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00x06 - Slime Diaries: Changes

Posted: 03/18/23 07:50
by bunniefuu
Shizu: Hi, everyone. I'm Shizue Izawa.

Shizu: I've come back for the Bon Festival.

Shizu: I wonder how Slime-san is doing.

Shizu: I decided to visit because I was wondering about that, but...

Shizu: That tiny town is a bustling city of so many monsters now.

Shizu: I've heard rumors

Shizu: that Slime-san is living in a form that resembles my own.

Shizu: It's a little embarrassing.

Rimuru: Why is it always clothes like these?!

Shuna: It looks so nice on you, Great Rimuru!

Text: Rimuru

Shion: We still have more!

Rimuru: Please, no!

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Title: Slime Diaries

Title: Day : Changes

Rimuru: So on that note,

Rimuru: tomorrow and the next day will be a holiday called the Bon Festival.

Gobta: Bon Festival? What's that?

Rimuru: A day to give thanks to our ancestors

Rimuru: and reconfirm our bonds with our families and clans.

Rimuru: Our town doesn't have much history of its own,

Rimuru: but all of you living here have histories, right?

Kaijin: That's true.

Geld: Indeed...

Rimuru: So once a year, you should have a party with your own kin

Rimuru: to talk about your people's origins

Rimuru: and tell stories of the past with your families and siblings.

Rigurd: Our clan's own...


Rimuru: And of course, though we're all different races, this whole town is a family.

Rimuru: Once you know about your history, you can teach each other about it

Rimuru: and deepen your bonds with everyone you know now.

Lady: What a good idea, Great Rimuru!

Guy: Great Rimuru!

Gobtaa: Great Rimuru, what does "Bon" mean, anyway?

Rimuru: Uh, good question...

Rimuru: I don't know, either.

Rimuru: Oh, right, I know!

Rimuru: It's something about putting tons of food on your plate and having fun!

Guy: I love it!

Guy: That clears it right up!

Guy: You're the best, Great Rimuru!

Rimuru: Aw...

Great Sage: The Bon Festival is a period in July when the ghosts of—

Rimuru: Okay, we don't need to make it complicated!

Rimuru: Today's the day I've been waiting for:

Rimuru: the day Rimuru's Retreat is ready for me.

Rimuru: Yay! New tatami!

Shion: It's smaller than all the other houses in town.

Shion: It's not fit for you, Great Rimuru.

Rimuru: This tight, relaxing space that feels like a secret base is just what I wanted!

Rimuru: Nothing fancy, nothing pretentious, no way to get bored!

Rimuru: It's like the cheap apartment I lived in when I first moved to Tokyo.

Rimuru: Maybe I haven't changed on the inside at all...

Rimuru: Well, wouldn't want to forget where I came from.

Shion: Why are you making such a sad face?

Gobta: I have to spend my day off fishing with you?

Gobta: We haven't had a single bite yet.

Hakuro: That's because you're holding on to wicked thoughts.

Hakuro: The paths of swordsmanship and fishing lead to each other.

Hakuro: You must become one with nature and melt into the flow of mana.

Hakuro: Then not only the fish, but any enemy you face is no match for...

Text: See Ya

Hakuro: To think the likes of Gobta could trick me...

Hakuro: Seeing my pupils mature is both joyful and saddening.

Hakuro: Starting tomorrow, you'll train ten times as hard to match your rate of growth!

Gobta: I was just kidding! I'm right here!

Rimuru: When I first met him, he looked like some wild brigand,

Rimuru: but now he's a brilliant military commander.

Rimuru: Yo! What'cha doin'?

Benimaru: Reviewing the organization of our forces.

Rimuru: Wow, sounds tough.

Benimaru: The town has grown, and so has its population.

Benimaru: And thanks to Hakuro's training,

Benimaru: everyone's skills have improved dramatically.

Benimaru: These peaceful times with no major wars to fight

Benimaru: are the best time to build an invincible army with no weaknesses.

Shuna: Pardon me.

Shuna: I've brought tea.

Rimuru: You've changed, huh?

Benimaru: I'm still the same me I was in the past.

Rimuru: Nope, you've changed.

Title: Slime Diaries

Benimaru: Slime Diaries!

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Shuna: Don't forget here, Brother.

Benimaru: Right!

Text: A True Story: Secret Agent Soei

Hakuro: A True Story: Secret Agent Soei.

Hakuro: The work of a secret agent is very diverse.

Hakuro: Escorting...

Hakuro: Spying...

Guy: Check this out!

Guy: With all this, we can live it up for a good while!

Hakuro: As well as investigation...

Hakuro: and assassination.

Hakuro: There is no room for personal affairs.

Hakuro: He must be silent, cool-headed, and flawless...

Hakuro: all for his master's benefit.

Hakuro: That is his fate.

Soei: As for the resistance in the Kobold settlement...

Soei: We must report the nuance of the conversation accurately.

Soei: Do you remember what was said?

Soka: Yes, every single word.

Soei: Then will you be the head of the west or the head of the east?

Text: West

Text: East

Soka: Huh? U-Um, the head of the west, then...

Soei: The straight man, eh? You've become quite confident.

Soka: S-Straight man?

Soei: I'll be the funny man, then. End all lines with "arf."

Soka: G-Got it... arf.

Rimuru: Come in!

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Title: Slime Diaries

Soka: Um... Great Rimuru found that hilarious.

Hakuro: The young master looks more and more like our late lord.

Kurobei: Sure does.

Kurobei: Sir Benimaru looks much stronger than he did back in our village.

Benimaru: Don't flatter me. It's all because of Great Rimuru.

Benimaru: Hey, Hakuro...

Benimaru: What was my father like when he was young?

Hakuro: Back then, our village was also small, and our lord...

Hakuro: He could not begin to compare to you.

Hakuro: He was far worse.

Shuna: I've never heard about this...

Hakuro: I would imagine not.

Hakuro: It was long before you two were born.

Hakuro: What fine weather we're having...

Rimuru: I'm a slime.

Rimuru: So if I'm a slime, why do I look like a human?

Rimuru: There's a reason.

Rimuru: Back when this was still a small, simple town,

Rimuru: she came here from the Kingdom of Blumund with her companions...

Eren: Why'd you have to poke at its nest?!

Gido: We're gonna die!

Kaval: I couldn't help it! I was curious!

Shizu: Enough chatter! Just run!

Rimuru: ...along with trouble.

Text: Kingdom of Blumund

Gido: What's the matter?

Eren: I'm not sure.

Eren: I dreamed about Shizu for the first time in a while.

Kaval: Oh, I did, too.

Gido: So did I.

Kaval: We should visit her grave...

Kaval: Except I guess she doesn't have one.

Kaval: It was the leader of the monster city that laid her to rest.

Gido: I wonder how Rimuru's doing.

Eren: We should, at least, say a prayer while we're here.

Eren: Shizu, we're doing just fine as adventurers.

Gido: We're dirt poor, but we're having fun.

Kaval: Please continue to watch over us.

Shizu: Of course. Good luck.

Kaval: So, what was Shizu like in your dream?

Eren: Actually, she was in the form of a bunny being chased by monsters.

Kaval: Oh, yeah, that look suited her.

Shizu: Wait, wait! Something's wrong here!

Gido: She was into that kind of thing.

Shizu: You've got it all wrong!

Text: Lake Siss Home of the Lizardmen

Abiru: Ah, the Bon Festival, you say? What a lovely holiday.

Soka: Yes.

Soka: And I've brought this, from the outsider of our clan.

Abiru: Come closer.

Soka: Of course.

Abiru: I see. So he is doing well.

Soka: Yes.

Soka: He hasn't changed, but he is working his hardest.

Abiru: Honestly, that boy...

Abiru: Good work.

Soka: Thank you.

Soka: Then, I will now take my leave.

Abiru: Wait.

Abiru: By the way, Soka...

Abiru: You have received a marriage proposal.

Abiru: You have received a marriage proposal.

Abiru: Look! What do you think of this guy?

Soka: I respectfully decline.

Abiru: Huh?!

Abiru: Then how about this—

Soka: No, thank you.

Abiru: No?! Then this one?!

Abiru: Wait, wait, wait! This one is good, too!

Abiru: Come on! Just pick a card, any card!

Soka: This is why I never want to come back home.

Text: Puppet Nation Distave

Clayman: There is a king in this world who rules over monsters:

Clayman: a Demon Lord.

Clayman: Yes, I am the ruler of Distave...

Clayman: The king.

Clayman: It is nearly time for Walpurgis...

Clayman: Time to carry out my plan.

Clayman: Demon Lord Carrion may be crude,

Text: Animal Kingdom of Eurazania Beast King Carrion

Clayman: but he has an earnest sensitivity and an eye for the genuine.

Clayman: Frey joined us quite abruptly,

Text: Winged Nation of Fulbrosia Sky Queen Frey

Clayman: but with her femininity and delicate nature, she can sympathize with me.

Clayman: And...

Clayman: Milim Nava.

Text: Milim Nava

Text: Demon Lord

Clayman: She may be the oldest of the Demon Lords,

Clayman: but I have already looked into her tendencies carefully.

Clayman: All measures have been taken.

Clayman: Now, come at once, Demon Lords,

Clayman: for the sake of my ambition!

Text: The Walpurgis Plan Preparations to Serve

Clayman: My own special-made scones will soon be ready.

Text: Complete

Tear: Clayman really seems to be enjoying himself.

Text: Armed Nation of Dwargon

Gazel: A slime who rules over monsters, you say?

Gazel: Slime...

Gazel: That goes best with vinegar sauce.

Dorf: Huh?

Henrietta: Forgive me, but I prefer brown sugar syrup.

Vern: I agree with the king.

Vern: I like it nice and cold, with cayenne pepper.

Dorf: Wait, all of you!

Dorf: I'm talking about a slime!

Dorf: Lady Jane, please tell them!

Jane: I've always preferred brown sugar syrup!

Text: Brown Sugar Syrup

Gazel: Then it's settled.

Gazel: Very well!

Gazel: I will be the judge myself!

Dorf: Ah, er...

Dorf: I will assemble the Pegasus Knights.

Shuna: Huh? What's the matter, Great Rimuru?

Rimuru: I just had a really bad feeling...

Rimuru: I'm going to go get some fresh air.

: Keep Our Wells Clean

Rimuru: Rigur!

Rigur: Oh, Great Rimuru.

Rimuru: Let me have a cup, too.

Rigur: Help yourself. It's from underground, so it's nice and cold.

Rimuru: Thanks!

Rigur: Wow, the town sure is a lot more impressive now.

Rigur: Not long ago, I couldn't have even imagined this.

Rimuru: Hey, I was thinking...

Rimuru: When I first met you guys in the forest...

Rigur: Strong one, do you have business here?

Rimuru: If you hadn't spoken to me that day,

Rimuru: this town might never have been built.

Rigur: When you put it that way... you might be right.

Rimuru: It's kinda funny, huh?

Rigur: I guess it is.

Rimuru: Right?

Rimuru: We gotta take care of it!

Rigur: Yes. Today is the day of the Goblins' cultural festival, after all.

Rimuru: So today is, uh... what was it again?

Rimuru: Completion of our first phase of urban planning!

Rimuru: Building of the big bath!

Rimuru: Uh... The clearing of our third farm...

Text: Blacksmith Shop

Great Sage: Blacksmith shop.

Rimuru: Oh! The establishment of Kurobei's blacksmith shop!

Text: Q u o t a R e a c h e d

Rimuru: We reached our hipokute herb cultivation quota!

Rimuru: The sixth Goblin cultural festival, and... uh...

Rimuru: a bunch of other things to celebrate!

Rimuru: Anyway, let's just have a toast!

All: Cheers!

Rimuru: Drink up!

Someone: Great Rimuru!

Rimuru: Hey, good work!

Shion: I can still drink more!

Gabiru: Great Rimuru!

Gabiru: You forgot the completion of my compilation of poetry!

Rimuru: Ah, that's included in the "other"!

Rimuru: Shizu-san was an Otherworlder, like me.

Rimuru: She was summoned into this world while Japan was fighting a w*r,

Rimuru: and a spirit granted her a long life.

Rimuru: In the end, with what little life she had left,

Rimuru: she rejected the spirit's destructive impulses

Rimuru: and saved many people's lives...

Rimuru: then she passed on, leaving her final wish with me.

Rimuru: Yes, my body is what I look like after laying Shizu-san to rest within me.

Rimuru: Wait, what am I wearing?!

Shuna: It looks fantastic on you!

Text: Rimuru

Shion: Let's try on lots more!

Rimuru: No! No way!

Rimuru: Sorry, Shizu-san.

Rimuru: I had so much to do, I ran late.

Rimuru: It's not incense, but I made something similar.

Rimuru: I threw it together in a rush, but it feels like Bon, right?

Rimuru: The body and skills I inherited from you have been a huge help.

Rimuru: I hope I get to thank you someday,

Rimuru: but I might not have the strength for that just yet.

Rimuru: Sorry.

Shizu: Don't worry.

Shizu: As long as you're living a fun life in my form, that's enough.

Shizu: I thought my life was over,

Shizu: but you gave me a wonderful gift I never could've expected.

Shizu: But... go easy on the embarrassing outfits if you can, okay?

Rimuru: Tell that to those two!

Rimuru: Who... was that?

Shion: The winds change, and the seasons turn.

Clayman: Multiple plots squirm together and become entangled.

Gazel: A great wave approaches the world enclosed within them.

Rimuru: And...

Rimuru: Wh-What now?!

Rimuru: My diary's definitely going to have a full belly!

Text: To Be Continued

Text: Preview

Rimuru: Oh, you start showing up next week.

Milim: Aw, but I already made such a grand entrance...

Milim: Next time, "Here Comes the Demon Lord!"