03x150 - The Value of a Hidden Ace

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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03x150 - The Value of a Hidden Ace

Post by bunniefuu »

I did it!

I hit it again!

…even if you keep practicing, it doesn't mean you'll hit it every time.

But if you just keep at it, despite all of that…

I bet it will lead to something.

Something that you can't buy with a black card…

Something that you can only win with your own hands!

I'm gonna become a full-fledged ninja, and make Papa notice me!


Yamaoka, did you finish packing?

We're leaving the Leaf in the afternoon, you know.

Yes, but…

I just happened to see a man near the hotel

who was pretending to be a bodyguard.


Was it a Transformation Jutsu?

Yes! He could be after Lord Ikkyu's life.

Let's notify him immediately.

No, wait!

If I find out who this man is, I can be helpful to my father.

But such a task is much too dangerous for you, milord!

After undergoing Boruto's strict training,

I'm different from what I was before.

Milord! You've matured into such a splendid young man!

If that's what you've decided,

I, Yamaoka, shall assist any way that I can!


Then take me to where you saw him!


The Value of a Hidden Ace

The Value of a Hidden Ace How did your escort mission go?

The Value of a Hidden Ace Well, you see…

It was for the Feudal Lord's son named Tento.

He was such an awful, spoiled brat.

But after getting to know him, he turned out to be a pretty nice kid.

We even became friends!


That's so like you, Boruto.

What is this?

Oh, you're here!

Watch your step, guys!

It's pretty messy!

You're a jonin, so please shape up!

Don't tell me you called us to clean all of this up?

Don't be ridiculous!

Don't you guys want this?

Yeah, yeah.

It's a new mission, right?

It's not just any old mission.

It's a B-rank mission.

– A B-rank?! – A B-rank?!

At last!

Big Bro, I love you!

Hey, I keep telling you to call me Sensei!

Finally, a mission where we can demonstrate our abilities.

But why our team?

Isn't a B-rank mission normally assigned to chunin because of the difficulty level?

You're right.

However, it was decided that you guys can handle it.

Your accomplishments up to now have been recognized.

But don't celebrate yet!

I'm sure you know already.

A B-rank mission is very dangerous, right?


It's possible you'll end up fighting various guys right out of the Bingo Book.

But if we complete this mission,

it'll prove how awesome we are, right?

Sounds perfect for someone whose goal is to become the Hokage!

However, the bigger the expectations they have for you,

the greater the criticism if you fail.

Are you still okay with that?

Of course!

We're Team !

Let's do this.

I'm excited too.

Okay then!

You leave tonight!

Show them what you're made of!

– Right! – Right!


Is Tento behind this again?

Yes. He purchased a large quantity of cards.

He's hopeless.

Get rid of them immediately!

Yes, sir!

What is he thinking anyway?

I couldn't pay much attention to him,

so he grew up spoiled and a little out of control.

That's just how kids are, ya know?

Oh, hold on!

I'll talk to Tento myself.

Yes, sir!

A soak in the hot springs might do us both some good!

It's this way.

Yamaoka, are you sure this is the right way?

Yes, milord!

I'm sure it was around here, but…

Get it together!

He might get away.

That took a while.

He's nowhere to be found!

Perhaps he went out with Yamaoka?

No, Sir Yamaoka didn't mention an outing at all.

I can confirm that he was in the garden earlier for shuriken training.

Get in contact with Yamaoka!

Find Tento immediately!

Yes, sir!


A B-rank mission at last!

Your wish has finally come true.

I swear we're gonna complete it!

Then, the next one will be an S-rank mission!


What's this?

This is–!

Is there something wrong with that Card?

Well, it's a super rare card that I've wanted for a while.

Why's this here?

It was him!

Oh… You want it?

No thanks!

Huh? Why?

I'm the type who has to get what he really wants

by his own strength, no matter how hard it is.

That Tento! All this just because I wouldn't accept it?

That's thoughtful for a brat!


Damn it! I want it, but I can't accept it.

I've got something I have to do, so I'll see you later.

Don't be late for our rendezvous.

Got it.

What's going on? There are so many guards.

Either way, I can't believe Tento snuck something into a ninja's pocket!

It's almost insulting how he keeps surprising me.

Now's my turn to surprise him from the balcony, all ninja-like!


Which one's his room?

Damn it! Who is it?!

Oops, did they spot me?

I should've just used the door!

How dare they kidnap Tento! They won't get away with this!


They say if we go public with this, Young Lord Tento will die.


What were his bodyguards doing?!

No one saw Young Lord Tento leave the hotel.

Damn it!

Furthermore, the perpetrators are claiming to be the Mujina g*ng.

That band of thieves?

What's their demand?

Five hundred million, in cash.


What is it?!

Well… The release of every prisoner being held in Hozuki Castle.


The Land of Fire can't arbitrarily just do that!

Besides, that place is administered by the Hidden Grass!

As for the Mujina g*ng and Shojoji their leader,

the Hidden Leaf should already be searching for them.

I think we should consult the Hokage immediately.


They got past the Hidden Leaf,

and moved secretly, waiting for this chance!

And they kidnapped Tento without any witnesses around!

They're probably monitoring our moves as well!

But how?!

I think we can assume that they have a spy within the Leaf,

if not among my own staff!


That's how they managed to pull this off at this moment!

I can't believe the Mujina g*ng's aware of our actions…

If we make a stupid move…

Tento's life will be in danger!

Find out where Yamaoka is immediately.

Until we know who the spy is,

do not let the Hidden Leaf get wind of this!

Yes, sir!

Where is the location of the drop?

At Point C in one hour.

There's not much time,

but I'll get the money together somehow.

But I absolutely can't release any of the prisoners.

I've got to negotiate and try for some kind of compromise.

But will the Mujina g*ng honor their promise once they get the money?

Besides, they're not the type to negotiate.

I've got no choice but to try!

I am the Feudal Lord of the Land of Fire.

And…I am Tento's father!

Damn it! They won't get away with this!

Tento! Please be safe!

Perfect form.

Bring it on, B-rank or whatever! I'm ready!

You there, Sarada?


Sorry, it's so late.

You got a minute?

What's up?

I can't go on the mission.

Is it something more important than a B-rank mission?


Is it something you can't talk about?


Mitsuki and I will handle things here.

Go do what you need to do, and get it done, Boruto.



Thank you!

He really is a piece of work!

I can't tell the Leaf if there's spy.

I've got to do this alone.


Hey, milord.

How are you feeling?


Where are we?

Hurry and untie me!


Oh, please forgive me!

I didn't introduce myself yet, did I?


The real Yamaoka's dead.

Yamaoka's dead?

Well actually, it's more like…

I devoured him!

The Corpse Clone…

It's a Forbidden Jutsu where I can assume

the appearance, memories and abilities of my victim…

…along with his life!

Who the hell are you?

I'm Shojoji.

I'm one of those ninja that you like so much.


What? Not the kind of reception I was hoping for.

I've never heard of or seen a Shojoji before.

Don't rub it in.

I'm not on one of those ninja cards?

The bastard, Orochimaru is on a card, right?

Don't be so scared.

Our business is with your dad.

We're in the middle of negotiating some pretty crazy demands with him.

Naturally, it's not without strings attached.

You're the reward for giving in to us.

Reporting from Point C.

Leaf Ninja haven't made a move, have they?

Report anything unusual.


Lead me to your hideout.

Where's Boruto?

That idiot!

He said he had some urgent business,

so he can't do this B-rank mission that we waited so long for!

He's as reckless and unreliable as always.

What was so urgent?

He said he couldn't tell me.

But I know something's up.

What do we do?

It's too late to back out of the B-rank mission, right?

You were playing with shuriken,

uselessly pretending to be a ninja, weren't you?

I was training!

You call that training?

No matter how much someone like you trains,

you'll never be useful.

However, the Feudal Lord of the Land of Fire will be very useful.

Seems like money and power are always at his fingertips.

If you want money,

my dad will pay you whatever you want.

If it's not enough… Look at this!

This is the ultimate black card that'll buy you anything you want.

Take this and let me go.

Don't make me laugh, brat!

Your dream is to become a great ninja worthy enough to be on a card, right?

But everything you had,

you got with your father's money and power.

That's why you'll never be a ninja.

All you'll ever be is…

a bargaining chip to use against the Feudal Lord.

That's all you're good for.

But I have the Forbidden Jutsu.

I can just devour whatever I want.

Then, I can turn everyone into my pawns and control the world!

What do you mean?

First, I'll devour you and become you.

The Land of Fire must be in chaos now, because of our demands.

I'll then return to the Feudal Lord as you,

and act as though everything's been resolved.

And after a touching reunion between father and son…

I'll devour the Feudal Lord

and grasp the reins of power over the Land of Fire!


I'll turn it into a good place. Where evil people can live at ease!

Oh well, you never made it onto a card,

but you'll be a bargaining chip.

Consider your dream fulfilled!

I might not be much now, but one day…

I wanna become an amazing ninja who supports the Hokage.

Any word from the Feudal Lord yet?

No, nothing.

Doesn't he care what happens to his son?


Don't you dare underestimate me!

I'm kinda curious what you'd do with a toy like that,

but forget it.

It'll be a pain if something happens to you before the exchange.

You're no ninja!

No one would ever acknowledge scum like you as ninja!

That's why you'll never make it on a Card either!


I may not be strong like a ninja, but…

I won't be anyone's bargaining chip!

If I do this, at least I can be helpful to my dad!

Why you brat!

Admirable move, brat.

I didn't think you'd have an ace up your sleeve like that.

I don't want to make any trouble for Papa!

Hey, c'mon!

We can't have you wasting your precious life like that…

Since I'll need to eat your live brain

in order to take your face for my Corpse Clone Jutsu!

Tento, you've kinda got an almost scary amount of guts!

You're late…


Leave the rest to me.

This is a job for a ninja.

You're an adult, stop bullying a little kid!

You're the worst, and unqualified to be a ninja!

First, the Feudal Lord's son, and now, the Hokage's son?

Not a bad hand of cards to have.

Boruto, why? Your bodyguard mission is over!

I'm sorry I'm late!

Tento, get back, so you don't get hurt!

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"Boruto and Tento"

You hurt my friend, and you're not gonna get away with it!

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