05x02 - The Bond in the Boot

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bones". Aired September 2005 - March 2017.*
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A forensic anthropologist and a cocky FBI agent build a team to investigate death causes. And quite often, there isn't more to examine than rotten flesh or mere bones.
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05x02 - The Bond in the Boot

Post by bunniefuu »

"The Bond in the Boot"
Episode 5x02
Written By: Michael Peterson
Directed by: Alex Chappie
Transcribed by: Jasmine

Disclaimer: The characters, plotlines, quotes, etc. included here are owned by Hart Hanson, all rights reserved. This transcript is not authorized or endorsed by Hart Hanson or Fox.


(A man waits on the roof of an airport parking structure at night, a briefcase handcuffed to his wrist. An assailant att*cks the man, sh**ting twice. He cuts off his victim's hand and runs off with the briefcase. sh*ts ring out as his car peels away, running over the body)


(Cut to daylight at the crime scene where a cat is seen eating off the victim's remains. Booth and Brennan exits FBI vehicle.)

BOOTH: (in disbelief) A Rolex? They just gave you a Rolex?

BRENNAN: But my book is No.1 on the bestsellers list for 12 weeks and sold 630,000 copies. They're, you know, showing their appreciation.

BOOTH: Wow. So that means if you made-

BRENNAN: I don't really know how much actually, but (Booth's phone starts to ring) I was told I would never have to work again.

BOOTH: (chuckles) Wow. (answers his phone) Booth. What?! No! Slow down pal, that is extortion. What? No, no! Forget it. No. No way I'm paying that. Bye. (shuts his phone) Some plumber, he wants to charge me 800 bucks to fix the plumbing in my walls! Forget it I'll do it myself.

BRENNAN: Well, that should be no problem. You've told me numerous times how skillful you are as a repairman.

BOOTH: Well, great. Ever since after the coma, I've seen to forgotten a few things. So I'm gonna have to figure out how to do it myself all over again.

BRENNAN: I could lend you some money.

BOOTH: It's okay, Miss Rolex. I'll be fine.

BRENNAN: Well, if you change your mind..

(Purring of cats can be heard in the background)

BOOTH: This is exactly why I hate cats. Right there.

(A litter of cats can be seen eating off the victim's remains)

BRENNAN: Well, they're feral. They're natural scavengers. Hodgins is going to have to sift through the excrements for evidence.

BOOTH: Right. Don't want to take his fun away from him, huh?

BRENNAN: (yells out) I need all these cats brought back to the Jeffersonian! (attempts to shoo cats away) Shoo! Shoo!

BOOTH: Puss! Puss! Here kitty kitty!

BRENNAN: (motions to cat on victim's head) Hey, hey! Get outta there! (a hand is seen removing the cat away) The victim is an adult male. Caucasian. b*llet went just above the sternum and the third left rib. Hand is severed just below the radius.

BOOTH: Barely anything left of this guy. How long has he been out here?

BRENNAN: From the degree of scavenging, I'd say 2 days.

BOOTH: Hey you! (shows a guy in a maroon jacket who's talking to the police, he turns to look as Booth approaches him) Parking guy. You're the guy who found him?


BOOTH: My partner here says that he has been kitty kibble for 2 days. Why didn't you notice him sooner?

PARKING LOT ATTENDANT: This structure is long term parking. We really don't use it much, and people don't like their cars baking in the sun.

BOOTH: Is there any security cameras around here?

PARKING LOT ATTENDANT: Somebody cut the feed.


BOOTH: (observing the marks on the speed bump) Yeah?

BRENNAN: He suffered comminuted fractures to the femur.

BOOTH: Right, he broke his leg. I get it. Somebody ran over him after he was shot. (To forensic team) Hey you. Do me a favor and pull some paint samples off that speed bump, okay?

(Three cats are seen watching them and purring)

BOOTH: Why are the cats staring at us?

(Brennan stares at Booth and doesn't answer him; as the cats continue to look on)

(Cut to: Jeffersonian Lab. Cam & Wendell are at the platform examining the remains)

CAM: Michelle's been asking for months if we could get a kitten. I'm thinking 'no'.

WENDELL: Actually, it's much more likely that a family dog would attack and consume its owner.

CAM: Can you pass me the forceps? I think I see something. (picks up fibre using forceps & placed under the magnifier) It appears to be steel wool I found at the exit wound.

WENDELL: Steel wool. Commonly use in silencers to muffle the sound of the g*nsh*t.

CAM: Our results definitely points to a professional hit.

WENDELL: An Ilizarov apparatus was used to lengthen his bone when he was a child, so he's definitely Russian.

CAM: Don't people limp in every country?

WENDELL: Part in 1981, the Ilizarov apparatus was used exclusively in Soviet Union, ergo, dead Russian.

CAM: (impressed) Very good, Mr. Bray.

WENDELL: Yeah, I don't often get to say 'ergo'.

CAM: And for bonus points, any clue why his hand was chopped off?

WENDELL: The bone has been chipped and bruised around the triquetral- (Hodgins is seen swapping his ID and entering the platform) Like someone was trying to pull something off his wrist.

CAM: And when they couldn't, they cut off his hand.

HODGINS: Wendell, my man. Are we still up for lunch?

CAM: (looks at the tray Hodgins is carrying) You are discussing lunch while holding a tray of cat excrements.

HODGINS: Everybody poops. They even wrote a book about it. I found a piece of plastic in the cat's faeces from a bag or airline peanuts.

WENDELL: (uses forceps to pick up plastic & reads label) Aeroflot.

HODGINS: Yup. Preferred airline of Mother Russia.

CAM: Looks like our Russian friend was a recent arrival.

(Cut to: FBI Building, Booth's office. Booth is holding a file with the victim's face on it & speaking to Harold Prescott, a State Department Official)

BOOTH: Yuri Antonov. He's a courier for a Ukrainian diamond manufacturer. That's it? Why are you State Department guys all over this?

PRESCOTT: Because that's not..it.

BOOTH: (annoyed) Then what is it? What else do you have for me?

PRESCOTT: I was told to assess whether you'll be the best agent, with him to entrust some sensitive information.

BOOTH: This is my case.

PRESCOTT: (stuttering) The State is supervising, Agent Booth. We...(pauses for a moment; Booth awating for him to speak again) I, approve the investigator.

BOOTH: Oh, you. I- Okay, ex Army Ranger with multiple commendations and a pristine record at the FBI isn't good enough for you or them?

PRESCOTT: You shot a clown.

BOOTH: It's a mechanical clown. (smugs) Hmm. You tell me you never wanted to do that?

PRESCOTT: (hesitates; then speaks) This one has to be done with digression. And it's not just your career, it's mine too. I mean, you're old, but I'm still- (Booth taking offence to that; slowly stands up. Prescott hands over the file to Booth)

BOOTH: Right. Sit down. (Prescott sits down quickly; followed by Booth too)

PRESCOTT: Antonov went missing after arriving 3 days ago from Dallas International. (Booth goes through the file photos) These photos were taken as he passed through the diplomatic checkpoint.

BOOTH: Well, that doesn't make any sense. Why would a diamond courier have diplomatic clearance?

PRESCOTT: That's why this is so sensitive. State didn't authorize his diplomatic visa.

BOOTH: What about the briefcase? It wasn't found on the body. You sure we're dealing with diamonds here?

PRESCOTT: We're not sure of anything. But we have to assume the worst. That's why this is being treated as a national security threat.

(Opening credits played)


(Cut to: J. Edgar Hoover FBI Buliding. Booth meets with Lena Brodsky, the Ukrainian woman in charge of the diamond firm)

LENA: What about the diamonds? Have they been recovered?

BOOTH: Alright. Well, what he did to Antonov's hand was severed, in order to steal the briefcase.

LENA: Of course. He was getting 2 million dollars worth of gems from our mine in Siberia.

BOOTH: How did your courier manage to get cleared to pass through the diplomatic checkpoint?

LENA: Diplomatic? No. You must be mistaken.

BOOTH: Mistaken? Nah, look at that. (opens up the case file & shows the photographs of Antonov at the checkpoint to Lena) See, here is him on the approach. (holds up a photo) And this is him clearing the diplomatic checkpoint. (holds another photo) Briefcase.

LENA: I don't understand. As you can see, all the paperwork wass in order and there should've been no complications at the customs. We have couriers bringing in stones all the time.

BOOTH: You work with Antonov a lot?

LENA: This is was the first time.

BOOTH: Well, we're gonna need all your import and export information from the company and any other information you might have on Mr Antonov.

LENA: Of course. Um. Every courier is thoroughly checked out. Their psychological profiles, recommendations from past employers. You can have it all.

BOOTH: Right. Any reason Antonov, um, wouldn't want the customs to see the diamonds?

LENA: No. Unless he wasn't carrying diamonds.

(Cut to: Jeffersonian Lab, Angela's office. Angela is explaining to Hodgins)

ANGELA: I loaded the victim's x-ray into the simulation. Now looking at the fracture lines, the computer should be able to determine the weight of the car that ran him over. (Simulation shows the car running over the victim's body)

HODGINS: Ooh, ouch.

ANGELA: According to this, the car would've weighed approximately 3700 pounds, which gives us, 152 possible vehicles.

HODGINS: Paint from the speed bump is called Tungsten Silver. Ooh. Trade name; Casino Royale. That would narrow things down a bit.

(Cam walks into Angela's office)

CAM: Hey. Have you two seen Dr. Brennan?

ANGELA: I think she's with Booth. Why?

CAM: It appears Mr. Bray has lost his scholarship. No scholarship means no internship in the Jeffersonian.

(Angela and Hodgins looks shocked)

ANGELA: What?! How did that happen?

CAM: Apparently, the trust that fund his scholarship ran out of financing because of the economic mass.

ANGELA: Oh, that stinks. I like Wendell.

HODGINS: Yeah, we got drunk together last week. It carries great meaning for men.

CAM: He's one of us. Even Booth likes him.

ANGELA: Well, how did he react?

CAM: I haven't told him yet. I wanna see if there are other funding options.

(Computer beeps showing car model; Wendell walks into the room)

WENDELL: What's that?

(Cam, Angela & Hodgins simultaneously greets him)


HODGINS: Dude! What's new?

WENDELL: (surprised) Um, since you saw me on the forensic platform 5 minutes ago, not much.

CAM: Great.

WENDELL: (To Hodgins) You?

HODGINS: Nothing.

CAM: Nothing from here.

ANGELA: Zipo. On my end.

WENDELL: (still unsure of everyone's strange behavior) Oh, it appears you have a match for the car that ran over our victim. That's new, isn't it?

ANGELA: Yess. I do. Yes. You are something, Wendell. You really are.

HODGINS: (stares at computer screen) Un-believable.

WENDELL: That's crazy! Casino Royale and that car?!

HODGINS: (amazed with findings) That's Bond's car! (in deep voice) James Bond.

WENDELL: Those wheels and the sil*ncer. You haven't by any chance found any evidence of (in a British accent) a martini? Shaken; not stirred of course.

(Hodgins & Wendell continues to exchange words in Bond-like; with Cam interrupting them)

CAM: You believe James Bond k*lled our Russian?

HODGINS: Well, no. But cmon, there's more than a grain of truth in those Bond films.

ANGELA: p*ssy Galore? That's never going to happen.

WENDELL: Yeah, we can always hope.

ANGELA: Boys and their spy fantasies.

CAM: I'll tell Booth to put out a search on the car (turns around and leaves)

HODGINS: Trust me, Angela. Nothing is as it seems.

WENDELL: Yeah, I know. I thought you guys were a little too psyched to see me when I came in here.

ANGELA: We can't be excited to see you, Wendell?

HODGINS: Yeah, I think you have some intimacy issues there, man. (walks away)

(Cut to: Royal Diner. Booth & Brennan are asking Sweets to profile Antonov)

BOOTH: So Sweets, you've done the profile yet? Is Antonov a spy?

SWEETS: Nope. Still putting the pieces together.

BRENNAN: Well, whatever he says is a guess.

SWEETS: No. It's a subjective evaluation based on quantifier psychological markers, okay? Do we have to go through this every time?

BRENNAN: He may as well be telling stories around a campfire. (Booth chuckles in agreement with Brennan)

SWEETS: Okay. All of Antonov's answers from his psych evaluation- are too perfect. No one is this perfect. Now that, coupled with that fact that he had unexplained diplomatic cover and was k*lled by a professional would leave any reasonable person to conclude that-

BOOTH: He's a spy. (Booth's phone starts ringing; Brennan sh**t a glare at Booth showing disapproval of his statement)

SWEETS: Spy-ish.

BOOTH: (answers his phone) Booth. Oh. Great! I'll pick it up this afternoon. Whoa whoa whoa now. It's not (pauses and whispers into the phone) pilates for dummies. (Brennan & Sweets turns to look at Booth) It's plumbing for dummies. Alright? Get back to me. Thank you.

BRENNAN: Why won't you let me help you, Booth?

BOOTH: I just want to fix the leak in my wall, that's all. I'm very capable of doing it myself.

SWEETS: With a dummies book? (Booth lets out a huff) Is that wise?

BRENNAN: Since the coma, Booth can't remember how to take care of his own plumbing.

BOOTH: That's great. Now you're making it sound like I gotta wear diapers.

BRENNAN: (to Sweets) I offered to lend him money for professional plumber. I just received a very large cheque from my publisher.


BOOTH: (imitating Sweets) Ahh! Here goes the 'Ahh'. (to Brennan) You had to bring this up. Great. Thanks.

SWEETS: Well, very large disparity in income can have a very detrimental effect on relationship.

BOOTH: No! It doesn't. I just get more satisfaction by relearning an old skill. Instead of paying a plumber, 800 dollars.

SWEETS: (pauses) Okay. (continues to eat)

BOOTH: Yeah! (to Sweets) Wait, what's that supposed to mean? (Booth's phone rings again)

SWEETS: Nothing. I accept what you're saying.

BOOTH: (answers phone) Booth. Okay. Great. We're on our way. (shuts phone)

BRENNAN: About the book?

BOOTH: Found the k*ller's vehicle. I, will pull the car around. You, can buy us breakfast, okay Miss Rolex? (leaves the diner)

SWEETS: (moves to Booth's seat & talks to Brennan) You want my advice?


SWEETS: Okay. If you really want to help Booth, you should let him teach you about plumbing.

BRENNAN: I'm a wealthy accomplished woman. Why would I want to learn a menial skill?

SWEETS: For Booth. So he can regain whatever he feels he lost. I think, for once, it'll be beneficial if you were the student.

(Brennan sh**t Sweets a look; not understanding his reasoning)

(Cut to: An alley. Booth & Brennan meets up with Officer Lisa Kopek who briefs them about the vehicle found)

OFFICER LISA: Car's registered to a high class rental car service. Leased using a corporate credit card, universal exports. We're tracking him down now.

BOOTH: (upon seeing the vehicle) Whoa oh! It is Bond's car, Bones! (whistles in amazement)

BRENNAN: (approaches the car; examining it) Booth.

BOOTH: Yeah?

BRENNAN: I see superficial lesions on the lateral anterior surface.

BOOTH: No no, Bones. What you see there is scratch marks on the front bumper, okay? People have skeletons. Cars; they have chair seats, gas t*nk, stomach, and here (points at car window) The shattered window proves that there was g*nf*re.

OFFICER LISA: The ballistics guy dug out the b*llet out of the dash. Said it was at least fired from 500 feet away.

BOOTH: Someone was taking him out, huh?

BRENNAN: (at the back of the car) Booth!


BRENNAN: (looks at tiny puddle below the car boot) I think the car's bleeding.

BOOTH: No no no, Bones. Car has oil. That's oil.

BRENNAN: No. (swabs the puddle with her finger) This is blood.

BOOTH: (looks closer) It is blood. (motions for someone & an officer brings a crowbar) Thank you. (breaks open the boot using the crowbar & finds another human corpse) Whoa! Okay. That is going to k*ll the blue book value.

BRENNAN: Body is 3-4 days old. The heat in the trunk is causing the skin to liquify.

BOOTH: So, cause of death?

BRENNAN: There's too much flesh. This is Cam's department. (digs for something in the boot) Look at this. (a g*n is seen)

BOOTH: (carries up the g*n) That. Is a Walter PPK. It's Bond's g*n.


BOOTH: Yeah?

BRENNAN: I hate to admit this, but Sweets is right. (reaches out for the victim's ID & picks it up to show Booth) The victim was CIA.


(Cut to: Jeffersonian lab. Brennan & Cam are examining the second corpse on the platform along with Angela & Hodgins)

BRENNAN: It is unfortunate that Mr Bray is losing his scholarship. He's one of our best interns and is quite deserving of financial assistance.

CAM: No g*nsh*t wounds.

BRENNAN: There seems to be damage at the spine. The cartilage from L1 to L5 is torn.

ANGELA: (to Brennan) Hey, have you ever thought of starting a scholarship? You have a lot of money now.

BRENNAN: I support many different organizations that provide food, housing and medical care for people in need. Should I withhold funds from them?

ANGELA: No! No. But it's Wendell. He grew up with nothing. He worked his whole life for this.

BRENNAN: I tried not to get attached to my assistants. I learnt that even the best ones can disappoint. (to Cam) I noticed there was microfracturing on the inside edges of the scapulae as if there were being rubbed together.

HODGINS: I found g*nsh*t residue on his hands. My bet; that Walter PPK k*lled our Russian.

ANGELA: But who k*lled James Bond?

HODGINS: Whoever shot at his window on the roof.

CAM: And where is the briefcase?

ANGELA: And what's in the briefcase?

HODGINS: We're going down the rabbit hole here, people. The CIA has no problems silencing people that poke around in their business.

ANGELA: I hate to break it to you, Jack. But you're the guy who studies bugs, slime and poop. It's hardly assassination worthy.

HODGINS: Hey! A lot of people would like to see me dead.

ANGELA: I'm not going to touch that one.

BRENNAN: (to Cam) Hey, aren't you on the board that grant scholarships?

CAM: To high school students. (to Hodgins) How about you, Mr Conspiracy Man? Doesn't your foundation give out grants?

HODGINS: Yeah. After the crash, our trustees froze all assets until they can reevaluate the portfolio.

(Hodgins looks at Angela, followed suit by Cam and Brennan; Angela finally realizes and speaks)

ANGELA: I packed my lunch! You guys are gonna have to try-

WENDELL: (swaps his ID and enters platform) Excuse me, Dr. Brennan.

(All four of them are startled by Wendell's presence and greets him)

ANGELA: Heeeyy.


CAM: (smiles widely) What are you doing here?

WENDELL: Oh. Uh, Agent Booth is ready to drive Dr Brennan to Langley.

(All 4 of them still looking at Wendell)

BRENNAN: Thank you.

(Wendell being confused by their behavior, turns around and leaves)

(Cut to: Booth's car. Brennan & Booth are discussing)

BRENNAN: In 500 BC, Sun Tzu devotes attention to intelligence gathering and the art of w*r. He argues that all wars are based on deception. Logically, that would mean if we don't deceive each other, then w*r would be unnecessary.

BOOTH: Yeah. But not everyone is logical now, are they? It's frustrating, but that's how the world works.

BRENNAN: Not between us two.


BRENNAN: Shouldn't we be honest with each other?

BOOTH: We're honest. Aren't you? I mean, I am.

BRENNAN: So you have no problem with me making so much more money than you?

BOOTH: No. (Brennan doesn't believe in his answer & continues to stare at him) Well yeah, it's- it's a little weird. I mean, you're loaded. I mean, really loaded. And you still don't even have a flat screen. It's just kind of weird, to be honest. It's a little French, if you ask me.

BRENNAN: But don't you feel that your life would be different if you were wealthy?

BOOTH: Sure. But, better? I mean, yeah. I wouldn't have to fly coach, but what life throws us, that makes us who we are, right? I mean, fighting through stuffs and the good things; they are not any sweeter if you're rich. Parker, okay? He gives me a hug because it's my weekend and me and you; when we solved a case, it's not about money, right?

BRENNAN: (thinking about Booth's words) No. No, it's not. (Booth smiles at her) But I'll never have to fly coach. (Booth continues to smile at her despite her lack of modesty)

(Cut to: CIA Headquarters, Langley. Booth & Brennan is in a room with Arthur Rutledge, the Assistant Director of Intelligence)

RUTLEDGE: I'm Arthur Rutledge, the Assistant Director of Intelligence. We are very sorry about Greg but he wasn't working on anything for us when he was k*lled.

BRENNAN: Well, the FBI matched ballistics from Greg Dorit's g*n to the sh*ts that k*lled Yuri Antonov.

RUTLEDGE: Greg Dorit wasn't issued a g*n. (Booth looks at him questioningly) I'm afraif that protocol in the intelligence community isn't as simple as someone like you is used to.

(Brennan turns to look at Booth)

BOOTH: (insulted) Someone like me? Look, Rutledge, the more you tell us about your agent's assignment, the easier it will be for us to track down the guy who m*rder*d him.

BRENNAN: (to Rutledge) That, is what someone like him does.

BOOTH: Correct.

RUTLEDGE: Greg Dorit wasn't an agent. He was an analyst, and a rather poor one in that.

BOOTH: So you mean, it doesn't matter that he's dead?

RUTLEDGE: As far as what assignments he was working on, that information is classified. (stands up to leave) And far beyond with what I'm able to share with-

BOOTH: Someone like me.


BOOTH: FYI, you know I have Level 3 clearance and my SSBI is renewed 2 months ago, which allows me to get this warrant. (presents warrant in his hand)

BRENNAN: (impressed) Well played, Booth.

BOOTH: (smiles at Brennan) Thanks, Bones.

(RUTLEDGE walks back to see the warrant; while Booth smiles in victory)

RUTLEDGE: (after studying the warrant) Right. (points to Brennan) She doesn't have clearance. You can wait in the lobby, Dr Brennan.

(Brennan in disbelief and looks at Booth; Booth persuades her to leave)

BOOTH: Bones, it's okay. I'll see you later. (Brennan stands up to leave)

BRENNAN: (approaches the door to leave) You know, I can keep a secret.

BOOTH: Right, Bones. We know. (Door is heard closing)

RUTLEDGE: Greg worked at his desk. Analyzing websites, searching for communications hidden in images and intechs.

BOOTH: So you got an analyst to assassinate a Russian courier?

RUTLEDGE: I already told you, we didn't. Whatever motive that Greg had to k*ll Antonov, I'd like to know just as much as you would.

BOOTH: The problem seems to be about the briefcase. (approaches Rutledge closer) So, you know anything about that?

RUTLEDGE: Nothing than the fact it has gone missing.

BOOTH: You know what would might be in the briefcase, Mr Rutledge?

RUTLEDGE: Just diamonds. Right? (Booth looks at him suspiciously)

(Cut to: Jeffersonian lab, autopsy room. Cam is examining Greg's body with Wendell as she uses forceps to remove the eyeballs)

WENDELL: Wooh. Those eyes are New Year's Eve bloodshot. You think Dorit was hammered when he died?

CAM: There's no alcohol in toxscreen.

WENDELL: I found this marks on his right arm. Wooh, must've hurt. (screen shows Dorit's arm under magnifier) They're holes; uniform in diameter but the pattern is random.

CAM: Looks like they were made with a drill press.

WENDELL: He might have been tortured. I'll get the x-ray in high-res photos for Dr Brennan. (takes photos of the corpse)

CAM: Wendell. Let me ask you, you mentioned the neighborhood that you grew up (Wendell stops & looks at Cam) and I don't mean to pry, you said it was kinda poor?

WENDELL: (jokingly) Like a bar band rather than the opera. Trust me, there are more people on my side than that one.

CAM: No! Uh. I- was just asking because of your scholarship.

WENDELL: Oh, you mean the miracle.

CAM: Miracle?

WENDELL: Yeah, that's what me and my mom call it.

CAM: Really?

WENDELL: Yeah, she's in church everyday giving thanks. (jokingly) I think she's there more than the priest. (Cam smiles at him) You know, when I make cash someday, I'm starting one myself. For the other guys like me. (pauses) Oh um, sorry. You have a question about the scholarship?

CAM: (stutters) No. That- just answers about everything.

(Cam & Wendell exchange glances; with Cam looking away after that, feeling a little heartbroken for Wendell)

(Cut to: CIA Headquarters. A lady, Mandy Summers is showing Booth the office Greg works at)

MANDY: (leading the way for Booth) This is Greg Dorit's office. Mr.Rutledge wanted me to make sure that you have everything you need. (opens the door to Greg's office & enters) Can't believe Greg is dead.

BOOTH: (inspects the office) There's nothing here. There's no computer, there's no files, there's nothing.

MANDY: Any employee who dies have his files and equipments secured.

BOOTH: Were you friends with Mr Dorit? (Mandy nods her head) You know, they said he wasn't a good analyst. Maybe that's what got him k*lled.

MANDY: No no! He was exceptional at his job! He was always finding threats the other analysts missed.

BOOTH: Then why would they say he wasn't good?

MANDY: Because Greg would push, makes sure his leads were followed or he'd file a report. (pauses for a moment & turns around; making sure she was discrete) They want him to look a little nuts, so his reports wouldn't be taken seriously.

BOOTH: You know what he was working on before he disappeared?

MANDY: No. But he was working late. We were supposed to have lunch over the weekend, but- (hesitates to continue)


MANDY: But I never heard from him.

BOOTH: Is there anything else you wanna tell me?

MANDY: (quickly replies) No.

BOOTH: (coyly) Mr Rutledge did say, whatever I need.

MANDY: He did say that.

BOOTH: Yeah.

MANDY: (quickly shuts the door behind her) Greg was told to testify against someone and he wasn't sure if the guy was really guilty, but it was part of his job as an analyst and he wanted to be a team player.

BOOTH: So who did he testify against?

MANDY: His name is Pedro Marquez. Agency thought he was t*rror1st. He was detained in prison for almost a year before he was cleared of all charges.

BOOTH: So it was Greg's testimony that put him behind bars. So did Greg think that this Marquez guy was seeking revenge?

MANDY: (whispers) Well, I did. Marquez was just released from prison last week.

(Cut to: FBI interrogation room. Booth & Brennan questions Pedro Marquez about Greg)

BOOTH: So Pedro, (shows him a photo of Greg) you recognize this man?

PEDRO: Yeah. That's the spook who accused me of being a t*rror1st. I mean, cmon, look at this face.

BOOTH: They thought you were the retread for SUV's, huh? But really, you're just a poor little misunderstood car thief who owns a chop shop.

PEDRO: Yeah.

BOOTH: So. Greg Dorit, Pedro.

PEDRO: My mom says I should write him a 'thank you' note.

BRENNAN: What, for sending you to jail?

PEDRO: CIA just cut me a cheque of a hundred grand for a wrongful something, and uh, defamation something. (Booth gives him a blank look) I got it yesterday. Hey, I don't have to steal cars anymore.

BOOTH: Alright, so where were you last Friday night?

PEDRO: Working. Like I said, I only just got the cheque.

BRENNAN: At your chop shop, do you have a 70 gauge drill bit?

PEDRO: Yeah, I got every size.

BOOTH: We have evidence that Dorit here, was tortured before he was k*lled.

PEDRO: (surprised) Wait, the dude's dead?!

BOOTH: Yeah, and they drilled holes into his arms.

BRENNAN: And a 70 gauge bit would be a perfect fit.

PEDRO: Oh, come on.

BRENNAN: That was before the CIA gave you the cheque.

BOOTH: I'm thinking that he's looking to take out some revenge.

PEDRO: Hell no! You can ask my mother, I would never k*ll no one.

BOOTH: So I'm saying that you followed Dorit, saw him take out the courier, so you probably figured that the briefcase was very valuable, so you k*lled Dorit and take off with the case.

PEDRO: (pauses) Is there any way possible you can accuse me of all these charges in a public courtroom? Cause I would really like to buy my mama a new condo.

(Booth and Brennan exchange glances)

(Cut to: Jeffersonian lab. Wendell is with Dr. Brennan on the platform and examining the x-rays)

WENDELL: According to his files, Dorit fractured his ankle twice, trying to complete an entry level obstacle course during CIA training.

BRENNAN: This makes no logical sense. He dressed like a fictional British spy and pursued a shadow career as a CIA field agent eventhough he clearly do not possess the physical aptitude necessary for success.

WENDELL: He doesn't want to be stuck behind a desk. He saw an opportunity to live out his dreams and he took it.

BRENNAN: (scoffs) It's ridiculous.

WENDELL: I don't know, but it's always been my dream to work with you. (Brennan looks awed) Sometimes, dreaming is the way to go. No, not in the case of course. (chuckles) I, uh, cross reference the x-rays, and enlarge the holes made into the radius. Most drill bits leave striations, these have none.

BRENNAN: So, not a drill. Find out what other objects can make cavities this smooth.

WENDELL: Already on it (smiles and walks off)

BRENNAN: Excellent work, Mr Bray. I'll be sorry to see you go.

WENDELL: (turns around in confusion) Oh. Where am I going?

BRENNAN: Cam didn't tell you?

WENDELL: I guess not.

BRENNAN: She can be occasionally, quite sentimental. Uh, the fundings were cut back and you lost your scholarship, which means your internship is cancelled.

WENDELL: (in disbelief) But aren't there any other funding resources?

BRENNAN: We have explored all of these alternatives.

WENDELL: (still shocked) I know. I can take the autumn work. But if I'm uh, placed here, there's no guarantee I can come back, right?

BRENNAN: We can't hold a place. No, I'm sorry. (inhales deeply)

WENDELL: (disappointed) Sure. I understand.

BRENNAN: You are one of the best interns I've ever had the pleasure to work with. You will be missed.

(Hodgins enters the platform; unaware of what just happened)

HODGINS: (enthusiastically) Okay, so I was inspecting Dorit's watch and I see the battery case is loose, so I opened it. And what do I find? A bug.

BRENNAN: Why such an excitement over this particular insect?

HODGINS: Cause this bug, is not an insect. It's a bug, bug. (holds up a surveillance bug)

(Brennan looks unimpressed, instead she glances at Wendell who also looks unimpressed; still devastated over the news)

HODGINS: Someone was spying on our spy, who was spying on another spy. (silence) Come on! A little enthusiasm here? (Brennan still silent, Wendell speaks up)

WENDELL: I lost my scholarship.

HODGINS: (to Brennan) Oh man! You told him?!

BRENNAN: I thought he knew! Wha- (looks over at Wendell again & noticed his devastation) I'll- I should tell Booth about this surveillance device (walks away)

(Hodgins and Wendell exchange looks)

(Cut to: FBI Builiding, Booth's office. Booth is seen putting a band-aid on his arm as Brennan enters)

BRENNAN: You okay, Booth?

BOOTH: (gets up from his chair) Yeah, what's up?

BRENNAN: Did Mandy fight back when you brought her in? (approaches Booth)

BOOTH: I'm fine! I just cut myself while trying to fix the pipes. (avoiding Brennan & seems to leave in a rush)

BRENNAN: Let me see (reaching out for Booth's arm)

BOOTH: No, Bones! I'm fine. Let's get to Mandy, she's waiting in the interrogation room. (Brennan still insisting on grabbing Booth's arm to check)

BRENNAN: Well, she can continue to wait! Didn't your book for imbeciles teach you how to avoid injuries? (Booth still avoiding Brennan from checking his arm)

BOOTH: No, the book sorta ran out of copies. And it's book for dummies, not book for imbeciles. And I thought I would remember how to fix the pipe, but I can't.

BRENNAN: I'm sure it's very difficult. I mean, I can't imagine being capable to fix my own plumbing.

BOOTH: Cause you don't want to! You'd rather buy a plumber.

BRENNAN: Well, I'd rather have someone teach me.

BOOTH: Look, I can teach you. Well, I could've taught you. I just- let's get inside. (enters the interrogation room with Brennan)

(Cut to: Interrogation room. Booth & Brennan interrogates Mandy Summers about the bug found in Greg's watch)

BRENNAN: Rutledge said that the bug was checked out in your name.

MANDY: I got the bug because I was afraid that Greg was cheating on me.

BOOTH: So, why didn't you mention this before?

MANDY: We weren't supposed to date! But I guess it's not like the FBI. We're not allowed to sleep with someone else we're working with.

BRENNAN: (to Booth) What? Is she talking about us?

BOOTH: We're not-


MANDY: Oh, it's okay. I'm CIA. My lips are sealed. (Brennan & Booth still speechless) Greg and I were under the radar. Weeks before he went missing, Greg broke up with me. I guess I got a little too jealous. (digs her pocket, takes out her phone & shows something on it to Booth)

BOOTH: Let me see this (Brennan looks over at it too & in the phone was shown a photo of Greg holding up his hand as if he was waving goodbye) Wait a second, this is how he broke up with you? He sent a picture to you, waving goodbye to you, in an email?

MANDY: Well, we had our problems. But we love each other! Greg was about to propose to me.

BRENNAN: And why did you think that?

MANDY: Because the last conversation I overheard, it was Greg and Mr Rutledge. They were talking about diamonds. (Booth & Brennan became suspicious) And I felt so guilty for not trusting Greg, so I disconnected the bug and I never heard anything else. I swear!

(Cut to: Jeffersonian lab, Angela's office. Hodgins and Angela are examining the photo in Mandy's phone)

HODGINS: What kind of creep breaks up with someone over an email?

ANGELA: (chuckles) Yeah, well like there's an acceptable protocol for crushing someone's soul. (notices something odd about the picture) Hey, wait a second. This is weird. (approaches the screen) This image file is way bigger than it should be. Which either means there is some sort of compression in there or-

HODGINS: Or a stenographer hidden data within the file.

(Screen emits a lot of beeping sound as Angela tries to separate the components of the photo)

ANGELA: Look at all that code. Maybe he wasn't breaking up with her at all. (looks at Hodgins)

HODGINS: (moves closer to the screen & impressed with the hidden code) She was the only person he could trust. (looks at Angela) He's sending her a message.


(Cut to: Jeffersonian lab. Wendell & Cam are still examining Greg Dorit's skeleton)

WENDELL: Still no cause of death, but the damage to the cartilage and the lumbar vertebrae definitely indicate t*rture. He was placed in a very painful way for a long period of time. I'm analyzing the injuries to get the exact position.

CAM: The strange is, I've found no contraction band necrosis in the myocardium in the heart.

WENDELL: That means he showed no signs of distress even after hours of t*rture, isn't that impossible?

CAM: Unless the CIA underestimated this guy. Anyone who can take that kind of abuse makes James Bond looks like a weeny.

WENDELL: (chuckles) Weeny?

CAM: (smiles) I'm sorry, I have no idea where that came from.

WENDELL: (smiles back sadly) I'm gonna miss you.

(Cut to: FBI Building. Brennan enters to see Booth who is eating a cup of noodles)

BRENNAN: Hey, Angela is still trying to decode the picture. She says it's very complex.

BOOTH: (chewing on his food) We're dealing with the CIA here, Bones.(Brennan hands over a plastic bag with something inside to Booth) What's that?

BRENNAN: (excited) The book you wanted! To fix your plumbing. I found it at a used bookstore!

BOOTH: (surprised and impressed) Look at that! Thanks, Bones! That, is the sweetest thing! (takes out the book)

BRENNAN: Sure! (grabs the book) Uh, the book was um, $6.42. You can pay me later.

BOOTH: (eating his noodles) Mmhm, excuse me? It's a gift!

BRENNAN: No, wait no! If it's a gift, you might think of it as an insult to your virility. I can take a cheque if that's easier.

BOOTH: (sarcastically) How about a credit card?

BRENNAN: (unaware of the sarcasm) No, I don't take credit card.

BOOTH: Right. I was just joking. Well you know, now, once I flipped through this...Uh y'know, if you wanna learn..

BRENNAN: Sure. I always wanted to learn how to wheel the wrench.

BOOTH: Okay. Just don't get all defensive if I know something more than you do.

BRENNAN: There is something I don't understand. How come we can't bring Rutledge in for questioning? Mandy said he was dicussing with Dorit about diamonds. Clearly, he was lying.

BOOTH: Bones, he's the Assistant Director of the CIA. We just can't accuse him of m*rder without something more definitive than an overheard conversation.

BRENNAN: But perhaps, Mr Bray found something more on the remains. Cam says he's staying remarkably focused despite losing his scholarship.

(Cut to: Jeffersonian lab. Wendell enters the room along with Cam explaining something about the remains)

WENDELL: I found in addition to the perimortem discompaction, there's also significant hemorrhaging on C3.

CAM: Truma-confined in a limited space.

WENDELL: If a precision knife-hand strike was delivered at C3 (does hand motion), it could be used to render a victim unconscious.

CAM: A blow to that region could cause a severe nerve damage.

WENDELL: Which is why the maneuver is also known by trained combatants, special forces, navy seals-

CAM: And perhaps, the Assistant Director of the CIA.

WENDELL: If he'd been a field agent first, it seems likely. (his phone starts ringing) Oh. (reaches for his phone & looks at caller ID) Uh, that's my mom. I haven't told her yet, you mind if I take this?

CAM: (shakes head in approval) I'll let Booth know. (walks away, still feeling upset over Wendell's loss)

WENDELL: (in the background) Hi mom.

(Cut to FBI building. Booth, Brennan and Sweets talks to PRESCOTT Prescott from the State Department)

PRESCOTT: Prior to becoming Assistant Director, Rutledge was a field agent in Russia.

BRENNAN: Where he could have met Antonov.

PRESCOTT: In 2004, he headed a detention center in Afghanistan.

SWEETS: Yeah, where he earned a reputation for very effective interrogation technique.

BOOTH: t*rture?

SWEETS: Yeah, one of the techniques was temporary nerve damage to the spine.

BRENNAN: Why would he t*rture Greg Dorit? They're on the same side.

SWEETS: Perhaps he's a double agent. I mean, Rutledge certainly fits that profile. They're usually intelligent male officers who had poor father figures, resulting in oppressed anger and revenge fantasies.

PRESCOTT: Double agent?

SWEETS: By betraying his country, Rutledge is in a sense choosing a new father, one which might treat him better than the last.

BRENNAN: Yes, but that would fit Booth and he's not a double agent. (to Booth) Are you?

BOOTH: (disbelief) What? Stop! Watch it, Sweets.

SWEETS: Elephants are gray, Agent Booth. But not all gray things are elephants.

BOOTH: (confused & asks Brennan) That's good for me, right?

BRENNAN: (looks at Booth) Yeah.

PRESCOTT: You're really going to trust something this important to a kid? (points at Sweets)

SWEETS: Oh, me? At least I tuck myself in at night.

PRESCOTT: Okay, there's a briefcase out there and only God knows what is inside and apparently you people don't seem to have a clue.

BOOTH: (looking at a case file) Oh.

BRENNAN: (looks over) What is it?

BOOTH: Maybe we just found our smoking g*n (hands over case file to Brennan to read & stands to leave)

(Cut to: Interrogation room. Booth & Brennan interrogates Rutledge)

BOOTH: You put in a request to ICE to pull a baggage inspector off the diplomatic line and replace him with one of your own men.

BRENNAN: You created a security hole so that the briefcase could enter the country.

BOOTH: See that right there? (holds up a signed form) That's your signature. You're going down.

(All 3 of them exchange glances for a while before Rutledge decides to speak again)

RUTLEDGE: Okay. Whatever recording equipment you have in this room, turn it off.

(Brennan looks hesitatingly at Booth, then Booth signals to someone behind the mirror to turn it off)

RUTLEDGE: I created the hole, so that an additional of 20 million in diamonds can be brought into the country. The diamonds were then to be shipped to Pakistan in exchange for political prisoners.

BOOTH: You keep congress in the dark. Iran-contra all over again.

BRENNAN: So you k*lled your own analyst because he got in your way?

RUTLEDGE: No. Dorit read some online chatter about the exchange. I told him to mind his own business. I tried to save him. Dorit got k*lled because he didn't listen to me.

BOOTH: Maybe he got k*lled because there was something more dangerous in that briefcase instead of diamonds.


(Cut to: Jeffersonian Lab, Angela's office. She's examining Dorit's photo when Cam walks in)

CAM: (sense of urgency) Hey, have you seen Booth and Brennan?

ANGELA: Uh, they're in the bone room. Is everything okay?

CAM: (in a rush to leave) No. The CIA is taking over the investigation and they're collecting both sets of remains in 10 minutes.

ANGELA: (taken aback) Wai-wait, so we only have-

CAM: 10 minutes. How are things going in here?

ANGELA: Um. I'm still trying to decode the image. It seems that most of the date is centered in his hand. It could be a map of some kind.

CAM: (rushes to leave) Well, do it fast.

(Cut to: Bone room. Cam just informed Booth, Brennan and Wendell about the CIA)

BOOTH: (pissed off) Rutledge is claiming National Security?

BRENNAN: He can't do that.

BOOTH: No, he can't! He can just bury the evidence and we won't be able to touch him!

CAM: Nine minutes left.

WENDELL: Nine minutes, you're joking right?

BOOTH: It's not a joke. (to Wendell) Let's pretend this is the Stanley Cup finals, alright? You're down by 2 goals and you have 9 minutes left.

WENDELL: But there's so much data here-

BOOTH: The puck is about to drop. How do you wanna go down? How do you want to be remembered?

WENDELL: (chuckles) Alright. I found erosion fractures along the proximal humerus. Also, the heads of each femur were dislocated from the acetabula. Mr. Dorit's body was bent back so far that the tendons snapped the bone.

BRENNAN: That would happened if his hands and feet were tied behind his back.

WENDELL: Right. Then he was hung by his hands. I did a computer simulation (grabs remote to show simulation)

CAM: (sees simulation) Okay, if he was left upside down long enough, congestion of the head and brain can lead to asphyxiation. Particular hemorrhaging would explain the bloodshot eyes.

BRENNAN: We have cause of death.

BOOTH: Great! That's one goal. But we still can't tie Rutledge to the m*rder!

BRENNAN: When I was in Schastia identifying bodies, there was one victim who suffered an Ukranian t*rture called the Swallow. He was suspended upside down, very similar to this.

BOOTH: No, that's not enough. (to Wendell) Okay, look. You got one shot. One shot on goal. Whatcha gonna do?

WENDELL: (thinks for a moment before figuring it out) The holes on the radius! I've been trying to figure out what caused them. It wasn't drill. But it was strong enough to bore through bone but leave no trace.

BRENNAN: A laser.

WENDELL: Diamonds are cut by laser.

BRENNAN: Lena Brodsky is the head of a diamond firm, she would have easy access to a laser.

BOOTH: She's Ukranian! Dorit got to the case before she did, she's the one who tortured and k*lled Dorit.

(Rutledge walks in)

RUTLEDGE: (to his agents) Take the body.

BRENNAN: No! Wait, you can't take him.

WENDELL: Yeah! We're still in regulation and we have 4 minutes left on the clock!

BOOTH: (to Rutledge) Look, we know you didn't k*ll him. But Dorit knew Antonov was working for Lena Bordsky. He came to you guys but you didn't listen, so he takes care of it himself.

BRENNAN: And then Lena finds out, kills him. She must know where the briefcase is.

(Cut to: FBI building, interrogation room. Lena Bordsky is seen in handcuffs)

BRENNAN: We have the neodymium laser you used to burn holes in Greg Dorit's arm.

BOOTH: And the g*n you fired at Dorit's car after you saw him take off with your case.

BRENNAN: What was in that case that is so much more valuable than millions in diamonds?

RUTLEDGE: Where is the briefcase, Lena?

BOOTH: (Lena still silent) Okay, great. Whoever who hired you, they can't be too happy. So when we send you back to Ukraine, I'm sure you'll live a long life. (turns to leave)

LENA: I don't know where the case is. Dorit never talked. After what I've put him through, he should've talked. Anyone would've talked. (pauses) I've never seen a man so brave.

BOOTH: (phone starts ringing & picks up) Booth.

(Cut to Angela's room and transition to Booth's room in FBI building with Brennan & Rutledge)

ANGELA: I was right, it's a map. (referring to Greg's photo) Keep your eye on his hand. He wasn't waving goodbye. He was telling Mandy where he hid his briefcase.

(Screen zooms in on Dorit's photo and reveals a location in coordinates)

BOOTH: We don't know what's in that case. (to Rutledge) Call in your calvary RUTLEDGE: I know how to do my job.

BRENNAN: Then, how come we found the k*ller and the case?

(Cut to: A scene shows a FBI vehicle with the sirens turn on, then transitions to a man gearing up a protection suit. He enters the locker room where the briefcase is hidden. Booth, Brennan and Rutledge observes the situation from outside through a webcam. The locker is broke open and the briefcase is seen. After examining the contents of the briefcase, a signal of clearance is given. Booth, Brennan and Rutledge enters the locker room to view inside of the briefcase and a USB computer drive is seen.)

BRENNAN: A USB computer drive. That's what this was all about?

BOOTH: Information. Today, it can be more dangerous than one b*mb.

(Cut to: Greg Dorit's memorial)

BOOTH: Stars on the wall represents agents who died courageously while serving the country.

BRENNAN: The memorial wall was reserved for agents. Mr. Dorit is not an agent.

RUTLEDGE: Mr Dorit's case, I asked to make an exception.

(Cut to: Jeffersonian Lab. The team bids goodbye to Wendell)

ANGELA: (hugs Wendell) I'm gonna miss you, Wendell. Stay safe, okay?

WENDELL: Yeah. You too.

HODGINS: (handshakes and pulls Wendell into a guy hug) Won't be the same without you, man.

BRENNAN: (Wendell looks at Brennan) We are all, grateful for your exceptional work, Mr. Bray. (offers a handshake)

WENDELL: Thank you.

CAM: (walks in) Hold on a second.

WENDELL: Oh, don't worry. I wouldn't have left without saying goodbye.

CAM: (smiles) That's nice, but you don't have to leave.

WENDELL: (confused) Excuse me?

CAM: I was just notified that they found new funding for your scholarship. You are covered in full for the next 2 years. Apparently, a donation was made anonymously.

WENDELL: (surprised) Anonymously. (looks at Brennan, then at Hodgins but none of them said anything) Please allow me to say thank you to anonymous. (smiles)

BRENNAN: We still need all the evidence photographed and catalogued before we send it to the federal prosecutor's office, Mr Bray.

WENDELL: Yes, Dr. Brennan. Right away. (looks at everyone) Thank you. (walks off)

CAM: (to the rest of them) Actually, they received enough anonymous donations for 3 scholarships (smugs)

BRENNAN: (smugs) Hmm.

HODGINS: (smirks) That is, quite a coincidence. (walks out)

CAM: Mmhmm, it really is. (walks out too)

(Brennan and Angela smiles at each other)

(Cut to: Booth's apartment. Booth and Brennan is seen huddle on the kitchen sink)

BOOTH: For the next step, you need to attach the elbow using a PVC cement there. (Brennan tries to fix the pipes) Stick that little fuzzy ball in there and swish it around. Got it?

BRENNAN: (applying PVC on pipe) It stinks.

BOOTH: Yeah. Well you smell dead bodies and this stinks? Okay.

BRENNAN: There's a beautiful logic to this. It's like reconstructing the circulatory system. The water is the blood. The pipes are the veins.

BOOTH: Right right. So what you need to do is apply some pressure and hold it there for a minute (places his hand over hers to hold the pipe in place; both of them looked at each other) Right. You know, just making sure that it's in place. Student-teacher, student-teacher.

(Brennan laughs; followed by Booth laughing along)

BOOTH: You know, Bones, I'm.. I'm glad that, uh, we don't have any secrets between each other.

BRENNAN: Yeah, I like that.

BOOTH: I mean if we have something on our mind we just, we just share it.

BRENNAN: Sure. (pauses) Even with all of the financial and intellectual contradictions I, still feel close to you BOOTH: Right, because you know, none of that really matters anyway.

BRENNAN: Sometimes looking at it through your eyes, I believe that.

(They both look into each other eyes for a while before Booth speaks again)

BOOTH: Alright, pipe seems tight and secure. (removes his hand from the pipe) Hold on there, let me just open up the water (reaches for the taphead and turns it on) There. You can take your hands off now, Bones.

BRENNAN: (hesitating) You sure?

BOOTH: Bones-

(Brennan lets go her hand quickly)

BOOTH: Look at that, huh. Nice and secure.

BRENNAN: No drip.

BOOTH: No drip. (Brennan chuckles) You're a ...you're a good student.

BRENNAN: Oh. Only as good as my teacher (smiles)

(Pipe suddenly burst out with water)

BRENNAN: Ahhh! (covers herself from the water) Turn it off!

BOOTH: (covering his eyes from the water) Huh? Ahhhh. Ahahahah!

BRENNAN: (already out from under the sink) My watch is ruined!

BOOTH: What do you mean your watch is ruined? It's a Rolex!

(Screen fades to black. The End.)
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