03x140 - The Mind Transfer Jutsu that Lost to Potato Chips

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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03x140 - The Mind Transfer Jutsu that Lost to Potato Chips

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, stop!

That was too easy!


Just like I predicted. I knew you'd end up here.

Awesome, Shikadai!


You were totally right to ambush him here.

Damn it! Are you messing with me?!

Looks like I haven't run out of luck yet!


One step and she's dead!

The moon's obscured.

Inojin, do your Mind Transfer.


I haven't had much success with it before.

If I mess up, her life will be in danger!



I said stand back!

Get outta here!

I gotta do this now!

Huh? I can't move!

Give it up!

Everything's okay now.

Case closed!

The Mind Transfer Jutsu that Lost to Potato Chips

The Mind Transfer Jutsu that Lost to Potato Chips I heard you guys nailed your mission yesterday!

The Mind Transfer Jutsu that Lost to Potato Chips Yeah!

Shikadai was spot on, predicting the date and time of the crime,

as well as the escape route, right?


There was a little incident during the mission,

but Shikadai took care of it just like that.

I don't think we would've solved it this quickly without Shikadai.

I don't know how to put it but,

Shikadai's manliness has increased . times recently.

That's an odd number.

It's probably like what they say about

the weight of responsibility makes a man mature.

Yeah, yeah! That's it…


What is it?

If you're not eating that, can I have it?

I guess.


It's cold.

If you weren't gonna eat it,

you should have given it to me while it was still fresh and hot!

I was planning to eat it!

But after eating the burger…

Anyway, you're gonna get bigger if you eat so much!

Dad says I'm cuter when I'm chubbier.

You're beyond that!


Did something happen?

Huh? Why?

You didn't eat any of your fries!

Like I said, it's because I got full from the burger.

Also, you didn't call me "Chubs."

Uh…I didn't?

Is there something bothering you?

You're annoying!

There's nothing going on…

Is it Shikadai?

Huh? What about Shikadai?

Well, he made chunin before us…

That doesn't bother me.

I see.

I've been thinking lately…

I want to refine the jutsu that my dad passed down to me,

just like Shikadai did.

What's this about? This doesn't sound like you.

Yeah, well they say a moderate amount of worry makes a girl cuter.

I've never heard of that!


Today was sunny in the Village Hidden in the Leaves…

– Mom, Dad? – That's right!

There wasn't a cloud in sight!

– Um… – We had such mild weather today.

– Yes? – We had such mild weather today.

– What is it, Inojin? – Up next…

– What is it, Inojin? the weather report for tomorrow…

Could you help me train my Mind Transfer Jutsu tomorrow?

– What?! – What?!

Of course!

Or rather, you're stepping up!

That hurts, Mom!


This means that Auntie used the Mind Transfer on the tanuki, right?


Mom's mind and spirit entered the tanuki's

and is completely controlling it.

Auntie, hear me out…

It's my day off, but I'm here to accompany Inojin's training!

You changed your mind super quick

when I told you that I'd treat you to a burger.

Stop venting to my mom. You need to take this seriously.

She says, you're the one that needs to take it seriously.

No, she didn't.

Yes, I did!

There! Now you try it!

Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu!

Hey, looks like it worked!


All right! That's enough!

That looked great!

It's because the spirit of a small animal isn't that strong.

Next up is the real challenge.

Try using the Mind Transfer on Cho-Cho.


Wow! That smells good.

The potato chips are calling my name!

Try controlling Cho-Cho,

so she can't eat her very favorite potato chips.

Got it.

Will you be able to overcome my desire for potato chips?

Let's do this!

Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu!


All right, I've got her!

I want to eat potato chips!

Damn it. She repelled me!

One more time!

Mind Transfer Jutsu!

I want to eat potato chips!

Not yet! It's too early to quit, Inojin!

Inojin! You need to have stronger willpower than your opponent's willpower!

That's the trick behind it!

Strong willpower!

Show us that you have stronger willpower

than Cho-Cho's will to have potato chips!

Potato chips!

I got 'em!

What the hell?!

Come on, one more time!

It's impossible.

No matter how many times we do this.

What are you saying?!

Training is all about conquering your weaknesses!

Don't throw in the towel now!

C'mon now.

Calm down.

Inojin, do you want to change the pace and try the Super Beast Scroll?

Yeah, okay.


I'm still in the middle of training him!

He's not even close to done!

Right, but it's no use overwhelming him with talk about willpower.

I don't think he'll get it until you explain it logically.


It's important to have strong willpower for this jutsu!

Oh…right…um…so… that's not what I'm saying.

Okay, so can you just be quiet?

You know, he's the one that came to us wanting to do this.

We need to be strict about this!

You may be right…

Then could you stop butting in?!

But I don't think being strict is going to help him Inojin, this is kinda bad, huh?

grasp the crux of the jutsu. Yeah…

Like I said, the key to the Mind Transfer Jutsu is willpower! Auntie seems really upset.

Being strict is also part of training! Auntie seems really upset.

You have to train the spirit to be strong! There's nothing anyone can do at this point.

All I'm saying is, if the spirit is crucial, I mean, what about Uncle?

aren't there other ways of training it? Is he gonna blow a fuse at some point?

Like meditating under a waterfall? I don't think that will happen.

Oh. So, what you're saying is, you have a problem It's your fault that they're fighting,

with my way of training him? so you need to stop it.

I guess you can take it that way… so you need to stop it.

This is not good.

Mom, Dad! Hold on!

Please don't fight over my training!

We're not fighting about that anymore.

This is something between your dad and me.

Inojin, stay back.

Come on! Not you too, Dad!

Just get out of the way!

You've got to stop them properly.

What can I do in this situation?!

Don't you think you should use the Mind Transfer here?

To stop my parents from fighting?

I mean, is there any other way?

But that's—!

It didn't even work on you!

It can't possibly work on Mom and Dad!

I can't do it. It's impossible, impossible!

Hey, Inojin, why do you give up before you even try?

All right, are you ready?

Or are you looking down on me?

I'm not looking down on you.

I just don't think this is worth my time.

How dare you?!

Oh boy, Uncle just crossed the line.

This isn't good!

All right, fine!

Come on, hurry!

I was about to do it.

I'll stop Mom's movements first.

Ninja Art: Mind Transfer!

Oh? You think you can use the Mind Transfer on me?

You're way too out of your league to even try!

She's too powerful!

I couldn't even make a dent…

…in Mom's mind and spirit.

Then you just need to use it on Uncle.

But at this rate,

I'll just get beaten up by Mom once I use the jutsu on Dad.

Who said anything about fighting?

Excuse me?

Shouldn't you be making Uncle calm Auntie down

with nice words and actions?

Like what kind of nice words and actions?

Oh well, I guess it might be too difficult for you, Inojin.

That's not true!

If I can perform the jutsu, I'll calm her down in ten seconds.

Watch me!

Mind Transfer Jutsu!

Go get ‘em!



I'm leaving Mom to you.

I give up.

Leave it to me, Dad!

I'm so sorry!

Apologizing on his hands and knees, already?!

I see, you're on your hands and knees.

I mean, it's fine.

Yes! Success!

Then, tell me what you did wrong.

Be specific, before you bow your head.

I knew it.

It's totally obvious he's trying to get away with it by just apologizing!

He's just making it worse!


Um, what should I say?

Um, you know…

I'm sorry for everything.

So, what do you mean by everything?

Go over each thing, one by one!

I just can't…anymore!



Hey! Were you under Inojin's Mind Transfer Jutsu?


Just because you can't get things under control,

don't make our kid try to clean up your mess!

No, I'm just trying to end this argument. I just made things worse.

I'm just saying, don't drag our kid into our fight! Ugh, what are you doing?

This all started because you got mad! I told you, I just can't do this!

This all started because you got mad! Aren't you serious about stopping Auntie and Uncle's fight?

What? Are you saying it's all my fault? Aren't you serious about stopping Auntie and Uncle's fight?

Uh, no. That's not it. I apologize. You can do it, if you put your mind to it.

Like I've been saying… if you're gonna apologize, You always give up before you get serious.

go over each thing, one by one! Just try it once.

Just because Inojin made me get down on my hands and knees, Why don't you just give it all you've got?

doesn't mean I was apologizing!

But you apologized just now! If you can just stop Auntie's moves with the Mind Transfer,

Yes, you're completely right. I'm sorry. If you can just stop Auntie's moves with the Mind Transfer,

There you go again! I'll take care of Uncle.

You think you can just throw out an apology like that What do you mean?

and I'll forgive you? Just do it!

Guess again, I'm never gonna forgive you!

Guess again, I'm never gonna forgive you! All right.

No, that wasn't my intent at all!

Liar! Mind Transfer Jutsu!

So, I guess you being "so busy" lately and not being able

to come home to have dinner together is because you…

Inojin, you're back?

Go back. The Mind Transfer's not going to work on me.

No, I can do it!

I need to have stronger willpower than my opponent when using the jutsu.

That's the trick to the Mind Transfer. That's what you said…right, Mom?

Right now,

I'm serious about stopping you and Dad's fight

that started because of me!

I haven't been able to completely master this jutsu.

I always mess up halfway…

because I haven't been able to overpower my opponent's will.

But Dad told me once, about when he was in trouble,

you saved him with the Yamanaka Clan's Jutsu…

your Mind Transfer.

That's why, I want to master and make the Mind Transfer my own

so I can help everyone!


He stopped Auntie!

Hey, Uncle!

Okay, so…

What, right here?

If you don't, it's not going to end.

I guess you're right.

I am!

It's okay now, Inojin!

What's going on?

Case closed!

Thanks to your Mind Transfer!


Well, anyway… Look at you, Inojin!

You were able to use the jutsu on me!

You said I was out of my league to even try!

Nope. You did well!

I felt the strength of your willpower surpass mine.

It was a perfect Mind Transfer!

Looks like you figured it out.

Right, dear?

That's right.

That surprised me!

You like that sort of thing?

Huh? Um, yeah.

Well, that turned out great!


So, anyway…

What is it?

Tomorrow, I'll treat you to a burger, as promised.


I'll even throw in some fries.


You're so generous!

Shut up, Chubs!

Yeah, yeah…

There it is!

Are you serious?


And that's how we ended their fight perfectly.

You used jutsu for that?

Yeah…well, who cares?

Cho-Cho, it's all yours!

All right!

I'm gonna dig in!

– Thanks for the meal! – Inojin!

I heard that you refined your Mind Transfer.

That's wonderful!

Can you show us?


I'm not gonna do it here.


We just want a peek.

C'mon. Show them!

Like I said, I don't wanna!

Don't be a meanie—!

– Huh? – Huh?

Mind Transfer, complete!

She's not gonna get to eat the fries!


Did you switch places?

I've finally been able to overpower Cho-Cho's strong desire for fries!

That's amazing!

Well, I think that's enough for now.

Fries are so good!

Boruto Uzumaki, you have committed a serious crime,

unbecoming of a shinobi.

Therefore, you have been sent here, to Hozuki Castle.

Wait a minute! I haven't done anything!

No excuses!

Once you serve your time and show that you've been rehabilitated,

you will be allowed to go free.

Until then, reflect and atone for your crimes.

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"The Shinobi Prison: Hozuki Castle"

I'm telling you, I'm not a criminal!

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