03x153 - Harmony in Gold

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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03x153 - Harmony in Gold

Post by bunniefuu »

We cornered the bandits first, got it?!

You guys move to the rear and back us up!

Uh, too bad. We're gonna–!

Iwabe, let's move to the rear.


There they are!

Let's go, you two!


Huh?! Hey, wait!


You're not getting away!

Oh, nothing happened.

Only their boss remains!

We can handle the rest–!

Leave the rest to me!

– Huh?! – Damn it!

Harmony in Gold

Harmony in Gold Tsubaki!

Harmony in Gold What just happened in that mission?

What are you talking about?


I'm talking about letting Team take all the credit!

If you'd used your Secret Sword: Snowstorm Slash like that one time,

we could've caught them.

Why didn't you use your full power?

It hasn't been working well lately.


Are you hiding something from us?

I-I'm not hiding anything!

You're on the same team, so you shouldn't fight.

Oh, it's just you guys.

What do you want?

Please don't be so angry!

We're on the way back from turning the bandit boss over

to the Leaf Police Force.

Our super capable team's not like some other super incapable team.

The hell was that?!

You wanna go?!

The way you just bust in like that,

– In the Land of Iron, – really bothers me!

– it is shameful for teams – Who cares?!

on the same side to bicker with each other..

You cannot become a full-fledged samurai

if you participate in such things.

Wow, I'm impressed, Tsubaki.

What's up with that, Denki?

Why are you complimenting someone on another team?

It's important to acknowledge others,

even if they should happen to be rivals.

The rectangle lit up!

Sorry, Denki.

Tsubaki's not used to machines yet.

W-What are you saying?

Even the Land of Iron has things like this!

Tsubaki, everyone…

Take a look at this.

What is it?

I charted everyone's abilities.

And according to my calculations,

Tsubaki is far ahead of genin.

– Is that true?! – Seriously?!

Ah, well then… This rectangle is a noteworthy object!


Over there, is that–?

Yeah, that's you and Namida, Wasabi.

Oh, man.

Looks like we have to try a little harder, huh?

It's not just you two.

Even Team can't hold a candle to Miss Tsubaki!


I cannot fall behind!

I'd better start training harder from now on!

This is to be expected of a samurai.


What's this chart?

It's Team 's monthly performance score.

Since Tsubaki joined, their score's been falling!

Th-That's not true!

You mustn't trust a mere rectangle like this!

I thought you said it was a noteworthy object?

Unfortunately, the data's correct.


In fact, since Tsubaki's joined the team,

they haven't surpassed our team, not once.

No wonder it doesn't feel like we're losing.

No matter how good an individual is,

it doesn't mean a thing if the team doesn't do well.

Hey, c'mon, Iwabe!

– See you later! – Please wait!


Going forward,

Team 's goal will be to surpass Team 's score!

Why did you call us out suddenly before a mission?

What are you saying?!

Aren't you frustrated, losing to Team each and every time?!

Sure, I am, but…

To beat Team …

We must each improve our individual abilities.

Lord Mifune whom I respect deeply, once told me that…

"Man is a sword.

The one who continues to polish himself can become a hero."

Those were his words!

But what do you suggest we do specifically?


Just training aimlessly won't garner better results.

So, let's take up a challenge.

A challenge?


We will compete to see

who performs best on missions within the teams.

We're not just competing against Team ,

but we're competing against each other too?

That's right.

If we compete with each other, it will create tension.

Sounds interesting!

Whoever distinguishes themselves the most,

will then be treated by the other two to whatever they want!

I'm okay with that.

Sounds like fun. I'm getting excited!

Now that it's decided, I'm not gonna lose, got it?

This is not good.

At this rate, I'm going to gain a bit of weight

before the day is done.

Damn it!

I'm so mad!


That's amazing!

Don't you get bored just eating fries?

No, I don't.

May I help you?

Still, that's a lot!

If this keeps up,

all of my allowance is gonna go to paying for Tsubaki's fries!

I definitely can't lose!

What are you guys doing?




See you later!

You've been unusually motivated lately.

Your scores have improved too.

That's a good…

I'll win the next one!

No, I will!

The next one is mine too!

…thing, right?


U-Um… Everything's going to be okay, right?

Yes! I swear I'll capture all of the bandits!

I will!

No, I will!

I'll catch them and show you!

No, it's not that…

Let's retreat for now!

– You're not getting away! – Hold on a minute!


As if we'd fall for something like this…

They've just made our work easy!

Leaf Shinobi sure have lost their touch.

I know, right?

Who the hell are you?!

All right, then. Those kids need a good scolding.


Our efforts were fruitless today.

Let's redeem ourselves tomorrow.

Isn't tomorrow…?

The boar hunt mission, together with Team !

I swear I won't fail tomorrow!

About that…

Hanabi Sensei!

I can't let you go on tomorrow's mission.

Due to your failure today,

only Team will be allowed to go tomorrow.

But that's–!

Please wait!

There's no doubt we failed today,

but for tomorrow challenge, we'll definitely–!

That's all the more reason.

I'm not saying competing is wrong.

But because of that, today's mistake could have had tragic consequences.

Because this is a new team,

there's something more important than improving your performance score.

Think on that once more…

…and cool your heads a little.

Dearest Mother,

Some time has passed since

I've come to the Hidden Leaf Village,

and I have grown accustomed to life amongst shinobi.

I have been on difficult missions with my assigned team.

But they have proceeded smoothly

since I, being a samurai, am present.

Miss Tsubaki!

Oh, it's you all.

We'll do our best to make up for your absence

during the boar hunt!

At this rate, I guess we'll be surpassing you guys

in this month's mission score too!

Hey, Iwabe!

Hey, Denki! We're gonna leave you!

Huh? Okay!

When it comes to actual individual ability, I'm winning, though…


Is that all you're having today, too?


Boruto… May I help you?

Well, I noticed that you only eat fries, so I got a little worried.

Fries are more than adequate.

What's the meaning of this?

The true value of Thunder Burger is in the meal deal.

Whether you believe it or not, just try it out.

No, I refuse.

Don't be like that.

Eating them together makes you appreciate how good each thing is.


Just one bite then.

Great! Okay, eat up!

Now try it with the fries.

Th-This is–!

Well, how is it?

In and of itself, it's quite–!

Once you start to taste the saltiness of the burger

and the fries together…

It's time for this!


Such amazing compatibility!

Each item brings out each flavor!

Right? Isn't it delicious when you eat them together?

Yes, this is what they mean

when they talk of flavors being in perfect harmony!


Aren't we meeting to review yesterday's mission?

Oh, sorry! I forgot!

Oh, these–!

Oh, it's my treat!

I'm just happy if Thunder Burger gets more fans!

Sorry to keep you waiting!

What were you doing anyway?!

Hey, didn't you order something?

Oh, I forgot!

Oh, Tsubaki.

So, you were both here.

Well, we gotta train and get as strong as possible.

We're trying so hard… Why can't we beat Team ?

What's up, Tsubaki?

Are you feeling sick or something?

Listen, I–!

Hey, you guys?

I hear something coming from the forest.

You're right. I hear something. It's like a groan.

Maybe it's a bear?

Over here!



Namida, go notify the Police Force!

Got it!

Tsubaki, will you help me?


Thank you for saving me!

What happened?

I was guiding the shinobi to our village

for the boar-hunting mission…

But we were suddenly att*cked by bandits, and…

And they tied you up?

So, the one who's with Team is–!

Thank you very much!


What's the matter?

Well, we've reached our destination.


Isn't the village further ahead?

We're not going to the village.


They got us.

We're surrounded.

What do you mean, you guys?

What's going on?

The gall of you genin, capturing my brother.


Could it be?

The bandit we caught last time?

Thanks for taking care of Big Brother.

Instead of hunting boars, we'll play with you!

It's you guys!

What the hell?!



We've already called for reinforcements.

Let's hold them until Hanabi Sensei arrives.


Get them!

Let's do this, guys!

Iwabe, Mud Wall on the right!


Metal, attack the enemy head on!


Earth Style: Mud Wall!

Denki, please be a little more aware of your surroundings!

Well, I figured you'd be covering me!

Each member covers for the other's weakness,

While bringing out their strengths.

This is just like the–!


Damn it! Let's retreat! Follow me!

Why that—!

Wait, Iwabe!


Miss Tsubaki!

We'll take care of things here.

Team , please take care of them!

We leave it to you!

Hold it!

Everyone, above!

You two okay?

This is nothing.

Damn it!

There's more of them?

I'm still but a dull sword.

What's gotten into you suddenly?

We must…

become a hamburger meal deal!

– Huh?! – Huh?!

Instead of just having fries,

we must be like a hamburger meal deal,

bringing out the best in each other!

Um… So, uh–?

What's essential for Team …

is strong teamwork.

We have to bring out the best abilities in each other!

You're right.

Studying and applying it are important,

but what comes first is teamwork!

Okay, now what we understand each other,

what do we do in this situation?

Leave it to me.

But you said your Snowstorm Slash wasn't working out too well!

The Snowstorm Slash is a lethal one-time attack.

If I misjudge the amount of power,

it can become a double-edged sword that puts my life at risk as well.

That's why…

I will put my trust in you two.


Please create a smokescreen,

so I may get right in the middle of them.

Got it.

I don't know what you're discussing, but…

Just get 'em!


Team , begin the as*ault!

– Right! – Yes!


Cat Surprise! Meow!


Just one lil' brat?!

Get her!

I'll proceed at full strength.

Secret Sword: Snowstorm Slash!


I leave the rest…in your hands.


Damn it!

They're getting away!

Go, Namida!

Got it! Tsubaki's efforts will not be in vain!

All right! Gotcha!


Are you okay, Tsubaki?

Hang in there!

How did this happen?

I told you…

The Snowstorm Slash is a double-edged sword…


I'm still but a dull sword.

I have to train much harder.



It's wonderful to have friends you trust…

From now on, let's do more fun things…


Hey, Tsubaki! Hang in there!

Open your eyes!

Please, open your eyes!

– Tsubaki! – Tsubaki!

Is she…


Looks like she exhausted her chakra…

– and fell asleep. – You are laughing way too hard, Iwabe!

Ow! That hurts!

Is this what she meant by… double-edged sword?!

Himawari, what do you want to be in the future?

Huh? I haven't decided on anything yet.

I see…

I thought you were already dead set on becoming a shinobi.

Himawari gets to decide what she wants to be!

You're right.

Oh, they're holding one of these soon. Do you wanna go?

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"Himawari's Ninja Trial Session"

A one-day trial session at the Academy?

Sounds like fun. I think I'll go!
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