04x159 - The Hashirama Cell

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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04x159 - The Hashirama Cell

Post by bunniefuu »

Just what… is happening here?

You're Mr. Anato, right?

What happened to you?!

Restrain Mr. Anato immediately!

– Right! – Right!

I made a promise with Mia…

That we'd definitely bring you back!

Mr. Anato!


Calm down, Mr. Anato!

We have no intention of attacking you!

Unfortunately, I don't think he's in the state

to understand anything we say to him.

There are five of us.

But the differences between our fighting power is plain to see.

We'll attack and stop his movements.

Hold on!

If we do that, Mr. Anato will—!

We have a duty to take control of the situation

before there is any injury and return to the village with intel.

So, the most efficient method is to inflict some damage

and make him unconscious.

That's not true!

There has to be another way we can do this!

Before we attack, we'll try a Sealing Jutsu.

That's what I'm talking about!


But you're still such a softie.

Don't say that!

Boruto and I will apply the Sealing Jutsu.

Mugino, Sarada and Mitsuki…

Restrain Mr. Anato the moment he's unable to move.

Coordinated Light Formation Jutsu.

It's a basic Sealing Jutsu, but failure is not an option, got it?

You can count on me!

Let's go!

He undid a two-person Sealing Jutsu?!

Multiple Striking Shadow Snakes!

Thanks, Mitsuki!

It would have been bad if you took that directly.

We've finally got him cornered.

What are those?!

Scientific Ninja Tools?

Mr. Victor is —?

Mr. Anato!

I'm disappointed in you.

Mr. Victor!

Why did you do this?!

As soon as you restrain him, begin treatment.


Restraining Anato is supposed to be our job.

If we leave Anato be, there will be far more damage.

As a company, we had no choice but to make a difficult decision.

The reality is that you failed to restrain Anato, correct?

Regrettably, it was a mistake for Mia to hire you all.

You failed your mission,

so you will return to the Hidden Leaf immediately.

Just a minute! We can't leave Anato like this—!

You think we would leave him like this?!

We will do our utmost to give Anato proper medical treatment!

Leave this to us. Please return immediately.

I understand.

Big Bro!

We're going back to the village.

You seem irritated.

In the end, all we did was get Anato seriously hurt.

We're worthless!

When we get back,

we have to go and apologize to Mia too.

Welcome back, Lord Victor.

How did it fare with Anato?

He didn't have the item we were looking for.

Did your investigation reveal anything here?

Anato and his search team discovered the item in this laboratory.

Right after notifying headquarters, they started their tests.

After that, there was an incident

and they ended up absorbing the item into their bodies.

And the item?

We couldn't find here.

Reporting in.

We've completed examining Anato.


Yes, sir!

None of the data taken from Anato's body is usable.

We weren't able to obtain essential data from the transformed samples…

We need the original, after all.

I see.

That is unfortunate news.

Then k*ll Anato! He's of no use to us anymore!

Yes, sir!


The number of men in the search party we dispatched…

doesn't match up to the number of corpses that were here at this location.

What does that mean?

We believe that someone in the search party stole the item.

We must find him immediately!

I understand how you feel,

but right now, we have to go home and report in.





What happened?!

Are you okay?

My arm!

He's burning up.

We have to get him to a doctor!

We've still got a way to go until we reach the next town.

We don't even know if there's a doctor there…

What do we do?!

Guess I've got no choice.


I know where there's a really skilled doctor.

A really skilled doctor?

It looks like he's calmed down a bit,

but he needs medical attention right away.

There's not a single house around here, let alone a hospital.

Are you sure there's a good doctor around here?


It's already in sight.


This is a hospital?!

Hey, it's Mugino!

I'm sorry, but I need your help again!

Hey, c'mon!

Don't tell me no one's home?

I-I'm gonna die!

What's going on?

You're not going anywhere.

I'm not finished treating your leg.

If I have to endure any more pain, I'll die before I heal!

Like I'd let you die.

I haven't heard you scream enough yet!

Please help me!

Thanks to my treatment, look at how fast you can run now!

Still at it, I see, Yubina?

Damn it, it's you, Mugino.

Let me guess.

You brought me another pain-in-the-ass request to deal with, right?

I'd like you to see a patient right away.

A patient, you say?!

Mr. Mugino, I hope you're not telling me she's the—?

Yeah, this is Doctor Yubina.

This falls under an urgent request.

You'll have to pay me double.

No problem.

And…I hope he screams his heart out!

Like he's about to die!


Oh, what's this?

You're hurt too!


Oh, this is fine.

This is…

…just a scratch.

It hurts!

My arm's gonna fall off!

You've got a nice and healthy scream.

Are you sure you aren't hurt anywhere else?

Don't hide it!

You quack! Are you trying to k*ll me?!



Your wound's—

A-All healed?


She's undeniably skilled.

Although, conversely… the pain is just as great.

That's how it goes.

I see!

Looks like some kind of foreign matter has invaded this boy's body.

I think I'll get a nice scream out of him!

Are you sure about this?!

What kind of foreign matter?

Who knows?

I'm looking forward to finding out after I extract it.

Do any of you know Medical Ninjutsu?

I've taken a short course in it!

A newbie, huh?

Well, that's better than not having anyone.

Okay, you'll assist me.

The others can wait outside.

What? I'm worried about Mitsuki!

Let me stay and help too!

A noisy presence will ruin the joy of the medical procedure.

I want peace and quiet so I can relish in his agony.


Let it go and leave it to her.

Are you really sure about letting Yubina handle this?

Don't worry.

She may not seem like it, but she's a former Medical Ninja.

A Medical Ninja?

What's she doing in a place like this?

As you saw, she's quite eccentric.

She probably couldn't abide by the Rules of the Shinobi.

So now, ninja from various villages including myself are indebted to her.

Don't give me that look!

Yubina is who she is,

but she would never let anyone die from her Medical Ninjutsu.

He didn't let out a single scream despite my Medical Ninjutsu.

Now that's quite thrilling.

Will Mitsuki be all right?

I won't let him die.

Now then…

Where is it?

Okay, there it is!

I can probably remove it now.


Don't die yet.

If you die, I won't be able to see your face writing in pain, right?


What is that?!


The procedure's over!


Yubina said he's made it past the worst part.

He just has to rest now.

That's a relief!


After she was done with the procedure,

she kinda collapsed and went to sleep.

I wanted to thank her, but Yubina's not waking up.

It seems she used considerable chakra to treat you.

Even during the treatment,

her expression was so intense, it was surprising.

Really? This weirdo was?

"Weirdo" is uncalled for.

You want me to give you the shock treatment too?

Y-You healed me just fine!

You're up already?

You saved my life. Thank you.

The way you grimaced in pain was great!

That was enough thanks for me.

By the way, I noticed during the procedure that

you have a very unique body.

My parent has told me not to divulge too much about it to others.

You're built much sturdier than an ordinary human.

That's the reason why you're still alive right now.

What do you mean?

At some point in time,

your body absorbed some kind of foreign matter.

However, your body has an extremely powerful immune system.

The worsening of your physical condition was

a side effect of your immune system rejecting the foreign matter.

I kinda don't get what you're saying.

In other words, is it like when you catch a cold,

you sneeze, so that your body can get rid of bad stuff?

Not a bad guess!

It's more like something ten thousand times worse than that.

It's no wonder he was in agony.

I'm glad he's okay.

So, what was this foreign matter that Mitsuki absorbed?

It's this.

I took this out of his body.

It's just a piece of wood, isn't it?

It's not just a plain piece of wood.

This is something made with the Wood Style.

Wood Style!

No way.

So that's what this is about.

Mr. Anato's change for the worse… is due to the Wood Style!

It's impossible.

The Wood Style isn't an ordinary jutsu.

To be able to use the Wood Style,

you have to have the First Hokage's Hashirama Cells.

What if Mr. Anato and his team were looking for the Hashirama Cell?

But you're talking about the Hashirama Cell.

It's unthinkable, no matter how similar the symptoms are.

We know too little right now to verify this.

There must be another cause.

I guess I have no choice.

Follow me.

I didn't want you to see such a pitiful sight.

But I think seeing this will enlighten you…

This is just like Mr. Anato's—!

There are others exhibiting symptoms of the Hashirama Cell.

I still can't believe it, but I have to acknowledge it.

We have to investigate immediately!

Hold on!

Isn't my dad's arm also made from the Hashirama Cell?

These are cells from the body of

the late First Hokage, Lord Senju Hashirama, right?


Because it's a cell from none other than Lord First,

if it is transplanted and isn't rejected,

your physical energy levels will increase,

allowing for the possibility to be able to use the Wood Style.

That kind of power?

But why are you two so panicked?

The Hashirama Cell possesses special powers.

That being said, most humans can't adapt to it.

What happens to people that can't adapt?

The Wood Style goes out of control and ultimately, they die.

So, this child will—?

I've delayed the progression by placing her in stasis.

But there's no telling when her condition will degenerate.

No way… That's what's been happening?

Will that happen to Mitsuki's body too?

He doesn't have to worry.

If he rests a little, he'll be fine.

Then that means I can return to my mission.

I can't allow you to do that.

What do you mean?

Is there something else going on?

Mitsuki, you have a powerful immune system.

That's why you were spared

from the effects of the Hashirama Cell overtaking you.

What does that have to do with—?

I see!

So, by utilizing my immunity—!

That's right.

It should be useful in treating those who aren't immune to it.

I'm sorry, but I took a sample from you earlier without your permission.

So, if you use this, that girl can be saved too?

A powerful immune response

would be too dangerous to use as-is on an average person.

But if I have a little time,

I can produce an antibody that can be used.

And so, Mitsuki, I need your help!

Is that okay with you?


Even if we're down one member, we'll try our hardest to contribute!

First, we have to find out where the Hashirama Cell came from.

Miss Yubina, how did that girl get here?

One day, I opened my door to find her lying there unconscious.

She's been unconscious since.

So, there's no way we can start investigating from her.

The presence of a Hashirama Cell with no known origin…

We have to find its source as soon as possible.

I see…

That's what it is!

What's so funny?

I'm sorry!

I had heard an interesting rumor recently.

That there's something outrageously expensive

making rounds in the black market.

No way!

There's no proof that it's that…

But when you connect the dots from everything so far,

it seems highly likely it is.

Seriously, who do you hang out with?

Then we have to go to that "black market" place quick!

It might not be that simple to do.

There's only one black market around these parts.

This is the worst!

This is gonna get really difficult.

What are you guys talking about?!

What do you mean by "the worst"?

In this region, the only black market is in…

the Land of Silence.

The Land of Silence?

A lawless region where the world's fugitives gather.

It's a place beyond the reach of shinobi authority.

We're definitely gonna recover the Hashirama Cell!

We're headed towards the Land of Silence.

They say it's a lawless region where bad people congregate.

Yeah. You don't know who's gonna try to k*ll you.

This is gonna be a heavy mission for genin.

Can you handle it?

I'll show you that I can!

It's unforgivable that they got innocent people involved!

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:


"To The Land of Silence"

I won't let there be any more victims of the Hashirama Cell!
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