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00x07 - Slime Diaries: Here Comes the Demon Lord!

Posted: 03/18/23 07:54
by bunniefuu
Great Sage: Notice.

Text: Notice

Great Sage: I have compiled the current state of affairs as concisely as possible.

Text: I have compiled the current state of affairs as concisely as possible.

Great Sage: Play compilation?

Text: Play compilation?

Text: Understood

Great Sage: Understood.

Great Sage: Beginning playback.

Text: Beginning playback.

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Title: Slime Diaries

Text: The Events Thus Far

Great Sage: Encounter with the individual called Gazel, king of Dwargon.

Great Sage: Founding of Master's nation, the Jura Tempest Federation.

Text: Founding of the Nation

Great Sage: Establishment of diplomatic relations

Great Sage: between the Armed Nation of Dwargon and the Jura Tempest Federation.

Text: Special mention

Great Sage: Special mention.

Milim: Nice to meet you!

Milim: I'm Milim Nava!

Great Sage: A Demon Lord, the individual called Milim Nava, att*cks.

Text: Attack

Milim: I've arrived!

Great Sage: The Tempest Federation falls.

Text: Fall

Milim: You're all going to serve the Demon Lord Milim Nava!

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Title: Slime Diaries

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Title: Milim Diaries

Milim: Milim Diaries!

Title: Day : Here Comes the Demon Lord!

Shuna: She fell asleep after eating her fill.

Shion: Let's get her back.

Rimuru: Uh, hey...

Rimuru: Milim!

Rimuru: I wanna be a Demon Lord, too! Take me as your pupil!

Milim: Very well.

Milim: You are my bestie, after all.

Rimuru: Yay! I love you, Milim!

Milim: Just when it was getting good...

Milim: Where'd everyone go?

Milim: In there, huh?

Benimaru: Therefore, I believe the one best suited to be in charge of Lady Milim

Benimaru: is her bestie, Great Rimuru.

Rimuru: Eep!

Hakuro: I agree.

Shuna: I also agree.

Shion: Agreed!

Rigurd: Agreed.

Soei: Agreed.

Benimaru: Agreed.

Rimuru: W-Wait a minute!

Shuna: The majority agrees, so it's settled.

Hakuro: Which means Great Rimuru will henceforth be in charge of Lady Milim.

Milim: Rimuru!

Milim: Did you decide you want to be a Demon Lord yet?!

Both: Great Rimuru!

Rigurd: Look what's happened to you!

Shion: H-He won't come off!

Rimuru: Sorry, Milim, but I'm really busy building a nation right now.

Rimuru: My body is having a tough time right now, too.

Rimuru: Besides, a Demon Lord?

Rimuru: Wouldn't that just bring me more enemies and obligations?

Milim: What?! Not at all!

Milim: I mean, Demon Lords... um, uh...

Milim: They can shout out whatever random attack names they come up with,

Milim: and everyone will just go along with it!

Milim: Because they're Demon Lords!

Rigurd: Wait, wait! No, no, no, no!

Rimuru: Well, what now? You made the mood all weird.

Milim: It's not my fault.

Milim: Rimuru! That sound means it's time for lunch!

Rimuru: I know, I know.

Rimuru: But you don't even need to eat food, do you?

Milim: The food here is yummy, so I can eat it over and over!

Shuna: Then, I'll bring you some.

Shion: I'm finished.

Shuna: Lady Milim, be sure to eat your vegetables, too.

Milim: These are just straight-up carrots!

Shuna: But they're properly cooked.

Shuna: They're sweet and delicious.

Milim: No!

Milim: Carrots smell gross! I can't stand them!

Shuna: Picky eaters don't grow up big and strong.

Milim: That's fine!

Milim: You can still become a Demon Lord without eating carrots!

Shuna: Look!

Shuna: I cut them into all kinds of shapes!

Milim: Hey, these are cute.

Milim: Yummy!

Milim: I could eat tons of them if they're like this!

Soei: Just eat already.

Milim: That was so good.

Milim: The weather's nice today, so I'm gonna go explore the town!

Shuna: Oh, that sounds lovely.

Shuna: I'll make some snacks, so please come by again later.

Milim: Snacks?!

Milim: Awesome! I can't wait!

Shuna: But first, you have a town to explore, right?

Milim: Oh, yeah!

Milim: I'll be back!

Milim: I'll play with you, Ranga!

Ranga: It seems I have no choice in the matter.

Ranga: But I am Great Rimuru's—

Milim: Don't be shy, now.

Milim: I love pets.

Ranga: O-Okay...

Milim: I don't remember it well,

Milim: but I think I petted one like this a long time ago.

Ranga: Please... As I was just saying, I'm waiting for—

Ranga: Wh-What masterful fingers...

Ranga: She really is a Demon Lord!

Milim: Is this the spot? Right here?

Milim: There! There ya go!

Milim: Ranga... You like it right here?

Ranga: I'm going to be swept away!

Ranga: I'll drown!

Milim: There! There! There ya go!

Ranga: Great Rimuru!

Shion: I see you've been unfaithful.

Shion: Well, well...

Shion: I'll have to tell Great Rimuru about this.

Milim: Hup!

Milim: So fluffy!

Rimuru: What the heck happened? Did Gobta do something?

Gobta: Hey!

Gobta: Why is that the first thing you say?!

Milim: Ooh, you're tougher than I thought.

Gobta: I just wanted to help you, Lady Milim!

Gobta: Lady Milim! That outfit looks great on you!

Gobta: That other one was made for someone a bit more voluptuous, y'know?

Gobta: I only spoke for all of us

Gobta: in giving you some gentlemanly advi—

Milim: Is that true?

Milim: Oh, I gotta get back to Shuna's place!

Milim: Those snacks should be ready by now!

Milim: Snacks!

Shuna: Oh!

Shuna: Welcome back, Lady Milim.

Milim: Snacks! Snacks! Snacks!

Shuna: Yes, here you go.

Text: Corn Steamed Buns

Milim: Yay!

Milim: These are tasty, too!

Text: Barley Tea

Shuna: Just make yourself at home.

Shuna: Slime Diaries.

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Title: Slime Diaries

Milim: Carrots...

Milim: Carrots... Raw carrots are gross...

Milim: Middray, make sure they're cooked...

Rimuru: I'm impressed you can just order Milim around like that.

Rimuru: Like telling her to eat her carrots.

Rimuru: Sheis a Demon Lord, you know.

Rimuru: And a dangerous one...

Text: Calamity Class

Shuna: It's rude to talk about her like that.

Shuna: It's true that Lady Milim can be reckless,

Shuna: but she's sensible enough to understand reason if you just talk to her.

Shuna: That's why you became her friend, too, isn't it?

Rimuru: Well, I guess you're not wrong.

Rimuru: She understood things surprisingly well.

Shuna: Yes.

Shuna: I've spent my life watching someone reckless, who never thought anything through,

Shuna: so I can tell.

Shion: Wow, really?

Shion: I guess you've had it pretty tough, Princess Shuna.

Milim: Yep

Shuna: Yes, true.

Rimuru: So what's up?

Shion: The truth is... I don't find Lady Milim very agreeable.

Rimuru: This isn't like you.

Rimuru: Are you still bitter because she clobbered you when you first met?

Shion: If only I'd had more power back then...

Shion: You would not have to trouble yourself with what Lady Milim does.

Rimuru: Shion...

Rimuru: You were that concerned about me?

Shion: Well, after all...

Shion: The only woman who should be allowed to trouble you is me!

Shion: I won't let anyone else have this role!

Shion: Are you listening?!

Shion: Great Rimuru!

Shion: Please let me in!

Shion: What kind of face are you making right now?

Shion: Great Rimuru!

Milim: We meet again, Dragonewt... uh...

Gaburu: H-Hello, Lady Milim!

Milim: Gabiru, wasn't it?

Milim: Isn't that amazing? I remember you!

Gabiru: Wha... What?! You remember my name?!

Milim: I love interesting people like you!

Text: Interesting Tough People

Yashichi: That's our Sir Gabiru!

Sukero: You're a big deal!

Kakushin: Indeed!

All: Gabiru! Gabiru! Gabiru!

Gabiru: Aw...

Gabiru: It must be my virtuous nature and the sweet musk I give off.

Gabiru: Just kidding!

Milim: I sense...

Milim: a mysterious connection between us.

Milim: Perhaps we are fated...

Milim: or ill-fated, as it were.

Milim: You haven't...

Milim: professed yourself a Hero, have you?

Yashichi: Step right up! Come one, come all!

Yashichi: See a battle to the death between the hero Gabiru and Death Panda!

Text: Hero Gabiru Death Panda

Text: Hero Gabiru is as shocked as you are

Yashichi: Oh!

Text: Oh!

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Lizards: Slime Diaries!

Title: Slime Diaries

Milim: Hey, that's one of Clayman's...

Lizards: Sir Gabiru!

Gabiru: My wings won't come out! I'm too panicked!

Yashichi: Sir Gabiru!

Kakushin: This way!

Sukero: Good gracious!

Lizards: Gah, the sunlight!

Milim: You are essentially the Orc Lord, are you not?

Milim: Why live such a mundane life when you have so much power?

Milim: Do you not wish to display your might through force?

Milim: Is it so entertaining to carry rocks around?

Geld: There is value in building something to leave behind.

Kid: We got lots again today!

Dad: Yeah. Let's head home.

Dad: Mom's waiting.

Kid: Yeah!

Geld: This is...

Geld: the task that has been bestowed upon me.

Milim: Hmm...

Milim: I don't understand.

Milim: Mind if I watch for a bit longer?

Geld: Feel free.

Rigurd: Great Rimuru, do you have a moment?

Rimuru: Sure.

Rimuru: What's up?

Rigurd: Well...

Rigurd: I would like to report the damages caused by Lady Milim thus far.

Rimuru: Rigurd... are you angry?

Rigurd: No, no. Certainly not.

Rimuru: Doorknobs, window glass, eating utensils, etc...

Rimuru: W-Well, for a Catastrophe, these are pretty minor damages...

Rigurd: Actually, those are only from this morning.

Rigurd: This is...

Rigurd: the report of damages done this afternoon.

Rimuru: Huh?

Rimuru: Uh, Rigurd... are you angry?

Rigurd: Certainly not.

Text: Damage Report

Text: Assembly Building Doors: more added for a total of

Rigurd: The number of doors is up to five,

Text: Damage Report

Text: Central Avenue Shops: half-destroyed

Rigurd: two shops on Central Avenue are half-destroyed,

Text: Damage Report

Text: Central Avenue Statue commemorating nation's founding: destroyed

Rigurd: and the statue commemorating the founding is destroyed.

Rimuru: But we just put that up...

Rimuru: What?! Snack Bar Jura's sign?!

Rimuru: O-Okay, I get it! I'll talk to her!

Rimuru: As the representative of this nation and as her friend,

Rimuru: I'll be tough on her!

Rigurd: And this damage report just came to me.

Text: Additional Damages

Rimuru: Rigurd... are you angry?

Rigurd: Certainly not.

Rimuru: Milim, I need more nails.

Rimuru: Jeez, she fell asleep again?

Rimuru: Some Demon Lord.

Treyni: She's worn out after so much excitement.

Treyni: She saw many new things and met many new people today.

Rimuru: What is she, a child?

Treyni: Let her be a child.

Treyni: The key to living a long life is to stay young at heart.

Treyni: She lives free, lets her emotions run wild, and hates boredom.

Treyni: You enjoy that type of lifestyle, do you not?

Rimuru: Yeah, but I'm the leader of a nation now.

Rimuru: Responsibility comes before freedom.

Treyni: You have matured so much, Great Rimuru.

Treyni: In that case...

Treyni: I hope you will do the responsible thing and fix my sign.

Rimuru: But I wasn't the one who—

Treyni: You are the leader and the one in charge of Lady Milim, yes?

Kids: Great Rimuru!

Kids: You can do it!

Rimuru: Oh, all right. Guess I'll do it.

Kids: Yay!

Treyni: Snack Bar Jura.

Text: Jura

Rimuru: That's not the title!

Rimuru: Hey, you're drooling.

Text: Inside Rimuru's Stomach

Veldora: This is a sight I never thought I'd see.

Ifrit: Lady Milim certainly is quite the free spirit.

Ifrit: Imagine falling asleep and being carried home on piggyback...

Ifrit: So even you, as a fellow Catastrophe, frown upon her foolish behavior?

Veldora: Of course I do!

Veldora: If I weren't trapped in here,

Veldora: I would rip her off of him and smack her awake,

Veldora: then I'd bring down my fist as I lectured her!

Veldora: "That's supposed to bemy place!"

Veldora: what I'd say.

Ifrit: You want... to be carried piggyback?

Veldora: It's a heartwarming display of friendship, is it not?

Ifrit: It's surreal.

Ifrit: Also, you'd crush him.

Milim: Rimuru, you love this nation that much?

Rimuru: Oh, you heard us?

Rimuru: Well, I did build this nation from the ground up.

Rimuru: All the people in this town are precious to me, too.

Milim: Aren't you scared?

Milim: To have so many people who are precious to you...

Milim: If even one of those bonds were to be lost...

Milim: I'd be scared.

Milim: The most precious things are always small and far too fragile.

Milim: You will regret it.

Milim: You'll regret building all this.

Milim: And when that time comes, you won't be yourself anymore.

Rimuru: Go back to sleep.

Rimuru: Just sleep.

Rimuru: The next morning,

Rimuru: Milim wasn't in the guest room.

Rimuru: The only thing we found was a silence that made everything up to yesterday seem like a lie.

Milim: I'd be scared.

Rimuru: Yeah?

Rimuru: She might never come back here...

Milim: I'm back!

Milim: Want some, Rimuru?

Milim: They're freshly picked!

Rimuru: Where'd you get those?!

Milim: I got them for fixing the fence around the farm!

Milim: I said I was sorry, too!

Rimuru: After all that talk about losing bonds and precious things?!

Milim: Huh? What are you talking about?

Milim: I can't wait to see what fun things will happen today!

Both: Great Rimuru!

Rimuru: Looks like this storm isn't over yet.

Text: Preview

Rimuru: Rigurd... are you angry?

Rigurd: Certainly not.

Rigurd: Next time, "A Fruitful Autumn."

Rimuru: Rigurd, youare angry, aren't you?!