02x03 - Paradise, Once More

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime". Aired: February 20, 2013 – October 30, 2015.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Follows a salaryman who is m*rder*d and reincarnates in a sword and sorcery world as a slime with unique powers and gathers allies to build his own nation of monsters.
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02x03 - Paradise, Once More

Post by bunniefuu »

Rimuru: After arriving in the Armed Nation of Dwargon,

Rimuru: we began our discussion with the Dwarf king, Gazel Dwargo.

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Title: Episode : Paradise, Once More

Rimuru: I have to start by thanking you.

Rimuru: Thanks for pardoning the crimes of Kaijin and the others.

Gazel: Exiling them was the best option to keep my other ministers satisfied.

Rimuru: Wait, you were planning to let them off the hook all along?

Gazel: I also saw no merit in allowing a strange being like you to run free in my kingdom.

Gazel: That said, it broke my heart to let Kaijin, Garm, and the others go.

Rimuru: But thanks to Garm, we have armor now,

Rimuru: and Dord and Myrd have been a huge help with construction projects.

Rimuru: Plus, Kaijin takes care of all kinds of things that are beyond my abilities,

Rimuru: so we're managing to get by as a group.

Gazel: I thought they would be better off in an environment where they could

Gazel: make use of their talents freely, rather than living in obscurity here.

Gazel: What of Vesta? Is he not with you?

Rimuru: Well, I invited him to come along, but...

Flashback,Vesta: I appreciate it, but I can't bring myself to face King Gazel until I produce results.

Rimuru: His words.

Gazel: That's Vesta all over.

Gazel: I suppose that means he's found a place where he can exercise his talents to their fullest.

Gazel: Now, Rimuru...

Gazel: There's something I must ask you.

Rimuru: Yeah. That's why I'm here, too.

Gazel: What was the high-output magical w*apon you used to defeat Charybdis?

Gazel: I hear it was an unprecedented force that surpassed all tactical magic.

Rimuru: Actually, that was... the Demon Lord Milim's power.

Gazel: Demon Lord Milim?

Dorf: You made a joke about that before, as well.

Rimuru: It's not a joke, actually.

Dorf: I'm sorry, but I cannot believe you.

Dorf: That little girl...

Milim: Yay! That's right!

Dorf: ...is a Catastrophe-class Demon Lord?

Rimuru: Yeah, I can't blame you for not believing it.

Gazel: It does seem too preposterous to be mere boasting.

Gazel: Very well. I believe you, Rimuru.

Gazel: Understood, Dorf?

Dorf: Of course... but...

Dorf: When did you become acquainted with the oldest of the Demon Lords?

Dorf: You are truly a man of mystery, Rimuru.

Rimuru: Why does Shion look so proud?

Shuna: Thank you for waiting.

Gazel: What have we here?

Rimuru: Oh, just a little gift from our country.

Shuna: For you.

Shuna: And for you, as well.

Dorf: Thank you.

Gazel: What is this?

Gazel: Did Dord make it?

Rimuru: You guessed it.

Gazel: It's magnificent.

Gazel: The translucence, the delicate appearance...

Gazel: And is this detoxifying rune magic?

Gazel: How thoughtful.

Rimuru: I could taste it first as a poison check, if you want.

Gazel: I would never suspect you of trying to poison me.

Gazel: How refined...

Gazel: Oh! This is...

Gazel: Delicious.

Dorf: Superb.

Rimuru: My turn, then.

Rimuru: Yum!

Text: Notice

Great Sage: Notice.

Great Sage: Poison Resistance successful.

Text: Poison Resistance

Text: Alcohol Influence Removed

Text: Successful.

Rimuru: Don't succeed with that!

Rimuru: I finally get some good booze in me, and you erase it?!

Gazel: What's the matter?

Rimuru: Uh... nothing. Never mind.

Rimuru: It's a distilled liquor made from apples.

Rimuru: We're working with the prospect of importing more fruit now,

Rimuru: so we should be able to produce more from now on.

Gazel: Importing?

Gazel: You've found other nations besides Dwargon to establish relations with?

Gazel: The Kingdom of Blumund, perhaps?

Rimuru: Yeah, them, too, but the fruit is coming from the Animal Kin—

Gazel: Eurazania?!

Rimuru: Y-Yeah...

Dorf: That prideful Beast King made a deal with another nation?!

Gazel: You've earned the favor of not only the Demon Lord Milim,

Gazel: but the Demon Lord Carrion, as well?!

Dorf: How frightening... A Demon Lord seducer...

Rimuru: No, no, no.

Rimuru: I just happened to help out someone who serves the Demon Lord Carrion,

Rimuru: and that led to discussions of trade between our nations.

Rimuru: Although we've only gone as far as sending delegations for now.

Dorf: Even so, that will cause the importance of Tempest to skyrocket.

Dorf: It may one day take over for the Kingdom of Falmuth as the major trade center.

Gazel: That is true.

Rimuru: You give us far too much credit.

Rimuru: We need to maintain our transport routes if we want our trades to run smoothly, too.

Gazel: Setting aside talk of the future,

Gazel: this drink is far better than any alcohol I've imported from Falmuth.

Gazel: I look forward to what comes of your partnership.

Rimuru: The Kingdom of Falmuth, huh?

Rimuru: Isn't that where Youm is from?

Kajir: Got a cold?

Youm: Damn it. I think someone's talking about me.

Rimuru: I've never heard him talk about his homeland...

Rimuru: What is the Kingdom of Falmuth like?

Gazel: Well, I'd rank it number one or two among all the Western Provinces.

Gazel: Our nation also depends on imports from Falmuth and the empire for food.

Gazel: That said, just between you and me...

Gazel: I don't like their king.

Rimuru: Really?

Gazel: He's too greedy.

Gazel: So you must be successful in your trade with Eurazania, whatever it takes.

Gazel: And be sure to supply your senior with plenty of alcohol, my junior.

Rimuru: That doesn't have anything to do with this, does it?

Rimuru: Huh?!

Shion: Not to worry!

Shuna: Shion!

Shuna: When did you start drinking?!

Shion: Great Rimuru'll have no problem gettin' trade

Shion: with Eurazania up and runnin'!

Rimuru: Hey!

Shion: We've got all kinds o' yummy foods on our dinner tables now, too!

Shion: It's practic'ly guaranteed

Shion: that tasty booze will be right there with it soon!

Shion: Just leave it all to Great Rimuru!

Rimuru: Safe...

Rimuru: Jeez, what am I gonna do with this girl?

Shuna: I'm sorry you had to see such an unsightly display!

Rimuru: Sorry about my secretary...

Gazel: It's all right.

Gazel: Go on and get her to her room.

Shuna: P-Please pardon us, then.

Shuna: How humiliating...

Rimuru: You said it.

Shion: Great Rimuru...

Rimuru: It does make me want to live up to her expectations, though.

Rimuru: Shuna, once we're back in our room, let's read over the manuscript again.

Shuna: Of course!

Rimuru: The night passed...

Rimuru: and today is the big day

Rimuru: of the declaration of friendship between Dwargon and Tempest.

Rimuru: It's a chance to stand before our citizens and show them that we're friends.

Rimuru: In other words, I stand here now representing all of Tempest.

Rimuru: I need to give them a proper greeting and make a good impression.

Rimuru: It's a pleasure to meet you all!

Rimuru: Er...

Rimuru: I'm the leader of the Jura Tempest Federation, or Tempest for short.

Rimuru: My name is Rimuru Tempest.

Rimuru: Oh! Thank you, thank you!

Rimuru: So... my wish is to build a nation that will serve as a bridge between monsters and humans.

Rimuru: Dwargon is already a nation in which monsters and humans both exist and prosper together,

Rimuru: which is precisely my goal.

Rimuru: I couldn't be more grateful to King Gazel

Rimuru: for his endorsement of my ideal.

Rimuru: I would like to continue to uphold our relationship of mutual aid,

Rimuru: and to do that, I'll need all of your cooperation.

Rimuru: Many monsters call our nation home, in addition to myself.

Rimuru: It would be fair to say we're a nation of monsters,

Rimuru: but in our hearts, we're no different from all of you.

Rimuru: I hope that, instead of fearing us because we're monsters,

Rimuru: you'll accept us as your new allies.

Rimuru: I give you my word that these words convey my honest feelings

Rimuru: and conclude my greeting to you here.

Gobta: Great Rimuru!

Rimuru: Yeah, I guess that speech went pretty well.

Gazel: Too short. Too humble.

Gazel: Too dependent on the people's sympathy.

Gazel: Frankly, I'd give it zero points.

Gazel: The ruler of a nation shouldn't address citizens with such humility.

Gazel: Especially not the citizens of a foreign nation. They'll only look down on you.

Gazel: You cannot rule with such indulgent thoughts as "I hope" and "I wish."

Gazel: Wonderful things do not come about naturally.

Gazel: You must take hold of them for yourself.

Rimuru: Right...

Rimuru: I was never that good at giving the morning speeches at my old job, either...

Rimuru: But the fact that he's being so strict with me

Rimuru: is a sure sign that his advice is sincere.

Rimuru: I really am blessed with great friendships.

Rimuru: I should thank him.

Rimuru: Somehow or other, I made it through my big event in the Armed Nation of Dwargon.

Rimuru: So it won't hurt to spread my wings a little, right?

Rimuru: Because when it comes to Dwargon...

Rimuru: there's one place that I must never forget!

Rimuru: This is Butterflies of the Night, an Elf paradise!

Rimuru: Gobta, you didn't let Shuna or Shion see you leave, right?

Gobta: You bet we didn't!

Rimuru: All right!

Rimuru: To the promised land we go!

Gobta: Right on!

ElfA: Welcome!

ElfF: We've been waiting for you, Mr. Slime!

Rimuru: I've arrived! This is paradise!

Rimuru: Hey, E.I.L.F.— I mean, elf ladies! How've you been?

ElfA: Of course.

ElfC: Me! I'm first!

Rimuru: Hell yes!

ElfC: You're all boingy.

Rimuru: She's all boingy!

ElfD: It's been such a long time.

ElfD: We thought you'd forgotten about us.

Rimuru: Never!

ElfD: Really?

Rimuru: Of course!

ElfB: Welcome, boys.

ElfB: You must be Mr. Slime's friends.

ElfB: We're glad you're here.

Gobta: W-We appreciate your hospitality!

ElfB: What sort of hospitality do you mean?

Gobta: I love you.

ElfB: Oh, I'm elated.

Rimuru: Gobta's pretty amazing sometimes.

Rimuru: She dodged him easily, though.

ElfB: Your friends are already set up.

Kaido: Rimuru, I really appreciate you inviting me along today.

Rimuru: You've been a big help to me, Kaido.

Rimuru: At least let me do this for you.

Kaido: Yeah, seeing you in that form just feels more right to me.

Rimuru: You don't like my human form?

Kaido: No, it's not that.

Kaido: It just didn't seem to fit.

Rimuru: Well, I can't blame you.

Rimuru: You brothers can just relax and have a good chat tonight.

Kaijin: You dolt!

Kaijin: Who wants to talk to a bunch of guys in a place like this?

Kaijin: Look at all the pretty ladies here with us!

Kaijin: Let's have some fun with this!

Kaido: That's right, Rimuru! Don't insult the ladies!

Rimuru: Yeah, they're brothers, all right.

ElfA: That's amazing, Gobta!

ElfF: You're so good!

Gobta: You think so? Honestly, this is nothing!

Gobta: That's kinda dangerous, though!

ElfB: That's a very valuable glass, you know.

ElfB: So you'd better not let it fall.

ElfA: Gosh, you're so mean!

ElfB: If that glass breaks... let's see...

ElfB: I'll just have to make you pay for it with your body.

ElfA: Gobta?!

ElfF: Hang in there!

ElfB: Hey, it was just a joke.

Rimuru: Got a moment, ma'am?

Owner: How can I help you, Mr. Slime?

Rimuru: Would you mind selling this here?

Owner: What is it?

Rimuru: A new kind of liquor produced in my country.

Rimuru: I can't give you much, since I have to save some for King Gazel,

Rimuru: but you can reserve it for your regulars.

Rimuru: I want to hear what they think of it.

Owner: Oh, my... Are you sure?

Rimuru: I'd like you to research how much people will pay for one glass.

Owner: My, my! You are quite shrewd, aren't you?

Owner: It's as if that stiff speech you gave earlier today wasn't real.

Rimuru: What?! You were watching?!

Owner: Closely.

Rimuru: Th-That was just... you know... an act, that's all!

Rimuru: I looked really inexperienced, right?

Owner: We'll just leave it at that, then.

Owner: It left me with a good impression, though.

Rimuru: Huh?

Owner: You seemed very sincere.

Owner: I think it's a person's sincerity that draws others to them.

Owner: And in that respect, I would've given you a perfect score.

Owner: I'd love to see a nation

Owner: where humans, monsters, elves,

Owner: and all other races can laugh together, free of borders.

Rimuru: Thank you.

Rimuru: And a fun night was had by all.

Kaido: Hey, careful there, Bro!

Rimuru: Bunch of drunks.

Rimuru: And Gobta's anemic now.

Rimuru: Hey, Gobta, you okay?

Gobta: I feel dizzy...

Rimuru: Sheesh...

Rimuru: Listen up, boys.

Rimuru: Don't let anyone see you when you head back to your lodgings.

Rimuru: The dream we enjoyed tonight is our little secret!

All: Right!

Rimuru: Okay, off we go!

Shuna: Can I be of assistance?

Rimuru: Oh, thank—

Rimuru: Sh-Sh-Sh-Shu—

Great Sage: Notice.

Great Sage: Intense energy detected behind her smile.

Rimuru: Y-Yeah, I got that, too.

Rimuru: Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wha—

Shuna: What am I doing here?

Rimuru: Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Shuna: Well, Gobzo told me everything.

Rimuru: G-Gobzo?! How could you?!

Gobza: Huh? Well, Princess Shuna asked me where we were going.

Gobza: I just answered her.

Rimuru: What the heck were you thinking, man?!

Shion: You're awful, Great Rimuru.

Shion: How could you leave us?

Shion: It's just cruel!

Rimuru: W-Well, I mean... um...

Shion: How could you go without telling us?!

Shuna: Did you gentlemen invite Great Rimuru out to have fun this evening?

Shuna: I have no intention of stopping you from doing what you wish to do.

Shuna: It just made me feel a little sad.

Rimuru: Excuses will only backfire on me!

Rimuru: I need to keep it simple!

Rimuru: I'm so sorry!

Rimuru: Bow low...

Rimuru: I have no excuse!

Rimuru: And use my slime cuteness to appeal to her sympathy!

Rimuru: Okay?

Shuna: I understand.

Shuna: Just live on Shion's cooking for one week, and we'll call it even.

Rimuru: Thank Go—

Rimuru: What?!

Shion: Really, Princess Shuna?!

Shuna: Yes. Do your best, Shion.

Shion: I will! I'll give it my all!

Gazel: Too short. Too humble.

Gazel: Too dependent on the people's sympathy.

Rimuru: King Gazel, you were absolutely right.

Rimuru: U-Um, could we maybe cut it down to three days?

Shuna: One week.

Rimuru: Okay.

Rimuru: Thus we completed everything we had planned to do in Dwargon

Rimuru: and set out on our way back home.

Isaac: Hey, he's here.

Isaac: That's Youm, the champion.

Youm: Hey, Isaac. What's up?

Isaac: My big sis here wants to talk to you. Do you mind?

Youm: Big sis?

Myulan: I'm very good with magic,

Myulan: so I think I could be useful to you.

Myulan: I've heard that you don't have many in your party who use magic.

Youm: Sorry, but we have all the magic we need.

Kajir: What good's a woman gonna be, anyway?

Myulan: Then let me show you how terrifying a true wizard can be.

Youm: What?!

Myulan: Earth Lock!

Youm: I can't move!

Kajir: I didn't know such simple magic could be used that way!

Myulan: Air Shot!

Youm: Just wait! I'll beat the crap out of you!

Myulan: We're done.

Myulan: Unbelievable.

Myulan: I had no idea you lacked basic resistance to abnormal statuses.

Myulan: You're of no use at all when up against magic.

Youm: Okay, I lose, I lose.

Youm: You're pretty strong.

Youm: What's your name?

Myulan: Myulan.

Youm: Nice to know you, Myulan.

Great Sage: Next time, "The Scheming Kingdom of Falmuth."

Next Title: The Scheming Kingdom of Falmuth
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