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02x22 - Demon Lords' Banquet ~Walpurgis~

Posted: 03/17/23 11:44
by bunniefuu
Raine: I will now introduce the participants.

Raine: Demon, the Lord of Darkness: Guy Crimson.

Text: DemonGuy Crimson

Raine: Pixie, the Labyrinth: Ramiris.

Text: PixieRamiris

Raine: Dragonoid, the Destroyer: Milim Nava.

Text: DragonoidMilim Nava

Raine: Giant, the Earthquake: Daggrull.

Text: GiantDaggrull

Raine: Vampire, the Bloody Lord: Roy Valentine.

Text: VampireRoy Valentine

Raine: Fallen, the Sleeping Ruler: Deeno.

Text: FallenDeeno

Raine: Harpy, the Sky Queen: Frey.

Text: HarpyFrey

Raine: Deathman, the Marionette Master: Clayman.

Text: DeathmanClayman

Raine: Demonoid, the Platinum Saber: Leon Cromwell.

Text: DemonoidLeon Cromwell

Raine: Finally, Slime...

Raine: The Leader of the Jura Tempest Federation,

Text: SlimeRimuru Tempest

Raine: Rimuru Tempest.

Raine: This concludes the introductions.

Clayman: I truly thank you all for responding to my summons.

Clayman: Now, let us begin our banquet.

Clayman: I hereby declare the commencement of the Demon Lords' banquet, Walpurgis.

Title: Episode : Demon Lords' Banquet ~Walpurgis~

Rimuru: Clayman gave a long speech.

Rimuru: Here's the summary:

Rimuru: Demon Lord Carrion tempted me to declare myself a Demon Lord.

Clayman: Carrion's forces are currently in Tempest!

Clayman: That is the proof!

Clayman: What's more, Carrion instigated the Kingdom of Falmuth,

Clayman: leading them to invade the Great Forest of Jura.

Clayman: Then he offered to cooperate...

Rimuru: Then he offered to cooperate...

Rimuru: ...with our people in order to fight them off,

Rimuru: and caused harm to the humans.

Rimuru: Then, after defeating the Kingdom of Falmuth, I declared myself a Demon Lord,

Rimuru: and Carrion gave me his backing.

Clayman: Such self-serving behavior

Clayman: violates the pact made by the Demon Lords.

Clayman: And in this way,

Clayman: my subordinate, Mjurran, who gathered this information for me...

Clayman: was k*lled by this fool who calls himself Rimuru!

Clayman: This is why I made up my mind to take vengeance.

Rimuru: Such brilliant acting. He's gonna make me cry.

Clayman: What's more, Rimuru conspired with Carrion in an attempt to k*ll me.

Clayman: Mjurran informed me of this with the last of her strength.

Clayman: And upon learning of Carrion's betrayal, Milim was so enraged

Clayman: that she destroyed the Animal Kingdom of Eurazania, and Carrion was k*lled.

Clayman: Of course, I admonished Milim,

Clayman: telling her that doing such a thing without evidence is unforgivable.

Clayman: But please, do not blame Milim.

Clayman: She did it all for my sake.

Clayman: I'm certain you will all understand now

Clayman: that this petty majin called Rimuru

Clayman: is a fool who gives Demon Lords a bad name!

Clayman: I believe it would be appropriate to purge him!

Clayman: Thank you.

Raine: We will now hear an explanation from our guest.

Rimuru: Clayman, was it?

Rimuru: You're a liar.

Clayman: What?

Rimuru: Frankly, the status of Demon Lord means nothing to me.

Rimuru: The thing about Carrion-san deceiving me was a lie,

Rimuru: and the Kingdom of Falmuth only invaded us out of their own greed.

Clayman: Hah! And who would believe such excuses?

Clayman: One of my subordinates was k*lled!

Rimuru: Mjurran is alive.

Clayman: I wondered what you would say next.

Rimuru: Mjurran, the one you say testified to you, is currently in my care.

Rimuru: So I won't allow you to get near her,

Rimuru: and any testimony you give will never convince anyone.

Clayman: You would do something so cowardly?

Rimuru: Cowardly?

Clayman: Did you tamper with Mjurran's corpse and place an evil spirit in it?

Rimuru: Yeah, I didn't expect you to believe anything I said.

Rimuru: So...

Rimuru: Look at this.

Yamza: S-Stop! Please don't!

Yamza: Lord Clayman!

Clayman: I-Impossible!

Footman: Clayman's forces were annihilated... The plan failed.

Footman: The losses suffered here are far too great.

Footman: I suppose this means we should have just stayed quiet, as he said.

Rimuru: As "he" said?

Rimuru: Sounds like there's someone else working behind Clayman.

Tear: Right?!

Tear: Laplace even warned us about this!

Raphael: Answer.

Raphael: It can be surmised that all of this is connected.

Tear: It's all Clayman's fault this time!

Footman: On that note...

Rimuru: So whoever worked behind the scenes to get me to fight Hinata

Rimuru: was also controlling Clayman.

Rimuru: This is what you call "proof," Clayman.

Clayman: Th-This is all hogwash!

Clayman: How dare you use images you made with magic as a bluff?!

Clayman: Don't waste our time with such low-level tricks, slime!

Rimuru: It's no bluff, you moron!

Rimuru: Your army's been wiped out...

Rimuru: and you'll be next.

Clayman: E-Everyone, do not be deceived!

Clayman: This slime excels at bluffing and trickery!

Clayman: He released Veldora's seal and destroyed Falmuth's army,

Clayman: and he's merely trying to pass that off as a show of his own strength!

Clayman: It is preposterous that a weakling like this should call himself a Demon Lord!

Daggrull: Hey, Clayman.

Clayman: Eh?!

Daggrull: You said this Rimuru conspired with Carrion to instigate Falmuth's army.

Daggrull: Assuming it's true that Veldora is back,

Daggrull: why would he need to take such roundabout measures?

Clayman: W-Well, because...

Clayman: V-Very well. I shall explain.

Clayman: This lowly slime who knows nothing about anything

Clayman: was fortunate enough to obtain the Demon Lord Seed!

Clayman: Then, in his arrogance, he sought to find the truth about it in the human world.

Clayman: And then he selfishly started a w*r with the humans

Clayman: and used Veldora, who had been sealed, to slaughter them all!

Clayman: If we allow one such as him to go free,

Clayman: our own reputation as Demon Lords will be tarnished!

Clayman: Purge him!

Clayman: Yes! I believe it is necessary to purge him!

Clayman: What say you?!

Rimuru: Like I said, show us the proof.

Rimuru: All you're telling us is what you wish would happen.

Rimuru: I told you, you're not going to convince anyone that way.

Clayman: Do not mock me, slime borrowing the Evil Dragon's authority!

Clayman: It's unthinkable that one such as you could become a Demon Lord!

Rimuru: My being a slime makes no difference,

Rimuru: and Veldora is my friend.

Rimuru: I didn't come here to listen to your boring-ass stories.

Rimuru: Just admit it.

Rimuru: There's a majin called Phobio who can testify

Rimuru: that Charybdis was revived under your orders.

Rimuru: The suggestion came from those clowns in the image you just saw.

Rimuru: And one of your men actually did turn into Charybdis and go on a rampage.

Rimuru: That's concrete evidence.

Rimuru: If you think I'm bluffing, that's fine.

Rimuru: You can die with that belief.

Clayman: E-Everyone!

Clayman: Will we allow him to get away with such v*olence?!

Clayman: It's an insult to all of us Demon Lords!

Clayman: Do you not agree that we should all punish him?!

Rimuru: If you'd call that v*olence.

Rimuru: You were trying to control my mind while you were speaking, weren't you?

Rimuru: att*cks like that won't work on me.

Rimuru: But is attempted mind control through a speech even allowed at Walpurgis?

Guy: No.

Guy: In the interest of impartiality for everyone here,

Guy: it is only acceptable to speak with your own words.

Clayman: B-But, Guy, he has insulted us Demon Lo—

Rimuru: Shut up.

Rimuru: If you don't like me,

Rimuru: then this is between you and me, isn't it?

Rimuru: Like I told you, the status of Demon Lord means nothing to me.

Rimuru: I only want to build a nation where I can enjoy my life.

Rimuru: I need the cooperation of humans to achieve that,

Rimuru: which is why I decided to protect the humans.

Rimuru: Anyone who interferes with that,

Rimuru: whether they're human, Demon Lord, or Holy Church, is my enemy.

Rimuru: That means you, Clayman.

Guy: He is right, Clayman.

Guy: If you are a Demon Lord,

Guy: then defeat this majin with your own strength.

Guy: Also, do you proclaim yourself a Demon Lord?

Rimuru: Yeah.

Rimuru: I've already accepted the role of Leader of the Great Forest of Jura.

Rimuru: In the eyes of the humans, I am a Demon Lord.

Guy: Very well, then.

Guy: You happen to have witnesses here.

Guy: If you can defeat Clayman in front of us,

Guy: we will allow you to identify as a Demon Lord.

Rimuru: So if I can just defeat Clayman, it'll settle everything.

Clayman: My goodness.

Clayman: My unwillingness to soil my own hands

Clayman: has led to something even more troublesome.

Clayman: This truly was a mistake.

Clayman: I suppose too much scheming really is the schemer's downfall.

Clayman: You're up, Milim.

Rimuru: What, so you're making others do the work for you again?

Rimuru: And you're even roping Milim into this after you hit her earlier!

Clayman: Don't be silly. Of course I will fight, as well.

Clayman: Guy, you have no issue with this, do you?

Guy: None.

Guy: If Milim assists you of her own volition, I will not stop her.

Rimuru: I'm in deep trouble now. Clayman's one thing,

Rimuru: but Milim is really bad news.

Rimuru: No... I'm gonna save you, no matter what.

Rimuru: I'll set you free in no time.

Rimuru: Okay, fine.

Rimuru: I was planning to save Milim anyway.

Rimuru: I'll break your mind control by force if I have to.

Clayman: Don't be a fool!

Clayman: You are going to die in utter despair!

Rimuru: You're the one who's gonna die, Clayman.

Rimuru: But if I do this, I'll just be bullying the weak.

Rimuru: One of my subordinates should be perfect for you.

Clayman: What did you say?!

Shion: Great Rimuru, may I?

Rimuru: Most people would ask that before going on a slugging spree...

Clayman: Y-You... bastard! You bastard!

Rimuru: Ultraspeed Regeneration, huh?

Rimuru: A Demon Lord through and through. He is tough.

Clayman: Just as you wish, I will k*ll all of you!

Raphael: Notice.

Raphael: This would appear to be Nine Head,

Text: Clayman's Five Fingers Thumb Nine Head

Raphael: the Thumb of Clayman's Five Fingers that Mjurran spoke of.

Rimuru: Oh, yeah. She did mention that.

Rimuru: Clayman and the guy in the black robe...

Rimuru: Three magical beasts...

Rimuru: And Milim.

Rimuru: Wait, isn't that more than we have?

Rimuru: Beretta!

Rimuru: What is...

Raphael: Notice.

Raphael: It is a barrier cast by Demon Lord Guy.

Raphael: It appears to block all interference by anything outside.

Rimuru: Oh, crap...

Clayman: Milim, k*ll him.

Rimuru: I used Thought Acceleration to slow time and make full use of Raphael-san's abilities,

Rimuru: and still barely dodged it?!

Rimuru: Looks like I won't have time to think about how to counter her.

Rimuru: All I can do is focus on freeing Milim from his mind control.

Clayman: Impudent fool!

Rimuru: Shion, Ranga...

Rimuru: Please buy me time until Raphael-san finishes the Appraisal!

Beretta: Lady Ramiris.

Beretta: I would like to fight, as well.

Ramiris: Hey, Guy!

Ramiris: I'm taking Rimuru's side! Let Beretta join the fight!

Guy: No.

Ramiris: Why not?!

Guy: Huh? You know attendants are not permitted

Guy: to participate in a battle between Demon Lords.

Guy: Besides, this fight is between the slime and Clayman.

Guy: There's no reason for you to join in.

Ramiris: What are you talking about?! Milim's fighting!

Guy: She is allowed.

Ramiris: Why?! Why is she allowed and not me?!

Guy: Quiet down. I'm sure Milim has her own plans.

Ramiris: You make it sound like I have nothing in mind at all!

Guy: Am I wrong? Besides...

Guy: To whom has your attendant sworn loyalty?

Guy: The other one seems to be devoting her all to protecting you,

Guy: but not that one.

Guy: It has sworn loyalty to you, but not completely.

Guy: Do you really want to trust someone like that?

Beretta: It is true

Beretta: that I am weighing one master's worth against the other.

Beretta: My master and creator, Great Rimuru...

Beretta: and Lady Ramiris.

Beretta: But Great Rimuru requested that I protect Lady Ramiris.

Beretta: And I have deemed it acceptable to serve Lady Ramiris.

Beretta: Therefore, there is no contradiction.

Beretta: I wish to repay a debt to Great Rimuru.

Beretta: And just as it is my wish to do this,

Beretta: if it is Lady Ramiris's wish to save Great Rimuru, then...

Guy: Oh? You would speak so audaciously to me?

Guy: Ramiris, is all of this true?

Ramiris: Of course!

Guy: Hmm...

Guy: So because you wish it, this one acts, as well?

Guy: You have acquired an excellent attendant, Ramiris.

Ramiris: Nah, I didn't acquire Beretta.

Ramiris: We became friends!

Ramiris: Beretta...

Ramiris: and Treyni, too!

Ramiris: And the same goes for Rimuru!

Ramiris: And for everyone! Lots and lots!

Guy: All right, very well, then.

Beretta: I thank you, Rouge, the Primordial Red.

Guy: Don't call me that. I grant you permission to call me "Guy."

Guy: However, you are henceforth forbidden to accept any master other than Ramiris.

Guy: Understood?

Beretta: Guy, I swear my loyalty to none but Lady Ramiris from this point onward.

Guy: Are you sure?

Beretta: Yes.

Beretta: Great Rimuru has a servant far stronger than me, after all.

Beretta: In addition, I enjoy conducting research.

Beretta: My days of researching with Lady Ramiris have been like a dream.

Beretta: Oh... Forgive me.

Guy: One question: what is your lineage?

Beretta: I was once a greater demon.

Beretta: But I believe there are very few who share my bloodline.

Guy: Very few relations, eh?

Guy: I see.

Guy: That explains why you show no fear of me.

Guy: That lineage is self-serving and interested only in amusement, after all.

Guy: And there is someone that you recognize as stronger than yourself?

Beretta: I am yet far, far behind.

Beretta: So long as that one is serving Great Rimuru,

Beretta: if I miss this chance, I will have no other opportunities to be of use.

Guy: Hmm... I see.

Guy: I understand how you feel.

Guy: You may go.

Beretta: Then, if you will excuse me.

Ramiris: Beretta! Stay strong!

Guy: I see... So that's it.

Guy: You're making a move too, Noir... Primordial Black?

Guy: If Noir is serving him...

Guy: That slime must be quite the interesting character.

Guy: His name was Rimuru, yes?

Guy: I'll remember that.

Rimuru: This is seriously bad!

Rimuru: If I didn't have Raphael-san, I'd be dead by now!

Clayman: What do you think of my finest masterpiece, Viola?

Clayman: Isn't it beautiful?

Rimuru: It's strong, sure, but is it really that beautiful?

Rimuru: She's mad.

Rimuru: And she's scary when she blows up.

Beretta: I apologize for keeping you waiting.

Beretta: Great Rimuru, please make use of my strength, as well.

Rimuru: I've been waiting for you, Beretta! Help Shion!

Beretta: Very well.

Rimuru: Beretta, you don't need to hold back! Crush 'em!

Rimuru: All right. I can't lose now.

Rimuru: Now...

Rimuru: If I can just free Milim, I'll win it all!

Rimuru: Raphael-san, run a full-power Appraisal on the spell Clayman's using to control Milim!

Text: Appraisal

Text: FullPower

Raphael: Answer.

Raphael: Result of Appraisal...

Rimuru: What is it?!

Text: Spell

Raphael: Spell not found.

Text: Not Found

Rimuru: What?! What does that mean?!

Rimuru: You're not gonna tell me you can't read Clayman's magic, are you?

Raphael: I could not verify the spell used. This means—

Rimuru: Oh, come on! That's beyond useless!

Rimuru: Why are you mad?! I'm the one who should be pissed!

Rimuru: This is bad.

Rimuru: This is really, seriously, extremely bad.

Rimuru: I don't suppose she'd return to normal if I just slugged her?

Raphael: Suggestion.

Raphael: I propose an energy-absorbing attack using Beelzebub.

Rimuru: That's it!

Rimuru: Beelzebub!

Rimuru: It worked! All right, this is good!

Rimuru: I'll just damage her bit by bit and wait for the spell to wear off.

Rimuru: She's open!

Raphael: Notice.

Text: Notice

Raphael: Trap suspected.

Text: Trap Suspected

Rimuru: I'm... gonna die!

Ramiris: Rimuru...

Veldora: Gah!

Veldora: What'd you do that for?! That's so mean!

Rimuru: Ve...

Rimuru: Veldora?!

Next_Title: Returning from the Brink

Raphael: Next time, "Returning from the Brink."