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02x23 - Returning from the Brink

Posted: 03/17/23 11:46
by bunniefuu
Show_Title,Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Title: Episode : Returning from the Brink

Veldora: Well, that really sucked.

Rimuru: Why'd you show up?! I didn't call you!

Rimuru: If you're just here for kicks, then leave!

Veldora: Rimuru, you're being very mean, too.

Veldora: Oh, well. The reason I'm here...

Veldora: is this!

Rimuru: And just what is that?

Veldora: What do you mean, what is it?!

Veldora: It ends just as it's getting good! Are you trying to torment me?!

Veldora: Where's the newest volume?!

Veldora: What happens to Pai and Yakumo?!

Rimuru: Are you telling me you only came here because you wanted to read that?

Veldora: I couldn't just sit around! I'm dying to know what happens!

Veldora: What's gonna happen to them?!

Rimuru: So I guess he can come to me even if I don't summon him...

Veldora: Argh! My body's acting on its own!

Veldora: I command you in the name of Veldora! Come, Tou-Chao!

Rimuru: Okay! Before I give you the newest volume, I have a favor to ask!

Veldora: Hm? What is it?

Rimuru: Could you play with Milim over there for a bit?

Veldora: Milim?

Veldora: Oh! My older brother's only child!

Veldora: This is the first time I've seen her, but I see she's still a kid.

Veldora: Very well! Leave it to me!

Rimuru: Your brother's only child? What does that mean?

Rimuru: Actually, never mind. Now isn't the time.

Rimuru: Milim is only being controlled by Clayman,

Rimuru: so make sure you don't hurt her.

Veldora: Controlled? No, Rimuru, that's...

Rimuru: I'm counting on you!

Veldora: Hey!

Veldora: Sheesh...

Veldora: All right, Milim, come play with me for a bit.

Rimuru: Ranga! You okay?

Ranga: Great Rimuru. I'm just fine, but there is a bit of a problem.

Rimuru: What's up?

Nine Head:

Nine Head: Help me.

Nine Head: Help me! Help me!

Rimuru: I get it. She's suffering under Clayman's control.

Rimuru: I understand. I'm coming to save you.

Rimuru: Ranga, hold those two down. Don't let them get in my way.

Ranga: Right!

Raphael: Notice.

Text: Notice

Raphael: Appraisal indicates that she is under the controlling spell Demon Dominate.

Text: Controlling Spell

Raphael: Undo the spell?

Text: Undo the spell?

Rimuru: Yes.

Rimuru: There, there.

Rimuru: Protect her, okay?

Ranga: Understood, Master!

Rimuru: That just leaves Viola and...

Rimuru: What are you doing?

Beretta: Ah, if it isn't Great Rimuru.

Beretta: I regret that I was unable to show you what I am capable of,

Beretta: but I have prepared these spoils of w*r.

Rimuru: Spoils of w*r?

Rimuru: Is that Viola, the one Clayman called his finest masterpiece?

Rimuru: You took that thing down and didn't even get a scratch...

Rimuru: Hey, Beretta, listen...

Rimuru: I hate to say this,

Rimuru: but aren't you just copying all of Ramiris's worst qualities?

Rimuru: If I'm just imagining it, that's fine, but...

Rimuru: What were you planning to do with these "spoils"?

Beretta: W-Well, you see, I was planning to present them to you!

Beretta: And I had the foolish idea that,

Beretta: after accepting them, you might offer Lady Ramiris and myself a place...

Rimuru: A place?

Rimuru: I know Ramiris said she wanted to live in Tempest,

Rimuru: but why would that concern you?

Beretta: The truth is...

Beretta: Earlier, Demon Lord Guy said that I should decide who my master is,

Beretta: and I told him that after assisting you, I would serve Lady Ramiris.

Rimuru: And?

Beretta: If Lady Ramiris relocates to Tempest,

Beretta: I could go there with her.

Beretta: And then I could be of use to you through her.

Rimuru: You know...

Rimuru: No, you really do sound more and more like Ramiris.

Beretta: I am delighted by your generous praise.

Rimuru: That wasn't praise!

Rimuru: Okay, we'll put that on hold for now.

Rimuru: A place for you guys isn't something I can come up with easily. Let me think about it.

Beretta: Yes, of course. Understood.

Veldora: Hadouken!

Veldora: Hadouken!

Veldora: Hadouken!

Veldora: Hadouken!

Veldora: Hadouken!

Veldora: Hadouken!

Veldora: Hadouken! Hadouken! Hadouken! Hadouken!

Rimuru: Where did he learn that?

Veldora: Shoryuken!

Veldora: And then... Tatsumaki Senpukyaku!

Rimuru: That just leaves...

Shion: Is that all you have?

Shion: You're too weak to call yourself a Demon Lord.

Clayman: H-How dare you?! You will regret that!

Clayman: Go, Marionette Dance!

Shion: Useless.

Shion: I guess you really aren't all that special.

Clayman: E-Enough of your nonsense!

Clayman: You shouldn't be gloating so soon!

Clayman: Marionette Dance will recover instantly and come after you!

Clayman: The real fight has yet to begin!

Shion: When does the real fight begin?

Clayman: I-Impossible!

Clayman: Why isn't it recovering?!

Rimuru: I don't wanna deal with this, so I'll tell you.

Rimuru: That big sword Shion has is a Soul Eater.

Clayman: Y-You mean it's a sword that deals spiritual damage?!

Rimuru: It's not that rare, is it?

Rimuru: A human,

Rimuru: Hinata Sakaguchi, had one, too.

Rimuru: A friend of mine made it for her using that as a reference.

Clayman: So that's it.

Clayman: Then I will add that impudent sword to my collection, as well!

Clayman: Take this! Demon Marionette!

Clayman: Rejoice!

Clayman: This is the ultimate spell that can control even a Demon Lord!

Clayman: It's a waste to use it on mere majin such as you two,

Clayman: but I need to rebuild my Five Fingers,

Clayman: so I'll make good use of you as my new minions!

Shion: Excuse me. What is this supposed to be?

Clayman: Huh?!

Shion: I don't feel a thing. Should I give it a little more time?

Clayman: Th-That can't be!

Clayman: Impossible! It's impossible!

Clayman: This is the ultimate spell that can control even a Demon Lord!

Shion: Absolutely useless.

Shion: If you need to rely on cheap moves like that,

Shion: you aren't worth calling a Demon Lord.

Clayman: You'll pay for that, you insect!

Clayman: I'll make you regret forcing me to use my full strength!

Clayman: I see! Yes, that's right!

Clayman: A Demon Lord! I am a Demon Lord!

Clayman: Which is why I am particular about how I fight,

Clayman: always burying my enemies with grace and elegance!

Clayman: But no more! No more of that!

Clayman: I had almost forgotten this feeling!

Clayman: I will squash you with my own hands!

Shion: Oh?

Shion: This is a bit better. My opinion of you has improved.

Shion: I am Shion, guard and secretary to Demon Lord Rimuru,

Shion: and I shall be your opponent!

Clayman: I am Demon Lord—no, Crazy Pierrot Clayman!

Clayman: I will k*ll you, majin Shion!

Rimuru: This fight is over.

Clayman: I-Impossible... It can't be...

Clayman: I... I c-couldn't have...

Clayman: I, Clayman, a Demon Lord...

Shion: Great Rimuru, may I finish him?

Clayman: D-Damn it!

Clayman: Milim! What is Milim doing?!

Clayman: Decimate this rabble right this ins—

Clayman: Wh-Who is that? Wh-What... What is that?

Clayman: What is that phenomenal power?!

Rimuru: That's my friend, Veldora.

Veldora: Tetsuzanko!

Veldora: Kamehame...

Veldora: ha!

Clayman: F-Frey!

Clayman: What are you doing?! Come and help me at once!

Frey: Oh, I'm sorry, Clayman.

Frey: No one can pass through this barrier without Guy's consent.

Frey: It's truly a shame.

Clayman: Tch! Milim! Milim, I say!

Clayman: Obey my command and use your Stampede!

Clayman: k*ll every single person here!

Rimuru: Whoa, whoa! I can't believe he just said that!

Milim: Why should I do that?

Milim: Rimuru and Shion are my friends!

Rimuru: Milim?! Wait, weren't you under his control?

Milim: It appears you were successfully fooled, Rimuru!

Rimuru: Y-You weren't under his control from the start?!

Milim: Nope!

Veldora: It was obvious to me at first glance.

Ramiris: Huh? Wha?

Daggrull: Imagine that...

Deeno: She didn't react at all to being punched earlier.

Clayman: B-But I used the mind-controlling stone that he gave me!

Clayman: Sh-She should have been completely under my power!

Clayman: Did she not k*ll Carrion at my order?!

Rimuru: Oh, boy. He just admitted it.

Rimuru: And there really is someone else behind it all.

Milim: You really thought I could be controlled with a thing like this?

Milim: Answer me, Clayman!

Milim: Who is the "he" you were talking about?!

Rimuru: So you suspected something was up from the start?

Rimuru: But then why—

Carrion: Hey, who are you calling dead?

Rimuru: No way!

Rimuru: C-Carrion?! He was in an obvious disguise like that?!

Rimuru: I get the feeling Raphael-san is exasperated with me...

Rimuru: B-Beastmaster Carrion! You're okay!

Carrion: I wouldn't say I'm entirely "okay."

Carrion: Thanks for looking after my subordinates.

Rimuru: That was nothing!

Clayman: Wha... No... Then it's true?

Clayman: But Frey's report said...

Clayman: I get it! Frey!

Clayman: You betrayed me, as well, didn't you?!

Frey: Oh? When did you get the mistaken idea that I was ever on your side?

Clayman: D-Don't... Don't you toy with me!

Clayman: All of you will pay!

Clayman: I won't let you get away with this!

Rimuru: Shion!

Shion: I'm on it.

Frey: I had faith that you couldn't be manipulated,

Frey: but you had me nervous.

Frey: Still, you kept your promise to me. Thank you.

Milim: We're friends, after all! Of course I did!

Milim: But more importantly, you still have what I gave you, right?

Frey: Yes, yes.

Frey: You mean this?

Milim: That's right!

Milim: This is it!

Milim: Lookie! Lookie!

Leon: What a cheap play this was.

Ramiris: I-I knew what was going on all along!

Daggrull: I-Indeed! I knew that must be the case!

Deeno: Yeah, I guess so, huh?

Milim: Rimuru!

Milim: I was so happy to find out that you were angry on my behalf!

Rimuru: I can't believe you...

Rimuru: I'm relieved, though.

Clayman: H-How long?

Clayman: H-How long were you deceiving me?

Milim: Yeah, it wasn't easy! You're super cautious, after all!

Milim: And that's why I worked super-duper hard at it!

Rimuru: Hey, Raphael-san, did you know Milim wasn't being controlled, too?

Rimuru: You did, huh?

Rimuru: That's why you couldn't identify the spell.

Rimuru: Yeah, uh, sorry.

Carrion: By the way, Milim...

Milim: What?

Carrion: You weren't under his control, correct?

Milim: That's what I said!

Carrion: Which means you were willingly and happily tormenting me?

Carrion: Eh?

Milim: W-Well, that was, um... What would you call it?

Milim: What would... uh...

Carrion: No, no, it's fine. It just means I'm weak.

Carrion: But it also means that when you destroyed my kingdom,

Carrion: you did it of your own will, doesn't it?

Milim: Carrion, do little details like that even matter?!

Carrion: It's not a little detail! One misstep, and I would've died, too!

Milim: Oh, shut up! Just shut up!

Milim: It was just passionate acting—I mean, just me working hard to fool Clayman!

Milim: So the one to blame is Clayman!

Carrion: What, so it's Clayman's fault?

Carrion: Oh, whatever.

Rimuru: Now, now... The Beastketeers and the people of your kingdom are all safe,

Rimuru: and we all fought our best today to help you get revenge.

Rimuru: I don't think this has been all bad.

Carrion: You're right, Rimuru.

Carrion: Sorry you had to console me.

Rimuru: Really, don't worry about it.

Rimuru: Besides, you can always rebuild a city.

Rimuru: I took Clayman's majin henchmen prisoner

Rimuru: to make laborers of them for that purpose.

Carrion: Wait, are you serious?

Rimuru: We'll help, too.

Rimuru: Let's make it an even nicer, more comfortable nation than before!

Rimuru: We helped ourselves to plenty of funds from Clayman's treasury, too.

Carrion: I appreciate it!

Carrion: Rimuru... no, Mr. Rimuru!

Carrion: I swear that the Animal Kingdom will hereby spare no effort

Carrion: to assist your nation as a permanent ally!

Milim: Good for you, Carrion! You have me to thank for this, too!

Carrion: You really ought to give more thought to what you've done!

Guy: Laborers, eh?

Guy: I thought you were a naïve fool to let those majin live,

Guy: but it seems you have some very interesting ideas.

Guy: I can see why Black took a liking to you.

Rimuru: Huh? Black? Who's that?

Frey: Say, Clayman.

Frey: I didn't interfere because Milim was trying so hard to endure,

Frey: but you made me a bit angry, too.

Carrion: Even if survival of the fittest is our rule,

Carrion: you went a bit too far.

Carrion: We will have revenge on you for the mess you made of our kingdom.

Laplace: Don't let your guard down.

Clayman: Yes, Laplace...

Clayman: You were right.

Clayman: All of you placed your trust in me

Clayman: and gave me the role of Demon Lord,

Clayman: but it seems this is the end.

Tear: Clayman.

Tear: You're weaker than all of us,

Tear: so don't do anything reckless on your own.

Clayman: Yes, Tear...

Footman: Tear is right.

Footman: Make sure you rely on us.

Clayman: Yes, Footman.

Clayman: That's right. I had forgotten.

Clayman: I wanted to get as close to all of you as possible.

Clayman: I wanted you to recognize me as a member

Clayman: of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance.

Yuuki: Hey, you're Clayman, right?

Clayman: You address me so casually. Do you wish to die?

Yuuki: Come on, don't be so wary.

Yuuki: I'm here by invitation, you know.

Clayman: Invitation?

Yuuki: From your creator, Kazalim.

Yuuki: So I'm going to make this world mine,

Yuuki: and I want you to help me.

Clayman: Interesting. Is that a request?

Yuuki: Yes, for the Moderate Harlequin Alliance.

Clayman: What is the reward?

Yuuki: Let's see...

Yuuki: How about the resurrection of Demon Lord Kazalim?

Clayman: Very well.

Yuuki: Let's take this world with our own hands.

Yuuki: And then we'll spend our lives having fun!

Clayman: The resurrection of Demon Lord Kazalim was achieved,

Clayman: yet my carelessness caused this whole mess.

Flashback_Kazalim: Clayman, you are much like me.

Flashback_Kazalim: You can take after me, but just don't take after my bad sides.

Clayman: Lord Kazalim...

Clayman: I can't... can't die yet!

Clayman: If I die now, before I could accomplish anything,

Clayman: I can never forgive myself!

Clayman: I don't care if I never awaken as a True Demon Lord.

Clayman: So please... Just give me power...

Clayman: Overwhelming power!

Clayman: Give it to me!

World: Confirmed.

Text: Confirmed.

World: Converting soul to energy.

Text: Converting soul to energy

World: Successful.

Text: Successful.

World: Dismantling body to act as receptacle.

Text: Dismantling body to act as receptacle

World: Initiating rebuild.

Text: Initiating rebuild.

Clayman: The heavens have not yet abandoned me!

Rimuru: Get away, Shion!

Rimuru: Looks like it's really begun now.

Shion: Great Rimuru, what has started?

Rimuru: Clayman's awakening. Just as planned.

Shion: Oh, you planned for this? I'm not concerned, then!

Rimuru: Yes...

Rimuru: It's all going according to Raphael-san's plan.

Rimuru: That mass of hatred

Rimuru: is the remnants of all the souls of the people Clayman has k*lled.

Rimuru: We're releasing them.

Rimuru: And Clayman's awakening was necessary for that.

Carrion: Awakening?!

Carrion: I don't want to believe it, but that power is indeed immense.

Carrion: We should also—

Rimuru: No, Carrion-san. This one's all mine.

Rimuru: I took the title of Demon Lord, too,

Rimuru: so I want to set a place for myself.

Rimuru: I'll get rid of him and get them to recognize me.

Carrion: You'd better not lose.

Milim: Rimuru, you can do it!

Ramiris: Keep it together!

Rimuru: Okay, Clayman, let's finish this.

Clayman: Behold! I have acquired power!

Clayman: All of you who made such a fool of me!

Clayman: You will accept my retribution!

Next Title: gram

Raphael: Next time, "Octagram."