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02x16 - The Congress Dances

Posted: 03/17/23 11:37
by bunniefuu
Diplomatic relations were established between
Tempest and the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion.

Following Blumund and Dwargon,

it's the third human nation
we've joined hands with.

Thus the very long meeting
between humans and monsters ended,

or so we thought...


Why did she come here, anyway?

Isn't that...

the golem I made for her to
replace the one I destroyed?

Allow me to congratulate you on
your evolution to Demon Lord.

Thanks. Glad to see you're doing well.

Ha, ha. Thank you for saying so.


Be sure to do whatever Ramiris asks
of you, unless it's just impossible.

You can count on me.

I will live up to your expectations.

Hey, by the way, why'd you guys come here?

Lady Ramiris, we have no time
to waste on a thing like this.

You must inform Great Rimuru
of that matter quickly.

Oh, shut up. I'm very busy right now.

Please remember our purpose for coming here.

Look, I've just had a
meeting with my destiny!

Who is the heroine in this fantastic text
they call a "manga" going to choose?

Hey, Ramiris! If you don't want
me to spoil who she ends up with,

tell me why you're here right now!

Yes, sir!


All right, I'll say it again.

This country, Tempest, is doomed to fall!

That Time I Got
Reincarnated as a Slime

Episode : The Congress Dances

Heh! Are you surprised?

Okay, enough of that.

Yeah, well, the thing is,
I don't want Tempest to fall!

That's why I came all the way out here!

You should be grateful!

Why is it doomed, though?

Don't panic! Just calm down!

Now, listen! This story
has to be told in order!

I'm not panicking, actually...

On Demon Lord Clayman's proposal...


Walpurgis has been set in motion!

And... what is Walpurgis?

It's the Demon Lords' banquet.

A very special event that
all Demon Lords attend!

That's what Walpurgis is.

It is written in ancient literature that

when the Demon Lords assemble,
a great w*r ensues.

A great w*r?

The day on which the Demon Lords gather was
named "Walpurgis" by the Western Holy Church.

So it's when the Demon Lords
get together to start a w*r?

No, it's not!

I've got things to do, and I don't
want to waste my time on w*r!

You don't seem like you have much to do.

Listen, Walpurgis has
been held several times.

It's an event where the
Demon Lords get together

to drink tea while discussing
urgent reports and amusing topics.

So it's nothing as dramatic as a w*r.

And why would a tea party
doom Tempest to fall?

You're still not getting it!

The problem isn't Walpurgis itself.

It's what they'll be discussing!

Which is?

Listen. Walpurgis must be approved by
three Demon Lords before it can be held.

And the ones who gave Clayman
the approval this time...

were Frey and Milim.

Milim, huh?


And the topic will be the birth of a
new power in the Great Forest of Jura,

one whose leader proclaims
himself a Demon Lord!

Did you really proclaim
yourself a Demon Lord?

I don't regret it, and I haven't looked back.

Knowing you, that's not too surprising.

It's probably going to
bring you a lot of trouble,

but with the power you
have, you should be fine.

So is Clayman's goal to sanction me?

In this business, it's an unspoken rule that
you're free to sanction whoever you want.


He said his reason for proposing
that we hold Walpurgis

was because of Demon Lord Carrion's betrayal.

What does that mean?!

Who are you people?

They're the Three Beastketeers
who serve Carrion.


Well, it won't do you any
good to be mad at me.

What betrayal does he claim
Lord Carrion has committed?

He broke the non-aggression pact
with the Great Forest of Jura

and informed you that the majin called
Mjurran worked for Clayman, right?

And then I k*lled Mjurran, huh?

I see. Is Clayman hoping to take
control over the Forest of Jura?

You know, you're acting so
calm, but this is a huge deal!

Carrion was apparently defeated by Milim,

and Clayman has ordered all
of his majin to deploy!

Deploy? So he's already on the move?

Damn you, Clayman...
You're more cunning than I thought.

I'm telling you, this is
no time to be so calm!

Relax, would you?
For one thing, I didn't k*ll Mjurran.

What does that mean?

It means Clayman is just making it all up.

And can you prove that?

Um, Demon Lord Ramiris...

The majin he allegedly k*lled is me.


I am Mjurran.


I get it! So the bad guy is Clayman!

Clayman! You thought you could fool even me!

But Great Detective Ramiris cannot be fooled!

I'm the Queen of Spirits,

and despite how I look, I possess
the wisdom of many long years!

In the name of my grandma!

Well, say something! Who're you
calling "grandma"?! How rude!

Something seems to have
influenced her pretty easily...

Hey, Ramiris, there's one
thing I want to ask you.

What is it? You can ask
Great Detective Ramiris anything.

Clayman made his move after
taking the bait I offered him,

the k*lling of Mjurran.

What do you think the
other Demon Lords will do?

Huh? I don't know.

I was just told that Walpurgis is happening
because of this or that reason,

and that I have to be there.

When is Walpurgis? Do you know the exact day?

Well, um... one, two...

Three days from now,
the night of the new moon.

That's pretty soon.

It'd be tough to take out
Clayman in just three days.

So I guess the battle would have
to take place after Walpurgis?

Why did you come to tell me about this?

Well, if you're k*lled...

We don't know what'll happen
to my Beretta, right?

Thank you for your concern.

The point is, I'm here because I
made up my mind to take your side!

So you don't mind if I make an
entrance to my Labyrinth here, right?

Yes, I do mind!


C'mon! Don't sweat the little details!

I will sweat them, and so should you!

Fine. I'll keep reading.


It looked as if our meeting
wasn't over after all,

so we decided to take a break for a while.

That tickles!

Hey, stop!

I can do it myself!

Now, Lady Ramiris, don't be shy.

Yes, please allow us to wash you.

Do you itch anywhere?

Now it's my turn.

Trya-san's here, too?

Sounds like they're having fun over there.

I should've gone over to that side.

Ah, this feels great.

Yes, it's just perfect.

Wait, you can feel this
with a homunculus body?

Eren, sweetie! How does the water feel?

Aw, she's being shy.

Oh, by the way, Master Rimuru...


If we build a road to directly
connect Tempest to my nation,

it would be easier to travel between the two.

What do you say?

Is he saying we should be
the ones to build the road?

Erald, that's asking too much.

I'm pretty sure we were the ones who did all
the work on the road to the Dwarven Kingdom...

It'd be one thing to have Master Rimuru say
that, but I don't want to hear it from you!

Well said!

Uh, yeah. I get what you're saying.

We're willing to take up the
task of building the road.



I'd like you to let us take care of guarding
the road and running all lodging on it, too.

Naturally, that means we'd have to
collect a toll to cover those costs.

I see.

That seems like a reasonable demand.

But I would like you to give us the right

to negotiate the amount of
that toll every few years.

Okay! We'll go with that!

That was easy!

He really does ask too much.

I told you, I don't want
to hear that from you!

Well, that settles it, then.

Don't you... rust?

Are we all here?

Hey! What's the idea?!

What the heck is this all about?!

What do you mean?

These girls are fawning over me like crazy!

What's the idea?!

Isn't that a good thing?

It was good!

It was incredible!

Which is why, Rimuru,
I've decided to live here!

I told you not to make
that decision on your own.

Also, Treyni-san and her sisters are
the Great Forest of Jura's caretakers.

They don't live here,

and they can't spend all
their time coddling you.

Stingy! Stingy! Stingy!

What's the problem?

Whatever happens, the great
Ramiris will help them!


Great Rimuru, we will
look after Lady Ramiris.

Please consider the proposal
in a favorable light.

We humbly ask this of you.

Okay. I'll think about it.


That's my Rimuru! I knew you'd understand!

Well, go ahead and eat up.

We'll talk while we eat.

Here you go.

Ah, delicious.

Truly exquisite.

Don't mind if I do!

With this meeting dragging on,
I'm sure you're all tired,

but try to bear with it.

By the way, Shion, I heard you were
interrogating the w*r prisoners.

Did you get any information?

Of course, Great Rimuru.

Uh... Interrogation? Questioning?

Whatever it was, they did talk to us, yeah.

Yes... but it definitely
wasn't an interrogation.

I'd hesitate to even call it questioning.

First, Ed... Ednight? Ed...

Do you mean King Edmaris?

Yes. Among them was a merchant who
came in contact with King Edmaris.

This merchant brought silk goods
and such from our country into his,

which piqued the king's greed.

He feared that the primary source of goods
in circulation would shift from Falmuth to here,

which seems to have led to this incident.

Do you know who this merchant is?

Were they chartered or something?

That, I don't know. I'm very sorry.

Okay. So, anyone connected
to the Western Holy Church?

Yes! I found out who the mastermind was!

His name is... uh, the
ringleader is... Nickelspoo...

According to what Archbishop Reyhiem told us,

the ringleader is Cardinal Nikolaus Spertus.


The cardinal plans to subjugate this
nation as one hostile to their god.

That's what he said!

I see.

Archbishop Reyhiem hoped to
earn a favorable reputation

by claiming the glory of
subjugating enemies of God.

If he "plans" to do that,

there might still be a way to negotiate
with the Western Holy Church.

In that case, I will try to shake them up.

And Dwargon will make a grand
declaration of our trade with Tempest.

And Thalion will officially announce its
establishment of diplomatic relations with Tempest.

If other countries start to show interest,

the Western Holy Church will
have to tread carefully.

Okay. I'm counting on you guys.

Leave it all to us.

Thank you for the meal.

So we're going to say Youm rescued
those three w*r prisoners

and give them what looks
like a triumphant return...

Wait... King Edmaris, Archbishop Reyhiem...

Who's the third one?

That man who was seized by terror.

The last man still alive?

That would have to be Folgen,
the captain of the knights.

You're the one who captured him, right?

What kind of guy was he?

Think it'd be safe to let him go free?

He was a weakling who will cause no problems.

Though he did seem to be relatively
skilled with magic, for a human.

He's a magic user?

That probably isn't Folgen, then.

What's his name?


Ramen, huh?

Come to think of it, I haven't
had ramen in years now...

Was there a magic user
in Falmuth named Ramen?

Falmuth did have a majin
named Razen who used magic.


The champion Razen, eh?

He is a man one must not forget.


He's the man known as the guardian
of Falmuth and the Wise Majin.


The man who's mastered magic!

I always wanted to fight him just once!

Well, I'm sure I'd beat him in close combat,

but he's definitely a human you
can't let your guard down around.

Shion, you're sure this guy's name is Ramen?

Um... I think so...

But he was a young man.

That's right! He was one of the
people who att*cked this town!

He's not the magic user they all say he is!

What's going on here?


Using a secret soul magic ritual allows one

to possess another's body.

Wait, does that mean "Ramen" is...


It's Razen. That's the prisoner's name.

Yep, knew it!

You captured the champion who carried
the Kingdom of Falmuth for centuries?

He was a human whose skill
as a wizard rivaled my own,

or was perhaps even more extraordinary...

And you beat him that easily?
You really are strong.

Okay... Youm.


You're going to be taking
King Edmaris, Archbishop Reyhiem,

and Razen back home to
get our plan rolling...

and you'll take Diablo, too.


We're going to start a w*r against Clayman.

Since Veldora is staying
to protect the town for us,

I wasn't sure who I could
send to back up Youm's group,

but you're perfect.

I'm counting on you.

Yes... Understood, Great Rimuru.

This might take a few years.
Don't rush things, okay?

Not a problem.

I will take care of it
and return here promptly.

That's some confidence in our
ability to destroy a nation...

But that's exactly why I
can trust him with this.

Now, as for our w*r against Clayman...

Ramiris-kun here has informed
me that I'm his target.


Well done, Lady Ramiris!



Give me a report on what
Clayman's army is doing.

At once. His army...

numbers about ,.

They are currently organizing within
Demon Lord Milim's territory.

Thirty thousand, huh?
That's not more than we can handle.

It appears the army is not
being led by Clayman himself.


The one in the army with
the most magicules is...

So that's their commander?

The Middle Finger, Yamza.

Middle Finger?

Yes. The strongest of Clayman's subordinates
are known as the Five Fingers.

The Middle Finger, Yamza;

The Index Finger, Adalman;

the Thumb, Nine Head;

the Pinky Finger, Pirone...

and I was the Ring Finger.

Yamza received a magic sword with
hidden ice powers from Clayman.

He's known as the Magic Swordsman of Ice.

The Magic Swordsman of Ice, huh?

He's cruel, and he plays dirty.

He's practically a master of immorality,

but his skills are the real deal.

Since he swore loyalty to Clayman on his own,

he and I didn't get along.

He's the strongest majin
among the Five Fingers.

I see.

But it doesn't seem like
we have too much to fear.

Clayman is the prudent type.

I'm sure he knows that the Animal Kingdom's
Warrior Brigade is here in our city.

Given that, an army of , is too weak.

It does seem strange.

Yeah, that's true.

Perhaps Clayman's target is not this city?

I see. That's possible.

I was convinced he was coming after Tempest,

but if he's not...

Animal Kingdom
of Eurazania

The Animal Kingdom?

Are you saying it's Eurazania he's after?!

But the capital's been destroyed,

and only refugees remain in the
surrounding towns and villages...

Why would he do that?



One can speculate that Demon Lord Clayman's
goal is to awaken as a True Demon Lord.

True Demon Lord Awakening

But his methods are immature.

His plan to snuff out the light
of life in Eurazania seems

based on an inaccurate inference.

Most likely...

he plans to m*ssacre the remaining refugees

so he can awaken as a True Demon Lord.

Clayman must know that the Three Beastketeers

and Carrion's main army
are taking refuge here.

That gives him the perfect opportunity
to overrun the Animal Kingdom.

Clayman's army will likely reach
Eurazania within two days.

Damn it! We can't get back there in time!

He got a step ahead of us...

Damn that Clayman.

The Eve of Battle

Next time, "The Eve of Battle."