03x154 - Himawari's Ninja Trial Session

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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03x154 - Himawari's Ninja Trial Session

Post by bunniefuu »

Thank you so much!





I'm home!

I'll leave it to Himawari to decide what she wants to be.

What are you talking about?

Welcome home, Himawari!

Your career path.

Have you given any thought on becoming a shinobi?

Huh? I haven't decided on anything yet!

I see…

Hyuga Clan members just assume that she'll become a shinobi,

since she's a legitimate member of the clan.

I can understand why everyone would think that, but–

Himawari can decide what she wants to be, right?

There's no need for her to follow the pack.

I thought you were already dead set on becoming a shinobi as well…

Oh, hey!

ACADEMY ONE-DAY TRIAL SESSION They're holding one of these soon.

Do you want to go?

A one-day trial session at the Academy?

It's your chance to experience what being a shinobi is like!

Sounds like fun! I'll go!

Thank you for coming to the Academy's trial session! Himawari's Ninja Trial Session

This session lets those who are interested in becoming a shinobi

experience what they'll learn at the Academy.

I hope that it will help you in deciding

what you want to be in the future.

All right, let's begin the one-day trial session.

Everyone, do your best!

– Yes! – Yes!

I-I'm Yuina Itomaki.

N-Nice to meet you.

I'm Ehou Norimaki! Nice to meet you!

I'm Himawari Uzumaki!

I'm still not sure if I want to be a…

Did you say Uzumaki?

The same as Lord Hokage?

The Hokage is my da— I mean, father.

– Huh?! – Huh?!

It's no wonder you're surprised.

The reason is—

Are you seriously the Hokage's daughter?!

Yes, I am.


I can't believe I get to do the trial session with you…

Looking forward to working with you today!

All right!

You'll now experience different kinds of Academy classes.

This is the training ground where we determine your physical abilities.

Now listen up. This is not a competition.

Try for the goal at your own pace.



All right! I can do this!

Pretty good!

You too, Ehou!

Himawari, you're amazing!

You came in first.

Ehou was fast too!

I was really surprised!

You're the daughter of the Hokage, after all.

Let's go one more time!

Hey, didn't I say this isn't a competition?

Still, you both look like you've been training hard.

Of course!

My grandpa oversees my training every day!

All right, guys…

Can you do this?


I haven't learned that yet.

Focus infused chakra to the soles of your feet.

All right!

Damn it!

I'll try too!

It's hard to do!

All right, let me try too!


– Wow! – Wow!

I couldn't do it, after all!

I'm relieved that you can't!

That's because we instructors wouldn't have anything left to teach you!

Ehou is amazing too,

but Himawari, I can't believe you know Shuriken Jutsu!

I train sometimes with my big brother.

All right! I've decided!

You're worthy enough to be my rival, Himawari!

What's that about?!

I swear I won't lose to you!

I mean, you're gonna become a shinobi too, right?

Huh? I haven't decided yet.


Are you serious?

I lost to someone like you?

We're going to change venues,

and let you take part in a simple mission.

All right!

Hey, let's do our best to make this mission a success!

Don't get ahead of yourself.

I'm gonna be the one to stand out.


I came to this session with my mind made up to become a shinobi.

There's no way I'm gonna lose to someone who hasn't decided on anything!

Hey! For this trial mission,

teamwork between the three of you as a squad is crucial!

The way you're behaving, you won't succeed.



PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE The trial mission will begin soon.

I'll go and observe.

The possibility that Naruto's daughter will attend the Academy

leaves me at a loss for words.

First, Boruto, and then his sister coming to the Academy!

Nothing could please us more, right?

You're so lucky!

You get to interact personally with the students as their teacher.

As their principal, I can't teach classes, so…


Would you like to come and observe with me, Sir?


SENJU PARK All right, are you ready?

Ehou's amazing for knowing already that he wants to be a shinobi, huh?


I guess that's why his reflexes are so good.

Today's mission is to search for a lost pet cat!

Searching for a lost pet cat?

We know that it ran into this park.

You three will now search for it.

But this park is so vast…

Here are flares.

Use it if you decide that it's impossible to continue with the mission

and we'll step in.

However! It will mean that you fail the mission.

If we use this, it means it's all over… and we fail, huh?

All right!

The three of you must work together and do your best until the end!

– Yes, ma'am! – Yes, ma'am!

Uh, yes, ma'am!

How are we supposed to search?

It's definitely way too vast.

I wonder if there are any clues?

Found 'em!

Are these—?

Animals leave all kinds of tracks behind when they move.

You're amazing, Yuina!

Since it's someone's pet, I'm sure they're very scared out here.

So, to protect itself,

they'll take shelter and hide in dark or isolated places.

You're really knowledgeable, Yuina!

I've made up my mind to become a shinobi in the future too, so…


S-So I've studied up on a lot of things.

Okay, let's go!


Let's see how they're doing.

I'm the only one who hasn't made up my mind about anything…



If you're not interested in searching, leave!

The two of us want to become shinobi,

so, we're showing the sensei all of our abilities!

I-I'm sorry!


Oh, no!

What happened?

I think the rock I just threw hit it!

– Huh? – Huh?

We'll be okay if we can keep our distance like this!

Hey, don't!


Just outrun them!

W-We managed to get away…


You were gonna use the flare, weren't you?

I-I thought it would've been horrible if we got hurt.


This may just be a game to you, but I'm dead serious.

Don't use it for something so minor!

I know they've already seen that I'm suited to be a shinobi…

So, don't interfere!

I can't go on a mission with someone

who doesn't have their heart set on being a shinobi!

Yuina, it's just the two of us now.


It's fine, just follow me!

Mr. Principal?!

Oh dear, the three-man squad's broken up.

I realize that I wasn't thinking about anything up until now.

It's time to decide what I'm going to do, isn't it?

Then, I'll become a shinobi too!

You can participate in this trial experience

even if you haven't decided on anything.


Also, being unsure about what path to take,

and feeling doubt and anxiety is only natural.

Another reason we hold these trial sessions

is to motivate you into thinking about your options.

Thinking about?

Why don't you complete the trial session, and then think about it?

It's not too late for you even way after that.

I understand.

I'll keep at it until the end!

Besides, I'd feel awful giving up in the middle of a mission!

Spoken just like Naruto's child.

It seems like you've inherited his gutsiness.


What's that?

It means… it's important to never give up.

All right!

Now that it's decided, I have to complete the mission

and make Ehou take back what he said!


It's a three-man squad. Be nice and get along!


Okay, I'll be going now!

Okay! Be careful!

Is that the kitty?

Yeah, we finally found 'im!

With this, we've cleared the mission!

B-But was it okay to leave Himawari behind?

Shut up!

It doesn't matter if she isn't here!

Let's just get 'im quick!

G-Got 'im!

All right! Now we've—!

I gotta catch up to them quick!

Where are they?

It's impossible to climb up.

Why did this happen?!

We caught the cat!

W-What do we do?

How could this happen now?!

If Himawari were here, this wouldn't have—

Are you saying it's my fault?!

Are you guys okay?

Are you hurt?


What are you doing here?

Hold on a bit!

I'll look for something you can use to climb up!


We don't need your help!

I'd rather die than accept your help!

We already failed the mission!

But there's a chance to save it!

Shut up!

Shut up!

It's just that… I don't like this!

I'm not accepting your help!

I don't care about the mission!

What a pain!

It's over!

Are you seriously giving up?

You just told me earlier not to use that!

Uh, well…

That was, um…

Also, didn't you already decide to become a shinobi?

You're going to give that all up here?

Well, even I…

I don't really want…

to give up!

Then don't give up!


Sensei told us this is a mission for a three-man squad, right?

If the three of us work together, we can do it!

That's what he said, but–!

Let's try our best!

C'mon, let's synch up our movement!






We'll complete this mission, no matter what!

–Yeah! –Yeah!





We did it!

We made it out!

We did it, you guys!


Sorry about everything that I said.


You can hit me until you feel better.


C'mon! Hit me hard!

No! I forgot all about it!

That doesn't sit right with me!


What do I do, Yuina?

C'mon, hit me!


C'mon, come at me!

– I almost stepped in, – I can't!

but they managed to succeed.

– All three have potential. – Yuina!

Looks like it.


You really outdid yourselves today.

Well done!

– Thank you very much! – Thank you very much!

Being a shinobi is so fun!

What happened during the trial session?

We all focused on the mission's success,

and it felt great when we completed it!

So, have you decided to become a shinobi?

Mommy, Big Brother…


I want to learn about all kinds of jobs!

– Huh? – Huh?

I mean, there are lots of other kinds, right?

The flower shop, the Ninja Tool shop…

People who draw, people who protect the village…

And the people at the post office…


So, you don't want to become a shinobi?

No, it's not that.

I just want to think about what other things I can do

besides being a shinobi.

I wonder what would be best?

I like to draw, and I like to cook…

But I like moving around too!

I wonder what you're best suited for, Himawari!

Oh, yeah! Big Brother!

I want to study about lots more things, so please help me!


Yes, it was raining that night.

Mikatsuki led me to him. And it was the first time we met.

His name, where he came from, if he's a bad person or not…

All that didn't matter in the beginning.

Mikatsuki took a liking to him as well.


Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"Mitsuki's Rainy Day"

Maybe we weren't meant to meet, after all.

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