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00x05 - Slime Diaries: Return of the Summer Festival

Posted: 03/18/23 07:46
by bunniefuu
Rimuru: There's still a part of this season that's missing.

Rimuru: Do you know what it is?

Rigurd: I do not.

Rimuru: It's...

Rimuru: A summer festival!

Rimuru: I want to have a summer festival in this town!

Rigurd: Summer... festi...val?

Rimuru: Yeah! It's, uh...

Rimuru: basically a party you throw in summer!

Rigurd: A party?


Text: Fireworks

Text: Bon Dance

Rimuru: With stuff like this...

Rigurd: Yes! That's it!

Text: Cute in Yukata

Text: Delicious Food Stalls!

Rimuru: And stuff like this...

Rimuru: And something like this!

Rimuru: You'll have one week to prepare.

Rimuru: Think you can do it?

Rigurd: Yes! We will take care of it!

All: Just leave it to us!

Rimuru: All right!

Rimuru: Show me the best you all can do!

All: Right!

Rimuru: And so...

Rimuru: preparations began to show off the best that monsters can do.

Both: This is gonna be big!

Rimuru: This city's culture continues to evolve through its parties.

Rimuru: Looks like we can look forward to a great summer festival!

Title:That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Title: Slime Diaries

Title: Return of the Summer Festival

Rimuru: Festival preparations came together at breakneck speed.

Rimuru: Wow, this looks great!

Text: Festival

Text: Fireworks

Text: Bon Dance

Rimuru: It's looking just like the flyer!

Rimuru: Yes!

Shion: The food stalls are nearly ready, as well.

Rimuru: Ooh! A mask stall!

Rimuru: Those bring back memories! I love it!

Rimuru: Let's go see what kinds they've got!

Shion: Sure.

Rimuru: It might sound weird coming from me, but...

Rimuru: That's just creepy...

Shion: Creepy?

Shuna: It's not creepy at all.

Haruna: Wow, Shion!

Shuna: Great Rimuru!

Both: You're so cute!

Rimuru: Girly clothes again...

Rimuru: Shuna, you look great in yours, like always.

Shuna: Oh, please...

Rimuru: And Shion, you actually look pretty graceful today.

Shion: Just listen to this! They wrapped up my chest so tightly!

Shuna: I just thought...

Shuna: that big chests get in the way of dressing.

Shuna: Big chests get in the way of dressing.

Shuna: Big chests get in the way of dressing.

Shuna: No other reason!

Rimuru: O-Okay...

Shion: Can't breathe...

Haruna: Oh, I'll loosen your sash.

Rimuru: Replicate a Japanese summer festival as closely as possible...

Rimuru: that's the concept of this event.

Shuna: We can probably sell the food and such at our regular stalls around town.

Rimuru: Yeah.

Text: Tayaki

Shuna: After much trial and error, I think we did a good job reproducing this.

Rimuru: Whoa!

Rimuru: It's takoyaki!

Shuna: Please enjoy it while it's hot.

Rimuru: I will!

Text: Gobichi's Special

Text: Takoyaki-like product

Rimuru: I never thought I'd get to eat takoyaki again!

Rimuru: Down the hatch!

Rimuru: Yum!

Rimuru: The thick, piping hot batter...

Rimuru: The crispy, savory outer shell it forms once it's cooked...

Rimuru: The aromatic sauce that stimulates my appetite...

Rimuru: And... this texture!

Rimuru: I didn't think it'd be possible to get it without an ocean nearby!

Rimuru: It actually has octopus in it!

Shuna: Oh, that's something just a bit different.

Rimuru: Huh? What is it?

Shuna: You don't want to see it.

Gobichi: Here you go. I added some extra.

Gobichi: Two orders of takoyaki.

Rimuru: Huh?

Haruna: Here you go.

Ririna: Oh!

Ririna: Thank you, Haruna!

Haruna: Please, think nothing of it!

Garm: Ain't that nice, Brother?

Dord: Yeah.

Both: It's working!

Kid: It's working...

Text: Shaved Ice

Rimuru: This is the stall I came up with!

Benimaru: Shaved ice?

Benimaru: Is it possible to get ice in this season?

Rimuru: Go on, try it!

Benimaru: Thank you.

Benimaru: It's cold... and sweet!

Shion: The ice is as soft and fluffy as snow.

Rimuru: Kurobei made the blades for the shaved ice machine!

Kurobei: Great Rimuru, we need some more ice, please!

Rimuru: All righty!

Rimuru: Icicle Shot!

Guy: Awesome!

Guy: That was awesome!

Rimuru: Aw, thanks!

Girl: Great Rimuru!

Rimuru: Kurobei, whip me up a bowl, too!

Kurobei: You got it.

Benimaru: Is this ice... safe to eat?

Rimuru: What? It's not?

Benimaru: It's not going to freeze my guts, is it?

Shion: As long as it tastes good, who cares?

Shuna: Right!

Rimuru: And...

Rimuru: This is my recommendation!

Girl: It's blue?

Rimuru: It wasn't easy to recreate this beautiful blue!

Rimuru: By the way, it's called Blue Hawaii, and—

Guy: It's Great Rimuru's color!

Guy: Wow, it really is!

Guy: It's Great Rimuru!

Girl: It's a blue as clear and majestic as the sky.

Girl: The cold ice and gentle sweetness feel wonderful!

Guy: Great Rimuru!

Guy: It really is Great Rimuru!

Girl: Great Rimuru flavor!

Guy: Great Rimuru... flavor!

Shion: Oh, my.

Shuna: It really is.

Shion: Great Rimuru is...

Shuna: ...truly delicious.

Rimuru: Sometimes, those two scare me.

Yashichi: Step right up! Come one, come all!

Yashichi: See a battle to the death between the hero Gabiru and Death Panda!

Rimuru: There are all kinds of stalls.

Yashichi: You'll have a blast!

Text:Hero Gabiru VS Death Panda

Sukero: Hey, wanna stop and watch?

Yashichi: You can't see the hero Gabiru fight to the death anywhere else!

Kakushin: Indeed!

Yashichi: You don't wanna miss this!

Text: Goldfish Scooping

Text: Goldfish Bowls Available

Rimuru: Hakuro's running a goldfish scooping stall?

Rimuru: It's got the look down.

Gobta: I'm helping out, too!

Hakuro: This is a game that requires concentration.

Hakuro: I would be glad to teach you how to do it.

Rimuru: Please. They used to call me the Speed-of-Sound Scoop, you know.

Rimuru: Just watch!

Gobta: Our goldfish are really lively.

Rimuru: Just need one to start with...

Rimuru: All right! That's the one!

Rimuru: Line it up and scoop it out...

Rimuru: Wha?!

Rimuru: Hey, what the heck was that?!

Gobta: Get careless and you could lose a finger.

Hakuro: When that happens, strike its vital points with the edge of the scoop.

Kid: That fish was really big!

Kid: But the one before was even bigger.

Kid: I wanna see some more big fish.

Gobta: Want to try it again?

Gobta: You might be able to catch one this time!

Hakuro: All things come with practice.

Rimuru: The goldfish in this alternate world sure are strong...

Gobto: Step right up! Come one, come all!

Gobchi: Care to try a sh**ting game?

Gobchi: All you need to do is hit the target to win great prizes!

Gobto: The top prize is a : scale Great Rimuru!

Text:Target Practice

Gobto: That's life-sized!

Gobto: You can do whatever you want with this Great Rimuru!

Gobchi: There you go. Take aim.

Text: Gabiru

Soka: Well done, Master Soei. You haven't missed a shot.

Gobto: Hey!

Gobto: Don't throw real weapons at our prizes!


Gobto: Here, you can have this! Please leave now!

Text: Gabiru

Soei: You can have it.

Soka: Dearest Father...

Soka: For the first time in my life, I have received a gift from a man.

Abiru: That doll with the blade stuck in it is your brother, though...

Rimuru: Damn! I couldn't catch a single one.

Rimuru: What the heck was that giant goldfish?

Rimuru: Was it even a goldfish?

Text: Vine Fortunes

Text: Always Accurate

Rimuru: Vine fortunes?

Rimuru: Treyni-san?

Treyni: Oh, Great Rimuru.

Treyni: Would you like to try out a vine fortune?

Treyni: They are always accurate.

Rimuru: A Dryad's running a fortune-telling stall at a festival?

Treyni: Why not try it to see what waits in your city's future?

Rimuru: The future? Wait...

Text: Lightly Salted

Text: Nori and Salt

Text: Salad

Text: Butter

Rimuru: Are those potato chips?

Rimuru: This seems shady...

Treyni: Oh, dear, it isn't shady at all.

Treyni: Please, give it a try.

Rimuru: Okay, I'll try lightly salted.

Rimuru: Get it right!

Treyni: I'm sorry, that just startled me...

Treyni: You are indeed the leader of a nation. So very greedy.

Treyni: But I am not a prize.

Treyni: Please, try again.

Rimuru: Wait, is that vine attached to you?

Treyni: N-No, of course not...

Rimuru: Huh...

Rimuru: Okay, this time, I'll try...

Rimuru: this!

Treyni: Not that one! It's my weakness!

Rimuru: Are these really attached to prizes?

Treyni: Well, um...

Treyni: It seems they've gotten tangled up...

Rimuru:Slime Diaries!

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Title: Slime Diaries

Text: Slay the Beast

Kid: Everyone, it is now time for the Bon dance.

Kid: Please gather around the raised stage in the central plaza.

Gabiru: All right, men! It's our time to shine at last!

Lizards: Yeah!

Gabiru: Let's go! Bon dance!

Gabiru: That's it!

Lizards: Go, Sir Gabiru!

Lizards: Gabiru! Gabiru! Gabiru!

Gabiru: Great Rimuru!

Gabiru: What did you think of our dance?

Rimuru: Huh? Oh, this is where you guys were?

Rimuru: I'm glad you got to dance with us!

Rimuru: Wasn't that fun?

Gabiru: Gabiru!

Ranga: Master gave us the challenge of putting on this "summer festival."

Ranga: All these different races came together

Ranga: and worked hand in hand,

Ranga: and now there are smiles everywhere you look.

Haruna: Ranga!

Haruna: We bought you some takoyaki!

Ririna: Lightly seasoned and with no onions, of course.

Ranga: Ooh! For me?!

Haruna: Be careful, they're very hot.

Haruna: Are you all right?

Ranga: Both parties and festivals bring us all together as one.

Guy: Wow, check that out!

Rimuru: You even made one of these?

Rigurd: Great Rimuru! Come, get inside!

Girl: It's amazing.

Girl: Wow!

Rigurd: Hold on tight!

Guys: And... hup!

Guy: Heave-ho! Heave-ho!

Rimuru: They're all carrying the float I'm riding on...

All: Great Rimuru!

Shuna: Great Rimuru, please answer them.

Rimuru: R-Right...

Both: Shuna!

Shuna: Hi there!

Rimuru: You're so used to this.

Rimuru: I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

Shuna: Really?

Rimuru: Yeah, it just feels...

Rimuru: kinda wrong somehow.

Rimuru: Like I should be apologizing.

Shuna: This is the duty of one who sits in a high position.

Rimuru: Is it?

Shion: That's right.

Shion: It makes you feel warm deep in your chest, doesn't it?

Shion: Just look at all these uncultured men, dripping with sweat...

Rimuru: You could be either a queen or a tyrant. I'm not sure which.

Guys: Heave-ho!

Great Sage: Notice.

Text: Notice

Great Sage: Shion is attempting to acquire Purple Empress.

Rimuru: Well, stop her!

Shion:Slime Diaries.

Text: Acquisition failed. (Great Sage)

Rimuru: I guess I feel this nostalgia because I can't go back to it...

Rimuru: This summer festival was my own selfish whim.

Rimuru: I set aside my worries

Rimuru: about the future and my lingering anxieties

Rimuru: to enjoy this time, this moment...

Rimuru: We're all here, I see.

Shuna: Great Rimuru!

Rimuru: Bursting into existence like fireworks...

Rimuru: and quickly fading away like fireworks.

Rimuru: I guess as long as we're having fun, it's all good.

Rimuru: I really am selfish, huh?

Rimuru: Tamaya!

Shion: Um, what does "tamaya" mean?

Rimuru: Uh, actually... I forgot.

Kurobei: We'll fire 'em all at once.

Guy: Right.

Kaijin: And this marks the end of this summer!

Guy: This one's gonna be big!

Text: How to Play

Rigurd: Great Rimuru!

Kaijin: Well done, my man!

Rimuru: The silence in the town sure stands out now that the festival's over.

Shuna: That's true.

Rimuru: Hey...

Rimuru: Was the sky always this big?

Rigurd: How did you like the festival, Great Rimuru?

Rimuru: Hey, Rigurd, nice work today!

Rimuru: I had a blast!

Rimuru: I wouldn't mind doing fun stuff like this all the time!

Rigurd: Indeed... But it is time to begin discussing our next party.

Rimuru: Huh? There's already one planned?

Rigurd: Yes!

Rigurd: And the one after, and the one after that...

Shion: Isn't it exciting?

Shuna: Let's start preparing right away!

Rimuru: I guess these guys are selfish, too.

Text: Preview

Shion: This feels much better.

Rimuru: Well, itis more your style.

Shion: Next time, "Changes."