do Dryads generally dislike winter?

Treyni: No, not at all.

Treyni: The trees may indeed appear to lose their vitality,

Treyni: but even the trees that have lost their leaves are only resting for now.

Treyni: And it's not just the trees.

Treyni: Seeds within the earth's surface,

Treyni: as well as the roots beneath the ground,

Treyni: remain filled with the breath of life, even under the snow,

Treyni: as they wait patiently...

Treyni: for the arrival of another warm spring.

Gobta: Wow! I wonder when your spring's gonna come, Treyni!

Guy: What the?! A tree just grew?!

Treyni: As you can see, this is how much life force plants have when they mean business.

Treyni: They don't even need to wait for the spring.

Gobta: Hey! I'm up too high! Get me down!

Rimuru: Okay, I get it. Could you not just make trees grow?

Rimuru: And let Gobta down, would you?

Treyni: I think not.

Milim: There!

Milim: All done!

Milim: You can look now!

Rimuru: Jeez, you're finally done?

Milim: Look! Look! It's a snow Rimuru!

Rimuru: She's so fickle, but I guess she really does like me.

Milim: Well? Pretty nice, isn't it?

Rimuru: Yeah, you put a lot of care into such a huge thing.

Text: Milim Is Here

Rimuru: You know what a thing this big and round reminds me of?

Rimuru: A snow hut!

Milim: Snow hut?

Rimuru: Yeah!

Rimuru: You make a dome out of snow that you can play inside.

Rimuru: You can even cook mochi in it.

Rimuru: Of course, I never actually got to do that myself...

Milim: That sounds like fun!

Milim: Since it's here, we can use this!

Rimuru: Huh?!

Milim: Hi-yah! Hi-yah! Hi-yah! Hi-yah!

Milim: We're gonna make a snow hut!

Rimuru: I guess she doesn't like me that much after all...

Rimuru:Slime Diaries.

Milim: This is fun!

Rimuru: Great Sage!

Great Sage: Understood.

Milim: Amazing!

Milim: So pretty...

Shuna: Knock, knock.

Shuna: May I come in?

Shuna: It's getting dark soon, so it'll be bath time once you've finished these.

Milim: Okay! We promise!

Rimuru: Here. They're ready.

Rimuru: After all this time, I fulfilled a childhood dream.

Milim: Yummy!

Kids: Yummy!

Geld: What happened?

Geld: Why must this happen?

Geld: Why only us?

Geld: We will relieve him of his load and pray for him.

Geld: Winter is a shapeless monster.

Geld: It takes from us, starting with the weak and the young.

Geld: You aren't cold, are you?

Kids: No!

Geld: It's warm here.

Geld: No one is missing, right?

Kid: Nope!

Kid: We're all here!

Kid: Let's play in the snow later.

Geld: Winter will not come to this town.

Geld: I will not let it.

Milim: Rimuru floats!

Rimuru: Hey! I'm not a kickboard!

Shuna: You mustn't swim in the bath!

Eren: It's warming me right up.

Shion: The hot spring can also give you nicer skin.

Shion: Great Rimuru taught us about that.

Shuna: We're actually developing a facial lotion made from the nutrients in this water.

Eren: What?! You get to relaxand look even prettier?! No fair!

Shion: This is Tempest's specialty!

Shuna: This hot spring was Great Rimuru's idea.

Rimuru: The water flows here directly from the source up in the mountains.

Rimuru: At the time, only Soei and I could use Shadow Movement.

Text: Shadow Movement

Text: The ability to enter a complex "shadow realm" that exists separately from the physical realm and move around between shadows

Text: Present Tempest

Text: Home of the Lizardmen

Text: Great Underground Cave

Rimuru: The two of us directed it here.

Milim: Oh, from the Great Underground Cave that's said to be filled with magic?

Text: Present Tempest

Text: Home of the Lizardmen

Text: Great Underground Cave

Text: Barren Lands

Text: The Eastern Plains

Text: Kingdom of Shiltrozzo

Text: Kingdom of Falmuth

Text: Kingdom of Blumund

Text: Armed Nation of Dwargon

Text: Sorcerer's Dynasty Sarion

Text: Animal Kingdom of Eurazania

Text: Great Forest of Jura

Text: Shadow Movement

Text: Opened

Rimuru: Yeah, that alone was hard work,

Rimuru: so we couldn't pipe it into every house in town.

Text: Gave Up

Eren: Just having a nice hot spring like this is good enough!

Milim: Yay! Yay, yay!

Shion: That's our Great Rimuru!

Text: Shadow Movement

Text: Soei's Home

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

: Slime Diaries

Soei:Slime Diaries.

Mjurran: I am Mjurran.

Mjurran: I am investigating the city of monsters under Lord Clayman's orders.

Clayman: If you are found out, you will be punished.

Mjurran: To avoid discovery by the strange majin that draws monsters here or the Demon Lord Milim,

Mjurran: I carry out my mission as carefully as possible.

Mjurran: Huh?

Mjurran: As hard as I try to avoid her...

Mjurran: Lord Clayman is going to punish me again!

Milim: Yay! Yay, yay!

Mjurran: I am Mjurran, witch of the forest.

Mjurran: I want to seclude myself in that forest again...

Milim:Slime Diaries.

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

: Slime Diaries

Mjurran: Ah, now I'm hearing things, too...

Text: Tasty Milk

Fuze: Nothing beats a hot spring after a job's done.

Gido: Should we really be enjoying such luxury?

Kaval: It's fine. We helped with some tough physical labor.

Kaval: I'm not used to shoveling snow, though,

Kaval: so I'll probably be sore in the weirdest places tomorrow.

Youm: You know, I said the same thing earlier, and...

Rimuru: You're definitely young.

Rimuru: In my case, it wouldn't hit until a couple days later.

Rimuru: My shoulders and back would be dead, too.

Text: Worked for a Major General Contracting Company Mikami Satoru ( )

Rimuru: In my previous life, I mean.

Youm: ...he said.

Fuze: Huh...

Milim: That was a great bath!

Rimuru: Don't use me to wash yourself, though!

Milim: You work up a great lather!

Milim: Look! My skin is so smooth!

Rimuru: My poor slime body!

Guys: He looks so cute, but he's such an old man...

Rimuru: The town blanketed in snow at night

Rimuru: looks shockingly bright,

Rimuru: and it's so quiet, it seems unreal.

Rimuru: Almost as if all the commotion today never happened...

Rimuru: As if it had turned into a town I didn't know.

Rimuru: The snow falls.

Rimuru: So silent...

Rimuru: Both the night and the town... are just silent.

Rimuru: I wonder if more snow will stick.

Rimuru: Hi.

Rigurd: Why are you buried in the snow again, Great Rimuru?!

Rimuru: Well... I was just so captivated by everything, and the next thing I knew...

Text: Preview

Fuze: Well, we won't make it home until spring at this point.

Kaval: That's not good.

Gido: Not good at all.

Eren: Next time, "Where Is Santa Claus?"

Title: Next Time Where Is Santa Claus?

Eren: The hotpot's ready.