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02x17 - Phoon

Posted: 03/16/23 17:58
by bunniefuu
Tookie bah waba!


Iki bah bah.

Ha ha ha!

♪ I Laila 'o kaua'i la ♪

♪ no malihini ohana ♪

♪ welcome, cousins,
a-come on by ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ I Laila 'o kaua'i la ♪

♪ no malihini ohana ♪

♪ welcome, cousins,
a-come on by ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ iki tookie nee hi! ♪

♪ Iki tookie nee hi! ♪

♪ Aka tiki bah bah ♪

♪ aka tiki bah bah ♪

♪ gabba ika tasoopa? ♪

♪ Gabba ika tasoopa? ♪

Ooocha! Chi-ka!

♪ Miki miki coconut ♪

♪ I Laila 'o kaua'i la ♪

♪ no malihini ohana ♪

♪ welcome, cousins,
a-come on by ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

But enough about me.
What do you think about me?


"Is your hula hip enough?"

A hip-hop hula fusion
studio is opening on kauai.

Ugh. That place is so lame.

Who wants to hang out with those
snobs in their gated communities?

They turned her down.

Why would I want to get into some
snobby new hula school, anyway?

Hi, guys!

How do you like my
toe-yo? I invented it.

On the other hand,
maybe the new hula school

would be a good place
to get away from freaklo.

What new hula school?

It's in the gated community.

They mix hula with funky stuff.

It's called "hula fusion."

But I like our school.

You'd never get into
hula fusion, anyway.

Girls who go to the hf

are super-rich
and super-talented.

And you're just a super nothing.

Oh, yeah? I bet that
school will let me in

when they see my kung-fula.

♪ Aloha hai ♪

♪ aloha hai ♪

♪ aloha hai ♪

♪ aloha hai ♪

Chubby cheeba.

♪ Aloha hai ♪



Good luck getting into
hula fusion with that routine.

Once a weirdo, always a weirdo.

Where does she
keep all the cool stuff?

Look at this. It
all looks like nani.

Tabba teeka tashuba?

I don't wanna look like nani.

I wanna look fusion-y.

Lilo, this is nani's
room and nani's stuff,

and you're not nani!

I wouldn't have to
look through nani's stuff

if I didn't have to
look like a cool girl

to get into the new hula
school to show myrtle edmonds

she can't tell me what
I can and can't do,

but I can't do that if I look
and dress and act like me!

You guys are in charge
of experiment hunting.

What? Chabba cheechu?

Little girl is giving
up experiment chase?

I have to in order
to devote my life

to funkifying my hula!

I know you guys can
handle it without me.

But we can't!
She's the one who...

I don't handle authority well.

You leave everything's to me.

Jumba have big plans now
that little girl is out of picture.

Experiment activated.

Primary function...

devastating wind blasts.

You hear that? This guy's

an even bigger windbag
than you, gantu. Gantu?

Hey, come on. Aren't you gonna leap up
and go try to catch that experiment...

Nope. Perhaps I
capture the experiment.

Or more likely, I don't
capture the experiment.

I succeed, I fail.

What in the inky and
infinite blackness of space

does it all mean?

Uh, nothin'?


All right, lilo,

if you want a brand-new you,

you're gonna have
to do it yourself.


This is so exciting!

Sure, you like the old lilo,

but I've always thought...

Sweet nebulons of norbus!


Gabbata kute chaba?

Girls who go to hula fusion

aren't like normal girls.

I have to look cool
to fit in with them.

And this is cool?

How should I know?

I've never been cool before.

Goo Baja!

I'm sorry, stitch,
but you can't come.

At least not for the first day.

I have to make a
good impression.

No weirdness.

You understand, don't you?

Do you want to
wish me good luck?


Our little girl is growing up!

Ka chaka!

Here, abomination,
abomination, abomination.

I hear the whoosh and the crack,

but where's the crash?


Uhh. What happened?

You took a cloggin' on the
noggin, my friend. Ha ha!

Good thing there's
nothing in there, huh?

Uh, that was an insult, pal.

I mean, you should
be grabbing and yelling

and threatening me by now.

Ooh! He must've got
hit harder than I thought.

Must have that experiment.


Excuse me?

If you've been
accepted to our school,

you were given a password,

and I don't want
to hear any whining

about it being too
hard to remember.

I made it extra easy
for all your little brains.

I'm hanging up!

Uh, cheese?

Mmm, close enough.


What are you supposed to be?

I'm li... oh.

I mean, I'm, uh... Rich!

Your name is rich?

No. I mean, I'm rich

because, um, my family

owns the biggest... Pineapple...

Pineapple company on the island.

You are a kalanui?

Of course. Amber kalanui.

I've met Amber kalanui,
and she's not you.

That's because
I'm the other Amber,

Amber pineapple.

Amber pineapple kalanui.

Which means I'm
rich, pineapple rich.

That's so cool!
Nice to meet you.

Jumba, stitch just heard

there's an experiment out there,

and since lilo
left us in charge,

I thought that
maybe he and you...

Ha ha ha! Or you and he

or just you or him or
you and him and him

or, actually, anybody
other than me

should go and maybe catch it.

Is no more need for catching

with jumba's new
and improved method.

Meet latest genius creation.

The plasmatic englobulatron.

When I press this button,

it's . % chance that machine

will instantly capture any
experiment it's pointed at.

Wow! That's really...

Of course, is also . % chance

englobulatron will
destroy entire planet

with big boom.

Ooh. What?!

No! Uh-uh!

Nilch! No way!

I know I don't speak
for the galactic alliance,

but personally, I think
the possible destruction

of the entire planet
is a very bad thing.


♪ Aloha, kyah! ♪

♪ Aloha, hai! Hyah! ♪


I learned that from
my rich uncle katuki,

who's a seventh degree
in black belt in ninjitsu.

Wow! Your family sounds so cool!

And I totally love your look.

It's so eccentric.

When you first came in,

we just thought you were weird.

Nothing weird about me,

just a rich, normal...

Where's experiment ?

I know you can hear me!

Ok, is that guy talking to you?

All right, you big bully,
what's the problem?

I lost experiment 's trail,

but I found yours.

Oh. Very clever of
you to travel in disguise.

But it only proves
you're close to .

Where is it?

What is he talking about?

Who is this guy, Amber?


This is my uncle, um, Chester.

He gets confused easily.

He's lived a hard
life of sun, surf,

and a shave ice only diet.

And it's starting to
catch up with him.

It's hard to keep up with all
the figments of his imagination.

He thinks he sees aliens.


I... I did get hit on the
head by a coconut tree.

Poor uncle Chester.

Why don't you
just hit the beach,

catch some waves,
eat some shave ice,

and maybe you'll feel better?

Beach, waves, ice. Yes.

That sounds very nice.

That is it, my creation.

Come to jumba...
What are you doing?

Get away from that button!

This is an unauthorized test

of a potentially
earth-destroying, evil invention!

Yeah, but englobulatron

might also not destroy earth.

Why does scrawny nag being

never see jumba's side?

Has anybody seen lilo today?

, , , .

And freestyle and
freestyle and good.

And, Amber, your
hip isn't hopping.

Amber. Amber!


Oh. Oh, me Amber.

And me tired of wasting my voice

and my talent.

We're done for the day, ladies.

Yo, what's up with that guy?

He reminds me
of my uncle fabulo.

He wanted to be a
dance instructor, too,

before he found
work as a shark tamer

in the secret underwater circus.

Tooka sabusa. Tooka sabusa!

Aah! Aah!

Oh, it's ok. He's just
my dog, wenceslaus.

Dabba gee.

What is it, wenceslaus?

Gita jumba poosha.

Pleakley conchamba canasha.

Uhh! Grr!

Naga baba. Pucha!

Did your dog just do charades?

Of course! Right.

All the really rich
people have exotic pets.

Oh, cool. Can he
hang out with us?


Let's go, sti... uh, wenceslaus.

So what was he saying, anyway?

Oh, some kind of trouble
at the kaiulu school.

Ha ha! The Kai-loser school?

With that red-headed weirdo

who thinks she's so cool?

Uh, yeah. That
place is so old-school.

Who's up for some
fusion girl fun?

Oh, Amber, you are so fun!

This day has been so cool.

Oh. Hello, myrtle.

What are you doing here?

And what happened to
your hair and clothes?

You look even more like a freak.

Ok, for your information,

that's how all the rich people
are dressing these days.

And what's with your outfits?


Her dad's the number
pineapple man.

Jealousy is so sad.

Tinko ta faba.


You said it, wenceslaus.

Who's wenceslaus?


There you are.

I've been looking
all over for you.

Hey, it's that figment
of my imagination again.

If you don't find
experiment ,

hamsterviel's gonna be furious.

How can he be furious
if he's just a figment?

Surf's up!

No, no, no! I forbid it!

You are standing in way
of progress and blasting.

All right, you want to
settle this once and for all?

I propose we use the only
council-approved method

of conflict resolution.

Yes. Paper, rock, glornets.

One game. Winner take all.

If you win, you get
to test your device.

But if I win, I
get to destroy it!

Hmm... is deal.

Victory is mine!
Little did you know

I'm a paper, rock,
glornets master.

-time champ of the
p.R.G. Galactic circuit

undefeated in matches!

They say I can read
my opponent's mind.

Eh, me, I always
choose glornets.

Now what?

Why don't we go to your house?

Well... I don't know
if the robot Butler

has done all the cleaning.

What's going on?

It looks like a new experiment.

Oh! That, um, my rich
science genius uncle fabulo

is conducting with
his wind machine.

I thought your uncle fabulo

was a shark tamer in the
secret underwater circus.

Now what I have to ask myself is

if you said you
always choose glornets

just to throw me off

or if you're really
that bad a player.

It all comes down to
what kind of man is jumba.

Impatient man. getting away.

This what you
play for, pleakley.

This is why you're the champ.

Get inside his head.
Rock, paper, glornets.

Think, man, think!
You can do it!

Ok, here goes.

, , .


Glornets consumes paper!

I win! I win!


No boom? It worked!

Oh, jumba, you are a genius!

You really are a genius.

The experiment is...

Mutating? What happened?

I thought it was sleepy
sleep or boomy boom.

. % chance success.

. % chance boom.

This was other . % chance.




What do we do now?

You've created a monster!

Yeah. Isn't it beautiful?

We have to get lilo!

Dude, have you
ever noticed the sun?

I mean, really noticed it?

It's so sunny.

And how, may I ask, is
the beaching of your bum

helping you to find
my experiment?!

You're an adorable
little figment, aren't you?


I am powerful and furious!

, is your mind thinking

what my vast brain is thinking?

Uh, kick him in the rear?

Uhh! Uhh!

You miserable trog!

I'm going to... wait.

That actually hurt,
not imaginary hurt.

You're real! Bingo.

And what prize do we have

for the big, ugly boy
in the beach trunks?

I was really hoping
I was uncle Chester.

His life had some
modicum of meaning.

But I see now that I'm gantu.

Yes, and you're "gantu"
get me my experiment

before I demote
you to cave wiper

at the intergalactic
home for seasick animals!

Everybody, back in the studio!

Stay away from the window!

Nani taught me what
to do in a hurricane.

That's not a
hurricane, it's a...

Is experiment
gone englobulatron.


Jumba invented a new thing,

but then it made that thing

into a big thing!

must be stopped or
will destroy entire island

with mighty wind!

Amber, who are these guys?

Oh, um, this is my aunt athenia,

and, um, uncle... Jumba!


They're from out of town.

We have relatives
dropping in all the time.

Out of my way, trogs.

Your family just
keeps getting weirder.

They're not weird!

We're just a
little... Different.

Whatever. Are we
going inside or what?

No. I have an
experiment to catch.

Unh! Oof!

Is there any way to
dis-englobulatron the experiment?

Effect will wear off
when goes to sleep,

but, heh, is not
looking so tired just now.

Sic him, boy!



Look out!


Acha boka mopa!

Unh! Oof!

Whoa! Aah!

Hi. Can I cower
in here with you?

Aah! Aah!


Baba eeba.

Way to go, stitch!

Stitch? I thought his
name was wenceslaus.

And that he wasn't a
freakish mutant with arms.

Yeah. See, the
thing about that is...

There is no Amber pineapple.

My name is lilo and
that's my dog stitch.


And that's pleakley and jumba.

They really are my family,

but we don't own a
pineapple company.

I only pretended
to be who I wasn't

because I wanted to fit in.

So you're not a rich
pineapple heiress?


Ok, then you're just weird.

Yeah, but I'm good with that.



Uh, I'll just save this
for the next one, then.

I think I'm gonna
call him "phoon."


Like typhoon, only cuter.

How's it coming, jumba?

englobulatron is no more.

It seems new and improved
was not much improved.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

I'd rather be the old
lilo than the new Amber.

Pretending to be somebody
else is just too much hard work.

Why are you wasting time

with this silly
time-wasting board-surfing?

Where are my
experiments, gantu? Gantu!

I don't want to be gantu.

Gantu gets yelled at and hit
on the head with coconut trees.

I want to be uncle Chester.


Come back here!

Turn around while I am
ranting my rants at you!

I am not done ranting! Gantu!