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02x24 - Octagram

Posted: 03/17/23 11:47
by bunniefuu
Clayman: All of you who made such a fool of me!

Clayman: You will accept my retribution!

Raphael: Notice.

Raphael: It is likely that Clayman is thinking of fleeing.

Rimuru: I figured.

Rimuru: It's already over for you.

Rimuru: Just give up and tell me who's been giving you orders.

Clayman: There is truly no end to your insolence!

Clayman: The moment you dodge that...

Rimuru: He's planning to make it blow up in midair and use that chance to run.

Rimuru: Too bad, though!

Rimuru: Beelzebub!

Rimuru: What did I just say? It's already over for you.

Guy: He stole my barrier technique?

Guy: Talk about impudent.

Rimuru: Hey.

Rimuru: If you're gonna take this seriously, start now.

Clayman: You are indeed strong. I will give you that.

Clayman: But you have not yet seen the beginning of what I am capable of!

Clayman: Do you think you can withstand this?!

Clayman: Taste my ultimate technique!

Clayman: Demon Blaster!

Rimuru: Swallow it up, Beelzebub!

Clayman: Impossible! That can't be!

Clayman: That was... That was my ultimate technique!

Rimuru: It's no use, Clayman. You're weaker than me.

Rimuru: If you just tell me everything you know,

Rimuru: I'll give you a painless death.

Clayman: I am a Deathman!

Clayman: Even if you k*ll me, I will come back to life,

Clayman: and sooner or later, I will see that you—

Guy: He used Thought Acceleration on Clayman, eh?

Ramiris: Well, can't blame him for that.

Milim: It's what Clayman deserves!

Rimuru: Clayman...

Rimuru: I'll ask you one last time.

Rimuru: Who's the one behind all this?

Clayman: Do not mock me.

Clayman: I would never betray a friend, let alone a client.

Clayman: That is...

Clayman: That is the one absolute rule of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance!

Rimuru: I see.

Rimuru: Also, just to let you know, you can't come back to life.

Clayman: Wh-What?

Rimuru: You're a Deathman.

Rimuru: You're planning to separate from your astral body and escape.

Rimuru: Am I wrong?

Clayman: W-Wait!

Rimuru: It doesn't look like he's going to tell me anything else,

Rimuru: so I'm going to execute Clayman.

Rimuru: Is anyone opposed?

Rimuru: If so, I'll take them on.

Guy: Do as you will.

Ramiris: Get 'im!

Clayman: Don't! Hey!

Clayman: Stop!

Rimuru: Don't think your death will be painless.

Rimuru: The brief moment you'll have before your soul dies will feel like an eternity.

Rimuru: Use that time to think about what you've done.

Clayman: No!

Clayman: Don't! Don't do it!

Clayman: Spare me!

Clayman: Footman, help me... Tear...

Clayman: I can't die yet!

Clayman: Not here!

Clayman: H-Help me, Lord Kazalim!

Rimuru: Beelzebub.

Clayman: Laplace... You were right.

Clayman: It appears I've gone a bit too far.

Clayman: I should have just laid low, as you told me to.

Clayman: Truly, you are always right...

Title: Episode : Octagram

Guy: Well done.

Guy: As of this day, you are acknowledged as a Demon Lord.

Guy: Are there any who object?

Ramiris: I knew Rimuru could do it if anyone could!

Ramiris: I wouldn't mind calling you my disciple if you want!

Rimuru: Oh, I'm good on that. Get someone else to be your disciple.

Ramiris: Aw, why?!

Ramiris: Can't you just agree to be my disciple?!

Milim: Rimuru is already my bestie!

Milim: He doesn't want to be friends with you!

Ramiris: What?! Lies!

Ramiris: Hey, Rimuru! She's lying, right?!

Milim: You're not part of the group, Ramiris!

Ramiris: What?!

Milim: Hup! Hup! And... hup!

Deeno: Sounds fine to me.

Leon: Hmph. I don't care who becomes a Demon Lord.

Leon: He can do as he likes.

Roy: Personally, it absolutely galls me to recognize a lowly slime as a Demon Lo—

Veldora: You dare insult me, you buffoon?

Veldora: Hey, Milis!

Veldora: Your attendant isn't very well-disciplined!

Veldora: Shall I educate him?

Rimuru: Whoa, whoa! What is that old fart doing?!

Luminus: Whatever are you talking about?

Luminus: I am Demon Lord Valentine's loyal maid.

Veldora: Eh?

Milim: Hey, stop!

Milim: Valentine is disguised as a maid to hide her identity!

Milim: Veldora, you can't say things like that!

Rimuru: She just said it!

Milim: Huh?

Luminus: Tch. Blasted Evil Dragon.

Luminus: Have you forgotten my name, as well?

Veldora: It's not Milis?

Veldora: Um, Smith? Or was it Ills?

Luminus: You really are an expert at being irritating.

Luminus: Enough! You will call me Valentine!

Rimuru: So...

Rimuru: this maid was the actual Demon Lord?

Luminus: Roy, you may precede me in returning.

Roy: But, Lady Luminus...

Luminus: Now that my identity has been revealed to all these people,

Luminus: there is no point in concealing it any longer.

Veldora: Well, it's not my fault. I didn't know.

Veldora: Also, it was "Luminus." Right, right.

Luminus: Also, there is one thing I am curious about.

Luminus: When Clayman looked at you, he froze, if only for an instant.

Luminus: He may have something to do

Luminus: with the insect who intruded in my domain recently.

Luminus: Return and tell them to strengthen the guard.

Roy: Understood.

Leon: Oh, I knew the name "Kazalim" sounded familiar.

Leon: He's the Demon Lord I k*lled.

Milim: You know him, Leon?!

Rimuru: I'm more amazed that you don't know him.

Rimuru: So what's the story with Kazalim?

Raphael: Answer.

Raphael: One of the names Clayman called out when begging for help was "Kazalim."

Rimuru: What does this Kazalim have to do with Clayman?

Carrion: Kazalim is the Curse Lord.

Rimuru: Curse Lord?

Carrion: Milim.

Milim: Huh?

Carrion: You and Kazalim recommended me as a Demon Lord, remember?

Milim: Oh! That's who you meant!

Milim: I do remember the Curse Lord!

Milim: That's right! He was the Demon Lord you k*lled, Leon!

Rimuru: Who would actually forget that?

Carrion: Yes. If I recall, Kazalim was also a Deathman, just like Clayman.

Carrion: I'm sure they were connected somehow behind the scenes.

Rimuru: If Kazalim was also a Deathman,

Rimuru: is it possible he pretended to be k*lled by Leon and went to hide somewhere?

Carrion: That is possible.

Carrion: He was much sharper and more cautious than Clayman.

Leon: I don't appreciate you saying it like I let him get away.

Leon: All I did was defeat him and take his status for myself.

Leon: Whether he's still alive or not is of no concern to me.

Carrion: You know, that attitude of yours is probably why Clayman hated you.

Leon: I don't care.

Rimuru: Some of Clayman's buddies were a group called the Moderate Harlequin Alliance.

Rimuru: They implied that some of the people helping them were humans,

Rimuru: so there's a chance that Kazalim came back

Rimuru: and possessed a human as a disguise.

Guy: That may be correct.

Guy: Leon's att*cks destroy the mind as well as the body.

Guy: It might even be worth commending Kazalim for surviving that.

Guy: Besides, that was far too quick a resurrection.

Rimuru: You mean it's likely someone helped him?

Guy: That is what I mean.

Rimuru: Well, in any case, I'll assume Kazalim came back and remain vigilant.

Rimuru: He'll probably have it in for me since I k*lled Clayman.

Milim: Rimuru, you're a lot stronger than him now,

Milim: so you have nothing to worry about!

Rimuru: That kind of complacency is what leads to defeat!

Rimuru: That's right. I can't get complacent.

Rimuru: It'd be one thing if it was just me,

Rimuru: but I have friends I need to protect now.

Guy: Now, the topics of this meeting

Guy: were to be Carrion's betrayal and the rise of Rimuru here,

Guy: but these matters are taken care of.

Guy: Would anyone like to add anything else?

Frey: May I?

Frey: This is not so much a suggestion as a request, though.

Guy: Go ahead.

Frey: I've just decided that I'm going to serve Milim.

Milim: Huh?!

Daggrull: What?

Deeno: Uh, wha?

Frey: I therefore relinquish my status as Demon Lord.

Guy: Well, this is rather sudden.

Milim: Wait, Frey! This is the first I've heard of this!

Frey: Yes, because I didn't tell you.

Frey: Well, I have several reasons.

Frey: But the top reason is that I believe I'm too weak to be a Demon Lord.

Frey: Watching the battle today convinced me of that.

Frey: Had I been fighting Clayman, we would have been evenly matched at best.

Frey: Against an awakened Clayman, I wouldn't have stood a chance.

Daggrull: But, Frey, aren't high-speed battles in the air your specialty?

Daggrull: I see no reason for you to put yourself down so much.

Frey: If I were fighting someone in the air, I would have the advantage,

Frey: but today I learned that simply having the advantage is not always enough.

Frey: And, Milim, you can't just continue to make selfish demands forever, right?

Frey: Shouldn't you start thinking about how to manage your own domain?

Frey: Well? Will you accept my proposal?

Milim: B-But... It's not my style to have people under my rule...

Milim: I'm not sure that's... w-well...

Carrion: Wait just a minute.

Carrion: If that's what we're talking about, there's something I'd like to say, too.

Carrion: I also fought Milim one-on-one and lost.

Carrion: So I believe I should submit to her completely.

Milim: Huh?!

Carrion: On that note, I'm your subordinate as of today.

Carrion: Countin' on ya, boss!

Milim: Wait a minute, Carrion!

Milim: I only fought you because I was being controlled!

Milim: I don't know a thing about it! Not a thing!

Carrion: Don't play dumb!

Carrion: You just said yourself,

Carrion: "You really thought I could be controlled with a thing like this?"

Carrion: We all heard you clearly!

Milim: Th-That was...

Frey: Well, I don't care about that musclebrain,

Frey: but you'll accept me, won't you, Milim?

Milim: A-Are you saying this to try to trick me or something?

Frey: Trick you?

Milim: I mean, if you were my subordinate,

Milim: you wouldn't talk to me as a friend anymore, would you?

Milim: And you wouldn't play with me or cook up naughty schemes with me anymore.

Frey: No, I'd be able to stay with you all the time,

Frey: so we could do even more fun things together.

Carrion: Besides...

Carrion: This is happening because you ruined our kingdom.

Carrion: You're obligated to take care of us now.

Milim: Fine! Just do whatever you want!

Carrion: Good.

Guy: Are you sure this is what you want?

Carrion: I did put a lot of thought into this.

Carrion: Of course, I'm not saying I'll no longer be the king of the Animal Kingdom.

Carrion: I just want to come up with a new order that puts her at the top.

Carrion: Whoa, there...

Guy: I quite liked you, you know.

Guy: I had high hopes that, given a few more centuries, you would awaken.

Guy: Very well.

Guy: As of this moment, Frey and Carrion are no longer Demon Lords.

Guy: As you wish, the two of you are free to serve Milim.

Rimuru: That means...

Rimuru: the Ten Great Demon Lords are now the Eight Great Demon Lords, right?

Daggrull: How unfortunate.

Daggrull: As a matter of dignity, we shall have to come up with a new name.

Luminus: Fortunately for us, we are still in the midst of Walpurgis.

Luminus: All the Demon Lords are present,

Luminus: so I'm sure we can come up with some good insight.

Deeno: We went through hell over that last time.

Deeno: We had to hold Walpurgis over and over to decide on a name.

Rimuru: You hold Walpurgis over a mundane issue like that?

Rimuru: Do Demon Lords have nothing better to do?

Veldora: Oh? You're talking about naming?

Veldora: If that's the case, my friend Rimuru is an expert!

Ramiris: That's right! He came up with my Beretta's name in no time!

Shion: It's true. Great Rimuru is excellent at naming!

Rimuru: Hey!

Guy: Rimuru, you stand before us today as a new Demon Lord.

Guy: I would like to grant you this magnificent privilege.

Rimuru: Oh, I don't need it. Thanks anyway.

Guy: But of course.

Guy: I bestow upon you the right to assign us our new name.

Rimuru: Huh?!

Guy: This is a tremendous honor.

Guy: You will accept it, of course, will you not?

Guy: And may I remind you,

Guy: it is because of you that we have fewer Demon Lords now.

Guy: You will, of course, assume the responsibility of coming up with a name for us, yes?

Rimuru: A-All right, all right. Jeez...

Rimuru: But don't blame me if you don't like it.

Guy: Good.

Rimuru: There are eight of them, so can't they be the Eight Great Demon Lords?

Rimuru: Nah, I guess that's too basic.

Rimuru: Stars...

Rimuru: Eight Demon Lords... Eight...

Rimuru: The stars of eight...

Rimuru: An eight-pointed star?

Rimuru: An eight-pointed star is an octagram, right?

Rimuru: How about "Octagram," meaning the Eight-Star Demon Lords?

Milim: I like it!

Milim: That's a win! It's the coming of a new age!

Ramiris: I knew it! I knew Rimuru could do it if anyone could!

Daggrull: Now I can see why Veldora recommended you.

Luminus: Hm... I suppose it will do.

Luminus: I shall allow you a bit of recognition.

Deeno: Wow, that was quick.

Deeno: Why did we put ourselves through so much hell last time?

Leon: No complaints from me.

Guy: Very well.

Guy: "Octagram: The Eight-Star Demon Lords" it is.

Raine: This concludes the introductions.

Treyni: Congratulations, Octagram.

Beretta: Congratulations.

Shion: Congratulations, Great Rimuru!

Rimuru: And that's how I became a part of Octagram, the eight Demon Lords.

Rimuru: On that day, the curtain rose on a new age of Demon Lords.

Laplace: Demon Lord Valentine is out attendin' Walpurgis.

Laplace: Now's the time to expose the cloistered emperor.

Labyrinth: The... cloistered emperor?

Laplace: No... Hinata Sakaguchi?!

Hinata: How dare you intrude upon this sacred place?

Hinata: I really do hate bugs.

Laplace: Whoa! What the hell's wrong with you?!

Laplace: President, weren't you s'posed to lure Hinata outta here?!

Laplace: This ain't what you promised!

Laplace: Demon Lord Valentine's gone, but what's the point if that woman's here?!

Laplace: Ain't no way I can beat that monster!

Laplace: Whoa! Are you kiddin' me?!

Laplace: Sheesh... I can't deal with this.

Roy: You insect!

Roy: You would show your face before me again?

Laplace: Demon Lord...

Roy: Hmph. All insects are the same.

Roy: Do you enjoy running away that much?

Laplace: What're ya talkin' about?

Roy: Clayman just died minutes ago.

Laplace: What?

Roy: That foolish, underhanded insect tried to run away, just like you are.

Roy: And he cried out pitifully all the way.

Roy: Why are you so angry? It has nothing to do with you.

Laplace: Shut up!

Laplace: Hey... Is it really true that Clayman's dead?

Roy: You've let your secret slip, insect!

Roy: The two of you were working together, weren't you?

Roy: All is as the God Luminus willed it!

Laplace: What're you laughin' about, you lunkhead?!

Roy: Who do you think you're—

Laplace: You moron!

Laplace: I'm tellin' ya not to laugh at my friend!

Roy: D-Don't get ahead of yourself, you insect!

Roy: Die! Blood Ray!

Roy: It didn't work?!

Laplace: It's no use. You're already dead.

Laplace: Yep. This is your core.

Laplace: Took ya just a little too long to realize that.

Laplace: That's right. I'm strong.

Laplace: Yeah, Footman's gonna be pissed.

Laplace: Yeah, Tear's gonna cry.

Laplace: That's why I'm laughin'.

Laplace: Clayman, you really were such an idiot.

Rimuru: It's all over.

Shion: Yes. You did wonderfully!

Ramiris: Whew, I'm so tired.

Ramiris: So tired.

Rimuru: You didn't even do anything.

Veldora: Rimuru!

Veldora: Quickly, the new... the newest... the...

Rimuru: Yeah, the newest volume! I know, I know!

Rimuru: Jeez, I can't believe how carefree you guys are.

All: Great Rimuru!

All: Great Rimuru!

All: Welcome home!

All: Great Rimuru!

Beretta: Everyone is waiting.

Treyni: Come, Great Rimuru, Lady Ramiris. Let us go.

Rimuru: I was supposed to have a completely ordinary, uneventful life...

Rimuru: But I was k*lled in a random stabbing,

Rimuru: reincarnated in another world as a slime,

Rimuru: and built a nation of monsters.

Rimuru: I saved my friends, defeated my enemies,

Rimuru: and, in the end, joined Octagram as one of the eight Demon Lords.

Rimuru: My name is Rimuru Tempest,

Rimuru: and I'm a slime.