03x136 - Crossing Time!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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03x136 - Crossing Time!

Post by bunniefuu »

He was hurt a little, but he seemed fine!

MEDICAL LEAF HOSPITAL Seems he lost a lot of chakra.

MEDICAL LEAF HOSPITAL That's why he was admitted, just in case.

MEDICAL LEAF HOSPITAL He always causes such a fuss!

We rushed over after hearing they were fighting someone dangerous.

But when we got there,

it was just those two and him up against Master Jiraiya.

I'm sure they witnessed their training.

Master Jiraiya probably had a scary look on his face

and they mistook him for a white-haired ghost.

It can't be helped

if Konohamaru and team couldn't discern the difference.

It's because—

Seriously, I got worried for nothing.

Well, I'm just glad everyone's okay.

This is a hospital!

Wait, don't get the wrong idea!

This is just part of my research!

Quit flirting, Pervy Sage!

Retreat for now!

Hey! Don't get me involved, ya know!

Hey, wait!

At this rate, he'll be discharged in no time.

I agree.

Good grief!

Where did you go, Pervy Sage?!

Crossing Time!

There you are!

Are you okay to move around now?


How about you?

That was nothing!

Sorry for all the trouble.

Don't give it a second thought.

Besides, I was able to protect Naruto, thanks to you.

Still, that guy used a strange jutsu.

Actually, we don't understand it either.

But he wasn't unbeatable.

So, if another one like him appears, we just have to confront him directly.

Anyway, it seems useless to think about this any further.

So, what are you two going to do now?

We're going home, back to where we belong, tomorrow.


We have to go home.


Why don't you wait until you're completely recovered?

We don't belong here.

Hold it!

I finally found you!

Why do you have a piece of paper with Sasuke's name on it?!

Why did you say my name?!

What's your connection to Sasuke?!

Come on, answer me!

That's right!

Sakura picked up Sasuke's letter.

Come on!

Hold on a minute!

Calm down.

I can't be calm!

These guys…

These guys…

are fans of mine!


Allow me to clear up all of your suspicions.


These two are avid readers of my Make-Out Paradise!

Taking a keen interest in an author

after reading a book that touched you?

Haven't you ever felt the same way?

I'll admit that I have, but…


These two read my book and became so enamored,

that they came to Hidden Leaf Village as traveling performers…

and were trying to learn everything about me

and the people connected to me.

That letter you picked up was simply one of their memos.

Since Sasuke is connected to me, after all.

Then why did they participate in the actual combat training

to the point of getting hurt, when they're not even ninja,

and why did they know about me?

Oh, the same reason.

These two believe that their mission in life is to follow my tracks completely.

With that sense of purpose, they checked your name and weight,

this and that, and everything that leads to me.

Furthermore, they pursued me and

declared they wanted to train in actual, hard combat with me…

And the result of that was, things got intense, and they got hurt.

It's all out of adoration for me.

Only real fans would go this far.

They are what you call true fans!

Is that true?

It's true…

Master Jiraiya's…

Make-Out Paradise made such a deep impression on me…

that I researched everyone… connected to him.

So creepy!

I want nothing to do with you anymore.

Please cross me off your list.

I guess you were just a weirdo, after all.

I wasted my time.

I have to start searching for Sasuke all over again.

Looks like it went well.

Thanks, but…couldn't you find a slightly better excuse?

It has to be extreme for it to work.

I finally found you, Pervy Sage!

Hey, Naruto!

Perfect timing.

These two are gonna be leaving.

Let's go see them off tomorrow.


Did you bring our clothes and headbands we wore

when we first got here?

I got them all. We can't forget those.

I slept so well.

Good morning!

Getting ready to leave, are we?

Did you enjoy yourselves in this time period?

Well, I guess I did enjoy myself…

It must've been nice for you! You got to take it easy!

We'd like to borrow your power again to get home.


Hey, Boruto!

No good!

Hide for a little while, okay?

Sorry, to keep you waiting.

Here's a little parting gift.

Thank you!

Whoa there, don't open it yet.

Save the surprise for later!

What's up with that?

I got it.

I wish I could've gotten everyone and

given you a proper send-off after having some food together!

But it would've been at Ichiraku anyway, right?

There's no need to make a big fuss.

Don't say that.

Besides, their ramen was great, right?

Yeah, I can't complain about that…

Be careful on your way home.

Don't worry your mom and dad.

You sound so smug.

Come visit again sometime.

If you take too long, I might already be the Hokage.

I know you can make that happen.

The next time we meet, you really could be the Hokage.

Just you wait!

I'd like one word with you before you go.

The past few days have been a very strange experience for us.

I'd wager, we learned even things we shouldn't know.

Like yesterday, when Sakura confronted you so accusingly.


Let's just call it a little give-and-take.

I want something back for all the help we gave you.

You have the means to erase the things we shouldn't know, correct?


With my jutsu…

I see! I'll take you up on that.

I want you to erase Naruto's and my memories.

All right.

As they say, a novel is much more interesting

if you don't know how it ends.

Naruto, come here!

What is it?


All right, please go ahead.

What did you do?!


Oh, Hinata?

Are you all right, Naruto?

Huh? Yeah…

What were you doing out here?

What were we—?


What were we doing?

Maybe it's because of your injuries from the day before yesterday?

But I'm totally fine. See?

Anyway, what were you two doing?

I was training with Big Brother Neji.

Naruto, where's that guy?

That guy?

You know, the one you were with?

Huh? Who's that?

Huh? The one who was with you!

But, who was it?

I can't remember too well, but there was someone, right?


I think there was someone, but…

I can't remember.

Did you have to go that far?

It couldn't be helped.

Besides, we shouldn't get involved with the past.

– Yesterday after we left the hospital, – Whatever… I can't remember.

I erased the memories of anyone you came into contact with.

Let's go.


It was really fun seeing Dad in the past.

"Even I was a little more reasonable when I was your age."

That was such a lie!

Mr. Jiraiya was so irresponsible and pervy

and he didn't seem great at all.


We'll soon arrive in your original time period.

Can we return to the time just after we set out?

That will be easy.

With the chakra I have left, it's also possible to go to another era.

That's fine.

After all this, you still have chakra left?

When we moved to the first time period,

my chakra had been exhausted.

However, the following day, I came upon a spot

where massive amounts of chakra was leaking out.

So, I took a little bit of it for myself.

Chakra from the Nine Tails inside of Naruto?


You're very sharp.

You honor me with such praise.

So, what are you gonna do after this?

That is totally dependent on you both.

What's that mean?

Isn't there something you want to do?

I am merely a tool.

I've never given that any thought.

Then look for something from now.

I don't understand.

I'm saying just go and do whatever you want to do.

Is that a command?

Aw man… Look, never mind.


After I deliver you two to your original time period,

I shall set out on a journey to find something I want to do.

You're such a drag!

That's fine, right, Sasuke?


It's not as though we can use his powers as we please.

Well then, everyone…

Thank you for everything during this long journey.

This is—!



We're back, ya' know!

Boruto! Sasuke!

Big Brother Konohamaru!

What are you doing here?!

Never mind!

Urashiki has infiltrated the village and it's bad right now!

That's all over, ya know!


So, with this, every Otsutsuki that we've confirmed until now

has been defeated?

That's right.

Somehow, it just doesn't feel like that's really happened.

But if you say so, there's no mistake.

Thanks for all your hard work, Sasuke.

Half of the credit goes to Boruto.

He sensed who Urashiki's target was,

so we were able to pursue him.

Hmm… That Boruto!

The time-crossing turtle is no longer in the Otsutsuki's possession either.

They won't come again using the same means.


Anyway, things have returned to normal.

We have to notify the other villages.

Anyway… Now you can relax a little in the village.

No. Kaguya's ruins still remain.

I'll continue to investigate, just in case.

Nothing wrong with taking a little rest.

Sakura will be lonely again.

I intend to return to the village more often than before.

I see.

Still, I have no recollection at all of meeting you and Boruto long ago.

Shikamaru and the others don't even remember anything.

We didn't have much contact with the others, only you and Jiraiya.

And I erased anything unnecessary.

But what a waste, huh?

I can't believe Boruto and I were face to face and spoke to each other.

That's true.

And how was the Leaf Village of the past?

I was able to see things in the past that I had turned away from.


You were the same old loser.

Oh… Welcome home.

You waited up for me?

I just got home a little while ago.

The alert on the village has been cancelled, right?


Sarada was up until just a bit ago.

Are you hungry?

Give me a minute. I'll make something.


What is it?

Thanks for everything.

What are you saying?

We're fine.

So, please keep looking out for everyone, Sasuke.


Mom, is there any breakfast?


'Morning, Mom.

Are you okay being up already?

Aren't you exhausted from your mission yesterday?

I'm fine!

Dad's photo?


Hey, Mom…

When Dad was a kid, he really suffered a lot

because of the Tailed Beast inside his belly, right?

Looking at Dad now, I can't imagine it.

Your father hasn't changed at all from the past.

He's always smiling, no matter what!

He gives it his all and stays positive.

I see!

Your father gave me strength

because he refused to give in to fate and kept doing his best.

And I wasn't the only one.

Everyone in the village did too.

Even Uncle Neji?

Of course!

I guess Dad is amazing, after all!

Where did you get that?

Someone gave it to me.


Mom, I'm gonna go see Dad.

When I walk around town…

I hear the most unusual things in the most unexpected places.

It's very educational.

Long ago, you got the idea for the Thunder Train

from something you heard in town, right?

Exactly! That's why I like to take strolls like this sometimes.


Oh hey, Denki!

I'm sorry I'm in a rush. See you later!

Damn it, where did Dad go?




I finally found you!

So, this is where you're ditching.

I looked all over for you!

I'm not ditching. I'm on an actual break.

Is this Master Jiraiya's?

I've gotta come visit once in a while or he'll be lonely.

I see.

How was Pervy Sage?


You met him, didn't you? Sasuke told me.

Oh, yeah.

He was irresponsible, pervy and slobby…

No one would ever believe he was one of the Legendary Sannin.

I guess you had a pretty hard time too.

But…he was super cool.


So why did you want to see me?

Oh, yeah!

This is—!

It's Ichiraku Ramen's super rare, special soy sauce flavor!

You gave it to me!

Let's go eat it together!

– Thank you for the food! – Thank you for the food!

– So good! – So good!

You're finally starting to know what good ramen tastes like.

But I still prefer richer flavors.

Let's add some ketchup or mayo!

Then the ramen will lose its delicate flavor!

Besides, when it's too rich, it's not healthy!

Damn it, you're so boring now, Dad!

I mean, you're worried about health after all these years?

I don't need to hear that from someone who only eats ramen all the time.

What did you say?!

I eat Mom's cooking when I'm at home!

But you're so busy, you rarely come home to eat…


I heard you have a new team member to take the Class Rep's place!

She's an exchange student from the Land of Iron.

Her name's Tsubaki Kurogane.

I have no intention of becoming friends with shinobi.

Since it seems the shinobi in this village are good-for-nothings with no conviction!

What did you say?!

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"The Samurai Exchange Student"

I leave Team in your hands!

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